Star construction Eminem

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He’s wearing normal everyday urban clothes such as a body warmer, jeans and hat. This shows that his persona is street/urban/serious.

The setting is an empty road, he seems deserted which indicates that he’s all alone whilst on the road to ‘’recovery’’. This cover is has less offensive gestures.

He’s showing his middle fingers to the camera whilst biting his lip. This shows his alter ego is violent and aggressive. It also shows that he don’t care what people think and he’s sort of sending this message to his ‘haters’.

The difference between these 2 covers show how his persona has changed over time. The image above represents his persona in his early days and the image to the left represents his persona now.

Page 3: Star construction Eminem

The evolution of Eminem over the last 12-13 years has been extraordinary. His persona has changed many times, for instance one of his latest albums Recovery is very different to his early albums such as The Marshall Mathers LP. The Marshall Mathers LP is when Eminem's persona was all about his ‘’alter ego’’ in the name of ‘’slim shady’’. Slim shady represents the sort of violent red neck, trailer trash and psycho path. This is represented by the extremely short blonde hair and the small hoop earrings. The song real slim shady was a song which many people found amusing. This is how Eminem’s character was at one point in the past. With recovery he is extremely serious with songs like ‘love the way you lie’ and ‘not afraid’. Both songs were extremely successful and that’s one thing which hasn’t changed of Eminem, his songs in the past have been extremely successful whether it’s amusing or serious and likewise in the present day. Eminem has a Facebook, twitter and instagram. All in which he promotes his songs, albums and concerts. He seems not to have a lot of personal pictures for instance him at home etc. He seems to be serious about his music and likes to keep his personal life to a minimum on social networks. Although I must write that his personal life is extremely influential towards his music, he writes songs about his daughter, his problems with his parents when he was younger and also about his wife. He also does not waste his chance at making a track about another celebrity where in which he takes shots at them and exposes them. An example of this is the song ‘’The Warning’’ which is about Mariah Carey. If he feels a personal issue is worth people knowing about, he will express it through his songs rather then posting it on Facebook or twitter. All the news on Eminem is extremely positive, writers are very pleasant when writing about him, they are all full of praise on his songs and his ability to stay on top of the music charts.

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• ‘Eminem is back on the top of the charts and has no plans on leaving anytime soon. The Detroit rapper has gone through public struggles and musical failures, but in the end Eminem proved that you could move beyond being just a comeback story and reach levels of success that few can ever touch in this ever changing music industry. After all, why be the king of rap when you can be a god?’ by Chelsea Lewis

• ‘In 1999, a young rapper from Detroit, Mich. shocked the world with his unique lyrical delivery, noticeable style and outrageous lyrics. Since Eminem released, The Slim Shady LP, he has been climbing the charts and making his own mark on rap and music history.’Read more at http://thecelebritycafe.com/reviews/2013/11/eminem-releases-music-video-rap-god-video#rDCSPiCIoTyjEeoB.99

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His website is very simple. He promotes all his merchandise. He has links to his video’s also he has a section on the latest news on him. He has twitter, Facebook, YouTube account, instagram and sound cloud. He does not tweet or Facebook regularly. The occasions that he does tweet or post something on Facebook it’s usually promoting his songs or upcoming video and sometimes ticket information of concerts.