Stefan evaluation

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Stefan- director

Mohamed- cinematographer

Lychelle- editor

Marium- producer

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Background Information Our main opening sequence is made up of a lot

of close ups and over the shoulder shots. A mass murder out to kill a limited amount of

people 25. Its sort of a urban drama where we got some of

our ideas such as the mise-en-scene to create that stereotypical feel of this type of drama.

Some dialogue of screaming and showing peoples vulnerability is shown through out our practical.

Our first plan was to set it in a wood/ forest type place but as we went alone when we was filming our settings slightly changed to a subway and the forest.

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Our preliminary

Our preliminary is the first part of our portfolio this was a short video to show our understanding in the 180 rule.

As I was director my main job was to make sure that every one was in place and that the cinematographer kept the 180 rule. Also I worked closely with our groups editor to make sure that we kept to our main themes and to make sure that what we tried to show in our movie was actually show on the video.

All together our group worked well and we showed that our group do know how to use the technology that we was given to help us prepare for our main task. We also made show that every one played a part in the making of our tasks.

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Process of Preliminary In order to make our preliminary video planning plays a

major part in the process we started our planning by making a story board through out making the video our story board had to be changed as we had many different ideas.

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Link to preliminary task

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Promoting our preliminary taskOne of our idea of showing our audience was to create a face book page and get our Feedback from our audience. We all so put up a questionnaire for everyone to complete. This was the role of the producers job to promote our preliminary.

This is our preliminary task with the feed back from everyone

Our audience

Reverse Entertainment

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Feedback on preliminary task

“the camera was a bit shakey but otherwise its good could have been abit longer

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Feedback evaluation After hearing the feedback that we have got from

our audience we feel that we have done a good job making a film that could potentially interest them.

Our aim issues are the technology that we has given was now extensive Hollywood technologies so there fore we had to work with what we had to try and make the film as successful as we could. Feed back was that the camera was too shaky in movement times therefore the quality of our preliminary task wasn’t as great as we wanted it to be.

Also the time limit that we had the audience wanted to see a lot more of what we had to give them but obviously he was to keep with the time limit give in our main task we have put all the thing that will come in the beginning middle and ending to show our audience exactly what they are expected to see.

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Stupid editor !


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In our group our editor used final cut software to edit our preliminary and final cut this software was easy for our editor as they already know how to use it. From practise in our preliminary editing our final cut using this software was really easy. Our editing we ensured that we had fast cut as we wanted our audience to feel like they can relate to our thriller.

We had to have a rough cut to show our understanding and then have a final cut to finalize our thriller opening sequence and we also put our rough cut on you tube to get audiences feedback. They gave us lots of feedback which we took into consideration and used them to improve our final cut to make it better so they can enjoy it even more.

Finally as a group we had to decide whether we wanted to use music in our opening sequences, as we didn't have enough time and that we had to book time to use the laptop it was best that we leave the music out to save time. The picture that was used to signify a death is used to compliment our title as it is called social 25.

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Research into our thriller For our group to make a thriller film we

had to have research from films so that will help us stick to what is meant by a “ thriller”. In class we looked at the film Memento and we looked closely at the opening sequence.

We also did extra research into over films and I looked at the “ last house on the left” and “the decent” looking at the extra films will help us form the foundations of a thriller.

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The last house one the left Rated: 5.4

A pair of teenage girls are headed to a rock concert for one's birthday. While trying to score marijuana in the city, the girls are kidnapped by a gang of psychotic convicts.

Director: Wes Craven Writer: Wes Craven, and 1 more credit » Stars: Sandra Peabody, Lucy Grantham and

David Hess Discuss conventions used in the

opening sequence. What did you like? What inspired your opening?

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The decent Rated : 7.4 A caving expedition goes horribly

wrong, as the explorers become trapped and ultimately pursued by a strange breed of predators.

Director: Neil Marshall Writer: Neil Marshall Stars: Shauna Macdonald,

Natalie Jackson Mendoza and Alex Reid Discuss conventions used in the

opening sequence. What did you like? What inspired your opening?

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Research into the films

After doing our research into what is defined as a thriller I have found that this following aspects are what is expected of a thriller opening sequence:

1. No dialogue 2. Vulnerable feminine figure3. Faded titles and credits4. Dark Settings5. Tense music If we stick to these conventions then I believe that

our thriller opening sequence will be successful.

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How did we use the conventions? Use of stereotypical character.

we used a black character to be the killer which is mainly used in normal thriller actions where in the real world black people are seen as powerful when it comes to the vulnerable people. Black people are used to intimidate people and are normally the first to die so we have stuck to that.

Limitation of dialogue

The reason why we have decided to have a limited amount of dialogue is so that we have more action and less speaking, the only dialogue that we have included is when our characters are frightened for there lives so they have to scream which shows vulnerability.

Use of tense music

This convention is what we mostly used. This builds up tension between characters and the audiences. We decided to chose a really effective soundtrack which we have made to make our main success.

Close-ups on characters to not reveal who the killer is – creating tension and suspense.

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Representation of characters Vulnerable characterFor this aspect of a thriller film we made sure that we

incorporated this into our thriller. having these characters in our opening sequence will show the audience that the vulnerable people are desperate to run and fight for there lives. characters experiencing powerful emotions gives the player powerful moments and is thus desirable. We have decided to stick to this so that the audience is show the emotions on there faces.

The killer This character is also sticking to the stereotypical view of

a thriller we decided to have a black male as the killer because they are seen as the most common killers in films and are seen to do no less than bad. In a survey the majority of people that got asked said a black people would be most likely to scare them. View survey on the next slide…

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This comment shows that mise-en-scene plays a major part

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Where would our film be seen As we got our ideal from several holly wood films we would still like to

have our film a British film and most likely produced and distributed by a British film company i.e. Working title or revolver. Having working title or revolver produce or film would be ideal because there main aims are to have a niche audience which is Britain. All so we wanted working title to help us promote because they can give us the feel of a British film.

Working title work on all genres but not many thrillers some of the thrillers that was been made by working title is Shaun of the dead, united 93, long time dead, straight to hell etc. All of theses films have been a success and we hope that working title will make our film social 25 as successful as there films. As working title promote the ideas of have British films we would also like our film to follow that by having a British setting and also British characters.


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Target audience

As a group we sat down and decided what our target audience for our main task would be and we decided that it will be over 18s because we have a lot of violence and swearing as we wouldn’t want people below our target audience to be influenced by what is said and done in our film.

The target audience that we have chosen is said to be more mature and would quickly grasp what our film is about that that would be good for us as word of mouth would apply. They can come and see the film and basically promote the film to people that haven't seen the film which is good for the success of our film.

This age range is ideal because it would appeal to the 18s and over as this movie would represent them as the characters are round about the same age.

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Target Audience cont...

The audience that would be excluded from our film would be small children and elderly people this may cause harm to them as they are so young and are too old are aims are to control for these issues. Our audience is a niche audience which is British people. We feel that our many audience will be men as they like this sort of films. A minority of women this film will appeal to as there only is a small amount of women in our film.

What in your film would appeal to them?The setting in our film is in the suburbs which is where a lot of

our young audience lives in these types of places so this will appeal to them. The young characters that we have in our film we choose as this will represent them and would make them watch it. Our opening sequence ends with a cliff hanger which makes the audience what to watch on as they would like to see what else will happen in the next scenes.

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How did you use technology in:

Research & Planning?We had to do research into other films to get the proper understanding of what a thriller is

and I researched ‘ the decent’ and ‘ the last house on the left’. Our preliminary task was to show our understandings and find our target audience.

Production? Evaluation?

How did the technology help you? The limited technology helped us as if we never had our technology there would be no

film. We had to get our own technology such as lighting which we needed as if we never had this then our film would just be dark.

Were there any part of the technology you were not familiar with and learnt to use? Is there anything you still think you need to improve?

The tripod was new to me and we learnt how to us it but because it get makes noise when you are using it and what to move with it, I think that the next time we use a tri pod and want to move we should just make it hand held.

Is there any technology that we don’t have that you would’ve liked to use?If we had a track it would be much easier for us to show that the murder is running but

because we never had this we had to hold the camera and run with it and the camera was very shaky.

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Convergences The use of new technology to

promote our thriller opening sequences are:

Word press- is where we had to make a blog to put all of our work on which we have been working on throughout the year.

YouTube- is where our preliminary and our final cut was Put on so that we can get our audiences feedback so that we Can make our movie better.

face book- is where our main target audiences is so thisis ideal for us to promote our final cut.

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Overall our group was very pleased with the making of our final piece. We followed all of the conventions of a thriller film and made sure that we stuck to them such as stereotypical characters and tense music to build up suspense for our setting , characters and mainly are target audience.

Whilst we produced our task i feel that as a group we all worked very well to develop our media skill effectively in the roles that we set our self's. I felt that i worked will myself to direct our group in to sticking to out main conventions and making out thriller film successful, and also helping out the editor to edit our film to a high standard.

If we had to do our thriller again i would work with the same people as i feel that these people have made the thriller film what it is and i feel that know one else could capture exactly what we set out to do whilst we was planning. If we had more time and better quality technology then i feel that we could have made it much better not squeeze everything in as it makes the thriller look cheap and rushed.