The Medical Alphabetacy - Chapter 6

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Legacy spouse Jenny, her middle daughter Blood and her only son Brain welcome you back for the sixth chapter of the Medical Alphabetacy.

We are currently in the middle of generation B and the redecorating of the house. The family is already anxious to see what I did to their home, so let's not let them wait any longer

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Jenny gleefully presents their new kitchen. I've also redone the three bathrooms and the room where the job items are stored.

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"Say milk, sweetie.""White dairy product derived from a bovine lifeform and usually fed to small children like myself.""You almost got it. It's milk."

*coughs* Arrhythmia is in way over her head I think.

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"And that's how you fly."

Wouldn't it be smarter if you taught her how to walk before teaching her how to fly?

"Are you criticising my priorities?"

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Do I seriously have to comment the cuteness of four kids using the drawing table together in their pjs?No?Good!

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Blood grows up in the traditional green pjs. Her features are very similar to Borrelia's, but for some reason she still looks far prettier than her sister. Somewhat exatic actually. She also doesn't have the fleeting chin that Sue brought into the family.There is one point she actually does have in common with her sister: They both like sports.

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The girls love to play together, especially on weekends, when they can spend the whole day just having fun together.

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With the help of Boris, one of the potential spouses for this generation, Brain is the first of the children to max a skill. I think it's very fitting that he is the most logical of the kids and the one interested in science, while his sisters aren't.

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It was Borrelia's time to grow up and I think she grew into her facial features a bit. There are still those huge bags under her eyes that unfortunately are part of the skin, so they'll stay.

Just like her mother she is interested in money and wants to become a business magnate. But life with her three siblings has also taught her how important family is, so she wants one later.

The man of her dreams should have brown hair and be able to think logically. Charismatic facades aren't her thing though..

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A bit of make-up actually did wonders for her. I can really live with your features now.

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More random cuteness.I'm very much in love with this generation and therefore taking loads of more or less unnecessary pictures. Deal with it.Benzo has built quite the tower. Just like her mother.

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Watching shy sims flirt is always cute. I don't think Borrelia has to be shy though. Gordon at least seems very amendable to her advances.

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While Borrelia learns lessons in love Blood gets thaught how to do her homework more effectively by Arrhythmia. Her brother Brain also gives her tipps once in a while.

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Boris, you're a future spouse. Stop being creepy with my legacy children until they are old enough. I won't stand for weird pedos in my legacy.

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"Didn't your mother teach you how to be clean and use a toilet? I'm not sure I want my daughter dating someone as smelly as you. She is a cleaning freak as you can see.""Um...I am a townie Mrs. Medical. As were you. Do you really have to ask?"

Jenny, please don't scare off Borrelia's potential boyfriend.

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Since Gordon unfortunately turned out to be a vacation sim and I didn't feel like inviting him over for days on end Borrelia employed the matchmaker's help to get herself a fresh date. Albert looks pretty similar to Gordon, so this might work.

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It's time for Benzodiazepine to grow into a child and I got to say: There is a very good reason, why I'm not showing you her profile. But I still like her. She's the first of the girls to not wear alien pjs, even though those would have been fitting.

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Because I fear that Albert will be another vacation sim that Borrelia will never see again in the future she quickly and successfully gets her first kiss in the middle of the night.

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Since all of the children were kids now I tried to have the headmaster over again. But he got stuck just like last time and I had to delete him. So no private school for now. Maybe the second time will be the charm.

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Even without getting into private school Brain grew up well.

He is still an absolute cutie. And very fitting to his name and interests he rolled knowledge and wants to become head of the SimCIA. Yay. He also wants to explore the female body a little closer with romance lodged somewhere in his secondary brain.

His future wife should be just as logic as he is, she doesn't have to work though. He's not interested in blondes, so if he becomes heir Iris will be his choice (just like Flo predicted).

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It's good to know that someone keeps up the good work and the medical family tradition.

"Um...I was just practicing how to kiss so I can impress my future girlfriend."


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The family spends every morning together with a traditional family breakfast before they head off to their respective jobs or school.

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Since I'm making another attempt (the third acctually) at getting the kids into private school the girls are hurrying to get their homework done and make a good impression. Brain helps Benzodiazepine and teaches her how to do her homework quicker.

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Yay...he actually stopped glitching and joined the family for dinner. Let's keep our fingers crossed that they don't ruin it.

"Say Mrs. Medical. I'm quite curious about the green skin condition your daughter has.""That's not a skin condition. She is a present that the aliens of a far planet I built a city on gave me.""Um...ok...that is nice."

Talking about aliens actually did give him negative relationship points. At least they had the good sense to change themes after that.

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And we're in. High time if you ask me. Even the random townie in the background does a spontaneous happy dance.

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Now that the kids are in private school and the weekend is coming around Brain also employs the help of the matchmaker to find the girl of his teenage dreams. They have two bolts, so this will probably be pretty easy.

"Admit it...you're only hiring me all the time to make sure that a second Arteria disaster can be avoided in the future."

What, no. That thought never crossed my mind.

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I mean honestly: Who could resist a nerdy guy in black pjs? Nicole here definitely can't and gives Brain his first kiss.

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Borrelia is still as enthusiastic about basketball as she was as a kid. Too bad that sims can't really grow tall enough to become professional players. But that aside she is the second of the kids to max a skill, body as you might have guessed.

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"And this is how you do a cesarean to bring a little child like you into this world.""Ewww...gross...did you do this to Mommy too?""No, you were born the natural way. Your mother was in a lot of pain and then she had contractions and pressed you through her..."*sticks fingers in her ears* "Lalala...it's gross. I don't want to know."

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Even though he is a romance sim too under all that knowledge Brain decides to go steady with his girlfriend. She was a little hesistant at first, but in the end couldn't resist his charm.Borrelia please stop spying on them. You're getting as creepy as your aunt.

"I'm not spying on them. Telescope is focused upwards you know."

But you're not really looking in it, are you?

*sigh* "Ok, I'll go inside."

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I really don't know why you look so stern there, Brain. You have managed to absolutely honor your name and already gain all the skillpoints needed for your career.

"Don't bother me right now. This operation is very difficult. My patient's life is at stake."

I think he saved his patient...he definitely maxed mechanic a little later on the same day.

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Now it is Blood's turn to grow up. I really like her somewhat asian-exotic look.

She rolls knowledge just like her brother and hopes to surpass him by maxing all her skills just like her grandma Sue wanted to. Since she doesn't have a job-related LTW she'll follow the family tradition and become a doctor.She also wants to be popular, which in my opinion would have suited her far better as a first choice, since she isn't really a typical knowledge sim.

The man of her dreams should know how to keep the house clean. Brown hair is one of her turn-offs so her husband of choice would be Gunna.

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Borrelia here also managed to get all the skills she needs to become a top businesswoman. I really need to make plans for what the kids will do during college, since skilling definitely won't be on their to do lists.

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If we're talking skills I also have to mention that Benzo managed to max a skill too. She's a master mechanic now and will get to repair everything in the house as soons as she's old enough.

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I guess Brain's girlfriend works at a music store. Or how else could a simple sales clerk like her afford a machine like that. Especially to give it away as a gift.

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Blood, like a true knowledge sim, tries to chat up a boy by talking about her homework. The boy is actually Gordon, the failed boyfriend attempt of her older sister. Maybe Blood will have more luck, but I don't actually think so.

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Just like I predicted Gordon disappeared. But Blood isn't discouraged that easily and tries to chat up the next boy Borrelia brings home from school. It didn't go exactly well.

"Look freak. I came home with your sister. I want to be friends with your sister, not a mean nerd like you."

Maybe you should bring your own boys home.

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Obviously talking about your brother behind is back is the quickest and easiest way to a sim guy's heart. Strange little creatures. But I think I'll try that in real life if I ever need a new boyfriend.

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Don't you smile all innocent. I hate you. I just wanted to tell Blood to give you her first kiss, when you decided to go home. *headdesk*

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Some things never change, like Benzo and her building blocks. Even though she is almost ready for her transition to teen she still loves to play with them.

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Arrhythmia stayed at home so I could invite Juan here over. Guess what happened, he left before Blood came home.Fortunately Brain saved the day by bringing him home again from school. Blood didn't waste any time and quickly got her first kiss before her potential partner runs off again.

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Lots of confetti in the house with a triple birthday under the way. It was time for Arrhythmia, Jennifer and Benzodiazepine to grow up. Arrhythmia chose the same hairstyle as her mother, which she'll keep simply for the reason that I loved Sue so much.

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My two old ladies are still such a sweet couple. Hopefully they'll live as long as their perma-platinum status promises. I know I'll be very sad when their time comes.

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Benzodiazepine here really turned out to have a sense of humour. I mean, who else would want pleasure and romance with that facial structure? At least she only wants 50 dream dates, which is an easy enough LTW.

What is actually funny is that her eyes have changed. I checked and she had normal alien eyes before. I think they must be part of the default skin replacement.

Since she is interested in guys with blond hair Gunna would be the husband of her choice. (More alien trauma for him...muhahaha.)

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Benzo doesn't waste any time and immediately gets a blind date from the matchmaker to get both her first dream date and a potential boyfriend for a first kiss. And guess what she gets...another vacation teen...are there no other male teens available or something?

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The good thing if you don't have a nose: You can't bump noses during your first kiss.

With that done all the kids are ready for college. But before they leave we take a short peak at what has become of the spares.

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Aorta and Elmar have lived their life in married bliss. They couldn't have children due to the curse Arteria placed upon them, but they were happy none the less. They had their art and managed to make a living with it, opening a small gallery that sold paintings, pottery and sewings. Aorta also continued to design their own clothes, preferably matching each other.

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And Arteria? Is still missing. No one knows what became of her. Maybe she is still out there, biding her time and waiting for the opportune moment to strike back and ruin the legacy.

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Now before they head off to college the kids of the B generation pose for you one last time. The girls from left to right are Blood, Benzodiazepine and Borrelia. And the boy is Brain.

This picture also marks the end of this chapter. The kids will head off to college and you will get to decide who will be heir. The poll will be located on the boolprop forum again and run for 7 days. The next four pictures will show you what the kids look like as young adults and a short synopsis of their stats.

I hope you once again enjoyed your read and will also be back for the next chapter.

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Name: BorreliaAspiration: Fortune/FamilyLTW: Become business tycoonPersonality: 9/2/10/8/6Hobby: SportsPlanned Spouse: Boris

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Name: BrainAspiration: Knowledge/RomanceLTW: Become head of SimCIAPersonality: 9/2/6/6/5Hobby: SciencePlanned Spouse: Iris (Ivy Coppur in the english version I think)

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Name: BloodAspiration: Knowledge/PopularityLTW: Max all skillsPersonality: 7/7/9/3/1Hobby: SportsPlanned Spouse: Gunna

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Name: BenzodiazepineAspiration: Pleasure/RomanceLTW: Have 50 dream datesPersonality: 7/0/10/0/8Hobby: TinkeringPlanned Spouse: Gunna (more possible alien trauma for him...yay)