The most fun getting shot youll ever have!

The Mobacy chapter 19

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Page 1: The Mobacy chapter 19

The most fun getting shot you’ll ever have!

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Friday: Main House

Salvatore looked around wondering where his daughter Rosa could be. He had been left with the job of getting her bathed and dressed for her

birthday party while Tamara slept. This third pregnancy was being even harder on her then the first two had been.

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He spied movement under

Arianna’s cot and squatting

down he could see two small


“Rosa what are you doing

under there? Didn’t you hear

Papá calling for you?”

“Don’t want a party!”

“Oh honey bee it’s only your

Aunty Alisa with Adri and

Bru, that’s all.”

“No it’s a big party, I heard

Mamma say so!”

“Mamma was talking about

your Aunt Lottie’s wedding

tomorrow, not your party.

Come out and see your

pretty new dress” said

Salvatore coaxingly.

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If there was one thing

Salvatore knew about Rosa,

was that she loved to get a

new dress. In fact dresses

were all she would wear.

Rosa wiggled around and

peered out at him. “Is it


“Very pretty.”

“Is there cake?”

“Cake and presents.”

“Can I see the dress?”

“Only if you come out have

a bath and put it on.”

“Okay” said Rosa,

reluctantly crawling out

from under her sister’s cot.

“I’ll come to my birfday but

only if other people don’t


“Hmm” said Salvatore

pretending to ponder the

idea. “I guess you win.”

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“You bargain pretty well for a four year old” said Salvatore scooping her up.

Rosa laughed as he tickled her. “Five Papá, I’m going to be five!”

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Rosa nervously clung to her Papa’s leg as they walked up the corridor to the lounge room. While many little girls would love a party, the very idea

gave Rosa a sick feeling in her stomach. She relaxed when she saw it really was only her Mamma, sister and cousin.

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The adults went to dance and talk while Rosa joined her three year old sister.

“Rosa you happy now?”

“Yes this is fun Ari! Want to dance?”


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As Rosa danced with Arianna she decided parties like this were pretty fun after all.

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“How are you feeling now?”

“Good! I think that nap was just what I needed. Although I could really go for a piece of cake or two right about now; this baby does nothing but

eat!” exclaimed Tamara.

“I think I can arrange that” said Salvatore chuckling.

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“Time for cake everyone!”

Soon everyone had gathered round. Rosa watched her Aunty Alisa, her cousin Bru and her beloved Nonie came in from the kitchen as well. No one wanted to miss seeing her grow up.

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Suddenly nervous again Rosa clung to her papa’s arm.

“It’s okay Rosa we can blow together.”

Content with that she leant forward and blew out the candles.

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“Papá help with birfday now?”

“Not this time honey bee, you get to do it yourself.”

“But I don’t know what to do!”

“You will, and I’ll be just over there to watch.”

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As the long forgotten tingles from her first birthday tickled her toes, Rosa stood up and realized that her Papá was right; she did know what to do

after all.

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Rosa looked around at all the happy faces of her family and didn’t feel nearly as scared as she thought she would be. She let the sparkles take over,

jumped into the air and...

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Grew into a much larger little girl. She was happy to have grown up in a skirt, but oh dear it was much too short and so was her hair. How

embarrassing! So even before her family could come to congratulate her, Rosa had run off to fix herself up.

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Dressed and her hair done, Rosa came back to have a piece of cake and open her presents.

“Want to dance Rosa?” called Joanne who was doing the smustle all by herself.

Rosa just giggled and shook her head; her Nonie sure looked funny dancing.

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With the cake eaten it was time to open the presents.

“Can I open the large one first?” asked Rosa shyly.

“Of course you can sweetie” said Joanne.

“That’s from us!” called Tamara. It was a special gift that they had got made to order, so they really hoped she liked it.

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They weren’t disappointed at Rosa’s squeal of excitement as she saw what was in the box.

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“Oh wow a castle! Thank you!”

“I think she likes it” whispered Tamara happily to Salvatore.

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Rosa looked at the two boxes on the table. The pink one was from Aunty Alisa and the little green one was from her Grandparents.

She decided on the small one and gave it a little shake. It sounded like there was something gently knocking on the inside of the box, maybe it was

some pretty jewellery.

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Rosa stared at what had come out of the box and even looked inside it in case she had missed the real present. “Umm what is it Nona?”

“Oh no” she heard her grandmother sigh.

“It looks like a tin can?”

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“That would be your Grandfather’s little joke” she quickly explained to Rosa while groaning inwardly. *Oh Luigi you have really done it now.*

“Why don’t you open Aunty Alisa’s present?”

“Okay Nonna.”

Joanne was glad her granddaughter didn’t seem upset, but she knew from the looks on the faces of the adults that she had some explaining to do.

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Aunty Alisa had given her a kite and seeing it was a Friday night as well as her birthday she was allowed to go try it out.

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Of course having her out of the

room was also a good opportunity

to talk.

“Mamma, I think you need to

explain just what is going on. A tin

can is rather a strange gift to get

your granddaughter.”

“I was hoping it wouldn’t get


“What wouldn’t get worse? It’s Papá

isn’t it? I’ve noticed he seems a little

odd lately.”

“He’s been doing some very odd

things. I can’t be sure but I think”

said Joanne pausing “I think he’s

going senile.”

“Che macello!”

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“I talked to him a few nights ago; well pleased actually for him to go see a Dr about the issues he’s been having. But you know your father and how

stubborn he is.”

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“He refused to listen to a word I said; said he was fine and what did I think he was, old? I mean really he’s 55, the same age as I am, of course he isn’t

old. I told him you don’t have to be really old to develop dementia and that it would put my mind at ease if he could get himself checked out.”

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“Well he started ranting at me how he had only just taken over and that I was just peeved he was spending less time at home. As if that would be

the reason, I’m just worried about him. He’s been doing some odd things lately, but none of them seemed that strange until tonight. I asked him to

buy Rosa’s birthday present and he said he would as he couldn’t be at the party due to work. He didn’t tell me what it was, but he seemed happy

with whatever it was and that he even got it gift wrapped as it was something special...” Joanne trailed off.

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“Maybe it really was a joke”

suggested Tamara feeling

somewhat awkward. She

wasn’t too sure if she should

be hearing all this about

Salvatore’s parent’s private


“Papá does not pull practical


“And even if he did, I really

don’t think a five year old

would be the target” added


“I’ll see if I can talk to him.”

“Thank you Salvatore I would

be most grateful if you would.

Just make sure it is after

Lottie’s wedding.”

“Of course Mamma, I wouldn’t

want that spoiled with bad

feelings. I will try and wait

until he is in a good mood.”

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Just then the phone rang so Joanne went to answer it.

“I really hope your dad is okay Salvatore.”

“Me to, I can’t imagine Papá becoming senile, plus he’s still head of the family until he retires.”

“She did? How wonderful! That’s such good news!” they heard Joanne say down the phone.

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“What’s happening now?” asked Salvatore.

“Fair skin, blue eyes and black hair; I’ll tell the family! Pass on our congratulations to Amber won’t you.” ..... “Oh does he have a name?” .... “Massimo or Mo for short; I’ll jot that down on my birthday calendar.” .... “I’ll be over to see you all in the morning before Lottie’s wedding.”

..... “Yes I understand you won’t be coming, that’s all right. You just have a lovely time with that new baby. Bye Tony.”

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“Amber had her baby! I must go tell your father at once, he’ll be pleased as punch to have a new


“I must go buy her a baby present” said Tamara. “Something she doesn’t already have....or did

she get rid of everything?”

“I believe she did from what Tony has told me.”

“That is such good news Mamma; and right on Rosa’s birthday too!”

Said Salvatore. “I hope his birth helps them to move on past what

happened with Chiara.”

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“Sweetie, I don’t think anything will make them forget losing their first baby, but hopefully a new little one will help them heal.”

“I didn’t mean forget Mamma, I know they won’t ever forget, but a new baby should help them, don’t you think?”

“I think so.”

“It’s so exciting!” said Tamara with a big grin. “I bet they are both over the moon!”

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Tony and Amber’s house

“You got your mother then?”

“Yes, she was ecstatic. Can I have a

hold now?”

“No! I mean soon, after I’ve fed


“Are you okay Amber?”

“Of course I am!” said Amber


Tony shrugged “Okay, well I’ll be

working on that robot if you need

me; stupid thing broke down again. I

don’t know why I ever made it; a

maid would have been more use.”

“Yes, yes of course” said Amber

absentmindedly. She didn’t really

care what Tony did right now.

Everything felt very surreal. She

patted Mo gently on his back, but

somehow that didn’t feel real either.

Part of her head was telling her this

was all just another dream and that

soon Mo’s real mother would walk in

and take him away and once more

she would be standing in an empty

nursery, staring at an empty cradle.

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Amber tucked Mo into his cradle, his trusting eyes looking back into her own. His were blue just like hers while Chiara’s had been brown just like his

Grandmother’s.... Amber choked back a sob, Chiara should be a toddler now, coming to see her new little brother; but that was never meant to be.

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Amber had never planned on having children, but once she realized she was pregnant she had embraced the idea. She gave birth to Chiara early on

in the winter.

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She had been a happy baby with dark brown eyes and black hair. Amber told Tony that they must have another baby straight away, which Tony had

eagerly obliged with.

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Happy that Chiara would soon have a sibling close in age to play with, Amber had lain her down in her cradle for her afternoon nap. A nap that

Chiara never awoke from.

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“Never fear Mo, I’m never going to let anything happen to you ever.”

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Lottie had decided on a small no fuss

wedding at the main park. Brandon had

arrived early with Lottie to arrive later by

car. Later being the word as Lottie was

not known for being on time.

“Maybe you can teach her to be on time

boy” called out Luigi, as Brandon passed

around anxiously.

Brandon was a shy quiet man, quite the

opposite of bubbly outgoing Lottie. The

steely eyes of his soon to be father-in-law

on his back, made him all the more

nervous. He had images of him whipping

out a Tommy gun from under the seat and

blowing him away if he said the wrong

thing. What was he doing marrying into a

family like this?!

“Shhh leave the boy alone” chided

Joanne. The fact that Luigi made him

nervous was quite obvious.

“Nothing but good natured ribbing

Joanne. He knows that; and if not than he

needs to learn how to take it.”

Joanne sighed. A well placed word of

welcome showing that Luigi was happy to

have Brandon as a son-in-law could have

gone a long way, but none was


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A silver car pulled up and Lottie all in purple stepped out.

“Here she comes!” said Alisa.

Brandon looked up and gave a low chuckle. So that was what Lottie had wanted to do this morning, go get her hair cut and dyed.

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“That’s Lottie?!”


“She is purple! Her hair is

purple! I think_”

“I think you will say nothing

Luigi Mobacy! Do you hear



“No! Not a word! This is

Lottie’s wedding and the

brides word is law, so there

will be no comments from

you!” said Joanne waving her

finger in the air.

“Mamma mia!”

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“Psst, Papá, Papá!”

whispered Rosa loudly.

“What honey Bee?”

“Can I sit with you

pleeeas? Bru is kicking

my chair and I want to

be next to you.”

“I’ll ask your Aunty

Angel if she minds


“Thank you!”

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Seats were swapped in a hurry and toddlers were quickly planted either on laps or on tiny chairs because arch wedding were short ceremonies and

the adults didn’t want to miss a moment of it.

Not that Tamara was too pleased to have to sit in front of Bru, the little boy was rather overactive, but Angel had basically thumbed her left and

taken over her seat.

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Salvatore decided weddings were a great way to get the family together. He would encourage more of them. Yes, even his Aunt Angel was smiling.

“Hello small child, refrain from putting your drool covered fingers upon my shirt.”

“That is your great nephew Bru.” Smiled Tamara as the active tot tried to scale his great aunt’s chair.

“More like a monkey if you ask me.”

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“Well we did it” said Brandon looking around at all of Lottie’s smiling clapping


“We did, and see you didn’t even get one bullet hole! Let alone a hail of Tommy gun

bullets” joked Lottie. “In fact Papa has not said a word

about anything.”

“You didn’t hear the conversation they had while

you walked up the road!”

Lottie laughed. “Good on Mamma! Glad she’s started

telling Papa what’s what. Let’s hope we can have just

as nice a reception.”

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“Oh Papá I want a pretty wedding just like this!” sighed Rosa happily.

“One day honey bee; and you will look like a princess and make your Papá very happy.”

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From there they all went over to the small pavilion for refreshments, including the cutting of the cake. Again there was nothing lavish about it, Lottie

had said the wedding was to be a relaxed smart casual affair and that was what it was, right down to the cake.

“You’re going to feed me nicely, aren’t you Lottie?”

“Of course.”

The Cake

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The Reception

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The Children

Talk to

the hand!

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Although Tony and Amber were missed, it was a lovely day.

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“I wonder how Amber is getting on?” said Alisa on

Sunday morning “I think I’ll try calling and seeing if she will

come out to the park for morning tea.”

“Good idea. If what your father said was true and she

has spent every waking moment holding Mo and only napping in a chair, then she

must be close to a break down.”

“I know it’s all third hand information, but I’m worried about her and want to help.”

“Honey if anyone can help it’s you.”

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“Hi Amber, it’s Alisa” ... “Yes Alisa Rossi, Tony’s sister. I was planning on taking my boys to this really quiet little park this morning and thought of you because it’s so close to where you live” .... “Oh walking distance” .... “Well I believe it’s fairly new, which is probably why it’s so quiet.” .... “I’d

love to see you and Mo and catch up on things.”

Alisa looked at Yo-Yo and shrugged. Amber was making all kinds of excuses. But Alisa patiently persisted and was rewarded with a rather unenthusiastic “Okay”. But that was enough.

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“You see, miracle worker and

super mum.”

“Well I don’t know about

that, but I thought she could

use a friend.”

“Have I ever told you that you

are the sweetest woman in

all of Eredita?”

“Oh a few times” said Alisa,

her lips curving into a smile.

“But this won’t get us ready!

It’s close on nine fifteen and I

have to drive over there yet!”

“Never fear, Yo-Yo baby bag

packer extraordinaire at your

service! Which means go get


“Thank you!” said Alisa giving

him a quick kiss before flying

off to get dressed.

“You know you look fine!”

called Yo-Yo after her.

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Alisa smiled at her sons’ playing on the rug, this had been a great idea. The tiny park was empty and the weather couldn’t have been more perfect;

leaving Amber no excuse not to come out.

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“Look Mamma! I made it go!” exclaimed Adriano proudly. The lights flashed and siren sounded as he pressed the slightly stiff button on his favourite

toy fire engine.

“Good job Adri! Now you will be able to do it all by yourself!” *And not ask us every two minutes* she silently added. Alisa loved watching her

children grow and develop, but she was thankful that her four year old son was starting to be a little bit more independent.

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“I think I forgot to bring a spare nappy, maybe I should go home” said Amber nervously.

“No worries, I have plenty to spare if Mo needs a change. I think I hear him waking up, did you bring a mat like I said?”

Oopsies, I forgot spring here.

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“I did, but I’m not sure if that’s safe” said Amber hurrying over to the pram.

“Safe? I haven’t seen any ants or bees or anything Amber, it’s good for them to kick their legs on a mat.”

“Well I let him do that at home, but your boys might throw toys at him!”

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Alisa bit back the ‘What!’ That

nearly escaped her lips. While

Adriano was a very gentle boy

she knew her two year old son

Bru found other people’s babies

fascinating. Alisa eyed her middle

son, he was sticking his finger in

his nose and turning the pages of

his new book. Yes a grotty little

finger in Mo’s eye, and Amber

would no doubt flee from the

park. She would have to be very

careful to keep all those little

digits engaged elsewhere.

“You like your cosy pram don’t

you Mo” clucked Amber. Mo

whimpered and squirmed in his


“I bet he’d love to look at the

flowers in the park, it keeps

Sarbello amused.”

You’re not a new bee!

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“It seems so...so unprotected down here” said Amber hovering over Mo.

“Why don’t you sit on the rug with him?”

“Yes” said Amber watching Braulio crawl over. “I think I will.” “Bubu!” said Bru.

“Yes it’s a bubu. How about we have morning tea?

“Tea!” said Bru his attention easily diverted to the snack in his mothers bag.

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Sarbello had awoken from his nap and was kicking and

gurgling on his mat while the older boys shared a

bowl of fruit and drank their juice. Satisfied they were all happily occupied Alisa poured herself a cup of

herbal tea from her flask and watched Amber and Mo

quietly over the rim.

Amber fussed over Mo’s swaddling blanket, tucking the ends back under every

time Mo would try and wiggle free. Alisa longed to unwrap the baby as he was obviously hot and not at all

happy at being kept restricted.

“Would you like some ginger tea Amber?”

“No thanks I’m not really keen on the herbal, I’ll just

stay here with Mo.”

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Mo’s fussing turned to crying and Amber did her best to placate him, looking worried.

“Maybe he wants to be unwrapped; the day is becoming quite warm” suggested Alisa, hoping she didn’t sound pushy. Alisa’s heart ached for Amber and what she must be going through. She really wanted to help but was at a loss at how to or even if that was possible.

“No, no he needs to be kept warm, being cold is dangerous” said Amber tensely while rocking Mo back and forth. The rocking quietened him down a bit, but he started back up again as soon as Amber slowed down.

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“What if he’s sick?!” said Amber her voice becoming


“Sometimes babies just cry, Braulio had colic his whole


That did not seem to allay Amber’s fears at all.

“Thank you for inviting me out Alisa, but I’m worried Mo

is getting sick. I’m going home, sorry.”

“That’s alright, maybe we could do this another day.”

“Yes another day” said Amber somewhat relieved.

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Alisa would have liked to have given Amber a hug,

but she didn’t think Amber would appreciate that just yet, so she gently patted

her arm instead.

“I bet he’s back to his normal self after a good


“Yes a nap, that is what he needs.” but Amber didn’t

sound convinced.

Alisa watched Amber collect her few things

feeling helpless. It was probably just as well babyhood was short;

hopefully Mo turning into a toddler tomorrow might

calm Amber’s fears.

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After saying a quick goodbye Alisa picked up Sarbello to nurse and watched with concern as Amber hurried out of the park. Loud cries coming from Adri and Bru fighting over a toy car brought her attention back to her own toddlers.

Mine! No


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Tut tut.

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Bru was easily redirected to one of the parks ride-on toys while Adri had his turn with the wooden car. Toddlers could be a lot of fun but were also very demanding. Thinking of which she needed to bake a cake for Sarbello’s toddler birthday that night.

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Sarbello Rossi


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Main House

“Stupid Mobacy’s wont suspect a thing, I’ll just blend in like one of the staff, plant the bomb and get out of here.”

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“Mwhaha the perfect place! As soon as they turn on the stereo, kaboom! No more Mobacy’s!”

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“You might want to rethink that idea.”

“I can explain!”

“Sure you can...”

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“...to the Grim Reaper!”

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“Keep the change you filthy animal.”

Quote from ‘Home Alone’

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“Mama what was that noise?!”

“Oh just your Grandfather playing with his toys. Now I need you to do something for me.”


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“I need you to try on your new school uniform.”

“School? Do I have to go to school?”

“Well of course you do Rosa, that’s what children do. We’ve enrolled you in the new Eredita Prep school, it will be great.”

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“But I don’t want to go to school! Can’t I just stay home

with you? I promise to be really good and I’ll study and


“Rosa, I’m sorry but you’re going to school, starting

tomorrow. It’s a really good school with lots of activities and

I’m sure you will make lots of new friends.”


“No buts, now be a good girl and go and get changed.”

“Okay Mama” said Rosa sadly. School! She hated the very


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*Rosa may not be happy with her uniform but I am. Thank you to Regacylady/Cait for recolouring the plain grey that comes with the simlogical school mod.

Rosa got changed and came out of her bedroom looking dejected. She tugged on the hem of her skirt because it

was too short, while the collar was too tight and the grey was just icky. School was

going to be horrible, she just knew it!

“You look very nice...or you would do if you took that sad

look of your face. School won’t be so bad pumpkin, I


“Did you go to school?”

“Well no, but I was uni

student, what’s known as a

dormie. I would have been

one forever if I hadn’t married

your Papá.”

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“That sounds awful!”

“It was very different to this life that’s for sure. Now it’s time both of us to go to bed. You have a big exciting day ahead and_”


“You do, be positive! And I have to rest; growing a baby is exhausting!”

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Three hours later.

“Salvatore! The baby’s coming!” screamed Tamara.

“It can’t be, it isn’t time!”

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“Arrggh! I don’t think it got the time table!!”

“I’ll go get the car!”

“You arggh! Do that!”

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“How may I _”

“My wife’s in labour!”

“Of course, if you could just fill out the forms.”

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“Paper work! Lady she’s in premature labour! I don’t think the baby is planning on waiting while I write out my name and address!”

“Get me a Doctor before I argghh! Kill you with my bare hands!”

“I’ll page Dr Cooke.”

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“Ah just in time I see, please change into the towel and sit

down on the birthing chair Mrs Mobacy.”

“You’re my Doctor?! Where is Dr Evans?”

“Dr Evans is away on a cruise”

“Well how nice for him!”

“Now then dear, I think you better do what this nice Dr


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“Nurse do we have the probeliganger, the

clinchness and the horse syringe?”

“Yes Doctor”

“Horse syringe?!”

“Hah, just a little medical joke my dear, nothing for

you to worry about!”


“Come on Tamara you

don’t want to keep Dr

Cooke waiting.”

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“I’m the top vet for the area and have delivered thousands of kittens.”

“A vet! Salvatore help me!”

“Push Tamara we’ll soon have our own litter!”

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“And here come the kittens!”

“Oh plumbbob! I’m having kittens?!”

“One, two and three!”

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“Congratulations on the safe delivery of your kittens Mrs Mobacy.”

“But those are teddy bears!”

“Look honey, we got two girls and one boy! Now you only need to give me one more son and you can stop breeding!”


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“Arrrggghhh!” Tamara screamed and sat up in bed. She looked around with wild eyes for the doctor and then realized it had only been a dream.

“Wow that was sure real!” Tamara took a few deep breaths. Her stomach felt uncomfortable; perhaps a trip to the toilet and a drink of milk was in order.

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All of a sudden a real pain ripped across her stomach. “Salvatore!”

“I’m coming Tamara!”

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“I only just went through this!”


“Never mind!”

“I’ll go wake mamma and Papá, ring the hospital and get the car. Try and stay calm.”

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They arrived at the small private hospital in 15 minutes. Tamara

took one look around the waiting room and dug her finger

nails into Salvatore’s arm.

“Another contraction already?”

“No, it’s just that this is just like my dream! The same people are

in the waiting room!”

“Mrs Mobacy?”


“I’m Nurse Margaret, I’m going

to give you a quick examination

and then take you up to your

room, would you like to sit in

the chair or would you rather


“Chair please.”

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“4 minutes apart” said Nurse Margaret looking at

her watch.”

Once it had ended Tamara sank gratefully back into the


“Is there...a Dr Cooke

working here?”

“Not that I’m aware of.”

“Thank plumbbob for that!”

“It was only a dream Tam.”

“You weren’t there! Or

rather you were and you

were useless!”

Nurse Margaret smiled

sympathetically at

Salvatore. “Heard worse.”

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“Now Mrs Mobacy I’m going to be giving you an injection of magnesium sulphate to help stop the labour and

another injection of steroids for the baby’s lungs. If you can lie on your left side and

drink as much water as possible that will also help.

Do you have your wife’s bags Mr Mobacy?”

“Oh no, in the rush to get here I forget.”

“That’s all right you can get it later.”

“Will she be here for long?”

“That’s not really for me to say, but she could be.”

“This is going to be fun” said

Tamara dryly.

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“Have a good sleep and I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Don’t go.”

“It’s time you got some sleep Mrs Mobacy.”

“I’m not going far, they gave me a small room next to yours okay?”


“I’m just going downstairs to call

mamma first, she made me promise

to call her as soon as I knew


“Ahmm” Tamara gave a large yawn

and shut her eyes, she was

absolutely exhausted.

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“Yes it was premature labour, but they seem to have stopped it, so I’m spending the night here.” ...... “I know I left the bag, I’ll get it in the morning. Seems like she may be here a while.” ..... “Don’t worry I’ll keep you posted”

“Mr Mobacy?”

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“Mr Mobacy, are you there?”

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Amber and Tony really did have a baby named Chiara. Due to a problem with my antivirus on windows 7, if I play with it turned on and save, it shreds the file of any baby in the house. I stupidly left it on the day she was born. This is the last picture I took, when I came back into the house

Amber was feeding thin air. I hope no one is offended that I treated this as a baby death.

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I have added a number of hacks since I last played. These are to make things for the most part harder or more interesting.

These include a double aging mod. This only kicks in when a sim ages, so there is some tweaking of ages going on. Children now have 15 days.

To go along with this I added in harder grades, no 20K hand out, halved wages and slower aspiration gain and new variety on LTW.

I’ve also put on the simlogical school mod, including prep school from 9-5. All children will be getting summer holidays courtesy of the summer holiday mod from MTS.




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What else: If some eyes look different, that’s from my new eye default. Tamara is sporting the dark blue.

You may have noticed the word Eredita a few times this update. The word is Italian and means inheritance. This is my new ‘real town name’ (instead of Legacy hood) for this neighbourhood.

che macello means what a mess.

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Other Birthdays

Not shown in the update are two other generation four toddlers, Luisa and Mario Mobacy. (not twins) These are Nic’s two

children with Vicki.

I exited and reloaded the lot a total of 8 times to get that boy, so he better be

worth it.

Luisa Mobacy


Mario Mobacy


Won’t they be fun!

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Oh and this guy deserved to be whacked-that is all. ;)