17/4/13 Challenge the future Delft University of Technology CIE4801 Transportation and spatial modelling Rob van Nes, Transport & Planning Beyond the 4-step model

Transportation and Spatial Modelling: Lecture 17

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Page 1: Transportation and Spatial Modelling: Lecture 17


Challenge the future Delft University of Technology

CIE4801 Transportation and spatial modelling

Rob van Nes, Transport & Planning

Beyond the 4-step model

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2 CIE4801: Beyond the 4-step model


• The 4-step model itself •  When to use what?

•  Which components are criticised?

•  Future of the 4-step model • The 4-step model and other models

•  Extending the 4-step model to other topics

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3 CIE4801: Beyond the 4-step model


The 4-step model itself

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4 CIE4801: Beyond the 4-step model

4-step framework and dominant model types


AON/stochastic DUE

Simultaneous distribution and modal split

Gravity model Choice models

Trip generation

Regression Stop & Go

Cheap/simple Best/complex

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5 CIE4801: Beyond the 4-step model

4-step concept has more potential than just the model

• The modules are building blocks for more elaborate models as well

•  You can use the distinction between the 4 steps for analysis purposes as well: •  What’s the demand that is produced/attracted? •  Where do they come from/go to? •  What is the role of the various modes? •  Why do they use this road?

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6 CIE4801: Beyond the 4-step model

Do you always need the full package?

• The order to use the modules is fixed • However it depends on the research question which module

you start with and/or which modules you skip

•  If you’re only interested in car?

•  If you want to know the effect of a one-way street strategy?

•  If you want to know the impact of changes in the PT-network

Skip mode choice

Assignment only

Mode choice and assignment

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7 CIE4801: Beyond the 4-step model

Which components are criticised?

• Trip generation •  Ignores actual behaviour with respect to activities => activity based

• Trip distribution •  Not really criticised? Comment on quality OD-matrices raises a question

• Mode choice •  Not really criticised

• Time of day •  Still a bit simple?

• Assignment •  Clear point of debate!

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8 CIE4801: Beyond the 4-step model

What’s wrong with the assignment?

• Modelling of long distance trips, e.g. The Hague – Arnhem in a peak hour

• The (non?) modelling of congestion

• The quality of the travel times

• Delays at junctions

• Debate on static assignment (as discussed so far) versus dynamic assignment

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9 CIE4801: Beyond the 4-step model

Junction modelling

From simple to complex •  Eliminate turns •  Define travel time functions per

turn •  Fixed capacity (number of

lanes per direction) •  Capacity depends on

upstream node (merge, priority)

•  Capacity depends on green times

•  Determine optimal green times during assignment

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10 CIE4801: Beyond the 4-step model

Static model with dynamic characteristics: Qblok

• Main idea is to check for blocking back in every iteration of the DUE, e.g. •  Select the link having the highest V/C ratio •  Estimate the size of the queue •  Check whether this influences upstream links and adjust travel

times of upstream links (and determine difference potential demand flow and actual flow)

•  Repeat until all links having a high V/C ratio are dealt with

•  STAQ is a new algorithm for incorporating blocking back that is based on traffic flow theory

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11 CIE4801: Beyond the 4-step model

Real remedy: dynamic assignment

• Modelling the propagation of traffic through the network

• Thus •  Model capacity as a hard constraint •  Model the upstream shockwave of congestion and thus blocking

back •  Model the way congestion dissolves

• Consequences •  More detailed data on networks (esp. for potential bottlenecks) •  Data needed on departure times per zone (OD-pair) •  More computation time

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12 CIE4801: Beyond the 4-step model

NRM Regional model GC

Zoom Dynamic model

Example Pijnacker-Nootdorp

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The future of the 4-step model?

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14 CIE4801: Beyond the 4-step model

Evolution of LUT models no PT

no modal split PT, 24h no logit

PT, peak logit

multimodal activity-based


activity and judgement

no market-based land allocation

logit allocation with price signals

market-based land-use model

activity-based land-use model

Transport model

Land-use model

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15 CIE4801: Beyond the 4-step model


• Dominant trend: more complexity, more detail •  Requirement for practice •  Models are being used for more than the purpose they were

designed for (database) •  Scientific research

•  Yet, there’s a need for small agile models • Key question then is: what can be left out? Or is it about new modelling approaches?

•  In both cases: remember Einstein: As simple as possible, but not simpler

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16 CIE4801: Beyond the 4-step model


The 4-step model and other models

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17 CIE4801: Beyond the 4-step model

How does the four-step model relate to other models?

4 Step model

Activity based

Noise models Land use


Air quality models

Economic models Regional/

local models

DTM models

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18 CIE4801: Beyond the 4-step model

Activity based modelling

•  Especially relevant when you expect changes in activity patterns

• Unit is person in a household

• Models the scheduling of activities in a chain considering both the utilities of activities and the disutilities of travelling •  E.g. including coordination between household members

•  Expertise at TU Eindhoven (Timmermans & Arentze)

• Note that choice modelling is, again, an important tool

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19 CIE4801: Beyond the 4-step model

Land use and economic models

• Output of a transport model is used in land use models and in economic models (e.g. cost benefit analysis)

•  Integrated models aim to link the different ‘worlds’ •  See discussion on LUT models •  In current projects integration with economic models is studied

as well

•  Ideal combination is all three

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20 CIE4801: Beyond the 4-step model

Link with other transport models

• Two main options

•  Linking of models to achieve consistency •  E.g. using a regional model to determine ingoing, outgoing and

through traffic for an urban model

• Use data of a model as an input for a more detailed model •  Usually a ‘cut out’ •  Usually requires new calibration of network and OD-matrix

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21 CIE4801: Beyond the 4-step model

Model landscape





Modeled period






urban network

links sectionwegvak

regional network

national network

tenths of seconds

seconds minutes 15 min hours days



ESIM Waiting time chttijden- model






No routechoice

Projection hours days peak periods years 15 min



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22 CIE4801: Beyond the 4-step model

Environmental models

•  In many studies the impact on noise hindrance and air quality needs to be quantified

•  For both topics elaborate models exist which try to model physical phenomena using traffic flows as an input

•  For both topics there’s a dedicated data requirement •  For noise hindrance the truck flows during the night are often

critical •  For air quality a yearly average is used with again a distinction in

vehicle types

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23 CIE4801: Beyond the 4-step model

Noise: the simple method

Aeq optrek reflectie afstand lucht bodem meteoL E C C D D D D= + + − − − −E: Noise emission Coptrek: correction for junctions etc. Creflectie: correction for reflection Dafstand: Correction for distance between source and receiver Dlucht: Correction for air damping Dbodem: Correction for impact of the ground surface Dmeteo: Correction for meteorological conditions

10 10 1010lg 10 10 10lv mv zvE E E

E⎛ ⎞

= + +⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

Elv, Emv en Ezv Noise emission for light vehicles (index lv), medium weight trucks (index mv) and heavy weight trucks (index zv)


lg 10lgx xx wegdek x


v QE Cv v

α β⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞

= + + +⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠

v0: Reference speed vx: Actual speed for vehicle type x Qx Normative flow for vehicle type x Cwegdek,x Correction for pavement type for vehicle type x

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24 CIE4801: Beyond the 4-step model

Impact of flow on noise hindrance








1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000

Intensiteit  personenauto's

Geluidsniveau  (dB(A)

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25 CIE4801: Beyond the 4-step model

Air quality

• Combination of back ground concentration and emission due to traffic

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26 CIE4801: Beyond the 4-step model

Air quality: simple method

( ) ( )( )( )( )( )( ), , , ,

1 1 100024 36001

s m v b p m m v v b b

s m v b p d m m d v v d b b d


⎡ ⎤− ⋅ − + + ⋅ + ⋅ + ⋅ + ⋅ + ⋅⎢ ⎥= ⋅⎢ ⎥ ⋅⋅ − + + ⋅ + ⋅ + ⋅ + ⋅⎣ ⎦

E Emission (µgr/m/s) N Number of vehicles per average weekday Fm Fraction middle weight vehicles Fv Fraction heavy weight vehicles Fb Fraction busses Ep Emission factor for passenger cars (gr/km) Em Emission factor for middle weight trucks (gr/km) Ez Emission factor for heavy weight truciks (gr/km) Eb Emission factor for busses (gr/km) FS Fraction congested traffic E*,d Emission factor for vehicle type * in congested conditions (gr/km)

0,62jm bijdrage b regioC E F FΘ− = ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅Cjm-bijdrage Yearly average contribution due to traffic Fb Correction factor for trees Fregio Regional correction factor for meteorological conditions Θ Dispersion factor

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27 CIE4801: Beyond the 4-step model

Impact of traffic flow on air polution

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28 CIE4801: Beyond the 4-step model


Extending the 4-step for other topics

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29 CIE4801: Beyond the 4-step model

Policy and research topics

• True multimodality • Robustness of networks

• Reliability in transport

•  Special conditions, e.g. evacuation

• Network design problems, e.g. network structure or network attributes (pricing)

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30 CIE4801: Beyond the 4-step model


•  Every topic sets requirements for the building blocks of the model

• How to combine dynamic assignment with discrete time schedules?

• How to model behaviour in case of exceptional conditions? Does the equilibrium principle still hold?

• How do all kinds of information services affect network usage? Adaptive route choice instead of pre-trip route choice

•  In network design and in robustness/reliability analyses you need many network evaluations. So how can you speed up a model run?

•  See CIE5802-09