Policy Police Volume II. Number 6. Up Close and Personalised. Episode 6. As soon as I clocked Angelus, I recognised her. Having her around probably wasn’t going to be good news.

Up Close And Personalised Episode 6

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This is the sixth episode of the current story. In which we meet the Project Manager. Oh Joy.

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Policy PoliceVolume II. Number 6.

Up Close and Personalised. Episode 6.

As soon as I clocked

Angelus, I recognised


Having her around

probably wasn’t going to

be good news.

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It’s her! The FED.

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I know you. I’ve met

you before.

In … Wales….

I’m a cross-border entity.

I’ve got a higher calling.

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You could have told me you were moving.

Saved the taxpayer my expenses for

tailing the van.

We have to put some distance between us


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She’s the least of your worries.

There are forces at work at the Agency.

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I always thought they were

incompetent nonentities.

That’s what makes them so


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Some powerful people have staked their

knighthoods on this one.

Be careful.

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You’ve worked with


A while back. She’s got a

rep for being … persuasive.

Uh huh.

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It’s like she can read your mind and make you change it.

Like a Jedi.

Better wear the lead-line hat then.

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Clive Betteridge


It’s been decided that I’m Project Managing your Relationship with the

Goodfellow Implementation.

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…and what do you do the rest of the


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I’m Technology Evangelist for the Project.

You forgot your



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But first, complete the Mandatory

Induction Package.

I’ve already done the Agency

induction. This is Project Induction.

It’s Mandatory.

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I’ll just log you into your

Personalised Learning Space.



So I get to choose stuff.

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It’s decided that this is the Choice for you.

It’s Packaged to match your



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So I can’t do anything.

You can Flavour it.

Colour it in.

Sort of. Now enter your Password.

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Seems sneaky.

It’s better than that.

The Algorithm behind this ensures you get just what

we need.

Just In Time.

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But… this is Higher


I don’t get access to

some of this stuff.


Information Security.

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Do you think they’d just pull somebody off

the streets of the Old Neighbourhood for a job like this?

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Ha, hah!

Of course not.

To be continued…