Vienna In The Late 19th And Early 20thlesliechan2.Ppt

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Vienna in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries

Vienna in the late 19th and early 20th CenturiesIB Psychology HLLeslie ChanMs Leong

Background Information about ViennaCapital of Austria and is one the nine states of AustriaHas a population of about 1.7 millionLies in the very east of AustriaRanked 1 for quality of life along with Vancouver.

During the Late 19th and Early 20th CenturiesEuropean Jews moved to Vienna Typical Viennese Jewish couples goal

ContinueArnould SchoenbergSpatial Music

Freud and ViennaMoved to Vienna at age of 3Left at age of 82Viennas InfluencesWould Freud have become such an intellectual giant if he had not lived in Vienna?

Factors that influenced FreudViennas influences Neurologist

Arnold Schoenbergs InfluencesIndirectFree Association

Question:Might the "free association" in Schoenbergs music have influenced Freuds concept of "free association"?

Gustav Klimts InfluencesIndirectSexuality in his paintingViennese Art is toxic with sexuality

Would Freud be the same intellectual giant if he had not lived in Vienna?

Certainly, Freud benefited from the liberal atmosphere that was in Vienna during the late 19th century, However, we have good evidence that Freud didnt really cared about Vienna, and Freud still would have become intelligent a thinker if he had lived in some European city other than Vienna.