Vocabular y unit 44


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Page 1: Vocabulary45

Vocabulary unit 44

Page 2: Vocabulary45

Done by :-

Aisha Rashed



Section Gf3

Page 3: Vocabulary45

1)- Songwriter:-

A person who writes the Word and music for a song

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2)- Composer

A person who writes music. Compose v.

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3)- Musical instrument

A thing that is used for playing music.

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4)- Lead singer

The main singer in a bad.

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5)- Orchestra

A large group of musicians who play music together.

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6)- band

a number of people who play music together .SYN group.

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7)- MusicianA person who plays a musical instrument

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8)- Conductor

The person in an orchestra who directs the musicians.

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9)- Admire sb

Like sb and think they have achieved a lot .admiration N.

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10)- Solo artist

A singer or musician who is not part of a band.

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Vocabulary unit 45

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1)- prospects

(PL) chances of being successful in the future.

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2)- challenging

Difficult to do, but interesting and enjoyable. Challenge N.

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3)- reward

Sth you get because you have done sth helpful, worked hard

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4)- Appoint sb

Choose sb for a job

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5)- Promote sb

(usually passive) give sb a better job at a higher level in a company. Promotion N

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6)- Transfer sb\sth (from…to..)

Move sb\sth from one place to another.

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7)- department

A section of a business. university.etc.

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8)- elsewhere

In or to another place.

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9)- Hand in your notice

Say officially that you want to leave your job. SYNS resign. Quit INF

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Vocabulary unit 46

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1)- Gain sth

Obtain sth. Opp lose sth.

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2)- shares

Units of equal value that a company is divided into and which are then sold to raise money.

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3)- survive

Continue to exist a difficult situation. Survival N.

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4)- growth

The process of increasing in size or number. grow V.

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A period of action to achieve sth difficult.SYN effort. Struggle v.

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6)- brand

he name under which one or more products are sold.

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7)- Break even

Not make a profit or a loss.

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The opinion that people have about sth (it can be good or bad )

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9 )- share

A part of sth that has been divided.

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10)- Take over a company

Take control of another company. Takeover N.

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Vocabulary unit 47

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1)- club

A football club is the team. The management. And the ground.

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2)- stadium

A large structure where people sit and watch sport.

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3)- circuit

An area of land, often in a circle, where a race takes place. SYN track.

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4)- ground

An area of land where a game is played and people watch

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5)- capacity

The amount or number that a space or container will hold.

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6)- lap

One journey around a track

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7)- court

A place where tennis, basketball, or badminton are played.

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8)- standard


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9)- championship

A competition to find the best player or team in a sport.

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10)- Interrupt sth

Stop the progress of sth for a short period of time.

Assessment of the Corrosion and Tribological Properties of ... ¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬

Assessment of the Corrosion and Tribological Properties of ... ¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬¸â‚¬
