Why We Need Friends 97 2003

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its about friends.

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Madiha Khadim 083131

Abdulah Rana 083110

Saad Zafar 082145

Wahab Yunus 083115

Uzair Khalid 083129

Rubab Hassan 083160


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When you ask God for gift,

Do not ask for diamonds, pearls or riches,

But the love and companionship of real true friends

And be thankful if he sends you at least one.


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» “A friend is someone who is there for you when he’d rather be anywhere else”

» Someone who has a close personal relationship of mutual affection and trust with another is the dictionary definition of a friend.

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Having a good friend can usually brighten a bad day, and make one smile since that is what friends are for.

A good friend listens to problems and lends useful advice to better their situation.

Often times there is a challenge in life and some of the time there is an all out loss of friendship.

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Sometimes friendships are hurt and it could take a very long time to repair the friendship, if it even could be repaired.

Support of a friend is one of the most important things that a friendship can offer.

One could not imagine a life without friends.

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Friends make others feel SUPERIOR.

A friend “for a lifetime” provides respect, integrity, loyalty, and honesty in a relationship.

Respect is a quality in which one views others in high regard.

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One shares respect in friendship.

To gain one’s respect, one should show respect for others.

A friend is respectful when one is content to be oneself.

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“Believe not only in yourself but believe in your friends as well for it is in eyes of your friend that you discover your self.”

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In life, we met many people some will hate us and some will adore us, friends looses as one grow but best friend who may stray but never to far away.

There are those friends that seen in school seeing them on the street is like they are not even there.

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Secondly, There are former friends. These are the one that grew up in one neighbourhood and moved away. 

Some people prefer to have friends, who are different from them and  prefer to have friends who are similar to them.

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Did you know that the best kind of lovers are the people that start out as your friend.

Lovers and friends use as sensory description and figurative language to show the theme. Friends makes the best lovers.

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• Definition:

"What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies".

BY: Aristotle

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The friend is a small word with a big meaning.

The true friend is the one who shows you the right way.

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What can friendship give?Share feeling:

“Friendship provides you to share your inner feeling that you can’t share with any other person who near you like parents, brother’s and sister and relatives.”

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For best friends there is a feeling.

She has seen you at your worst, and helped you be your best.

Best friends always become the part of your life.

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Learn new skills:

“Friendship provides you a platform where you can get those skills that enhance your abilities.”

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you can present your friend with greeting cards.

A friendship should be built on trust.

In life every one will meet lot of peoples that say they are your friend.

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Friends are really very important and without them, life would be pretty lonely.

It is very important to make friends and keep in contact with old friends.

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Some people are by nature, anti-social and don't feel the need to have friends around, but most of us appreciate our friends.

We are lucky if we find someone who becomes a very best friend and companion and with whom we can share our feelings.

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A friend is a gift of God and a person cannot live and survive alone, as he or she needs someone with whom they can share their feelings.

Friends lift you up when you're down or they just spend time with you when life gets tough.

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From his early childhood a man requires company of friends.

Distinguish between "friendliness" and "friendship."

We make huge no. of friends but it is not obvious that all of them are sincere with us.

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I cannot count the times people I hardly know have referred to me as a "friend," or have written to me and signed their letters "your friend," or done some such thing. I have come to believe that, after "love," "friend" is the most misused word in the English language.

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Youth Group Friendship

Friends are important for people to get through life. They can help with personal problems and are good company.

Friends are important for people to get through life. They can help with personal problems and are good company.

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FRIENDS AN ASSET:Good friendships equal honesty between the two people. There are no lies within a friendship because in order to be a good friend you have to be trusted

A persons best friend is the one that's spent the most time with. Best friends have so much fun together whether it's doing a project together or out on a Friday night.

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The friend is the "best friend." Normally, you know them the longest.

A true friend will see you through when others see that you are through.

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On a final note, I would like to take some time to say that we should always remember.

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“Some times friends just can't be friends for the sake of friendship!”

There is nothing like a good, really intense fight between friends to examine the strength of their friendship.

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Fragile creatures are we humans.

A true friend, according to me, is someone who gives us a helping hand to get us back on our feet, pats off the dust from our back and revitalizes us for the journey ahead.

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FRIENDS A BEST RELATION:Old wine and old friends are the best, or so the saying goes.

Man is a social animal. Even today, one of the most terrible known forms of torture is solitary confinement.

Somebody said, the lock to heart’s door is within.

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Real friendship is lasting.

Friends argue, friends offer correction, friends are even sometimes (wrongly) angry at each other...and these things are all natural and to be expected in a real friendship.

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CONCLUSIONYou ask me what “friendship” is? I’ll tell you what friendship is.

A friendship is the only thing that can teach you some things about yourself, and others as well.

……..Like any other kind of love, friendship can be lost within our lives due to neglect or anger or, sometimes, simply circumstances. However it is lost, we often lose a part of ourselves that can never quite be recovered.

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