سان و طبيعت ان ا. منصوري- 1390

انسان و طبيعت

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انسان و طبيعت 1390-منصوري . ا

طبيعت چيست و چه نسبتي با ما دارد؟•

؟ ...منشأ، مادر، منبع، خانه و مأمن،

آيا انسان بخش ي از طبيعت است؟ يا صاحب و مالك آن؟•

...آيا طبيعت در خطر است؟ علم، تكنولوژي، مصرف، •

!آموزه هاي اديان در بارة طبيعت•

فرزندان ما چه تصويري از طبيعت خواهند داشت؟•

ما براي حفاظت از طبيعت چه مي توانيم بكنيم؟•

!’ محيط زيست گرايي‘در برابر ’ زيست بوم گرايي‘•

(ecologism)’ زيست بوم گرايي‘•

در برابر

(environmentalism)’ زيست محيط گرايي‘

اصطالح شناس ي

[email protected] 4


• Ernest Haeckel (1866): Study of

relationships that develop among living

organisms and between these organisms and environment.


• A dynamic complex of plant, animal,

fungal, and microorganisms communities

and their associated non-living

environment interacting as ecological unit.

محيط زيست

• A combination of the various physical

and biological elements that affect the life of an organism.


• Responsible travel to natural areas that

conserve the environment and sustains the well-being of local people

(green travel)سفر سبز

براي اكوتوريسم آمريكايي( UK)معادل بريتانيايي •

(ecologism)’ زيست بوم گرايي‘’ زيست محيط گرايي‘(environmentalism)

:مثابة يك ايدئولوژيبهتحليل از كليت جامعه-(رهنمود براي رفتار و عمل)نقشة راه -

ايدئولوژي نيست

غلبه با نوعي نگرش سوسياليستينگرش هاي مختلف

صنعتي، تخريب گر و مخالف با جامعةماده باور


• "Natural ability without education has

more often raised a man to glory and

virtue than education without natural


فرانسيس بيكن

• We cannot command Nature except by

obeying her.

ونسان ون گوگ

• "It is not the language of painters but the

language of nature which one should

listen to the feeling for the things

themselves, for reality, is more important

than the feeling for pictures."


• "Beauty is a manifestation of secret natural

laws, which otherwise would have been hidden from us forever.”

• "Beauty is a primeval phenomenon, which

itself never makes its appearance, but the

reflection of which is visible in a thousand

different utterances of the creative mind,

and is as various as nature herself."

آناتول فرانس

"It is human nature to think wisely and act


آلبرت اينشتين

در طبيعت نظر كن، آنگاه هر چيز را بهتر بفهم•ً.عميقا

* * * *

.لذت ناش ي از تماشا و تأمل زيباترين هدية طبيعت است•


• There is a sufficiency in the world for

man's need but not for man's greed.

ترو . هنري د

• Thank God men cannot fly, and lay waste

the sky as well as the earth.

تام مك ميالن

• For 200 years we've been conquering

Nature. Now we're beating it to death.

راس ريروت

• The activist is not the man who says the

river is dirty. The activist is the man who

cleans up the river.

انسل آدامز

• It is horrifying that we have to fight our

own government to save the


Motto of the Baltimore Grotto, a caving society

•Take nothing but pictures.

Leave nothing but footprints.

Kill nothing but time.

ريچارد فاينمن

• For a successful technology, reality must

take precedence over public relations, for

Nature cannot be fooled.

امانت آيندگان؟! طبيعت ميراث گذشتگان نيست•

ما چه مي توانيم كرد؟

تغيير رفتار : آموزش•

تغيير نگرش•

انتقال دانش•

پرورش مهارت•

آموزشيادگيري / ياددادن •

آيا شخصيت ياد دهنده داريم؟•

خود، يادگيرند–

مدير پروژه يادگيري –

عامل به گفتار –

استمرار در مطالعه–

مهارت هاي همدلي و ارتباطي قوي –

برخي منابع

• Sinha, P. C., Global tourism, sustaiable

tourism&ecotourism, 2006.

، آگه، محسن ثالثي.: دابسون، اندرو، فلسفه و انديشة سياس ي سبزها، تر•1377.