Audience Research Analysis I created a questionnaire to find the basis of my target audience and to find out what other people relate to a music video. I wanted to find out their favorite music and how often they watched music videos and what they think of would be in an indie music video; to give me an idea what to include when creating my music video.

Audience research

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Page 1: Audience research

Audience Research AnalysisI created a questionnaire to find the basis of my target audience and to find out what other people relate to a music video. I wanted to find out their favorite music and how often they watched music videos and what they think of would be in an indie music video; to give me an idea what to include when creating my music video.

Page 2: Audience research

Age:The majority of people who took my questionnaire were ages 17-21 so from this I will look at each individual results to see what each age group preferred. 75% of people who took this were ages 17-21, 10% were ages 31-40 and 61+ and only 5% were aged 51-60. This will help me later in the project so I know who I need to appeal to for the type of music I choose. There’s only a small amount of results making it slightly less reliable and perhaps slightly biased as of the mass being a certain age.

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61% of people who took my questionnaire were male and 39% were female.

From my results I can see that Indie music is a favorite with 35% of my audience saying this was their favorite genre. 30% of people were split between pop, rock and classical with the minorities of dance and R&B with 5% each. 25% of people said other genres and these include:

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I found from my results that 38% of people always watch music videos, whilst 42% watch them sometimes with only 20% of people not watching them often. From this I know there will be a good amount of audience that will be interested in watching my music video.

I found from my results that 57% of people prefer a music video to include both a narrative and performance whilst 19% only like a music video to be focused on performance and 23% prefer narrative. Therefore from this feedback I know to include both narrative and performance.

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The majority of people aren’t too bothered if the video is focused on the lead singer however the same amount of people say no so from this I know I know there isn’t a major command from the audience to see the lead singer but the band as a whole or someone different who is included into a narrative. I know this main feature is mainly wanted by the record label because of celebrity endorsement.

Because my favorite music genre is dream pop shoe gaze I am pretty sure I would like to make a music video for this genre of music so I was intrigued to find out how many people like this genre and if its popular and to also find out who like it from the previous questions that they have answered. I learnt that it was equally halved with the likes and dislikes with around 38% of people listening to it or not with around 23% sometimes listening to it.

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From this question I found out the mise-en-scene of an indie music video; finding out what people think of and identify when they watch when they’re watching an indie music video. From this I found out that a lot of it may use humor, art, pale colours and show images of the band/ composer.

Others mentioned nature, simplicity and weird creative illustrations with a narrative.

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For inspiration I asked for people’s favorite songs to get ideas for my music video and the type of genres/ songs were peoples favorites. Whether it was a classical, older song or a relatively new song. From this I will look at the music videos for these (if they have one) and gather ideas what they use and try and include similarities in my work.

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From this I will look at these video and see what they include and take inspiration from them for my work. This will hopefully help the popularity of my music video in the end as people will find something in it which they like.

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Audience Profile Research

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From these individual results, I looked for people who said they listen to shoe gaze/ dream pop or answered with ‘Sometimes’ to get an idea how old they were and their gender. I found out that a lot my older audience preferred it to the younger. I also found that more males liked it but this is based on the face that more males took the questionnaire than females. This will help me later in the project to look back at to make a profile for my target audience.