VOLUME 16, ISSUE 1 INSIDE Transplanted Scot has a brave heart A s a child role-playing with his nine siblings in the hills of northern Scotland, Ed Torrance favoured freedom- fighting icon Sir William Wallace. Decades later, aſter losing his cherished oldest brother to a battle with a work-related illness, Torrance turned his heavy, brave heart to crusading for improvements in Canada’s health, safety and environment (HSE) field. The sword Torrance brandishes each day is his fleet of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), which ultimately saves lives by enabling businesses to conduct monitoring and inspection services without putting workers in perilous positions on the front lines. It is a war in which Canadian industry is gaining the upper hand, with help from an arsenal of high-tech UAVs capable of performing thermal/infrared imaging inspection and many other critical duties. Torrance’s squadron can do everything from detecting small flaws in infrastructure or equipment to preventing large-scale disasters that take a massive toll on the environment and on a company’s bottom line. ROB DRISCOLL Business Edge News Magazine CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 PAGE 28 A tribute to a friend Rob Driscoll remembers Tom Keyser 20 QUESTIONS With Ed Torrance BORN/RAISED: Born in Scotland in family of 10 kids; now a “proud Scot and proud Canadian” FAMILY: Father of three sons, John, Michael and Malcolm and grandfather of Abraham EDUCATION: University of Alberta PROFESSION: Health, safety, environment and risk management consultant and owner of Torrance Safety & Risk Management Limited (TSRM) since 1990 T: 403.830.3355 E: [email protected] PAGE 4 Think you know gold? Gwen Preston weighs the evidence PAGE 9 Setting the bar high Blackrock Gold’s David Robinson

Business edge oct27-3

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VO LU ME 16, IS S U E 1


TransplantedScot has abrave heart

As a child role-playing with his nine siblings in the hills of northern Scotland, Ed Torrance favoured freedom-

fighting icon Sir William Wallace. Decades later, after losing his cherished oldest brother to a battle with a work-related illness, Torrance turned his heavy, brave heart to crusading for improvements in Canada’s health, safety and environment (HSE) field. The sword Torrance brandishes each day is his fleet of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), which ultimately saves lives by enabling businesses to conduct monitoring and inspection services without putting workers in perilous positions on the front lines. It is a war in which Canadian industry is gaining the upper hand, with help from an arsenal of high-tech UAVs capable of performing thermal/infrared imaging inspection and many other critical duties. Torrance’s squadron can do everything from detecting small flaws in infrastructure or equipment to preventing large-scale disasters that take a massive toll on the environment and on a company’s bottom line.

ROB DRI SCOLL Business Edge News Magazine

C O N T I N U E D O N P A G E 1 2

PAGE 28 A tribute to a friendRob Driscoll remembers Tom Keyser

20 QUESTIONSWith Ed Torrance

BO RN/RA IS ED : Born in Scotland in family of 10 kids; now a “proud Scot and proud Canadian”

FA MILY: Father of three sons, John, Michael and Malcolm and grandfather of Abraham

ED U CATIO N: University of Alberta

PRO FES S IO N: Health, safety, environment and risk management consultant and owner of Torrance Safety & Risk Management Limited (TSRM) since 1990

T: 403.830.3355 E: [email protected]

PAGE 4 Think you know gold?Gwen Preston weighs the evidence

PAGE 9Setting the bar highBlackrock Gold’s David Robinson

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Top of podiumResource Maven Gwen Preston interprets years of data on cycles and comes to an important conclusion: Buy gold! PAGE 4

Speed data-ing Tech tactician Tom Keenan is keen on intelligent use of data to improve mining outcomes.PAGE 6

Foot ballgameThinktoit’s innovative marketing team gives the ball to its back-end in driving foot traffic to the end zone – your business!PAGE 8

Mining our businessThe Mining Association of Canada is setting the standard internationally in sustainable management planning.PAGE 10

Risk businessMarvin Nickel explains how exempt market dealers can help bolster a portfolio without undue exposure to risk. PAGE 16

Changing attireBusiness Edge stylemaster Sunjeev Prasad outlines how men can let their style do the selling.PAGE 17

Kerr-ent eventsPrivate market specialist Andrea Kerr examines how improvements in regulation have increased the attractiveness of investment in the exempt market. PAGE 18

(To) train sets saleMark Bernard highlights compelling reasons to keep your sales team on its toes with practical training systems.PAGE 20

Tribute to Terrific TomA tips of the cap to writer, musician and sports fan Tom Keyser, whose life was cut short by a heart attack on Oct. 2.PAGE 28

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Page 3

Is the green economy here yet?Hint: Tesla is worth $32 Billion USD

The commercialization of technological innovation is a

tremendous wealth creator. Just look at IBM, Apple, Microsoft and Google: the list of companies which have created remarkable businesses riding technological waves is endless and expanding. Apple started with computers, went big on software, pivoted to personal music devices and then Steve Jobs focused on the smart phone. In 1998, Google was founded as a search company. One among many. It evolved into a data company which sells billions of dollars a year in advertising targeted to what you want to buy. This is why Lomiko (TSXV: LMR. OTC: LMRMF) CEO A. Paul Gill believes that you don’t pick winners, you build them. At the root of most successful technology companies is an insight into a new way of doing things: a process, a material, an understanding of how a particular technology will impact the world.

Tesla Motors Inc. ($TSLA) is currently building a massive “giga-factory” that alone will consume 120,000 tonnes of flake graphite by 2020, the equivalent of five new mines. The graphite market is expected to grow by 10% per year, and Lomiko aims to develop a resource of graphite for these markets. “Graphite is a key element in the new green economy,” says Lomiko President and CEO Paul Gill. “High purity, large flake graphite is vital to the production of lithium-ion batteries, which run everything from your smart phone to electric cars. Demand increases every year, and we want to position the company to take advantage of that demand.” Beyond the obvious market that is coming for Li-ion batteries and graphite, Lomiko Technologies’ key insight is that a one atom thick layer of carbon called graphene is changing the world. From batteries to smart phones to never-wash windows, graphene is working its way into materials science and from there into the cutting edge of technological innovation across the entire spectrum of advanced electronics, fabrication, coatings, components and computing. Lomiko Technologies is a stand-alone company designed to profit from the opportunities presented by graphene and other advanced technologies.

Its roots are in Lomiko Metals, a TSX Venture listed graphite exploration company. Lomiko Metals has been involved in discovering, drilling and creating opportunity in the graphite sector. Its focus has been on graphite properties in the Province of Quebec and it owns or has options on a number of properties offering high purity, large flake near surface deposits. How to Benefit From Graphene: The Plan Lomiko Technologies will take the technology assets of Lomiko and operate as a technology company. Whether it is in the lighting industry, the graphene super capacitor space or simply as a minority shareholder in a successful graphene 3D printing company, Lomiko Technology will present a coherent, sector focused face to the investment world. In order to implement the plan, Lomiko Tech needs to finance and develop the new graphene projects and find partners in academia and the business community looking to develop and introduce new products that will benefit from the unique properties graphene has to offer. Most of all, Lomiko Technologies will be able to continue and expand its relationship with Graphene Labs. A key factor in Graphene 3D Lab and Lomiko Technologies success in the current opportunity is Graphene Labs customer base of over 10,000 companies and laboratories world-wide. Contact Lomiko Technologies at [email protected] for more information, and follow developments at lomiko.com, lomikotechnologies.com or follow Lomiko on Facebook.

Graphite is a key element in the new green economy.

Lomiko President and CEO Paul Gill


Page 4

Gold has definitely not lost its lustre

GW EN PRESTONContributing columnistBusiness Edge News Magazine

S P E C I A L R E P O R T O N M I N I N G & R E S O U R C E S

Here is an interesting question: what is the

best-performing commodity of the last 20 years? You might think energy – oil or natural gas. Maybe you think food – soybeans or pork or fertilizer. Perhaps you think something more unusual – lithium or diamonds. All of those ideas are incorrect. The best-performing commodity of the last 20 years is gold. And that performance is despite gold’s reliable downturns – the yellow metal regularly gives up half its gains before advancing again. So gold has outperformed all commodities (and most currencies) even though it moves two step forward, one step back. The market knows this about gold. One of the reasons gold’s runs are so reliable is that when investors see the pattern starting again, they jump on board. The pattern, from peak to trough and back to peak, repeats roughly every seven years.

The strongest cycles last longer. With one of the longest and strongest bear markets having finally finished in January, gold is getting started on a new up cycle. The chart above says it all. It charts the S&P/TSX Global Gold Index since 1970 and shows clearly the cycles we have gone through. I borrowed it from Sprott’s Thoughts, a great, free, twice-weekly commentary from Sprott Global Resource Investments (visit sprottglobal.com/thoughts/ to sign up). The chart shows seven bull-bear cycles, though only the biggest three (three downs and two-and-a-bit ups) are highlighted.

Considering all seven cycles, the average decline was 67%. That means the 80% decline in the last bear market was worse than usual. More important: bull-market gains have averaged 358% among those seven cycles. Recovering from the two cycles with the biggest losses (as highlighted on the chart) required gains of 760% and 607%. To date in this up cycle, the S&P/TSX Global Gold Index gained 114% to its early August peak. The August correction has cut the gain back to around 80% today. That means the gold index has to more than double from here to achieve the average

gain of the seven bull markets, and it would have to quadruple from here to achieve a gain comparable to the last two big cycles. That is a lot of upside. There will be volatility along the way. You can see in the chart that gold never ascends in a straight line; it gains and corrects, then gains again. Success investing in the gold space requires: 1. Understanding the big picture. Gold is gaining today because interest rates are low or negative, corporate and government debt loads are high, high stock market valuations and bond prices have eliminated the classic “safe haven” investment

The average return from a cycle trough is ~500%

Log chart represents S&P/TSX Global Gold Index in $USD. Source: Bloomberg As at June 26, 2016

Page 5







options, the global economy is struggling to grow, and the fact that gold and gold miners missed the market’s long run means they are undervalued right now. Gold represents security and value. 2. Knowing that the price of gold will react to economic and political events. It will step back after going on a run. It will move sideways to consolidate support after a gain. As long as the pattern remains one of higher highs and higher lows, and the big picture remains gold positive, stay long. 3. Being ready to get out when things get crazy. Gold runs end. Rather than trying to pick the top, good gold investors get out before the frenzy. We are a ways from this in the current cycle and the characteristics differ each time, but if you are watching, there are always signs. What exactly should a gold-interested investor buy? There are options. One is gold itself, either physical or paper. Physical you can keep under your bed or with a bank. Paper gold you buy through exchange-traded funds, where shareholders have exposure to the funds stock of physical.

A second option is major gold miners: Barrick, Newmont, Agnico Eagle, Goldcorp, Yamana, Kinross, and the like. You can choose one stock, getting direct exposure to its performance, risks, and dividends, or you can buy a basket of majors through an ETF. Miners outperform the gold price significantly, leveraging gold’s gains roughly three-fold in a rising gold market, which is why investors like this option. A third option is to move down into the smaller companies: the companies exploring for new deposits or developing new mines. These juniors are much riskier – the deposit might not be there or the new mine might fail – but they also offer much higher rewards. In a good gold market, the average junior probably leverages gold’s gains six-fold, while the best of the bunch offer 10- or 20-fold multiples. It is still early in this gold game. If you don’t have gold in your portfolio in some form or other, it’s time that you did. Gwen Preston is the Resource Maven. In her weekly newsletter she explains the macro mining picture and chronicles her investments in the space. To sign up for a free trial, visit resourcemaven.ca.


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Gold has outperformed all commodities (and most currencies)

even though it moves two step forward, one step back.

Page 6

Mining companies crunch data along with ore in hopes of striking it rich

DR. TOM KEENANTech Style, Business Edge

Just as driverless cars will soon alter the look of our

roads forever, and Amazon will almost certainly help you pick your book to read, technology is about to change the world of mining. From automated vehicles to crowdsourced data analysis to precision sensors, mining companies are rushing to take advantage of tech advances to make their projects safer, cheaper and more productive. Montreal-based Falco Resources Ltd., (TSX-V: FPC), one of the largest claim holders in the Abitibi region of Quebec, is counting on technology to make its new $905-million operation a success. Vincent Metcalfe, the company’s chief financial officer, says the old mine in Rouyn-Noranda, Que., was in production from 1927 to 1976 and produced 11 million ounces of gold and 2.5 billion pounds of copper, then went into dormancy for 40 years. He spoke on

a video interview recorded recently at the Precious Metals Summit in Beaver Creek, Colo. “We looked at the historical data from Noranda, and we digitized that,” he says, “and essentially are looking to put it (back) in production.” This brings to mind one of the most famous examples of using “the wisdom of the crowd” in analysing resource data. As Don Tapscott and Anthony Willliams described in their 2007 book Wikinomics, Vancouver-based Goldcorp, Inc. turned the secretive mining industry on its head after the company’s CEO spent some time at MIT. Their in-house geologists were struggling to figure out where to find gold on the company’s 55,000-acre property in Northern Ontario. Rob McEwen was exposed to how open-source development had made the Linux operating system better than any one developer or team possibly could. Would

that work for mining data? In 2000, Goldcorp offered $575,000 of prize money to anyone, amateur or professional, who could point them to their gold. As noted in Wikinomics, the results were stunning, yielding “110 targets on the Red Lake property, 50 percent of which had not been previously identified by the company. Over 80 percent of the new targets yielded substantial quantities of gold.” Vancouver-based Integra Gold Corp. (TSV-V: ICG) copied this approach in 2015, offering $1 million in prizes “to help lead us to the next big gold discovery in Val-d’Or.” The challenge was hosted on HeroX, a crowdsource challenge platform started by XPrize creator Peter Diamandis. It involved sifting through 75 years of mining data, 6 terabytes, from the bankrupt Sigma and Lamaque mines. The contest motto was “Crunch Data and Strike it Rich”.

Here’s how their challenge was described on HeroX: “Somewhere within the 2.7-million-year-old geology of the Canadian Shield, there was a treasure waiting to be found. However, at more than 6 terabytes, the sheer volume of data we now have on these mines would take Integra years to analyse on our own. We need a faster and more cost-effective method to analyse and interpret the data to identify additional gold targets.” Who won? In March 2016, SCS Geostat, a Quebec geological engineering company scored the $500,000 top prize. Other winners came from as far away as Vancouver and Perth, Western Australia. The judging panel, which included research scientists, geologists and Queen’s University adjunct professor Jim Franklin, sifted through the 1,332 entries and listened to presentations by the top five finalists. We will have to watch this company to

S P E C I A L R E P O R T O N M I N I N G & R E S O U R C E S

From automated vehicles to crowdsourced data analysis to precision sensors, mining companies are rushing to take advantage of tech advances to make

their projects safer, cheaper and more productive.

Page 7

find out if they can replicate Goldcorp’s success. Back at the mine, Falco’s operations, which are scheduled to start in 2020 or 2021, will include innovations such as remote teleoperation, which will allow operators at the surface to control underground equipment such as loaders. Other functions that will be largely automated include ventilation, paste backfill distribution, water pumping and staff and equipment location. For a broader perspective on technology innovations in mining, you would do well to have a look at the free e-book “100 Innovations in the Mining Industry” created

by the industry group Minalliance. They scoured the world’s principal mining regions (Canada, Australia, United States, Europe, South Africa and Chile) to compile a list with everything from AVIRIS airborne sensors to hydroseeding for mine-site landscaping. The authors identified key trends including smarter exploration, more efficient mining, safer working conditions and a more environmentally responsible industry. They also noted the increasing rate of progress in mining tech, since most of the innovations they cover were created in the last decade.

The miners who went into the Noranda mine in 1927, or Alberta’s Atlas Coal Mine, which operated from 1911 to 1984, probably wouldn’t recognize the workplaces that are now on the drawing boards. But they would be glad to know that they are going to be a lot safer, more productive and kinder to the environment.

Dr. Tom Keenan is an award-winning journalist, public speaker, professor in the Faculty of Environmental Design at the University of Calgary, and author of the best-selling book Technocreep, available at amazon.ca/Technocreep-Surrender-Privacy-Capitalization-Intimacy/dp/1771641223

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Page 8

Start-up Shoptoit drives foot traffic to your business

ROB DRI SCOLLPublisher and Columnist Business Edge News Magazine

If you own a small or medium business

and have given up on the idea of having a digital marketing campaign that consistently drives foot traffic to your place of business, you have plenty of company. Large companies, with their large advertising budgets and large workforces, have dominated the location-based digital marketing realm. It has simply been too expensive and too time consuming for the little guys to compete. Until now. Emerging company Shoptoit (www.retailers.shoptoit.ca) has come up with a business model that enables the small and medium business to play with the big boys in the battle to attract foot traffic and drive sales. “Consumers really want to support the local retailer, but when they go to their mobile phones for their searches, they are not seeing the little guys; they are seeing Ultracuts, Walmart and Amazon, but they are looking for alternatives” says Shoptoit co-founder Scott Sanderson. “We can change that.”

For less than $200 per month and less than 15 minutes to set up, the Shoptoit Platform handles all aspects of getting found in searches for small business. The comprehensive system includes mobile websites, search engine optimization (SEO) campaigns and guaranteed traffic from Google Adwords. “Shoptoit has you covered every step of the way,” Sanderson adds. “It’s the automation that makes it affordable and efficient. Digital marketing can be a complex science but we have made it the simplest of processes by going to remarkable lengths in automating the platform. “We have partnered with Google and co-developed direct software integration in their AdWords system, so physical stores can tap right into that incredible network and immediately drive consumers to their businesses. Most of these searches start with Google.” Shoptoit did more than a little research and development in creating this game-changing solution. The

company founders invested millions of dollars, wrote more than 650,000 lines of code and entered 28 million product descriptions and images. “Attracting foot traffic is a very crowded space and most of the smaller bricks-and-mortar players are invisible. We make them visible,” says Shoptoit principal Mark Naylor. “It is all about the algorithms and the product database. We have the products there for you, so you spend only a few minutes getting activated. Then the Platform drives leads and sales to your business. In its simplest terms, Shoptoit is a highly effective lead driver.” A critical component of the model is that the business owner is in complete control of the investment level. “You should start to see results within two days, and you can change the spend at any time,” Naylor adds. Shoptoit’s Channel Program, meanwhile, is an ideal solution for organizations looking to add value to their member services or loyalty programs.

“Our plan is to reach the more than 1 million Canadian small businesses who want to grow their customer base. One of the most powerful ways we do this is by partnering with organizations who have existing relationships and are aligned with our goal to help small business succeed. We work with the partner to reach and show the small business that mobile marketing is within their reach and then get them started down the path,” Sanderson explains.

In a special promotion designed to help small and mid-size Canadian companies attract more local business, Business Edge is offering a free Google-approved starter kit from Shoptoit. Start getting found by new customers now by going to BusinessEdge.ca and click on the big-box ad on the right side of the home page!


76%of people who search on their smartphones for something

nearby visit a business within a day

28%of those searches

for something nearby result in a purchase.

Google/Purchased Digital Diary: How Consumers Solve Their Needs in the Moment, May 2016. Smartphone users = 1000, local searchers = 634, purchases = 1,140

Page 9

Blackrock Gold setting the bar high

When David Robinson graduated from UBC in

Vancouver in 1986 as a young, new geologist, he entered what were the “Wild West” days of the old Vancouver Stock Exchange, with many colourful stock promoters around, but also many great opportunities for investors to profit in the junior mining sector. For example, through a classmate from UBC Geology, David was introduced to Delaware Resources, which was exploring the Snip gold deposit in northern B.C. Delaware was languishing at $1.50 per share when David bought the shares; within 2 years, the company was taken over at $25 per share! They were exciting times for the junior mining sector, which David never forgot, even though he moved to Calgary and spent most of the next 25+ years working in oil & gas. Earlier this year, David was invited to join TSXV-listed Blackrock Gold Corp. (symbol BRC) as CEO – and in the process, was given the opportunity to re-live the exciting times in junior gold exploration.

“I jumped at the opportunity to get involved with BRC. I was attracted by the company’s strategy to secure and develop significant gold and silver resources in the ground, with the potential to be in production within 18 months. I also liked the very strong and successful Board that was being assembled, including Alan Carter (Anfield Gold) and Henk Van Alphen (Wealth Minerals), and I very much liked the tight share structure,” commented David. BRC has only 16.5 million shares outstanding. One of the reasons for junior gold explorers of the past doing so well was their tight capital structure. David was also keen to get active again in the junior gold and silver sector because of the long-term upside potential of this asset class. Governments around the world are piling up huge amounts of debt, which will eventually lead to higher interest rates, and which will likely lead to plunging real estate prices – and soaring gold and silver prices. Regarding strategy, BRC has a small silver prospect in Nevada that it

is exploring. However, the company’s primary focus is a very promising gold project in Durango State in Mexico called El Portrero that it recently tied up. El Portrero is a past gold producer that already has a small mill in place, and which BRC plans to refurbish and expand to 250 tons per day in order to put the project back into production during the next 12-18 months. The property has the potential for more than 2 million ounces of gold, which would be extremely valuable at today’s prices. In addition to Nevada and Mexico, BRC is negotiating on additional gold and silver assets in the Western Hemisphere, which meet its strategy of having a current resource of 500,000+ ounces of gold, with the potential to expand this, and to be in production within 12-18 months.

These are exciting times for gold, and for new junior gold explorers such as Blackrock Gold (BRC). For more information, check out blackrockgoldcorp.com. And feel free to contact CEO David Robinson at [email protected].

I jumped at the opportunity to get involved with BRC. I was attracted by the company’s strategy to secure and develop significant gold and silver resources in the ground, with the potential to be in production within 18 months. David Robinson, CEO, Blackrock Gold Corp.

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For most people, a mine is the last thing

you would think of as being environmentally friendly. Ask environmentalists and they will happily tell you that mines are second only to pipelines as potential environmental disasters. Enter the Mining Association of Canada – and Argentina. The Mining Association of Canada (MAC) has developed a set of mining standards that other countries are noticing – and are adopting. Towards Sustainable Management (TSM), launched in 2004, is a program that tests mining operations on tailings management, Aboriginal and community outreach, health and safety, biodiversity conservation, crisis management, energy use and greenhouse gas emissions management. Shared freely by the MAC, the first foreign country to accept the TSM standard

was Finland. Now Argentina has become the second with a recent announcement by Cámara Argentina de Empresarios Mineros (CAEM), the national mining association in Argentina. Marcelo Alvarez, CAEM’s president said in an interview: “By adopting TSM, we are committing to raise the standards of our industry. TSM will help us become more transparent and earn the confidence of Argentinian society. It is a first step towards building a solid, responsible mining sector capable of achieving its full potential.” Pierre Gratton, president and CEO of MAC, added: “We are honoured that Argentina has chosen TSM as the vehicle to drive environmental and social performance in its mining sector, and are proud of TSM’s increasingly global reach. Exporting Canada’s expertise in sustainable and responsible mining practices is one important way that we can contribute to improving mining performance around the world.” As part of the agreement, CAEM will be completely transparent with its findings. MAC points out that if the

Mining Association of Canada standards being followed internationally

S P E C I A L R E P O R T O N M I N I N G & R E S O U R C E S

TSM standards are to have credibility, the findings must be open to public scrutiny and will be verified by outside experts every three years. In Canada as well as in Finland and Argentina, the TSM process is ultimately overseen by an external panel of industry experts who will review and report on all findings.

Mining companies and associations – led by organizations such as MAC – are proving that mining around the world has entered the 21st century. New technologies and new methods of operating are making the mining industry one to watch when it comes to the environment – and for all the right reasons.


Out of the Norm Business Edge Exclusive






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1. What was it like growing up in Scotland with nine siblings? I have a lot of great memories. The town where we lived was situated just below the Ochil Hills, where we spent a lot of time climbing and playing, pretending to be Sir William Wallace, Scotland’s greatest hero. We also had a plot of land where my father grew every vegetable he could squeeze in. The great thing about having so many brothers and sisters is the sharing of everything each of us had. This has had a positive effect on my attitude to giving to those less fortunate than me. 2. How many of you came to Canada and how often do you visit the homeland? Only two brothers and I came to Canada. My older brother George arrived first, and he had a huge impact on my life in many ways. Unfortunately, George suffered a work-related illness that eventually took his life. This great loss caused me to become a better health and safety professional by studying the causes of many chronic work-related diseases, which resulted in me better identifying protective measures to possibly save others from work-related illnesses.

3. What are your memories of your first impressions after immigrating to Canada? I arrived in Toronto and loved the vast difference with the way of life in Canada and what I was used to in Scotland. Canada opened doors I could only dream about in Scotland, and I quickly learned that in Canada, opportunities were open for the taking if you worked hard and furthered your education. I still love Canada with all my heart. 4. You are a proud father to three and grandfather to one. What does family mean to you and are you happy with your work/life balance? Family is everything to me. The years go by very quickly, and I always regret the work-related travel I did that took me away from my two oldest sons for extended periods of time during their young years. At that time, I had no concept of how quick my children would grow up and how much of their young precious lives I was missing. My youngest son has had it much better as I did realize before he came along just how precious these young years are and how quick they go by. I have spent much more time with my youngest son Malcolm.

‘Family is everything to me’C O N T I N U E D F R O M F R O N T C O V E R

Ed has over 30 years experience providing professional Health Safety, Environment & Risk Management services to industry, including: Oil & Gas Onshore & Offshore, Mining, Power Generation, Transportation, Construction, Marine Industry, Rail Industry, and many other industries.

His professional designations include: CRSP (Canadian Registered Safety Professional), CSP (Certified Safety Professional), and Grad IOSH (Institute of Occupational Safety & Health).

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5. You have been in the health safety, environment and risk management game for more than a quarter-century. From your perspective, what are the key ways in which the industry has evolved? In the 1980s, my HSE assessments of the workplace clearly indicated that numerous companies complied with safety requirements when OHS (Occupational Health and Safety) regulations stated they must. Regulatory compliance seemed to be one of the main reasons for the development and the implementation of HSE procedures. I see a vast difference today in regards to employees not being shy or afraid to refuse to conduct unsafe work. This includes management and workers in the field. Safety has taken on a much more integrated function in the day-to-day work activities, and most companies I have consulted to are truly concerned about safety and the environment. This is clearly demonstrated by the effective and efficient HSE management systems they have in place. 6. You have worked on massive projects including Hibernia off the East Coast and in the Alberta oil sands. Does the difficulty and stress rise in proportion to the scope of a project when it comes to monitoring health, safety and risk management? I love my career, and the more responsibility I have, the better I like it. One of the great things about new projects is having the opportunity to develop HSE management systems from the ground up. Risk management activities are an excellent opportunity for professionals like me to determine weaknesses in the HSE management system and identify project design improvements. Hazard & operability studies (HAZOP) facilitation gives me the opportunity to encourage participation from competent project engineers who can identify issues relating to hazards in the project design and the corrective measures required to improve on the design of the project. 7. You have had assignments around the globe, including Africa and the U.K. Do you enjoy the challenges that come with working overseas? Yes, I did, and I learned a lot about life including the fact that regardless of where we are, people are much the same all over the world. Just like us Canadians, people in these other countries are trying their best to give their families a safe and prosperous life.

8. What are the main differences between the safety industry here and abroad? My experience has shown me that, unfortunately, not all commonly known HSE procedures are applied in other countries. 9. Besides the oil patch, in which you have worked extensively over the last 26 years, what industries could use your company TSRM the most? Mining, power generation, chemical plants, wind farms, construction, transportation, marine industry, and many others. TSRM offers all types of industry the professional expertise of senior HSE and risk management consultants as well as our newest professional service – UAV integrity inspection services. 10. What types of projects do you see doing in the mining industry and how can your business help the mining firms’ bottom line? TSRM consultants have established a reputation as true HSE and risk management professionals capable of successfully completing any HSE and risk management assignment. Mining equipment such as conveyors can have a close-up visual inspection without putting worker lives at risk. Our UAV integrity inspection services are a great addition to our other services. Our UAVs can conduct numerous types of inspections while a plant is in operation, whereas it used to require a complete shutdown of operations in order for the inspection to go ahead. 11. The slump in the Canadian oil patch is well documented. How has it affected TSRM, and what do you see in the crystal ball for Alberta’s struggling, oil-and-gas-reliant economy? Like thousands of other contractors, TSRM has felt the pain of fewer contracts. The Alberta economy is going to recover, and while it may not recover back to the pace of 2013 and before, it will slowly get better and more people will regain employment. C O N T I N U E D O N T H E N E X T P A G E

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12. Does TSRM’s exclusive use of the Aeryon SkyRanger UAV give you a significant advantage over your competitors? Absolutely. The Aeryon SkyRanger is one of the most technically advanced UAVs in the world. It is manufactured in Waterloo, Ont., so in addition to the SkyRanger being a Canadian product, it is also a sophisticated unmanned aerial vehicle and capable of safely operating in our Canadian environments, summer and winter. 13. How do the thermal imaging and infrared capabilities that your UAVs possess translate to more effective video inspection and monitoring of such things as pipeline integrity? The infrared imaging video can be used to confirm temperature differences in ground surface, equipment parts, very small pipeline product leaks in flanges, pumps, etc., which are not easy to observe and pick up with the naked eye. The intention is to identify equipment failures in the early stages, before they result in an environmental disaster costing many millions of dollars for clean-up and regulatory fines. Another great thing about using TSRM’s UAV integrity inspection services – we can inspect equipment without shutting down the worksite and without building costly access structures for equipment in higher areas. The video and infrared imaging are capable of obtaining very close-up shots of particular equipment in operation such as flare stack nozzles while hovering at a safe distance.

14. In what other ways does the SkyRanger help provide safety to your clients’ equipment and to the environment? TSRM’s UAV integrity inspection services can be used for numerous other tasks such as site surveys, construction progress evidence, conveyor-belt integrity, and many more tasks. 15. Many people are concerned with the prevalence of drones and how that affects such things as air safety and privacy. TSRM is licensed by Transport Canada to conduct UAV flights in most Canadian provinces and territories, but do you think industry in general is acting responsibly in the rapidly increasing use of UAVs? Licensed commercial companies such as TSRM follow all the regulated requirements for UAV use identified by Transport Canada. Our engineering and HSE staff are fully trained and certified in the safe operation of our UAVs as is required by Transport Canada. While almost anyone can learn how to fly a UAV in a relatively short period of time, the analysis of the video and infrared imaging requires many years of expertise, and TSRM staff are all competent and qualified UAV pilots. Unfortunately, recreation flyers of drones/UAVs require no certification and can be a hazard to people and aircraft. Transport Canada may initiate regulations requiring recreation drone flyers to be licensed and trained.

Our engineering and HSE staff are fully trained and certified in the safe operation of our UAVs as is required by Transport Canada. While almost anyone can learn how to fly a UAV in a relatively short period of time, the analysis of the video and infrared imaging requires many years of expertise, and TSRM

staff are all competent and qualified UAV pilots.

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16. Do you think there is an appropriate amount of regulation in the UAV industry? We are very fortunate here in Canada. Transport Canada is very advanced in its regulatory requirements for UAV flights. I believe Transport Canada is considered a leader amongst flight regulatory agencies around the world. 17. Cleveland Indians professional baseball player and self-described nerd Trevor Bauer cut his finger recently while playing with his drone, an injury that saw him unable to perform his role as a starting pitcher in the American League Championship Series in October. Is there a significant safety risk from handling your fleet of UAVs? Absolutely not. Stick to baseball, Trevor! 18. How would you describe your management/leadership style? A great listener and a confident applier of what needs to be done. I have held numerous senior roles in projects with large numbers of staff, and I have always maintained a good rapport with staff and always listened to options before applying a particular action. 19. What is your vision for TSRM five years from now? TSRM will have a very large fleet of UAVs with bases in numerous countries.

20. Are you glad that you chose to invest decades of your life in this industry. Is the term retirement in your vocabulary? Yes, and I would not change my chosen career for anything. Retirement is not in my foreseeable future and certainly not something I contemplate.

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The 5-10 year time period just before and

just after you retire is called the retirement risk zone. Any significant declines during that period can have a major impact on the future sustainability of your retirement income. Everybody talks diversification to lower portfolio risk by spreading investments over multiple, unrelated assets to reduce the likelihood of a sudden fatal outcome. Unfortunately, diversification into only traditional stock & bond investments is failing because of “like-correlation”. The global markets have become increasingly more correlated and more volatile. Let’s face it, traditional diversification just doesn’t accomplish its goals. In an upward market, diversification lowers returns, just when you want less of it and in a down market, when you want to have

it work the most we find the markets become increasingly more correlated resulting in greater losses. Over the years, highly respected pension managers have increased allocations to alternative asset classes. They have little or no correlation to the fluctuating publicly-traded markets but are also less liquid and that is the tradeoff. Allocating to alternative investments increases portfolio diversification, risk control and adds superior risk/return potential to the portfolio. While alternative investments, like private

equity, have been available to institutional investors & sophisticated investors for many years, the availability to retail investors in the broader scope have only become available in recent years through Exempt Market Dealers. Exempt Market Dealers (EMDs) offer a variety of equity and bond investments. Just as with publicly-traded securities, risks can vary substantially. EMDs provide due diligence on their offerings as it pertains to risk, management history, investor alignment, track

record, timeframe, fees & performance potential. Investors can concede some risk in lieu of lower costs over public securities. It is not uncommon to find offerings yielding 8% or higher without subjection to the fluctuating markets. For more information, call Marvin Nickel. Marvin is a Dealing Representative with Triview Capital Ltd. and Designated Representative for the Wealth Legacy Group Inc. He can be reached at 403-975-2010 or marvin@TheWealthyEdge.

BY MARVIN W. NICKEL Guest Columnist

Traditional Diversification Doesn’t Work Well…ANYMORE!


If we don’t include both diagrams, we should explain what this one diagram means here (steady growth without volatility, I guess)

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There’s no question that we only have one shot

at making a first impression. But did you know that people judge our trustworthiness and competence within 1/4 of a second? In the blink of an eye! Being seen as a confident, intelligent, powerful, respectable and attractive man is achievable with a few simple style tips. Here’s how you can achieve that… Attractive – relentlessly maintain your footwear The first thing someone notices about a man is his shoes, simply because it tells them almost everything they need to know about him in a quick glance. A crisp, clean pair tells her that this man pays attention to detail. Intelligent – use pocket squares wisely When getting suited up, this accessory will be one of your best friends. They have the ability to elevate a look from average to top notch. Though it likely will come with a higher price tag, look for squares with hand-rolled edges (quality is also higher).

Confident – eye-catching accessories Keep it subtle, yet significant. Nothing screams confidence more than a man who is fearless when it comes to accessorizing. My suggestion is to start with one or two small pieces like a watch or tie-bar. Once you feel comfortable with these, feel free to add more pieces (just don’t overdo it, Mr. T!). Respectable – always plan ahead “A man with no vision for his future always returns to his past.” - Unknown In other words, always know what you’re going to wear the next day by laying it out the night before. Ever hit the snooze button on your

alarm? Me, too! Rather than scrambling in the morning, grabbing the closest thing to you and running out the door, you can save valuable time by planning ahead. Powerful – the influence of colours The impact of how certain colours have a psychological effect on both the person who wears them and how others see us has been scientifically proven. Let’s take red, for example. It has the ability to make us look more healthy, attractive, dominant and persuasive. During the 2004 Olympics, judges gave a slight margin of victory (won 5% more often) to the boxer wearing red in closely matched bouts. Adding touches of red

to your outfits can ensure that you are – and score – a knockout when going into tough negotiations. Last thoughts As mentioned, there are many ways to get your personal message across through men’s style. Remember that our opportunity to make a first impression is microscopic – anywhere between 1/4 of a second and 7 seconds). Make it count. Sunjeev Prasad helps men dress well and feel confident through image consulting. He’s the founder of Street Gentlemen. Contact him at [email protected]

BY SU NJ EEV PRASAD Business Edge columnist

5 Ways That Men’s Style Does All The Talking For You

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Have you ever considered investing

in real estate or a friend’s company as a way to diversify your portfolio? As a way to lower the volatility of the public markets or to achieve potentially higher returns? Have you ever been afraid of investing because you felt it was too risky? Investments such as real estate and funding private companies are considered private placements and can be found in the Exempt Market. The “too risky” sentiment is one commonly heard in the Exempt Market. I’m certain that anyone who has ever spoken to me for five minutes about the Exempt Market can assure you that I’m very passionate about it, and for very good reasons.

In 2010, NI 45-106 came into play to provide regulation to the Exempt Market, but as with any new idea, the rules around the Exempt Market have continued to change as the marketplace evolves and grows. In the nearly six years that I’ve been involved in the Exempt Market as a Dealing Representative (DR) with a national Exempt Market Dealer (EMD), I’ve found it thrilling to witness the changes that have come into play, aimed at providing greater security to investors and making it easier for a wider range of people to be able to take part in the same type of investments as have typically been only for the ultra wealthy. Some of the key changes include:• Investment Issuers are

now required to provide audited financial statements annually.

• Lower investment limits for Eligible Investors – this is now capped at $100,000 per 12-month period as long as the investor has received advice from a registered DR and just $30,000 per 12 months if they have not.

• Investment marketing materials need to be included in the Offering Memorandum to ensure alignment and consistency across all materials.

• Additional schedules to carefully outline potential risks are included with the Risk Acknowledgement form and require investor initials and signatures.

• Offering Memorandums may need to be filed on SEDAR (SEDAR.com).

• EMDs are working with Investment Issuers to create meaningful redemption opportunities within the offerings where these investments have traditionally been completely illiquid.

• EMDs are requiring that Investment Issuers have an Independent Board of Directors in place to provide additional oversight to the flow of funds.

• Some EMDs now have in-house legal counsel, thereby strengthening their due diligence process.

As with any investments, there will always be risks involved, and all the regulations and protective measures in the world cannot eliminate them from existing. However, issuers work very hard to mitigate risks through strong market fundamentals and experienced management teams. (#20161014D) Andrea Kerr is a Private Market Specialist with Pinnacle Wealth Brokers and is Registered in Alberta and Saskatchewan. She can be reached at [email protected] or (306) 737-9475.

BY ANDREA KERR Guest Columnist

Private Market Specialist with Pinnacle Wealth Brokers

Evolving regulations add to appeal of exempt market investments


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Box Springs Business Park BoomingMedicine Hat retail/industrial development presents compelling opportunity for investors, retailers and other growth-minded corporations

Start with that big, beautiful, red Costco sign. It’s just one among

dozens of compelling reasons to set up shop in Medicine Hat’s Box Springs Business Park, ideally situated just off Highway 1, on the city’s rapidly growing north side. Since opening its doors in 2007, Costco has served as the ideal anchor tenant for the thriving park, which sits adjacent to the town of Redcliff, although remaining within the Medicine Hat city limits. “We think Costco is the ultimate anchor tenant and a terrific draw for consumers. This store has a great following throughout the region and generates amazing volumes of traffic for the park at large,” enthuses developer/partner Darren Skovmose, who speaks for the ownership group that operates BSBP. “This traffic will benefit all future retail stores and restaurants,” Skovmose adds. “There is a wonderful spillover effect.” Also the future site of the city’s 6,500-seat Regional Events Centre, where the Western Hockey League’s Medicine Hat Tigers will play their home games, Box Springs Business Park serves a trading area of more than 200,000 people and is located within an easy five-minute drive of half the population of Medicine Hat and Redcliff.

The four-member ownership group, which started 10 years ago with nothing but 500 acres and a dream, has just completed an exciting growth year at BSBP, adding a Petro-Canada Travel Centre, Fox Safety and new A&W and Boston Pizza restaurants. The team is looking forward to an even bigger year in 2015, with $125 million worth of construction already under way. This year, grand openings are planned for Princess Auto, the luxurious Hampton Inn & Suites and the Regional Events Centre, which will play host to trade shows and concerts as well as to major junior hockey. But the members of the ownership group are far from finished. They are open to any and all proposals, from the sale of serviced land to proposed joint ventures. “We continue to seek developers, national tenants or stand-alone businesses which have enjoyed success in similar communities,” Skovmose says. “Our company is unique. We operate our own deep-utility division and offer plumbing, heating and electrical services to our customers. In other words, we will build to suit,” he continues. “We will sell land to individual buyers and, should they require our assistance, we’ll supply them with everything they need and then hand them the keys.”

Among other high-profile tenants, the Box Springs Business Park is already home to a variety of retail and commercial enterprises, including the Bank of Nova Scotia, Penn West Energy, CO3 Energy, Canadian Natural Resources, Mattress Mattress, Snap Fitness, Kal Tire, CARSTAR and professional offices. “Since we’re situated right on the No. 1 Highway, our tenants are in a terrific position to serve travellers, especially those coming in from Saskatchewan,” Skovmose points out. “Medicine Hat is the first major centre on the main route from the east.” That includes a significant number of Americans who come north to shop from the regions in and around Havre, Mt. “We pride ourselves on our flexibility,” Skovmose says. “We’re happy to talk to land developers, retailers, engineering companies and other professional offices. There’s really nothing we can’t do. We can stand back and allow you to develop your own property site within BSBP or we can do the development work for you.” Interested in learning more? Contact Darren Skovmose directly at 403.548.5526 or by email at [email protected].


Costco is one of many big-name tenants in Box Springs Business Park, a large, fast-growing development along the TransCanada Highway.

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Whether companies have large or

small sales teams, they can be struggling! Do we hire? Do we let some go? Do we keep status quo? It is a dilemma for business owners, no doubt. In a robust, thriving economic environment, sales teams can get lazy. They may become more like order takers than hunters. On the other hand, when there is hardship or the economy becomes unhealthy, customers change their buying habits. They become cautious, prudent and make the sales person work for their business. Companies demand more. Sales reps have to re-learn how to sell again. Companies know great sales teams require ongoing training and resources. However, most hire a sales rep with experience so they do not have to provide sales training, right? Whether it is a healthy or unhealthy economic environment, sales training and sales coaching are the missing ingredients. They are a required staple for companies who choose to

stay in the game to grow and prosper. Today more than ever, you must stand out and outsell your competition! Customers want a sales rep to bring resources to the table to get the job done. A business that wants to be known for providing a solution, building relationships, creating superior customer service, or be known as the expert in the field, must hit the reset button and go back to the basics. This means reviewing the sales plan, the forecasting or GAP plan, and resetting the critical success factors and key performance indicators. A successful sales system is a must. A fresh set of eyes may be needed to review the mindset, lead-generation process, unique selling proposition, value proposition and a benefit-selling strategy. It is prudent to review the core values, vision and mission statements that a company needs to provide a clear execution of the sales process. It is a must to examine the follow-up process so prospects do not fall through the cracks and companies do not lose business.

Yes, companies have been spoiled during good times. They may be challenged on how to deal with the slow times they are facing. Sales training and sales coaching may be that continued, crucial missing ingredient. Remember, your customers are your competitor’s prospects. Reset, add the resources

needed for a powerful, new fresh approach for your sales team to achieve sales success and build your business! Mark Bernard is a professional sales trainer and executive coach at Bernard Training Solutions. You can reach him at 403.554.0421, [email protected] or visit bernardtraining.com.

Missing ingredients for small business owners

MARK BERNARDGuest Columnist

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Classic Canadian Tours presents incomparable bear viewing

S easoned travelers can be forgiven if they feel like groaning, “been

there, done that” after glancing at the latest traditional travel brochure. After a while, all the beaches, castles and casinos start to look alike. Entrepreneurs such as Bill Lamberton, who operates Classic Canadian Tours out of Calgary, know the feeling. A veteran of Canada’s aviation industry, Lamberton has visited some of the most exotic destinations on earth – many of them within Canada’s own borders. “It was always my ambition to introduce the people of Canada to the fabulous natural experiences this country has to offer,” recalls Lamberton, who accomplished his goal when he founded Classic Canadian Tours, organizers of the world-famous Polar Bear Safari Tours to Churchill, Man.

“Churchill is a unique Canadian community; it’s really what we’re about. Going off the beaten track and making it easy for people to come with us,” he says. October and November represent prime time for polar bear viewing, although the company also runs a summer tour to Churchill for beluga whale watching and natural history. These are what Lamberton describes as “soft” adventure tours, lasting one or two long, action-packed days, designed for the traveller who likes to discover and explore. “They are very efficient, affordable tours,” Lamberton continues. “We begin by flying a chartered aircraft from our departure gateway cities of Calgary, Edmonton or Saskatoon. In Churchill, we roll along in our extremely safe and comfortable tundra buggies, and our customers always have a ball.” May and June provide the window for Lamberton’s Grizzly Bear West Coast Tour to the magical Khutzeymateen Valley, two hours north of Prince Rupert, B.C. Travelers, accompanied by a guest naturalist, board a chartered flight in

Calgary or Edmonton and enjoy a hot breakfast on the plane. After arrival in the coastal city of Prince Rupert, they are welcomed aboard a beautiful, 72-foot catamaran for a cruise to the fabulous Khutzeymateen, a protected sanctuary for grizzly bears that plays host to the highest concentration of these majestic animals in North America. “We go in at low tide,” Lamberton sets the scene. “We’re comfortably seated in this utterly silent vessel, which features five viewing decks. And the bears are right there on the beaches, feeding on clams and sedge grass. We see everything from moms and cubs to large adult males. And of course, the scenery is stunning.” So peel yourself off that comfortable couch and prepare to be dazzled by a comfortable adventure you’ll remember fondly for the rest of your days. Forfurtherinformation,visitthewebsite classiccanadiantours.com. Orphonetheofficedirectlywithin Calgary at (403) 295-1415 or toll-free at 1-866-460-1415.

Same day return safaris on nonstop jet charters to Churchill from Calgary or Edmonton or Saskatoon are available this fall with Classic Canadian Tours.

Want to read about other successful business leaders?Visit BusinessEdge.ca for your daily dose of inspiration

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Eagle appointment a feather in cap for talon-ted CEOS ARAH KIRKPATRICKBusiness Edge News Magazine


Lyons now pride of Guardian Risk Managers Jamie Lyons has been hired as president of Guardian Risk Managers Ltd. After spending the last 13 years with Guy Carpenter & Company in Toronto, Lyons was most recently managing director and part of the Canadian senior management team. GRM is a leading MGA provider of commercial lines and niche personal line products to more than 500 brokerages across Canada.

Lyons will oversee all aspects of the organization and will be in charge of development and oversight of the strategic growth for Guardian.

Avison Young appoints principal and senior VPHighly regarded commercial real estate investment transaction specialist Ron Perlmutter has joined the Avison Young team in Toronto. He becomes a principal and senior vice-

president of investment management. He will be focusing on sourcing international capital for cross-border real estate acquisitions, identifying properties for investment, and maintaining asset management. Coming directly from Bilifinger Real Estate Asset Management as director of real estate, Perlmutter has more than 30 years of commercial real estate experience, an MBA, and a

BA in engineering science. In addition to his real estate license, Perlmutter is a registered professional engineer in Ontario. “Avison Young possesses a unique international commercial real estate platform that provides local market and operational insights for property investors in Canada, the U.S., Mexico and Europe,” Perlmutter says. “By joining the company, I will be able to enhance


Janis Grantham has been promoted to CEO of staffing agency Eagle Professional Resources from her role as president and COO. Grantham has been with the company since it was founded in 1996 and replaces Kevin Dee, Eagle’s founding CEO. Grantham was named to the first Global 100, a list that recognizes women in staffing. She was also named to the Staffing 100 List, which recognizes the most influential men and women in staffing. Grantham’s resumé includes an MBA from Queen’s University, an ICD.D designation, being named in the PROFIT/Chatelaine W100 and one of Canada’s Top 100 Powerful Women by the Women’s Executive Network.

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my existing international client relationships while introducing new capital sources to our investment management program.”

Dicom receives Grant as CFO Leader in B2B transport Dicom added two members to its leadership team. Andrew Grant, appointed CFO, with more than 20 years of management experience as a CFO, a VP of operations and VP of finance, will lead financial, risk management and administrative initiatives across North America. Joseph Jaska, named VP of operations at Dicom, has close to 30 years of

operations management experience, comes from FFE Transportation Services, where he served as VP operations. He will take on the responsibilities of acquisition integration, expansion of cross-border operations, and some planning and development. Scott Dobak, CEO of Dicom, said of the new hires: “Andrew and Joe have significant industry and operations expertise and will complement the proficiency of our senior leadership team. . . . These management additions are an important part of our relentless commitment to providing Dicom customers with exceptional service.”

Adams joins family at Cogeco Peer 1 B2B service provider Cogeco Peer 1 has announced that Scott Adams will be taking on the role of vice-president and general manager in Canada. Adams is a proven leader in tech, having worked with heavyweights Verizon and IBM. About the appointment, president Philippe Jetté said: “Scott’s proven track record in driving growth and his commitment to the technology sector make him an ideal fit for the position. His extensive experience in colocation, connectivity and managed IT services gives him a great understanding

of how we can enable our customers to grow their business.” Working from Toronto, Adams will be tackling the tactical and strategic business endeavours for the company.

UniversalPegasus aims to Bury competition UniversalPegasus International, under the Huntington Ingalis Industries umbrella, announced the appointment of Greg Bury as new vice


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president of business development across Canada. UniversalPegasus specializes in providing world-class expertise, efficiency and value in project management, engineering and construction management for the energy sector. Bury comes from 30-plus years of business development, most recently from a 300-person engineering, procurement and construction management firm in Calgary. In 2016, Bury was elected president of the Gas Processing Association of Canada. President Philip Luna said: “I look forward to working with Greg in growing UPI’s project management, engineering and construction management services in Canada and continuing our legacy of world-class expertise, efficiency and value.”

Groupe V hires Giguère Groupe V Média has appointed Marc Giguère as VP of growth strategies, to work in a new division of Groupe V focused on alternative monetization. Giguère comes from a background in digital transformation, strategic development, sales, marketing and operations management. Most recently, he was GM of sales at La Presse, where he was directly involved in the monetization of La Presse +.

of investment industry experience and has held portfolio management duties at a large Canadian mutual fund company. Mencke, who holds a BA in administrative and commercial studies and a diploma in accounting, will be appointed co-portfolio manager on Dynamic Canadian Dividend Fund and

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“Marc has solid experience in strategic development, sales, marketing and operations management,” said Maxime Rémillard of Groupe V. “He has worked in digital media, conventional and specialty television, newspapers, radio, magazines and out-of-home media. He also has extensive knowledge of strategies and convergence between the various media. He is an important asset to the company.”

Manifest reveals executive creative director Manifest Communication, a Toronto-based social media and cause-marketing agency has appointed David Daga as executive creative director, a new position within the agency. Daga comes from a role as VP and creative director at Cossette, where he worked for eight years. Daga’s clients have included McDonalds, Intact Insurance and General Mills. “The way I see it, every strong idea ultimately originates with a human insight,” Daga said. “I’m most excited about creating real social change programs and promotions based on these human truths.”

Mencke makes Dynamic move 1832 Asset Management L.P named Eric Mencke to Dynamic Funds as a portfolio manager. Mencke has more than 15 years

Dynamic Income Growth Opportunities Class, working alongside Don Simpson. President and CEO Jordy Chilcott said: “As one of Canada’s largest investment managers, we place an emphasis on bringing on talent – like Mr. Mencke – that allows us to deliver on our active approach to investing.”

The way I see it, every strong idea ultimately originates with

a human insight.David Daga, Manifest Communication

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Page 26

Don’t let snoring and obstructive sleep apnea rob you of a good night’s sleep!

With approximately 50 million people across North

America annually reporting some type of sleep problem – including snoring and the symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) – getting proper rest at night is harder than ever. The “facts” about snoring and OSA are startling: It is no wonder that more and more

people are looking for a solution. That search begins with understanding what snoring and OSA really are. Snoring can be defined as “noisy breathing during sleep”. As your airway closes, it narrows and air rushes through, causing the noisy vibrations we know as snoring. OSA is the far more serious partial or complete collapse of the upper airway or throat causing pauses in breathing (apneas). The pause in breathing lasts at least 10 seconds. Since you are not breathing, the oxygen level drops. This is what alerts the brain to lighten the stage of sleep or wake you up, causing poor sleep patterns. Even if the airway is only partially blocked, breathing is decreased enough to lower oxygen levels. Fortunately, these conditions can be treated with a long-term proven method called Oral Appliance Therapy

(known as OAT), available from the Aurum Group through your dentist. These oral appliances are custom-made, mouthpiece-like devices that are moulded to the specific shape of your teeth and mouth. They work by moving your jaw forward, pulling your tongue away from the back of your throat, thereby increasing the size of the upper airway and reducing the air resistance that leads to sleep apnea and snoring. Non-invasive, reversible, small and portable, OAT appliances make no noise while in use, are more comfortable and are considered “more attractive” to bed partners than the mask used for other treatment alternatives such as CPAP. Get a good night’s sleep tonight! Ask your dentist about the range of clinically proven OAT appliances from the Aurum Group!

Learn more at aurumgroup.com.

• Persons most at risk are males (9% of women and 24% of men age 30-60 have some degree of OSA) and those who are overweight

• Surveys tell us that the incidence of snoring is several times those numbers

• Snoring usually becomes more serious as people age

• About one-half of people who snore loudly have obstructive sleep apnea

• The list of serious and sometimes life-threatening conditions linked to OSA is extensive: chronic daytime sleepiness; high blood pressure; heart attack; stroke; heartburn/reflux; morning headaches; depression and more.

• While not life-threatening on its own, snoring can seriously affect quality of life and has become a significant concern to bed partners and health professionals alike.

Like what you are reading?Go to BusinessEdge.ca for more edgy business coverage

More and more people are looking for a solution. That search begins with understanding what snoring and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) really are.

Page 27

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Page 28

This page is usually reserved for my

humour column, but for this issue I instead pay tribute to Tom Keyser, who suffered a fatal heart attack on Oct. 2. Tom was a great friend to many and was a faithful, loving husband, father and grandfather. He was my main writer for Business Edge News Magazine, penning nearly all front-page 20 Questions profiles and features on specific companies for the last several years. One of the most creative storytellers in the country, he was also a remarkably efficient writer. Tom worked out of the Business Edge office on occasion, and I always marvelled at his speed. Watching him write was like watching a concert pianist; words flowed with uncommon ease and beauty. I will never forget the first time he wrote an advertorial feature (no byline as it was not editorial) for one of my customers. He drove from his home in southwest Calgary to interview my client in his downtown office at 10 a.m.

Paying tribute to a wonderful writer and magnificent man

ROB DRI SCOLLBusiness Edge publisher and columnist

At 10:30, my client called me, quite perturbed. “Your writer took off just as we were starting to tell our story!” he said. I was remiss in failing to mention that Tom could be more than a little blunt. He was the furthest thing from a corporate ass-kisser. That client paid upwards of $7,000 for that feature and expected to have more time with my star writer. I apologized and explained that Tom had probably done a lot of research and was unlikely to disappoint with his writing. My customer was skeptical. Tom submitted the feature at 12:30 p.m., less than two hours after his abrupt departure . . . and he had a 30-minute drive home! I waited 48 hours to send the feature to the client as it would only make matters worse if he knew that Tom took less than 90 minutes to write this expensive feature.

When I finally forwarded the story, I was aware that although I thought it was a great read, the client might not see through his bias from the disappointing interview experience. My customer called within an hour: “I have no idea how he did it, but he nailed it! He told our story better than any of us ever have!” Phew! Another happy customer, and another example of how Tom’s pen was mightier than the sordid. If you did not have the pleasure of knowing Tom Keyser and/or his writing, please check out his Facebook page, on which tributes continue to pour in. Tom used Facebook to make us all chuckle and to inspire us with noteworthy performances, milestones and achievements. The dude was a hippie who lived life to the fullest in the 1960s and ‘70s, at one time partying with the Grateful Dead in a hotel room.

His favourite Facebook topics were music and baseball but he highlighted many genres. As one of Tom’s former Calgary Herald colleagues put it, his Facebook page is “a wonderful archive of wise suggestions on music and literature, and a fine example of the art of critical thinking.” I will leave you with Tom’s final Facebook post on Oct. 1, the day before he died, far too young at 68. It was typically colourful as he delivered a YouTube link to the 1968 classic Night of the Living Dead: “My lowlife friends and I bought a bunch of cheap wine and watched this gobsmacker of a horror movie at a drive-in during its initial run, having no idea what we were in for. Not that we didn’t enjoy watching a teenage girl zombie drive a garden trowel into Don Rickles’ face.” Thanks for the memories, Tom. Rest in peace!

Page 29

capitalNOW introduces factoring-backed investment opportunity

By now, most of us have heard of factoring, also known as

accounts-receivable financing. It has become a highly effective way for business owners and executives to inject cash and emerge from cash-flow crises without negatively affecting the core business. Alberta-based capitalNOW has become a leader in helping Canadian companies through factoring. In so doing, they have also created an exceptional investment opportunity. Kerry Lum of capitalNOW explains the business model: “There is no shortage of Canadian companies looking for capital, and there is a steady stream of companies approaching capitalNOW for accounts-receivable financing. We only work with proven businesses and always verify the legitimacy of the invoices that we are purchasing. “We pay 75% of the invoice value and then, once the invoice has been paid in full, we pay back the factoring customer’s remaining 25% less our fee. This gives our customers fast access to cash when they most need it, and it gives capitalNOW a predictable income stream. It is, indeed, a foolproof model, particularly since capitalNOW has been in the game for many years and has fine-tuned the process.

That reliable income stream and steady demand from businesses experiencing temporary cash crunches translate to a great opportunity for investors. Investors can participate at a comfortable level and reap the benefits of capitalNOW’s proven business model. The returns are excellent and the payout is fast. “We are now accepting new investors who are interested in benefitting from our factoring-backed investment model,” says Lum. Meanwhile, if your business is in need of immediate financing, capitalNOW is set up to solve your cash flow shortage, often caused by

timing problems or rapid growth. The application process is simple, quick and your company’s credit worthiness is irrelevant. Your quality invoices and your customers’ ability to pay are capitalNOW’s only concerns. capitalNOW can fund your first invoice within 24-48 hours of product delivery or service completion, and can fund subsequent invoices in a matter of hours. For more information on investing through captialNOW or accessing accounts-receivable financing, visit capitalnow.ca or contact capitalNOW principal Gerry Wawzonek at 403.617.2075 or [email protected]


Investors can participate at a comfortable level and reap the benefits of capitalNOW’s proven business model. The returns are excellent and the payout is fast.

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