ETIP SNET New 2017-2020 Implementation Plan Konstantin Staschus, Chairman European Utility Week Summit 5 October 2017

ETIP SNET: New 2017-2020 Implementation Plan

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Page 1: ETIP SNET: New 2017-2020 Implementation Plan

ETIP SNET New 2017-2020

Implementation Plan

Konstantin Staschus, Chairman

European Utility Week


5 October 2017

Page 2: ETIP SNET: New 2017-2020 Implementation Plan

EU policy framework

The ETIP-SNET: the European platform addressing the energy system as a whole

The new ETIP SNET Implementation Plan


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EU policy framework

The ETIP-SNET: the European platform addressing the energy system as a whole

The new ETIP SNET Implementation Plan


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2015: Energy Union – Priorities• Energy security, solidarity and trust

• A fully integrated European energy market

• Energy Efficiency (EE) first: moderation of demand

• Transition to a low-carbon society: decarbonising the economy,

• Research, Innovation and Competitiveness

European R&I energy policies

2008: The SET Plan -20 % GHG


20% Renewable


20 % Energy



• Individual Technologies → Energy system

• Policy challenges− Consumer at the centre

− Energy efficiency (demand)

− System optimisation

− Technologies (supply)

2014: Towards an Integrated Roadmap

-40 % GHG


27% Renewable


27 % Energy


Not binding

* Compared to 1990 ** compared to BAU

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The New SET Plan key actions

1.Performant renewable technologies integrated in the system

2.Reduce costs of renewable technologies

3.New technologies & services for consumers

4.Resilience & security of energy system

5.New materials & technologies for buildings

6.Energy efficiency for industry

7.Competitive in global battery sector (e-mobility)

8.Renewable fuels

9.Set up R&I activities applying CCS and CCU

10.Maintain safety level & improve efficiency in nuclear energy

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EU policy framework

The ETIP-SNET: a new platform addressing the energy system as a whole

The new ETIP SNET Implementation Plan


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From a fragmented EU advisoryto an integrated framework

Main objective is to address the innovation challenges in energy

system and market evolution necessary for achieving climate

protection and renewables integration with affordability and security

of supply ... beyond smart electricity grids (whole energy system)

A new focus on

innovation /

implementation and

on sector coupling

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ETIP SNET’s stakeholders

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EU policy framework

The ETIP-SNET: the European platform addressing the energy system as a whole

The new ETIP SNET Implementation Plan


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From silo to integrated transversal approach

o innovative structure reflecting the broaden scope of the ETIP SNET

Structure of the WGs

inputs to the IP







Storage & sector












& sector


Structure the ETIP

SNET roadmap






Final structure of the IP

Improved components of the

energy system

High-RES and empowered end-

user energy system:

governance and market design

Digitalisation of the energy


Integrated grid with improved

interfaces between energy

system components

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Storage, sector interfaces

Flexible generation


Structure of the initial draft IP

New structure of the IP: highlight the synergies and interfaces within the energy system

Improved components of the energy system: electricity networks (transmission & distribution), generation units (thermal, variable renewable, hydro, etc.) and storage

Digitalisation of the energy system

High-RES and empowered end-user energy system: governance and market design

Integrated grid with improved interfaces between energy system components (such as gas and heat)

56 topics

39 topics


of synergies

between topics

From 56 bottom-up topics to 39

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• 39 topics have been identified and positioned in the structure adopted

Improved components of

the energy system

High-RES and empowered end-

user energy system:

governance and market design

Digitalisation of the energy


Integrated grid with

improved interfaces

between energy system





2 topics ELEC-HEAT

1 topic ELEC-GAS






2 topics STORAGE


+ 1 joint T-D

Number of topics per chapter

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High-res and empowered end-user energy system: governance and market design

Governance and market design

o Organize the operations of the energy system and the associated interactions between the different stakeholders, and market rules (integration of renewables and empowering prosumers)

o Topic 1: a more efficient IEM accounting for grid flexibility, market integration of RES and associated services, and explicit modelling of uncertainties to increase cross-border exchange;

o Topic 2: flexibility market concept that allows the trading of ‘heterogeneous’ flexibility products (coupling electricity, heat and gas markets, both at the wholesale and retail level);

o Topic 3: solutions to re-organize the respective roles and interactions of all stakeholders of the energy system, and define the technical interfaces.

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Focus on topic 2: heterogeneous flexibility products

Specific challenge

o New flexibility (energy storage, cross-border interconnectors, EVs, DR, interfaces between energy networks , etc.) products to be introduced in the balancing market.

o New design allowing the trading of the different flexibility products, especially different energy markets (electricity, gas and, where existing, heat) when there is a conversion in the energy carriers (e.g. P2G).

o Facilitate and increase the liquidity of the flexibility market and increase the demand for flexibility, all heterogeneous flexibility users and products to be combined under a new flexibility market concept.

Target TRL: 3-5

Estimated budget: 10 M€

Expected outcomes

o Expected project outputs are flexibility market concept ready for integration and implementation within the current energy markets across the EU.

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Digitalisation of the energy system

Digitalisation of the energy system

o Smart networks, thanks to a full digitalization of the power system (energy system) allow the enhanced monitoring, automation and control of the existing networks while ensuring that all involved stakeholders can interact.

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Digitalisation of the energy system

o Topic 4: overview of the development of a suitable ICT infrastructure, data availability and common standards for data exchange which will help to connect efficiently network operators and market players (including prosumers);

o Topic 5: design and the demonstration of specific ICT solutions for market players;

o Topic 6: design and demonstration of specific ICT solution, with the associated business models, allowing the end-users’ participation in energy markets;

o Topic 7 : specify and demonstrate for the future energy system the digital technologies ensuring system reliability.

The full digitalisation of the energy system will bring new opportunities (e.g. Internet of Things -IoT) and challenges (e.g. cybersecurity) which are addressed in two topics:

o Topic 8: how to make use of IoT and data mining techniques (big data) to develop smart asset management strategies;

o Topic 9: assess in depth cybersecurity issues and propose solutions so as to maintain the system robust against possible cyber threats.

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Integrated grid with improved interfaces between energy system componets

Synergies between electricity and heat systems

Synergies between electricity and gas

Synergies between electricity transmission networks, generation and storage

Synergies between electricity distribution networks and their interfaces

Coupling between flexible generation and storage

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Improved components of the energy system

Joint transmission and distribution issues

Transmission networks

Distribution networks

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Improved components of the energy system

Storage units

Thermal generation

Variable RES

Hydro plants

Cross-cutting topic

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Structure of the implementation plan (IP)

Selection of the topics: from 59 to 39 topics

Examples of selected topics

Next steps for the next IP


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A practical guide

for public and private

R&I decision makers at

EU, National, Regional level

and even Global level

The Implementation Plan 2017-2020

Download at: www.etip-snet.eu/publications/etip-publications

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Next steps in the ETIP SNET process hierarchy

EC workprogramme


3-year R&I needs



ETIP SNET 10-year R&I needs

Roadmap 2017-2026

Roadmap 2020-2029

ETIP-SNET energy system vision + scenarios (2030 -2050)

• Member States

• ETIP SNET experts (WGs)

• Public consultation

• Regional workhops

• Monitoring of projects

ETIP SNET experts (WGs)

EC consultation process

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Thank you for yourattention

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More information:


[email protected]



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Set-out a vision for RD&I for Smart Networks for Energy Transition and engage stakeholders in this vision.

Prepare and update the Strategic Research and Innovation Roadmap.

Report on the implementation of RD&I activities at European, national/regional and industrial levels.

Provide input to the SET Plan action 4 which addresses the technical challenges raised by the transformation of the energy system.

Identify innovation barriers, notably related to regulation and financing.

Develop enhanced knowledge-sharing mechanisms that help bring RD&I results to deployment.

Prepare consolidated stakeholder views on Research and Innovation to European Energy Policy initiatives.

ETIP SNET’s mission

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ETIP SNET’s organisation

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Initial structure of the implementation plan (based on 10 year Roadmap structure)

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Focus on topic 8: Big Data, IOT and IIOT

Specific challenge

o Identification of possibilities, digital issues and market opportunities related to big data and IOT and the

energy system

Target TRL: 5-9

Estimated budget: 20 M€

Expected outcomes:

o Understanding and development of technologies, related to Big data, IOT , IIOT and interfaces, enabling full functioning smart grid system.

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Synergies between electricity and heat systems. Focus on topic 12: coupling electricity and thermal sector

Specific challenge

o More excess heat is being wasted around Europe from power plants, industry, and waste incineration than required to heat all buildings in Europe. Only a small amount of this excess heat is currently being utilised(~10%). The aim of topic 11 is to create projects that accelerate the use of excess heat and by doing so, replace the use of fossil fuels such as oil and natural gas.

Target TRL: 4-6

Estimated budget: 10 M€

Expected outcomes

o Energy and carbon dioxide savings by replacing fossil fuels with excess and renewable heat

o Improved security of supply due to a reduction of fossil fuel imports

o Faster deployment of proven thermal storage technologies by identifying, designing, and promoting new projects around Europe

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Synergies between electricity and gas. Focus on topic 12: coupling electricity and gas sectors

Specific challenge

o The existing gas network could become obsolete (decreasing demand from households). Instead of dismantling in some cases, the challenge is to find a new role of the existing network as part of a Power-to-gas solution (methane, hydrogen, etc.) which offers an additional coupling between energy sectors and which has significant benefits in terms of increased renewable integration, flexibility options, optimized operation, long-term large-scale storage possibilities.

Target TRL: 4-8

Estimated budget: 30 M€

Expected outcomes

o Estimation of market size, opportunities.o Economic and technical feasibility.o Business models.o Demonstration of this type of storage. Network operators can use the results to promote generation with storage,

so the investments in the electricity grid can be reduced.

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Focus on topic 21: Smart asset management using innovative

hardware and software

Specific challenge

o Assets are exposed to new operating conditions and patterns. Maintenance becomes key to ensure the proper performance of the assets and improve each of the four link in the value chain: 1) lifetime prediction modelling, 2) definition of new and reliable monitoring systems, 3) specifying and developing new workable frameworks and 4) demonstrating implementation, scaling up and replication at effective cost.

Target TRL: 6-8

Estimated budget: 14 M€

Expected outcomes

o New approaches for extending lifetime of existing power components based on improved monitoring, measurements and models to determine their health and remaining lifetime in the future

o Novel approaches for managing critical assets based on probabilistic risk assessment and optimization of maintenance planning

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Focus on topic 26: Cross-border use of ancillary and

flexibility services

Specific challenge

o The cross-border use of ancillary and flexibility services plays a key role in the most cost effective way since they increase system’s stability ensuring at the same time a smoother transition to the large penetration of RES.

Target TRL: 5-8

Estimated budget: 10 M€

Expected outcomes

o New market-design proposal, prototypes, and simulation tools.

o Demonstration of effective solutions for cross-border exchange of ancillary services.

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Focus on topic 29: Cross-border use of ancillary and

flexibility services

Specific challenge

o Smart meter roll-out will result in the collection of large amounts of data that can enhance grid operation on one side and will necessitate large adaptation of information systems on the other side. In addition to this, electronics industry offers innovative solutions that can improve grid operation optimising network flexibility and facilitating the integration of renewable generation on distribution networks.

Target TRL: 5-8

Estimated budget: 40 M€

Expected outcomes

o Demonstration of benefits (operational, planning) thanks to improved data analytics (AI, machine learning…) and data collection and processing

o Tools to adequately process big data and related architecture

o Execution of pilot projects with field test environments including the implementation of platforms in real life trials

o Increased distribution system flexibility, stability and security achieved also through improved system design.

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Focus on topic 31: Advanced energy storage technologies for

energy and power applications

Specific challenge

o Energy storage technologies for energy and power applications, such as balancing, seem to be still far to meet technical and economic targets. The principal challenges to focus on are: identify use cases of storage in the various services it may provide to the grid, cost competitive energy storage technology, validated reliability and safety, equitable regulatory environment.

Target TRL: 4-8

Estimated budget: 30 M€

Expected outcomes

o Demonstrations in an operational environment.

o Energy storage solutions to be broadly deployed for decarbonising the European economy and

ensuring the energy transition.

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Focus on topic 33: Developing the next generation of flexible

thermal power generation

Specific challenge

o Component improvementso Improved operational flexibilityo Overall performance improvements (efficiency and emissions) at part loado Enhanced thermal power plant robustness (reduce maintenance and repair costs)o Enable multi fuel operationo Novel monitoring and controlo Digitization

Target TRL: 3-7

Estimated budget: 65 M€

Expected outcomes

o Technology developments and/or pilot or plant demonstration of thermal power plant flexibility improvement achieved by candidate hardware adaptations and control system up-grades. Projects could also provide recommendations on best practices for new plans in the future.

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Focus on topic 35: Improved flexibility and service

capabilities of RES to provide the necessary ancillary services

Specific challenge

o Improvement of renewables generators for better adaptation for provision of ancillary serviceso New control strategies with support services like storage and manageable RESo Instability mitigation of RES, new strategies to define stability criteria in future scenarioso Investigate different energy mix configurations to ensure electrical system stabilityo Communication protocols with storage systems with PEC

Target TRL: 3-6

Estimated budget: 25-30 M€

Expected outcomes

o RES generators supporting the path towards a 100% RES electrical system with ancillary services provided by RES while ensuring the stability and reliability of the grid.