Enabling Knowledge for Disaster Risk Reduction in integration to Climate Change Adaptation National Seminar Workshop Scientific Knowledge and the Risks implied by DRR and CCA Legislations Residencia de Estudiantes. Madrid, Spain. 17-18 November 2014 KNOW4DRR Na+onal Seminar Workshop 1718 November 2014. Residencia de Estudiantes, Madrid, Spain Scien+fic Knowledge and the Risks implied by DRR and CCA Legisla+onsCSIC (María José Jiménez, Mariano GarcíaFernández)

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Enabling Knowledge for Disaster Risk Reduction in integration to Climate Change Adaptation

National Seminar Workshop Scientific Knowledge and the Risks implied

by DRR and CCA Legislations Residencia de Estudiantes. Madrid, Spain. 17-18 November 2014

KNOW-­‐4-­‐DRR  Na+onal  Seminar  Workshop  17-­‐18  November  2014.  Residencia  de  Estudiantes,  Madrid,  Spain  


“Scien+fic  Knowledge  and  the  Risks  implied  by  DRR  and  CCA  Legisla+ons”

CSIC  (María  José  Jiménez,  Mariano  García-­‐Fernández)  

Enabling Knowledge for Disaster Risk Reduction in integration to Climate Change Adaptation

National Seminar Workshop Scientific Knowledge and the Risks implied

by DRR and CCA Legislations Residencia de Estudiantes. Madrid, Spain. 17-18 November 2014

Workshop  Day  1:  Monday,  17th  November  2014

13:30-­‐14:30 Welcome  and  Coffee/Tea/light  Lunch

A@ernoon  Session  1  (Chair:    Mariano  García-­‐Fernández)

14:30  –  14:45 Brief  presenta+on/update    of  KNOW4DRR

Scira  Menoni

KNOW-­‐4-­‐DRR  Coord.

Politecnico  Milano

14:45  –  15:00 Introduc+on  of  Par+cipants All

15:00  –  15:15 Introduc+on  to  the  Workshop

María  José  Jiménez  &  Mariano  García

IGEO  –  CSIC,  Madrid

15:15  –  15:45 “Disaster  mi+ga+on  and  climate  change  adapta+on  in  +mes  of  economic  crisis:  

Summary  of  results  of  KNOW4DRR  Workshop    in  Athens,  Greece  on  April  7,  2014”

Miranda  Dandoulaki  Harokopio  University


15:45  –  16:15 “Scien+fic  knowledge,  disaster  risk  reduc+on  and  adapta+on  to  climate  change:  

problems  and  opportuni+es  in  Spain.  Summary  of  results  of  KNOW4DRR  preparatory  workshop  in  Madrid,  Spain  on  April  29,  2014”

María  José  Jiménez

IGEO  –CSIC,  Madrid

16:15  –  16:30 Coffee  break

Enabling Knowledge for Disaster Risk Reduction in integration to Climate Change Adaptation

National Seminar Workshop Scientific Knowledge and the Risks implied

by DRR and CCA Legislations Residencia de Estudiantes. Madrid, Spain. 17-18 November 2014

Workshop  Day  1:  Monday,  17th  November  2014

A@ernoon  Session  2  (Chair:    Mariano  García-­‐Fernández)

16:30  –  17:00 “Natural  Hazards  and  Climate  Change  in  the  Na+onal  Security  Strategy  (Spain)” José  Luis  González

Depart.  of  Homeland  Security,  Spain

17:00  –  17:30 “CCS  and  Risk  Management:  Legisla+on  and  Regula+ons” Alfonso  Nájera

Consorcio  Compensación  Seguros,  MEC,  Spain

17:30  – Guided    visit  to  “Residencia  de  Estudiantes”

20:00  – Workshop    Dinner    (“La  Tierruca”  Avda.  Nazaret,  8,  28009  Madrid)

Enabling Knowledge for Disaster Risk Reduction in integration to Climate Change Adaptation

National Seminar Workshop Scientific Knowledge and the Risks implied

by DRR and CCA Legislations Residencia de Estudiantes. Madrid, Spain. 17-18 November 2014

Workshop  Day  1  Monday,  17th  November  2014  

Enabling Knowledge for Disaster Risk Reduction in integration to Climate Change Adaptation

National Seminar Workshop Scientific Knowledge and the Risks implied

by DRR and CCA Legislations Residencia de Estudiantes. Madrid, Spain. 17-18 November 2014

  Economic   crisis:  No   relevant   trend  on   increasing   losses   in  Spain.   Actually,   CCS   lowered   the   fees   because   excess   on  accumula+on  of  resources.  Sta+s+cs  show  no  effect  in  last  35  years  (A.  Nájera,  CCS)  

  Economic  crisis:  Slowing  down  trend  of  increased  flood  risk  associated   to   increased   building   construc+on   in   exposed  areas  in  Spain  (J.  Marquínez,  INDUROT)  

  Economic  crisis:  Increased  risk  in  the  case  of  forest  fires  in  Greece  (M.  Dandoulaki,  Harokopio  Univ.)  

  Corrup+on  diminishes  with  crisis:  “Cake”  smaller  size  (B.  de  Marchi,  POLIMI)  

Enabling Knowledge for Disaster Risk Reduction in integration to Climate Change Adaptation

National Seminar Workshop Scientific Knowledge and the Risks implied

by DRR and CCA Legislations Residencia de Estudiantes. Madrid, Spain. 17-18 November 2014

  Economic  crisis:  Relevant  effect  in  competencies  in  Italy  (F.  Puma,  Po  River  Basin  Auth.,  cited  by  S.  Menoni,  POLIMI)  

Before  crisis,  high  budgets  →  subcontrac+ng  At   present,   work   carried   out   internally   →   Fostering  collabora+on  among  ins+tu+ons  

  Spanish   Na+onal   Security   Strategy   2013.   CC   major  environmental  &  socioeconomic  challenge  of  the  21st  c.  CC  key   element,   can   become   a   threat  mul+plier.   CC   provides  opportunity   for  a  more   sustainable  model  of  development  (J.L.  González,  NSD)  

  Losses   put   pressure   on   legal   rules:   Governments,  Policyholders,  Insurers  (A.  Nájera,  CCS)  

Enabling Knowledge for Disaster Risk Reduction in integration to Climate Change Adaptation

National Seminar Workshop Scientific Knowledge and the Risks implied

by DRR and CCA Legislations Residencia de Estudiantes. Madrid, Spain. 17-18 November 2014

Workshop  Day  2:  Tuesday,  18th  November  2014

Morning  Session  1  (Chair:  Bruna  de  Marchi)

09:00-­‐09:30 "Legisla+on  to  hydrological  extremes:  Effec+ve  risk  reduc+on  measure?" Jorge  Olcina

University  of  Alicante

09:30-­‐10:00 Flood  risk  management  in  Spain  and  European  Flood  Direc+ve Jorge  Marquinez


10:00  –  10:30 “Seismic  Risk  Protec+on  Regula+ons:  from  Na+onal  to  local  scales” Mercedes  Feriche

Inst.  Univ.  Andaluz  de  Geoesica  y  Prevención  de  Desastres  Sísmicos

10:30  –  11:00 "Insurance  and  regula+ons  in  DRR  &  CCA:  cri+cal  issues" Roland  Nussbaum

Mission  Risques  Naturels,  Paris

11:00  –  11:30 “Accountability  issues  in  emergency  management  and  opera+ons” Rosa  Mata

Civil  Protecfon  Catalonia

11:30  –  12:00 Coffee  break

Enabling Knowledge for Disaster Risk Reduction in integration to Climate Change Adaptation

National Seminar Workshop Scientific Knowledge and the Risks implied

by DRR and CCA Legislations Residencia de Estudiantes. Madrid, Spain. 17-18 November 2014

Workshop  Day  2:  Tuesday,  18th  November  2014

Morning  Session  2  (Chair:  Scira  Menoni)

12:00  –  12:30 “Natural  hazards  in  legal  prac+ce” Eduard  De  Ribot

DA  Advocats,  Barcelona

12:30  –  13:00 “Scien+sts  facing  courts.  Today’s  challenges  of  providing  scien+fic  exper+se  on  risk  issues  in  uncertain  environments”

Davide  Amato

Cima  Foundafon,  Italy

12:30  –  13:00 "Problems  of  scien+fic  advice  in  emergency  communica+on  and  management"

Bruna  de  Marchi Politecnico  Milano

13:30  –  14:00 “Challenges  for  governance  in  the  risk  society” Urbano  Fra  Paleo

Univ.  Extremadura

14:00  –  15:00 Lunch  break

Enabling Knowledge for Disaster Risk Reduction in integration to Climate Change Adaptation

National Seminar Workshop Scientific Knowledge and the Risks implied

by DRR and CCA Legislations Residencia de Estudiantes. Madrid, Spain. 17-18 November 2014

Workshop  Day  2  Tuesday,  18th  November  2014  

Enabling Knowledge for Disaster Risk Reduction in integration to Climate Change Adaptation

National Seminar Workshop Scientific Knowledge and the Risks implied

by DRR and CCA Legislations Residencia de Estudiantes. Madrid, Spain. 17-18 November 2014

  Last   30   years   increased   popula+on,   housing  &   economy   in  coastal   areas   of   Spain.   New   factor:   Foreign   residents   &  labour  immigrants  (J.  Olcina,  Univ.  Alicante)  

+  popula+on  →  +  vulnerability    Foreign  popula+on  →  more  vulnerable  

  “Risk   landscapes”:   hazardous   areas   with   high   vulnerability.  Risk   depending   on   type   of   land   occupa+on   and   social  acceptance  of  risk  (J.  Olcina,  Univ.  Alicante)  

  “Decoupling”   between   land   use   planning   and   risk  management  

  Regional   spa+al   planning   failed.   Land   use   by  municipali+es  without   formal   spa+al   planning   (using   60’s   70’s   plans)   (J.  Olcina,  Univ.  Alicante)  

Enabling Knowledge for Disaster Risk Reduction in integration to Climate Change Adaptation

National Seminar Workshop Scientific Knowledge and the Risks implied

by DRR and CCA Legislations Residencia de Estudiantes. Madrid, Spain. 17-18 November 2014

    Cost/Benefit   analysis:   Challenge   for   new   plans   on   flood  management  (J.  Marquínez,  INDUROT)  

  Local   Emergency   Plans   for   municipali+es   in   Andalucía  compulsory   above   a   threshold.   No   budget   allocated   (M.  Feriche,  IAG)  

  Core  risk    financing  op+ons:    Risk    Reten+on,  Risk  Transfer,  Risk  Sharing  (R.  Nussbaum,  ONRN)  

  Cost   for   insurance   companies:   70-­‐80%   Risk,   20-­‐30%  Management  (R.  Nussbaum,  ONRN)  

Enabling Knowledge for Disaster Risk Reduction in integration to Climate Change Adaptation

National Seminar Workshop Scientific Knowledge and the Risks implied

by DRR and CCA Legislations Residencia de Estudiantes. Madrid, Spain. 17-18 November 2014

 Household   &   Business   Insurance   main   tool   for   increasing  resilience  against  disasters  (R.  Nussbaum,  ONRN)  

 Map   of   Civil   Protec+on   of   Catalunya:   Public   Web   app  hnp://taure.icc.cat/pcivil/map.jsp  (R.  Mata,  CPC)  

 Precau+onary   Principle   (scien+fic   data   insufficient,  inconclusive  or  uncertain  /  preliminary  scien+fic  evalua+on  shows  poten+ally  dangerous  effects  reasonably  be  feared)  to  be  included  in  land  use  and  urban  planning    (E.  De  Ribot,  DAA)  

 Many   laws   and   regula+ons   for   natural   hazards.   There  should  be  a  Comprehensive  Law  (E.  De  Ribot,  DAA)  

Enabling Knowledge for Disaster Risk Reduction in integration to Climate Change Adaptation

National Seminar Workshop Scientific Knowledge and the Risks implied

by DRR and CCA Legislations Residencia de Estudiantes. Madrid, Spain. 17-18 November 2014

  Sufficient  laws  exists,  but  reality  is  s+ll  in  progress.  What  Is  and  What  Ought  to  Be  (E.  De  Ribot,  DAA)  

  The   “Performance   Paradox”   in   forecast/predic+on   (D.  Amato,  CIMA)  

  Dis+nc+on   between   voluntary   choices   vs   contractual  obliga+ons  (D.  Amato,  CIMA)  

  Community   par+cipa+on   to   emergency   planning   (D.  Amato,  CIMA)  

  Contamina+on   of   knowledge   –   Common   Glossary   (D.  Amato,  CIMA)  

Enabling Knowledge for Disaster Risk Reduction in integration to Climate Change Adaptation

National Seminar Workshop Scientific Knowledge and the Risks implied

by DRR and CCA Legislations Residencia de Estudiantes. Madrid, Spain. 17-18 November 2014

 Science   advice   is   largely   sought   in   dealing   with   sensi+ve  maners   of   high   public   concern   and   inevitably   associated  with   uncertainty   and   considerable   scien+fic   and   poli+cal  complexity  (P.  Gluckman,  cited  by  B.  De  Marchi,  POLIMI)  

 R.A.   Pielke,1999.   “Nine   fallacies   of   floods”   (U.   Fra   Paleo,  Univ.  Extremadura)  

 The   unfolding   of   risk   governance:   Disaster   Response   →  Disaster  Management  →  Emergency   Preparedness  →  Risk  Management   →   Risk   Governance   (U.   Fra   Paleo,   Univ.  Extremadura)  

Enabling Knowledge for Disaster Risk Reduction in integration to Climate Change Adaptation

National Seminar Workshop Scientific Knowledge and the Risks implied

by DRR and CCA Legislations Residencia de Estudiantes. Madrid, Spain. 17-18 November 2014

Workshop  Day  2:  Tuesday,  18th  November  2014

A@ernoon    Session  1  (Chair:  María  José  Jiménez)

15:00  –  16:00 Panel  Discussion  1

“Approaches,  scales  and  methods  in  laws,  regulafons,  codes  and  standards:  are  those  most  adapted  always  implemented  in  legislafons?”

Patrick  Pigeon  (Chair) Miranda  Dandoulaki

Jorge  Olcina

16:00  –  16:15 15’  Break

16:15  –  17:15 Panel  Discussion  2

“DRR  and  CCA  legislafon:  Roles,  responsibilifes,  and  accountability  among  the  different  actors”

Funda  Atun  (Chair) Scira  Menoni

Urbano  Fra  Paleo

17:15 Closing  and  Coffee/Tea/Drinks

Enabling Knowledge for Disaster Risk Reduction in integration to Climate Change Adaptation

National Seminar Workshop Scientific Knowledge and the Risks implied

by DRR and CCA Legislations Residencia de Estudiantes. Madrid, Spain. 17-18 November 2014

Workshop  Day  2  Tuesday,  18th  November  2014  

Panel  Discussion  1  &  2  

Enabling Knowledge for Disaster Risk Reduction in integration to Climate Change Adaptation

National Seminar Workshop Scientific Knowledge and the Risks implied

by DRR and CCA Legislations Residencia de Estudiantes. Madrid, Spain. 17-18 November 2014

  Legisla+on  in  Spain:  Weak   link  between  land  use  planning  and   risk  management.   Failure   of   regional   scale   (J.  Olcina,  Univ.  Alicante)  

  Not  assumed  local  scale  is  most  important  in  risk  reduc+on  and  management  (J.  Olcina,  Univ.  Alicante)  

  Legisla+on   in   Greece:   Massive   issue   of   “legal   formalism”  which   stands   in   the   way   of   effec+ve   and   efficient  governance  (M.  Dandoulaki,  Harokopio  Univ.)  

  WWF   Hellas   2013   Annual   Report:   Severe   drawback   in  environmental  policies,  both  in  terms  of  loss  of  established  environmental   rights   and   deteriora+on   of   environmental  law  (M.  Dandoulaki,  Harokopio  Univ.)  

Enabling Knowledge for Disaster Risk Reduction in integration to Climate Change Adaptation

National Seminar Workshop Scientific Knowledge and the Risks implied

by DRR and CCA Legislations Residencia de Estudiantes. Madrid, Spain. 17-18 November 2014

 France:   Discrepancies   between   DRR   policies   and   building  code  implementa+on  (P.  Pigeon,  Univ.  Savoie)  

   Challenges:  (a)  Living  with  uncertain+es;  (b)  What  tools  to  create  a  shared  culture  around  the  necessity  of  DRR  policies  and  their  limita+ons  (P.  Pigeon,  Univ.  Savoie)  

 Available   resources   and   legisla+on   changes   might  exacerbate  hazard  consequences  (F.  Atun,  POLIMI)  

 Two   fundamental   tools:   (1)   Land   use   (Interacfon   among  elements);   (2)   Communica+on   (Need   for   “brokers”.   Olen  media  is  focusing  on  “sufferers/heroes”).  (F.  Atun,  POLIMI)  

Enabling Knowledge for Disaster Risk Reduction in integration to Climate Change Adaptation

National Seminar Workshop Scientific Knowledge and the Risks implied

by DRR and CCA Legislations Residencia de Estudiantes. Madrid, Spain. 17-18 November 2014

 Need   for   a   shir   to   a   transparency   culture   in   which   all  informa+on   and   knowledge   should   be   shared   within  ins+tu+ons   to   build   a   social   construc+on   of   risk   (U.   Fra  Paleo,  Univ.  Extremadura)  

 Share   the   building   of   future   scenarios.   Key   to   socially  construct  risk  governance  (U.  Fra  Paleo,  Univ.  Extremadura)  

 Try   to   avoid   li+ga+on;   e.g.,   by   insurance   (R.   Nussbaum,  ONRN)  

Enabling Knowledge for Disaster Risk Reduction in integration to Climate Change Adaptation

National Seminar Workshop Scientific Knowledge and the Risks implied

by DRR and CCA Legislations Residencia de Estudiantes. Madrid, Spain. 17-18 November 2014