“Livelihood Security of Farmers through effective management of available natural resources.” Sustainable Watershed Development Program (2016-17) A PROJECT BY ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------- SEVAPATH FOUNDATION Aurangabad Contact no. - 9405420215 E-mail- [email protected] SEVAPATH JALDOOT PROJECT”

Sevapath water ppt

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“Livelihood Security of Farmers through effective management of available natural resources.”

Sustainable Watershed Development Program (2016-17)

A PROJECT BY -----------------------------------------------------------------------


Contact no. - 9405420215E-mail- [email protected]


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Working Area Map

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Details of selected villagesNAME OF VILLAGE

selected by LHWRF

No. of TOTAL

FamiliesNo. of BPL Families

No. of FARMER families

No. of LANDLESS families

Total Population Male nos. Female nos. Total Area in


4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13

Shekta 411 76 272 237 2351 1226 1125 403.28

Hirapur 65 88 24 4 359 188 171 329.78

Warud 583 65 375 163 3019 1561 1458 997.43

Kachhighati 155 77 138 55 749 388 361 368

Shevga 476 108 429 72 2448 1339 1109 999

Hatmali 325 66 188 60 1659 868 791 494

Sayyadpur 205 127 186 33 1065 544 521 234.62

Murumkheda 497 189 173 127 2,413 1,239 1,174 1,127.05

  2722 802 1793 760 14073 7364 6722 4966.16

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THE GOAL:“Livelihood Security of Farmers through effective management of available natural resources.”

 THE OBJECTIVES: To enhance the water harvesting capacity of existing structure and to increase situ

conservation of rain water, increasing ground water recharge

To maximize farm income through agricultural and allied activities such as drip irrigation, inter cropping, with special emphasis on the farmers, etc.

 MISSION GOALS: Increase in Ground water status of the village through Water shed development activities.

At least 40% increase in average income of the farmers of village within 3 years.

To create awareness and manage natural resources for sustainable development 

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WORKING AREA : Aurangabad district is located mostly in Godavari Basin, fall under Maharashtra agro climatic zone-VII (Central Maharashtra Plateau Zone). It is ‘Assured Rainfall Zone’ with average rainfall of 450-650 mm.

The average land holding is less as compared to the other areas. The small and marginal farmers here solely depend on monsoon rains for their livelihood. The percentage of irrigation is very low and there is no buffer for experiments.

The area mainly has basalt rock with limitations to infiltration. The ground water level has gone much lower than it was a decade ago. The rivers are seasonal. The green cover on the hills is diminished. The soil is low and agro technology hasn’t fully reached to the small farmers in the region and they are always debt ridden. The entire wheel of development of this region revolves around the availability of water for irrigation.

Recently this region has become infamous for the state’s worst drought in decades facing acute shortage of drinking water and fodder and farmers’ suicide cases.

Through various schemes, the government has constructed various water conservation structures on rivers and small streams, but village wise full watershed treatment is not performed. The constructed structures are mostly defunct not serving any purpose. The main reasons are lack of periodic maintenance and lack of ownership by villagers. The structures and percolation tanks or water reservoirs are full of silt as they were never de-silted in the past. This has affected the storage and ground water recharge capacity of the water structures to a great extent.

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CLIMATE:The climate of the in region is characterized by a hot summer and a general dryness throughout the year except during the south west monsoon

season, which is from June to September  RAINFALL:















Rainfall in mm

550 634 590 821 727 725 517 627 554 338 602 685


The average rainfall in the Taluka is 614 mm with average 35-36 rainy days as per the rainfall data of last 12 years. Rainfall data for the period 2003-2014 is presented below in the table. The average rainfall in the district during this period is observed to be decreasing as compared to normal rainfall. Also it varies from year to year from highest 821 mm/yrs. in 2006 and lowest 338 mm/yr. in 2012. 

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Aurangabad Taluka represents the varied topography comprises of exotic mountain ranges, beautiful plateaus and low plains. Aurangabad district is situated in the hilly area of the state in Dudhna river basin. Soil is clay type which has low infiltration rate and high water holding capacity. The ground water exploration has been done in hard rock areas occupied by Deccan Trap Basalt and disconnected alluvial patches. Maximum soil available in Shekta, Hirapur, Warud, Sayadpur, Hatmali, Kachhighati, Murumkheda, Shevga Villages is Sandy clay, clay loam and heavy clay. Soil is sandy on hilly land, revenue land and private waste land and clay loam and clay in sloppy agriculture land.

CROPPING PATTERN:Major Crops Wheat Bajra Mug Tur Vegetable

  Jowar Grapes Groundnut

Pomegranate Cotton

  Vegetable Green gram

Floriculture Corn Pomegranate

/ citrus limits

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PROBLEM STATEMENT: The Aurangabad taluka area is presently facing severe drought condition due to low rainfall and defunct water harvesting structures. During the monsoon season in 2014-15, the cluster received only 460 mm rainfall; causing the failure of Kharif crops. Nearly 85% of the horticulture crops in the watershed cluster were completely dried due to non- availability of water even with the drip irrigation. This draught also hit the performance of Rabbi Season, and only 5-6 % of Rabbi Season could be cultivated, which also faced water scarcity problem, leading to very little or no production. The wells in downstream side of the catchment had little water which was used for drinking on priority basis.  

THE SOLUTION: Water Literacy amongst the farmers. Treatment to the hills, farms and river/ Nala basins in holistic watershed development

programs. Repair and rejuvenation of existing water structures, optimizing their capacities with

widening and deepening of the basin. Creating a water column in the structure to enhance the ground water recharge which

ultimately results in to availability of more water to the farmers in the vicinity. Changing the Cropping Pattern in line with the available water; Promoting rational use of

water through Drip Irrigation, Farm Ponds and Shed-Net etc. Post watershed programs, agro- technology transfer, micro credit availability

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The project will directly impact the water holding capacity of a CNB/ KTW and will make available approx. 25 cr. Liters of water for purpose of irrigation, and drinking for human and livestock.

Increase in Gross family income by 30% in 2 years.

The intervention would recharge the aquifers with at least 25 cr. liters of water

Effective and equitable distribution of harvested water using micro irrigation.

Less water intensive crops grown in the village by promotion of beans, vegetables, pulses & tuber crops in 30 ha

Collective action by community for common village development issue

A replicable model for other defunct water structures.

Increase in Ground water status of the village through Water shed development activities.

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THE ORGANIZATION PROFILE OF SEVAPATH FOUNDATION :  Sevapath Foundation is a charitable trust with the focus on needy and deprived people from urban slums and remote rural areas. Lack of adequate communication facilities, insufficient income from farming are some of the grave issues the farmer is struggling with. Sevapath Foundation is helping them with scientific approach and bringing in modern technology in agriculture. Sevapath Foundation has a strong presence in the village since 2011. UPNRM is the prominent activity of the organization in the village.   Sevapath Foundation strongly believes that restoration work of these water conservation bodies is the key to the livelihood security for the small and marginal farmers in Aurangabad Cluster village. The restoration work also needs to be combined with meaningful pre and post watershed initiatives for optimization of the results.

COMPLETED WATERSHED DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES /WATER STRUCTURES RESTORATION WORKS Restoration of Defunct Percolation Tanks as per specifications – Contractor will carry out Restoration of PT from January to May 2016 as per specification. Excavation and shift of silt– The excavation will be carried out using Earth Moving Machinery. The excavated silt will be shifted by villagers using tractors and trucks.

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Sr. No.

Name of Village

Type of


Constructed on

No. of Benefic

iary persons

Irrigation Benefit

  Excavation work

 Water Conserved in liter.


Area (ha)

No. of Farmer

s Length Deepeni



1 Shekta Check Dam

Apr’ 2007 250  60 22 400 ft. 12 ft. 80 ft.


2 Hirapur Check Dam

Apr’ 2008 560 30 40 700 ft. 20 ft. 70 ft.


3 Warud-CNB-1

Check Dam

Mar’ 2011 60  18 20 300 ft. 8 ft. 14 ft.


 4 Warud-CNB-2

Check Dam

Mar’ 2011  30  80  14  350 ft. 8 ft.   30 ft.


 5 Warud-CNB-3

Check Dam

Govt. Const.  35  90  20  370 ft. 7ft.   28ft.


6 Hatmali Repair of KT

Aug’ 2011  2130 20  30  900 ft. 7 ft.   98 ft.


7 Kacchi-ghati

Check Dam Jul’ 2009 380 40 7 250 ft. 14 ft. 20 ft.


 8 Sayyadpur

Check Dam Jul’ 2009 1500 120 80 1100 ft. 8 ft. 80 ft.


 9 Sheoga Check Dam Jul’ 2009 860 50 25 600 ft. 8 ft. 40 ft.


 10 Murumkheda

 Check Dam Jul’ 2009 3100 30 35 390 ft.   12 ft.  40 ft.


  Total     6460 290 207 4510 ft. 96 ft. 470 ft.246680


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Sterlite Technologies Ltd, constructed 22 check dams during the period 2006 to 2011, where in Repair and rejuvenation work was needs to be carried out. Sterlite Technologies Ltd has contributed funding of 60.62 % & villagers/beneficiaries contribution is 39.38 % of the total expenditure for the repair & rejuvenation of these existing structures.

SOURCE OF FUND IN PERCENTAGE.Sr. No Source of Fund Total Percentage

1 Sterlite Technologies Ltd. 12,20,900.00  60.62%

2 Community 7,93,000.00 39.38%

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