
Antibody Response Against Perlecan and CollagenTypes IV and VI in Chronic Renal Allograft Rejectionin the Rat

Simone A. Joosten,*Mieneke G. A. van Dixhoorn,* Maria C. Borrias,*Hallgrimur Benediktsson,† Peter A. van Veelen,‡

Cees van Kooten,* and Leendert C. Paul*From the Departments of Nephrology * and Immunohematology

and Blood Transfusion,‡ Leiden University Medical Center,

Leiden, The Netherlands; and the Department of Pathology and

Laboratory Medicine,† University of Calgary, Calgary,

Alberta, Canada

Chronic rejection is the leading cause of late renaltransplant failure. Various structural lesions are ob-served in grafts undergoing chronic rejection includ-ing glomerular basement membrane (GBM) duplica-tions. The well-established Fisher (F344) to Lewis(LEW) rat renal transplant model for chronic rejec-tion was used to assess the presence and role of thehumoral immune response against graft antigens dur-ing chronic rejection. LEW recipients of F344 allo-grafts develop transplant glomerulopathy and pro-duce IgG1 antibodies directed against F344 GBMpreparations that are detectable 3 weeks after trans-plantation. Glomerular IgG1 deposition was observedthat in vitro co-localized with a rabbit anti-rat GBMantiserum in rejecting F344 grafts; elution experi-ments of isolated glomeruli yielded IgG1 antibodiesreactive in vitro with F344 GBM, but not LEW GBM.Prevention of acute rejection by transient treatmentof the recipients with cyclosporin A completely abro-gated the production of anti-GBM antibodies. Usingproteomic techniques we identified the antigens rec-ognized by the LEW posttransplant sera as being theheparan sulfate proteoglycan perlecan and the �1chain of collagen type VI in association with the �5chain of collagen type IV. In conclusion, LEW recipi-ents of F344 kidney grafts produce IgG1 antibodiesagainst donor type perlecan and �1(VI)/�5(IV) colla-gen and develop transplant glomerulopathy. Thesedata implicate an important role for the humoral im-mune response in the development of glomerulopa-thy during chronic rejection. (Am J Pathol 2002,160:1301–1310)

Chronic rejection (CR) is the most prevalent cause ofrenal transplant failure after the first few posttransplant

(Tx) months. Clinically it is characterized by a gradualdecline in glomerular filtration rate, usually in conjunctionwith proteinuria and arterial hypertension.1 The glomerulimay show a myriad of lesions, including chronic trans-plant glomerulopathy, which is characterized by duplica-tion of the glomerular basement membrane (GBM) withinterposition of electron-lucent material.2,3 Transplantglomerulopathy is observed in up to 20% of kidney graftswith CR.4 It has been postulated that CR results fromimmune reactions of the recipient against yet poorly de-fined antigens exposed in the graft.5 Nonimmune factors,such as hypertension or ischemia/reperfusion injury, maylead to unmasking or alteration of graft antigen(s).1 Insyngeneic transplants with comparable degrees of non-immune injury, CR does not develop within the same timespan compared with allogeneic grafts, underlining theimportance of immunological mechanisms.6–8 We hy-pothesize that immune reactions such as antibody forma-tion after previous damage play a role in the perpetuationof CR in renal allografts. In a mouse model of chroniccardiac graft rejection, antibodies are crucial for diseasedevelopment.7 Immunoglobulin heavy chain (IGH) knock-out mice that receive a cardiac allograft do not developCR in contrast to immunoglobulin heavy chain wild-typemice.7 Moreover, transfer of posttransplantation (Tx) IgGantibodies or antigen-reactive immune serum into trans-planted SCID mice results in transplant atherosclero-sis.6,8

A well-established model to study CR in renal allograftsis the F344 to LEW rat model. All LEW recipients of F344grafts develop acute rejection at approximately day 30resulting in 50% graft loss. The surviving animals showhistopathological and functional characteristics of CRfrom day 50. The reverse combination, ie, LEW kidneystransplanted into F344 rats all exhibit long-term survivingkidney grafts in the absence of histological abnormalities,despite early acute rejection episodes. In this model,antibody responses specific for lymph node-derived lym-phocytes have been described.9 These antibodies dis-appeared at 8 weeks after Tx and were described to

Supported by a grant from the Dutch Kidney Foundation (grant no.C98.1783).

Accepted for publication January 2, 2002.

Address reprint requests to S. A. Joosten, M.Sc., Department of Ne-phrology, C3P, Leiden University Medical Center, PO Box 9600, 2300 RCLeiden, The Netherlands. E-mail: [email protected].

American Journal of Pathology, Vol. 160, No. 4, April 2002

Copyright © American Society for Investigative Pathology


activate neutrophils and resulted in T cell activation. Inaddition, a humoral immune response against undefinedtissue antigens has been reported previously in thismodel.10 However, the nature, kinetics, and the specific-ity of these kidney-specific antibodies has remained elu-sive.

In chronic cardiac allograft rejection with graft vascu-lopathy, alloantibodies are mainly directed against theendothelium. In a previous report of chronic renal allo-graft rejection with transplant glomerulopathy in the ratusing the same model, hardly any antibodies againstdonor endothelial cells were detected.11

Because the GBM is frequently duplicated in CR, wehypothesize that it may be a target of the humoral im-mune response in CR. In the present study, we investi-gated the kinetics and specificity of the anti-GBM anti-body response after Tx.

Previous experiments have shown the development ofanti-tubular basement membrane (TBM) antibodies afterallogeneic kidney transplantation but such anti-TBM an-tibodies did not result in tissue damage or tubulointersti-tial inflammation.12 In the present study we focus onanti-GBM antibodies generated after Tx, because theseantibodies could play a role in the pathogenesis of glo-merular lesions.

We observed that anti-GBM antibodies in the LEWrecipients of F344 grafts are exclusively of the IgG1 iso-type, donor-type GBM specific, and are reactive withF344 GBM preparations after elution from transplantedrat kidneys. Furthermore, proteomics revealed that theantigens recognized by post Tx sera are the heparansulfate proteoglycan perlecan and the �1 chain of colla-gen type VI in association with the �5 chain of collagentype IV.

Materials and Methods


Male inbred Fisher (F344, RT1lv1) and Lewis (LEW, RT1l)rats weighing 250 g were purchased from Harlan, Horst,The Netherlands. Animals had free access to water andstandard rat chow. Animal care and experimentationwere performed in accordance with the National Insti-tutes of Health Guidelines for the Care and Use of Lab-oratory Animals.

Kidney Transplantation

Kidney transplantations were performed under halothaneanesthesia as previously described.10,11 The left kidneyof the recipient was removed and a donor kidney wastransplanted in the orthotopic position; a patch of thedonor aorta and of the inferior vena cava were anasto-mosed to the recipient aorta and inferior vena cava,respectively. The donor ureter was anastomosed end-to-end to the ureter of the recipient. The remaining nativeright kidney was removed 7 days after transplantation.Postoperatively, animals received 1 mg/kg body weightof temgesic subcutaneously (buprenorphine-hydrochlo-

ride; Schering-Plough B.V., Amstelveen, The Nether-lands) for pain relief.

Blood samples were collected weekly by tail veinpuncture and sera were stored at �80°C. All rats werehoused in metabolic cages once a week to collect urinefor assessment of microalbuminuria that was measuredon a Hitachi-911 nephelometer (Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan).

LEW rats that had received a F344 kidney graft weresacrificed on days 7 (n � 3), 14 (n � 3), 30 (n � 6), 60(n � 6), and 90 (n � 6) after transplantation and sera andkidneys were collected. Similarly, F344 rats received aLEW kidney and were sacrificed on days 60 (n � 6) and100 (n � 2), respectively.

To investigate the effect of acute rejection on antibodyformation and development of transplant glomerulopathythree LEW recipients of F344 grafts received low-dosecyclosporine A (CsA) subcutaneously (Sandimmune; No-vartis Pharma, Basel, Switzerland, 1.5 mg/kg bodyweight) 5 days a week for 4 weeks and remained after-ward without further treatment until sacrifice on day 100.


Tissue samples were fixed in methyl Carnoy’s solution,11

embedded in paraffin, sectioned, and stained with peri-odic acid-Schiff, hematoxylin and eosin, or trichrome. Allkidney sections were scored blindly by a renal patholo-gist using a semiquantitative scale (0 to 3); mesangiolysiswas scored as described previously;13 and glomerulitis,glomerulosclerosis, and transplant glomerulopathy werescored as described in the Banff working classifica-tion.13,14 Histological changes were compared using theKruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance on ranks us-ing Duna’s comparison between multiple groups. P val-ues �0.05 were considered significant.

Electron Microscopy

Tissue samples were diced into 0.5-mm3 cubes, fixed in2% glutaraldehyde, and postfixed by immersion in 2%osmium tetroxide solution. After fixation, tissues werewashed in 0.1 mol/L (pH 7.4) sodium cacodylate buffer,dehydrated in graded acetone, and embedded in epoxyresin (epon 812), according to the usual procedure, withpolymerization being performed at 60°C. One-�m-thicksections were cut by glass knives on a Reichert-JungUltracut-E ultramicrotome and stained with 0.5% toluidineblue solution. Ninety- to 100-nm-thin sections were cut ona Reichert-Jung Ultracut-E ultramicrotome with a Diatomediamond knife, stained with uranylacetate (ultrostain 1solution; Leica Co., Canada) and lead solution (ultrostain2, Leica Co.). The sections were viewed under a Hitachi600 electron microscope at 50 kW.

Direct Immunofluorescence

Kidneys removed at different time points were snap-frozen in precooled isobutanol and stored at �150°C.Cryostat sections of 3 �m were acetone-fixed for 10minutes at room temperature and stored at �20°C. To

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detect specific rat immunoglobulin subclasses, monoclo-nal antibodies specific for rat IgA, IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b,IgG2c, and IgM (Prof. H. Bazin, Leuven University, Leu-ven, Belgium) were used. These monoclonals were eitherdirectly fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated or used incombination with a tyramide-fluorescein isothiocyanateamplification15 and kidney sections were subsequentlyembedded in DABCO-glycerol (1,4-diazabicyclo(2,2,2)octane; Sigma Chemical Co,, St. Louis, MO). Doublelabeling was performed using a rabbit anti-rat GBM an-tiserum (prepared in our own laboratory10) and boundrabbit antibodies were detected using tetramethyl-rhoda-mine isothiocyanate-conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG an-tibodies (Nordic, Tilburg, The Netherlands).

GBM Isolation

Collagenase-digested GBM preparations of F344 or LEWorigin were isolated as described previously.10 Briefly,glomeruli were isolated by dissecting the renal cortex,followed by homogenization and pressing through a se-ries of sieves with decreasing pore size (150 and 106 nm;glomeruli were harvested on a 75-nm sieve). After soni-cation, membrane fragments were digested with collage-nase (Collagenase Type Ia, Sigma) overnight at 37°C in100 mmol/L of Tris/HCl (pH 7.4) and10 mmol/L of CaCl2.The proteins in the supernatant after centrifugation wereused for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)and Western blot analysis.


Ninety-six well ELISA plates (Greiner, Alphen aan de Ryn,The Netherlands) were coated overnight with collage-nase-digested F344 or LEW GBM preparations (0.3 �gtotal protein/well) in carbonate buffer (pH 9.6) at roomtemperature. After blocking with phosphate-buffered sa-line (PBS)/1% bovine serum albumin (w/v), plates wereincubated with serial dilutions of post Tx sera or normalrat sera in PBS/0.05% (v/v) Tween-20/1% bovine serumalbumin (w/v) for 1 hour at 37°C. Because more than 95%of rat immunoglobulins have � light chains,16 antibodybinding was detected using a digoxigenin (DIG)-conju-gated (Boehringer-Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany)mouse monoclonal antibody specific for rat � light chains(His8; Prof. Dr. P. Nieuwenhuis, University of Groningen,Groningen, The Netherlands) for 1 hour at 37°C. Afterwashing, the wells were incubated with horseradish per-oxidase-conjugated sheep F(ab�) fragments anti-DIG(Boehringer Mannheim) for another hour at 37°C. Finally,wells were stained with the peroxidase substrate ABTS(2,2�-amino-bis�3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid;Sigma) in the presence of H2O2 for 1 hour before theoptical density was measured at 415 nm using a Titertekmultiscan plate reader. To detect specific rat immuno-globulin subclasses, various monoclonal antibodies wereused. As a positive control, purified rat Ig was coated tothe plates and stained with these monoclonal antibodies.To test for GBM-binding to ELISA plates, coated wellswere incubated with a rabbit anti-rat GBM antiserum.

Elution of Kidney Bound Antibodies

To investigate the specificity of in vivo kidney-bound an-tibodies, F344 (n � 4) or LEW (n � 3) kidney allograftsremoved on day 60 were subjected to acid elution. Nor-mal F344 (n � 2) and LEW (n � 2) kidneys were used ascontrols. Kidneys were perfused with 100 ml of PBS invivo, removed, and homogenized by pressing pieces ofcortex through an 80-mesh sieve generating a samplecontaining predominantly glomeruli. After sonication, ho-mogenates were incubated for 1 hour at room tempera-ture in citrate buffer (pH 2.5) followed by neutralizationwith 1 mol/L of NaOH. Samples were tested after over-night dialysis against PBS in the GBM ELISA.

Western Blot Analysis

Collagenase-digested, or nondigested LEW and F344GBM preparations (6.5 �g total protein) were subjectedto 4 to 15% gradient sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacryl-amide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) (Criterion Pre-castgel, Tris-HCL; Bio-Rad Laboratories, Richmond, CA)under reducing or nonreducing conditions, followed bysemidry blotting to polyvinylidene difluoride membranes(Immobilon-P; Millipore, Bedford, MA). Blots wereblocked for 2 hours in PBS/1% bovine serum albumin(w/v) at room temperature and washed in PBS/0.05%Tween-20. Blots were subsequently incubated with a 1 in5 dilution of pooled post Tx sera (day 60) in PBS/Tween-20/0.5% bovine serum albumin overnight at 4°C. Afterwashing, blots were incubated with a DIG-conjugatedmouse monoclonal antibody against rat IgG1 for 1 hour atroom temperature. Subsequently, blots were incubatedwith horseradish peroxidase-conjugated sheep F(ab�)fragments anti-DIG for another hour at room temperatureand after extensive washing bands were visualizedwith DAB (diaminobenzidine hydrochloride, Sigma)/nickel/imidazole.17


Collagenase-digested F344 GBM preparations were sub-jected to two-dimensional SDS-PAGE (8%) in duplicate;one of the gels was stained for total protein content usingSYPRO Ruby (Bio-Rad Laboratories) whereas the othergel was blotted semidry to polyvinylidene difluoride mem-branes (as described in “Western Blot Analysis”). Iso-electric focusing was performed on an IPGphor (Amer-sham Pharmacia Biotech AB, Uppsala, Sweden) using7-cm Immobiline isoelectric focusing strips of pH range 3to 10. Before performing the second dimension, stripswere treated with dithioerythritol 2,3-dihydroxybutane-1,4-dithiol (DTE) and iodoacetamide. Spots recognized bythe LEW post Tx antibodies were excised from the dupli-cate gel and digested following the protocol ofShevchenko and colleagues.18 Identification was per-formed by on-line nano LC-electrospray mass spectrom-etry on a Q-TOF (Micromass, Manchester, UK) using a300-�m ID � 5 mm C18-Pepmap trapping column (LC-Packings, Amsterdam, The Netherlands) for clean-up.

Anti-GBM Antibodies in CR 1303AJP April 2002, Vol. 160, No. 4

Tryptic peptides were step-eluted into the mass spec-trometer and subjected to MS/MS and their sequenceswere determined by interactive use of PeptideSearch19

and manual interpretation.


Direct Immunofluorescence of F344 GraftsShowed IgG1 Antibodies on the GBM

F344 kidney grafts were stained for the presence of ratimmunoglobulins using the different mouse monoclonalantibodies. Kidney grafts removed after 7 days showedno immunoglobulin staining. A prominent rat IgG1 stain-ing was observed in the glomeruli and on the TBM ofF344 grafts removed on days 14 and afterwards and wasimpressively more intense at later time points (Figure 1A).As the diffuse glomerular staining did not look like thetypical linear pattern of an anti-GBM antibody deposition,the sections were incubated with a rabbit anti-rat GBMantiserum followed by a tetramethyl-rhodamine isothio-cyanate-conjugated goat anti-rabbit antiserum (Figure1B). The glomerular staining pattern was very similar tothat of the rat IgG1 staining (Figure 1A).

Rat IgG2a was only observed on the TBM, not in glo-meruli, of rejecting F344 kidneys, whereas trace amountsof rat IgM were only observed in glomeruli of rejectingF344 kidney grafts. Stainings for rat IgA, IgG2b, andIgG2c were completely negative in all kidney compart-ments. The LEW grafts removed from F344 recipients andnormal F344 kidneys did not show any staining using thesame panel of monoclonal antibodies (Figure 1C). Stain-ing of these kidneys using the polyclonal rabbit anti-ratGBM antiserum resulted in a linear, more intense GBM-like staining pattern (Figure 1D).

LEW Recipients of F344 Grafts DevelopMicroalbuminuria

LEW recipients of F344 grafts excreted on average 8mg/24 hours of albumin in their urine from 3 to 4 weeksafter Tx (Figure 2) that persisted during the observed timeperiod, whereas nonrejecting F344 recipients of LEWgrafts excreted less than 1 mg/24 hours, comparable tonormal LEW or F344 rats. In urine of LEW recipients ofF344 grafts we were able to detect rat IgG from 5 weeksafter Tx (data not shown).

Histological Analysis of F344 Kidney GraftsRemoved from LEW Recipients ShowedLesions Characteristic of CR and TransplantGlomerulopathy

F344 kidneys transplanted into non-immunosuppressedLEW recipients showed changes characteristic of acuterejection that evolved throughout time to CR. Seven- and14-day grafts contained prominent mononuclear cell in-filtrates in the interstitium and within dilated peritubularcapillaries. In 30-day grafts significant interstitial inflam-mation, mild tubulitis, and vasculitis were observed.Sixty- and 90-day grafts revealed a progressive increasein interstitial fibrosis, tubular atrophy, and glomeruloscle-rosis, as in previous experiments14 (data not shown). Asignificant glomerulitis was present at 7, 14, and 60 daysin F344 allografts removed from LEW recipients but de-creased with time to levels comparable to LEW kidneysremoved from F344 recipients (Figure 3A, P � 0.05).Grafts removed on days 30 and 60 exhibited pro-nounced mesangiolysis (Figure 3A, P � 0.05). Glomer-ulosclerosis increased with time after transplantationand involved on average 25 to 50% of glomeruli on day90 (Figure 3A, P � 0.05). LEW kidneys removed fromF344 recipients showed only mild glomerulitis, tubulitis,and interstitial inflammation but did not develop trans-plant glomerulopathy.

Extensive duplication of the GBM, characteristic oftransplant glomerulopathy was seen in 30-, 60-, and 90-

Figure 1. Immunofluorescent staining for in vivo immunoglobulin deposi-tion of antibodies after Tx. A: F344 kidney graft removed on day 60 after Txfrom a LEW recipient and stained for rat IgG1. B: Same kidney section (A)incubated with a rabbit anti-rat GBM antiserum and stained for rabbit IgG. C:Normal F344 kidney section stained for rat IgG1. The staining is similar toLEW kidney grafts removed from F344 recipients. D: Normal F344 kidneysection incubated with rabbit anti-rat GBM antiserum and stained for rabbitIgG. Original magnifications, �250.

Figure 2. Microalbuminuria measured in weekly collected urine samples ofLEW recipients of F344 grafts (open squares) and F344 recipients of LEWkidney grafts (closed squares). Protein excretion is measured using anephelometer and expressed as the mean (�SEM) of six (F344 to LEW) orthree (LEW to F344) rats.

1304 Joosten et alAJP April 2002, Vol. 160, No. 4

day grafts (Figure 3, B and C). Duplication of the GBM,with interposition of electron-lucent material (Figure 3C)was evident from ultrastructural examination of F344grafts removed from LEW recipients 30 days after Tx; themorphology of podocytes and endothelium appearednormal.

IgG1 Anti-GBM Antibodies in Sera of LEWRecipients of F344 Kidney Grafts

Because rat IgG1 antibodies were bound to the glomeruliof rejecting kidneys and the GBM appeared severelydamaged by ultrastructural examination we investigatedif an IgG1 antibody response against the GBM waspresent in the LEW recipients of F344 grafts. To test foranti-GBM reactivity in serum of transplanted rats an anti-GBM ELISA was developed. In this ELISA, we coatedcollagenase-digested F344 or LEW GBM to the plates,incubated the wells with post Tx sera and subsequentlystained for immunoglobulin binding. Serum samples col-lected weekly after Tx were tested. LEW recipient ratsproduced variable amounts of antibodies that werestrongly reactive with F344 GBM from 3 weeks after Tx upto 100 days (Figure 4A). The antibodies reactive withF344 GBM were of the IgG1 isotype. These IgG1 anti-bodies were specific for F344 GBM, and were not reac-tive with LEW GBM (Figure 4B). When the ELISA wasperformed using � light chain-specific antibodies similarresults were obtained (data not shown). The reverse com-bination, F344 recipients of LEW grafts, did not producedetectable IgG1 (Figure 4, A and B) or other � light chaincontaining antibodies that were reactive with F344 orLEW GBM (not shown).

To investigate whether other immunoglobulin isotypeswere also reactive with GBM preparations, binding ofvarious rat isotypes in the GBM ELISA was tested. TheELISA showed that antibodies reactive with F344 GBM inpooled post Tx LEW sera collected at day 60 were pre-dominantly of the IgG1 isotype (Figure 5). Only a mar-ginal, but nonsignificant, binding of IgM antibodies toF344 GBM was observed. Normal LEW serum did notcontain antibodies reactive with either F344 or LEW GBM.

We also tested our collagenase-digested GBM prep-arations for MHC class I content using the OX-18 mono-clonal antibody (gift of Dr. PJK Kuppen, Leiden UniversityMedical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands), for mesangialcell contamination using the monoclonal IgG2a anti-Thy1.1 antibody (ER4G15) and for podocyte contamina-tion using a rabbit anti-rat podocyte antibody (gift of Dr.T. Palmen, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland). NoMHC class I, Thy1.1, or podocyte reactivity was detectedin the GBM ELISA.

Elution of Kidney-Bound Antibodies YieldedIgG1 Antibodies Reactive with F344 GBMPreparations

To further confirm that IgG1 antibodies deposited in glo-meruli of chronically rejecting F344 kidneys were indeedreactive to the GBM, isolated glomeruli were subjected toacid elution. Only eluates prepared from PBS-perfusedTx F344 kidneys contained IgG1 antibodies that bound inthe ELISA coated with F344 GBM only (Figure 6). Incontrast, eluates obtained from LEW kidneys removedfrom F344 recipients and eluates harvested from normalF344 and LEW kidneys did not contain any detectableanti-GBM antibodies. Finally, antibodies eluted from re-

Figure 3. Histological scores in F344 kidney grafts removed from LEWrecipients at various time points after Tx. A: Quantification of glomerularchanges in F344 (black bars) and LEW (hatched bars) kidney grafts,compared to normal kidneys (open bars). All glomerular alterations weresignificantly different between rejecting F344 kidneys and normal F344 orLEW rat kidneys (*, P � 0.05). B: Periodic acid-Schiff staining of a F344 renalallograft removed from a LEW recipient 30 days after Tx (original magnifi-cation, �200). Arrows indicate local GBM duplication. C: Electron micro-graph of a F344 renal allograft removed from a LEW recipient 30 days afterTx (original magnification, �8000).

Anti-GBM Antibodies in CR 1305AJP April 2002, Vol. 160, No. 4

jecting F344 grafts reacted only with F344 GBM prepa-rations and not with LEW GBM (Figure 6). Eluates werenegative for IgM and IgG2a binding.

Treatment with CsA Abolished AntibodyProduction and Disease Development

LEW recipients of F344 grafts treated with low-dose CsAto prevent acute rejection did not produce microalbumin-uria (�1 mg/24 hours; Figure 7A) and the histology ofthese kidneys showed only mild interstitial inflammation.CsA treatment abolished production of kidney-bound(data not shown) or circulating (Figure 7B) anti-GBMantibodies, whereas the total amount of circulating anti-bodies is comparable to normal rats (data not shown).

Western Blot Analysis Resulted in SpecificAntigen Recognition after Incubation with LEWSera after Tx

To further analyze the F344 GBM antigens recognized byLEW IgG1 antibodies, Western blot analysis was per-formed using collagenase-digested GBM preparations.When the collagenase-digested GBM preparations wereelectrophoresed under nonreducing conditions, F344and LEW GBM showed similar protein bands in the Coo-massie-stained blot (Figure 8). After blotting and incuba-tion with LEW anti-F344 sera after Tx (day 60) severalbands were observed in F344, but not in LEW GBM(Figure 8). These bands were not detected using controlF344 anti-LEW sera after Tx or using normal LEW or F344rat sera. The proteins recognized in collagenase-di-gested F344 GBM preparations by posttransplant LEWsera are �120, 165, and ��200 kd.

Figure 4. Antibodies against GBM in sera after Tx as detected by ELISA.Coated collagenase-digested GBM preparations were incubated with 1/25dilutions of sera of LEW recipients of a F344 graft (closed squares, n � 6)or F344 recipients of LEW grafts (open squares, n � 3) and stained with amouse monoclonal antibody specific for rat IgG1.

Figure 5. Identification of isotype of rat anti-GBM antibodies in serum afterTx. Collagenase-digested F344 GBM preparations were coated in an ELISAplate, incubated with sera after Tx (1/25 dilution, closed bars) or normalLEW sera (open bars) and stained for immunoglobulin (sub)classes (meanof three sera �SEM).

Figure 6. Eluates prepared from F344 kidney grafts bind to F344 GBM only.Eluates were prepared from F334 or LEW kidney grafts removed after day 60.Eluates were tested in the GBM-ELISA using collagenase-digested F344(closed squares) or LEW GBM preparations (open squares) and stainedfor IgG1 binding.

1306 Joosten et alAJP April 2002, Vol. 160, No. 4

Proteomics Identified the Heparan SulfateProteoglycan Perlecan and the �1 Chain ofCollagen Type VI Together with the �5 Chain ofCollagen Type IV

Analysis of collagenase-digested F344 GBM prepara-tions on two-dimensional SDS-PAGE resulted in astrongly reactive spot of �120 kd (Figure 9A, spot 1)containing the peptides: VDSYGGFLR, GMVFGIPD-GVLELVPQR, and LSFDQPSDFK that were unique forperlecan. A weak spot of �40 kd (Figure 9A, spot 2)contained the peptides: VPNYQALLR, VAVVQYS-GQGQQQPGR, and GVLYQTVSR unique for the �1chain of collagen type VI and peptide GQSIQPFISRunique for the �5 chain of collagen type IV. Thus, onespot contained the heparan sulfate proteoglycan(HSPG) perlecan and the other contained peptidescorresponding to both collagen �1 type VI and �5type IV.

Figure 7. Comparison of nontreated and CsA-treated LEW recipients of F344grafts for microalbuminuria and anti-GBM antibody production. A: Mi-croalbuminuria (mean � SEM) at day 60 after Tx in urine of nontreated andof LEW recipients of F344 grafts (closed bar, n � 6) or of LEW rats treatedwith CsA (open bar, n � 3). B: Measurement of anti-GBM antibody levels insera of nontreated LEW recipients of F344 grafts (closed bar, n � 6) and insera of CsA-treated LEW recipients (open bar, n � 3) using the GBM-ELISAwith F344 GBM as coating (mean � SD).

Figure 8. Western blot analysis of collagenase-digested F344 and LEW GBM(on 4 to 15% gradient SDS-PAGE under nonreducing conditions) incubatedwith pooled LEW sera after Tx and stained for rat IgG1 antibodies. Totalprotein content on the blots was visualized using Coomassie blot staining.

Figure 9. Proteomics. A: Western blot of two-dimensional gel electrophore-sis of collagenase-digested F344 GBM, incubated with LEW sera after Tx andstained for rat IgG1, resulting in a strong immunoreactive spot containingpeptides that were resolved by MS/MS. B: SYPRO Ruby stain of two-dimen-sional gel containing collagenase-digested F344 GBM showing the totalamount of protein present on the gel.

Anti-GBM Antibodies in CR 1307AJP April 2002, Vol. 160, No. 4


Upon transplantation of a F344 kidney graft into a LEWrecipient microalbuminuria develops (�8 mg/24 hours)starting at 3 weeks after Tx. Histopathological changescharacteristic of CR are present in these grafts includingvascular fibrointimal thickening, interstitial fibrosis, tubu-lar atrophy, transplant glomerulopathy with characteristicGBM duplication, mesangiolysis, and glomerulosclero-sis. Using this model, we demonstrated that IgG1 anti-bodies directed against the HSPG perlecan and the �1chain of collagen type VI in association with the �5 chainof collagen type IV are deposited along the GBM of F344kidney allografts. Transient treatment with CsA preventedboth acute and CR as well as IgG1 anti-GBM antibodyproduction by LEW recipients.

In the F344 to LEW renal allograft model proteinuria ispresent, one of the characteristics of CR. This urinaryprotein leakage is considered to be of glomerular origin,because we detected large molecular weight proteins (ie,IgG) in urine (data not shown), suggesting that the glo-merular filtration barrier is damaged. Electron micro-scopic analysis of F344 kidney grafts revealed an intactpodocyte architecture, but a duplicated GBM. This sug-gests indeed that the GBM is one of the main structuraltargets of the immune response during CR.

Transplant glomerulopathy develops in �5 to 10% ofhuman renal transplants, in �20% of patients with CRand is associated with proteinuria and poor graft surviv-al.3,4 Its pathogenesis is unknown, but it is thought to berelated to glomerular endothelial cell injury, as describedfor transplant glomerulitis and antibody-mediated rejec-tion.20–22 However, by electron microscopy the endothe-lium does not always appear to be damaged, as is thecase in our rat renal allograft model.

Perlecan is essential for maintaining the integrity ofbasement membranes (BM).23 Injection of rats withmonoclonal antibodies against HSPG resulted in protein-uria and BM thickening,24,25 suggesting that antibodiesagainst the HSPG perlecan may contribute to the protein-uria observed in our model for CR. BM alterations, dupli-cations, and abnormal matrix depositions including col-lagen type VI and HSPG have been associated withvarious (chronic) human diseases involving BM changesand proteinuria.26 Increased expression of perlecan hasbeen described in various kidney diseases including di-abetic nephropathy,27,28 membranous nephropathy,29,30

minimal change nephrotic syndrome,31 and diffuse mes-angial sclerosis.32 In addition, accumulation of collagenVI has also been described in various diseases includingdiabetic nephropathy,33 diffuse mesangial sclerosis,32

and membranous glomerulonephritis.34

Perlecan and �1(VI)/�5(IV) collagen are both locatedon the endothelial side of the GBM, limited to focal ac-cumulations,31 and to the mesangial matrix.31,35–37 Inaddition, type VI collagen is produced by endothelialcells.38 Together this suggests that initial antibody-medi-ated GBM damage can occur independent of endothelialcell injury, but may in the long term affect endothelial cellarchitecture and/or function as observed in patient spec-imens.39

In the F344 kidney grafts, IgG1 staining along the GBMappeared nonlinear in contrast to classical anti-GBM an-tibody disease in which anti-GBM antibody deposits arelinear. Our observed nonlinear staining pattern may beexplained by limited focal accumulations of perlecan and�1(VI)/�5(IV) collagen. Staining kidney sections with anantibody directed against the heparan sulfate side chainof HSPG has previously also resulted in a nonlinear pat-tern, again supporting focal accumulation sites of perle-can.40 Furthermore, staining for collagen type IV wouldnormally also result in a linear GBM staining, in contrast tothe F344 kidney allografts exhibiting a nonlinear staining.However, in the proteomics experiment we found colla-gen type IV in association with collagen type VI, suggest-ing that the LEW antibodies are directed against theassociated proteins rather than the individual proteins,thereby possibly explaining the observed localization.

A strong interaction of the �1 chain of collagen VI withthe carboxyl terminal globular domain of type IV collagenhas been described36 and it has been suggested thatthis collagen interaction anchors endothelial BMs to theextracellular matrix. The identification of both �1(VI) and�5(IV) collagen in one spot of the two-dimensional gelsuggests the presence of an interaction between thosetwo collagen molecules in renal BMs. The size of thebands on SDS-PAGE for both collagen and perlecan issmaller than expected on basis of molecular weightsdescribed in literature being 150 to 160 and 467 kd,respectively. However, we have used GBM preparationsobtained after various isolation steps, including sonifica-tion, which might contribute to partial degradation of thelarge extracellular matrix proteins. It has been reportedthat perlecan is fragmented during isolation into smallerproteolytic fragments with different sizes, including frag-ments of 95 to 130, 150, and 250 kd.41 The peptidesequences obtained by proteomics are all derived fromdomains II and III of the perlecan protein, suggesting thatonly a small part of the perlecan molecule was repre-sented in the identified protein spot.

Antibody deposition along the TBM,42 the GBM,43 andin glomeruli44,45 have been observed in human renalallografts, but so far no follow-up information is availableon clinical outcome. In our model, IgG1 and IgG2a anti-body binding to TBM antigens was observed in combi-nation with glomerular IgG1 deposition. We cannot ex-clude that sharing of antigens between TBM and GBM30

causing IgG1 deposits in both compartments. Perlecanand collagen VI are known to be expressed in most renalBMs, including the TBM.30,35,46

The induction of antibodies against perlecan or �1(VI)/�5(IV) collagen might be the result of the formation of newepitopes exposed in the GBM after injury. Alternatively,antibodies might be induced as a result of (genetic)differences in perlecan or �1(VI)/�5(IV) collagen betweendonor and recipient. Alternative splicing of human colla-gen type VI has been reported47 and restriction fragmentpolymorphisms are described for perlecan.48,49 Finally,heparan sulfate side chains of perlecan might be alteredby transplantation-related processes, such as ischemia/reperfusion injury resulting in generation of reactive oxy-gen species.27 The question remains unanswered as to

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what the difference is between the molecules of the donorand recipient that ultimately result in antibody production.Once antibodies are formed they may play a role inmaintaining the GBM abnormalities and thereby result inurinary protein loss. Binding of antibodies results in acti-vation of the complement system and may subsequentlyinduce the release of inflammatory mediators and recruit-ment of inflammatory cells leading to graft rejection. Inthe F344 to LEW renal allograft model we were able todetect C3 and C5b-9 in the glomeruli and on the TBM(data not shown) of rejecting F344 grafts removed fromLEW recipients, indicating that the complement activationcascade is involved.

LEW recipients of F344 grafts were transiently treatedwith low-dose CsA to investigate the requirement of acuterejection episodes for antibody production and diseasedevelopment. The total amount of antibodies in serumwas comparable to normal rat serum. Because the CsA-treated rats did not develop disease, whereas all otherLEW recipients of F344 grafts did, we hypothesize thatacute rejection is the initial event and is a prerequisite forCR. Alternatively or in addition, CsA treatment might haveinduced tolerance for the GBM antigens. LEW post Txsera bound to the GBM and TBM of normal F344 kidneysections in vitro (data not shown). In addition, preliminarydata show that LEW post Tx antibodies bind to kidneys ofunilaterally nephrectomized F344 rats on intra-arterial in-jection, suggesting that the epitopes of perlecan andcollagen are not induced as a consequence of CR-me-diated changes.11 Therefore, we hypothesize that thelocal intragraft immune activation status of the recipient,which is associated with acute rejection, is required forproduction of IgG1 antibodies directed against the GBM.This antibody response could then conceivably contrib-ute to the pathogenesis of CR. Thus, LEW recipients ofF344 kidney allografts produce antibodies against thenovel epitope whereas F344 recipients that encounterLEW antigens do not produce antibodies. It is not knownwhat differences exist between F344 and LEW recipients,but there might be a difference in cytokine productionduring the initial phase of rejection that results in antibodyproduction only in LEW recipients. This cytokine produc-tion pattern might be altered after CsA treatment abolish-ing formation of damaging antibodies recognizing graftantigens.

Th2 cytokines are known to skew the humoral re-sponse into production of IgG1 antibodies.5 This wouldbe consistent with the hypothesis that activated CD4

Th2 cells late after transplantation play the most criticalrole in the initiation and/or maintenance of chronic allo-graft rejection.5 Type 2 cytokines stimulate antibody pro-duction, are associated with the regulation of some of theeffector mechanisms of CR, and may influence the dis-ease process directly through the regulation of matrixmetabolism involved in tissue restructuring.50

In conclusion, we found circulating and kidney graft-bound IgG1 antibodies against the GBM in LEW recipi-ents of F344 grafts undergoing CR, recognizing perlecanand �1(VI)/�5(IV) collagen of the GBM. The F344 graftsshowed histological signs of transplant glomerulopathy,including the characteristic BM duplications. Long-term

surviving LEW grafts in F344 recipients or F344 grafts inLEW recipients treated with low-dose CsA showed nosigns of CR and no production of anti-GBM antibodieswas detected.

We conclude that IgG1 antibodies recognizing perle-can and �1(VI)/�5(IV) collagen play a crucial role in thepathogenesis of transplant glomerulopathy observedduring CR in rats.


We thank Allan Thompson and Arnoud H. de Ru fortechnical assistance and Prof. Dr. M. R. Daha and Dr. A.Roos for critical reading of the manuscript.


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