
Distribution of a- and d-Tocopherols in Seminal Plasma andSperm Fractions of Men With Normal and AbnormalSemen Parameters



From the *Department of Biomedical Sciences, Applied Biology Section, the �Interdepartmental Centre for Research

and Therapy of Male Infertility, and the §Department of Physiopathology, Experimental Medicine and Public Health,

University of Siena, Siena, Italy; and the `Department of Applied Biology, Section of Animal Science, University of

Perugia, Perugia, Italy.

ABSTRACT: The; aim of this study was to investigate the presence

of the different isoforms of tocopherol (Ts) in the seminal plasma (P)

and in the sperm (S) fractions< of individuals with abnormal (group 1)

and normal (group 2) sperm parameters; the relationships between

these isoforms and conventional sperm parameters were also

explored. Two vitamin E homologues, a-T and d-T, were identified

in the semen of all participants. Although a-T and d-T concentrations

were similar in the semen of the 2 groups, group 1 showed a lower a-

T ratio (S/P) (0.90 vs. 1.20, P , .001) and d-T ratio (0.86 vs 1.13, P

5 .007) than group 2. In addition, both T ratios were correlated with

the percentage of viable cells, detected by eosin staining. These

results suggested that a-T and d-T are not homogeneously

distributed in the semen fractions; in normal semen they are more

concentrated in the sperm membrane, whereas in abnormal semen

the damaged sperm cells may release both Ts in the plasma. To

verify whether sperm membrane breakage could alter a-T and d-T

distribution between the seminal plasma and the spermatozoa,

normal sperm samples were sonicated; after sonication a consistent

sperm plasma membrane fragmentation, highlighted by transmission

electron microscopy, and a concomitant release of a-T and d-T were

observed. In conclusion, the Ts coupled directly with the sperm

membrane seem to play the main protective role in the semen, and

the release of a-T and d-T in the plasma fraction is probably an index

of lower antioxidant power and sperm quality.

Key words: HPLC, spermatozoa, sperm sonication, TEM.

J Androl 2011;32:000–000

O xidative stress is a condition that is associated with

an imbalance between the production and the

removal of reactive species (ROS) and free radicals by

antioxidants. An excess of ROS and free-radical

generation has frequently been detected in the seminal

plasma and the sperm of infertile men (Nakamura et al,

2002; Baker and Aitken, 2005; Pasqualotto et al, 2008).

The biological role of spermatozoa is, in part, assured

by the intrinsic properties of their plasma membrane,

which is particularly rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids

(PUFA) able to increase membrane fluidity (Conquer et

al, 2000) and the responsiveness of the acrosome to

exogenous stimuli. This high concentration of PUFA

concomitant with low antioxidant power and the

inability of the sperm, a highly differentiated cell, to

repair the damages make the sperm membrane vulner-

able to the harmful effect of ROS.

To ensure proper sperm membrane function, the

equilibrium between the insaturation level and oxidative

stability must be maintained (Aitken and Fisher, 1994).

Semen contains a variety of antioxidant compounds and

defense mechanisms including uric acid, taurine, thiols,

ascorbic acid, tocopherols (Ts), catalase, superoxide

dismutase, and glutathione peroxidase/reductase system

to counteract the detrimental effects of ROS (Alvarez et

al, 1987; Alvarez and Storey, 1989). Most of these

compounds are found in the seminal plasma, whereas

spermatozoa show very few antioxidant molecules.

Vitamin E is one of the most powerful exogenous

antioxidants (Bjørneboe et al, 1990) and it includes a-,

b-, c-, and d-T and tocotrienols, each consisting of a

chromanol ring with a side chain of 16 carbon atoms

(Schneider, 2005); a-T is the most powerful of these.

The effects of vitamin E and its derivatives on semen

characteristics have been extensively investigated. Gen-

erally, 2 kinds of approaches have been adopted: dietary

supplementation of vitamin E in case of male infertility

(Agarwal et al, 2004) or in animal studies (Castellini et

al, 2007) and direct addition to cryopreservation media

in order to improve postthaw motility of human or

Journal of Andrology andr-32-03-07.3d 22/12/10 19:49:47 1 Cust # JANDROL/2009/009936

Correspondence to: Dr Giulia Collodel, Department of Surgery,

Biology Section, University of Siena, Policlinico Le Scotte, Viale

Bracci, 14, 53100 Siena, Italy (e-mail: [email protected]).

Received for publication January 2, 2010; accepted for publication

September 23, 2010.

DOI: 10.2164/jandrol.109.009936

Journal of Andrology, Vol. 32, No. 3, May/June 2011Copyright E American Society of Andrology


animal spermatozoa (Castellini et al, 2007; Jeong et al,

2009; Taylor et al, 2009).

The T (a-T, c[+b]-T, and d-T) profile in rabbit semen

has recently been reported (Mourvaki et al, 2008), but

no information is available regarding these tocol-derived

compounds in human semen. Many studies revised by

Castellini et al (2007) showed that dietary incorporation

of a-T in rabbit sperm membranes greatly enhances the

oxidative stability of semen. d-T was found to be present

in a considerable amount in rabbit droplets, lipid-rich

products of the prostate gland (Castellini et al, 2006),

but the biological role is not yet clear.

In humans, despite the numerous studies concerning

the role of vitamin E intake in male infertility (Agarwal

et al, 2004), the efficacy of this antioxidant is still being

debated, and only a few reports have measured a-T

concentration in human ejaculates. Lewis et al (1997)

found that a-T was present in the seminal plasma of

fertile and infertile men, although at low concentrations

(0.08–0.69 mmol/L) and only traces were detected in

spermatozoa. On the other hand, Bhardwaj et al (2000)

reported a significantly decreased level of vitamin E in

the seminal plasma of oligozoospermic and azoospermic

men compared with normozoospermic samples.

This study was aimed at investigating the presence of

the different isoforms of T in human seminal plasma

and in the sperm fractions. The next step was to attempt

to understand the correlations among the sperm

characteristics and the distribution of measured Ts in

the fractions of semen from individuals with normal and

abnormal sperm parameters.

Materials and Methods


From December 2008 to June 2009 we analyzed 150 semen

samples from men attended at the Interdepartmental Centre for

Research and Therapy of Male Infertility, University of Siena.

Semen samples were obtained from both men with fertility

problems and those who just wanted to get tested for fertility. For

this investigation 27 men (aged 25–36 years) were selected and the

inclusion criteria consisted in non azoospermic patients with a

normal 46,XY karyotype evaluated by conventional cytogenetic

analysis, with a normal hormonal profile and no history of

radiotherapy, chemotherapy, chronic illness, or medication,

including supplementation with antioxidant compounds. More-

over, these patients did not show varicocele or other anatomic

injury, leukocytospermia (leukocyte concentration .1 6 106

cells/mL) and chronic genitourinary infections diagnosed by

bacteriologic analyses performed in seminal plasma.

All of the subjects who participated in the study gave

informed consent for this research.

Patients were divided into 2 groups: group 1 (n 5 12

individuals) showed one or more altered semen parameters

(sperm concentration ,20 6 106, rapid [a] and slow [b]

progressive motility [a + b] ,50%, sperm morphology ,30%)

and group 2 (n 5 15 individuals) had normal semen

parameters evaluated following World Health Organization

(WHO, 1992, 1999) guidelines.

Semen Analysis

Semen samples were collected by masturbation after 3–5 days

of sexual abstinence and examined after liquefaction for

30 minutes at 37uC. Volume, pH, concentration, and motility

were evaluated according to WHO (1999) guidelines. Sperm

morphology was assessed by the Papanicolaou (Pap) test

modified for spermatozoa. Ejaculated human spermatozoa

were washed twice in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS),

smeared on precleaned glass slides, air dried, and fixed in an

equal volume of ethanol 95% and ether for 5–15 minutes. The

fixed slides were stained using the protocol in the WHO

guidelines (1992).

In order to evaluate sperm viability, semen samples were

stained with 0.5% eosin Y (CI 45380) in 0.9% aqueous sodium

chloride solution. A few minutes after staining, the samples

were observed under a light microscope (Leica, Wetzlar,

Germany); a total of 200 sperm cells were scored for each

sample, and stained (unviable) and unstained (viable) cells

were categorized.

Leukocytes were identified by peroxidase stain; a concen-

tration of .1 6 106 cells/mL was considered out of range

(WHO, 1999). Moreover, May-Grunwald–Giemsa staining

(J. T. Baker; =Sigma Chemical, St Louis, Missouri) was

routinely performed in order to obtain a general picture of

the cell types, such as erythrocytes, granulocytes, or germinal

cells, that could be present in a semen sample.

Samples with a leukocytes concentration out of range or

with germinal cells were excluded from this investigation.

For electron microscopy, sperm samples were fixed in cold

Karnovsky fixative and maintained at 4uC for 2 hours. Fixed

semen was washed in 0.1 mol/L cacodylate buffer (pH 7.2) for

12 hours, postfixed in 1% buffered osmium tetroxide for 1 hour at

4uC, then dehydrated and embedded in Epon Araldite. Ultrathin

sections were cut with a Supernova ultramicrotome (Reickert

Jung, Vienna, Austria), mounted on copper grids, stained with

uranyl acetate and lead citrate, and then observed and photo-

graphed with a Philips EM208 transmission electron microscope

(TEM; Philips Scientifics, Eindhoven, The Netherlands).

Evaluation of Vitamin E in Whole Semen,Seminal Plasma, and Sperm Samples

Vitamin E was extracted from whole semen, plasma, and

sperm separately with hexane (Mourvaki et al, 2008).

In details, for each sample 200 mL of whole semen was

recovered 1 hour after semen collection and 200 mL of semen

was fractioned by centrifugation (800 6 g for 15 minutes at

4uC) into the seminal plasma (P, supernatant) and spermato-

zoa (S, pellet) and maintained at 280uC until the analysis was


The vitamin E liquid-liquid extraction was carried out in

200 mL of whole semen, and separately in the P and S fractions.

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0 Journal of Andrology N May �June 2011

The aliquots of each fraction (whole semen, P, and S) was

deproteinized with 500 mL of ethanol and Ts were extracted

twice with 1 mL of n-hexane (Mourvaki et al, 2008). The

hexane extracts were evaporated to dryness under nitrogen

flow and reconstituted with 100 mL acetonitrile. Fifty

microliters were injected into a high-performance liquid

chromatography (HPLC) system.>The chromatographic separation of Ts in the 3 fractions

(whole semen, P and S) was performed by a Jasco HPLC (PU-

1520 equipped with a 7125 Rheodyne injector) system (Jasco

Corporation, Tokyo, Japan) using a reversed-phase Beckman

Ultrasphere-ODS column (5 mm particles size, 4.6 6250 mm;

Beckman Coulter, Milan, Italy). The mobile phase consisted of

acetonitrile/tetrahydrofuran/methanol/ammonium acetate 1%

(684/220/68/28, vol/vol/vol/vol). The flow rate was 1.5 mL/min.

Concentrations of a-T, c (+b)-T, and d-T were quantified by

fluorescence detection (FP-1525; Jasco) using, respectively,

excitation and emission wavelengths of 295 and 330 nm.

Quantification was performed by reference to external

calibration curves prepared with increasing amounts of pure

T standards in ethanol. HPLC results of Ts from P and S are

expressed as nmol/mL to permit comparison between the

semen fractions. The S/P ratio was calculated by dividing the

concentration of T in the sperm fraction by the concentration

of T in the seminal plasma fraction. This parameter was the

most significant one for the correlation with sperm membrane


Sonication of Sperm Samples

To verify the potential effects of sperm membrane breakage on

vitamin E distribution between the P and the S fractions, 3

pooled semen samples from men with normal semen param-

eters (group 2) were sonicated (IKASONIC, model U-50

control) in PBS for 0, 10, 30, 60, and 180 seconds at maximum

amplitude (100%) and the vitamin E content was measured

by HPLC as previously described (results are given as peak

area of Ts). Twenty million spermatozoa were used for each

treatment run in duplicate. The resultant damages on sperm

membrane structure were observed by transmission electron

microscopy as previously described.

Statistical Analysis

Statistical analysis was performed using an SPSS (version 13)

statistical package.

The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to verify normal or

nonnormal distribution of values.

The Mann-Whitney test was performed to evaluate the

statistical differences between the variables because the

conditions of normality of distribution and of homogeneity

of variance were not satisfied.

Spearman’s coefficient of correlation of ranked data was

calculated for detecting the statistical correlation between 2

variables. P , .05 was considered significant.


The results of semen analysis of both groups expressed

as medians and 95% confidence intervals are reported in

Table 1.

Semen volume, sperm concentration, and rapid (a) +slow (b) progressive motility were determined following

WHO guidelines (1999). Sperm morphology was eval-

Journal of Andrology andr-32-03-07.3d 22/12/10 19:49:48 3 Cust # JANDROL/2009/009936

Table 1. Medians and 95% confidence intervals of semen parameters, and values of a-tocopherol (a-T) and d-tocopherol (d-T)in whole semen samples, sperm fraction (S), plasma fraction (P), and S/P ratio of 27 men divided into 2 groups according tovalues of semen parametersa


Studied Patients

P Value

Group 1 (n 5 12) Group 2 (n 5 15)


95% Confidence

Interval Median

95% Confidence


Volume, mL 4 3.17–5.74 3 2–3.87 .056

Sperm/mL 34.25 14.63–69.02 76 28.53–102.35 .067

Motility % 27.5 21.17–35.83 52 51–53.47 ,.001

Morphology % 20.05 19.17–22 31 30–33 ,.001

Viable cells % 50 47–56 79 77.5–82.5 ,.001

aT whole semen 8.15 7.20–9.50 8.91 6.92–11.99 .558

aT S 3.72 2.72–6.47 5.14 3.83–5.94 .367

aT P 4.45 4.31–7.06 3.80 2.22–4.73 .088

aT S/P 0.90 0.88–0.94 1.20 1.06–2.08 ,.001

dT whole semen 0.79 0.51–2.97 0.81 0.67–1.35 .942

dT S 0.33 0.33–0.62 0.42 0.40–0.84 .981

dT P 0.46 0.48–0.84 0.38 0.26–0.73 .18

dT S/P 0.86 0.79–1.02 1.13 1.02–1.88 .007

a Motility % is the percentage of rapid + slow progressive motility. Morphology % is the percentage of normal sperm evaluated by Papanicolaou

test). Viable cells % is the percentage of unstained sperm after eosin Y treatment. aT and dT were evaluated in whole semen and S and P

fractions by high-performance liquid chromatography (nmol/mL). Patients in group 1 show one or more altered semen parameters; those in

group 2 show normal semen parameters evaluated following World Health Organization (1992, 1999) guidelines. The P values reported in the

last column were obtained by applying the Mann-Whitney U test among the groups.

Moretti et al N Vitamin E Distribution in Human Semen 0

uated by Pap staining, and the viability of sperm cells

was assessed by eosin Y test. HPLC was used to

determine the concentration of T in the whole semen,sperm (S) and seminal plasma (P) fractions separately.

In all 3 analyzed fractions, a-T was present in higher

concentrations compared with d-T (Table 1).

In the chromatogram shown in Figure 1, the vitamin

E pure standard is reported (Figure 1a): a-T and d-T

were identified as 2 separate peaks, whereas b-T and c-T

coeluted, giving a single peak in an intermediate position

between those of a-T and d-T; in Figure 1b achromatogram of the whole human semen sample was

shown: the peaks related to a-T and d-T were evident,

whereas the peak of c (+b)-T was not revealed;

moreover, no tocotrienols were detected.

The S/P ratio was calculated in order to identify the

different distributions of a-T and d-T in the 2 fractions.

Individuals in group 1 showed one or more altered

semen parameters among sperm concentration, motility,and morphology, whereas those in group 2 had normal

semen parameters.

Comparing the considered variables between the 2

groups, the percentage of progressive motility (a+b), the

percentage of normal morphology, the a-T and d-T S/P

ratios, and the percentage of eosin Y negative (viable)

spermatozoa were significantly higher in group 2

compared with the values observed in group 1 (Table 1).It is important to stress that the a-T and d-T values

measured in the whole semen samples and separately in

S and in P fractions did not appear to be different in the

2 groups, even changing the unit of measurement in

nmol/108 sperm, in S fraction (a-T: group 1 12.42 [2.20–

22.65] vs group 2 22.65 [11.22–34.08]; d-T group 1 1.37

[0.23–2.49] vs group 2 2.62 [1.35–3.88]).

However, men with abnormal semen parametersgenerally showed higher levels of a-T and d-T in the P

fraction compared with those found in the S fraction; an

inverted trend was observed in men with normal semen

parameters (Figure 2). This situation is clearly shown by

the S/P ratio: for a-T 0.90 in group 1 and 1.20 in group

2; for d-T 0.86 in group 1 and 1.13 in group 2 (Table 1).

Table 2 shows the correlations among the considered

semen parameters and the T values in the 2 groups. Itappears that progressive sperm motility is positively

correlated with a-T and d-T values measured in the

whole semen (P , .01), in the S fraction (P , .05 for a-T

sperm in group 1; P , .01 for all the other variables) and

in the P fraction (P , .05 for a-T plasma in group 2; P

, .01 for all the other variables) in both groups. The

percentage of viable sperm is correlated with the a-T

and d-T S/P ratios (P , .01) in both groups.In order to verify whether plasma membrane break-

age could be the cause of a-T and d-T release in the

seminal plasma of patients with altered semen param-

eters, human spermatozoa were sonicated and then

observed by TEM. The complete release of d-T was

detected after 10 seconds of sonication, whereas a-T was

released after 60 seconds (Figure 3). This trend was

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Figure 1. (a) High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)chromatogram of pure standard Vitamin E. toc3 indicates tocotrie-nols; toc, tocopherols. (b) HPLC chromatogram of the whole semensample. Conditions are reported in ‘‘Materials and Methods.’’

0 Journal of Andrology N May �June 2011

concomitant with plasma membrane fragmentation

detected at the ultrastructural level (Figure 4).


Vitamin E is a recognized exogenous, lipophilic antiox-

idant of the semen, and it plays a key role in male

reproduction by protecting sperm membrane PUFA

against oxidation by ROS (Bjørneboe et al, 1990).

The present study was aimed at investigating the

distribution of different T homologues in spermatozoa

and seminal plasma from men with normal and

abnormal semen parameters.

Strict criteria were applied for patient selection in

order to obtain 2 homogeneous groups, avoiding the

most common risk factors for male infertility, such as

varicocele, infections, altered karyotype and hormonal

imbalance, which could interfere with the present

experiment and possibly with the bioavailability of Ts.

Independently of the group of patients considered, the

major vitamin E homologue detected was a-T, the most

potent antioxidant against peroxyl and alkoxyl radicals.

In addition, for the first time we demonstrated that

human semen contains significant amounts of another

tocol-derived compound, d-T. d-T differs from a-T as it

lacks 2 methyl groups on the chromanol ring, which is

responsible for its more polar nature. Because of the

coelution of b-T and c-T we were unable to separately

quantify concentrations of b-T and c-T.

In this study, the statistical analysis confirmed that

sperm quality, except for sperm concentration, was

significantly reduced in the group with altered semen

parameters, and in particular in this group the

percentage of sperm with broken plasma membrane

was significantly increased.

The a-T and d-T values detected in whole semen were

very similar in the 2 populations analyzed. Our results

are not in agreement with those from Omu et al (1999)

and Bhardwaj et al (2000) who showed higher a-T level

in semen of men with normal semen parameters than

those with oligozoospermia, asthenozoospermia, and

azoospermia. This discrepancy could be due to the

selection of the patient population, but the low number

of analyzed patients could be a factor involved. In

addition, it could be that these studies did not consider

the fact that Ts, because of their lipophilic properties,

show affinity to plasma membrane and can display

different distributions in the cells and in the seminal


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Figure 2. Distribution of a-tocopherol level in seminal plasma fractionin the 2 examined groups.

Table 2. Correlations (Spearman’s coefficient) between variables related to a-T and d-T and evaluated semen parameters inthe 2 analyzed groups

Group Variable Volume Sperm/mL Morphology % Viability % Motility %

1 aT whole 0.039 0.189 0.214 20.063 0.958a

aT sperm 0.075 0.182 0.295 0.275 0.643b

aT plasma 0.075 20.014 0.238 20.148 0.727a

aT S/P 20.568 0.49 20.064 0.838a 20.413

dT whole 0.046 20.091 0.068 20.007 0.769a

dT sperm 0.263 20.273 0.164 20.039 0.760a

dT plasma 0.111 20.238 0.210 20.366 0.713a

dT S/P 20.363 0.308 0.071 0.754a 20.014

2 aT whole 20.203 20.227 20.166 0.068 0.928a

aT sperm 20.381 20.113 0.013 0.46 0.666a

aT plasma 20.415 0.154 20.268 20.455 0.533b

aT S/P 20.295 20.157 0.27 0.653a 20.029

dT whole 20.017 20.121 20.251 0.014 0.795a

dT sperm 20.374 20.099 0.092 0.466 0.688a

dT plasma 20.085 0.039 0.116 20.027 0.803a

dT S/P 20.386 20.161 0.060 0.657b 20.335

Abbreviation: S/P, ratio of sperm fraction to plasma fraction.a P , .01.b P , .05.

Moretti et al N Vitamin E Distribution in Human Semen 0

Regarding the distribution of Ts in the different

considered fractions, the amounts of a-T and d-T in

sperm samples were higher in group 2 compared with

group 1; a-T and d-T S/P ratios were significantly higher

in the group with normal semen parameters compared

with those of the group with abnormal semen parameters,

suggesting a release of these tocol-derived compounds

from sperm to the surrounding aqueous medium.

To the best of our knowledge, very few studies related

to the distribution of T isoforms in human semen are

available. Lewis et al (1997) observed concentrations of

a-T ranging from 0.08 to 0.69 mmol/L in seminal plasma

of fertile and infertile normozoospermic men and

asthenozoospermic individuals, but the differences

among these groups were not significant; thus, they

did not consider the detection of a-T as an important

predictive element. They also highlighted traces of a-T

directly in sperm cells, although they did not consider

this observation to be an important finding. The first

evidence for the presence of a-T in human spermatozoa

was reported by Therond et al (1996) and the a-T

concentration in spermatozoa was related to sperm

motility, viability, and morphology.

Concerning the detection of the other vitamin E

isoforms in human semen and spermatozoa, no data are

yet available, and this is the first report related to d-T


In the present study, the values of a-T and d-T

determined in whole semen samples, in sperm, and in

seminal plasma fractions were positively correlated with

progressive motility in both groups. These data could be

consistent with the report showing a positive effect of in

vitro a-T supplementation in human sperm motility and

viability (Verma and Kanwar, 1999).

Another pivotal point regards the observation that in

rabbits the antioxidant efficiency of a-T depends mainly

on its incorporation into the sperm membranes, whereas

the a-T plasma fraction does not seem to play a role,

confirmed by the fact that the antioxidant protection of

semen is not greatly reduced after dilution (Castellini et

al, 2007). Even in humans, Therond et al (1996) didn’t

find any correlation between a-T in seminal plasma and

conventional semen parameters, concluding that the

measurement of a-T in seminal plasma was not very

useful; in contrast, the a-T concentration in spermato-

zoa is significantly related to the morphofunctional

characteristics of sperm. This issue is deeply related to

our observation in humans, indicating that the speci-

mens from men with abnormal semen parameters were

characterized by an increased percentage of sperm with

broken plasma membranes and decreased T S/P ratios,

giving experimental support to the altered vitamin E

distribution in the 2 semen fractions.

Journal of Andrology andr-32-03-07.3d 22/12/10 19:50:04 6 Cust # JANDROL/2009/009936

Figure 3. The a-tocopherol and d-tocopherol levels measured byhigh-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) of pooled spermsamples from men with normal semen parameters sonicated for 0,10, 30, 60, and 180 seconds at maximum amplitude. The results aregiven as peak area of tocopherols. The conditions of HPLC arereported in ‘‘Materials and Methods.’’

Figure 4. Transmission electron microscopy micrograph of longitu-dinal sections of human sperm after 60 seconds of sonication. Theplasma membranes are clearly fragmented (arrows); N indicatesnucleus. Scale bar 5 1 mm.

0 Journal of Andrology N May �June 2011

This remark has led us to assume that the fragmen-

tation of plasma membrane could be responsible for the

release of a-T and d-T in the seminal plasma. In order toconfirm this hypothesis, normal semen samples were

sonicated and the a-T and d-T levels were measured in

seminal plasma at different times. About 60 seconds of

sonication are adequate to obtain a consistent release of

a-T in plasma, whereas d-T requires only 10 seconds,

but it appears to be quickly destroyed after sonication.

This observation suggests that d-T seems to be less

closely coupled with membranes than a-T, and thiscould be in agreement with the more polar nature of the

d-T isoform. TEM analysis of sonicated semen samples

confirmed that spermatozoa showed broken plasma


In the analyzed patients with poor semen quality, the

observed high percentage of broken plasma membranes

could be an effect of the presence of ROS, known to be

elevated in patients with altered semen parameters(Pasqualotto et al, 2008). Unfortunately, ROS levels

were not measured in the semen of the study partici-

pants, making this explanation speculative.

For instance, because the a-T and d-T levels in whole

semen are found to be very similar in the 2 analyzed

groups, it seems that Ts associated with sperm

membranes are the main source of nonenzymatic

antioxidants in semen and the release of a-T and d-Tin the plasma fraction is probably an index of lower

antioxidant power and lower sperm quality as well.

Enzymatic antioxidants, such as superoxide dismutase

and glutathione peroxidase, may play a major role in

protecting sperm against ROS-induced damage, and

they would be the primary defense systems (Griveau et

al, 1995), whereas a-T would act as the last barrier to

maintain the integrity of the sperm membrane (Therondet al, 1996).

In addition to the possibility that a-T and d-T may be

released into the seminal plasma by plasma membrane

fragmentation, we cannot exclude that this transport

could occur, at least in part, as a function of lipophilic

protein concentration in seminal plasma. To this

purpose, albumin is demonstrated to be involved in

the transfer of Ts between semen fractions in rabbit

(Mourvaki et al, 2010), and variations in its concentra-tion in semen may probably affect such a T transfer. The

hypothesis that the variations in albumin concentration

might have been responsible for the different distribu-

tion of Ts between the seminal plasma and the sperm

fractions observed in group 2 with respect to group 1

cannot be ruled out, because we did not dose the

albumin concentration in the semen samples. However,

it is important to underline that the sonicationexperiment was carried out in an albumin-free medium

(PBS) suggesting that membrane breakage can be a real

phenomenon inducing the release of Ts in seminal


Further investigations focused on the a-T and d-T

fractions present at the plasma membrane level will be

necessary in order to understand the exact function of

this lipophilic compound and in order to examine the

behavior of these fractions during vitamin E supple-mentation.

Thus, in the near future it could be interesting to

study whether dietary vitamin E supplementation could

be useful for adjusting vitamin E distribution in the

semen fractions of individuals showing altered semen


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0 Journal of Andrology N May �June 2011

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Journal: Journal of AndrologyPaper: andr-32-03-07Title: Distribution of a- and d-Tocopherols in Seminal Plasma and Sperm Fractions of Men With Normaland Abnormal Semen Parameters

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