
The Atomic Redesign of the Internet Future Architecture

Project full title: The Atomic Redesign of the Internet Future Architecture

Project acronym: TARIFA

Start date: 01/07/2009

End date: 31/06/2011


Fundació i2CAT I2CAT

Sebastià Sallent,

Albert Vidal,

Oriol Madriles

Wireless Network Group of

Technical University of Catalonia WNG

Josep Paradells,

Xavier Sánchez

MediaENTEL of Technical

University of Catalonia ME

Jesus Alcober,

Alberto José González

Grup de Xarxes Optiques of

Technical University of Catalonia GXO

Cristina Cervelló,

Yury Andrea Jiménez

Grup de Disseny Col·laboratiu de

Sistemes a les TIC of Technical

University of Catalonia

COLS Josep M Monguet,

Alfredo Gutiérrez

Network Technologies and

Strategies of Pompeu Fabra


NeTS Boris Bellalta,

Trang Cao Minh

Grup de Tecnologies Multimèdia

of Ramon Llull University – La


GTM Francesc Pinyol,

Ramon Martín de Pozuelo

Adavanced Network

Architectures of Technical

University of Catalonia

ANA Xavier Masip,

Martín Germán


Vodafone España VF Guillermo Cajigas

Televisió de Catalunya TVC Christian Adell

Fundació i2CAT – CTX I2CAT-CTX Sergi Figuerola

Essex University ESSEX Kenneth M Guild

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The Atomic Redesign of the Internet Future Architecture

Deliverable title: Evolutionary Use Cases Specification

Version: V.3


Grup de Tecnologies Multimèdia of

Ramon Llull University – La Salle GTM Ramon Martín de Pozuelo

Grup de Xarxes Optiques of Technical

University of Catalonia GXO Yury Andrea Jiménez

MediaENTEL of Technical University of

Catalonia ME Alberto José González

Adavanced Network Architectures of

Technical University of Catalonia ANA Martín Germán

Grup de Disseny Col·laboratiu de

Sistemes a les TIC of Technical

University of Catalonia

COLS Alfredo Gutiérrez

Network Technologies and Strategies of

Pompeu Fabra University NeTS Trang Cao Minh


Fundació i2CAT I2CAT

Sebastià Sallent,

Albert Vidal,

Oriol Madriles

Wireless Network Group of Technical

University of Catalonia WNG

Josep Paradells,

Xavier Sánchez

MediaENTEL of Technical University of

Catalonia ME

Jesus Alcober

Grup de Xarxes Optiques of Technical

University of Catalonia GXO

Cristina Cervelló

Grup de Disseny Col·laboratiu de

Sistemes a les TIC of Technical

University of Catalonia

COLS Josep M Monguet

Network Technologies and Strategies of

Pompeu Fabra University NeTS

Boris Bellalta

Grup de Tecnologies Multimèdia of

Ramon Llull University – La Salle GTM Francesc Pinyol

Adavanced Network Architectures of

Technical University of Catalonia ANA Xavier Masip

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Executive Summary TARIFA aims at defining a clean slate approach to a Future Internet architectural redesign

based on a role-based paradigm consisting of non-divisible, or atomic, functions. In this

purpose, WP2 of this project designs two set of use cases from two different perspectives. First

one focus on demonstrate that the simplification of the architecture does not affect to its

performance, comparing it to current networks and achieving an equivalent functionality.

This document defines the scenarios, actors and flow charts of the cases that must prove this

first vision, while analyzing which aspects of the architecture [1] should be more developed

and which ones are already suitable for a Future Internet approach.

In the first section of this document an overview of the use cases is done, providing an

introduction, motivation, and a general summary of the use case. In second and third section

all actors and elements that participate in the different use cases scenarios are defined,

respectively. Fourth section specifies the non-functional requirements that have to accomplish

every defined use case, and fifth section describes the development that should follow the use

cases, including a global definition of every phase, its functional requirements and every flow

table of the use case. Then, sixth section introduces which parameters are subject to be

evaluated and how we will measure them. And finally, the document summarizes and

concludes the thoughts of TARIFA members after preparing this deliverable.

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Preface This document specifies an incremental development of the evolutionary set of use cases, so it

is required to validate a phase in order to advance to the following one. Furthermore, this

document should be a primary development guideline for WP 3, 4 and 5 but it could be subject

to changes and revisions during the project duration to adapt it to changes in the architecture

definition, the simulation tool used, or other WP 3, 4 and 5 developments, if necessary.

Although, the development in these WPs is not only limited to what use cases specified.

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Table of contents 1 Overview ........................................................................................................................... 7

1.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 7

1.2 Evolutionary and revolutionary .................................................................................. 8

1.3 Phases ....................................................................................................................... 9

1.4 Use Case Summary .................................................................................................... 9

2 Actors ............................................................................................................................. 11

2.1 Application .............................................................................................................. 11

2.2 Node Components ................................................................................................... 12

2.2.1 Controller ........................................................................................................ 12

2.2.2 Service Manager .............................................................................................. 13

2.2.3 Service Monitor ............................................................................................... 13

2.2.4 Service Composer ............................................................................................ 14

2.2.5 Router ............................................................................................................. 14

2.2.6 Accounting and Management Broker ............................................................... 14

2.2.7 Context Manager ............................................................................................. 15

2.3 End Node ................................................................................................................. 15

2.4 Intermediate Node .................................................................................................. 15

2.5 Consumer User ........................................................................................................ 16

2.6 Service Providers ..................................................................................................... 16

2.6.1 ISP ................................................................................................................... 16

2.6.2 Accounting and admission control ................................................................... 17

2.6.3 FTP .................................................................................................................. 17

2.6.4 Videoconference .............................................................................................. 18

3 Logical Architecture......................................................................................................... 18

3.1 Consumer Node ....................................................................................................... 18

3.2 User Access Segment ............................................................................................... 18

3.3 ISP ........................................................................................................................... 18

3.3.1 Border Nodes ................................................................................................... 18 Points of Interconnection ............................................................................. 19

3.3.2 Domain scheme ............................................................................................... 19

3.4 Content provider segment ....................................................................................... 19

3.5 Videoconference segment ....................................................................................... 19

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4 Non-functional requirements .......................................................................................... 20

5 Phases ............................................................................................................................. 22

5.1 Node architecture ................................................................................................... 22

5.1.1 Definition ......................................................................................................... 22

5.1.2 Functional requirements .................................................................................. 23

5.1.3 Use case tables ................................................................................................ 24 Application interface .................................................................................... 24 Control Plane interface ................................................................................ 25 Resource Plane interface .............................................................................. 26 Service Plane interface ................................................................................. 28

5.2 Basic communication ............................................................................................... 29

5.2.1 Definition ......................................................................................................... 29

5.2.2 Functional requirements .................................................................................. 30

5.2.3 Use case tables ................................................................................................ 30

5.3 Forwarding .............................................................................................................. 33

5.3.1 Definition ......................................................................................................... 33

5.3.2 Functional requirements .................................................................................. 34

5.3.3 Use case tables ................................................................................................ 34

5.4 Routing and network configuration ......................................................................... 37

5.4.1 Definition ......................................................................................................... 37

5.4.2 Functional requirements .................................................................................. 38

5.4.3 Use case tables ................................................................................................ 38

5.5 End-to-end inter-domain communication ................................................................ 43

5.5.1 Definition ......................................................................................................... 43

5.5.2 Functional Requirements ................................................................................. 44

5.5.3 Use case tables ................................................................................................ 44

5.6 Delay-critical multimedia communication ................................................................ 47

5.6.1 Definition ......................................................................................................... 47

5.6.2 Functional Requirements ................................................................................. 48

5.6.3 Use case tables ................................................................................................ 48

6 Test and evaluation ......................................................................................................... 49

7 Conclusions ..................................................................................................................... 51

8 References ...................................................................................................................... 51

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1 Overview

1.1 Introduction

Aiming to solve some of the problems of current Internet architecture, TARIFA project

presents a clean-slate approach that should be context-aware, flexible and adaptable enough

to perform reasonably well in all kind of environments, without making assumptions about

execution environment, infrastructure support or a minimum set of device capabilities.

Therefore, if we define an architecture that accomplishes these goals working with

minimalistic devices in restricted networks like Wireless Sensor Networks, it should be easier

to extrapolate it to work in more complex environments, without capacity restrictions, like

wired computer networks. Hence, we would like to invert the tendency to design complex

protocols for wired and backbone networks (with computers and routers as reference nodes)

and then adapting them to environments with restrictions, approach that poses a lot of

implementation, design and performance issues.

Furthermore, we advocate for the micro-modularization of networking protocols, building

function or roles, extending the traditional concept of mechanisms and protocols. This,

consequently, requires the design of fundamental policies, mechanisms for creating the roles

of the Future Internet architecture.

With this vision in mind, main objectives that the current project wants to achieve are:

Context-aware service composition

This objective refers to the study and proposes solutions in order to enable the

provisioning of Future Internet services by means of context-aware service

composition in order to provide adapted and personalized services, dealing with high

dynamic and heterogeneous environments. Specifically, we will provide solutions for

the provisioning of Future Media Internet and Future Internet of Things services.

Autonomic Network Management

Define and design a reliable, scalable and robust network infrastructure based on

automatic management principles that allow reacting properly to the elements

network front to different scenarios in order to guarantee to the end-to-end goals of

the data flows.

Internet Routing Scalability

This objective refers to the analysis of the existing ideas for the routing scalability

problem, based on this, propose a solution scheme and then make the functional

design, implementation and evaluate the solution.

Socioeconomic Impact

Define and design a business model that can be exploited in the context of the

Internet of the Future.

Hence, to prove the improvement of these proposals towards the current state of current

Internet, we should define specific use cases that involve the evaluation of our new

architecture at different levels, and a comparison between them and current scenarios.

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1.2 Evolutionary and revolutionary

In the research community, there are two approaches to solve current Internet crisis:

evolutionary and disruptive or revolutionary. In our opinion, it is hard to believe that the

evolutionary path will be able to solve efficiently all the issues and challenges facing the

Internet. This belief comes from the fact that most of the known issues to solve derive from

the basic architectural principles behind the TCP/IP stack. The Internet was not designed for its

current uses -neither for its amazing success nor growth of scale-, thus we firmly believe it is

better to try to redesign the network architecture with current requirements, building on all

the knowledge on the field gathered during these years. Most of the known issues can be

cleanly solved if we design a new network architecture from scratch that encompasses all the

requirements to achieve. This is why we advocate for a clean-slate redesign of the Internet


In order to evaluate our new architecture, we define a set of use cases divided in two

perspectives, evolutionary and revolutionary. However, these terms should not be directly

identified with the meaning explained in the previous paragraph, so all of them are deployed

in a revolutionary (clean-slate) approach of the Internet architecture. Therefore, the correct

interpretation of these terms must be explained as the following:

Evolutionary point of view will present a use case focused on demonstrating the equal

functionality of the new proposal regarding current Internet. It will validate our clean

slate approach as a whole network deployment defining a solution based on atomic

functionalities that could run an ordinary current Internet service. Although the overall

objective of the project is to define a clean slate proposal that replaces the current

protocol stack, this use case may also consider this approach as a superset of the

current Internet. If some of the parts of architecture definition could be deployed as

an overlay of current Internet, making its functional advantages available to

applications without requiring universal adoption. In terms of development, these set

of use cases make some assumptions that facilitate TARIFA approach validation.

Hence, this cases tackle most of the new functionalities added by this project using

templates or considering that, for example, routing or context tables are already filled.

This fact permits these cases to focus on the validation of the architecture, negotiation

protocol and the overall framework avoiding the complexity of some issues that will be

defined and developed in the revolutionary set of cases.

On the other hand, revolutionary view will defend the idea that this architecture

proposal also copes with problems that could never be efficiently resolved by current

Internet. It should demonstrate that TARIFA network offers new ways to do things

more efficiently without adding patches and patches over current Internet.

Furthermore, these use cases will help studying and defining a foreseen Future

Internet scenarios that are not possible to be carried out by present protocol stack,

and will demonstrate some of the goodness of the new architecture design. Taking this

into account, revolutionary set of cases will make more emphasis on the monitoring

system that provides context to the network and permits a context-aware dynamic

and run-time composition of services. It will also test and validate the semantic

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resolution proposal presented by WP5, and the usage of new addressing schemes

based on attributes.

Besides, in both sets of use cases, energy-efficiency, information-centric and heterogeneity of

networks and devices issues will be taken into account for its definition and the description of


1.3 Phases

There are many relevant projects that are proposing new architectures and new features to be

included in Future Internet definition. However, they have many difficulties in the architecture

evaluation process [2] mainly because of its complexity and the problem to find appropriate

scenarios where evaluate every behaviour or added feature of their new architecture.

Furthermore, its comparison to current architecture is very complex as well, so it usually needs

a complete development and deployment of the architecture, whether simulating or through


It is also relevant that our architecture approach starts from the point that every node should

be completely autonomous. Therefore, an incremental definition of use cases fits very well this

vision, starting from the basic node functionalities simulation and evaluation. It should permit

us to identify architecture and protocol conflicts, and then, in next steps extend the case by

proposing the addition of other functionalities, nodes and actors, and considering a typical

current Internet service scenario in a final phase.

1.4 Use Case Summary

Herein, in Evolutionary Use Case definition, we propose a set of use cases that will help to

evaluate the new node/network architecture presented in TARIFA project. These cases will be

focused on the validation of our approach defining scenarios that are somehow feasible

nowadays with current Internet. In fact, these set of evolutionary use cases should

demonstrate that TARIFA framework can provide at least the same services as current

networks do. It is necessary to point out that the approximation for these cases will not be

more static than defined by WP1 [1], so the development will consider a global knowledge of

the network, making some assumptions (e.g. negotiation or forwarding tables previously filled)

in the negotiation and composition processes that help the evaluation and validation of

TARIFA architecture and negotiation protocol. These cases should put the basis of the new

framework and validate the overall behaviour but avoid a big effort in these processes which

involve more novel functionalities (context providing, service composition and allocation,

service semantic resolution) and are hardly comparable with current networks. Hence,

revolutionary use cases must fill the gaps that are not considered in the evolutionary set,

focusing in the development of these functionalities.

However, some features that permit to provide more efficiency in some aspects, or easier

ways to do the same could be considered as well within this set, although they will be more

detailed and tested in the development of revolutionary use cases set.

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As mentioned in previous section, the development of the evolutionary use cases will be done

incrementally, taking into account some phases. First ones are the most relevant so they will

focus its efforts in testing the operation of TARIFA nodes and validating that our proposal is

well-grounded. Then, while advancing, new phases propose scenarios where incorporate step

by step more complexity and high-level services. Finally, fifth and sixth phases propose very

ambitious scenarios but that could be helpful in comparing services operation over current

networks and a TARIFA network.

First phase (node architecture): First phase will evaluate the basic behaviour of a

TARIFA node, simulating the interactions between all node components defined in

WP1. It should be one of the most (if not the most) important phase in all use cases

development, so it will test and polish how nodes will act, and consequently, how

network will finally act. For this purpose, a set of test cases is defined in order to

assure that the operation of all node components is coherent with what was originally

defined in WP1, and identify definition problems or errors. Besides, for the validation

of the architecture, there are some extra work aspects not directly reflected in use

cases, but critical to complete this phase, as syntax definition for all the basic

vocabulary that nodes should manage (attributes, atomic services, profiles,

requirements, etc.).

Second phase (basic communication): This phase will simulate a basic two-node

communication. This scenario must validate the operation of the preliminary

negotiation protocol defined in [3], establishing a basic connectivity between two

nodes. Additionally in this phase, error control and flow control services in order to

test a reliable transmission of data between two TARIFA nodes that are directly


Third phase (forwarding): This scenario adds two intermediate nodes to previous

phase, obtaining a single path that involves these two intermediate-nodes and two

end-nodes with between them. This phase should validate the forwarding services of

the intermediate nodes and estimate the forwarding delay introduced by each node.

Fourth phase (routing and network configuration): This scenario involves six to eight

mesh-connected intermediate-nodes and two end-nodes connected to one of these

intermediate-nodes. This phase will validate the routing process using TARIFA nodes. It

also introduces fault recovery tests in a small network by linking down some of the

service path links, measure the recovery time in a simulation (and estimate a real

recovery time if necessary).

Fifth phase (end-to-end inter-domain communication): This phase introduces a more

complex scenario where simulate the behaviour of a TARIFA network offering an FTP

connection from a user to a content provider. Content provider will receive a specific

content request and provide it to the user using a reliable connection. It is also the first

inter-domain scenario that will be simulated, where two ISPs will be defined (as a

bigger example of fourth phase scenario) and interconnected by two points of

interconnection. FTP service will also define two content providers (one mirror), and

linking down segment provider tests will be done, in order to prove the recovery of the

service without losing information and transparent to the consumer user.

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Sixth phase (delay-critical multimedia communication): This phase proposes a

videoconference communication simulation from a user to another user. Service

provider will receive requests from both users demanding for a videoconference,

connect them, and manage session messages and conference synchronization. It will

test delay-critical communications over TARIFA architecture in a typical conference

scenario, evaluating the QoS/QoE that users receive of this service.

Figure 1.1. Evolutionary use case final scenario

2 Actors In this section all the actors that participate in the different phases of the use case will be

introduced. First actors specified are more low-level, so they are the main participants in initial

phases. Thus, they are more relevant in the behaviour of a simple node; meanwhile the final

actors are defined in a greater scenario context, where basic node components are looked

down on, focusing on network entities dialog.

2.1 Application

Application should be seen as the interface between a user and a node. It provides a

communication system between both, being the final data sender and receiver. It is the

responsible of providing the user requests to the node, and receiving resource or service

information from other node components. It has interaction with Controller, Service Manager,

Router and Context Manager. Session initiation and other control messages are relayed to

controller, whilst data transfer messages are relayed directly to the service manager.

Interactions with other node components are:

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Controller: it is the main component of the node that interacts with Application. It

receives composed service requests from Application, and derives them to Service

Composer, in order to know exactly which atomic services will be involved in the

requested service.

Service Manager: it establishes a communication channel with application in order to

provide to user the final data from service that it has received from Service plane. This

channel also offer interaction between user and the service in use, so it permits to

configure the service, add changes once it has started or introduce messages that

should be sent through Service plane.

Context Manager: it interacts with Application providing information about node

resources and registering or informing about context changes that have been

produced in the Knowledge Plane. It permits application to update their (node or user)

features profiles.

Router: it allows Application to register existent services in order it can be accessible

and identifiable in Resource plane by other nodes.

2.2 Node Components

2.2.1 Controller

Controller is the signalling and control protocols manager. It manages the transmission and

reception of service discovery and negotiation protocol packets, plus transmission and

reception of context exchange and other management protocols (if any).

Interactions with other node components are:

Application: it can request initiating the service discovery and negotiation protocol to

find and consume a certain service.

Service Manager: it can request initiating the control protocol for the reallocation of

routes. Besides, once a service is negotiated the Controller delegates the service

management to the Service Manager.

Context Manager: it interacts with the Controller to distribute context data in the

Knowledge Plane. The basic procedure uses the context exchange protocol, whilst for

enhanced distribution and fetching, the service discovery and negotiation protocol is

executed to consume the enhanced distribution service.

Router: it interacts with the Controller to distribute data in the Resource plane. The

basic procedure uses the context exchange protocol, whilst for enhanced distribution

and fetching, the service discovery and negotiation protocol is executed to consume

the enhanced distribution service. Besides, the Router resolves received semantic

queries at the request of the Controller.

Service Composer: at request by the Controller, it resolves the selection and

composition of services and routes, based on the data obtained from the negotiation


A&M Broker: it interacts with the Controller to distribute data in the Accounting and

Management plane. The dedicated composed services for distribution and fetching of

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A&M data are built on top of the service discovery and negotiation protocol like the

rest of data services.

2.2.2 Service Manager

It manages the execution of composed services, that is, it manages the reception and

transference of data packets and reacts to any non-fulfilment of Service Level Agreement

(SLA)1 signalled by the Service Monitor, signalling to the Controller at its own discretion which

actions should be performed according to the policies specified in the Service Composer during

service composition.

Interactions with other node components are:

Application: It forces the execution of specific workflows according to the purpose

which it is built for. It can generate inputs to the services in execution. Typical inputs

from the application are control functions (for instance, play, pause, and stop in a

multimedia session) or application data. Application is in charge of receiving the

corresponding data from the associated executed services. Besides it has to decide and

specify which requirements (including also functionalities) to use at a specific time

through high-level functionality invocation.

Controller: The Service Manager communicates with the Controller in order to execute

the corresponding control functions and associated signalling (negotiation protocol).

Furthermore, the Controller will look for new routes at instances of the Service

Manager. In addition, this component receives control messages from the Controller in

order to notify the Service Manager to execute or modify the operation of a Service.

These notifications may be pushed by intermediate nodes or the source node as well.

Service Monitor: The Service Manager component allows modifying the operation of a

service based on the reports generated by the Service Monitor element.

2.2.3 Service Monitor

It monitors composed services behaviour and reacts to any non-fulfilment of SLA, signalling

any SLA violating event to the Service Manager.

Interactions with other node components are:

Service Manager: The communication between the Service Manager (SManager) and

Service Monitor (SMonitor) has two purposes: to establish which composed services

must be supervised by the SMonitor and to advertise to SManager when any event or

fault in the delivery service exists (e.g. Route degradation and SLA violation) in order to

reconfigure the operation of the services if SManager considers it necessary.

1 SLA concept basically remains the same as legacy networks, but its application is more fine-grained: we have

providers and consumer agreeing on a certain level of service assurance and behaviour. Tussles amongst providers

will probably remain the same as today, hence the same problems to establish long-standing contracts and

agreements between different providers will arise. However, contracts established among the different

stakeholders will allow to the appearance of novel and innovative business models.

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Share State: SMonitor supervises the state of the atomic services executed in order to

announce some fault.

Accounting & Management Broker: SMonitor also provides information about

parameters related to the service execution in order to evaluate the level of fulfilment

that was defined by SManager. These parameters are reported to the Accounting &

Management plane to have a register of the resources in order to manage them.

2.2.4 Service Composer

It manages the composition, allocation and orchestration of services (both atomic and

composed) from the control data obtained from the controller via the discovery and

negotiation protocol. It dictates the orchestration policies (establishing relations and

interactions between atomic services (ASs) and, possibly, between different composed

services) to compose the service workflow.

Interactions with other node components are:

Controller: it requests a service composition and orchestration when it received a

service demand.

A&M Broker: it interacts with the Service Composer to incorporate the network

policies as other requirements in the service composition process.

2.2.5 Router

It manages the routing of discovery packets: where to forward packets based on the packets’

semantic query. Besides, it also acts as a semantic resolver, concretizing source semantic

queries at controller’s request. Semantic resolving may need communication with the context

manager both for local knowledge and for external knowledge (access to Knowledge plane).

Interactions with other node components are:

Application: registers available service profiles.

Controller: This component makes connection requests in the same way the

Application does.

Context Manager: This component is responsible for given all the context information

(network’s resources) that it is necessary to carry out the services semantic lookups.

2.2.6 Accounting and Management Broker

The broker collects monitoring data with the purpose of accounting and network resource

management. Hence, it directly collaborates with the Accounting and Management plane to

distribute and manage collected data.

Interactions with other node components are:

Controller: AMB communicates with the Control plane (Controller) to execute the

distribution of accounting data.

Service Monitor: It provides the state of the service delivery, in order to evaluate the

level of fulfilment required by the user.

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Context Manager: It provides context states information of the node resources.

Accounting and Management Plane: It provides all information related to the state

resources and services executed on the node in order to this plane can help to manage

the operation and to account resource usage.

Service Composer: A&M Broker incorporates to Service Composer the network

policies based on network and services states in order to offer a self-adaptable service

composition process.

2.2.7 Context Manager

It manages the context data (register of profiles and different context monitoring data) in itself

plus its interchange with the Knowledge plane (including elemental Knowledge plane formed

with its neighbours).

Interactions with other node components are:

Controller: Context Manager communicates with the Control plane (Controller) to

execute the distribution of context and gather context data from external sources by

means the context exchange protocol.

Router: It provides context information to the Router in order to carry out the

semantic resolving.

Application: It registers the user profile, for example, specifies the requirements of the

service and the preferences of the user.

Accounting & Management Broker: Context Manager provides information about

parameters related to the nodes and link states in order to report to the Accounting &

Management Plane to establish the management of the resource utilization and

therefore supervise the service delivered to the application.

Context Monitor: provides different context information.

2.3 End Node

End Node is a start point or end point of a connection. It can establish the connection to other

nodes for asking the service it needs or providing the service which is requested. In case the

requesting end node not directly connected to the providing end node, a routing and

forwarding process (Phase 3 & Phase 4) will be used to deliver the data.

Interactions with other actors are:

Intermediate Nodes: End nodes send service resource reservation requests to

Intermediate Nodes and composed service data and extra control messages that

should be resent to end nodes (consumer or provider).

2.4 Intermediate Node

Intermediate nodes are nodes that allow the connection and the service composition between

the edges nodes, thus they can forward and route the packets toward the destination. These

nodes need to know about which nodes can forward packets, which links/nodes are available,

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what service they have and how to get them. In order to discover the route and resources a

Service Discovery and Negotiation Protocol is executed.

When the application has a service requirement it asks to the network for a service by means

of a semantic query, the goal of these process is to lookup the possible paths in an end-to-end

communication, taking into account semantic characteristics during the search. Once a service

which satisfies the semantic query is found, it sends a response message to the application,

who must take the decision about accepting or rejecting the options.

When the application selects one of the discovery options, it has to specify the atomic services

that will be executed in each Intermediate Node. Then, the application sends the reservation

message along the path that contains the selected nodes; this message indicates the atomic

services to be used in each node in order to provide the end-to-end service. Once the route

based on discovery services is defined the data transference is initiated among the selected

Intermediate Nodes.

2.5 Consumer User

Consumer user is the actor who utilizes an application in order to obtain access to a service or

content offered by a service provider and to consume those services. The services or contents

should be available to the Consumer User in a fully transparent way (e.g. avoiding connection


Interactions with other actors are:

Application: Looks for services and/or contents according to Consumer User querying

criteria, and interests. Provides information about contents, availability, and costs.

ISP: Facilitates connection services.

Service Provider: Grants access according to its policies. Facilitates contents.

2.6 Service Providers

A Service Provider is an entity which provides a specific service or services. The Service

Provider can be a single node or a group of nodes (cluster) providing a specific service. Service

Providers specify their services with public descriptions, allowing consumers (including other

service providers and services) to discover and request them. In addition, they will also specify

concrete SLAs.

A key issue in Future Internet will be the establishment of relationships among consumers and

providers, yielding to new business models and opportunities.

Next, some basic services considered in the use case definition are described.

2.6.1 ISP The Internet Service Provider (ISP) is an entity that is responsible for providing connectivity

among Consumer Users and other Service Providers, so that the services or content that a

Service Provider offers can be used or consumed by the Consumer User. In turn, it is through

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the ISP that other higher-level Service Providers publish its services and content which will

then be used or consumed. In addition, the manner of how the services or content are found

by the Consumer User is transparent to the latter.

Interactions with other actors or node components are:

Consumer User: Uses or consumes the connectivity service from ISP.

Higher-level Service Providers (FTP, Videoconference): ISP provides visibility to the services or content that will be used or consumed.

2.6.2 Accounting and admission control

Service Providers will perform accounting actions in order to quantify the resources consumed

by their consumers. The accounting service will receive the monitoring reports gathered by the

border nodes placed in the ISP network.

Accounting information will be a key enabler for billing services of any Service Provider,

specifically for current and future ISPs.

Admission control will be another basic functionality, which will be performed by Service

Providers in order to guarantee a certain level of QoS for each consumer and to satisfy specific

requirements of each one. Admission control will be implemented between Border Nodes and

core network to control the traffic entering the network.

2.6.3 FTP

In order to verify the correctness of a transaction among two entities it is proposed a basic

service for information exchange among two entities (in this case, two nodes). Concretely, it

will be studied and analyzed how to deploy a FTP-based service with the TARIFA architecture.

The main goal will be to achieve a reliable transmission of a file between two nodes. Focusing

on this service, it will be required a Service Provider and a Consumer. The Service Provider

stores a file that the consumer will request for download. The service and the file will be

discovered thanks to the discovery protocol provided by the TARIFA architecture. Next, the file

will be transferred from Service Provider to Consumer according to the specific requirements

of the established connection.

In a first approach, the discovery protocol will be not used. It will be assumed that the service

and the file location are already known by the Consumer.

The requirements of this communication will be transferred by the FTP client and server

applications to the Controller and Service Composer components.

This basic service will permit to verify the correct operation of the TARIFA architecture, starting

from the correct behaviour of a single node, the interaction among two nodes till reaching a

complex end-to-end communication across different networks with changing conditions. In

addition, this basic service could form the basis for moving towards more complex services

such as the one described in section 2.7.3.

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2.6.4 Videoconference

Videoconference is a more challenging communication than file-sharing. Videoconference

poses critical requirements to be accomplished and maintained in order to guarantee a fluid

communication and interactivity among the connected parties.

The requirements of this communication will be transferred by the videoconference

application to the Controller and Service Composer components.

In this document it will be considered a videoconference service between 2 parties,

establishing a real-time bidirectional full-duplex communication of audio and video using the

TARIFA architecture.

3 Logical Architecture This section provides a brief description of the logical components that are involved in the final

phases’ scenario (See figure 1.1).

3.1 Consumer Node

The Consumer Node is a physical entity that has the architecture of a TARIFA node, and an

Application that permits a user to search for a composed service. This node has the minimum

set of atomic services and a subset of some composed services depending on the functional

requirements of the use case phase. Its communication capabilities able to consume network

services to itself, and provides a run-time environment for service execution and composition.

3.2 User Access Segment

User Access Segment is the utility which allows the Consumer User node to access to the ISP

network through any kind of physical access technology. This segment should be formed by

more than one access link between Consumer Node and ISP, permitting the node to switch

automatically (without user intervention) to other access link when it loses connection. For

example, if the wired link died, the node should auto-detect any available connection (Wi-Fi,

3G, etc.) and reconnect.

3.3 ISP

The ISP is composed of the Border Nodes, Domain Scheme and Points of Interconnection. In

next a brief description of each of these components is presented.

3.3.1 Border Nodes The edge nodes are the ones who are responsible for establishing a communication between

the other higher-level Service Providers and the ISP. Service Providers from outside ISP

domain contacts with the Border Nodes which are the requirements for the service or content

that it provides, so that it can be used or consumed by a consumer node. In addition, this

component is responsible for notifying to external Service Providers if any of the services or

content that it provides cannot be distributed because of the network can not satisfy the

predetermined quality requirements for that service or content.

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Page 19 of 52 Points of Interconnection A Point of Interconnection is the physical element that involves a Border Node and the

segment that links it to a Border Node of another ISP. It allows the traffic of some network

(control message, data flow) can pass through of several domains or ISPs in order to reach

their destination (end user or a server); these points are considered as an intermediate node

with special functions. This physical element can be a node or link which must be aware of the

technological differences between the connected networks so that these can establish a

successful communication (e.g. manage the transmission rate, avoid queues, adapt the data

format, among other aspects).

The main goal of the Points of Interconnection is to allow the interworking and interoperability

between networks. Through this point two different domains can interchange information of

the operation states to coordinate the transmission process between them.

3.3.2 Domain scheme For the fourth phase scenario (section 5.4) the following network scheme is proposed: to have

six to eight intermediate nodes interconnected in a mesh and in the ends two Border Nodes

connected to this mesh, in one of the ends a Service Provider connected to one of the Border

Nodes and at the other end a Consumer node connected to the other Border Node.

For scenarios of the phases five and six raises the following network scheme is proposed: to

have two ISPs connected to each other through two Points of Interconnection, within each ISP

to have six to eight Intermediate Nodes interconnected in a mesh and in the ends two Border

Nodes connected to this mesh, in one of the ends a Service Provider connected to one of the

Border Nodes and at the other end a Consumer node connected to the other Border Node.

3.4 Content provider segment

The Content Provider Segment is the part of infrastructure which establishes communication

between a Content Service Provider and an ISP. This part of TARIFA infrastructure model

ensures an enough communication capacity to support connection requests in order to

maintain the quality in the communication process between the content Provider and the ISP,

and to ensure a quality contents' delivery.

This segment is responsible of negotiate with ISP and ask it for reservation of enough

resources and QoS to deliver the contents asked for the Consumer User according to the

policies and capacities agreed between Content Provider and Content Consumer.

3.5 Videoconference segment

In the last and sixth phase of the evolutionary use case definition it is considered a delay-

critical communication service between two nodes. Concretely, these two nodes will establish

and maintain a videoconference session. In this scenario, all the previous logical elements will

interact in order to enable this challenging communication.

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End Consumer Nodes will implement a videoconference application. They will specify the

corresponding requirements (and a workflow) required to be executed by the node.

Intermediate Nodes will be configured to allow end-to-end communication and the proper

allocation of the required resources and services. Moreover, these intermediate-nodes must

be aware of the context in order to react and adapt the communication according to changes

and possible degradations or failures.

This service is especially interesting as allows testing the proper behaviour of the TARIFA

architecture according to the specific requirements demanded by the videoconference

communication. It could be appreciated all the potential of the context-aware capability in

order to select the best path between both callers.

4 Non-functional requirements In order to develop all functionalities planned to be executed and evaluated in the system,

some non-functional requirements will be presented divided in different quality areas. These

requirements will not be explicitly demonstrated in use cases, but they define how a TARIFA

network is supposed to be and what characteristics are expected to offer taking into account

TARIFA project definition [4] and architecture definition deliverable [1]. In each of these

points, some features will be considered for executing efficiently and effectively all of the

system purposes in the evolutionary set of use cases.

Performance: Reduce to minimum delay time from asking a service to receive the first

packet of this service. It should be comparably or lightly superior to current Internet

services, taking into account that TARIFA architecture adds service discovery and

configuration by off-line previous processes (in evolutionary use cases this will be done

using templates). Hence, our proposal will take more time in receiving the first data

packet than in TCP/IP, but if configured accordingly, its performance, in terms of

average QoS metrics, once the connection is established should be better. Although,

this is a critical parameter which should be one of the best benefits of a TARIFA

network, but is necessary to point out that an excessive delay in service establishment

processes must be avoided, in order to not turn it into a drawback.

Reliability/Operability: TARIFA network must provide safe and reliable operation

according to pre-defined requirements. It also should anticipate measures to take in

order to cover eventualities in the network or within a node. Both (single node and

network) should have somehow exception or error catching capacities.

Resilience: System must be able to provide and maintain a certain level of service

when failures occur or unexpected behaviour (especially interesting for video

streaming services).

Recovery: System must be capable to react as fast as possible to network or service

failures, trying to recover it before consumer user can realize of the error, if possible.

Efficiency: Optimize the process and services execution and reduce resource

congestion. These statements are inherent to TARIFA architecture definition and they

should be guaranteed in final tests of the network. This characteristic will be key to

reduce energy consumption of the overall architecture.

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Availability: Always guarantee the node availability to connect to a network.

Node capacity: Minimal technical capacities should be considered so node to manage

the planes, services and resources. Somewhat increasing number of services and

resources should also be planned. These minimal features should permit to node a

stable interaction with a user and with the other nodes in the network. However, node

capacities will be selected depending on its functions in the network and the services it

can offer (as they act as a end-node, intermediate-node, have monitor capacities, etc.)

Node mobility: By default, node should be adaptable to multiple interface connections

to the network in order to provide mobility features. When node connection is lost,

node could search for another available link and adapt its interface to reconnect to the


User nomadism: user is able to change its device and location in a transparent way.

Portability: The design of the TARIFA node architecture (for a proof-of-concept

framework development in Use Cases) should not be bound to any development or

deployment system, so it can be portable from one device to another with different

characteristics whenever it satisfies minimal technical features. In order to accomplish

that, it is important to previous parameterize system variables, and offer the

possibility to change them to adapt it to another device.

Scalability: Addressing system proposed for the project should permit scalable

networks. Indeed, TARIFA network architecture should permit to create networks that

work efficiently even when all hosts are worldwide, as current Internet are served.

TARIFA design presents an inherent decentralized network design. However, all

possible bottlenecks that restrict scalability have to be indentified and avoided. System

may expand indefinitely without the need to add supporting resources (other than

nodes themselves). Furthermore, protocols presented in the project should be scalable

with respect to network size, considering that routing table on each node does not

grow more than O(log N), where N [5] is the number of nodes in the network.

Network heterogeneity: Terminal and network must be able to operate in

heterogeneous environments composed of different kind of terminals, intermediate

nodes and networks.

Security: System should offer channel encryption data transmission for specific

process, and permit an encrypted storage of some data. It will also permit to include a

system event register, in order to monitor user and node consumptions of the


Traceability: User or node connection must be traceable.

Extensibility: System should accept new features and services as easily as possible for

network administrators (if needed) and users.

Maintenance: Develop a complete documentation of TARIFA node features and how

interaction with final applications, users or network administrators is needed.

Consequently, a reference manual of node/application API must be done.

Furthermore, some guidelines of how a TARIFA network can be formed must be

developed as well, taking into account all node basic needs to be added to a network.

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Implementation cost: Implementation cost of the network architecture must be

reduced as far as possible.

Reusability: Existent standards must be used in specifications that are suitable for the

new architecture. If there are features that are not feasible to this statement (because

of the addition of new functionalities or the inefficiency of current standards), create

new ones and push for a global standardization of them, considering future

implementations in Future Internet.

Usability: User interaction with TARIFA network must be, at least, as easy as current

Internet access.

5 Phases The evolutionary use case is divided in six phases. They start from the most basic case, where

only a single and isolated node is considered, and then it is incremented the complexity till

achieve the communication of two nodes across different networks.

5.1 Node architecture

5.1.1 Definition

In first phase of the evolutionary use case, single node behaviour will be tested. For this

purpose, a set of test cases is defined in order to assure that the operation of all node

components is coherent with what was originally defined in WP1, and identify definition

problems or errors. This validation will mainly include communications between elements

within a node. It also will test node components handling methods from Application requests

or Control, Service and Resource plane messages. This should validate the structure of the

node and the right interaction of the different node components. However, in this phase most

of the components still only interact in a basic level (in some cases a dummy implementation

of them) and it will not be capable of managing a service session or a service discovery

process. Besides, for the validation of the architecture, there are some extra work aspects not

directly reflected in use cases, but critical to complete this phase, as syntax definition for all

the basic vocabulary that nodes should manage (attributes, atomic services, profiles,

requirements, etc.).

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Figure 5.1. Phase 1: Node Architecture

The primary actors of this phase are application and node components (Controller, Service

Manager, Service Composer, Service Monitor, Router, and Context Manager). All node

components should accept application requests or other within node components calls and

react according to node architecture specifications. Simulation process for this phase will be

limited to one node, so some of the use cases presented up to here will have its final step

when the message is formed. In these cases, the use case will be successful if the message is

correctly formed.

Main goals of first phase are the complete simulation of node reaction to incoming requests,

calls or messages. It also will analyze the node behaviour and planes deployment within a

node, identifying relations that are not considered initially, incorrect timeline in component

processes or wrong specifications of node components intercommunication.

5.1.2 Functional requirements A single communication API should be defined to interconnect Application and node


Messages arrived from the different planes should follow protocol specification from


Input handlers: This phase requires the implementation of input handlers of all node

components mentioned in last section. Beyond these message handlers,

implementation should react and send proper messages to the other components or

to other nodes through the different planes.

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Service Composition will be made statically using pre-defined templates. These

templates will specify the atomic services workflow to create a composed service and

also their allocation through the network.

Context Manager should have profiles and context tables previously filled from its

context monitors and prepare an advertisement n message to Knowledge plane if it

notices a change in node context profile.

SLA and QoS agreements representation should be specified in order to monitor and

assure them in the operation of next phases.

Service Manager and Service Composer should act in case SLA service is not

accomplished following a set of pre-defined politics and rules. These rules and how the

application requirements are mapped into the composition and adaptation processes

will be more developed in revolutionary use cases.

5.1.3 Use case tables Application interface

Use case name Composed service request

Goal In Context Application actor requests to get a composed service

Preconditions The application has an interface to access the node

Forwarding and neighbor tables of the node are filled

Service Composer has a set of pre-defined templates that match a composed service and

specific requirements with a specific workflow

Successful End


Router prepare a service discovery query for searching a composed service that matches all

atomic services required

Failed End Condition Router cannot create a service discovery query, or the query is not correctly formed

Primary Actors Application



Controller, Router, Service Composer

Trigger The Application requests the controller for a composed service (including

desired ASs and other QoS requirements)

Main Flow Step Action

1 Controller receives it

2 Controller derives it to Service Composer

3 Service Composer identify a workflow of atomic services that suits the

complete chain of processes needed to provide the requested service

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4 Service Composer returns the workflow of atomic services and their


5 Controller receive it and inform the router about the workflow needed

6 Router creates a service discovery query based on this preliminary

workflow (final workflow will be created in a subsequent process adding

neighbor’s capabilities and QoS information returned from negotiation


Step Branching Action

Extensions 3.1 There are not templates associated with requested service

3.1.a Service Composer requests to application for a new template

3.1.b Service Composer receives a new template and stores it

3.1.c go to step 4

Table 5.1.1. “Composed service request” use case Control Plane interface

Use case name Service reservation response

Goal In Context Controller receives and manage confirmation of service resources reservation along a path

from its node to final service

Preconditions Controller has an accessible network interface where it can receive messages coming from

Control Plane.

Controller has sent a resource reservation query, in order to establish a service.

Successful End


The service manager executes the atomic services which will send the data

Failed End


Service Manager cannot execute the atomic service which will send the data

Primary Actors Controller



Service Manager, Service Monitor

Trigger Controller component receives a response for resources reservation

Main Flow Step Action

1 Controller provides the service composition workflow to Service Manager

and information about where to find each atomic service

2 Service Manager configure the service

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3 Service Manager informs Service Monitor about the starting service

4 Service Manager starts the service

Extensions Step Branching Action

1.1 Controller does not have a resource that can perform one of the atomic


1.1.a Controller returns a message to Application informing that the

requested service is not available

Table 5.1.2. “Service reservation response” use case Resource Plane interface

Use case name Reception of a service discovery query response

Goal In Context Router receives and manage a list of services with their allocation, capabilities and QoS offer

Preconditions Router has an accessible network interface where it can receive messages coming from

Resource Plane

Router has made a service discovery query, in order to find the composed services needed

(including desired ASs and other QoS requirements))

Controller has received a response to this query with QoS and neighbor capabilities information

Successful End


Controller send a service reservation request along the desired path

Failed End


Controller cannot send a service reservation request or it is not well-formed

Primary Actors Router




Trigger Controller receives a list of paths that are feasible to offer the requested service

Main Flow Step Action

1 Controller provide the service query response to Service Composer

2 Service Composer choose each atomic service considering best QoS parameters

and Application and node preferences. This process tune the primary workflow

design and adapt it information received from service resolution response

3 Service Composer informs Controller about what services are needed and where

will be allocated

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4 Controller send a service reservation request

Extensions Step Branching Action

2.1 Resources available are insufficient to execute the demanded service

2.1.a Service Composer informs Application that the service requested is not


Table 5.1.3. “Reception of a service discovery query response” use case

Use case name Service discovery query management (intermediate or provider nodes)

Goal In Context Controller receives a service discovery query

Preconditions Controller has an accessible network interface where it can receive messages coming from

Control Plane

Another entity has send a service discovery query message to the network

Successful End


Node has one or more services that match the query

Failed End


Node cannot have any service that matches the query

Primary Actors Router



Context Manager

Trigger Controller receives a service discovery query

Main Flow Step Action

1 Controller interprets the discovery query and request Context Manager if the

node has any of the atomic services available and its capabilities in terms of

performance and QoS that it can offer

2 Context Manager look up the node services repository and their availabiliy

3 Context Manager find one or more available services

4 Context Manager check the Services/Resource table of the node and return to

Controller a list with the atomic services (with information about their

capabilities) that the node can deploy

5 Controller creates a service discovery response message and send it to

consumer user

6 Controller resend the service discovery query to other node neighbours

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Extensions Step Branching Action

3.1 Context Manager cannot find any of the requested atomic services available

3.1.a Context manager returns a negative response to Controller

3.1.b Go to step 6

Table 5.1.4. “Service discovery query management (intermediate or provider nodes)” use

case Service Plane interface

Use case name Service consumption

Goal In Context Service Manager receive data from a service session

Preconditions Service Manager has an accessible network interface where it can receive messages coming

from Service Plane

The service manager has previously established a service and the node is consuming it

The node has a framing/unframing atomic service that extracts relevant information from

data received from Service Plane

Successful End


Application is receiving the requested service

Failed End


Application cannot receive the requested service

Primary Actors Service Manager



Service Manager, Application, Service Monitor

Trigger Service Manager receive a data chunk relative to a service

Main Flow Step Action

1 Service Manager provide received information to Service Monitor

2 Service Manager active unframing AS to extract relevant information (not

service control messages)

3 Service Manager distributes relevant information to Application or

Composed Services active for this service session

4 Application and Composed Services process the information

Extensions Step Branching Action

2.1 Service Manager does not find an available unframing AS or it does not

know how to extract information from the received message

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2.1.a Service Manager returns a message error to the service provider

2.1.b Service Manager informs Application or Composed Service that should

have received the information

4.1 Application or Composed Services find that information received is not right

4.1.a They inform Service Manager that an error has occurred

4.1.b Service Manager returns a message error to the service provider

Table 5.1.5. “Service consumption” use case

5.2 Basic communication

5.2.1 Definition

In the second phase of the evolutionary use cases an interconnection of two TARIFA nodes will

be tested. In order to validate it, this connection will start sending an advertisement packet

between two adjacent nodes. This scenario must validate the operation of the preliminary

negotiation protocol defined in [3], establishing a basic connectivity between two nodes.

For this purpose, all node components behaviour should be previously validated in phase 1,

especially those from Controller, Router, and Service Manager. We can see the whole nodes as

the primary actors in this phase, but these node elements cited are the primary actors in

service reservation and service establishment, the fundamental processes of node


However, additionally in this phase, error control and flow control services in order to test a

reliable transmission of data between two TARIFA nodes that are directly connected. In order

to test it, this connection will be tested for a small packet (e.g. 1500 bytes of an Ethernet MTU)

transmission, in a TCP-like transference. Then, once it is accomplished successfully, the service

information will be incremented, and error control and flow control tests will be done.

Herein, the main goals of this phase are obtaining a trust specification of TARIFA node

communication, polishing up possible arising issues from protocol specification in WP1. And

then, when this basic forwarding data services are assured start demonstrating session

establishments’ processes that handle flow and error control messages.

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Figure 5.2. Phase 2: Basic Communication scenario

5.2.2 Functional requirements Messages arrived from the different planes should follow protocol specification from


Node should have implemented Control and Service plane interfaces.

N1 should be able to establish a data transmission service between itself and N2.

Receiver node should monitor the data received and notify the sender if it is has

errors or perceives that it is not what should be.

Sender node should accept flow variation requests from N1.

Sender node should accept retransmission requests and resend claimed information.

5.2.3 Use case tables

Use case name Advertisement messages (context Distribution)

Goal In Context N1 sends an advertisement message to N2

Preconditions N1 and N2 have directly connection between them and they know how to find the other


Successful End


N2 change its neigbor table adapting it to context changes arrived from N1

Failed End Condition N2 cannot change its neigbor table

Primary Actors N1, N2

Secondary Actors -

Trigger N1 controller component sends an advertisement message to N2

Main Flow Step Action

1 N2 controller receives the advertisement message

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2 N2 change its neigbor table adapting it to context changes

Extensions Step Branching Action

2.1 N2 cannot change its neighbor table

Table 5.2.1. “Advertisement messages (context Distribution) ” use case

Use case name Service establishment with 2 nodes

Goal In Context N1 demands for a data service of N2

Preconditions N1 and N2 have directly connection between them and they know how to find the other


Successful End


Data from N2 is transferred to N1 without errors

Failed End Condition Data from N2 is not correctly transferred to N1

Primary Actors N1, N2

Secondary Actors -

Trigger N1 send a service resource reservation request to N2

Main Flow Step Action

1 N2 look for its atomic services availability

2 N2 reserve all atomic services needed to send data to N1

3 N2 send a OK resource reservation response to N1

4 N1 starts the receiving realiable data service

5 N2 starts the forwarding realiable data service

Extensions Step Branching Action

2.1 The required service are not available in N2

2.1.a N2 send a negative resource reservation response

Table 5.2.2. “Service establishment with 2 nodes” use case

Use case name Flow Control with 2 nodes

Goal In Context N1 wants to reduce the throughput of service data sent by N2

Preconditions N1 is receiving a data service from N2

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N1 and N2 have a session control service

N1 is almost at its maximum capacity and can hardly handle data that arrives from N2

Successful End


N2 reduces its sending throughput

Failed End Condition N2 does not reduce its sending throughput

Primary Actors N1, N2

Secondary Actors -

Trigger N1 send a request to N2 to reduce the data throughput of the


Main Flow Step Action

1 N2 receives the request

2 Service Manager of N2 reduces its sending throughput

Extensions Step Branching Action

2.1 N2 cannot reduce its sending throughput

2.1.a N2 advise N1 that it will not reduce the throughput

Table 5.2.3. “Flow Control with 2 nodes” use case

Use case name Error Control / Retransmission with 2 nodes

Goal In Context Some data of the service is lost, N1 perceives it and wants to receive it

Preconditions N1 is receiving a data service from N2

N1 and N2 have a session control service

Successful End


N2 resends the data previously lost

Failed End Condition N2 cannot resend the data previously lost

Primary Actors N1, N2




Trigger N1 send a request to N2 to resend a chunk of data

Main Flow Step Action

1 N2 receives the request

2 Service Manager of N2 requests to the service that provides this data

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3 Service that has generated this data resends it to Service Manager of N2

4 N2 resend the portion of data that was previously lost

Extensions Step Branching Action

3.1 Service that generates this data cannot regenerate this portion of

information lost

2.1.a Service that has generated this data notify to Service Manager of N2

that is impossible to resend it

2.1.b N2 notifies N1 that cannot recover the lost data

Table 5.2.4. “Error Control / Retransmission with 2 nodes” use case

5.3 Forwarding

5.3.1 Definition

This scenario involves two intermediate-nodes and two end-nodes with a single path between

them. This phase should validate the forwarding services of the intermediate nodes and the

forwarding delay introduced by each node, estimating this value and comparing it to values

provided by current networks..

This use case takes the results of the past scenario where we validated the transmission

between two nodes, this case increase the complexity including two intermediate nodes

between the source and the destination in order to check the response time of each node in

the discovery and execution of the service. The intermediate nodes are responsible to discover

the route and resources from the source to the destination for a request. Protocol of discovery

service is lack in this use cases due to we only have an end to end path, however we suppose

that along this path the requirements are satisfied, we use a template that specifies the atomic

services that be used in intermediate nodes along the path (N1 and N2).

This scenario should validate requested service transmission, forwarding delay between nodes,

synchronization and establishment of the end to end communication. Exchange of control

messages and also manage messages will be simulated due to each node must accomplish

specific tasks (execute specific mechanisms) in order to provide a reliable communication. For

this purpose, the node’s operation must be previously validated in phases 1 and 2.

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Figure 5.3 Phase 3: Forwarding scenario

5.3.2 Functional requirements Messages arrived from the different planes should follow protocol specification from


Nodes must have implemented Control and Service plane interfaces.

N1 should be able to establish an end to end data transmission service.

Intermediate nodes N3 and N4 should be able to execute specific atomic services required.

N3 and N4 should be able to inform to the neighbourhood about its operation when it is necessary (context aware).

Each node (receiver node) should monitor the received data and notify the sender node if it has errors or perceives if it is not what should be.

Sender node should accept flow variation requests from N1

Sender node should accept retransmission requests and resend claimed information.

5.3.3 Use case tables Use case name Service establishment with 4 nodes

Goal In Context validate the forwarding services of the intermediate nodes

Preconditions N1 demand a composed service request to destination N2,

Intermediate nodes know how find the resources and atomic services to provide end service.

Intermediate nodes execute mechanisms necessaries to stablish service

Successful End


Application select a workflow that satisfy the requirements and the workflow selected is

successfully executed through the intermediate nodos.

Service is transferred to N1 without errors and with the QoS arranged by the involved nodes.

Failed End


Service cannot be establish

Intermediate node dont contain the neccesary atomic services

Network cannot satisfy the application request (delay between nodes)

Service is established/executed but it is not satisfy the requirements.

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Primary Actors N1, N2, N3, N4

Secondary Actors -

Trigger N1 send a request of service

Main Flow Step Action

1 Intermediate nodes look for route that contain the

neccesary atomic services to provide the requested


2 N3 informs about services that can provide

3 N4 informs about services that can provide

4 N2 node broadcasts all possible workflows to the

requesting node

5 The requestor node (N1) selects the best route

among the discovered ones.

6 Each node executed specific atomic service based on

workflow selected and reserve the resources.

7 N2 starts the forwarding realiable data service

Extensions Step Branching Action

5.1 The required service are not available in N2

5.1.a N2 send a negative resource reservation

response to all nodes (N3,N4, and N1)

Table 5.3.1. “Service Establishment with 4 nodes” use case

Use case name Flow Control with 4 nodes

Goal In Context N1 or intermediate nodes wants to reduce the throughput of service data sent by N2

Preconditions N1 is receiving a data service from N2 through intermediate nodes.

All nodes have a session control service

N1, N3 or N4 is almost at its maximum capacity and can hardly handle data that arrives

from other node.

Successful End N2, N3 or N4 reduces its sending throughput

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Failed End Condition N2, N3 or N4 does not reduce its sending throughput and there are loss packets.

Primary Actors N1, N2, N3 and N4




Trigger N1, N3 or N4 send a request to their direct neigbour node to reduce the

data throughput of the service

Main Flow Step Action

1 N2, N3 or N4 receives the request

2 N2, N3 or N4 reduces their sending throughput

Extensions Step Branching Action

2.1 N2, N3 and N4 cannot reduce their sending throughput

2.1.a N2, N3 and N4 advise their direct neigbour node that it will not

reduce the throughput.

Table 5.3.2. “Flow Control with 4 nodes” use case

Use case name Error Control / Retransmission with 4 nodes

Goal In Context Some data of the data service is lost, N1, N3 or N4 perceives it and wants to receive it


Preconditions N1, N3 or N4 is receiving a data service from its direct neigbour node

Nodes have a session control service among them.

Successful End


Interested node resends the data previously lost

Failed End Condition N2, N3 or N4 cannot resend the data previously lost

Primary Actors N1, N2, N3 and N4




Trigger N1, N3 or /and N4 send a request to its neigbour to resend a chunk of


Main Flow Step Action

1 N2, N3 or/and N4 receives the request

2 Nodes (N2, N3 or/and N4) requests to the service that provides this


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3 Service that has generated this data resends it to the node (s ) that

realized the petition.

4 N2, N3 or/and N4 resend the portion of data that was previously lost

Extensions Step Branching Action

3.1 Service that generates this data cannot regenerate this portion of

information lost

3.1.a Service that has generated this data notify to node (s) that is

impossible to resend it

3.1.b N2, N3 or N4 notifies to their neigbour that cannot recover the

lost data

Table 5.3.3. “Error Control / Retransmission with 4 nodes” use case

5.4 Routing and network configuration

This scenario involves six to eight mesh-connected intermediate-nodes and two end-nodes connected to one of these intermediate-nodes. This phase should validate the routing process using TARIFA nodes. It also introduces fault recovery tests in a small network by linking down some of the service path links, measure the recovery time in simulation (and estimate a real recovery time if necessary).

5.4.1 Definition In phase four of the Use Case Evolutionary the intra-domain interconnection between two TARIFA nodes will be simulated. This scenario is an evolution of the scenarios previously defined in which the most basic functions were validated, which are necessary to test this scenario. The main objective of this scenario is to test the service discovery dynamically on intra-domain network. Then, once the communication between the two nodes is established, a link that affects the communication between the two nodes will be downed with the aim of measuring the time that it takes to re-establish the communication. In turn, an overload on a link that affects the communication between the two nodes will be made in order to degrade the communication with the objective that the intermediate node(s) that are affected and involved in the communication redirect their flow so as to continue to comply with the service.

Figure 5.4. Phase 4: Routing and network configuration scenario

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5.4.2 Functional requirements N2 publishes the services and/or contents that provides.

N1 searches for services and/or contents.

N3-N10 distribute the N2’s services and/or contents.

N3-N10 search for services and/or contents requested by N1 node.

N3-N10 retransmit the data generated by N1 and N2.

5.4.3 Use case tables Use case name Service establishment for single path service

Goal In Context N1 searches a service and N2 provides it.

Preconditions All the nodes and links are actives and their neighbour tables are filled properly

Successful End


Data from N2 is transferred to N1 without errors

Failed End


Cannot establish the communication between N1 and N2

Primary Actors N1, N2, N3, N5, N7, N9, N10



Trigger N2 sends to N10 the services and/or contents that provides

Main Flow Step Action

1 N10 distributes inside the “Domain A” those services and contents

2 N1 sends a request to N3 for a specific service

3 N3 finds locally who provide that service

4 N3 concretizes (using Resource Plane information) which are the best paths

available to provide the service and send it to N1

5 N1 triggers a path configuration to N2, it contains the resources reservation

necessary to provide that service

6 N3 reserves the resources and forwards the request to N5

7 N5 reserves the resources and forwards the request to N7

8 N7 reserves the resources and forwards the request to N9

9 N9 reserves the resources and forwards the request to N10

10 N10 reserves the resources and forwards the request to N2

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11 N2 look for its atomic services availability

12 N2 reserve all atomic services needed to send data to N1

13 N2 send a OK resource reservation response to N1

14 N1 starts the receiving reliable data service

15 N2 starts the forwarding reliable data service

Extensions Step Branching Action

1 3.1 N3 does not find locally who provides that service, forwards the request

through the network and waits for a response

3.1.a N3 receives the possible paths to the service

3.1.b Returns to step 4

2 12.1 The required service are not available in N2

12.1.a N2 send a negative resource reservation response

Table 5.4.1. “Service establishment for single path service” use case

Use case name Service establishment for a multi-path service

Goal In Context N1 searches for a service and N2 provides it

Preconditions All the nodes and links are active

Successful End


Data from N2 is transferred to N1 without errors

Failed End


The communication between N1 and N2 cannot be established

Primary Actors N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N9, N10



Trigger N2 sends to N10 the services and/or contents that provides

Main Flow Step Action

1 N10 distributes inside the “Domain A” those services and/or contents

2 N1 sends to N3 a request for a specific service

3 N3 finds locally who provides that service

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4 N3 concretizes (using Resource Plane information) which are the best paths

available to provide the service and send it to N1

5 N1 triggers several path configurations to N2, it contains the resource

reservation necessary to provide that service

6 N3 reserves the resources and forwards the request to N5

N4 reserves the resources and forwards the request to N6

7 N5 reserves the resources and forwards the request to N7

N6 reserves the resources and forwards the request to N8

N7 reserves the resources and forwards the request to N9

N8 reserves the resources and forwards the request to N10

N9 reserves the resources and forwards the request to N10

N10 reserves the resources and forwards the request to N2

N2 look for its atomic services availability

N2 reserve all atomic services needed to send data to N1

N2 send a OK resource reservation response to N1

N1 starts the receiving reliable data service

N2 starts the forwarding reliable data service

Extensions Step Branching Action

1 3.1 N3 does not find locally who provides that service, forwards the request

through the network and waits for a response

3.1.a N3 receives the possible paths to the service

3.1.b Returns to step 4

2 12.1 The required service are not available in N2

12.1.a N2 send a negative resource reservation response

Table 5.4.2. “Service establishment for a multi-path service” use case

Use case name Network reaction facing a path degradation

Goal In Context Adapt the data flow due to a service degradation

Preconditions There is a communication established between N1 and N2

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The degradation is produced between N3 and N5

Successful End


An alternative path that fulfils all the requirements necessaries to continue with the service

is found

Failed End


An alternative path that fulfils all the requirements necessaries to continue with the service

is not found

Primary Actors N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N7, N9, N10



Trigger N1 detects that the service is degraded and sends a notification to N3 to

find an alternative path

Main Flow Step Action

1 N3 verifies if the degradation is produced with N5

2 N3 searches for an alternative paths that fulfils the service’s requirements

3 N3 finds locally alternative paths

4 N3 sends the possible paths to the service to N1

5 N1 triggers a path configuration to N2, it contains the resource reservation

necessary to provide the service

6 N3 reserve and forwards the request to N4

7 N4 reserve and forwards the request to N7

8 N7 confirms the resource reservation to N4 and reroute de data

9 N4 confirms the resource reservation to N3 and reroute de data

Extensions Step Branching Action

1 3.1 N3 does not find locally who provides that service, forwards the request

through the network and waits for a response

3.1.a N3 receives the possible paths to the service

3.1.b Returns to step 4

2 3.2 N3 does not find an alternative path

3.2.a The service is put down and the resources are freed

Table 5.4.3. “Network reaction facing a path degradation” use case

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Use case name Network reaction facing a link down

Goal In Context Adapt the data flow due to a link down

Preconditions There is a communication established between N1 and N2

A link down is produced between N3 and N5

Successful End


An alternative path that fulfils all the requirements necessaries to continue with the service

is found

Failed End


An alternative path that fulfils all the requirements necessaries to continue with the service

is not found

Primary Actors N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N7, N9, N10



Trigger N3 and N5 detect a link down

Main Flow Step Action

1 N3 notifies the link down to N1 and searches for an alternative path

N5 notifies the link down to N2 and the latter stops the data transmission

All the nodes involved free the resources reserved

2 N3 searches an alternative path that fulfils the service’s requirements

3 N3 sends the possible paths to the service to N1

4 N1 triggers a path configuration to N2, it contains the resource reservation

necessaries to provide the service

5 N3 reserves the resources and forwards the request to N4

6 N4 reserves the resources and forwards the request to N7

7 N7 reserves the resources and forwards the request to N9

8 N9 reserves the resources and forwards the request to N10

9 N10 reserves the resources and forwards the request to N2

10 N2 look for its atomic services availability

11 N2 reserve all atomic services needed to send data to N1

12 N2 send a OK resource reservation response to N1

13 N1 starts the receiving reliable data service

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14 N2 starts the forwarding reliable data service

Extensions Step Branching Action

3.1 N3 does not find locally who provides that service, forwards the request

through the network and waits for a response

3.1.a N3 receives the possible paths to the service

3.1.b Returns to step 4

3.2 N3 does not find an alternative path

3.2.a The services is put down

2 11.1 The required service are not available in N2

11.1.a N2 send a negative resource reservation response

Table 5.4.4. “Network reaction facing a link down” use case

5.5 End-to-end inter-domain communication

5.5.1 Definition

Fifth and sixth phases propose very ambitious scenarios but that could be helpful in comparing

services operation over current networks and a TARIFA network. The fifth phase will simulate a

FTP connection from a user to a content provider. Content provider will receive a request for a

specific content and it will provide it to the user using a reliable connection. In this scenario,

two ISPs will be also simulated (as a bigger example of the previous case scenario). Hence, it is

the first scenario where an inter-domain communication in TARIFA architecture will be tested.

Figure 5.5. Phase 5: FTP scenario

FTP service should also define two content providers (mirror 1 and mirror 2) belonging to the

same service provider. In that sense, tests of service recovery will be done. We will link down

mirror 1 (M1) from content service provider segment, in order to prove the automatic

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reconnection to mirror 2 (M2) and the recovery of the service without losing information and

in a transparent way to the consumer user (U1).

Actors participating in this set of use cases will be a consumer user, two ISPs that have to

manage the network knowledge and consumer and provider access. It is important to point

out that for this case, we need to know and check how to abstract a domain as a node and

what information is exposed to other domain. These are questions that should be resolved

previously by the WP 3, 4 and 5 developments, and they should be tested and evaluated

before attempting this case.

Besides, accounting services in each domain will be provided by ISP and will be simulated in

this phase.

This scenario should validate an inter-domain communication, the management of planes

information between different domains and test a content service offer and provision to a

different domain consumer user.

5.5.2 Functional Requirements Messages arrived from the different planes should follow protocol specification from


N1 and CP node must have implemented Control and Service Plane interfaces.

N1 and CP node must have selected a specific workflow for file transference


CP must be able to manage the file transference session.

U1 should be able to establish and terminate a FTP-like session with CP.

ISP and Service provider must agree QoS parameters in order to guarantee a good

communication experience

Quality of service: must guarantee a maximum throughput and a minimum number of

retransmissions over the duration of the file transference session despite the variation

in channel conditions.

5.5.3 Use case tables

Use case name Reliable content transmission (session establishment + transmission + session closed)

Goal In Context U1 and CP establish a FTP session

Preconditions U1 has installed the FTP application

U1 are registered into the CP registry

CP is available to start the file-transfer service

The FTP service is already known by U1 application.

CP and ISPA and ISPB have agreed an SLA for providing certain levels of QoS for file

transference applications

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Successful End


U1 has started and closed the session with CP

U1 has access and downloaded a specific file of CP

CP has billed U1

Failed End


The connection could not be established

The connection terminated unexpectedly

The file is not accessible or not transfered correctly

Primary Actors U1, CP

Secondary Actors ISP

Trigger U1 wants to establish a file transfer session with CP.

U1 application sends a session establishment

message to CP

Main Flow Step Action

1 Establishment U1-CP: CP receives a session

establishment message through the service plane

2 CP notifies U1 that it has connection to FTP service

and sends its repository information

3 U1 demands for a specific file

4 CP sends the file to U1

5 U1 starts receiving file from CP

6 U1 notices that file is completely download

6 U1 sends a terminate session message to CP.

7 CP receives the terminate session message sent by

U1. CP updates the session status and stops

accounting resources

Extensions Step Branching Action

1.1 ISP reserves and establishes a path between U1 an

CP. ISP starts accounting the used resources in the

communucation between them (border nodes)

Table 5.5.1. “Reliable content transmission” use case

Use case name Connection lost with FTP Mirror 1 (Service recovery)

Goal In Context U1 and CP-M2 restablish a FTP session when connection between U1 and CP-M1 is lost

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Preconditions U1 has installed the FTP application

U1 are registered into the CP registry

CP is available to start the file-transfer service

The FTP service is already known by U1 application.

CP and ISPA and ISPB have agreed an SLA for providing certain levels of QoS for file

transference applications

U1 and CP-M2 have a session established and a file transference service is in process

Successful End


U1 has restablished the session with CP-M2 after lost connection with M1

U1 continues downloading a specific file of CP without losing the service

Failed End


Service could not be restablished

File transfer ongoing process is lost

Primary Actors CP-M1, CP-M2, U1

Secondary Actors ISP

Trigger U1 lose connection with CP-M1

Main Flow Step Action

1 U1 make a request to restablish the service with CP-


2 ISPB redirect request to CP-M2

3 U1 restablish the service with CP-M2

4 CP-M2 recognize the request and restablish the

service with U1

5 U1 send a request for recover the file transferce

process that was receiving

4 U1 starts to receive from CP-M2 the file that was

previously receiving from CP-M1

Extensions Step Branching Action

3.1 ISP reserves and establishes a path between U1 an

CP. ISP restarts accounting the used resources in the

communucation between them (border nodes)

Table 5.5.2. “FTP-connection lost” use case

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5.6 Delay-critical multimedia communication

5.6.1 Definition

This sixth phase is the last phase proposed in the evolutionary use case. Here, it will simulate a

videoconference connection between two users: user 1 (U1) and user 2 (U2). U1 is accessing

from Node 1 (N1) connected via domain A while U2 is accessing from Node 2 (N2) via domain

B. U1 will take the role of caller and U2 will act as called. Both have the corresponding

videoconference applications installed in their devices.

In this scenario, there is also a videoconference service provider. This provider will receive

requests from both users demanding for a videoconference, connect them, and manage the

session messages and conference synchronization. That is, it will manage all videoconferences

registered in the service it provides.

Figure 5.6. Phase 6: Videoconference scenario

This phase requires that all previous phases must be validated. However, in this scenario, the

participating actors are the following ones:

ISP: provides connectivity to each user and provides QoS according to the service


Consumer User: there are two consumers (U1 and U2) of the videoconference service

Videoconference Service Provider (VSP): implements all the management, accounting

and billing services required to provide the videoconference service.

Accounting service Provider, from ISP and VSP.

The main goal of the sixth phase is to test a delay-critical communication over TARIFA

architecture in a typical conference scenario, evaluating the QoS/QoE that users receive of this


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5.6.2 Functional Requirements Messages arrived from the different planes should follow protocol specification from


N1 and N2 must have implemented Service Plane interfaces.

N1 and N2 must have selected a specific workflow for videoconference application

U1 should be able to establish and terminate a videoconference session with U2.

U1 and U2 must be able to transmit audio and video simultaneously all along the

established path.

VSP must be able to manage the videoconference session.

ISP and Service provider must agree QoS parameters in order to guarantee a good

communication experience

End-to-end delay: delays longer than 400 milliseconds are not accepted (ITU-T

recommendation G.114 [6]) in order to guarantee fluid interactivity among them. A

one-way transmission delay of 150ms is considered to offer the same experience as

using PSTN.

Bandwidth constraint: the stream rate must not exceed the channel capacity


Quality of service: must guarantee a minimum decoded video and audio quality and a

maximum transmission error rate over the duration of the streaming session despite

the variation in channel conditions.

5.6.3 Use case tables

This use case table specifies the required steps to establish a videoconference between two

nodes. No failures are considered. All application signalling and data messages are sent

through the service plane.

Use case name Videoconference session (session establishment + transmission + session closed)

Goal In Context U1 and U2 establish a videoconference session

Preconditions U1 and U2 have installed the videoconference application

U1 and U2 are registered into the VSP registry

U1 and U2 are available to start the videoconference service

The videoconference service is already known by U1 and U2 applications.

VSP and ISP has agreed an SLA for providing certain levels of QoS for videoconference


Successful End


U1 and U2 have maintained a videoconference for a certain time

VSP has started and closed the session between U1 and U2

VSP has billed U1 and U2

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Failed End


The connection could not be established

The connection terminated unexpectedly

Primary Actors U1, U2, VSP

Secondary Actors ISP

Trigger U1 wants to establish a videoconference with U2. U1

application sends a session establishment message

to VSP

Main Flow Step Action

1 Establishment U1-VSP: VSP receives a session

establishment message through the service plane

2 Ringing: VSP notifies U1 that it has started

attempting to contact U2. U1 waits to start the


3 Establishment VSP-U2: VSP contacts U2 and notifies

that U1 wants to establish a communication

4 Establishment U2-VSP: U2 accepts the call, sends a

notification to VSP and U1

5 U1 and U2 communication established. Audio and

video is transferred using a specific video and audio


6 VSP accounting: VSP starts accounting services

(accounts the duration of the call)

7 Terminate session by U1: After some minutes of

conferencing, U1 terminates session with U2. U1

sends a terminate session message to U2 and VSP.

8 VSP terminates session: VSP receives the terminate

session message sent by U1. VSP updates the session

status and stops accounting resources

Extensions Step Branching Action

5.1 ISP reserves and establishes a path between U1 an

U2. ISP starts accounting the used resources in the

communucation between them (border nodes)

Table 5.6.1. “Videoconference session” use case

6 Test and evaluation This evolutionary use cases definition establishes scenarios and their participating actors that

can help to test and evaluate TARIFA framework definition, going from a single node

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operation, planes deployment and validating the communication between two nodes from

basic context exchange to service establishments.

Use cases (evolutionary and revolutionary) also pretend to test that our approach is almost

equivalent in some network technical parameters such as delays, throughputs, loses, etc. and

more efficient and flexible in some other aspects that were not originally addressed by current

Internet, offering the possibility to obtain network resource information from what today are

the upper layers of OSI model. It should permit functionalities not considered in the original

design of current Internet and the extension to future requirements.

However, not all of these new characteristics will be explicitly demonstrated in this set of

evolutionary use case. We think that validate architecture and protocol definition is already a

very ambitious goal and evolutionary use cases will not to try to go far beyond that. Hence,

these use cases are defined taking into account that they will be the main tools to identify

design errors and polish architecture and protocol definition, assuring that all processes are

correctly defined.

As a result, besides the validation of the test cases defined in this document, we propose the

additional measurements in order to evaluate key aspects of the architecture and to make

some type of comparisons with current Internet architecture/services:

End to end measurements:

o Service reception delay: It is the time passed from an application demand for a

composed service to start receiving the service. It could be divided as the sum

of the following parameters (plus propagation delay):

Service composition delay: Time spent by service composer creating a

workflow that fits with the composed service demanded. In these

cases it will be used predefined templates, so this time will be

simplified. Run-time context-aware composition and adaptation will

be evaluated deeply in revolutionary use cases

Service discovery delay: Time spent from sending a service discovery

query from the router to receive a response with all atomic services


Service reservation delay: Time spent from sending a service resource

reservation call from the controller to receive a response.

Service establishment delay: Time spent by service manager to

configure correctly the service and start communication.

o Recovery time (see Figure 1.1):

S1 fault: Once a service is established and it is consumed by node N1

S1 segment is linked down. This measure evaluates the time that the

node spent recovering the service from this fault. Origin node has to

search for another access network and re-establish the service.

S2/S3/S4 fault: This fault evaluates the time that network spent

searching for another equivalent service by linking down service

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provider segments. It measures the time from a Service provider

segment fault to the recovery of the service in the consumer node.

ISPA fault: It evaluates the convergence time of the ISP network when

a link is broken.

POI1 fault: It evaluates the capacity of border nodes reconfiguration

when one of their points of interconnection is down between domain

A and domain B.

o Throughput: Measure of the throughput achieved in each service transmission

use case.

o Loses: Measure of the BER achieved in each service transmission use case.

Other additional metrics considered for this parameter are the number of

retransmissions or the number of lost data chunks, depending on the use case.

o Overhead: Overhead will also be evaluated for short and long transmissions,

taking into account total service and control data to establish and manage the

service divide by the data that are really true information of the service.

Other measurements:

o Average time to access the routing table: It measures the time that nodes

spent consulting the routing table, as an approach to measure the

simplification of routes and routing tables in TARIFA approach.

7 Conclusions In this document we have defined the TARIFA evolutionary use cases, which should be

developed in WP3-5 and integrated together in WP7. These cases will be the main tool for

evaluate the benefits of our approach and identify wrong assumptions or bad design in some

aspects. Thus, the development of these cases may suggest some corrections to the

architecture definition. Additionally, other test cases could be added to test TARIFA framework

even before starting these use cases. Having said that, these cases are not the only

development of WP 3, 4 and 5 and other test cases will also be considered by each of the WP

in order to achieve specific WP goals.

Moreover, they should evaluate the communication of TARIFA nodes and their performance in

a small-medium network, somehow comparing its characteristics with current networks.

However, this document is not completely definitive and could be subject to changes and

revisions during the project duration to adapt it to changes in the architecture or the

simulation tool used, if necessary.

8 References [1] X. Sánchez, J. Paradells, A.J. Gonzalez, Y. Jiménez, M. Germán, and R. Martín de Pozuelo,

“TARIFA deliverable TWP1.1.D1: Architecture Definition,” May. 2010. [2] K. Tutschku and G. Haring, “How to Evaluate and Compare Architectures:

State of the Art and Beyond,” Valencia: 2010. [3] X. Sánchez and J. Paradells, “TARIFA deliverable TWP1.2.D1: Service discovery, negotiation

and reservation protocol specification,” May. 2010.