



■*T«>MltV KILMANA**<irr L.AMr wrrr.




The Convention Not Even Able to Per­manently Organize.


TInx Imm ill IV ha*' IpvMitwii hard tM»t« u|mni Hbwk—pwitv'w

traRr«i.v ufTli«* lUiUiny NiudMitM Imvi* Immhi ••laii).

laiuR tWaritwito luid iila iollH>iM^ib> nHtiuM <i( llfty iui4-nMaM>|Mw vriiit-ii bmi fur thv lHl)mtur>‘.

youday yaD-li IH, tb**Jiiiiton* will 1(1 r«* ii IIIUBM-al imacrniii iil iIih hiuh MfbiMtl riMtui, H'hM'ii will Im« <»ih* itl llf iMwt (irrtKniiii'* of tli** MmiiMtii. Tlt«* .Man* dnliii (lull will (nniinh M|MTial inn-irni utimrtiitint.

Tli«« <»«iinHry data* law. Im^i fvritinir Hv»* t««ta on Um* work ovia- which it ban (uiMicil thia tcnii. The aliindioiCH hare a%'er>i|(C(| hi|(li, which nhowM decfi iutcr- Hal on llic|iart of aacb |>u|nI. ThHrlaaa DOW iMaiiDa thn atiidy of M»lid ireotiietr)’. |

The poblir i«Hamnn of the l.itcrary MM*iciy last TuMalay HveoiiiR waa very wdl attcntlail and the proRmiii waa irrcMtly eiijoy»<d. The iMwite on tb«* •lOrwtioii, ''KHaoIrctl that tin* inodHni

Party Liaas OMHerated in laxe Oovemmetit.

Vj|« <lauRrHoa||aa baan RwttiiiK in iUilrndly DciNOCratS CIMMC a

PresAdat Travis tae CkoAce of Both Caucases.

A SpAeodid HadoraoRMOt wa» Oiveo NAa Ik tiR DoRMcrau.

nis RectM’d ofBcori

Good aaaareaeot ay s Winner.


‘‘Conference” Committees Useless as Spectators to Aidin an Agreement.

MemberA of The (Jratiot Delegation Say They Have Naught Against Judge Daboil And Aak For The Nomination Merely From a

Que5tion of Geography.

Nail am nmlattlaali'ai laaalaler a||«l lar a llnili.K*«r lie If kieawii ttierraiwn hr Ihric- rHuaaNl. Yrl lallll the lavaiplr i-rWO*Anal urcr^l IhaHr enuaw wllli amriiaNai wural* WhtrU ralUK with IlioiinSt* alnrerw laiial Irur.

hlibi* of rHfMliuK jwnfMlIcnU flocaa unHt r,^„ hr virhl (Oi.l airnlKhi hi- mI.Ione for opprceiatlDK the bent lMM>k-” t.. hni. Inlnwtajr fra.w'. rraai. wiin ateeidMl ID f»T«»r of the neRlltirH alc^ ^ hto fa^taoa nwia

■ I iiiiiiMiiiiliiWIftiiiwiiimiirt ae Men Who Must Decide This Contest!I Clinton Delejtate.s:—I M. M. HIGH.1 FRED HAZLE,I ROBERT A.NDERSON,I Wm. G. HUNTER.I Wm. M. LELAND.I . n. SMITH.I H. P. GAGE.§ W. A. NORTON.I M. W. CARRINtiTON,I A. S. W'E5T.I JOHN C. WAT50N,I CHAS. E. BLAKESLBE.


! batorv. Hari f'antlH and Warner Vnadcti biirR.

Soiiiw of the Fmibmeo iind HatphiiiairHH ' liavH liiag hern pAanaiDR a ntannAiridc a x- ' • amioo, but hare ham obliRnd t4» wait iiolil tha> 4Htf(hiiiK l ama*. I.aiit Monday tiiey thounht they had auifneienc grtMind lor U'lieriBR thdr time ImdarrirH*!. \v. axtrdiiinty iiboiit Mfr-n oVloek in tha* ••reniug the lataHghUMlil wan eoHea'Ird. They tried tin* adeigtiinn iimund town, bat MMin they lM<rfuna* more hrateand planned a roor*- dUtant trip into the country, .\bout tbie tima* thealrirer nnw Mimethintf which iiitemateal him in the ri-ar of th«* Indi and Rmre hiii iMNailioii to ona* of tha* Kiriaa. Itut tha- wihl willitia <if mml ili*tria-tn bad n*tiM»VH«I the mifw !«•

' feme catmerM leavint; them iMttli the irroiind and the lieiiel that they miiiat walk, at Utkmt iwtrt of the way. .\IhiuI fen aiVh>a*k the%' aanjffreal the hoaaiiitnlity anal tira* a»f kind lieartMl irirniiii, four inibe in the country anal then tatartail on their n-tum by another rtMil. Thin war even iiiain- Imre than tha* timt. bat oat tliey dinilieai anal iwtlielllly folloaeal tha> Mieiah wliia'h lafi tliauii into tin- rilhiKe in the lamall hatiina aif nurht

Hai aram ■lirrrawa hto aaftorf m> weal.ThitI when lir waanial (hr /okr liay ilaaw ti .k rlaiuaiair hiUK anal laawai Fraiiu Ihaaaar whaa a||ai hi* a-amcw atppriaar Wml IhroNUll Ihe fown fmin rnil in raaal. Thru onae aucaili htaa iiatae Wnaa ilaa^l.I'aaNl ha all inrn whaa Inrr the riaht .knal fhllai hr alaMatl tlir pRatri.Ka' rhatla^-. with faairtV lllMNi atratrk alMWli. naal rrtMhral,*

Fair tireMilent am tlMReublicnn—Ihmiaa crath' l^•alplela’ I’nioa Hileer—Fmhibi- tioBMlia iNdtet, Mr. Fred A. Tmvhi.

What maire iloen any man want? Kven KlairiouM old llateii H. in hha iiinait

worAi ORain near rnion Home. Thin titna- the victim w old Thomoa KilbaRa, who alied Immt TAmtwAh \. from the MAhvta of tha- aliiieaae III ith i|fy form. Old ‘Toinniy” an lia wa« known by everyone

in the neiirhlMirhood wlwte be lived in a liUie hut, down nnar Mafdn Itiver. wan all aaa-centric ctiaracter uml bad lawn a iMmvy dribker. The old Mlow, who had Uveal for ya-am alone, had a partner around the imm*! f*w iiiamUM but be wouitl go home well .aiadeal with poor whiakey anal driv hie comrade oat. The laat time be alid thie it firovaad to be hie irmIoiiik. He awoke the momiog fol- lowing hie aapne and fouml himeelf aloDa-. cold, hunirry and eiek. He wan too ill to bnild ii tire ami ae a coaee- i|Uenre froie hie feel anti coniractHd a bad cold on hie liiDge. fiaugrme eet in and the old leilow and wietrhedaeee ae bad ae iiiight lie ina-tured in theeluiiie of a big city, old Tommy wae well kmiwn in HC. Johiie where he had trailed for ra-tira. He

I alwaye bmi a mil of bHle with him vrhirh he wonid exhibit arith great uRtiefartioa anal Nuggeet that he "haal more money

far School Cfininitiflioiier.

SetMe D. Grove, of Letaaoo. Nake the Run.


IMctaiM mt UaHnd RcgarihiK tic Wb*dM the Mnve.

aucafo rutflMriii WAS Eodoned, Dtlerates Elected.

eangiiine momenie, wiieii the exuliemiia-e than eoineoi them WIere what put on eo



. Koine line met Itoiin-. and the tight ie on lu the Judicial t'oiivamtion for thieeir>| We, tin- undemigneil eominittee ol the ■iiii. I (iraiiot eoiinl.v da-l'giiiiofi, iiie iiuthor-

It WH*' ni«i 1 IT when rhioniiaii ilruiiMiu caiieal the eouvi-ulion to order, -tuled | iteai to Miibmit to th<'(1inloii dria-gittion Hr i>l>*--.-t and •‘iilleal Will. .M. Siiiitli. ni iTinion county to tlieehiiir. .\llhoiigli thej the folloeing pro|KNiitionfiriitiot >ieleg>ilioii hud d'-ciim-al iM-tore the u|ietiiiig of the convention to agrre upon ih-—*l-''lioii of a chiurniitii, th«-y offeriil no obfertiaai nnal Mr .'^inith aekeai whnt the itletii.ure oi the delrgnter wonid In iilinoot ae kooii ae Mr. linitiwai had iiMaxal >|H-.ikiim.

W \. Norliai noii.iiiaia-al Mr Mh all, of tiratioi, lor -a^-retary, who di-elin<-<l, and Will. I.••^alld wae then i*e|.-«-t«-«| tli*- Oraliot i|a4egat*»* voting iiiiunimoiiHlv in fnv'T ■>! the motion.

Mr Mh'hII then moveal that thrae-coininitteeM Im> ii|>|Miinteal, with two incinlM*re inaii •Itch ■ Miinty Thei-oiiimitpro|M»»e-a| were on l'nd«*nliale.l*erniain-nttir- guni/Mt i-ai and t mlaa-ol HiiHiH-ee ami Keeoliitioin. W A. .Verton ohja«cteal to the Uaeoliitnai • oiiiiiiitte.-and Mr. Met all viillidrevv that |Mirtion of hi-* motion. The voi* n ivofiii MH all-reeoliilioii wa-wltlioiH oit^-ctioii. Tin-coniiiiitl«^-H were then ap|H»int.-<I n- miIIowh

I I, „»,.:/ \ ^ Wt~<l and Uoliert \nd<n.iiii Ulmliai L* ^'t***- IF• * •Itnr^toav, <Snititit

/’• rtn'it*' III m4ii t irt/t r •>! /faeoM . —II. \|. High] anal H. W.< Hinagtani. < iiiitoii .1 It. < mwfainl ami l-kl. Meacham, tiniiiot.

Iniinealialady u|Hai the iip|Nanliiient oi tbeaae cnininittaeH a teaaolnlloti to lake a hall hour uae carrieal

When the eatii vent loll wae .igain calieal to order the «-aanmitta«e on credentiale the iiann-« of the d'-legaieH winch np|M-ar at tha- In-nd <d thi« article ae

entitled to -e-aiM III Ibe I'laivcniioii The eoniiiiitta-a-on orgnnitaiion iwfeirtMl that the> had lHil«-«l to .igm < Iiairiiiaii llighoi thct1intnnbnineh,offereilth«-following:

W«, thet'linton ct.iinty meiiilier>. of the -omnutta^ on |ierroanami organiiatiun and order oi lai*.in*-e» r*-|Mirt ae tolhiwe

Fir«t — UejMirl oi •Taaiimittc-- on cn-<ietitiaiM. .*<a-a-avnd—That the ta-mimrnrv or-i ganizatiuii Ie* made iH-rninm-ait Thinl—That the chairman ap|Mnnt two teilere, one rom encli ronnty. tln-y to I**- nominated by their reepe«-tive] ilelegnliame. Fourth—That w»-pr*e-ee«l to iiuininaie a eundialae. for I'ln uit Jiidgc. Fifth—Tlie •M-|,4 tioii ol II pidh’ini • oinmilto- tor the ‘.".Mli jtidicinl ein-tiit.

H. M. Iln.u,H. W t'.VHItlN«.Ta>\.

I hairmaii t‘mwliiral, of th» tiraliol Mavlion of the i-aiiiiinittee. oflrreal tin-follow­ing iM :i i>uiM«lilut«‘

W« tin-following maanhere OI tha-• ommittae- on |•a•rmlOlent organisation and order of laiiaiiiaiaM Miilanil Ih*- lollowing n-jMirt Firet—The i-eftort ot tin-<-a>ramitta-a> on ereatentiaU .-ta^nid—That J. N. MH'all Ie- niaale |>ermanent chairman of the camveotmn. That the temporary e*«rref«r>’Ie* made |iermaiMmt. F»»urth—Tle-ap pointma-nt ol tHh-na and ewa-aniig III Ilia- avttlavux a»| tha- a-amvention. Fifth—That tha- judianal aH»nimitta-e, a-anieietiug ad twai fraim --ach eounty, Ie* i-haeaiat by tlndr re|*. rreentative ita-bvatiaine tha-ra«o(, Sixth—l•TealHntation« a»l ivuidMatee for Clnmlt .ludg*'. .'*eventh —Kallaitting fa»r a-anallalatee ia»r firruit Jualga-.

J. H. t'nAWMtnii,K. MKAt-MA.N.

When I hairnian Smith •-alh-al lair a voia-on the enlaelitute refairt, Mr. Knwe, ol timtint. arow- anal enial that am liebalf ad tha- timtiut airlegation. he wae inetrueted toraet twelve vailaw in lavair ot thel rawlaa-d enbetllnie

"The mntiam te load.” eaHl I'hnirman Smith. ” I enpieme it ie in aittier to vote i»n the airiginal maitiain. Ml thaMw in favor manifawt by aaaying aya-.”

‘ I am inetnicted bv tha- catire tlintam aleiegatiam to a-aat twa-lve votee in favor of the mail ion.”

‘ The mad ion le iaeit ” eanf the chaimian amni a genaa-aJ laugti. The ttrette-ad the a-onvamtiam had been nwrhed. The {want ad a ilaaadlaMrii wae chmriy at hand. It vvae then maived to gira- the noiamiittee an hnnr further to aaeeif they might not agree nad the eatarention adt«»«tmed for lui hoRr. When the hour wae up the axim- mitteewfw at the -mme point where it etarted. anal it wae innveal aaal iwrrieai to apiMimt n " •-aMifaa-aatee" committee atf eix, threi- fmm each a-amntv, to awe if the mat- tar ad airganisatiam a-atwld not tie agreeal Upon, immI the a-amvention odfoarned until thin morning.

The a-onvaantiam wae a-alled tat order by FImimian Smith, at a few miautaae after aim- thie maimiag. SM-radary ledanal read tha- miantee ad yenterday'e laeMinii whiadi wrae aalopted withamt adtfection.

W. .Nortam etated that the avonh iwaae aniamittw- had faUval to agree nad rwr ommeadad that th«y hedbeharged.

Mr. Malbll eaid that Ihe Hratted ibtagatR) Mt thitt Mny were entitled to the I haiiiiiaindltp hr maaon ad pmiiMit aad ahm Haiamd that the awaveatkia whan Id have beoa nailed at Ithaua thb time iaatead ad Ht. Jnhae. He eald that it had Hmo latlaMbd to hl;9 idaae he had arrived ia Hi. Johae. that ti might he the RgentiaiR ad the Hi. Johae ijilsgarioa to taheaoRW artvantaae ad the ritaation by rawnii ad haring theri mb in the chair aad poorihly athaapt to hawe the ahatraiaa earie to

That if. lit liny time, the tvvHvcdeh-- gatn* from I'lintoii county, thniugh thrir cliaiminn. objea-t to any ih-niMon of any (tariianieiitairy iineetion by the chair man <d the •-oiivi-ntion, tfn- pne-eeding affect- •-al tiy that <|cciMioii Hhoiild Ie-coiioi-lerral null and void.

Thie pro|Mieition le made on the tioMe that tlie chairriiiiii of the conventnm ie •-onav-def! to (imtioi i-oiinty

Wciurtlier »ugg<wi ilmt it Ie- under etiHMl that earii ih-tHtfiition ehiill havc f w«-fvt-vot*-t«, and Iwcivi- vote»» only, on all i|UeNtiotie w Inch ehiill • nine le-tore lb*- <*onvi-ntioii.

Mr Xorioii rvpli<-<| to \lr. Mca'alFe rv- nuirke b.\ eaying tliiit tli<- dciegiiit^ pow- eiit had tiidhiiig to do with •*ei«eting the plini- III iiie«-ling and that thev were tha- tn»*n- crmluroi ot the Hinton convention, to ea^-tirc. if iH-enible th*- nominiitiftii (or .Iiidg*-Ibiholl Me |e»inled old thefaet that It wae alwaye cuNtoinary for the •-tiairmaii to call the remporary choir- mail and in <-onvHntione oi thiecharna-ter |Ih> eelretion wae alwa>*M miule iwwiiia- nent. He eanl th«- t’lintoii dclcgutinn •-oold ew- no rmeon why thie method, ee- tnblielical by yi-are of iieanr*-, ehould he ov«-rthn»wn. Ileeaid on liehnlf of nnd in jueliavi-tat JiiiJgi- Habadl. be would ntat«- that the Flintam county defegatiaMi would attempt no unfair meaiieor i«aa|i niovee or triekery to ereon- tie-nomina­tion, (nr their candidate (or the reoMin that it would Ie- thrown in their faree by Judge Hahtdl, uoiene obtained by ea- tir«-|y fair meane luid boiieei inethtHle.

Following thie Mr. Mri'all eaid that liratiot wae c«tiially anxioue to have ah eolnic fair iday (irevail aad that thaar candidate only wanteal the nomination when H mapirity ol the twent.v-fnar ilade- galwt voted (nr him. " W«- have mithing but th*- kimh-et regnrde for Jiialg*’ Ha boll” eaal Mr. MH'all. “and the i»aiy ma MOD we nek lor thie nomination ie that we think we are catilled to it in onr county.”

Mr. .Norton matved to diNchaiV' the iidvuHNi committee, whe-h wae dote-, aad the ennveathva adiniimed until oae o'Hook.

The •■oarenlioii i-onvened at oae o'Hook IhM aftemiMiii aad adfammed un­til tarniorrow morning.

(IoinI feeling hne preensM thronghont. ami there eeeane ih» igiirit of aaitnanMy aw ugtlawwii iippnreat. The delogataw have a great dead of <letarminatiain in their laree. anal will probably eUaik for Mime tima- ywi. The mateot lo attmot- lag groat attantiam, aad the awnrt rtmm hae beam filled at woaim ooadoae

t taring to Ihe poor ontlonh tor peamhon tble yonr, farmerw an pawtiona of the fmft belt arill grow tmgnr hooRi few tbellentDn Haorbew hatoiy and tomntaao iwd nn-

ibomlor the plrhle aMMi canning la»- ao. TlriBe arill ho non orono, no lor

.\t iht-icguliircoiiv<M-atioiiof loliiiH Fomiiiaiidery No. ‘Jt rviiighie Templar iiHd Friday evening laet tie- lollowing off1r»-r>» wefv- Ha-cti-ilKiniie-rt I'oinmamlcr — ..V. W Ihirke.-<icie-rnl--eemio ..................... Fr-«1 K. SwainI'apliiiii (iciieral....... .... Joliii J iVatkiaxI’rclalc.............. ................ 1*. K Walevvortli’J'*-ai*iir»-r. ........ ......................Wane-r iiandnyK«-i-ori|*-r..........................—I l« !!»-adi-ri»*»aSenior Warden .............. ii*-'i. II Mar»hall-liiiiitir " ..........................Wm. .M. Smith.Standard Hettivr..........I-Jalwitrvl Taliiiadg--.SwonI ■’ ... ...........Flute, i'liltenvoiiWiiidcn ........................ . W. II. Vaiicfineaiil.Sentinel .................................... -1. M. Friebe-

The hInivc utnrere will le-inetnileii on Friduy evening Man-h .'11


ALI. ITW VaiNTKNTIt.The (arm reeniena—of Cline. Ilariihart,

in Kimw-x townehip. jUet a lahort die- taiH-'-eatot of .Maple Kcipide. woe bume«| to the ground, together with almowl all ite i-oatente. Sunday morning. Th«-Ho-, whieif ie thought to have ongtnnted from the kitebawi etov*- pafw. bs»ke thrf>iigh the naif on the north eiiie of the building, and the wind, which wae blow­ing a gale from the northweet. drove the rtaoiee into the baiilding liHaire the furni­ture could Ih- removed. Tie- laiihiiug anti contentM were ineiiied (or only $diNl in the Clinton Farniere' MiitiiaiCo. Mr. liurnliart le an old renidwiit of F<wiex. The loM>. which le a heavy Anc to him. n* ilaa-ply regretti-d by many •yrnfMithixing friemle.



Hev. \. T. I.uther, ol Mn|il*‘ llapide, hue forvviiiih-«l a mpiewl to CongreHM- tanii Fonlney, waking Iiimi to uae hia in- ttiiana-e taiwani |iravenling Ibiberte, tie- Utah iMilvganiMt, from bnag eeaU-ii at WaadiiBgtnn. Kev. Luther itaid to Thk .NKWa. that the niattaa* had lieen iwre- fiilcnnvaaHed in tie-threi- chiirrhiw with

• •I liM laaiyant feeiinga werv- ladling over, never conei-iVeil a more hnppv condition than Hull vvhirh coiilmnle the t-hiel e.\. ••i-iitivi- ortiiMT ot thia town, anil any reaaieiit •»! the place, who lan’t n-ady to throw iiie hat a* high in the air ae he in eafiable and King, "tlawt ecive thi- I’nwi- deitf.” or "I-ong live tie- Mavor.” ia a Manor ti thia cnnniiiiiiitv. The aaeiner he* preaetei- la diacovereil, and he ialiiialleil off to I'aiigerora. or Siliena. or aoiiH- otie-r |tbii»- wUere they baniah Im-. inga who violate aHegianci- to llavi ••oiinlry, flie la-tier If will in- for the |aaci-, hapianeae and proaian-ity of tie* n-ridenta m thia corfiortitioii, who will lolenile nothing but per«iet loyalty to lie- preraail inciinila-nt ot the premdent'a eliair.' It aiiiv la- aafety Miirmiaeil that I'rtaident Trnvi-i* fnrni tbia tune heae-i- the wiede thing with ii cii|Hlnl "W" on whole, ami I hat iiothiiig nliort ol a local rnonarchv will oiitH-v* to aiiiiaiy th«* cravimra of th>- |Naaii«re "v-re thia thing itaend liie- reacle-*!.’'

Senoiialy. however. .Mr. Triivia hue le-ea imel a high etitn|>iiment aael oie- not lM«iitwe.i (Ml any otle*r luuii in tie- Ulalorv ot St. -lollll--, at leaat no cii»e ol the kiiel i» calh-d to mind.

11 to ik the Ueliuulleauf JUat lllle- llllli- u••-• .Satiinlay evei ing to nominate their tlek«-t. The alteiidanci- wai- the liglMeat in veare

tico. M. I'eire- madeciuiiriiiaaand I’. K. Wiilaworth. aHcrefary, Theiollow- iiig ticket wae {Jaced in nomination, each < andidiite la-ing cooeeii by ncHamu- tion.l-realitrtil ......... ..... . .1* A Tearla<*lrrk ............ .Manhi MrPeaahlTreaaiirrr .................................|i l.ynn lluwt■k pa—Bur.............................. Ore 11 klamhNlITruatrea, .k. O. Hunt, W. K Treap, and J.

II. nniewTle-rhaurmati uppoiareii II. M. Hunt,

t\ I*. I laker and C. Putt village i-oni- mittee, and aaiinrone move.l to ad|onrn. !r war tbe«|uiekeat pew ol cniirua work ever accomtiliahed in St. .loliim.

The IteMMM-rwCn Caurw«.IliMlney Ileeb- cnileii th«- Ih-tiae

cnilia*<*nucua to order and J. 11. F<*dewu wae e{ecf«<<| rhnirmaii and W II. Vim-1 ctaiaaiit Herk. When the nomination of, 11 preenlent wae n«achaa| 11. J. Patleraoii aaid that he had liaaii aladying tlie annual re|Nirt of the villagi- clerk. pul>- Iwheii III laat week’a |ia|iera, ami wae pla-aieial to iioth-t- that the affaire a|> |warcd to have laaMi cconoinically ad-j iiiiniateri-il. ''Then- la no iKilftice in | village goviTOineiit.” naid Mr Piitter- aoii, "and what w»- want, aa taxpayawa, ia nil honawt ecoaomh-al mannagement.I laSieve. Irom nil that I haveleamMi, that Mr. Travia liam aad du—iatauid fur tht«>«- prinHidea. and, if aoeh la- th«*cfuie. thmi I aeemi improprtaly in onrvndoie i iiig him for itreHilamt. I think h«> hae la<eti tmtirefjr lair in hia work, and makiw agaNwi otilcer.” Thia aaituiNWit waem-' doraeii by aeveral otbere prwaewt. aad ^ wbeat the vote wna put by the ebairmcMi there waa not a liceenrilag vok-i-. To aviver the legal filuiaa* of the iinavitiun, tba-1

dam much." He wae South Fulton i-ameterv.

hurried in the


-OUR HOVN" '-------- *

The (ollowiag fnim the Itbaua Journal would indicate that the people uf that riling*- "kn«>w a gaaid tbiag wham tlwv bear it." Th*- |•llp•r eaye: The st. John* Mandolin Club, HUp|Nirte*l by giMMl home talent, wae tlie caue*- and mirth wae llie*-(Tert of the enjoyiibie en- tertaioim-iit whicli wue given Ht tlie ofM-ra hoiia*- Friday night under the aue- |Heee of Hivieion 1 uf the latliea' aid MM-iety ul the .M. F chiirrh. Judging irom th**nu**uf th*- amlieHce. which flll---l every itvailubl*- cliair from tin* r*-*ir ♦-lev it*-*l niw to tli*-"lialtl head'e |tamdo” tin- |iHo|i|i- wi-re exfiectinu aoiiiHhiug giMMi. anil that tliey wen- pleaaa-<l wae niaidh-ei through n-peate<i ♦-iii'onw.

.4t the Itomorratii'-Paoph-'a-l’nioD-llil- ver conoty coavention, bel*l at th*- <-ontt buuae in St. Jobne, Saturday uficniooo iaol, ail of the towaabi|w axawpt Kagte* Hath, Hnpiaiii and ledNiiion ware n-pvw- aented.

J. H. F'-dewa called tin- cunvevttioa to oriler. .\lmuod <t. Hhepard. of livid, waa ciillad to the chair. S. 1). Wateuu warn luadc aam-tary. The following

died amid eainaior nimmitteea new* afipointavi;On f'rf*irnti»l»—A. If. Kiaibt, livid;

.V. W. Hurkoe nnd I.. I). Parr, Uingliaiii.On /*• rnnintut iPrffnnirtitiun am/

Onf»r ni /fiMinea#—.john H. Kobnoii. livid; It. J. Patt •fnain, lliaghiun, ua<i (leorKw N. Ferry, (ireenbuaii.

Oh R0m*ttutinn»—.1. If. Failewii and E. H. Lyon. Iliugfaaiu, and Hrnrr N W«-bb. lie Witt.

Theroiiimittae on ranolufione re|Mirtad the follaMring:

Kkmii.vkii. TUmI Wr hereto aitpnoe, I*a- l|♦•rpe aa<l rmarni the|triucl|tlp«fJ -tar |«ert.v. ♦IP lehl flaw n in file |iiatf*iriii n<l-f|>tef| ai l*tii niao In leiMi, ;iii4| ail<i|»l*-<i In tiiU pfnie in 1 Kiai, Ml iiur Ptele miiv riillitu.

The committee on cnrietii lala rafiorred the following entitlaal to aeate:

Ih }Vitt—.V. .V. .Vlexander, .VIbawtItouae, (J. Srhray anal Hmry Webb.

It Hr ft—ItolierT latmlar**, U. \. fliiriHv*. John Pingel. S. I). M’ataon and Freai Mankey.

Ihilhim—John Ii. Patteraoii. JacDb Schraft, If. W. Haldwiii an*! U. C. Itlnnk.

/.'ppr.r—John (iiindemwiii, S. J. Priev, T. T. .New'ton. ti. C, ilraikcr and Thomoa Tervvilliger.

Ort t nhumlt—tleo. X. Ferry, II. Jenni eon. John liillnm nnd K. J. Itiniuger.

Orhl—John H. IIoInmiu. KzraTait.H. Koahl. Wm. VnaOmdel. .\ ti, .Siief*- nrd nnd l.ewia Koaht.

Itinifluim—II. J. PntterMiu. K. ii. l.yon. If. 1>. PniT, J. 11. Fertewa, Wm. II. Hall, lialnahii Pmm-il, lieo. S. Corhit niiil .k. W. Hurke*-.

Ilrnfffii—Wm, Itym*-, .Newton Itaker iimi VdHIw-rl .Xbiwhier.

It'> pi/i/iofo*—John-I .Slump. Michael Manp*-rieli. Fml lleleii, liiielav Hey*-r.

Fr..m the nn-jmg up ol the. nriain f.the! ,Hnal. ..v*-rvthiiuc paeee,! ..f eimmlhlv. ■ T- ''- HaldwTh.. ,.i i,.,„ .____guitar piayefw, gnvt- ex<-etient miiah-, re**- faiiiditig t«i eM-i>rHe after i-vary iiumlier.Mr. M*-llor diaplay***! 11 tine voie*- in hie vocal aoioe nnd Mr. Vn-fh-nburg mad*-a greni hit aa«i •■ouhl not hav*- lae-n out­done in hie iriali imiwn-eoiiatione by npskfeaeional comedian. The St. .Inline ,“N~ «V- ’..'i "li 1 ii iV"i ' ■:■*

I’irfni'—* liaritai Pope. .Samuel llarr*-tt, Frank Skam-tt. .NewHI Pnrker nnd J. C- Shnver.

The faSlow ing de|egal«p« were n|»|Miint> •*<l to the Stilt** i-onveiition.

-.1. H. F*<dewii. 11. J. Patterwoo. .\. I'hick nnd <le*». S.Corbit.Sl. Joline, Jnbn

ligiH*-*] with the eup|M>rt that wae given them on th** program by our horn*- talent, nu«i w*- were n hit proud ol it tiai.



Thoniae Hlunt. of lluplain, who livaa over on th*- Meriiliaii. n liaH-mile **aet of Klan-, wne ndjmlg*’«i itiaaue by Judg*- Merrill Mouday nnd tnk«ni to th** Knlam-

RtfMi uavlurn the waum- day by Sbariff iHinii. Th*- mail lalMir*-*! under th<- liHliucimirinii thnt eonieonc]waa going to mnnler him nnd th*- |MMir fallnw kept nn ax on hie I**-*! each aught when b*- retired rrmly to me«s the mythical enemy when he ehnnid npt**vtr. He hae tevn tWHv- tnnflned at Kniamnxoo nnd tw*ir*- at INintia*'. He wae rtSeoeetl fnini tb*- iwylum nt the hitter |tlare in INIM after having l•Hprl deinioe«i thn-*- <ir four

'amfibHI,F. Ih-Mimm. Wntertowii. Jtulamu C. ver. Virtair; (teo. N. F**fTy, (ire*>ahurii. XV. H. Hall, St. Jnhne.

The dH**gata« electwi to tin- Judicial conwntion an* ne fadhiwe:

^klwin 11. Lyon, H.J. Pattf-muu. .St. Johne; Newell Parker, Victor: Iatvi W. Itnidwiii, llallfM H. Moehier. lU-ngal. T. T. X**wton. Kwe-x; fl. Shepanl. \. H. Kootat nudJ. H. Uobaufi, (Iriai; Chaa. Miu-mIi, tllive. Fraok <l«bnni, flreeohiiali, nnd Peter Thome. Wewtphaliu.

The nomination of n cniglidiit** tor county commiwrioner •»( ech«M»le drew- lorth a great ileal «M dwM-iMMaNi. auad tb«- pre*w-nt incumba-ut «u that utttoi# cam** in lor ae benrty ♦mdonwwnent from many of th** delegatre preecnt, ae he enuhl iNNwihIr expea-t from the nuMt loy­al mcrniliere of hie own |Mrty.

tleo. X. F*wtt preweiit*-*! the iiaiiieof Selbie |l. drove, of leSiaiion. who in at f>r**Nent teoa-hing erhool at Kurekii Hie nomination hod hardly heeai -Me-onded. when John dnndemian.of Kewex, )nra|HMl to hie fei>t to explain thnt h*- hail Inwa a

•inn- h*‘ hitd lieen old

wliicb h** le • onaav-ted, and out ot tl^; phire will einiply lie Irit blank on tb** whole niimbiw mvvi, but oim* man nml hie i lleniorratir ticket. The lollowing tickettwelve year ohi eon w**re in favor of { Iloberte' s-taiaiag hie -leat. the met wer<* anxioue that CongreNeimui Foniney eboalti b*- npprieeai of their ifeeime in the l matter.



wae unminalifil by ncciamatitMi'• Viii...^........................ ......II. U. WaiUil»uniTrtwerer ....................... . .k. HeelirApp— .................................J.M KrtNbtrTn—fpea. Ilvmw liNalev. A. k. ukirli ncmI

WllUnl l.yna..V Village oiammittM- «xiB«icting <i( It. |

.4. Havda*, Cliaa. iUevee aa«I \. .4. Chick woe appfunled. Tb*- uatH'ue wae lightly at t Clidal.


Ihinii, he at once auk*-*! ‘'Wh«> nokI th*' man wae craxy” nad tlie NberifT (eioght the cigare without a mumier.


aiP AN I'aal.V C'HAIMIK.

W«inl hae h*»n rereiveal liere from lie*. leivejoy, who reranfly went to New York to nav*ept the imatnrat*- of a Congregii- tinnai I'burrh. nv which it ie lenmrvi that

I he liau* lieavi ill ever einec be arrivivl in the Hty nnd hae not Iwen able to iirearh a eingfe •ewmon. He wae about need up with n eevere c«dd when h*- left St. .lobne nad adabvi to that wae the etrain inci­dent to hie withdrawal from tbecnaier- enc**, nnd altogether It np|ienn« ta* have lieen too moHi tor him fit witbeiainal.

i-eeviea the CJwMwtv.Jtiae-ph l.nke hae eold hie farm of lUt*

acree In llengal townabip to Fred Witt, of iUley, who will take ttoueneeion the latter part of thie month. Mr. l-afce and family will remove to Ithara. where he hae |tnrehaeed a (arm near the vil­lage. kir. I<ake bae rerided «hi thin farm la lb egal ior tweaty-lbrec yeare. and will leave with the heat wiebP' of many

atM RpplUeelTbaHapeoa Kirby, of



The larg* nantb*w «if iMint*-*** who g«i north Irom (lintuii <-<Minty each faxll will

reetdeai of dreeaha^. diedTomday niter ' law. (avr which oaveral armrin have hoai aloug illaone. He had heea Jnetim of! made, and nNwr am liketv to follow. The the t'eare at Aahley for year* aad waa ' wardra Mirifarie bimerif upon the prom well known iw tb*- north ride of Hinton perte that the peeaant leglilatar*- wdl ronaty. He wne $m old eoldler, haring not remoee any of t been a member ol Compaev A, ‘idth which game le mmani^ld InMlehlgaii Volnateece. --------- -------

------------------ laRpeeeeowat R menfaerie ilMriiV. of

4. •* (Jnsnnd ana out Hmnadid ntlm imnememaly liippedhr Rlhlltw

he intf-n-eled in l**aniing that dntne jgry by Plaiatiff Tmepaa> on the caw*- Waraleii ilebom paye that there ie great upon p^tmieee Jury by defendant. Hr- «la*atnictton of *W«iw by wolvee in the imdant'N motiaNi to amend plea gnuii*<d upper iwaiaeiila. The eaow le heatniv im |MiynN*at ol an attorney fee of fTi.iMi. cmetael iumI tb*- woivm da* not break , .. . . ♦ i» ♦ . ♦Ihmugh while the .*oaunry le thecae*- IW M ^11. Judge of Probate lor with tm> «lwr, and It ie leanri Urge nunt-; J*'lien* hare Iwen .bwtroyed- The extrem*- twe*>n and Kobert U. Swiyt. Jury by cold wratber haw* Iwen **xtreti»e4y haHon PUintW. ^T^***?" 'y y*"«iaaii. iMirtridge nnd do^. ai^ ilneke HriendMt e »m»tlon thatwhich have hewt a* l aetomi li to wiatawin i wR^rity lor coete be given. deaie*|.

Myrth* Mam ve. Ifeamard Main, bill of dtrorre. Ilprtve gmnte*i cawnplainant.

Mary K. Jnnee ve. W. Hrine Jomw, bMI____ i. »jf divorre. I leerwe grantnda*onipiniaant.ere that an- *»rdlaa»Hly open and fumieb -»_____

a feeding nnd rmortiagpUrefordneke. tai < y. ^__ n o____n -p*--be envetart wWb iue. lUrh Ratere m ‘ L* ''y* i**were not Iroaen wane virited by immtume i Ib^t** granted compUinaat, fldfi imi-awmbere u( dtMke. attMHklRg bantem ■ mRti.v. _________aad tempting them

Mi«*bignn died by hnadredp nad *were aorea driven to tie* vtreete of tnwne in nearrh of ftMel. They iwriebed ia larg*- nnmbeni. The Intenoe eold enneed arat-

to of ti

mamthe. XVliib-waiting (or Nome imiM-rN to Im exerutrd Hi the caiiirt hniiNe Mon-1 (irmocrat everda.v. be n-markeai that h** linin't like the 1 (.fiQiifli to vote. However, he didn't riiawifl. who haal lewai diMOg laie bawt to t r-*>neaaier it good paSwy to mamtaate n makeit aNUgrct-ahlcae |Nieribk-(iir him. 1 oanalidate for .-aHiimimiunei thie Kpring. "ile'N tiMi inoeli of a )olbcr to Nuit m«*,” ' a {mint ni orda«r wae callwl. nad John he eaid with u eort *>f a wmrieal oir. p^t down nnd wnibvi hie time to fnrtha-r When I’onnty iTerk Smith hearai of the explain hie rrauern)* in tb** matter. II. A. remark lie haal mad** too**bing Sheriff Hama, aif lllley, n Nchool teacher, mid be

thought th*- office wne mnet aaventaibly dlleal at preeent. no«1 did na»t IwNereit waiulal In- wrie to attempt to make a chang*-. Kobert Hlnnk, arf Hallae, nnoth- »T t*wrbaM-, eaid he thought It would he imfNMidhIe to improve the work now be­ing done from tb*- adllee, and enntinoed. "If you’ve got n candidate yon want to kill, why, naamiaate hhn thie Nfinag.” Wm. firmaw could Nee no reaeam why a candiaiate ehonld not be nnminat<vl by the Heoaoerateae aweflaetlMt |{•fMlblloaaa, luid woe not Itawdiwaral aUmt **SiiDg the a-aMiarentinn eai. l-kiwiB H. l.ytm eaid that, ae hie mind weat imaik lair twrive nr fffteeai yeare oarer the tickete fiomi- nated by tb<- rannne iMiUtical fiartiee hi tiintoii county, lieconld not a-axll to miad a ringie inetaare wbrre the K*-paiblicaae bad l*4t aa ofllee varaut <iu tbaSr tia*hnt. fatr the puriMwe- of aiding in tba- rierthm of a H**morrat, aaai lm«-a>abl Neeaaimi- eiHi why eurb a rourw ebouM hr iwreued thie epring hr the Hemawmte. *1 haare naught agniaet Mr. Wiiwton.” bef-ontln- ned. '* we aie gnaid tneaaie. but I Iwiieare then- ace other men who could fill tbr olNee ae avril aa be, aaal tbr yamag gua- tiemaa who bae heea nomiaaWii aiuwafu to be a fair vemag maui, nnd. I riioarid judge, aroarifi be •mtirriy caMB|ieteat tf» caxrrk- am the work asf the aHMae. nad if eo. avby ebonid be nut be miminnted if he ale- rifveit*” Mr. F«rieaea earid beemlnrmri Mr. Ipjon'e reoMxrke. aaal tbaaamht it aeae the duty of the ca>avf<alion to {doaw a awadialate in the field. There avae warn I furtlmr dmuanmoa. and when the aiamrioa araapnt by the cbairmaMi. Mr. (Imre wae nomhMtwl. He tbaakeal the avmrentloa fair tbrir auMua, aad eaid be I iineiilwd hi at hiuRir to Im nomiaabri faw eo iinpawtaat a poaitHm.

K. I*. Hnuee. n farmer living on the lirn- herweeu CHntrmand lngbnm<<ountieN wha* wae rerentiy arreeted on tbe ebarg** aS buniiag n bam in Calhoun coanty for tbe iHirpawe-of obtaining tbe inaumnav-, warn tiiaaehargeai frami euetndy Friday there lieing no '-videa*-*- whatevaw •*ah- Ntantiating tbe chargee

Meiieea•It Jatim* N. Mtav-I.

The (ollowigg nmrrtarii tknnaaa have wn graatad during tbe naat wmk by ,

UouatyOrirk Wm. M.Huritb'Kai

Mawek t—^lm^R^Rey •1Tbe mtmy trieabi ad Hev. U. C. Ixmg-

oma aie hivited to maut Mm ari tbubaMne at Mr. aad Mre. A. J. Baldwia Wmtnm 4m mdMt Mgnb 15. Hurigg Mr.

tbe mggt




F. U MJSn & CO.Tke LargMt Daslm in Bicycles in Clinton county.

3*4wmL5iat Retail Last


i-\ 4;






Come in and See the Largest Stock of Wheeis ever opened up in Ciinton county.

L. mmI F. Wilkins will innk** snicnr ua Hilas iSirner *s farm.

E. lialatrrs has jast pat down a asa wall (or Law (Jarpsntar.

Mr. oad Mrs. LsBaron risitad rrlatirrs in Flast OHrH last srssk.

I'stsr Unot and arils an* atirkiafc TmwbrMlRs’s sonar hnsli.

I). (1. McCoaksr bns boonlit tin* Frrs* man farm and will moss ns soou as tin* booss is tanpty.

J. W. Bansst and I^rwis I’anMUtsr wsn* at ForsaS hill Frhmary 3M, in the inter­est of (iraanf work.

A few froBi (Nivs (iman«* attended I’omfNm at Hoath Rilsy Marrfa 1. A Kood insatina. bat small attendance.

Mrs. K. E. Mnnrrof Merh* Ilearh, who went to Ohio to visit, is efMNtdinff most of iisr hvr time at the bedside of hw sirk mother.

John Wmai. of I ansingc. will ntore upon the Fhee (arm asscMinas Mcf'onkey moves oat. He is prefsuinK to open the HOicar basil.

Followtasr is the proanun (or (Nive (iranas Itareh 11: Heiection, Nell Lark- sns; NelaoMon. t'ari Morrison; ssleetioo. Kojreae Bryn; (faestioQ. “Is thedrana*' making any advamwaient in the4*o-op- rmtivsfaatnnw of its work,** J. W. Rn- nest, laader.


Repair Shop HriuK your ni»air work in now.

Iton’t wait intil tin* rush. Have your, wheel rleaneil and ail)UNt«*d by us. That’si the way to get Hatislation out of it.

Sundries We do a .lobbiiiK liiiMiness in MonraiiA Wrialit and

India Tires and have the most cfimplete line of .Stindrmt in therountv.

PATHFINDER BICYCLES In hcccinhcr The .\fnericaii Cycle Co.

for $21.00 cash. oT Chicn^^o, movedtheir hir^je bicycle Factory to Akron. Ohio, where they arc now nicely situated, employing over oOfi hands in making; the Pathfinder Bicycle. Lust yexir we sold 311 Pathfinder Hicycles here and were so well pleased with them that when they offered us a chance to buy KMl wheels we were ^jlad to take advantaj^* oF the Fact that they did not want to move the wheels to .\J<ron, if a low price would sell them, and now we offer this guaranteed wheel with guaranteed e(|uiptnent to you at a price Far liclow its real value. We have in this model dO gent’s and 4>() ladies’ wheels, a part of them have dash joints and a fine 2-|)eice crank iianger and wc offer you your choice oF the lot For $21.(K) cash or $23.(k) on time.


Old Wheels Wanted in Exchange for any of Our New Models.


K rrliulrti

Id a bach aradc* \vhw>l wr offw a bar- team. Tbiff wh«H wa*> math* t4i order

for fjg.oo caall for n« by Kuaem- Arnatriu. th**;jobiMT of iMcyrb* MiDdnen aad (larra in the I'nitwi Stntm. uatl wan by dmierw who iMiiarbf the iiarta anil Imilt the wheel under their own pinten tor fSti.tNi. We have t.** genie' and l.’i ladiee* whaeie in thie model mid will make a price ol raati or on time. Rememlier itwne only by buying thaae whrela in large lota and fiayiBg apot <'aah that we itre able to offer aarh bargalaa.

To iwrtiea livibg in other towna. aend ua fl.iNi imd we will expraae wheel to yoar town, examine the wheel and if aatialartory pay theexprma agent the (ialiUM*e. if nut retam wbael to ua.

.School daoaa at fh«* ('eater thie week.Jfibn Parke ia recovering from a aevei>*

attack of grip.Mines, WaodaJ iathegueet of me­

ter, Mra. J. N. I'luwniau.Mra. rbaa. .lonee baa bad another very

eirk efiell. fait ia better now.Lfoy Foie* nwnmeil echoni work to­

day after epiendiDg more than a week at hutm*.

f'haiiaaey Sliafley returoeil from (ilad- will thf* drat of laat week, where he hue lieen tlie |iaat two montbe.

Stefe'na .Arker baii the miefortune to injure Ilia band on ii buzz eaw reeently. while eawiag wcmmI.

Rengal Urang** ia iiroaiieriug, and ie adding membere by admitting new oiiea anil rri natal ing former ouea.

.Mre. Jacob Oilier, who hae lierii an in­valid many yeare. baa lieeii very low the (•ant week, with little pmapeet ol lieing any better.

Mre. .Nellie Hummer, of Ortoaville, < (akiaiid (^1 , wne called her** laat week bv the daagerone illnene of her mother. Mre. IHMer.

■U Life Wee Meeml.Mr. J. E. Lilly, u proaiiaeot citiani ol

HauninM. Mo., lately bad a wonderful dilin raom from a frightful death. In telling of it heaaye: “I wae taken with Typhoid fever, that ran into I'neamonui. My Inoga been me bordeneil. I waa ao weak icttuldii't even ait upin bad. Noth­in halpad bm>. 1 expected to aonn die of i'oaaamplion. when 1 lieard of Or. Kiag'aNew Oiacovary. Ooa bottle gave gnmt idM. 1 rontinoed to one it, and now am wall aad atroag. I can’t aay too roach ia iU praiae ** Thia manralluiie inedictaa ia tbe aaraat. aad f|Uiekeat cur*- in the world for all Throat oad I.anu Trouble. Regular ahtaa 50c. and $l.(Hf Trial bottlea free at Pildew A Mlllmaii*» dr^ ntore; evary bottle guaranteed. (3'



IVof. H. 0. Grove apaat Satarilgy aad Saaday ia 8t. Jokaa.

Haary Oavrlaa moved onto hia (ana ia Uratiot eoaaty Monday.

C. E. VaalMckla. of Hi. Jokaa. waa aa Earaka collar laat Thamday.

Mlaa Pmtt, of Krmikfort. Mlek.. ia rieltiag kar alatar, Mia. Groat Hrooka.

Mra. Haariatta Barbar ratnraad from a two waak'a vWt la Ooroad oad Ovid Hotardojr.

Mlaa ArfUo Plaraoa apaot Rotavdoy aad Sunday witk bar aaat. Mm. Scott, la Mapla Rofdda.

Wm. lllsaoB had hia loot iajarad qaita badiv. Muadav by a log roUlag oo it while at .work la tlw aawmill.

W. M. Piemoo and daagktar, .Arilla, apaot Wadnaadov and Tbomdav with Mr. aad Mm. ZalnMm Wyinao in Kaaax.

Rev. K. .Madge, of Maple Rmpida, waa a gmwt at John F^agle’a Monday. He waa iMi hia way home from Plaaawnt Valley, when* be held aerviraa laat Holi­day.

Edmond and Kdaa. twin ehildrm of' Mart Havy, of Sooth Grerubiiah. Imve! Imth beeo aeriimaly aick tke paat weak | with calurraluil paenmonin. The little i boy ia mach improved, and the little girl ' is some better.

Ihiniai Moure, who oaee lived with hia i parenta. Geo. Moure and wife, in tbia vil-, lage. and who enlisted in the eogineera i and nieekaoiew in ia revimtiag the j

I aceoea of hia early life after an abaano* of' over thirty-live yaam. Hia hoaa* ia in I Vail Horen county. |

.it the regular (Hlownhip meeting of, the Chriatian chnrcli last Hatorday, j ItmUiera Wm. .Mamhall lunl Henry Me-: Kinatrey were n^efertrd troataea for the I eonaing three yaara and Hrotber Frank 1 Younglove <4eeted to Mil tke vacancy canned by tke rrwignation of lirottier Walter Piarauo. who with his <laaghter, | Mina Rilla. am aboat to retnove to I Daraod. Rrotbar Pierson also renamed ! tba deaoonahip, a imaitloo which be haa ! held worthily aao to good araaptance j every aiuee tke cbnreh waa organized in i iHfMl, Hrother John l*Hre waa elertad ! daarou. Hrother Price has been a worthy and active mamlier of the chnrrh i for aereral yearn. We havt> the right i man in (he right place. Hrother PH-raoii waa elected an honorary deacon for liii*. <


Mra. I>r. Hinkaoii ia gaming elowly.Mra. Will Wickham is on the aick list

yet.Mra. ('. Hnzzard iaaick at her father’s

hnna-.Horn, to Mr. and .XIra. Hniee ii

girl.I. Haniella ia very low at tliia writ-

ing.Mlaa ^Maiid SanlMirti ia viaiting at

Chaa. Saxton'a and other frtenda here.Tom Gall came very near getting

kilM at l.onier mill. \ atick Hew and Mtruck him, cauaitig a eevere bmine.

^Vill Huah ia out again on our atre»‘t. He had a narrow eacape fr«>i» being killi*«l. Hr. liinkaoii aet hia collar lione.

Tlie K. (). *11. M, had a aortal (Mirty at Geo. Noiirae'a on Saturtiay evening Mnrrb -1. .A giaul crowd and good time mporteil.

A iiarty waa given at Alva Hawin’ for tbeircoaain, Frank Starling, .ill (liere re- {•orteda goml time. .Mr. Starling will aoon leave for Jnneau, Alaska.

Jerry V’anPken haa bin diarhiirge anil ia at home ixUlimr on old frieoda. He aaya a aoldier'a life ia not an flne na one would think. He baa been in the south em camps.

Tha K. (), T. M. iMirtv at their hall waa a sacreaa, the apeaking and manic were wood. They aerred refreahmenta than diapnaad of their quilt, and mads $7.50 from it.

There w a young mao here who went to a party and staid till be bad to mil oo a friend for lodging for fear hia parenta wnoldn’t let him gooat again to parties. Young men ought to watch when mid night •-om«w aad




Geo. Pfimorc, of M(. Pleasant. .Mich., is viaitfag hia mother, Mrs Wm. Pilmore.

Kdwia Hobson and wile leave Marcii 0 for Kuglanil to settle the estate of hia brother, Walter Hobson.

Hert t'<oletnan aad wife, of Wlieeier, s|iant Hatiirdai aod Saodoy witii Mrs. U. 8. Porker.

A CHANCE FJR EVERYONE TO OWN A BICYCLE.For a short '.laa* we will sail aoy of the above wheels oo tke isstall-

maot plan (or trft.iN) down aod tke halaoee in moatkiy payments. Yon can aarwre a ckoiee of these whaslo now by imying $1.(M> down and tha balance of tke flrst |iayroeot when vnu take tha wheel. Cona* in at lame aad aaean* firot ekedoe.

We look after tke wkeeia we sell in nor own repair shop. Tbiak this over before yon hoy a wheH. We can give you (letter service aad (mttar prieea than the tlaalar that ia only in the wbael (raatnana for do or (Hi ilaya ia the spring aad than leaves yon to look after roar own wheel, if you happen to buy it of him, ami at the Imat if you want a chain ndjuatsd or a spoke tightened you would have to go to the repair akop. This ia oar 4th year Iwra in the bieyrie buaiaeaa and yon taki* no chaiioea in buying of ua.


TheColumbia Chain less.

Tke raamag gear ia iieniiniienfly llxeil at tke poiat of higbaat HW iaaey. If yon aademtand what tkia inaaaa you umlarataad tke signifl* «mwee of tke latest sdvaaea in bicycieerolatiM. It inaaaa that the gear ragardleaa of mad or wraatlier must urn at oae ttiae exactly aa it raaa at aaotker time. Every rider who Iwa given (level gcknag a lair trial will tall you that tke vary highest digra of aatadartion (a cyriiag gosa naly wHk tke paasaaaion of a *

*M CaWawMa aaeel Osar caaOnaasa Sfc tfaiamMa Cham WlMata rXaSal aa. ha* flsiM saCataama fSc NartiaeSr. ....

Starmor Meydoa- We pin owr faith to this lias aad aak yon to compare It with aay liae on the aMuka. amrwwr*. taa; Pwamaia. tss-

i'a aoM flA f'olambaa whavla heva laat year. Tkay

lamen Should Know It.Maay wnaiao aalfer untold agony aad

mawry bceaBa.* tke aatoreof tkeir diaaaae is not correctly uaderatood. Thay (lave (wan Ird to believe tkaL womli troable or (emala waaknaaa of soamsort ia raepoa- sible for tha many ills that baaat woaiao-

. kiad.Naoralglo. aarvouBBsaa, head ache, pally

or dark idreias nadar tka eyca, rkeama- tiam, A dragging pain or dall ache in the (amk. weakness or (teahag-down acnaa- tion, profuse or neaaty supply of unae

' with strong odor, fmioent iliwire to pass it with scalding or naming sensation, eediment in it alter standing in tmttle or nimmoB glaas for twenty-four hoars, are sigw of kidiiei and bladder tmable.

Th' r.kove lympt'ims ao* often attrib Died by the patieat heraaiforby barphysi- 'fnti to (aamiewcakneasorwomtitmnlile. li*Be-?ao many fad to obtain relM. Im- ajae they ora traating, not the dtaeaae tiaff, lint a odledion of the primary rauae, which ia kidnay tomble.

n fLct, women as weHaa men iwemaile miseratiia with kidney nad (dadder tmabie and laith need the same remedy.

Hr. KilBMT'a is the great flier.ivery of theemiaewt kidney and Mad­der apecuMiat. fuiil ia easy to g« at any drag store for IHty cewta or owe dollar.

To prove ita wonderful merifa you may (mve a sample bottle ami (wiok telilag all about it, both aaat akaolotely free (ty arail. KImIIt aMuitloa Taa Hr. Joans Naws and esml yoar rnktrew. to Hr. Kil* mar g Go.. Blagkamtoa, N. Y.

W« M^Tkia ia a new Has withI M •pa; MaUat pa as*.

It we aak yoa to look It over.

F. IL Bush & Co.8T.

WHAT’S IN A NAME?•* y'luit trhicii tr>f' rtt/f u roM*. hif aiiff othfV ttfitm

mtuthl UK Mirt-et."—Shuk’tMftefii'r.

\ McConiiHck machiiit:, “by any other name,” would doubtless work as well and last as lon|(. However the name McCormick on a machine means a RTeat deal to you. It is a Ciuarantee iigainst failure in the field; a Guarantee against an experiment: a Guarantee that radical changes, (called improvements), have not been made between July and December of the same year; a Guarantee that the machine has been tested at the Company’s expense, not yours; a Guarantee that you pay no express or telegram charges For repairs ordered in the busy season; a Guarantee that your new and old machine will Ik* cared For, when needed, by Competent Experts free of charge to you; a Guaran­tee that the agency will not change hands every year; a Guarantee that it is the Cheapest machine For you to buy, because it is the only machine made today as strong and honest as they were made lo years ago; n Guarantee that the machine is built hv the Oldest and Most Successful Company on Earth. A machine l)cx;rin^ the name**McCor mick” never meets defeat o’* never made a failure.



iHaai' Hrowo. of Ownoao. viMtrd at, Edgar llydv'a laeratiy.

Horn, to Mr. am) Mm. Major I^wi«. .Marrh tith, a daughtvr.

Thf* wi'Ht tpM aoii of Frank ('aldar waa hanni in IV*Wltt ramatwy- Inat wfwk.

Miaawi Hrawii- nmf Gail Knight, of Hay ■ Gity. arr viaiting thair uacl.*, XVm. IHIIa.*

TIh* Haptiat aneiaint Mm. J. II. Hrink’a . laat Thumriay waa wall nttandail. ami anjoyad by all praaant.

Tba two vaar old daughtar of Mr. and ' Mm. Jaaala Wagar, of Mlddlaton, diad ; laat waak. Thair oUm* child is notax- lawtad to liva.

Tha tnambam of tka W. U. G.. of J>a-; Witt, raqoaat thnt tka (>loeka balongiag to tka aiitogmph qailt ba brought to tha lodga room, ftniahaii or nnHaiahwl. Hat- i nrday avanlag, Marrh lltk.

Tha G. W. .Xadamon Pont, No. IW. ol I HaWitt. daairm a fail attaadanac of laam bam at thair naxt ragalar roaating on tba avaniag of Marrh 11 th, aa tbara m aparml' bnaiiHwa to ba tmaaartad.

About STt mambamof HaWitt Granga: hmvad tha alaroaata last Satnnlgy araa- iag aad attandad Gmnga. Flva applira-1 tinaa for mamliambip warn ranaivM), lunI A giMHf program rawdarad. .\ rrltlr waa apvmintad to enrmat aamm in (larliainan tary work. Wa axpant to tnaka gmat ndvanaamant along that llaaanon.

IMMnnm'. Imn narvaWiw tba mmlt of hia aplawdid bawlth.

Imfomitabia will ami tmmaadoaa iwincr aaa not fooad whara Stiimnah, LIvar. Kidnara ami Itowala nrr oat of onivr. If von want thane i|anlitiaa nnl tha nor maw thay bring. wa»* Hr. King’s Naw LRa Pill* Thiw davaloi* aran' nowar of brain and (nidy. Only SIW* at FiMaw g Millman’a Hr^ Stora. (3) ;


Fraak Hiak haa ratnraad from Hpriag- port. Miah., whara ha haa (awn amployad daring tha wiatar catliag tiaa.

Edgar Matkar kaa hia atova building mmplafail Aad moat of tha gooda alwtvaa raady to arrommodata tha pnMir.

Tka mill (ma haaa raatad to a taiUar from Kalkaaka eoaaty who ban takan ekaraa. aad infaada to laovn kia famtiy iatn tka pamonaga.

Tka Colorado partv, txiaalat lag of W. Panaalaa and faadly, aad Mm. Ckas. MaRHdr (aaa Matkar), atartad Monday for Haavar. Ckaa. MaHHda haa (wan la IkaiTar aoww faw mouths paat. looking for a loaatloa to Hva.

EM. L A. Kellogg hroagkt houM* a hrMr laat Tbaiaday. from aaar Gta, Miak. Mr. aad INm. KalkiH ntaraad to Grattoi aonaly 'Tamilgir, whara tkay wNI UMba tkatr IMam hagm. Ikay tmwf mmrnmm ti» hnk mktm uIIMb mm-

Sometimes “Fall down” and don’t blow hard enouf'h topropel many makes oF windmills satisfactorily. Hut the beau tv of

THE AERiHOTERIs the Fact that it always pumps or ^jnnds or saws or does whatever is

wanted of it when there is but a li>?ht breeze hlowin^j.The Aermotor makes prosperity, and prosperity demands the Aermoter.

No farmer can l>e truly prosperous or thrifty who does all of the work of the farm by hand at great ex^icnse of time and money, while an enormous power is going to waste over his head. The prudent Farmer erects a (teared Aermoter, and while he is about other work which must he done by hand, the Aermoter is gathering this power From the air and converting it into useful work at the foot of the mast.

By the arrangements of our new grinder, the com shcller. Feed cutter, shredder, grindstone, eh*jni, woodsaw or other farm machinery can l»c set in fiermnnent position on the ham floor, and the l>elt changed from one to the other in a moment, thereby doing the most of the laborious work of the Fall and winter with the least jiossible cx)K*nditure of effort. The grinder itself will attend to its work without any attention whatever; simply fill the bin above, pull the mill into the wind and let it alone. While the owner is busy elsewhere, the mill will grind all day long. Nothing will obliterate so much of the hard, muscle-racking work on a Farm, or give as much real comfort and satisFactiou ns the c'veared Aermotor. It not only lightens the work, hut, by making every particle of the fee<l digestible, it prevents waste and vastly increases the profits.


Msrveloiis ik» mmm ml


Dr. W. C. WalkerTk« KmiaMit Phyaieian aad Hanpoa. ol

Detroit. Mirb., formerly of Near York, ariii laakn the followiaa

.Muatbly Vieite.


F. E. (Iran hn i frara OHrat.

ST. JOHNS, Hotel St. Jotans. Saturday, nar. llth,

oFKirK HUrilH, M. ni. Ui |». m.

The Miml Hucreeelul .Melhode in tlie Tn-ntment of .\ll^ »iO«l

DeformiUot Kn»»wnJto tbeI.4itM«t ui»'

rtorjnt^t' Sklil.



ead fmred by otheeB.The fear of aenrahood ie lapidly paeaioK

mray ead aethiaa bee deae w atach to yee It emey ee y lacoed o# Dr. Plerae’e Deaociie Preecffpooa

Dr. Pterer hee arid that daaprr aad paia at the tba* at partitritlea aera really mm- aaeaaaary aad aaaatatml, aad that if raery aanaa aecrr healthy aad etreay aa Natare aieaat her to ha thie faactioa woald be per. foiaiid paialeaaly aad aalrly. The abaaa of centimce of coraeta of aaaltb deatroy-

iaa iaactieity- of de- bditatiay artiftrial life have made it iaipoa- •iblc for MMar aroBMO to fully return to the perfect bcaltbfntaeaa of a natural Mate bat eeery woomo nay be helped to a larye de­gree. The organa di­rectly iaeolera nay be atfengthened, pa- rided, ineinnuted far the tian m trial aad far thia pnrpoae Dr. Pieroe’a FaeorMc Pre- acriutioo haa been aaed with ancceaa by haadreda of tboa- aaada of women. It ia the product of the akill aikl eapeticnce of a regularly gradu­ated pnyaician—a akillcd apccialUt who

for over thirty yeara haa ancccaafnlly treated the diaeaaeo of women.

Unlike many modern nedirtnea Dr. Pierce’a Favorite Preacription contaiaa no whiakv. alcohol, angar, ayrnp. tmium or narcotic of any kind and ita uae deea not, therefore, create a craving for Mimulanta

Mra Aaaie WlarbeT. of ftaa Cathertae at.. Avra- cuae. N. Y.. wrlieai “ Year medteiaaa have done .ewudera for ne. Par yeara ny health waa very poor; I had four mlaoarriagaa. bat atace taking Dr. Plerre*a ttaliten Medici Dtacovery aad * fa­vorite fraacriptioti * I have much better heatth, aad I new have a Aar healthy baby."

Tha aamral do—tina of the Uoooiflhurah. of Viator, will oo Friday niglit. Morab 2M, taro wraha

■aa. Wa oolM—to a IHanry pto-

Fla Prleka.Mra Hernndtiii*—You an* juat tha

inmn«at nmi alirolMr. .’■wcondtrlp—Well, there laoneooo-

aolathni 1 pifaum* I may infer that tba late Uuiienicd waa maanar than 1 am — Indtanapoliw .lournal

Dr. WAlker WUl lot Treat iaj Oates There Is a PsrstMIttr of a Can!

Aad Will So iDferm Toa

Examination by Retlectlon.Ity the lateat>claaliar rewwrrbee lw>tb Uy

lmpr»i%v«l laatraneatn and met h«Hl* 1 be Itoetor l» eaablaJ to tllarorer the troei nature of the <llaeaiM-. aa*l | locate the <irnai» «ir parte albN-te.! nn«l''niany ■ dlaeawti nntl rftmpltrntlonii a bleb have i hprettilore pr«>ve«l inoat^ obatlmie to the Medical |•ro|»a•lon rleld (Ike maKl*- iitnler hi. .kill aad *y"te«i«’ireatiaem.

There I. no oee<l to live In roaatnnt nitaery. i It ciwt. ntithlng t«» .ee blni. The fnlltat e». j amlnat Ion* nee free anti hU prieaa for treat-' roent are within the reach of all. He is a friend tt. the aMIriad and will tarn none' away iinaldetl. The laerehant mlaglee with j the while eerklaa hU hand. 1 and hundred* are eared every year.

READ WHAT THE PEOPLE SAV.Mr. Kdwin Sperrv. n well known rlllaro of |

Ht. John*. *ay*. ”1 wish tti paldicly esprv*. my atatitude u> l»r. Walker for the great good I have rrcelvetl through hi* treatment. |I hatl l*een ainietrtl with catarrh ttf the head, i thront. and ■tttmarh tor year*. Ilatlag trletin number t»f other doctor*’* without I anv iicrmaavat rallet. I tWcldwl to coaault | Hr. n alker. who heipml me right abtug. and 'I am now iileasetl to aay I am enlttylng good health. I cht at fully rmimneutl tbediM-ttir to all .Imllarly alfllrtetl. Signetl. ■

Knn IN Si-caav.Ht. John*. MIeb.

January 14. 'in*KheuuiatUm fated.—Mr. fhaa. Malt by. ;

i*ae of the aiMt reapertatl rttiaea. In I hi* vl- i <-laltv .ar*r I war taken with l..a tirlppc U*l winter. Moon attar UbeumalUoi net In. ; agw'tlntf luy whole syaieai. .My •nWering* at time, werelnienne and In a abort lime I I na<l t»ecome m* emaclale*! that I wa* a mere •keleion, and oaly by the aid of rrntebe* <-oal<l I m«ive aronati at all. 1 t<M»k lea* i thau three m<»nth* treatment of Dr. Wniker who «-«fiupletely realorrd me to henith.

Mr*. Th«imn* frotty also give* laatlmony. i Ubeeav. Dr. Walker *avr«l my life. Three i pbyelcian* t<dd me I had canrvr <d the bowel, aad advised an ..peraUon. Before consenting to thi* I derid^ to ctinnnll Dr. j W. f. Walker, ol lietrfdi. Being rondned t«» my bed, 1 telegrnphed the Doctor. After a caivfUl emamlnnllon Dr Walber told me I | had no rnneer. bnt my tronblea ware ebroalc : •iaatr«>-Du<Mleanl fgtarrh. naatwiated with i .Saaralgta. The Doetor aooa refteved ma aad ia a ah*irt time I wa* eatlrelr cared. I

Mra. L. I*enrt, who live* nanr Ht. Johns. ' •nys alati. .After treating with Dr. Walker tor one month I have not been oo well for | ynar*.

Mr. <ieo llatchel any*; After inking a ' toaree of three moath*' treatatent of Dr. j Walker I fUel like n aew man. My heart and •toniarh had tronatad aw taniMr lor a loag | tiaw. aad wa* very narvon. all the while., Dr. Walker helped me right aloag. \

Xoae. perhap*. fkel moar grateful lo the ' doctor than floe* Mr*. J. B. Ueaat*. of Ovid. ) Bbeaav*: '*| poor ■nflVrer mightkaf>w 'the giHMl I have raeetved uader Dr., Walker’* traatmeet aad proAt from my a*. • perienee. Tbare are laaay la tivM aad M- < laity whft kaow how ntaerable t have been ■ugaiiag with a rf>mpllcatluB fit diaeaae* which Momed to raalsi all m<dlral akill until I ronanltej Dr. Walker. Now I kel liken •llgerent person. I lael grateful to the doe- tor aatl oger thi* tMlImoalal volnutNrIlv for | the beneflt of all chronic •urarer* ”

Mr* M. n . Bone, of Ovid, cnrrti of rnlarrh | o the ■tfimnch of Aftren year* atanding.

REMEMBER DATE OF VISIT.Mr* W H. it.ner* cnrnd of canerr *»! Ihr

breaat. Mhe wa* a great aulWrrr.Mr. fharWe J, l*re*ton cnreil of catarrh of |

Mk* atomach and tdfMid |Mit*oalag. *ay* h* wonhi iMtt be In ni* former rttndlllon again for gn.tMNt

Mr* W. .M — after being Imrren for ten rear* Miy* He cared me We now hare twt> little ehlldre* Mnibee to any ftnr hf>me I* a happy one.

Kpllepay (or Al*| pt»*|f|vely cured by a re cent ■ctrotlAc diacoverv.

Trotthlanome akin di*en*>*. anch a* ecarna. Haft Hbeum. Krvafpeia*. etc., *acce**fnllT iraatrd. alsf* nperial treatment lor wank nma and Wfimeo and diaea*** fifth* nervona ■yateni. All caraMe case* guarnatae<l.

Mr* (\ M. Mtntamaa cared of BlfMMl aad Hkln IHnmme of twelve year* •tnndlag,

Mr*. L. K. Immhert enrad of vartroae nleera I <Mi llmh.

MUm nia f roue cared of hronehial irnnMeand Inng diaenwe.

Ml** B. H. cared of lenaaie wen knee* after i betng treated by many noted phyetelaua.

Ur. Walker aucrenofttllr treat* ail iltinan ‘ of the Kye. Kar, Throat. 1-aam*. aad all abronw. privatr aad nervoa* dmeaae* aad , fMormltlm. na tlrnanlntad Iddm Drain aa. f'rno* Kym. Dim barge of the Ear*. Rroa- cbtthi, I'brnatr (’fiogb, floftre iMg aarki Pa- var Htiiv* aofl I'bwaa. Hiigbt’a INwaw* tUmn- matlant, all dtaaans* of the KMnev* a^ Madder. Heart. Htoatacb aad Nervona Dim otme*. fbonm int. Vltna Danret. Kpltepny gta, tlaaernl IkehWty. Hrrolala. Bbln INananoik nad all fM*en*e* dro to had Mood; alati reciai

■^1 wUI give aporiai attMtIoa to dIMealt i case* aad lo raaos otbar pliyairtan* have faMal t4t care. Hank iiftirarra.

Person* appirtna tor trnataient wHI plena* PHag from one tfiTonr onaean ol nrta*. ArnC

la lb* Btoralag pacWirtd.tor naalyal*.appMeatiaa. Ka-

Very!Hiuband—Uh. thrro'a that confoundad

rbrumatlani again IWife—I'm ao aoiry I wantod to gc

■boppitig toniorrow. And your rfieumatlani ia always a sign of rain lan't it prorofc- Ingf—TIi-Blt*

It Ifove Were Nat.If lovr were not. one *sk«. what than Would nil the Iteart.f and eoula of men?If love were not. what lore would riac From fair, fond looka In woman’s ayaa?

If love were not. O poet sage In dull despair the worltl would age’Xfi thouaht would lie no prom- or rhyma. For we’d talk weather all the time.

—Chicago Record

I'ndoabtedly.“They aay tof. much f*atlng dulls tba

miutl ”“Then that miiat be why the |a*oplewho

depend u|Min thrir pens for a living are ao bright “—Chlcagf) Nf*w*

A ailabt Dlatlaetioa.Belle—la WHIte raising whiskers? Beulah—Well, I wouldn't like to dig­

nify them hy railing them whlakara I think whlakcrettn* would be more proper —Ytinkera Stateeman

A <>ale‘a Vl**« mt It.Oh. why should the splfit of mortal ba

prnuntl 7TYIIi aome one make clear to the mind?

A Shakeapeare might pass all unknowti while the crowd

Rteppefl to watch some poor clown W’hoae okl hat waa swept tiown

Through the street by the pitileae wind!—Chicago New*

Beywad Hope.Mra .Slybal—The boy grows mofo llko

bis father every dayThe Callor—Poor daari And hare you

triad everything* — Philadelphia Narth American

Woalda’t It Be NloetBobby—Say, mamma“WVIl. Boiihte?"Bobby—Why don't they oalobrata all

the praaldenia btithdaya?—New York Journal

■av* Taa Matlood ItfLlttla Rial* knows full wall aba

Haa a wlnaome face and fair.Par, to suit her. beau and aultor

In pursuit are averywhere By his eying, sighing, trying.

Knrh oa* provnn bayoad a daubt. But to woo hta Bttio Rials

Little atoa ha cares about.-L. A W Bullotln.

KvBaDiNra (ImaibaciBta will ratBra to hla humt* in Jaekaou. lie baa forroed Bway iMtiBR IHaada bare, and wa alraii wateb b4n (arare work with intanuit. talfb a prayer (or Ma aaecaaa.

11. B. Freenian Mod little daughter, j llaleti. of Muniaing, viaifetl at J. (iil>- bard'n during the |wal atfek, Mr. Free­man living sent aa delegnte to JMcknun to the State f'unventicHi.

Laat .Saliliath f’lomvl lb** i*xtm ner- rimm that the churrh iiaa lawn mgagrtl ill for the |Mtal two weeks. KvttUHiSi»l ('liMinlieilain iiaa devoted Ilia time to

' viaitibg, luifi in bia gentle. Uiviog wuy , Imn preaenlrtl the truth iu a forcibi*. ninnnrr. Kev. F. M. I'otbiington was dble to be with un only (lart of the tiiue- lieriauwof other ilemunda. yet bin pm*- f*on* iwomed u betM*dictioii, and bin eon-

I vietion* were forribh*. and we rimt laat- inggtMid will he tb«‘ result <i( tbi* ineet-

I iogn. There wen* nine who expremoMi h I desire to tend a i'brintiaii Hie, while otb- ; •>!> Nsemefi quiefceoMl in seal mid u gen«*r- I al iiHlifliuK of the eburrli into a nearer j fellowahip with i'hriat wan evident.


Mrr. Uieiimond in very (MMirly.Steve Priff* bar hi** new lioiiMt* nearly

I foinpleml..1. Montague i* pre)Ntring to build u

' new liou*4*.Mfipir .(rthiir in iiniviiig tii* Mawiiiiil

on iIh* lanii of Theoflor** .lury.Mr. ami Mr*. Major .\rtliur nttended

the fani*rrtl of tbeir little iiefihewnt (ieary ' Frtdiiy.

II. K. .VeliMiii work* for I. ('. rreaniiimi ' tbe coming NUininer uod Fritiik (Irtfgpry ' for Kd. (iiffels.

.Mine Kthel Smith ajient the jiaai week ! visiting iit the hoim- of Mr. and Mra. Frank Smith, near < Ivid.

The library iianociation al Price had a meeting luat Saturday night lo raor- ganixefor ouother year, but owing to mnall atteiidanre it wae jioatponed for two weeks. .411 lovare of good rt*ading try to attend the next meeting. "“n

Whut i* Um* matter with ye M. K. jiruple of Price? The new iiiiniater ar- rivi^ (ill *afe and sound Siinilay Hfter- iimin and iMiveml a hne el(M|uenl iwr- mnii to a (‘oiigregation of leu. Try and give him ii lieiter gn*eting next Sniiday ••veniug.

No Rtgbi To ligllaeas. 'The woman whoia iovelj in fare, form

and temper will nlwayahave frienda, bnt oni* who wnnld be attractive must keet* tier liealth. If Mbe i* weak, sickly and all run down, ahe will be iiervowa and irrit­able. If ahe hae (Toiwupation or kidney tn>able, her impnn* blo^ will canae pim­ple*, blotches, nkiti er^tion* lUid u wretched com^iiertion. Klectnc Bitter* ia the beat madioine in the world to regn- liite stomach, liver <uid kidneya and to purify the Mood. It givenatrong nerve*, bright eyes, smooth, vHvety skin, ricii com|)lei*tion. It will make a good-look­ing. (Planning woman of a mn-down invalid. Only •'SI oenta ut Plldew & Mill- man’* Drug Store. (2)


Fniiik isler i* dnugeroiiMly ill.Flomne .lan<lermm■ bit* the neiiriet

fever.It. ThoniDMi *|*-nt Shi unlay in Maple

l(n|Md*.Itiirn, to Mr. and Mr*. It. F. King, a

ti*n |Miiiiid hoy.I'ba*. Myers* lit lb* girl i* very Miefc nt

tbi* writing.It. Thornton wh* in .S|..lohii* Tliura-

da.v on bu*in*es.(lenrge lloenier movml lii* family to

Maph* Itajiide last week.Mins Itona .Martin *|w*nt a lew days

with lier (InindniH Mauke\Wm. Fieenmii has moreilhis family in­

to Mrs. .\niia llearr'e house.Fred Myera and wife visited friends in

l.aingaborg Saturday lUid Sunday.Mrs. JuhnIlayneMaud liah\ a|ientafew

day* of Imit we^ with friend* in Corunna.James Briggs and family n*tarned

home last week. They rejiort .Mr*. Stairs > some liatber.

Mr*. James {.aBee, who has been alek {for Mima time, ia able to ba out. Mr. imd I Mre. Lanci* visited their ilanghter, Mra.; Oailard, of Kaaex, laat week.


Mra. OrphB Otarar In kappovtag.MIm Miifali B—tB ia rarinaMy HI-Frad Holbrook Jr. io boraa froBi Mald-

ia«-Jot IWuBidt ia hoBia frara C^irago, lor

a (aw dBJTtoMra. Uiram Hari^. of Itkara. iavWb

i^hrawtldau—k.Mr. aad Mra. Juka Tabor, of ABraliBa,

are viaitlag IrtaBda ia town.Mira Bra Stub, ol (Iraad Hapida, ia

viMtiag refativaa and friaada bars.Wm. Kodgara baa eatarad tba —ploy*

meat ol Mr. Linrh in the nmat marfcat..Mr. and Mra. Rd. Milhw are home from

LraHI, whare tbi^ have Iswn fur several weeks.

Miaa (’arrie tiiM>ltbrita, of Cnruon City, was the gurot of Miss I^ittie liishiipover Sunday.

Is** .Middlelintok >uid Mi*s .Viina Slo­cum itre visiting friends in (irernviilc, thi* week.

Mis* Currie Bantu iu»d .\ndre4D lianta wen* calleil home from Pontiac tbis week on arcount of the aarioos illaaaa wf tbeir aistar.


mta PINKHAM CUNIJDEBS BACKACmBB— Who Owe Thoir Praa—t Happlae— to I^iMb

bain's VegBtablB Compound.

yaenUoa Msskeaaai laaa lamp Aar f—y.

Bax Tl DatraH. XlMi

Dbab Maa. PDruiAM:—NYhan 1 wrato to you loot Jo—, I— Dot abia to do anything. 1 anffarad with bank-

aaba, haadoeha. baariog-ilown pains, pain* in my lowar limbo, and aohad nil through my body. Manatraatin— ware wary painful. I was almost a akaleton. 1 fob lowwd yonr odviee and now am wall and flaaliy, aad nbla

to do all my own bouaswork. 1 took madiciaa from n physid—'(or over a year, aad it did not do me a partiela of good. 1 wrould advise all anffering woman to wrrita to Mrs. Plnkluun. tUiv will answer all lattara promptly, and tall them how to anre tkoae Bwbe* aad pains aoaom* moo to women.—Mrs. C.L.W1NB, Manjuax. Tuxaa.

1 Ualnk It la my duty to wrrita and let yon know wbnt yonr madiciaa huflona forma. Fortwroranralaoflered with female waaknara, hearing-down pains, haadnaba. bBeknehe. and too frequent oooorrcnee of the mannra,1 waa alwaya ooiaplaining. My baahaad urged ma to try yonr Vagaiablo Compooad, and 1 finally did. 1 have taken three boiUaa and It haa made me feel Ilka a dlf* faraat woman. 1 ndv— orary woman that auflara to taka yonr madicina and ba cured.—Mra. UABBnn L4CBTT, 013 H. l*iin«» St . Ijaneaatar, Pn.

1 bad anfirrMl for over two yeara with liaolnaiM, hand—ba. dlaainaaa. narvmianara, falling aad uloaratl— of the womb, lancorrhom, aad aboat avwry ill a wma— ooald have. I had triad doetora, bnt with — a—oara,

aad It raamed aa thowgfa death waa tba —ly rallaf forraa. Afternaingfiva botUeaof LydiaM. PlakhamM Vaga table Compawad. aad four Wash, I am wall. Hava had — troubla, biaekarhe m IlAtjpUl,Owain lUdga, N. J.

Bafora taking Lydia B.Oomponad I waa nflliatad with laraak ■o tbai 1 a—ld hudljr walk. My bank

MIy, bi fkai, 1 aabad all ormr. Waa ant abia to ralra tayaelf np kb— at Mara 1 bad ao appetite aad waa aoaarvowa that laoaild hardly aloap. II tab— bat two boitlaa of yoar Oorapoaad aad laal Uka aaoAbar paraaa,«— i aa* aad alaap to pariaaM—, la Iaa*, ara pariaatly wolL AdlaL W. Ta.

Ihiy BulM<lar, of Ih-ngal, Hprat o (K>r- tiun of laat w«^ with Itiley friaada.\. P. Chapman and family visited at

tbaO. C. Pratt’s Friday and Saturday.perry Kunyan, of Uoah ia atoppiog at

the hone of bia sister, Mrs. S. H. Will­iam*.

Oeo. Williams has sold hi* property n Oladwiu «*oanty and ha* rsturnrd to

Itiley.Mi** Knvia BIkc npeiit Satnnlny iioil

.Sunday lit the home of her iNirents in Fowler.

.Mr. (ind Mrs. Hugh Wutson went lo T**cum*eli Friday to visit relatives and returned Monday.

Ml. Olid Mr*, .tugiint Schrader tv*4e- brateti their twenty-llfth weildiiig unni- veraarx' Sunday March 5.

Mr. luid .Mrs. C. N. C^iwlm went to Chicago Thiirnday on hunineas and «*x- |M«et to he absent alMxit ten day*.

Mr*. IxMs Pratt waa taken with quite a severeparaly tie stroke Friday morning. Dr. Wilson, ol Wac mata. ia atteoding her. She ia reported nlittk* better nt thi* writing.

Vsleaatr KragU***.\re grand, bat akinarnptionamb lifao*

jov. Bocklen’s Arnica Halve cares them. al'autHd. Running and Fever Horea, Ulcer*. Boils. Falons, Oiraa, Warto, Cato, Burn*, ilrniara. Son Ida. Chapped Hnada, Cbil- blaina. Brat Pile rare on earth. Drive* out Pains and Acbra. * *nly 2S eta. abox. Cnregnar—taad. Sold by Fildaw A Mlll- inati, Drnggioto. (-)


Van Preston ha* gon«- to lir«- with Henry l.orrui.

.\. II. .Vlexander ha* Iswnsiifteriog with tiearulgui III hi* fan-.

Ite|*»rt*an* that th*- isvwh tm** an* killed arraiiid this plan*.

1'. D. Ward, of l-iuiMiig, plawl then«*w Mmok**«tark in jsiMiticii al the D<«Witl mills.

•Miss .4ltn tiuniiisou. who has hemi vis­iting (or sone- tiim* III tiwosso. has n*- tiinied home.

Clifton Iteynolds, wh«» went loCiiJifor- nin some tiim* ago, and enlisted ns a vol­unteer in that state last summer, has re­turned home, his n*giment being iniiatereu out, much to the joy and ••omfort of his parents and friends.

Kddy J. tiunnisoD, who is a niemiier of Co. C. .'irah Michigan, now located at .tugusla. Hh.. has ts^en <’ootliie<l lor some time ill the h<Ni|iitai at that }4m**’ with iin<asles, hut is eoiivala*)*ent at this writ- lug. The iMiys will wmmi have on opjHjr- tiiititx to see Michigan, my .MH*higan again, as the regiineni will he miisleretl out hInhH .Iprtl 1st.


•lothony Smith •wnoosly injund hia liMit lust week.

Work in the saw mill has lieen mM|)eiiiled on ao'ouut ol repaira.

Kaster •'onfeaaions are beard al -St. Mary’s choreh this weak.

B. A. Barnes and fatker. of Waeoosta, attended the convratlon Saturday, in St. Johns.

Jaa. Barns boa adhled a aaw set of Har- |M*r's aritkinatioB (dr the Hth grade in th«* public aidiool. He knuwrs ngutMl thing when beaeaa it.

The village oaoeoa was bsM Monday night and the following olfieers nomi- iiatwl: Prsakleat. Wm. Smith: Clark, Anthony Snitgea; .Vaaaraor. Tbaodore llengalmogh; Trmoarer, John Stump; iSxMtaaa. IVm. Saier, Jiawph Pohl, Pbilp Cook; Standing ivunmittoe of three, .Michael Maugerteh, chairman, Ooat lUyer aad C. Wahl. 'Tbe trraaarer andtrnatoes were elected by form of ballot and tin* rest by acniainatioii.


Kd. Daggett has had a new well dug at hia farm.

U. (I. Carter waa home over Saturday and Sonday.

Kate Page bos lieen quite airk for the |Nast lew weaka.

F. l.oais, of St. John*, visited at It. V. Fenner's last week.

.V L ioeing fttni twiled hay at Mr, Wriglit'* last week.

Mr*. Daniel Perkins has been viaitiiig rHativro in Victor for the past week.

tl. KlanwrcMMl Is bnildi— a new kitchen, which will he A great improvement to his hoae«‘.

Wheat and meadows are looking very liad in this jsirt. It is thought that the root is still alive.

tleorgi* WihHMi has hired out to work by the month tor l-Mward (lark. He I’ommraced the first of March.


peter Nnffar raised his barn Friday.tddkwHi Moarne Mt last weak for ftok-

land connty.Fred Stuigtohaareatod Alvin Winagar’a

farm and moved tbareon last week.Walter .Seerm— (Uid (Imhi. Hidaay

made a trip to tiratlot county loot weak.Frank Tolies ia moviag *ome of the

hnitdiags from tbe (arm that be Iwnaght I of Chra. Htoy to bis boraa. i I. M. Bray, Frank Parks aad family I aad Mr*. Fred FraSer, of tlNve, vMtad at i Fred Irer’s oae day loot wsok. j On (Hcoant of the stormy wratker loot weak the soolal at Fr—k Haloqr’s was poatp—ad —til Wedaradav evsatag. tkto

n. S. Gosb Repiirt Showing The Aiffll Fatality of Catarrh.CONHLED EW THE GREATEST LIVING AUTHOIHTY

ON Catarrhal Disea^.

!*t llllglili flavurxvl seet____I S-. CJ <•(■ 5 ileatli* fixHa catarrh.

Sl.e<iM rMiore«l nrctloan—ft «»r 'J4I •lentil* fruiu •‘atarrh.

■Cnlnrrlial •iKcnsaw prevail*- 1ft uf 4ft •leniii* from caiarrh.

aftrenicMi rulallf> from caiarrh— f> of III deMlh* rtxNu •■alarrh.

The almve map haa (teen (mrefully cuinplled from United Stoles do—ments liy 'The P«-ru-iia Drug Manufacturing Cornjmny.of ColumiHis, Ohio. The fig­ure* were token from the lolsot mortal ■latlaticH jiuhllshed hy the government and entirely agrm* with tbe arehivea kcMt at Hu* Ilarimso Sonitartum.

The map i« made In four *hadra. The lightest shade whowa the States which have the hfwest }«er cent, of deaths due Ut eatarrhal dtsenses. In iti«we State* very close to 4:! per cent, of all death* In Itan were due to catarrhal dlaaa***-. That t« to Nsy, over four out of ex'ery ten death* were from catarrhal affe*- tions.

lo the Stal«*s of next darker shade the per cent, ’ arles lr«*m 42 lo 4i. Iti the next darker Nliatic, 4.^ fti 4x per fwnt.of the whole ntimlier of deallis resiilPxl from catarrhul dl-ea*c*. In the darkest Niindc we have iiidicale«| the State* in which over .'SI i*t c.-nl., or oiie-half 'ir iiiorc, of all the <h-silis were dir<'<‘||v lrnj*c*hl«* tocstnrrh s** the cause.

This Is Mil anitslliuu stale of afTairs. This tiali«iti hs* ::oi iti confront the fa t thai «'atMrrh ho* Im-*‘oiiic a national cuts«-. Ciiiarrlisl dis<-ss«*s llireoteii the life of oiir |N*ott|c. (t\«'r oil*-half of the |M-opl<-s'liTer (roiii sonic form or degree of «*ata:r!t. Fttilv thirty-live million jicopic arc iter-^oually interested ttt the discovery of u rwlii’sl catarrh cunt.

Miss Martiaot's Letter.Mis* Sotlir MartDiot, th<‘ promhiciit

yomg actress, write* tri Dr. Ilarimnii in rcganl to P«- rii-iia, os f«>l- lows: **ltgiv<** me g r •* .v I jtleaMure to rec<»nim«*nil iv-ni-natoihc III cm her* of my jirofeesion. : .'lave found It most help­ful, and token In* fore III** l•erfnrmallcc,

whenever Hie voI«m* **^*111* unr«-lls. Iilc, it rchev«*s hoarseniwM and di*|trl- all tendency lo <t»ughinK. I regard it a* invaluable lo setresaes, *tnger* simI all jienMins who arc ohllged to depend ujMtn clearness of voice. I I'onsider Pc- ru-ua of **«peclal lienetlt to women, and particularly recommend It to them. My drnaainii toble la never without it,”


Winter Catarvk.of head.or ear.

_____ of Iwimn.Female eotorHiSummer Coiarrti.

Hon. Jno. Wllllai

Mtss i*s*li*’ .Unriiitol. The Tnl*-itit*i .\cirnsB.

Carmolita tiardaer in on the aiek list : this weak.

Born, to Mr. and Mra. I.#awia Uox a I daughter .March 8.

Mian Ulara Harvey has a vaeaUon in her aeboul tkia week. The spring term hagios next Motidny.

Fred Dardoer la fixing ap tbe tonant botme «»a Mra. F—oy Doty’s went fortv and will more as aooti as the honoe la in re(adiiiess.

Tbe Union Honw* aid noeietv wrill be •mtertained by Mra. J. T The—anon Thnrndny Maroh 10. .\ll lue invited. Dinner from 13 to 2 p. m.

Jay Wyman sold hia teatant boaoe to Will Hill, it was moved on tbe wrat lot ol Meril Morton’s farm. Will intend* this to be his fntnre home as soon as the present iwrapants vacate the boaae.

.Inmro Hyde had tbe mislorttiae to lose a vaJoablc hetfer Monday night. \t <>lsven n'Hoek at night she won otaud- iog tied with a rope alright at night and in the morntog she was (uiina* dead. Ilet week was broken.


OoYfimor McCord's Case.Hon. Myron II. .McUord, Kx*<»overnor

of New Mexi<**t, in a letter to Dr. Hart­man, from Washington, D. I’.. *ay*:

(ientleman—At the suggest ion <if a fneud I wo* advised U> use Pe-rn-na for catarrh, and after using one bottle I liegan to feel better in every way. It heljted me In many reNpecta. 1 wa* troubled with colds, coughs. More throat,

li*Mi. M. 11. Mei’ortl. jmt *«ion os Ihad taken your medicine I lutgan to Im- proveand mmui got well. I take pleasure in rccfimmeiiding your great remedy to all who arc afllictMl with catarrh.

M. II. McUord.Gommissioiior Williains’ Case.

Uoiinty (’^•mm^**l•>ner John William*, of M7 W***t He.*oml street, Duluth, Minn., Ill H re**cnl Idler to Dr llartmoti, say*“.\s a remedv for ca tarrh I **an ch«<*T fully re«v>mmcnd I'*- rti-ita 1 know what II is i«i suffer from that terrible dls<*aas* ami I feel that It is my duly to M|M*ak a giMsI wonl for Iho rcmt*ly that liroiight me imnii*«liaic re­lief l***-rii-iia ciir*xl me of a (lod case • •f <’atarrli. and 1 know it will cure any other sufferer from that disease."

Major Mabson’s Cara..Ma>ir .Vlgernon .\. .MaiaMm, of the

T<*uHi Volunteer Regiment, stationed at Macon, Henrgia,

^ • recent letter{ TA to Dr. II art in an

^ from Washingtou,D. U„ says: -1think there is no better medicine on earth than your pc-ru-na for ca­tarrh. It ho* sure­ly cured inc. It

•— would lake a vol­ume to tell you all

.Major A. A. .Motami. the good It hasdone for me. Pe-rn-na is the great­est remedy ever prepared, and I think I have triad tbeiu all."


Mrs. Harman VanDvke ia oa tbe aiek'Bat I

C. .\. VanDvke ia moviag to Middl**-barry.

John Adam* apaat Hontlay in Ht. jI Johas. I

Mra. FMa, of Middlaberrv is vwitiiig at Ic. A. VaaDyke.I .Mian Jsaaia Naiaoii, ol .tllegan, was the gnmt of Mra. Ilarahart laat we^.

Arthur Blixxard is vary low with liaart trouble, with llttk* hopss of his rscovery.

Kvldeatlv.Perry—(kee. hot b«»w many lives did

Waohington have?Harold—Jnet oae. of conrar.Percy -O— nothing! Why. we’vs

got three In nar Hbrary.—New York Joonuil

Draninn-Do you inckna if mpa whan yea aaod year stoff to tbe aditor?

rnnman—Not oo yoor llfal I doa't w—t to (Mhv him any temptotl— to ra- torn my awnoaerlpt—Yookan Stokaa-

Mtate Menator Johnson. 4’bleaco. Ill-

tiarrh 01irrh ol ___

Je catarrh

Seuator Jotanaon's Cara.Hon. Porter Johnson, who has served

four years oa state Senator from the Fourth D1 s- triet in the city of Uhkio* go, IIl„ and who a I * o ia the first Dem­ocratic Henn- tor ever elect­ed from that district, sayat "I learned of the catarrh cure, P<^ni- na, through your advertisement. I ciui heartily rec­ommend Pc-ni-na(MScatarrh cradicator. It cure* when all other remedies fail. I applied to several doctor*, but they were not altlt* to cur<* me. I took the remedy for fifteen w«>eks and a|j) now entirely cureil. It ha* been a yrar and a half sln(*e I was cured, and I cftiisider my cure durable. I desin* fti annouuce, for the lieiietlt of the public, my cxperien«'e with Hu* famous catarrh remetly, Pe-ni- na. I was at!1ietc«l with catarrh for five years. My catarrh wa* chiefly located In the sUtmot'li." Most I'ose* of dyspep­sia arc simply ••atarrh of the otom- sell.

.\ great many renicdic* for temporary relief have Iteen devisetl from time to time, such a* sprays, snuff*, creams and other local application*. Inii. o* a rale, the medical jtrofesslou ho* Itltlc or no enthusiasm in the treatment of ••atarrh. It is generally pmnouni'cd hy them to lie tiieurahle. It therefore ••rested a great sensation in me«tical eirele* when Dr. Hartman aniiounccil that he had de- viseii a<^om|M>und which would cure ca­tarrh jiermanently. The remedy was named Pc-ni-no, and In a short time lieeaiiic known to thousand* of ca­tarrh -ufferer* north, south, east and west.

I**tter* testifying to the fact that Pe- ru-na is a radical cure for ••atarrh liegxft to pour III from all dlreeilcm*. Thou- soml* of such letters are on tile in theof- rte«» of the Pc-ru*na Drug Manufaetur* lug Uorojiaiiy. These letters arc not u*eii for publication except hy the ex- prea* wish of the writer. \ pamphlet tllliMl with such letter* will lie sent tooay ■ddreiai free. This hook should be read hy all who doubt tbe curability of oo- torrh.


Agalnaldo should lOTUe down sad bo- gtn to gat hia war ramlnlaeaaoaa In abopa lor (be noagaaloea—Wmhington H—.

It ta oolya guaatiotiof time oatll Agal- Bolio wtll be stoning tbla co—try with bia laotnre uo "How ItFwala to Be Bp—k ad by Unole Ham”—Plttoburg News

Pwrfaaanr Wllaoo. oae of tbe mmmmkmmcl tha PhUlpplm* oommlaaloB, la an smlaoBt oniltholaglat As soon a* tbe c rmimlatocm makes Ita rapon we wtll prohobly kaow what kind of a bird Agulnailrtn raoUjr la— Mlmmapolls Journal.

Dating the PhlllppUie rebtlUoa Spain oSared lU.OOU for AgolnoMo a hand. Ha may be expacteri now to claim that mneti (tom tbe ifnlted Htotea for Interfering and ■o changing condltiona Umt ha (xtuld not dollver hi* head and get tba fiM.000.— Connell Bluffs Nonpareil,

In all Conditions of Debility

Mia* Klla IHIIa doaad her school last Hatbixhiy iuhI ia now at home.

Fnuik Bond and wife, of Ht. Johns, called 00 Hnath lUloy (rtandn last INtMo- day.

Tbe «iaao> at Honth Riley hall waa well attended, tbsr* hei— fifty-threenambers oat.

Three more candMatoa loitlatad latii Honth Riley jcrn—i' last Hatoriiav. Room for more.

Mrs. Kate Weatherhw aad Josh* Palmer have gone to OvM to keefi hnoae (or rhaa. RigBa

Born, March 3. to .Mr. aad Mra. Frank Fairer, of Laaaiag, a 9% potrad girl. Hoth mntbra and child dotog weU.

Mr. iunI Mre. John D. Doyla aad Nttle itaaghter, KaMa, vhdted at Artbai H. Mlllar'a Hatoniay aad Haaday.

"I'm eorry (or Jack. He hasn't ba—Mm aoraa n— alBca Mira Marblakaart

I ra^oetod him.""Wall Cupid ao—Mra— — pole—-

•d effowg -Nnggato

A Tveatr *f Powoo."Bavo Hcribklar. Ike anther, aad hto

wile made it apt"**Oh. yral She aew rtada what ha

writoa aad he rato what aha cooha Jawiak Ooramrwt

,iaiU I, ar lo <M>i

tha dl—atfve otR—a paraAa of Maa—aral waakaaaa, and ara aaaMa to aaahaUaaa aaffleiant food to b«Map tha waaiad tiaaaaa. ia aaah


Hoatora- Plaaaeplay aoraetbiag dra la, profaarar Play aoaMihiBg pratty.

Prolaranr Vich vill yoa half vtoa aa'aait—llaw York Waakly.

-T— did aok alay

la laat tba natiftlya toalc yoa aaad. It filvaa loaa to tha atoaMWh, aad

aapaadto. Ital—thaIOQIl| MH Dfni^ 1^

ll(K 1 IMk

^niE Johns N6W& polIttM Imr* Im»b IbM aaM*. for tk» Utm

biiif^ M ao wfl wnBiiniwI to failMally mmd IwoMtIy n |iri«<t «i// nftkmft ii>«. Wbatovrr Fr«l A. 'ftorte eaoaMrto to br rlsht ««11t br Hoih* mo lor a» blofMtwrfr will' itflunl. ood it iMoy b« aoMy ckmioUmI Uiot , uu eutBrtP of iKiUtieiooM will dirMt wbot: b» foual ur moot out «lu Ilia upioiotw

a. m. nrsovaALU. rt MuoauM.


«*tio«.tCMrtu>i orrM’B. WAlkrr nt. Kmi.

ONB Ylrrlo*tiMi by MbII. r*M.tbUO.m... - - - ------------------ •! ou

■IXTaiiBi. MojrrHM M

Tok Mkwm will _ aoaIrMiUtiw <•! Ittral ur orwrral iNlrrral wltMi ••r«ai|*Ml*ri bf tbr wiilrr'a

mcbrtlioK nUoB» atiaoBMiMOt hovr bMOfonn«<d, ooly AftrrcoiWoi nod iMloMtob- '

,rMlMl«ll.r ‘“K •■•^•^tlBolioo. HmI wbro br llllipMout H ruunw to hr firrMurd, It moy MolHyhr lulcrrMi tluO. br b iullj iiru|iort<ii to

rMMoirrTH?rm •Mro«l biu iiUoa oimI «ifMOiuua io tbr mot-**-■ Io i4a(j itMiMMirrotiuo for Ibr.iH tbr blolwwl «|NMlltr. ^

Art*rrU.Mr..Uwil t« tbr r.rrllrut-rrvlcr i«f^« «l fHr t.l*|Ul.vmi will hr |NirH. |mitri ii bjr Tnk Nicwm iia rirr«utl<>ii i« mount. Mr. Travb b ootumily pr«»- ’boM AOr. Mtl lla PMlMN-rlpltuM IlMI te Mlwajra i l- i i ■ •,^f,i tu mari^ili Ti. icivaMirr iuhI in hiM own huaiorwM Iiom al-

woya Mb«»wii n MfNrit of umfrirniTnntw i Tlirib4|i.\Y. MAitf'll h. IHIHI. . hut hr fully iiodmittMMl ami a|>|>rrruitr(l.

tin* llnanni I'ondiliuo «»f ibr town at tin*; ■ itBMiT Niitii'i.u WIN. Iiiiir hr tiM»k hold of affaim la«t n|iniiK. I

Tfir ront.wt now bwOK woiomI at tbr ««‘i l-rwonal prrfrrm.^ in |, many lanttrn* broiurht up for rrrirw. ••nurt Imuar I* iioiqiH* in a«»mr |iortirulan» .... .1. .• <_ and bar adm-mi rbaadv to tbr ladiry of !

ami milirr |»rraliar in otbm*. .«>noiny. It in worthy 01 imtrintbiM111 tbr HrMt pinrr an n mattrr of jawtirr nvanl that hb •'oncrfition of prudmt

and riichl. thr inndblNtrJiiioMi <bwir*<«l by , pmditurfw Iium mit hmi ruotrolb«i hr' tbr mapinty of votrra and toximrrrr in !••*<.'* nor ctiounrrd with a vtrw. . . . .. . id naiM-rtioK iirrMonal inairvolnHv.thrdiMtni't alioiildlirnoiMniatiMiforitrruil ' .. ,, .rbr tax iNiyrrwof tm* villaicr harruotli-

)udiri'. ThrtM«.til» four drirfratm now t,, ioipruiinii nui(|p.r-III MTMMion do not l1•p^Mwrnt any rotrrir tioiiw orn<<*oininrodationafroni I’rrMidi'iil : of IMilitimiM. nor any rlaMM or clan in tbr Tmria iirxt yr«r.tb lU-nuWiran |mrty. at Imni tbry Tm: St.nn mnffratulatrw him on bb


■dMO Mid I oAm IboT dlny. I bar* BO ■yptilir for biaabfoM •ad vtoat food 1 mc diMreaaea ■M. I hare a baary foatlng to ■If aloaiacb. I aoi laafnf ao vaak that aooMdaMa 1 trenbla aad mf nerraaaraallunainiaiL I am ftniaa pala and thin. I am aa tirad in tim morning aa at night.**

WSat doaa yanr doctor oar?** You are aaibring from im«

pare blood.**What ia hla ffMBodf ?

i KUworth fVuakitr bin town rbitiaB I hb naeba, Jobu aad t-barlm I 'roakite.

John hyaa baa an aarttua aab Friday aftemooB. Ilvintperta to taurr tu laui- aiair ia a few itayw

Mach Ifffrr ntuvad to bb new buaie in 'ttakby laat w«wk. wrberr br parrbaerti

441 arrm of iaod.Jaiaen Cnwbmaa bae hired oat to

WiUkrr fb€o. for a yrar, aad noaunriiwd work iaat If ominir rnoratan.

Frrd Ilryrr. wboer plarr t'oebman takww at tbr adll. haw goar to work lor Ihwlr I ‘nabaiau for tbr wawinuw.

An ratertaieamat iroadartrd by lueal talml m rxpMrted to br held at i*nmrrw.

I brr liail arxt Wodnmdajr rrwaiag, Manrb : 22, for Ibr imirllt of Mr. I'MlwardM’ buni- ly. Mr. h^dwnrdM bar Htmi nbk and not abb* to work nraHy tbrrr iuouiImi. \ wupfirr will Iw •wnrrtl in tb*' dining bail afirr tbr rotMtaiantrat. Tm rmtii will tw rhnrgnl for tbr «*ombinati<m, rntrr- tainmriil ami MUfiprr. Kvrrybody win- vltrd.

A vrry Jiuirt wmidiiig tmik {darr laet Hatuniii.Wiiigbt. ab<»ut tm o'efork. at tin* htnitr id thr liridr'M iiMitbrr, Mrr. iiia Hail. Tbr nonlnirting inuibw wrrr Ifn*


Only a lew items to how you the way Priees arc tending at otir Store, Init they arc


An Szcelleiit CfHnbinatlou.Tbr plawnant mrthod wild IwnrSetal

effrela of tbr writ known mardy. Hrat'i* or Kion. inanufartured liy tl^ CAUr«iHNIA Flu HVMUI' ('u., illUMtratr the walor of obtaining Uir liquid laxa* tier prinriplwM of plautr UnuAvn to hr mrdietnallj laaativr ami nrrMrnting thrm in tbr form mowt rrfrrsliinghitiM* taate ami at^'rntatde to iImp MyMrm. It ia thr .mr (wrirrt ^trrngtllrl|lng luxa* tire, elraoaing tbr Mvatrni l•fTrt■tnnlly. diapriling iidda. hmdarb<»' ami frrrra

Men’s Suits.Mm'aHuita. worth ut....Mni’r Hailr, worth ^ at..... 8.78Mm'MHuilr. worth Sliial... 4.88 Mrn'r HaitM, worth $12 at 5.88


Men's Overcoats.R98


.til w«iul, Mae or btark Krrarv, worth $IUat

.\ll w«kaI binror hlark Krrwry worth $12 at

.til wcMil blur or hlark Krrwry worth float

7 pniralliMMi Mrnrri'ottofirkirfcr for................................

<Hir lul rhildmi'M Suilr worth from $4 tofTi todowr al $1.25

.Mrn'r Hurk I'lMta worth’fl,... 68''Mmi'm I is*t.milM wortii .Vi*'........ 24*'Mriir limvy WimaI Soek* worth

2.V III...........................................18<Mm'M llrMvy I'lAiitMHt 50,08,8Hr IIov’m Kiirr Faiitii worif,

2.V III.............................. 19cEVRRYTMINO


Mbonid mil. and Th»: .Nkavh ia im-linni lo tb«' Itrlbi thiit thry do not, hut thnt tiiry Mtand for Ilf/ flu /Vo/*// mid ar*’ r«*|*- mamtiug Ihmi, Am mirh Mrrx iinlM it m tbrirdiity to iioiniuiitr tiir iimii hwNt •lualin'il to diMa'iiHrgr thr nrdiioUM tiutiTM iin|MMir<| ii|Niii tin- .liidgr rrgiinl*

trRM of wlirrr hr Impprar to rat nndMl.'<*p.On thiM propoMtion not oar word of

fault har lin>ii found with .liidg** HalMtll. lib work har Iwm tm wiUMfiirtory in Omtiot AM to Hinton ami indmi tbr rbairiiiMii ol tli*'fimtiot ih lrgiifinn him

fiHodMimr rrr(*gtiitiun from Ihr |iMO|dr ol hir own town, hm drmonatriitm hy thr ni'liuii 01 tbr mucuMTH.

M.\.\ \m’l TdW.N.

Hr witM II littir frilow, and I’Arrird n Miiow Mtorri tWHviiM long ism liiiiiMrll, itM hr rnunigroUMiv walkid up to tbr front d'Miriuid rung tin* Im4I aitrr tbr littir Miiow Mtomi on .Sundny. ‘‘Hon't you want your walk i-lmmvl off," hr iiHknl. ‘•.\o." wiMi thr itnMwrrr. "ril do It lor tiftrm rmtK. or if you won’t gis'rthniI’ll do it for firr «'rnlM." Uitm iirniib-

•w4f opnily iwiid in thr ronvrution thm nion to do it ior thr aniallrr iiinniint. th«* morning f hot thr „w/i/ /-///-oil Him .IH..- hoy lnduMtriou*.|y Hhorrl.M| offIbrMUow

. 1 |„ .1 . . from tlir rtriw Iii;d Mldrwulk and |iorkr|>gntion W iin ankiiig for tlir iioiiiinatioii ' 'illg tlir liirkri |ir pnM<rrdr«i ibiwil thr

wiiM Ihviium-thi-x hrIirTi’d thry wm* »Hi- , ,1:,., u .Mtrr.-t iiiririly uhinihug. Hr had •'amrdtithil to it in tiriitiot rountr. Thry had ,ii| hy hinnwif and war thriiotfiiiig iir oiiid lait tilt* kiiidrrt O'giirii for lin|i|iirMt I my in town..Iiidgr IlniNill. and not a word to miy in ...

You mttet net hare coneti*

Sted bowele if you expect the rsaptrilla K> do its beet work.

But Ayer*i Pills cure constipa­tion.

We hare a book on Paleness and Weakness which you may hare for the aiAIng.

MvrkaMa vtmw wawM Bk* to < nttaalt mbImmm BkrsMOMe abMMi jrMtr riHiat. Uow. WrUM fnalt^t th* aarttrnUnlaiwarMMMa. TmwwBiiwMivMapewawsi«e<y. ___AiaiMM. DO. y. a Anm,

rid S<piun*M and MImm Hrrtim ('<*mplon, • grntly yrt pn.mptly and niMhlingtinr two young Morbty fMMtpIr wril known in I to orrroomr tiabiiiml r«Niktipntion per- Hath and sirinity. Juatio' .Swtoairv. ac- nwnentiy. lU prrfrrt fn-niian fnan «-«»niiDg to liiw.'dxril up thr twain iir ; ••r**'?' ohJrrii.aMsblr /piMlity and -.uh tliry lirriivti, liMib' thruigiMMiaiight, Utsv- : xtanew. and ita acting *a* tlir kuitiryM, inmi to thrir joy, and rrrryoar who li^rr ami Ix.wrU. witlnml wrakruutg kuowM thrm wbhm thmi much of it. .\f-1 irritating llirni. makr it th** idrai Irralmuttwo wrrkM. titrr will Itr foiiml 1 ***“**7^ , .. tbrir hoinr at 2Hi Mill Ml.. I^wlir, In f hr pr/Krto* of luaniifactuniig

I arr urrd. a*, thrv arr plrauusnt to tbr taiktr. hut tlir !iir(H«.'inal ijiialitirMof tlir

I aMMr«l away at hrr boinr, Mr*. Strph-1 rrnir«ly arr oiitainrd from m'iiiw und rtii(oh\. Suiidns iiiomiiig, 'larrli .'Atb. j othrr anuiuilir planta. hy a mrlh<MiIrwviug a huahniid. two muim and om liaughtrr and iimny Inrada to iiuAurii hrr dm til. Mr. Uoby and wifrenmr to lialii in tlirir voiiug dayn, liHor** Hath hrraiiir a towtiMliip. uud rarsfd out of llir wih drnirMM a hoior alMiut a inilr Moutli of Park I^skr. Haliy'm /•omrrM an* known hy all tmvrIirM thmugb Hath, Th

known to tite CAl.iroOMiA Klo Smt’l* 4*0. uuly. Ill order tA> get itK Itriirtirial rfTr/*t> and t.. nroitl imltationi.. plrarr rrtiirnilirr t hr full iiamr of Ihri'oinpMiiy print4*d on thr front iif rvrrs* parkngr.



(■(»Ml.N(i EVKNTS.

intbrr’M and two moim' homrn arr on tbr i m,* mIc Hjt all umairm*-—Hricc SSc. prrinuictbrr*. roriirrM. Truly it •’an Im* aaid of | ___________________hrr that nIh* wism h piniirrr. Tbr ••ariy 1 artllnv kiirw h»*r to Im* an atigrl of mrr- , ry ill thr now artllrnirat. Ill wrkarMM and in drath, .Mm. Kory, if nldr. • ould { alwiiyr Im* A^imdrd u|M»n to Irod a brifr I illg hand. Tm* funrraJ war lirid at tin*I'inr Imkr M. K. rburrh and tlir r)‘iiiiiinN I laid away in tfn* Komt o.nirtrrv.



iMiller Organs.


Tlirrr will Iw* M rrwular rrvtoM of Ht. .I.tboa ' lllvr No. :it»7. I'li.lMy. Mnrrii loth.

Thr Klua'a liMoahtmi will »«**! wlih UlMa Anna li.K/liBa rvmlua urxl.

A warm a.icar a.K-tal will to* hrt.l at W m. WH/lniaii'a, nrar I'nl >n lionir. iirvt W...|itra>

I ilax nlahl.

i Pianos.<>r likr thr diatant iniiair of 11 i»rll.

Kwiugingiit ainiiiiirr twilight iti ita tmaw grown toss* r,

pouring ita Mwrrini MM os'rr hill hihI <*rl|. CW)l.ulliag to ah-rp .firfi riiatling Imf mid rloHing


It. oiinii.'

rnliriMiii i.i Ilia work during llirwlioh* trn ymra lo- liita l«a*n u|M(n th** ia ir-li.

In \ !«•» of tiiiaroiiditloii. Till. \l W )• la- Ihw-t... If to la* fir* lioii**at ilnty ol thr IwrlvriiH-n iroiiO Uratiot to i jial tlirir hiiiioiM for th** noiiiiuation of .fmlg'* liah'dl. II** Ima pt**.v**<lliiniM-lfrmin*-ntly litlt**l lor thr |HiMiion. II** now hriiig*** t«i hiK w«irk iiiiitiir* A. iira, <*\|H*rirn**** oikI :i •-•■rtiiin l•*lrnl *.tr**ngt|i gaiiir*!

I rrraebiaa arrviraw at Itonaal I’ II rburrh Mra Prrigm n* in ipiitr fUNir Ih-hIiIi ursi Hwatiny at lirao a. m. *. i: Mirrtiua

thi- wiiihr. •• ■"« »• “•Mm II \ Whitlock of Nt .lohiia wio« 1 Tlwrr will Iw prrarblaa b.i H**v. I J. Trti»|i •urn. •*. .>. wniiiocK. 01 ni. .loniia. waa j lll.iabnai I’. M. church ursi Suu*la.«

III town iuraday. | „, 7;||o m[__ .Mra. W. W, tlmnia ia thr gur«f 01 lirr ' Tbrrr w III Im. Iirrarhlaa hv Ur* 1 J Trlpi*

|Mtn‘iita in I Iwoaati. I ai .<*u 11 on arbo**1 h«tiiar, W’rai llrnirwl. arsiMra II. H. (’ampb**n vbitr«l frirnila in > **'****^ *** "■^” *'' ”*'

SI. .lohm* TuradnV. I 1 »*•* '.*! «*!*’ \\< warm **uanr (./mIbI ut liroanl Atrauar hailif. M. High and Krtol Hua**I w**rrin Friday **vrnluK Marrh 17


Hrt>*il*iirm> t'awr*N.ill..- 1. h•■n^h^ Kivrii tllKt

’ * ' |.,H i)>hi|. «'ioi< iia. It»r ll*r |>iir|M>».- til i.h«« lna,, III ( •*<oi<U<lalr> for li*wn•hM• •*dl*-- ...................—................................—

..r.- n.., l-.v, ..Ml. ... ...... .... J...... s.. , j .....0.,Ii.-h ..ih.r tio»r |«r..|»*rl* '•*•»«•* Mra. loft nidr Hovt. of .Maa*ill. *li»ll«*<l ' " **' "**'*‘* "* •'"U. 1 n*****l*> •■vralnu.Mini an old irrntiriiiun to inr thr othrr

diiv. whoiind**a himr»4f on hm apirmlid •>*•(<•/** 11. will 11^1^1.1 <ii in*-.... Ill «.o.l I..W ii»hli.. .ill Hniiir.lii.\ full ntlradnii*’** l> <|.*«irr<ir . lira. loTtnillr llovt, ol .\Iaa*in. Alall.....

Tow iii.M|. Hall. fri.*nd** and n*fiitivtw lierr or**r .''•iiiidiiv., , ... .. I .1 1 I ■*• -............... -..Ip ..II H«liir.|ii> Ih.- J.ilh .ln> . . Th. W..1100, - \«*..«‘ ..I III. r..i.ur.*Kiipliyairiil roiiditioii, w ho think lliry nr** ..f Mnrrh \ I* 1 w..... i.h*!. p m .Mihh |*rniikir lloiiar. <if lirand Ullpnla,

working too luir.l III tlirir huainraM. who '’"''VioV.'\lT‘"f < I..VUK AMI" lll••»^l♦•a^ Ol lri*.nda hrn* ..vrr.Stin*iirr in rtiiliiy ainiply virtlina oliliodir**- < hn»rnirtii *1*1.1.a , I s . * \ ^.4 1 « _ ^ Mrw. .\r r. i’liapfluiii win* nill4<«| to Ohuifiilliiihil....*vifii.gfo*.mn. h*ind***rrr,.. x ,..*v |.,d.*..'.uid nii-w-' winter f'a|*/^ ^Ir.Illg tiMi littir. Tin* tiinn who alia up Intr and .Inrkrta to rl.iar al i*n<*»*a that win CbMpmnira iiiothrrIII night mi«l nara to.*al n hr**fiku»at of ’•"n'ria** \ <iu ni .l<*M\ lli.Ka. Miw-Kriin€>*-a 4 iriawidd rnt**rtmn**«l aev-i ‘i^''

, , , 11. I I will bol-l a aiwriBi lurrilna for lulllailiiuIII ol h**r tilling laily lri**nila at h**r | .^n inr.nil»«*ra nrr rr*inf**»trd t*i la* pmtrni

lloiial chunh will iiirrl <ii iIh* i'liiir.**i r...tni- Miii**-h I I. at .'to p III.

I'laaa No. .'I will Klvr ii -ih-ImI ill I hr .M. L. < hlirrti illnliiu raM.m- Frl*l..> l•v**lllnu, \liirrh l«) aiip|irr I.'m*. Ir**m H*. Illl **li(l*i •'.mi.* iiiol lirip IIh- laitp


% Machines.$i Bicycles.

on WrelliB

liii('kw'h*.ot mkiv* mid glun a.* avriip or iii**ll**«i lniil**r. nil w.iahr*! dow n with ovrr**onla al your osvn prn*** atrong roffiv, wiilka down to hiiaimwr

lUtrr t.-n \*m'a duty n|Min th.- lM*nrh. with tlmt tirr<i f.'rling thnl rimkra him whirh . an la nttmiinl hy no olh.*r m. lh- **onrlud. tliat h** la working lim hnnl, 0*1. Ilia iinpHrtiniity mid aid* opiniona liav** < huiiipKiiinl n<lniiriition from tlir hum of laitli imuntM

Till .kMliinlii.v night only ainiaOSVIlIT ^'l.I.NTON .\\ I.M I,

ltral*lrallan Nolirr

ntid "f*!!liotiH* Friday rvrning. moat •'iijiiyiihlervi niug.

.\ll r*qK>rt n

Ml *1 \ hall

.lohna. I'olinty of iTIintoii. Stiit«*oi Mirhi gniir .\**licr ia Iwrrhr uivm, that a m*'**tifig ol lla* Hoard of lUuiatrarion of

ton* hmikiiiat. and tlirn <lniik a *|iiHrt of' ||„. viliag** niaivr Baiii**<l, will la* h**td al Ii thia Im* trnr. wairr lirfon* *.utiog. hr wouhl llml a Ihr viliag** »*oiin<*il r«»oni in aani viliag**.

and that hr nr*<<la n vnrntion. If h** Aoiild get iMt and walk lour mihw la*-

011 Sat unlay, Maeeb llth. \. IL. IMIMi, lor th*« pun>«MM* tifrcgbtrnng tli«*Dam**a of ail aiirii )a*raoaa who ahall in* laia* arwanl ol 111** tl•■<'waaaay qualittratioDa of tlH*«4<'<‘ton.. and wiio may apply fur tbot pur|NNa*, au*l that tbeaaid Roard of Itrg-

ant. Hr may hr all that ia rlaiinrd for habit and th«* pb **ating habit; toliai'ro, in tlir fnntHMiii iiatil 5 o'clock iu tbr of•lirrinlly wlirii Mmoktol, armn* to liav*

aail thr flrutiot m**n an* II" midy to ad- wond**rful chaug** in liia frrliugr. and iiiit It a" arr th** m**n from l liiilon. ihm would go ilowii to huainraa with urleamr

hra*! mnl hnik on Ibr world with a inun "Hilling fnr«*. Tlirrc an* two li••allly habit" that an* h-ailing .tinencnoa to

why rrtirr him to trv an ri|aTiiiirnt Tilt Xtwa huM nothing to *.ay dir-

Ciiiiir r*rrylHt.l> lo thr nlahl-* itp *M.4-|iil at t hr Hhrrw.Ktil Mrho*<l lioiip**.* rvcnlng,

Truman fiiffonS ami fmiii'v arr moriug IT. a unr proaram l*. l•Hni(p■^•arr•i.. . .... . rrIrrMhiamir rrrvrw nftrrw nnla. l'nM-rr«toon lo hia moihrr a (arm. unir Ntir|iard"-' f,,r nbrnrv.m th** l-.l.vtora ol th** \ illag** »»• *')••• vilh*. ami .Mm. fSiffonl and rhihirrn ar»* 1 t* n .■ > . o* ■ 4 u■ » i . 1 ; TUr lluriMouy « liil* mri with l4*<ly M.moving inlo th** Han* jini|"*rtv lately luan,. w.**ii..-«.i«y aitmoM.ii. aiih iwrni>

pun'liaar*! hy .Mr>. UiffoPU. ' larrnlMTi* prrwrat ami »i>rni a rrry |>lra»niil. allrrn*»«ili Thrv will inrrl Wralnrr.lMV ol l4ltoii «V I **arl, proprirtom of tli**flvid jiM.1i Wt-rk with l.a*l> <' l^tlbriip.

f'arnug** \V»irka. rx|a«iT to cn*r| a new ' liuildiug t<i br ijari] an a aaraph* riMiai. wh**n* w ill la* fourtd a 5n** Him* of huggi*<r. maiinfnrtnrrd hy tliriii, fur tiir whohwal** tnuh*.

are the ripe product of earner;t thought and conscien* tious endeavor. They poBoess character and individuality. While pleasing to look at, the tone i5 at once sweet and rest­ful.

It Costa Nothing to Try 4>nc in Vour ftwn Home.


Own Home Two Blockk liaat of Depot.


WANT COLUMN. Vxxrr .-v. •:ai3ai>nnnexrmBrxx3t

.\liiNK1 Til.m..*

I.«i.\.\—.kpply m Ta»: Niewii IMPORTANT!

Iiiin, hut until li** liiia pn'aidiil U|m>ii thrI .. t. * .. .. . t ^11 i’ thr **ffrrt*. of iiM’n^Maing and **iir«iurHgioghriicb h«* in an tinfintf ftfthifiti. ituou — m

„ . any minimi that rou mav havr, aomr it law irm harr itiml** laior judgt". Thia ,' ' injuriw III on** way <Aml olb**m iiiiuiolbrr..might not la* tniritiMr..'4.*Mrr". arr hut- hut tli.*n* an* vrry Irw . «inttrm*.d amt.k-' th** rraiiit i*. nut known, it la an oprn "t" w li<» rtitirriy *w(*a|"* tbr hoMul •*ffecffi ^ Afumtiou. Hiid why "hoiild a man udnut-j of lh< u****k. th**fi thrr** ir*iitingt

r;-.! to lM.iully.|uallli«l. Ii..prta.,,lr to hHldt. \Vli.*t,a man .inaaa mi rum. or

trrnoon, tor th«* iMarpoe** afiinwaid. Hat- *al thi" y.’ith ilay of February. H., iNlMi. Hy ordrr of tbr Hoanl of Itegia- t'Utioii. M. M«Don.ilo.


Mian T**(Tt and Minn Hmna, ol iMndl, *vm* in t«>wn M’/ainrodny on huaioraa. Mbw T**fll inn piano trarhrr, and Mina Hnian in a vorol t*<**cbrr. They wiah to iomi flaaaie Int** in «*onne<*tion with their work in St. JnhU".

Thr Junior rlaiw. uf Iht* Nt, John. Ittal. «rImm.I will aor a moalral lb Ihr laaiti mm,- "lon rwon* M«ib<lav rrmlna Mnrrh IU Thr nrw Mnn«lolln rlul* will la- .if t hr many inil"l.'nl fralurrn. Thr pr<M-.*r<l" arr l«i brip .Irfrnv Ihr ri|*rn«MN* of th** grntliinllna rlaMtnJiiar

"1 F'llC s.\|.|; .\ k.mmI * oluiubla lllryrir n.rIti.iulrr of II*tKH* l*ITt**l n*t.l.

NotirrTo M’iiom IT Mas i’oxi khv:

Thi" 1.** to rrrtify. that .Miar Kliiaia-tii .\. T**fft ia wril qualiHad to tmrii tbr ' tri*hni*|ur and jrall.rtiraof piano playing. | Huniig two y**«m I liavr taught her. luid

“ I <*aiiiiot "(Irak toil highly of her »irvo- jTIh* infant I'lidd. aud only ilnughtrr of' tioii to hrr work, lirr (mowimtniua

Mark ami Man** I/srrli dird in IrdtHuon aliiilr uud lirr advnnnrment. 1 m*om-


^ ' othrr kiml" ol liquor that iaeifriatea. be ij, ami waa biim**«l in thr I'lael in**nd lier to ***imraf "iu*leiitM and pnalirtr> an rx|M*nmea . known or "lioiiUI know if hr haa an aeaa*- Plain** ••••nirtrry the 4tli. The fiinrral, f«ir hrr a "urrrwr which ffimra fmin fldrli-If I" not th** niinMi«iii oi Tut Nk«" to (|„j| hr p. going mi tlir down hill road to "»*rvir**** w**p** .■omiact**d by H**v. H. 11. ty to nigh niamlard". ('*irdlally.

offer M*li i*v* t«i Mr. .'♦earl. Hr iniiat *arvr rum, but then* ar»* the virtitii" oi thr ‘''*"‘***'*I 1.J 1 * *.. 1. _ Tip* I nit*il Hr**fhT-ti will lii»ld quarter-• int hi" .iwn .IratiuA. but it hna l"•rn r** haMul pm .wting Imhit. who go on **ot. Salur.lik.v an«l Sunday in

iiiark*.lb* m* n «il "hrrw*| .il."*rTnthui •«»: th** unwh..l**~iim* .-niat iiml imagior ,1,.. lui.jamin rhorrh in I^Smnmi. Krv.that tb*ir nfitiirnilj* utrouK f«toiiiarh»t la. ooti. ol Spnrta, uiiti Ufv. 1). il.

who nrr wntrhlnic thi« pont^t, t ut mui will th^m ImiiIi lir I*n'wj-nt to ('ondiirtJmlgr lifilMill har iinthiog aa an in.livi.l- ,,, thr luilntr |»irnaing «N)m|Miund. I,*!,\’,JI]J'i.‘l.'|!^vbody^.mu^^^^^ '

iially t*i I*.*- h\ l**ttiiig thr trriii la|*»*** hut noourr or iatrr they •w<i*cumh to tin* ___when it would anawrr lo tlik* thr crrtitled * “"’J » P»*' " gmv**.

• a •rvwult oi thr rlrrtlon. fnraa hr would ___________________________________________

- Thi* .'Mtoeld liiic<toraB> Aw* l*artoH* leTryll.ik Ml.lMMM I I \ EN AW.AV! "■«•* rxiMTlmoi wi»li,[l;;j;-,JJ*uJ!!j,M.rrwt... ... ...ay-j.*. » au

liriik** " l»va|aq*.aa Pure ami Xrrrr Ur* utrrmfaiir*!. cwt........................' ' o..— 2A «a$ft

ItKYo.ND A iHiniT. flRArK Kmart. F**bniury 2.’i, l^th. Hrtroil.

THS Jnbnn, Mirb.. Mar.tMa*i.

Whrair*"!................ . ............................... *1WhtM*f whilr..................I'orn...^........................... .flat" ........................ .(Xovrr itoail....................TIniitthv *.rr«l................Ry* .........................Harkwbrat....................


................... .no.. .fa Ao«aa4.«Hi............ at ao...._______ .*.4............ 40


Babies and children need proper food, rarely eN'cr medi* cine. If they do not thrive on their food something is wrong. They need n little help to get their digestive machinery working properly.

F* lit ."iA I.K—K.lahf r arrr farm ••li ••«*||,.i, 'J, Itil*.* . 0<*<mI orrhar*! I.ati/i all linirr*** t-«l hut .w-vrn nrrr« || I. |*iii i*km,

F*i|t M.\ I.K—Hoiiiw* au«l 1**1. *-.iriirr **l •a**- an*! Whltmorr iftr/wt. ftl**.'. Ini|ulr*’ «>f J"wi* H INVI*..

.% iMf with "mall hoiiar mnl iNim for anh- or ••irliaiucr for largrr lioiia.* jintl lot In mi, John*. Kii<|illrr of II. lloalrlh-r

Ml INKY T*i I.IIAN—F***lr*» a A M nlhrlila** loan inoitr* ill lo** ralr. of lntrrr«l on mil •wtair aM-urttr In any aams •Iraiml

Foil MAI.I'^—at II iMraaln. howw* an.! lot, hl.M*k Igo Ht. Johua. For itnrllrulara (-alioii .1 M. Fltsarrnhl itt th*- Mtnl** Itank of mi, j J<*hii.

Mr<«,%|{ liKKT l>**»lriil>lr Iniol l*irrni.iuic ouanr Itrrt. i-nit In* liitil fair only t, of III.-< r<>p« .«• rrniHl. Mt.JobN.*l<'«* 1.1*1

'V WTKI*. 1*1 oarr. Wm • rlrh (•ay. ra"h , for iirrMii.l hnnil NitivNa. nn<l want** "oiar at | on*-** \l>o loiyM niBN. <'op|N*r, tlnr. Iratl i*n*i rul'lN-r r-ivon A Iti. hinoiol l>t*N*k

IIll'MN •'.Vl.|4i~proiuplly nuaarrr*!. IjMirk

nirl rrllaht** i*rr*i«*** On** «*r t*»o |•rr«M>na;/.^r h.Mr .',**.• lo or fr«»ni train" Kvrvllrnt alrny ..•rvl**.- r*-a*l* at all llntr* 'rVlrph**nr 'Thr *<l«*.*l lltrWABI* Oa*

Im* |M*r"<»iially • «»tirrrn***l he would in* an Wril off with n ll**morrat «m thr laairh iia with .Mr. •Kmrl. .Kix ymm inun uow tbrrri" littir doubt hntthat ffmtint wrill hav*' a vofr or lw«j morr in th* <-(»nvm< tion than I lintoii and ah** will|Hrk up thr <*oiiT**Btion without|n "liugglr. It la at that tim* tlmt itwoohl rnwru Mr. Kmrl

uvaarnn*.... ..................$JO tM» f o«);


fuankun mLE^ m. d., ll. d., tbe Eai- neat Cbicaro rbyslcUii and SclcntDt.

will Scad Any Saflerer Two Dol­lars aad a Hair Wortb of His

Wonderful flew TrcatnKat for Heart aad Iferrous


I4<»*" itorrwt......... .... .............fH 2A 4A$R MAator*-r which mt.*ibHabrN Iwroad qarethiti Mbmt* ........................................... $h*m>«x04 «Mtthr antirnontv **f thia trmtinent OTTT all .................. . ""I”''"”.'""..... ZP '' . wuot.M**i.». i*N<ii*iva AMI* rat IT wabkct i•ithrr rrnp«dlra, f*»r thr (ierman**iit cur** of Hnttrr..........................all "t«)mnrh Hii*i nrrvr tiouhkM.. KaaT^ ' .................

T** Wtmv It Mat t'wi** rax *»iiI**bi*...**MiaBira lintKi A Maonr.". I Iboaahl I MM*n" prr a**.".............

wtiald will* a tow Him* to tot yon know that itoai." han«i |Mrli,^l ......... ..Nrrrr bHorr haa -arh n gmrroua .>flrr a?’™ mio-il ^ :*'’':^***^ -aiok*.l |wr IL...

wituhl "•■•*k to ntiiml |Mit with III" lairty in Uwn mailr. It w ill rmihk* Ifl.oOo paoiih* !il!l!r<^!\oH mil •lu^'nr •na'wa^niT'Ito^kr* \r,J^'JIi.V'hu..................limtiotand riinton audit wouhl hardiv "•iff"n»K inin. Ilngrring or .•hr.mi.* ,Iia- Jr"" •• t»rtr.t appto" iwV ti..,......

• .*na*-N of thr hmiii, n**rvra. hmrl, hrrr or *rJ ^^Toi/t^l* *..arN l»rto*t |N*arhr« ,wrltol.........."•"■m that thr t iium* hi" rhairmnn ha" nt,,marh. r*> tml tin* rorntiT** qimlitira of ■* Mm* T. ll'i:»io mt« Miou^'lTaU arV hhi*............

I*- »*i<- J----:.iii....... T................... **1,^11* Mtrh.” . .^V.....nnnonnrril ol ’'nghlmg it out on iIim* Hllm .'<|Nv*ial H*uh** Tr»*atnMMl iMa**-tiv»*lT frrv* III i-hargr

loir if It lakiT* all NUiuinrr, ’ wn* tbr winr our for him to (iiimu**. Tli** tirxt f**a

llaSalo r>rni*nt |»*r bhl ..^. i'ortinnilMturrii |H>r hill............... .Hat fliwothy.fttii«.lr*,l" *»f •• lacarwbto * a***'' rami Mr **MiMa" Dmai.i. A IUm>mid". I

r J. Ilrhl. of iirnn*l Itapl't" aftrr lirtna al**n Krii<lall*llto. Ia<l.. j ,,HP i»v rtorrn phvirtrlan*. Mr» Frank Mmith. **l»r*ii"ia" Ihavrlmi trying voar Pr*-of 1^44 M niNtoli At* . rur*<l of JroM* nflrr |w|iata I af* aii«t Nrrrr ItoNiorrr *v*rv rtav ar Miraw imiwi.............................. .

dnya miiut inon* to Mr. Kmri a iioiitinii. n** of •'birago'* l*n*tlna phyntolan* na*i "afif mnllng t** <llr*riioi*afuri wo wr*k«.aM*t whu* mim Ki.t.A.*iR<)t«.thrr* WM" lio brfp for hrr 'I ranian ltoW.<r*r, mil * iirT*l. I am t.-imIt to < ontonr that.of all i*|,irkrM Urmanl nrr Tt* liiturr thmi h*'ap|*ram to iningini* i-.* **.••.... , v...—.. n-----i,^..i.,< ------- ..— i.------------< -------- ............................... '

hr will n« t nr hi" own fmlg*- m th*•■tdon. anil Tok New a lirlirTra

............ l.'UAtA............ loi, n........... t 14*14.............:wV44.vo

.i*r.«eei <wt SI oowei <*A..................u.... ............Wa-------- .somta....... ......... *i4l 4

........... ....M#f 1«»

................... aa................... Mf

SI to.............. en ao..............u ja. e4«M»44ea INI ....... .. 04 INI...... ...... on oo

COD L.IVE.R OILmm MrpopmsptttTEs»»L$ftE<s9BA

< arrvr* ha<l irr.«hto»l rar grrally f«*r rrar* art wtnriT hy nominating .Itidg** l>aiM>il * Frnml l aoulit nrvrr rrrovrr hut Dr, MIto"' *

H|.riiai Trmliarni rtiml inr after aOi irefl nmi thru niandiag 11" tin* forrmiaH ran-1 know

• teaUdidatr ln»m hie own roanty "ix y*nr"' **1

— — Brrrbhtea....................T** M iHtM It MAT fowr.aa. I bar* Iwm .................-

vr imaltlefur . ”* .*.......kavr nwNi niaa* IWf Irnwr i rw* ......erg I Mis wrrk"

from now.

**wn phyairianr **f •'hlrag** aa*l rtorwher** trr*al»to*l with *lyr|*ree4aatol a romyiiltorlT faMrd " Miw I* I'owatrrwMin. •••♦ l*""l fonr rrafa. aa*l 1 I’ontlar. til., "ay" ••Mrrrml Trer« ago. rriarrt tor wit boat laat lea Ij*

>iirni>rai to Dr MOr* for M|*rHal Trmt-' to try l^kr • pT"prtwia"ret. Ibver gbylWaai aaM I ronbi a«t Mr* aa.1 Nrrrr Mmtofrr. wbtoh haa iwarStrawo n-rrka I rouM wot Wa4k"ll |*rt tbae '*•■4**»» *»f tlajr I havr u^l ll airrr ii«*w I rxa *t** ail «* «»»rk • than any rrwinly i>r<arr trlnl. Itrap/rtfally

Won.1 hartl ami «lrT .....('alvmllm......... .

«lrr""riit......... .

3.\‘r. ,'-jata*^*t^* I. Tarca.*. a pirrr I.... 0-N**oO 7ih*.. OM'J.Mret.Mi. .01 .Nto.M,

= .... 7*»71»I

OtMlIl JiriMlMICWT I'MKVABLM. I Ir \l 41m har h^ut t ^rmt v.fiiftir vrwr^* * tObr T. 14, I .AW ra AW,. 4 . / rx,-w4il^.ind la wril aJfaTornbiTIt ia a matter of {lartlrdUr pfraaur" for t wJL—- Ak, oMkowt tbr mwntrr Ha Hm Itrbiag ptiea yieki at oai'r to tbr l•amtirr ,

Ta* Nkw" tt. rmil attmtitH. to thr noau- m.. aldr aad!57m«rr mn- .d aaaialtMitw ' Taluaidr iKwdt <m atomarl.^mi umra •»» !natioa of Mr. Fretl A. Traria lor finm «»«* inTealigalrwwiobielaboratonaa Hr troabk-. tbrir a.TMtfnaa and carr. frae., •” '•"T *TniW«tofr. .a /waTa. |dmit.bTbofh imrtira m Ht. Jobw. tbi-! [V*" ’J!***^*? rtUte.TJ^torsInqmrr ,d Traria * Ikxkrr.

•prfag. whlh* ha haa not b*w« trrbak*. | I,, W/M»lav "*»— lawdiair hnfdwnr*-allr Boniiaatrd by tba llMwnemta. biern-l Paw rognlar idiTairkuMi ia’ilu* worhi' rVhi , t afim to—(nar ondonwmrwt aoMmata to Uh enma UHng ia j Tf* “•*‘"‘*7* SHTlHiiht Iba^tieSSitrJl hShVw S

m, Non ■*.1^* •• ••• tke foii.T fDl thoroagbiy teat tbewi Iwm* of rbarge ______ __ . _ , ^ im Am.

Ill > iBe iaaaea tif natioaai poiitkn laio I Harh IlheralltY epwaiinkMider Unkfi wor4a. | naame^maae warn* seer iw ewao*rtNr «d It » I.MIilr I Tm. .... ^ mm m y ; JtT'JSlirllrSL'IiJR

gratfSed to aoe a pcweUeal limaimatraUon ^SlulT jjTrtL ATfrai —oltDepeofieHibaiM ia tMa last. It ia tmifeat. Ad4faaBl)B.FaAaaa4a Mium. j £7^

18Ui Floor, Maaowir l>MaBtr, Ckfoapt. mmi

^ rwre ttowetliaitlaa Owearei. Take ikinaateia I'aadr OMOartlc BOr eraw

J C. C- C. tall te Mve. arooBaO" refaml manerBar roar i I of WiMHNRirr 8 Taoitr

Flldaw 8 MHIaMUi'a lAMsoa llit«ere is rettaialy the beet imdMan Hmu can batnlMn to afreoBtbea aad bai:d op the

AU .MeerOl. Cwrai I'WfeeUoa I'otUfry Food will keepyoar poaltry haalfky, laasatartafed by

FiLaww 8 MilLmaji.

wff! generally correct this cifficuity.

If V - 'vill put from one- foitrtii half a teaspoonhil in baby's bottle three or four times a day you udll soon see a marked improvement. For larger children, from half to a teaspoonhil, according to aga, dissolved in their milk, if you so desire, will very soon show its great nourish­ing power. If the motfitr’s milk docs not nourish the baby, she natds the emul­sion. It will show an effect at once both upon mother and chdd.

to, amS fi m all aroaglM* srOTT A aowwf. OwaUWi. Nrw Verk.

M\I.F—I will mtII mr fnnn •*! oiir hiiiiilrr,| niitl twmty nrrrr, kni*wn a* thr MU,,- liriiiiliig fnrm. 'thrrr nnil unr-half inlirr lr,*iw Ml Jiihii*. rhrap. nr **111 ink,- In ***• rhniia*- vllliig** pr,*|*rny, nr a "nialtor farm

J II. F»:t»aw A.



S RAND, McNally &co.’$

SNEW ATLAS1*1111 now Im* ••htniiMil at

^ Xoldr HiiriM-tt’r llrv (tiiiMiaHtur*—- K H. I,. Kandrirk having diai*i>ii- N tiniM**! thi* Dry (IoimI" huniii"MM. ^ Tb** following mrrrbaut" giv**^ roaiMiii"

7 Always Ask for Them.

Vauconsant dc Son. Clark dc Hulae.Clark dc liulse Bros. Travis dc Baker.E. I. Hull.Boucher dc Petsch.A. A. Chick. SpauldiHR dc Co.J. L. Hamilton. Noble Burnett. Porter dc Emmons.

M A.NTKD — llrflalMr rrtlmuni li* "HI lh**l iMMit *|H<Hnlly rvrr pla<-nl on IIh* iniirk**l. - MiapI** iirlirl** ninl rr*n*l.* rrltor. t*a<»rillug a Inrgr pnifli Tlirr** to »i .ir**,!* mii*I Inrrri*" Ilia itotMMUal t**r II III ,UI *r* .Nu raMl-pirr rr«|nlrr,I

.litUrrar \l *M i aiyi ni.a.”< lr*rlatnl. *Ihlii

I.IiMT—H«>wrWlirr*- oil Ibr r<>n*l hriar,-n .Ml. i,,hu> ami \V M*-*>ii>i<i. largi* c«n«M>. 1«*'<* halfrt*" an*l n>|*rr Flialri planar lanv* al Kritritn*" tor,! Iiam an*l r*-,*rlTr rawant.

f\I Wawxka

lAiHI -Manila.* rTrniiiu. Frltriiar* VU. Iw* ia,'*-ii M. i.. I hiirrh ai>*l iii.* rrrMtonrr. I’li.'l ' l*t*"" •tr**rl w,-"l. A |ialr <*l K<>l*l lH,ar*l «)»*, Inrtor In >»|*rii ml Irnihrr rn**i* Ftn*lrr litmar

fflLx X xxmonnearvyry or < > *. -


ton*-•ti«* 1|M,"ii>i1tr-,. all,I rt*«*rl*r rrwanl.

I. li Mi'K *ii<NT.

•eas"WAYMM hotmIa, omrmoiT

Oaaay oaWwrtir, mmrMa.aa ueec iau,i

Full MA LI.—I arm t*o n/Ttw tw <* mitra rnai of Ml John" Fit,tuir«-of An/tm* W ••i,«irr.

•Jp-tfFl»ItM.\l,r M|\|;. Mrrwr Uiml. Ihrrr mUa.

norihwrai ,4 Mf .|,ii,aa i„mmI liHlIilIng",: twai g,HMt «*rlto, Hiial ••NT igirinw. Kn,|Ulrr of Jnroli I.llwIUrr ,it farm an w *.* p if

KF..\L I-^TATI: FilllMAl.F -Anyonralratr I Ing n lialhllng lot. farm or pin,-,* of huainraa I will ,|o wril 1,1 m u* Ml .loHur iwIMil I'o.


Frar a.r CHwraw..\ny iidiiH >Miffi*tiaiT from amkl oafthd

on thi* hrmat, bmarhilm. throat or lung ' tronbira ol nnr nntiirr. »vho will r-ull at j Kf|/irw a SliiimHii ", will br pr«*to*ntrd '■ with M niMnfik.bnttk*of H'loebr-'a DrrtiMMi : Kyrnp. frrr of rbarBr. Ilaiy oa** bnttk*

I giTm to oar |ia«wnn, atMi notirto cbildmi without onirr froai pwranta.

No throat or long r" aiady rrrr hmi aarh 'anairaa Hoarbriflrnoaii Kyrupiaikll pwrtn of thr riTtlised workl. Twwafy

I rrarw ago millkota of Iwittkin w rfw giraa I away, atid yoar dnatgiata will tHI yon its aarrraa wan lawrrrkHNi. It ia Twiilly

I tbr naly Tbroat aiHi l.nng Rataady gfo*. mkUy "wdoWM'd by phyaHKaas. IHh* Tr*' rwat bnttl" will mrr nr |wowr Ita rahir. Hold by daaieni ia all dvilierd inaatnaa.

No OMUer bow liMig a tiow too b«yr bad tbr iMiaicb; if it baaa’t airrady dr- yd oped lato * naaaaitakia. Dr. Wood'a Norway Ploe Hymfi will rgre IL

Yoar photopmpbn tasti* ina,T dlffrr from that of uihara. Il may iliflrr from oara. S'l* ar** witling to«on«*"«i** you tb pririlagr of roar ow n ofMBHMi. That la why ww famiali |»bntogmpba ia nnrh a wkl** yarirty of aicr. ntylr. monating and finieb wr wmiit .you to grt jiiat tbr kiad of a pietarw you want.

Only One Onallty Alwaya the Beat.

HAHILTON, The Artiut





REnODELINOSALE . . .We are going to put a Now Front in our Shoe Departmant, l>ry Goods Deportment and Grocery Department. The arches between each Department are going to be made

larger. Shelving to be cut down and a General Overhauling; and before the carpenters begin to hammer we are going to Pound down Prices in D^ Go€kIs, Shoes, Groceries and Millinery to make room fbr them to work.

Await you here during this Great Remodeling Sale. All Sales of the past eclipsed. We must have room and have therefore applied the ax. Never was so much offered for so little. The reason is simple. We’ve got to have the Room. The Prices we make duHng this Remodeling Sale arc so Low that they’ve got to move quick.


SHOE DEPARTMENT.We are too crowded for the carpenters and must have room; therefore you’ll notice we have Chopped the Prices Away Down to move them quick. Come here by all means - .....

LADIES’ SHOES.$3-30l.4MliMi limb umMlv lM«t innkiw iu vk-i kill battMii iir

lao* rrinilar S4 iMi liiiMi RitnuiMiuK fiik* pHer.................

l.«dini <*xtrn tlm* kki nbiM. batton or taoe till n««r Htylfw ^rwKnlnr iio*.. llcmiHMinic mmI** prkv.......................... 3*0^

l.iuli««i ttiM> kill inn* ami batton Hbot. ••xtiaitioa aok* nmolur _ — —liiiMi, lUaiioitcliiitf Half priit*.........................................

I.ndkw vtn kki T#ry iMiit liin* Jrlotli top mHr iitTkM nmnlar _lim^ IN‘modHiim pntv.......................................... 2*00

l.«<li«. tin** knl button or larpnhorw ivicnlur |{Htiiutl*l>iOK lail)' pm-**..................................................................................

I.M4iiMi ttn«-knl tMtton or all i>«>« i>tlyr« r>tnilar fK-'k* ami *1.7." trniik-. r^Mao«k^1nu t*ri»t*..........................................


Wf iiHVf n i**w iKjiutMl too mIkn. l*4t wMv tni, rbuK'**..........

HISSES’ SHOES.Xlittn*. v»Ty ttn«« •if.iai Lit] i.boeM inli.l *»tylt.. lS<*in«MMiiiK tf*_

ftm- kbi lai-** or laittnn nlio*. tb*-1*1.7.' kind. Iti-inodrI- _ iiur tmlf prn'i*...... ............. ... ............................................... I *30

MiiwM. kill batton or mIioum tc'io*! Mt.vbv nfn* _ __•iNKlHinir •*i»b* pri'iv................................................ ................ I • I ^

Minm^ kid button or Imi'i'nIiimh Itifnoib-lint! >aib*prn^* .................................... ....................................................

HEN’S SHOES..Urn’H Kxtru KiwI'alf or Ikix I.ui>* .'<hoi«n, th»* $4 <MI

kind Ui*tiiod**linK S«k> l*rin>.................................................

Xiai'n Itox t’alf Ttui l.nrf«rtboMi. tb** vi^.v lat*«t, our la^t KTudi-, l(#niiMlt4iuK SalHprk-*’.........................

Mmi'm Tan and Itox fall, hand N«*u«al widln. ImricainM at ♦•'I tHi. ib«fnodfiiiiK Jkxk- prir«‘.............................................

Mioi'm liont Tan and Viet Kid, li*rht ami ilrnimy the bent $2j..'»t> whoH niiuk'lieinodtaiuc aak* pmv....................

Mxini valm* iu tnen’n I'ulf Iim>* nkoHn at..................................... .

\l«*ti'M Hiitin i'hIi lure idine.. worth $1..*at Htid 4il.7.'t, It**- inodeliutr Mik’ priiv..................................................................


BOYS’ SHOES.Itov’.. b#-«it tiraile. tan or blnrk, lleniodi-lintc HhI«* prir»* Si.(mi.

ItoyV Kxtra \ aim* at SI.7o, U«<«iiiNMintr .'^b- prin» Si.j.s.

Ito.v’n Kotkl latci'Hiio*.. nen- Sl.*'>tl. lt•■tlMMl«4inK .'^b* |*nr»* Si.15.

t 'bildnai'H tiiMMl Solid .*> ttt M .'(firtntt bo*!, only .aoc.

I’hildnai't* .SIhh., Ini’** or Initton. !• to 11, !to»: ffmle for b§c.

KublMTh and Warm l.iiH*i1 filMHl^ a* font und Ib-lon.


Yard wide percale reiiiDdcliiiji priec...... 5cFaiiey plaid outings 3e kind remodeling

Jiriee.......................................................••3*/^Outing blankets Sl.lil) value remodeling

priee............................................................. Hac4—4- unbleaclied sheeting extra value..... 4C

Dress Goods.Blue.storm serge oB inches wide regular

r>(lc kind remodeling price................... 35cWool novelty beautiful pattern Iirn:

values reimHlcling priec....................... 3QCWool novelty 1 yard wide coni|>etilt>r’s

price HBc remodeling price.................... aiCWool mixed yard wide regular IMc

quality remodeling priec..................... 15cWorsted novelty 35 inches wide usually

sold for IHc to Hoc remodeling price HOSIERY. ~

Kvfpy pair of tb'*«'i<<| liar«l hfMH> is tiiir «tiM*k tniml Im* rbiM^I iiat to iimk^ nuMii fur Um* i*nrpwt«<niantl n**w itlock ftimiiitc in. *J.'» ilo* ladirf* lattvy i->tnilar imiI*' hi»»* uur

rricnlar pri***- *J.V |»r |Miir. r*'nnMkNli»Kprir«- .M pair for Jilv *(:* dot ladk>H linwl liuMi Mil •>zc»ptionnl vabm at

namitirbaic •'! iMitr for......................................... t17 diiz ladit.'lin**)l Hm* knit ribtM^I top Iiom^ AA

rntiilar vniin* mnioilHiiiK (iriau .'I i*air for dtl *11x1LADIES’ KNIT"UNDTOWEAR.

tlo* l>ni Knit Ktf.vpfian CombMl Yam b♦•aTilr vr*t»»ami |MtntM r«<}(ttliir‘iAc kiml r'amjiMiett prat* :i CAeiiifiilM for.................................................................. ........... JVC

*J7 <i<iz iimry tiner^l tim^yiini v*^t and iMHitn nirubir AA prux*-’l-'a?, I irarnmutN lor............................................

CHILDREN’S I NDERWEAR.Wo litiHn pln«H> on nnk* a Innn* «piant1ty ut a Hai^tk*** to

oiiatilo UH to rlo*** ilnan oat for tlm HHn«on.


Sales•not profits are what we are en­

deavoring to make now. Only a tew of those winter hats left. You can, no doubt, find a bargain here. Your elituee of


Clearing Out Prices.Our whole store is to be remodeled this

department will be disturlK'd also. Notice these prices, see if you cannot help us make room.Oranulated sugar jurr lb...............................05 cClothes pin the l>cst kind per doz.............oicBest parlor matches per doz boxes......... lo cCodfish boneless per lb 7c 4- lbs for..........2SC3 cans of corn for...........................................35c3 cans of pumpkin for............. ......................asc3 cans of pears tor..........................................35c3 cans of toinatfies for................................35cScans of lima licans for...............................35c3 cans of baked lieans for........................... 35c3 cxins of string beans for........................... 3gc15 bars f>f laundry soap lor....................... 35c5 bars lOe size White cloud....................... 35cf.Vbovc is a good toilet soap I1 11) of line cut tobacco................................35c1 package washing powder large pkg....loc 1 lb Moca or l;iva eotfec.............................30C


ItMiun- with It. I.. Hunt.U. LMiiibard i« ^•|^••ndin^r th^ with

frmndM mi Itetroit.It. t*. t'Inrk Kniok «f

Ku wbv, »»%■«• .Snndnjr.U. I’. .S|r»^t**r WM*» in l t<*«H<iN«oii bu^i-

n•x»^* th»' fin*! «if tb»* w»mk.Hr. T. .S. Iliinn Bimiit lb* foni pirt of

tlm w*x»k in I'hiriMCo «»n bii"inr*««».Mia* Vkiml Wiliiaam w« nt Tirnmlny to

»|mnd H law <biyHwitliint*ndi» in 1-niminK.iTitt#. MairiHHd tr»uiMi<-t»**I lMiMnai.«

for Ward Hr«»». in itwiKa*! .'ind Hnniiid Vlomlny.

f’. t’, \ HUirbHii tr—iwt -il lnl••il*<••/< wit b fImStni.- I'antrnI I’uintnittr** nt Hatroit .SMtiinbiy.

Utv KuffHtm ltid««<ui. of Orid. Hirntit .SHturdM.v with .\m .1. W ltl•l•*<>«l. of tkia vilkiitP.

\liiw Hiirkix* i> a|M-ndinit tb- wttk in Itafmit oii.rinjc Mfimu; uoodf nw Mra. L. (’itntHd

Mr**, t*. H. t lima**. iHttrid, **|»'nl .Siiu- «lM,r aa tlm irmwt of Imr |«un*nla Mr. and Mr**. I'liaa. S’alfar.

Mra I*. Krx *»aa a(iiM<non***l t*i l*ort- lau*! SNlurilM.v on ai'i'oiiMt oi tim >a*rk.»u» illn**»*a of bar **iat*'r.

Mra. .Sii«an M Mrowii ratUTn*al Mon- •Im.% from a vaaf with rxl.iliMfwat l’<»k1wat*T and tpilniw, tbiaalala.

Mra. M I* f’aatb-. of t’ara.»n City, waa III St. .lohiiaon laiaitiaHa tb«* fatt••^ par! «•( Ina* w*^'k, want to Kowlar Xlomla.v.

Mra Will. .\llan. of tiramJ Irnilu*'. i» afaaiitiiiir tb*' w»ai aitb Mr* ttrrtn Ibii lax and oth**r frmmla tii St. .lohna and vii-mtty.

Mr. ami Mra. It. tj. .staaf, U l.«a*-inK. ••Iianr tb** iMttar lairf of limi «ra«k with S. .lokiia ratntivMi and (rtandw. ra^nmfiiK to tbair lioim MoiidM>’.

Miaa.Iubn llrona, of iMndt, «-a«ia .Sat- itntny iiiKkl t«i afa-nd tlm Nrat of tli«‘ waak .. irh frkmda Imra Miaa KliiMlmth Tafft H»’a«*ni|*Hniad bar.

Miaa Hath* Kmnkliu. 'U Snmni. t»nt.. wna tlm jfn»xit «*f Miaa >»aTu WathralM*- tb* fora |Mirt of tb«‘ w«wk. Miaa Franklin wllltnniat l*i»rt iiitr*»ti tba r«»ininic aa*. aon.

Mr. and Mra Huy l.<»nicror want to ShafMinbiTilla .SntnrilMy to viait Jntnaa [.owMrot. Mr. l.«itiBrof rattimail Mon- liny. atMf Mn*. I^mir**'’ I" aiiandtnic tba waak tbaf*.

Tba bisli aonrt ol tba linlapantlant Or- dar ol Korantara for tba mat am cMatrk't of Miebiipui baa rooflrmad tba tiartaioti of tba eomtnitlaa on Ukw to baraoftar odniit to tba aaaaiona of tba bkih aonrt tbnto- dtaa of tba eowfwinfon ronrkk.. wbo botra

Hitn Katon a|a^jt Kridiiy In Fi**\iarFrank Ward apant Snodii.v «• F«iwl«*r.1. C. l><M»bn«rMaa inHatniit *«n buain*^

Tnwidny.KUiationW kdt Tii*<a«luy Mr a waak'*

buMlIMna trip.Itom, to ft. K. Kinic nod rtif**. af

Fowiar. I'nMMiav. a aon..1. l*ntT ntmiit Sat unlay aud Sunday

with tnrtMla tti CIi**aabiOK.H. Morafoaia*-, of < ivni tranaaata#

bii«iimaa Mi St. .lohna 'rmwda.v.Fonwt llakar, of itlivat mtlbtfi*. H|a>»1

Sumki.T vvkb Miaa .Min* Kraarh.F. II. Lyiaa waa in Hatroit Ttiaadip'

and Weinafaluv, on l•-lral Imainraa.1. II. IMowtiiun Hturtnl on a t*ii ilH-wr'

la •till** tour Tu**a*|iiy. Ilia Anti aloppiuir lihwa waa <** nl.

Ilau S. Corbk atlrmb^l tb«* lt**ima*tMi- Ut* .Stuta roiM**iti<Mi at Kafainaxoit yiaa tanfay, ita n datajrat**.

Mra. Fnuik Ward want to Fookr- Monday, to apand a law dtrya with tter aiaOT. Mr**. II. L. Kina.

I'nwaFuliiitt .\tt*ima_\ II. S. Smith i«fimt Toaaday iti <Iwo«n<i und ibitk.tmnaarttBIt Ottktul huallltata.

Miaa Miiripianfa Fiiiiatoii Ut b»r It** troit Mondnv, wkan"<»ha ax|a*rt« to ’•iiaiid iilaiiit a nil nth vHilinK tnaiida.

Ifav. <•. C. I.uitfrm>in ana in Hnmmi Mondnv on Imainwaa fioiiiaptfvd nitli tlm tifllt-wa-i'ornniltt*^ \aiMa-iaUub

Mra S H. iMfliut;, of .North Star, who haa Itaaii u Muaai in tlm Inuim <r| Mr. iiml •Mra. Tniui* lUldiiiK. raiurmtl Iwtim'.Mon* liny.

Mra. 1C A. MiMirr ratiirna*! Holiday «>vaninK fi»»«i Saxilla, 11 wh«‘ra aha hiia bran ittriaK 1**^ laothim for tba |Mai tbr>a* wi'wfui.

Miaa .tana Hadt raiam*d to bar bona* in F*»wlrr TiiWMliir nflar a|»r|i<lin(( th** ftrat *»f tha with bar atat**r. Mr**f’arl Wallar.

Miaa Ilona Mtiiimt w nt to H**troitMon- da.v. wb»r* aba will trim in .ona of tb*- laraa niillinrr.v •wtabiMbaiaiita lor n r»»n|*la id warka.

FidkttviaK an* tba ad%artiaa«| lattara Miaa Kminn I*. Hmwn. Mka* ViramK«ton. Mkn* llantrira tirrawold, F. tl. Hnwim,

1 John T. .Sail. Im Varhaul j Mr. and Mra. Wtn. Tn»«rl»r»d(t»*. ot I Kayatta, ()., wbo apaut tba pant waak I *tith bar tdatar, Mra. J. L. Kiatr. ratumad ^ to tbair botna MtHidnv, atoppinit to riaft

Fzru Kayaa. <d ttakJ, waa in t<*wa*Mi timwimaa Tmwdnx.

F. F. .Miinliiak wna in Mf I’fanaaii* on haailiaaa >*wtaaday.

I Hum, .viwianAti.v to Win, llouuhtwnrtmlwifa an afarru fHiuml dauithtax.

|tr. .1. II. Hmlffa, K. I*. Waldron ami F. M. S|Mttj|i|«i|{ wara lu Itrtroit iaw|«w dav.

Miaa .\*4lw Hanlay raturia*d Taaadav from an •*xraai*iaii vi*ii «vinii bar wii*tar in Hay t ity

Miaa PtioalM- Itanfon wr«it to iWatnal yaafanliiv, fOiiimatinu to a|a*i»d aoim tuna in that nty.

Mra. H. I.niitf Mt A’aiiimadny la>r \nn .irlMtr, wimfs. aba axfamtaa* mnb*-ti {aw iniitiafit ota.v

Mra. IVarnni WimmI waa Muniui*iim<l to Horkfonl Tcfoday. by tb* aavar*- Jilu*wa ol bar niollia..

Mr**. It, It. t'ninpimll, wl ttrnl, apant j Tuaailny wtUi Miaa iirian t’orbA uu<l olhar .St. J«»bua frtanda.

' -Mra. .1. (5. Wia** waul U» \uh Arlair} j yaatardny. to a|iaud u 'V(aa(ik- of wmaka ! with liar daorhtar. Mra. T. (I. tVirfiatt.

I t'atria K{iba5*. who hna bwn aftawdinit th*- final two waaka with Mra. H M.

I ll«aniar, ratiiriMal t«» Imr hum*- in Foalar j yaatanlny.

I Mra Sallit* kollina ami Miaa .lanumf.- .MH'liiy. ol I'i*|«n. It., •■nzna Tuaada.v »i- tarniMin to i«faoii| a«»n*a tzm** with Mra. j li S. Frani-h.

friwida nt t>w«Mwi> nnd Sacinnw.Jtr. nnd Mm. Itrndy Martin and mmi

want to UraMitriMt. OMo, Tuanday. wbara tbay wrUI apaad a coapk uf waaka wftk bar iwotbnr. bufara Kotatr to .Saw Hotraa, f'oaa , wbara Mr. Martia aspaeta to biV a twr—t.Y bMb wakir awfa. Tbay

Mr**. .\. .1, Ifraka and liftk dnuicht«*r j aaa a|imdiiMt Urn «raak at itatruU. H*»u-, I'"bar k l*atr*-h bara M*i-iir«-<] Mrs Ilirkaf I for fMntd trimmar dnrlntr th»- <-<onMiiir wan- ^


Mbm fora folfciia. who ba** ham al taiid>'itit nrhiMii at \|Mtlnnti mm** Inat ^ fall, raturm-d howm laat aramair Shi-' hiii* bad to icira up bar aliidtaa on i i-onat of Imr MT'-mrbt. j

Hr. Walkar'n m*xf vinit In Sl.dnkna ol tha St. 4nKn« hotal ia Salnrda.v March II. .SotwtCbatniidiiMr the in-j tafina i-,#b| wmthar tbnt {rrarnilad Imm' on Hr. M’alkar'a inaf viait he wna, Ih*w. i *»rar, kepi vary Inmy ail *lay. There w i imly one e«{»lnaation for tbia nml that la j tha Itoetor la raniarkaiily auii laalai in anrtnar bin fratianta

pretty bftme waddloK ne*nirrad iMi : Tnaaday arwiiaa. at tba boom of Mr. nad I Mm. Srlraatar Mattzioa. (libba St. ewat, j wima tbwr «laa»btar MUlk- waa marriad j to Mark M*. Kuat, of flraaabaab. Tbe faaiily ndatima ,tl tbe brida aad grtHtm ware pmaaat to wttaoaa tba awaat, ami to astood fpwatiBba aad brat wlaban. An asaoUaat waMHaa kappir waa aawad al­tar tba camaaoay. Mr. aad Mm float WIN maba tbafr fatbi* boam la tba attf«

Horn, to .\ll>art Finher an*i *»-ila Fn- dav iaat an aiahl fnand non.

Tba Minnaa I Min iumI Kinma Taa*l of .S|..|iSim«. nra rm-tina fnamU nt l-ake < tdanm

MnnaiP-r Thoinw** Hronilay 4r„ of The Marrantila foiiipaci.v, haa lanw. «i*mdina tha weak III fliH-nifo ou f»iiain*WN.

Ilkiii*. f. (’rilrWafil, wlni (wiYMarU' r*,. Midwi in tiinion i-ount*. w M<-k «v-ith M-arlat •♦-var at Cmiiip McK*-ntm.tta#tra*M. Hi*> imilhar, wbo r*n>idr« in Ithwa lawrionl ImmI na»b that ha wna lIS. H«-ia a l••*lllllar of tlm)t.**ili Mirbtaaii.

•*•<1 ai-niiiiit ut tim ntortn runny war*- da|iriv*d of hanrKn: tb*-l•4-t«ra tritan Ir. Uox. .1 H. It*-utmrt on Forataii .Minwona. rhala<-lur*- WMw ao «r><ll r«e*-i\i-«l, b«iw

♦wiw, I lint aaraml raipmui** linv*- la-**n iiMul- to have ki raiNwtad nl a iaiur*- linte. whu-h witt dn-dun*.

Mina.lulin Hiva*n in n{n-a1 ilitf tim wawk vwHb imr imrantn in .St. .lobna. Sha wna nreonif«oia«l Imn.i*-from iMrrnit hy Miin. T*dh. who will -nrirniiixa a *-lnaa ban* in {•inuo iuntnirliwn. Mm* brow* haii iu- tandad to reiiim-to St. dubm* next .Inly aii'l oroHiiiza n «*i-uw in x*or»] inntmrtion. iMitinha liNa prti)rmnaa«| mi mfadly tbnt Imr iontrnetor, Ur**, f^arimd. ailruaw Imr that aha will im eoinpet*-ut to Imoin tiia work at on*-**, nm! nh** hnn nrmiMi*»l to ratlin tba Nmr of im.xt month.

imnfimnn (Int*****-. *m rXiraU-iv loeni ap|ili<'ntniua. an they raamot ■x«t<‘h (tm (iinaaard {lortion of tlm ni.’. Thar** m only one way t«i me** Itawfnaea. nml th«t in by enn**tltiitk»iinf reni**dea* H*iifn**aa in**niia(*«i bv nil iiirin«na<| rtnafi Ihai of tlu* ntui«inn hnitur ot tba l!ii«i>iefi. iaiiTiilm When thin lulie |^tn inHiUO ma«| you finre a rnmfilint; noumi or iin- {laffart hwiriiMT ami irhrTi it in entirely rioaail fleNfliafW k* tlw rannlt Mid uniwm Ih** liiflaintnntion enn lie tnk*m **ol nnd Siin tnim twatoml to itn normal i***ndi tton, lianrloK t*ill ilentroy*-*! forarer; aina rnnan ont of t»Yi nre mua«^i l»< ^ -atnrrh, wMrh ki mitliNNr hut nn inffaiu Iienl «<lili<Mi of tbe mwaoun aiirfna<M

Wa u ill izire (Ina lliindrad Ibdinin (or m.Y awM* cf llafilnaew lmiina,| hv ealuribl •hat «*i*an*it Im e»ir»*»l Iit Ifnll’n t*Mturrt>

ura. .Satt'l for riraalfi*** fra*-.F. .1. I MKM > b ( **.. Tolnlo, O.

-■'»»l»t t,« ilninpinta. 77*-. f|-llllnir« Knmilv ISIbinmiba bmt.

Mm-TwMnr (nr ntty CenM. UuamnMnd loknam iwMt mm. uwlran *mnfe

wa ntraas. inwwi pnm MaM AilumcrMta

PImm* iiotrwiMww,Mbw Kimnbeth A. THTt, lannks. of He.

troH. «rill Imin St. 4obim amt llrid .%prilInt to oTbMikn* a ebtan lap»anwinntmr tkta. Mbw Ti4h ki a n«pfl of Mkw L4llb firaee Smart aad romm hkthly leeom- nimidrd. Mbw Jaffa Anna lirnm. wbo in pmparfait brnadf tn aHre raemi inatnm- ikm under tbe tnteln^e of Mm. M. j KeMoMa lamed will )«la Ulan TMft Jnlr j Ini, and tbnr will nuenpy a etadlu to-1 imtWr. A tan meltbl in peomlmU dnilna i timaammer. flIMl. I

Simi-ial ^nraiiin in«ivmaoatnaiid MiitH. I Syrup of Tar nud Wild Cherr.v vrlll Hi;i.i <'i.oTMlN*. Co.. 1 < Clinton .\x*-. j aim* that ••ouah. .So rare, no inty.

. . .Vt Thaviu Jt HAltKU'n..•fttifwrnattoim at I.NiuhI *Jo(* |ier diw-i•u Saturda.v. Hut roar ebon* of WoonnerrA Tromp.

Clipper Bevel-GearBicycles.

Fildew A Miiiinau'n k^'lei'tne Halm ha* ' tm<-aiwr a n«-t-**n«ii.v ia avar,v hiimehokl,

IftNmH. earnnlioM*- and violetn at tb*- fl o w*e M« h'.Sa t It rdny.

f'n** Fihfaw aad Flobl for i*ha|n*.

MillmairH Winter

t'mbnwii Pbinnurwe***Am tbe rerr latent and to intrvMiiHv

tbeni will atYT one with t-very dimti pintino or mat fininh mliiimi*.

II. <1. Pr.fxKrrrr,JHwU Ht. Jobun. Mirh.

Praa! 1*1 n* ! Praa!A three data’ iTtal treatment of Hr.

Wnicht'****et«d*rat«*d Knlney and lb»«*kaeb** ISIe* will tm (pvta* irw-to thone »4in*aioi{ n-itfi Kiilimv trowhir. at F*l«t*-w b .Mill- laani'MlIniaStore onSatimlay. Miirrh 11.

.t few day* iiHWi*. Ht.i I. t'miTMi.x*. Co 17 t 'lintwn \ve.

Hyr«*n Hanley Melle lam-.v liaMith.v and jidover xetil. al*o all kinti** of irrni** eetaln.

The Kammr**' .MurnnI Fire fiiniimm'e lliampnn.v now earrfrn ."dl perwnt nnis- jtirrm {ironeety in t’linPMi «***nnt.v thnn all I the ol her •*n*int«en pnt tonetber. .Set in- • ererwm in I HUM. tffPt tnembem and 9t!lfl.- ! nmi <if inmirane**. Him no old debt and I d<m** a-hat it **avn it doen < 2fl W.2 t'MA*. n. flp-rsin. Ww 'y.I C'lnrer ntMl TiNMtZbr Wwe<t.I I <Mi 'wa bn* .Ytatr eloYer azal liinnth.v jeendof 4. S. itflituod an'-heaply an any- ‘ n»bnS' mid tbe kintl wilt be aarefirenenteil and not mixed nee*!.

I Tie* Mef'4ill Ikixar (nnhiun aheet* for Marrh have lieeu n<reiv*al by nn. und an*

I r-earl.v for <li«tr1biitNin; thny an- iziren I tree to tin we who enll. or n•aile<l monllil.v {fur wim y*-ar for tJl rent* in niauifm. to I’ of {MwtutP-. Heautifiil diMMcn*

tan**dio«n iu tlwdr .Sian*!! innu« , not found I eieewimtv, ami we ImfieTe .\«mi aill im {•i**aaed with tb*- im-w dmw kimmI* that **«- are ahowitiK, «-*|ir>einily ailapte*! fur till* Mwanou. Till. .Mbm AXTii.r* f'u.

.%! Am*-*!****Hariiiit •*oki my larm |unl of th<-t Mire (•btireh. I will «*-l| at awrtN*n (wi the |*reaiiee* TiH-**#ln.T Marrti 21. lie** *toek, farm imidementn atwl hoiinebold iphnIm. Term* fawiml»l**. S*mi'i;i, H*enA. w.2

Hrn»n Hanley wN* the famoa* Hliie KlhlNiu liiw of (-arnanee inanuki(*iur*'*l hr Hnrant-liort f'arriaife t'u.. Mint, Mfeh. 7’tmT an* beantlm.

AartbHi nale.llartaK enid lAy farm on nertkin 2s

HengaJ. I will nell at iiaMir itnetkHi on Ti>e«^y March 14. *aie ronmmnrtnic at lit a. m.. tbe followian named pnipnrty ‘ Thm* wtirk home*, one mlt, t***»e«iw*, twnralYen. oae bfnder and one nHiwrer both new. tMM* plow, *ine *pnnir tooth barrow, drill roUnr, home rake, wnffon, fnaniafi mill, one net dntiMe hamnnn. hoowboM fiimitarr, and otbnr artiebn tn nnmermn* tn mention. TVrma o* nnle. —.\n wnmn under 9A onak. oYer tbnt nmtMint nine laontbn tine* nillbniptmn with interent nt neenn per cent, on nr- wtabH nokm. Tn nil pbyina eanb oenr ft* n dinrwnnt of 7 per mat will be glemt

JiMbPii Lxaa, Vtop.Vbrint WlltYnnnit. AneUonuM.

HnM bl not fteanunn nnn% Uklneday in tin eavbnr ntore d tbn Mtavl bkoBfe.

Walter Karnkn. ha* the ageneT for tbe St. John* lazundry. I^uare or- demwrltbbim.

HaYieic recently jmrehaned tbe biMit and **bne ntoek of William .\. Waldron, I would be pitwnni tn hare the patronag*- of any otd ami aew matomem. 1 intend to oaiTT io ntoek ufeto-dntn foot wwnr, whkb will merrit your apprornl.

I*. A. Pott,Sat’ceawnr to Wm. X. IVnldron.

Heady inaile Skirt* io tbe latewt pal- I t**r«mat .Iohn Hh ku’.

I linre yonr fumitas* repaiml at H. W M«>rrt«'. tl|i|Mwit*- Pont ufitr**.

fk» to fl, W. Mom*' for fomttnre, {»ie-1 tuma, picture fraOMW, ntc. (lp|M>*ile I'lmt • idlew.

Sw nnnd of layiaa a«*akn nitrbl* and rwnabiiiK wbnu you can ntop h b.vtakiutf Synip«»t Tar ami Wild t'berry.

TmavwA Habkb. tSim«T Hmir Stor*.

Bay yonr rimeM of WnntMtrpi'A Tno.sp

l.adte*‘ tailor made nf.rinir Sait*, fane* and Jacket* at John He mi'.

Huy your *h<M*nof Wi*»iinrrrA Ti:<*mp. >

You will find .\ni*oii'* prie** on Fm- breflan ail nirht.

Ila.r your Nhowiof WfionarrKA Titoai*

S|miial vaJuen iu all Winter IJoderwt-iir .It .foiiv fftra*'

Satie* **l Ylllaar Klamtlaii.Sntieein Imreby Rirrti that th** charter

efertion of tbe Viltait' of St. Jobnn. iCoanty of CNottm, State of Mirbkptn,1 will he held at the VanSfefcle boH^c, •lintriet No. *1, Kitgh" Hon**, diniriet No.

' l.tiardner huSdIna. dwtriet No. *i. im Mttadar, March 1». A. I). IMIMi. nt wbkSi time the lollo«iilia otfkwm am to lm«4««t- *d, Yiz, Dae {Wi nfdiat. oae --lerlr. om- tmawnr**r, three tninte*w twti .veam, aa«i

Tfie iHtlU of *aid elnrtinn will be ofi*n*d j ' at 7 o’efonk a. m., and will r**maio open •I ontil r* ***Honk of natd day ol *4*et«aa.

My order of the Villa** HnnrrI <S Kler- t tkm Hnlna tbk* 2Rtb <la.r ofI Kebroary, iMPti. M. Mr|)o>Ai.i».


g Clipper Special Chain Whoein

IOrrnt i:jo Rachig Whnelx,275 World’s Records.

I Ideal HIcycins. the best Stu J Bicycle ever sold in St. John*

BICYCLESBicycles AoM oti Instailfneniti

-35-Cbatn WtmrtA W*atat m liacbonoe

Iw CI.IPPPR CbnMit*n ntevetw.

«.«. PiuNien.PMOTtMMtAPfien,

J* CNatew Avmmm. M. .t*lin«.

•MISS MAVAIi; U.\I.\10.N.S.-"I-lt \Nn

rp It vw •»% % I I' k t :«i\

V <>!• • * I i n H*V*M I*

M. J«

March J4. one mMe north of Sbera ond nebcMtl boon* In Dmmbnsb; Hiiwwa.

I oow, Isiaiy, plow, rniti-' Ywtfir. boh nIsiBbn. pines of whst on gmwnd. bnsldsn bonnsbold gnodn nod i

I other thimp tn annw rnnn to mration.; TWma thsnr mnalhs thas on good «a- ]

I thak Mnonakwnnh. AneU^a^ ’p.^'^^ i

If .von want nomethintr new in t'arpets. Huen. LinoiMMn*. .Maftiaas. f'nrtNian. t'artaiii P.ile* .ir Window Sbailsa. nail at

Jnnx Hitk**'.Boy .Yonrshfl*** of Wonuat'ppd Tnoap.

lairbtning I’oaltl? Food luakea ynar hewn lay natl eamn ebieken ebtifera.

Tiuvn* A BaaKR.

.\ rom|4ete tin* of Imdim’ KM OIoymi in ail new nbndm at Jonx limin’.

Hainan in lUeycies in aew aad nneown band nt P. R. Al.t»nrw’n.

Rwy. J. li. Hsnnitt say* that Mn Isiai WeycInhaaglYea ahnoiatH* pst^

fnet natufartlaa.No ehishna cho'epn aad nieaty ot egui

whmi .Yoa Ind Uahtate PwMtW PoS.TharmA Bsaaa.


BI'MNBM Dwkctosy.

____ ATTOUnBTH.______

LBWIVMTMUDKUI AtUfCwr. I Wwlwr aad MoMctlur. NsptwaHilAUir* ul Um» At-

vonmf'* X»4ioMl «Twartag U<nm». ttl Mtoar •Mila, tiM Mkarv A AlWwMi IJatuf AltoTMjra •ad Baiiliiwi. ttf MMIadalptiU: tW Maad A McMaHjr IJai ul Atiuraar*. ••! <'lilr«gu. aad TAa AtlonMya’ iirtai>ii« mmI itgiTlaii. ul Hmw Yurk. A cortwiMMiAMit la mrwry ruaatx Mat la tAal '■Itad Ufa—. All klada al laiai bailaMa proaiaUy atlaadad tu.

AddtMa Lawla Mavaraarr. Mt. JttAaa MIcli.

SrAVuntmu, mumwom m oocmuim* (Witt uaar Mattaaal Baak.

PAUaWA A WALItailMIB. Atturaajr •t Law. OMMovartVaraar DragHUira.

kkriLL M. MKVMauM.Attonwyat Law,Mt. Julias.

WANTED Scrofula, a VikInherttance.

Enamel and Clean for Summer.

H. U. t*aHNi«.

194MC. I'KNaiM. A. J. Baudwim

iMiKHIMI A HAL.|lWriN, .Alturiupys at I. |,aw sad Hultritura la ('han«ar.r. iwal a*.

tala agent*. r«»a vayaiMr«^and aii»a»r •♦•aarfs.aasoMii-- lUltu. luiy taar*. •avraie [waaloa n« jrra. and taakr rullerHua*. All l»a*laMn prumptly awd aeruratrijr altenaltHl It* illlc* orer llulcbee’* «th'H»*l«»re at .>iu. II i linlua a.eaas, Mt. Jukaa. Mlrklgau.

RlUCt .1. WIMIUKt'I'r, Juatirr ul tha l*f<«M-*-. 4‘arelal attaalluit alien tu all

cuitrrtl 'iii tlMre orrr .%llla»»n'a Jewainry•tara.___ _ __ __ ______

IDWIN H. LYttN, Alturaeyat Law.Mt. Johan.

Enameled Any Color Wanted

And Rxed up to Look Like


HwnftilglAtlianMeknhBti—iaolhteai iMnMm, and te oftw tlw leaalt of lalMeMKi taiat ia Uw Wood. S. & & io Um oalj rMMdj whiali fgao nanagti to raaak BorofulA; it foraeaoni

iiIM that It


Now is the time to get them Come early and be served first at


SH. mMITM. Atl«>nMP.t at l,aw. Ht. Juhta a MIrh. ' '•* «• urnr Hrilara' Haanar._____


Mila. UM. UttUOK. Trarbar ul I'lanu, Ur> gaa. Vucal Munir nad llarmuajr.

I rtMtia* «»mr Mpauldlag'n Har»lwarn.


Da. M. 1*. MUI’AIK. Phvata-lan and Mar.gnua. tlOrr nnraiatl MtHir Olalua Idork. I

Mt. Jnkna. MIrh. i\ rAMt P. MAVKSh. M. I». tiarr t^nr •VXnoWt Itarartf. aturr Mt. Juhaa. itme* hoam; *.» U> II a. tn. nad 'J lu u. ni. 1

M.HtMlTM.l*. I'bjrnlrlai.,.>urg.^u and On .\«*larr I'abiir. oMIrrurar Mr*. M. M'. , lluttiin'a Mllllnary attirr. .N*» 14 niBt«*n Atm- aan. Ilaaldaara ruriiar l^analng nnd Uudgara HI.. Mt. .Itthaa. MIrh. ______/TTLlAM AaLKlimr. rit.irBiriaaaaudMar-

gnuaa oarf nad rraldnarr wrat aid* ul (^art Huanr nquarr. OOrr huara 1 lu A awry^. J. W. HULLAMU. M. U.. 1‘hyatrtM

aotl '•argaita, Mt. Jubaa, MIrh. *>■«• o^mr Hiata Bank.

GE0J.JI _Merchant' Tailor,

Opposite “The Steel”.

All the


EI. MULL Uadnrtaknr. .So. IM atatoa • ATa. KnnldMira JtbtMtataMt. Wnat.


MT. JOll.NH. Mil'll..



albert J. HALIIH'I.N. I'maidnal.«l. PENNELL. Vlra.l‘naMnat.

I*. K. WAldliVtiMTH. Traanarar


State Bank of St. Johns,of St. Jobss. Nichiran.


Capital paid in $50,000.00

PSRTER K. PBSSIS. Presideat. 0.|W. MURGBt. Vice Presideat.

J. W. mZGEltALD, CasSier, S. A, SEEBE. Teller.

Latest Novelties.I mans

CompoundThe Leading Blood Pnrifler

A Reliable Stomach, Liver and Kidney Cure.

Picasant^to the taste.Aak your Dru^lsts for it.

MRYmYATPUlsa tbM^aal aad Wal, Waanlan. ▲

aaan. ataa.. rUM*. ^an.** aW

Mr MM. OlMrlla.wi wllb •analgla.aadlM aaSnMd IgigaMltMn ladrsan bm tor tliran yaan. Iltn baad a^d baMy wnm a HMwn o( aaran. aad bln •yatoght aino Iweaaia adbclnd. No traatianat wan nparnd Uutl wn tbooght woaiti mlinvn bln. tail ba icmw wunw'i onill bin ooiMHiloti wn«Indml pitinidn. I h»«i niBMini dnnpnirad ol Ui. evnr lining earad, when by tbn advlnaol a frtond wn gavn him S. B. M tMwITt'n Mpneiaal. Aria alird Imaroramnnt waa ibn maalt. aad aftnr bn had taJian a dnnati buiilna. nouaa wboknaw of hU (rMianr draodfal coadlttori would ban# raaogaijad bla. All the soma r«o bu oodr havn bnalnd. bln *11111 In pnrfnafir cImf nau MMMHb. aad bn ban bnnu m*u>r«d to pnrfnet bnalUi. Mas. h a. MaaaT.

M» Blrn M.. Manoa. Ito.

For 'real blond tmublaa it i» a wasto of time to Ptppct a rum from the doe- tor*. Blond iliaeaaan are beyond tbeir dull, thrift's Hpecille,

SSS^BIoodreachm all ilr*«>f>-«oaiad ranen which other rcmedic* liaro norffi^^ tipon. ^ in tiic only biorgl mmedy ^uaranliwd ptimly vcio'tablr. and rontuinn no put- a*h. mcn-ury. or other mineral.

BrndiK mailed free to any addre« by Swift Speeido Oo.. Atlanta. Ga.



WasiUngtoa. March A—A gr*at nway bllta of intto Impartaam war* paaaad > by tho noaatn yastarday. haaidaa CImi fortideatloaa appreprlatloa. tka Alaa-' iM reds blU and all tba private paaafen < Mila on tkr calendar. Coafaranca re- | < parlB on th* fcnawa. navy paraanoal > and Mil to mlmbwraaatatan Ibraapanaaa In tka war with Spain ware agreed to.

Tke houaa had a^arnunbla for unan* ; tmauv-rnfMwnt Irglalatlon aad many Mils ware paaeed; alao appropriatlnz money for the HufTalo and Toladn eg. i poaltlana. alao tl.OtO.CM foi a now build. , Ing for the department of Juatlce. Nu : prngreaa wan mad# In the dispute over ^ « the .Vliuragua «iral pm%‘l8lon tn the rl»*er and harbor M'l.

tVaehlngton. Manh 4.—At I a. m. to* day the house and senate were atilt dradlorkert on the rundry civil ard na> \at nppruprtatlon bflln. the difpute nr the latter l>eln* nv<r the nenate'a In* nlnterc- on IMk) a ton for ormor plate. All the othtrgpproprlati,>nblllshadheen |ias*rd. the senate nrally recrdtngni, the .Viraragua canal amendment to the river and harbor hill. Cuugreta wan atlll In neaalon at that hour The usual lively scenea at a night nenalon at the close of < ongren* were enacted

During the night In executive nernion the senate (onflrmed the nominalicnf of Rchley and Mampnnn to he rear ad- mimln. H< hley being put two nuintH-ra ahead of Mampntm

Washington. March C —After an al­most continuous nennion from F’rlday at 11 a m to Raturdav noon the Kifty-

j fifth congress adlourned tine die Hat- I urdgv .Ml the appropriation hills were i fvisaed. the Nicaragua ridfr being at rich, j ei, from I he river and harbor bill, tl.-

onc.aan t«elng provided to investigate the I canal matter, the senate provision for I a Pacitb I able going out of the nundry j fivll. Ih'- iieoMsicn fur re< tartan acho-In I failing In the Oiairlrt of f’oliimbia. and I the senate winning only on the SStNi-a- j ton provision for armor plate In the na­val appropriation—but no baltleahlps can be started until contracts are made for armor plat#.





Is Ite **PeERL£S REMEDr*fcr cottaf aMmanto of,tbs Urngp KUgay*

Saad BMdar, Dtobatoi



C. E. VanSickle

Doctors B. S. & Co.a# kka As

WIU ba at

STra. HOTEL St JolmsTlnirstbjr, Narcb 23, 1899.

si Iwalltwaa mt


\ giHMl ru..<la riiaiMilller haa been iirgaii. Isol Ml lluby. It liaa ral-ed OlWt to aaalal la tiHplag uai the whaHineo.

Ttt f'ure a fold la tSae lta>.Tiike (.rfixMfivM llrrimuQuinineTahleta.

.%ll dniginetM refninl the muaey if it faiU ti» cars*. U.'h*. The Kenuinw haa I.. II. Q. ou Mgrh tablet. TRAVia A Hakeu.

K. II. Ityer. of''tevelaad. will bulbl I be aewm.n.b-r. .f IK- h,.u.. pul Ip , riSi'.ir.riKo-J!'."""-

spare time Friday night and Maturdaymorning singing anything from “Near­er .\ly <lod. to Thee” to "Hot Time In Ihe Old Town", and the senate, holding tn session until past the correct hour of noon, followed the time-honoretl prac­tice of turning the clock back to make the record all right Bal'cy moved I he res­olution of thanks in the speaker in the | lK#use. arcompanying It with a few graceful words, and the speaker replied briefly and feelingly The usual reao

uleanay and nrlag aluag.

Dr. Rall'a t'wagk Nyrwp tor all tkase daw er«»as aHbrilaaa.—aaveee culds. gnpiie.—wbleb Kail aa<l M'iater li la the vreatrat rare for broaeblil* and all Ibruat aad laag aHbriloaa

Feed liue*. of Meauai'aae. was kllleti ras- I ter^av while rtdiag ua an Ice bwat. It was I gulag at a greni rate of speed, aad tbede. I caaswt Ml uff.

UasMsty la lllwwg Deep.f'loan blood inraks a ctoan akin. No

I baaucy without it. CaacurtCa. Caady Catkailutlon of thanks to the president of the ) ‘'‘***‘ ^ ‘‘•W '* ‘**«“.* **>

■timiig up the lagy liver and driving all im- guritiaa frmn Uw bod^-. Begin to^y to

CoQsnltatioQ and Enmliuitions Free and Strictly ConfldentiaJOne Day Only Uacti Mama. tmiee nanr»9 a. m. to 7:30 p. m.

K BBES UnOt OTNEB FMLaad 3cleat;::c Traatmart el AH Ma

■as al Maahlad Peesibla to Gfetaln.

f^StoAoiSarg AtoptodA Ittm-A

senate was adopted In that body, and Hobart made an appropriate reaponae.

Cannon, chairman of the house com­mittee on appropriations. an<l f>ockery. ranking Democrrtlc mem.ber of that committer, agree in a statement that the rntal appropriations of Ihe Ftfiy- rtfth c«,ncreae have been SI.^.^M.OIS, of which HTrsCTA.fbft was appruprlalrd by the second session tif ih«- total amount J4*‘.i..'.<'* 47 was for war purfM *es one way or another.

U aaaa* ia nwlum. laaaaalat. •• **nataffbe Laataw-'sMHr.SvvMa* Had. IJbsss /'•»•naaataeCaaadaal * *.»ltoasa* *** * r.

$4 Per Day Sure Halar> or run mlaaloii fK> r«>u

MTaat hoaorable. steady employmeal the rear ruaad. at giutil wagen. at yoar uwa kosae nr to travel? II eo aaad for oar whole- sale price Hat aad itarrlcalar* Me famlab beat of baak refereacea. Aateriraa Tea Co. Itetmil. MIrh. i4Nn4»





Thursday, March •23rd.T71RO/T, A^/c/f._^ ONE DAY EACH MONTH.' Office

Ta* best bis— la Awsriss ter yeaag awa aad aasasa t* asrare e toanaas lUlasatla*. Sh»itaaad, •aabeatsal lireviaw er hMMaaaalur. Tb*ra*ga mf*- taaaef srteal lieatsaai Saaaiaw aaura raer. Stadeata •aata aer Man. iWSStngaa S'rea. Madseaaaa. eU Uatrott W. r. JEWalX, IVaa. I‘. U.aPEXCEIl,aae.

Three par ceol iMlerrwl pgni on certifl- egtew (if (IctMMit and mi agvinip« book ac- cognts. Drafto insiied icocmI id any part of the Fniti'd Htatea or ('anadg and inthe principal ctltaa of Kumpe. .tcvouoto _______of farmer*, tnerrhaate nml inechgoirw iw- |lfnilC|| ||| nn|IDT oeiveti on fuvonibic tcrnis, nod every gr- "UWIall III UUIIu I comcMlgtion exf«*n«ied cousistant with safe baokitiK. Siiiwrior facilitie* for makiag collarttooa of all kind*. gaveee*'^aw ac

loMf Louid on Sieortties.

INRBCTORA:0. W. Nuctr, Qm.F. ■Ervtn. XACorMt,J. H. PkitWE.J. W. ntHBcnUd,

OtD. W.

Jem SttUtYAB, Jems Mcliardmi, Dr. C. B. caeMs, Fomr K» FerrtB Jois J. Kelaer,


Tb>* a.aeraau Wsasasa*. Irrag* >erw* aad awl.aiaai.tarraaa* »(#ar aad beaiaa ** **>■* <>i tiaa * Thay ar* **|AA (*g<H* el waiaabaiid Tatagnsat a< afiaaai mt baa a a raat—y far wm«*i. aaaai.tbaai Caaaet — bsnw-uf- ba row*- * b**s*air ai par baa t*r men. OaM by ^ ml i■on ..............................

Or. WlUlaam* ladlaa Pile It w«n eara Bllad.

leadtaa aad Itahlag IMIri-. liabaorbaihelamora.

bUaym UM iialuag at oaca. aata a paalUae. girea lastaat r» r. Williams'ladtaaPUaOtbt

Honrs from 9 a. m. to 7 p. m.


ilr. Melhinaid for venr* tngdcit study aad speciHity of chronic hou linxrriiiii diacnaew that re<|airc skillful medicaJ trnntmeat for their cun*. Much '-mmm t%m family |»bysirtaB* fail to belfi and pro-aooDceito'arableare par ticubiHy Ntilieitadeapanali.v thuae over-doani with atronn ■Eikaral dmita nnd iMuaona |lr. Mc­Donald uaea oaly the luirrat tmalirtnaa root tbc ve|petabb> kiiij^oni. lie (lay* attention to the canae of the diaagac aad laatnicta hia iiatienta the way to healtli and hapiMueaa. Dr. McDoaald nau show haodredb of teatimoniala in the band- writinff of ffratafnl uaiieota who have

Oreal Fire aa«l Ism. of One l.lfr.W. St Point. Mias Marrh 7 Nearly

j MdO-tiSP worth of pmiwriy was destroyed j hy tire ben- vesterday. The .Marylfnlme* I college, gn Industrial achooi for colored I girls, burned In the morning and in the afternoon the cotton press, shed. etc., together with a large amount of cotton were destrr.ycd The lose at the semi­nary Bre was Mr>.fM0. and at the cotton press tSOv.OOO It. C Mrltonlel In at­tempting to obtain some papers from hia ufllce waa caught In the blase and burned to death.

Teat Rnuatl ISraw al Iwaiaaapnlls.Indlanapulla. March 7.—Paddy Pur-

Ul. an Kngltsb middleweight, and Jim Watts 11 - ulnrcd middleweight, fought a ten round draw at'tke Empire th-a're Iasi night

iv. Iluiah pinplaa. boUs, Uoteksa, biackheads,

sad that awklv btitous ('omplaxioo by *almn CAscarets,—liaaaty for ten cents All drug- ■M4. sauaiaclton guaranteed, lOr, aSc.dHc.

Kalaaiasuu will haven sew hot I uppo- alia I be Mlrltlaan I'eatral aiatlua It will rusi Htwi.iMMi aad be a hammer. The mitaey has iWii raan*l.

Hr. Hairs t'aaab eyrwp. ika people's In i friend, lias liaen In wee o»rr fifty year*. It

cares the aevereat nErclioaauf rhe thrual nad ' lauga. aaeh <ia bmnehttls grippe, laryngtrl*. nnd ladpleiit coasumpllua. I'rte.- unlv ‘2.1 t-vala n iHdllr

wtdair aad tovfmMr knaasa BpaatolM ki tka • Shill and onlvaranl Boeeam In tka tomxt

rotted toalm His loan sgalMs shill and ontvannl Boeesaa In tka tomtxt kuspitoM to Use arorld^aaaMM

Mnato trantnUi'lltloNIQ NBRVOUM. HKIN aad BUxiU Itfraam npoa tkn la«aa* satoa- Inelptoa and ooutlaa ktm tottoa foU eaafldaaas of the afBletad •verywhsee.

bns noaapcrlor In dtodanamg aswl trsartne disensss nod da Jprmltlaa. Medleal otal Harriett Dtasaacr .\cuunad rkroatr

I prinetptoa and ooutlaa 1)M. OTTIVIAN

^suHTk, Otoaaam or tkr- Wta Her. Nnasi, Tbraat mini Lorr*. Itoapriviu. !ir:akt‘a niaaaaa !)tnhe«aa. KMaay, Liver. Wnddar. Ctiroule Faaaalo aad Baznal Utmnie* r.peedlly eored toy I real maal that has never fhllad In ttoousauds ol ensm ttooi tond heeti | n.ooonead tor roadHope. Many psopla mast deaUi ever* year wt» migkt Iwva keen r—lotod to pal toe t kaaltk bad they plaoM thair aaaaa to ttot liaada of axparta_ BWOSIXAHT TO YtAHYHS -Dl!. OTTMAN, aflat yaarsotaaf tka grsstsatoMatoaasrnfer all dlsmaii pacaltar tothai * ttonewp ----------------------------sa new rsaMdy, OUW tarmtom aad essiiy aMiiod

OmtAM OThe cart is edectad

mrs oi aansrtaact. bna aiacoTefad Feou'e dloaaam r<oalllvafv n rad tad to* l.eaierreatineat. Eciiraly

It. N A M. L. I'nrahall Mllliag I'o. hsa aoheal |ierfiilan|oti ul ow4Ma«i lu ilnai Ihe liter Inurderiu farllitaie it In the ruadiirtlng of uf Its tiwsln«aa.

I ** I aiiffcml lurmoiithafrouiaorvthruot. j Kchvtnc nil '-(irwd me in tweniy-fourj

' iiuiir*.' .M. H. flint, Haweavilic, Ky.1 ----------- _( It la rttniumlin Ann Arbor that there are I several itaniea at work oa a arhenic lu balld nauther cleritir road to lieiruit. laiurma-

' tioa. however. Is very vngae.

operates escceMlallv aac palalessty for <*|«iat eyas, pteryyiam. iridct tomy, tarsias !■ or oat of eye laahe* or lids, dosareof tsar dact aad all other eyaoprra- ttoa*.

cnomc SOBB BTBS aad rvaaa-laiad Ildsaaickly cared.

A cmmTjom Atn> postrtb ctthbtor the awfot edret* of oarlv vice aad the nn.-tieroo* evils that fnllaw la its traia.

nUTATS blood and skin DISBAOW smadily. compistely aad per- ouiaeailT cared.

rnnkwoDS vmmxxtrrr and bbx-t/At, WSOHDBBS yisld rapidly to hta skilllsl trastment.

aao Btrsctlv CostSdcntfal. IBAFNBSS. 1 cere n per rent, of alt

Free Strtctl]

anv r.ite*-rerr-d If. rre triatn-rat. OXaCSABOZNC Z:aBS ccrcU in every

camCATABBB or TUB N08N. brrrrhitls

aad lanr irnahws csaaad froai catutU, posi­tively enrod.


A SURE CURE. *1^ awfatedectsof early

rzSTOXad AND BBCTAD)body, with all iu di

rsiroytaijwadlal ilia, pars ■tly

THS HABUTS.Chicago Orala aad Frodaee.

Chicago, t.Folowlng were the quotatione on the

Board of Trade today:

■ " raaattsprapatna tor Pliaagadluk-1 O' ffraiaiai uaileotg lag of ttoa privase paeta Kvery bas la | baao cared by him wkaa o

'^'■»w**«d. Uy dmgglala. t»y mall on ra-1 lln u ao familiar with iIm. hn •sfeMd^wSsiTcSr***^*^ dl.aa. NBiJiHg i **

C. R. VanSickle. Ht('let

Johns, MiehiBan.

11. imiiiii ft H.Both Tubular and Sn

human ayataai that he in ahb* to read all diaeanea of tha ■iad or body correetlj at a slaaen with- oat aakinfc aai <|oaatooBa. Thuaaaada

I of invalids aiw bainn trnatad daily for di- anaam that thay do not have, while a faw drops of medictaa direrted to tha aaat of the diaaaar would nivc spa^y re­lief, aad permaaaat cure in a rmry airnTt

I thae. (iiKMf haalth is the moat praMnuaI in the I'rotau of With It

[INDERTAKERS, paired by Kimball'& Love, successor to F. C. Youns^.

»inR STITE m SPRIK STHEtTS Addrvs. C. L. Kimball.Riley.


lH.Johiia, Mich


'toi waaiema IhnveaMaa glaaeaat to laSe sod at leal wts Mam tailaa them, mt •jm mt eomaiealaa has Na-

■ed am a tealy vesftai •••bad far a mmtimtmmham roaad it (a < asm

madoetotir aad Mas. saujsli I feel wash batsar Is

aatoam Lvttmii ^

of bappiiworld ia brifiht; without it

'XSXcb amw^.e4.*v ^ cfaium UB for bar owu. If you are a oaf.I 116 inAQ6 AflU r6* ' should waiBh wall thaaa worda:

i A parnoa who naBkv tn bln bnaltb in wroaic to biatnMf aad a

rve luiary to humaaity. The name of MeDonald. the wnfl-kaown npaeiallst

in the cure of chronic aad linyriiig dla- eonne, han bneonae a honaahold word ia thouaaada of hooMn wWch bin nktll aad wonderful remedian have made happy by rratortuft dear nnan to health after all bopnn were loot. The doctor in a Bradq- ate of the hiithent ami bent mndHeal col- Itgiw*. -umI hU advanend thenrww in thn treatment of chronic dineanen nurptine the rainnt nkeptical. .\|| chronic dinaanns of the


and Ht>WRl>4dciaatiBcaJly aad namaafuHy treated

Dr. McDoaald han made a npedal at of ail deflrate aad nhorure d hkr tn womaa.

Ih*. McDonald's Hpaalal Ramndton are a iiennaaeat care for taao noBarla« from narvoas and nnsaal debility aad early daeay. Hhaomatir aad paralytic erfp- pieniakde to walk; <(atafTlMil daafnmn poaiDvefy cared aad many OMMle to hear a whiapar la a very tow lainutas. All aahen aad paiaa lade array under hia laaitieai rami dir n. Dpiiapny or talliaB aiehaaan imaitfveiy cured tbroafth thin new method of tiwatmaat. Haarial at* tentioB given tn catarrh aad dlnaanm of the blood.

Those uaabic to oall write for qaen- tioa blaak. Ilnadrnde rarad lorrea

Wheat— open High. Low. CloaaMa> .......... .1 71H 1 .TXhfc t .71V 1July ..............

I'om—May ..............

. .70S

. .Mix







.MJuly ..............Heplember . 27H •MS

Oats—March ........... .stHIMay .............. . .» .2t .T7%July .............. .!« .M ■WK.

Pork—May ............ . t.3S 0.XS •.»4July .............. . 9.M »M ».40 »4tH

laird—May .............. vhh S.37W S-HHJuly .............. . &.4TH &.M i.U MTV.gaptember .

Shori Rika-II57H S«XH ACTH km

May .............. 4.nH 4.nH 4.7m inJuly .............. 4JTH 4.tTW 4.IXH 4M jHaptemher . 4.f7H S.M 4.M LOO 1

Proiluce; Rutter — Kxtm cranmer-

T«> Car* t tMMilnatm*. Favwver.Take i'.»ai-uieU •';xwiv'..^aUMritc lUcortto.

tf C. C. C. fall 10 cur«, druggiMa rrtaau ntooev

i-'r. E' Kla. uf iVystal Kalla, baa been ap. iMilaieU adminlairator uf tbedbK**. (M the iatr IIMiuii N'ertin. by ArehMshop Katser. (lain Ihr Sew IMahup Is a|ipolnt#.l hy the |Mi|a-

liuildn Ufi the aysteni, )MitH pun*, rtch IiIimhI mi tiH- veins; mnkew men and wom­en Nin.iig nnd healthy—Hnrdock lllood Hitter*. .\t iiuy drug store.

Miser* al lahpemlag beM a maa* meeilag Halur<fa> alaht aad <terl<led to demaad aa Inrreaae t»f Ifl (ler rest In wage*, therhange to lake efferi withia five <lay*> They mayslrikr.

kml Tshaers hpH and Nmak* Ymr IJk Away.To quit totanceo oasllr aad feravar. ba mag

Mile, tall of Itta. nerve aad vigor, take No-To- Itoc. tha woadsrworker, that make* waak men streag. All drnggfsta. Me or91. Caragwnraa- load Booklet and aampla free. Addrsm Marltag Hamady On, Chleago or New Yark.

Marahall Urey, of I'onataatlae. bae been having tmnMr with n trane4eni wumna. who ia decidedly demented. Hke enye her name I* Flunmrr and thnt'e atooai lUI she know* of berwelf.

In the Npring the huasau body iieada aatontnnee to throw off thn aUuttoaUoti prodarnd by wiatnr dint. An the tampnr-

and eol

DDClHM gaaraataad carad withaat pauideteatlua Irnai Im.tnrm.•mnLzs. ooNOBBVBA, ounnr,haensatorrhaa. tommAi Wankaem. Lost Mashaad. Might Bmlasiosa, Dacayed Facal- ttoa. Femals Weakams sod all delicato dla- ordats mesliar to either eea. poailirely cared, as well aa fnactional dlaerdera that reaalt from yeathfal folUm ar tbs ax cam of matersjgIfB

arBCXALTZaSt CatarrkMia Diseases.Here*. I*iaipie» Scrofala. Blood Taiats.Lctema. Caocer. Fitosaad Ibsanamof Women pexklr aad Perawsaatly Carad by ttoa latest approved ireatomat as paraaad by leading apecialisi* of Aaserica an,i Rarope.

r&BR BZAHXNATXON OF THB tmXNB. Eachpe meat eboald send or bring f root J to 4 oaaces of eriae (that

DR. OTTMAN iT'Tr. “Tthemselres by improper iadalgeacs

litary habits, whica rnla both mind aad body. nalHuag tham far hasiams. stady,society er marriage.

MARRIRP MEN. or thorn eeteriog on that happy life, aware of pkyalcal debdity, qaickiv as*Uied.

WB OUABANTBS TO CCTmNrrvoaa Ttobiliiy. Faillag Manhood. Hypbllls. Varies ceto, Stricinr*. Uleei. Ilaaataral Diwhargaa Weak Parta aad all Kidney aad Ula^er Dlaenaes.

OFcases and correspoadrareconddantlaLhot personal coaaaltattoo prrirrrad.

appiyiar for nwdlcal trrat- I ffrat in th* mormag per-

I aad microscopical osamioaiioa, aad il reqaeeted raiaod in haalth hy nstoaraed pestsadrrs. a ho

■Ik, giving pmaonoaa aad in|nrtonacompannds. skoaid

frrrndl. which will receive acarefnlrheaucal aad micro s'Wrltteri analysis will ba gives. Per

I irifliac with them asanth after m»mt Immediately, lie lays are danger

PllOk'C Prrfeetad is old caeas which have haaa neglected or neshilltally . IMIRLu treated. Noeaneriowat* ar failaraa. Psrtma traaied hr mai

mauMaan, tost whaca psaa4hl«. peraaasl coaaaluitoa is prafsrrsd. Carshto caaaa gaaraataad M*(kHm and larrmpanilioce eanBdsattol. Traatmaat oast C. O. P. ta aay part of U. &

Ltol of IMO gneatluno free, .\ddreee with fKietage.

DOCTORS B. S. & COMPANY.Private Box t6o. .'luKkogon, Michlgop.



>!:'«%, aertjgs Jr... oitm oeaeneaTtea. —

•t aaalty rvaaneS k, reNesaSs. wM reane* m to m hoatMla to ma aos* Vi ■ laWtoii tor theg»**to ef arsis 1 aad U sto. yet *oaeaepl*d laaaa

•Stsae Cr^^SauasaSlao rtoveveasaa

FitefKr—kfitOitoeverr mat* *<< baas mt m ImmAtf

■avtag*to ma<

poudnnneI'rMHmltHf•depsaamer far MS* to < f'«MMkltHtb>ii ffwn ami atrtokly rnufldaHt-

ta* havtan seUMtoi ea- I ^ - «-«-aefT tosaeua MtovasMiaa 1


WeiiiM^ noteflfwidlUpMi MM

ten. itHOlbr per tb: extra dairtaa. 17e: fresh packing stock. 1191tr BIf Fresh slock. Ibr par dauan Draaaad Poultry—Turkeys. Mile par lb; ebtek- eas. HtoVyc; duclm. liPti; gasne. Mtc. Potnioaa—Cowimon to choice. U#Mr par bu Rweet Potnteaa llllnoto. t>.0< par bbl. Apples—Common to fnacy, O 0gO4 SO par bbl Cmnbarrlaa-Wla- cousin ball and bugle, M 6M7.00

Hogs—BatImnied rccelpu for the day, tt,000; sales ranged nt tX.IMX.M for pigs. tt.tML7t for light. torrough packing. |X.CgftX it tor mixed, aad tS.MOX U for heavy packing aad ship­ping Iota Cattle—Katlnsated receipts for the day. IX.OtO; quotations ranged nt ' SLIMS *!> (biMce to extra alaars. 14.7M S.SS good to choice do.. tl.SOtPI OS for fair to good. SJ.kM4 41 common to medium do.. IS.7M4-10 htticbera' steara. tl.lM S.40 fed western steers. tS.IMI SO feed- - Ing staern. I1.7M4<10 cows. t7.0M4.70 halfera. tX 7M4 W hulls; nxan and slags tX 4004 M Texas steers, and M.OM* veal calves Rheep and latmbn—Rail- 1 mated recetpts for Ibe day, II.OW; quo- | tntlons ranged at SIXMI SO westerns. It 9M4 U natives, nnd 14 0M4 M lambs

Mllwaatsaa Oento.Wheat—lamer; No. 1 nortkem. TXc; j

No. s northern. 7M70Mc. Onto—Lower; | 29IMMi4c. Rye—Stsudy; No. 1. t7c |

Barley—Dull; No S. Sto; sample. 44H •Mr

M. Leals Oraia.■t Loula. March 1 ,

Wheal—Lower; No S rod coah elova- tor. Tie, track. 74c; May. TSHMTMhc; July. 4n*9i»c asked; No. S bord 4M •hr. Com—Lower; No. t cook. b4d: ; track. MHc: May. n%c: J«tF. MHc. ; nate—Lower; No. t ruok. Me; track, •

May. SMc; Nu. t while, ZIM •S1%c Rye—Firm; Wc.

Dairal* Ovnia.__ Detroit. March AWheat—Caok white, fiwe; red. 74Me:

May. 7Mhc asked; July. TIr ashed.—Cast*. Me. Quto—While. tlHc.Cr.

sun a ray*. w« low in apirila.gWi aad f«

feel tirnd. half aiek and hoonuae the blood io slug-

full of impurities. I>r. J. H. M^ lama'* HtreuBthaning I'onttul aad Blood FnrHtor in a reMabte apring remady to in- vignrule thn bioud a^ give tone to the digeatioo. Price ftfh* aud $1 a bottle.

i^tmmtoalna* have been leaned at LamMagtu the rotlowlag uOcera of fto, K., meond in- taniry: f'apialn. Waller Harlow Rest Hen- fenani, Juan Mtrentsar, aemnd lleuieaant. K A. Mtrleher.

No Tw>ltoe rse kirty OaaSa Onaranmad tenacco hnkii ence. makai wank

Sana Btroag. bioml para. Me.ll AlldraggiamThe K. O. T. M.. of Hartlagtoa. have Nan

holding a msmb»r*ht|i rcMi mt tor a lew day* pa*t. dniiag which they oeenred .Mi new Btomtwf* The tuwn dnlms bni Mftoinhahl- laaia aad the K. n. T. M. hna neaiir 14u

Naa* mt All. jToeieaaae thn nyntwn in a gentle and;

truly henefkial mnuuer. when the ngrtng- time eoanna, ooe the true and psHent rum- ndy. Hvrup of Klgn. Hu.v the geuuiuo.' Munuinctured hr the OnllInnMn FlgRjrr- up Do. oulj, aud forunie hy nU druggiiotg, nt 50 emrtn par bottle.


worn out by the ynek and YYorry of busy life, Rnd new vbn and vftalHy by using Dr. A. W. Chate's Nerve and Blood PNb.Nervous lisprmsum and Hs arrnmpuuyM

IHs. nrrvons dyspapms. heads rhe. deeplsasnsm aad even insamty. rewdt (ram Una. waicvy blood aitd aa fmpnvrruhml nrreaiM system.

Tbe genial, good-aatnrvd Imamam man whs dooa not worry over Ns agavt, hat works awny accomplisbing grrat things m the Imsiaass way. Is the man mth rscli tdood m Ins vatos. ami strong, hsnkhv nrries.

Dr. A W. Umss s Nerve ami Rtoad nPs are a food for aervns and fakaal. Thev cmmmtm all Ihe plrmiiiit netvMarv for pmdaaim new neh Wood and heakhy nerve tisaar.

Dr. A. W, Ckase % Verve aad Hlood PMa nw a boon to nervons banasm men saPwing fown any dwanir artsiag from impovurMlM blond aad worn oat nerves.

They gH at tbe very raase of disease hr kn- partmg a Wreagtheatag aad restaraHva mia- aace thraagb Ibe msdiam (d Urn aarvom aysmm to every argaa o4 tbe body, aad by aaading ftob. pare hraod. fWad wnh lifo-givuig oovueti. toibarsmosasi patwof tkasyamm.

The Largest Display of

Granlt cand Marble Aonoments, Tablets, Markers, EtcMny be amm nt MITRIMJCK'H over brought to Ht. Johno. Got the othor IMmler'a

nrirmi Iheo como and ooe bow much you enn unve by bn.ving of mo. PHom ami Wnrkmnnahip (iunmnteed.

F*RED F. MUfUDOCK, St. JoiixiB, Micliigfazi.Of>f*ouirTK 'Thic PomToineioB;.


VICK’SEEDSBaiba and Plants have gone to thoasandv of sattsiwd enstomer* for half

a century, snd to celclealc tbe /’•fXh yenr in tsMincto, wc hnvu issnad a special Golden Wedding Edgian of

Vick’s Carden and Floral Guidewhich ia a work at art. 'J4 pages Ikhagrsphcl in colart, 4 {uges snovemr. nenrlv IflO pages filled with handsome half-tone illastnurans of Klnwerx, Vegetables. Plants, Fruhs. etc., deunmly hound in white and gold. A marvel in catalogue makiug; aa suthority on alt subferts nartatning to the garden, with care for the Muna, and a dascriptita <u<alogua of all that is dcsimbla. It is too expansive to give away indk- cnminataly. but wa want averywna intetuatori in a good . .u to Imve a copy, iharafime Yy^fltrNW lIWl ff9nH fllHltP mm

nUB BILL fnr an nuf woetto gjjyt foe 10 corns; ThSiCiwcrndttigglFMifbrfWaiaotaitof parehkautobMollMr

¥lofc*« Ltttt# C«fW Cf kMtM. A perfect Iktiagem of aprice list. It iatomply the 4'mide condensed. fiaiaifillnsttnMd. and ia FREEhandy shape, makmg it oonvament and vainnhle for ratorancc.

Vlok*B lllUfltratMl Mofttllly IVlMinsinM, mtarged, impxosad.and ap to date <wi all sabyactv reisimg to imrdantng. Ilorticaltnre, ato. Keg- aiar tkicc Afi reoiv a yuar. flpgetel IBM oihr the far («a yam•ml Viek'g Onnlgn nad Plonl Ouido for onlv 3S cSST^

On Nnw Finn of gulUag Yipitehlii Bggdg gWgg jtm man fbr jobt mtmof thnB gap o*knr gggd bow* tai ftnmirR

James Vicks Sons:a N. T.



, *

(Wanna kuvnapm gbon^

chaptbb me UATB.

Bvt in another niamcot atMWaa bask, her dilated and her whole prraon ' hn-athiuK imt a terrible porpuae

**!>> not look at me, do not notiee tut*. ” *>b4< cTttd, bat in a vaion mt inmrm‘ no ua«« but Mr. lirrre t'oold fnlly un* di'ivtautl her. “I ant for no noe’Herni hut tt«id'a Pray that hi- may liave mer- <7 upon roe.” Then lui Mb** mow un all inatinrtiTrly fall book nhe <-oatrulleii . herM-lf. and. {xiintiUK toward M«>ther Jane'o ixittam*. ■*um1 umwi’ diMinctly: “Am for tboai- nii-u, let tbi-ro di|{. L»t them dig tbi< whole day baig. .^eerecy ia for OM, a nwrrcy au abaolnte that not •freo the birda of tlH> air moat aee that oar tboughta rauite heyioid the 4U mda ' r-nmiandiug Mother Joue'a cottage.” I

She tnm^ and would have fled away for the aeciaid time. Imt Mr. (iryre Mop­ped lier. “Yon have aet youiwlf a taak lieyood yoor atreuxtb. < 'an von iierfomi it!”

”I can perform it," abe aaid. “if La>- reen does not talk, awl 1 am allowed to weep my teara alone. “

“But”— I had never seen Mr. Wryrt* ao aftitat«<d—no, uot when be left Olive Bandolpira (ledaidi- after an hoar of vain pltviditig. “Hut tiiwait all day! la it neceeaury for you to wait all dayV

“It ia n*<rvMBiry.“ Hbe apidte like tui antoiimtiai. “Toaixbtat twiliitht, when tb4‘ «an la aettiux. *t tbi* xriwt tree jnat before- th<* naul tnmK Not a iuin''‘e MKtm-r, not an b<mr later. 1 will bi* culmer then." Awl waiting now for nothing, not for a wi^nl frtmi ora detaiuing toorh from Mr. (I'ryce, she flew away fur th«> Heetiod time. This tinn- lA>r«*en followeil her.

“Well, tliat ia the hard* M thing 1 ever iuul to do,” said Ml. (iryiv. wip­ing his forehewi ami s|N-akiug in a tone of riwl grief awl anxiety. “Do you think her delicate frame can stand it': Will site aurvive this day awl cany throiigli wlialever it la she has eet iier- self to uix-omplish '”

“hie lias no <irganie diMaiM-, “ saitl 1. “hut she lovtvl that vomiig man very much, and the day will la* a t«-mtde one to her.”

Mr. (iryce aigla^d“1 wiah I bad not lieen obliged to rw

sort to aouh meana” aaid hi*, “hat women like that only work mider e»- ritenunt. and ahe doea know the aren't of thia affair. “

“Do you ninro." I demanded, almoat aghaat. “that yon liave di-ceived her with a falae telegram; that that slip of pa|M*r you hold"—

“Reail it." he rrieil. holding it uot towanl me.

1 did read it. Alas, there was w> de I'epSioo in it. It was bona fide and read very mnrh aa he hail aaid it did.

“However”— I U-gan.But he bad porketeit the telegram

owl waa aeveral steps away before 1 bad got any farther.

”1 am going to atart theaa nwti np. ” aaid he. ”Yna will breathe w> word to Miaa Kuollya of my sympathy nor let roar own interest alack in thi* inveati- gatioua which an- going tsi under oar nooea. ”

And with a quirk, aharp bow lie made hia way to the gate, whither 1 followed him in time to aee him aet hia foot apou a |wtch of nawmary.

“Yon will begin at tbia plan-.” be cried, “nud work eaat, and. gi-ntlemeit. sncnetbiDg tells me tliut we will la< ane- ceaafol. ”

W’itb almost a sunultaneoaa eonnd a dOBcii spadea and pn-ka stmek the gimiiMl. Thodigging up of Mother Jawi'a garden bail liegnu in i-arm at.

1 staid about that gate most of the day. If 1 moved away, 1 iroagimvl that Mr. tiryee wau aneuay and wanteil me back nnder bis eye. aa Lon-ltu was inviaitile and Lun-en in a atraimil and anxiona mood. I followed the example at many of tbe other villagem who bad veotnrM into tbe lane for tbe ftrat time in oMintha. and now aSont watching ev­ery abovelfttl of enrth that was thniwu ont. diaappoiniing tb«- tank bad ba^ come aa hoar after boor pasaad wtthont any diamvery.

Along toward noon I had a diverstnn if tin- n-at liad wit, Mr. Tnihni eami- ndiog up in hia liugg^*. and Momowlutt later in the day Deacon Hpear eaiw boldly npisi th«' field, tbiaigh none tiai near oar gate, at which Harann aat growling. TIh- talk 1 had with Mr. TVnhw waaof aileliiwteinatan-. not liear- ing repetition, bat the few curt wnrda 1 exchaiigeii with Di-aion Hpenr may amoae thi-reodi r or at li-aat aatiafy aome at my |K>>jd friends that 1 am not mi given over to vanity aa tu bu miaiul tiy every paaaing nimpliwent a wau may pay iw-.

He was. aa I waa saving, drawn np on thu opposite aide id the rraMl. bat when be saw lae be made a very low bow owl sidled a step forwanl. This made me draw myself ap a bit, thongh 1 had no idea what waa roming. He seemed to take that for an invitation, for, pointing tawani Harami. he aohod it the dog waa quiet, and whan I in a anpertor way answered that be wae aa quiet as a iamb be edged op to whare I was standing and ahsapiahly bald ont his band.

”1 have been thinking. ” be drawled, ”that it waa isUy nsAgbbarly tar ma to call npan yon, Miaa Oallerwurth. Bntthis HnMnasa wbieb has oeenpiad tbe lane theoB last few dnys haa pat aa all into oaoh a anwd at mipleaaantaaaa that thaw waa ao aae at trying aoeiaMllty

Bis1 and aa twMkUag. ihni

auipMSfer WillhnB’s hak 1 mM nalM

”rm no lady’s man”—thase were tbe next wosds I beard-"bat, then. I jadge, yon’ie not in for flatcerv- and all that ki^ of thing yooroalf. Ho wiw I've 'got the eiuuice. I'll jnat say the; tbtng I’ve got <ai my tongue to my. Mias Botti-TMoiih. I’i:i ‘tit uiid I have, been a Widower two yi-ara. f iii not fir- j ted for u aolilury life, uud 1 uiii flttiil; for a i omfortablo life with uu affei titai-: ..te wife to keep ii:y bit,rtli swept diuti uiiil n y own ufTei tn.UH iu giaid working order. W.Jl you be that wife': 1 have a w-at (ottagi “—

“Yea.” said 1. “iu Lott Man’alane." “Oh." hi exrlaimiil. “yoa do uot

like I ilia phu** : Well, we iviuld go elae- where. 1 am nut set ugaiuat the city iiiyaalf"-

"Nor against the ivanfortable little twume MumebiMiv lias told yon 1 pos- aeasid," eriid L “1 aee yoor diatutereat* eduesk. but I should be aorry tu profit by it. Why, mau. I never apoki- to yon before lu my life, awi ilo yon think''—

“t)h.“ said he. “I are yon are not above fiatteTT and tbuae things. Well, madam, 1 kuim- atremeuduoa flue wom­an wbeu I see her without talking away a tioaeu evenings isi pulitiivt, religicu awl what uot. 1 don't w-tvl to know any won* ubont yon than I «tui take iu wiUi my two eyes, but if you would like a little unve aniuaintaw-e with me. why,1 i-au wait u ooaple of weeks till we’ve mbbeti tbe edgiw a little off of onr straugrneas. when”-

“When yon think I will be so ehann- ell with Deai-isi Spear that 1 will be really to settle down witli him iu Ixiat Man's lane, or if that will wK do <«rry him off to (imiuerry* |nrk. wlien* be will is* tbe udinirutiuii of all New York ami Hnsiklyii to lM>at. Why. man, if 1 was Ml easily mtislkd as that I would not In* III a poaitiou tislay for you to liouor iiie witb Ibis pni}s>sal. 1 .iin not easy to suit, so 1 uilvimt you to turn yi ur ntteiitiiMi to M>ine one iniicii more anxious to In* marrieil than I ;uii. tnat not I < fnn* this mystery is m ttleil in l^iist Man's lane. If yeu wen- uu iiotieai man, you would ask no one to siior* your fortunes while any cli.uil rests upiu your hmior. “

“.My lionor' .Mudain, U- i-an-ful. 1 admin-you. but''—

“No iifT'eiiM-," -mid 1. “For u at ran- gi-r 1 lia\e {n-rbaps iwlulgeil in u little fn-tdoin. 1 only iinati that anyone who livi*s IU this law- must fiel tiiat tin- shadow wbicii einelops it n*ats also a little u|iau him When that la lifted, each utte will fei-l liiiiisi*lf a man again. From iiidiiwtiotis yioider that day nmy not he fur away. Motbiv Jam- is a like­ly Mium* fur sw-b a mystery. Hhe knowsjnat little enemgb to have uo proper idea of the valne of a hnmaii life. ”

“Madam." mid Ibwcmi Spear, ^ have uot that much interest in what la geing on over there.” Here he snapp*il hia tlngem. “If men have becu killed iu tbia lam*—which I iki not balieve ■he uev-er had no lumd in it. What I think ia that it'a all a coincidence Kacb ami every perauti who has iliaap pean-il lias ilimppcansl iiatnmlly. No lan- liaa been killivl. That la my theory, mailain, and you will tinil it <*orrect. On this point I have exjieudid mneb tbonght.”

1 waa irate: I waa also dnnifouutied at hia aodaeity. Dili In* think I was the woman to awallow that: Bnt I ohui my lipa tight lest 1 should my some­thing. and In*, not tinding that agn>i>ahle, beingiioconM-rmtioiialiat liimaalf. drew off nfti*r awhile with some pompous ex- prrssioci of hoping to sei- me ogam after ilia buoor was cleared up iu my very pnrticnlar i*yi*«.

It waa the serrAfl pmpnml I bad re- reivivl that day, imt the tlrat—well, I did not oci'apt that either, thoogb my declination wraa a little kinder than the i«»e I thooghl beat to inflict upon Deacon .'4pear.

A ihiT of nnparallelnl anxiety broken by amb epiaudea as tbeei*!


At b o'clock tbe diggers began to go home. Nothing hati barn found, and Um* excitcroentnf march which liad animat­ed them iwrly iu the day had given placi* to a dull n*si*ntnient mamly di­rected towanl the Kiiollya. if am* conld jnilgi* of ihaae men's feelings hr the benvy scowls .iml significant geatnree wiU) which they pataatl ita lirokan down gateway.

By N the last man had filed by, lenv- ing Mr. OrTi*e free for th** work which lay lief life him.

1 luiil retired long hefon* this to my room, when* 1 awaited the laair set Lncetta with a favenah imimtienoi* quite new to tm* As iiooe of oa coaki eat. tbi* sapper table liail not besn laid, ami ihoogh 1 liad iki imwas of knowing what waa in store for on thi* somber M* lener ami •ippieasiiai under which the whole hoosi* lay ■e«*nied a fsirtoat that was by no means enenaraging.

SnddMily 1 Iward a knock at my door. Hising hastily, I opened it. Lairrati ■load hafnre roe. with parted lipa and tormr in all her lonka

“t'-omet" ake rrtad. “fknne and aae what I have fnond in Lacetin'a mam ”

Aa ahe waa already half way down the hall 1 haotoned to follow her, and in a faw roomanta found nayaelf on the threahoM of the room 1 knew to be La- eatta'a

”8he naada ampromlea.” <«ied La- rean, halting k>"it fanak at roe. “that I woald let her go akaro and that I wnald not enter the highway till an honr aflar ahe hnd laft. Bat altar thki how can we alay ia this IMnaa*” And draffping aw to a taMt. Mro Aewad aro

j toMroaT^ Mad**^

auy to Ltoreea ana to myarit witn tne injonetion cm them that they were not to be rand till aha had boon gena atx boon.

“Sarioosl” I mormiimL “But Mr. Qryea ia with bar.

“No one la with bar. Mr. Oryaa nwyba near, bnt dro haa ...... bartaak alona. Miaa Botterwnrth, 1 have aaver brokon a premioe bofore in all my life, bat 1 aro going to break thia Uaroe, let aa fly to bar. Hhe haa bar lover'a mam cry, bat 1 have nothing in all the world bat her.”

1 iatroedintely tamed, and we haotmi- ad down the otairo. hat at the foot Lo- reeo gave me a look and aaid:

“My preroiro waa not to enter the highway. Woald yoa ba afraid to fol­low roe by another rand—eeeret road— all uvea grown with thiatlee and black­berry Irodroa which have not been trim­med ap for yearaV

I tbonght at my thin ahneo, my neat ollk drrm, hat only to forget them the next mcmcat.

“I will go anywhere,” aaid L “Bnt where, when* baa Looetta gone? la it tu Deaccm Spear'a? If ao”-

Bnt Loreen waaalready too far in ad- vamv’ at me tu aiiawer. She was ynnng. ■he was lithe and was down aa far aa tbe kitchen before I Iuul inaaed the flower parlor. Hat when we hail sped clear of tin- boose I fnnmi that my prog* rem bode fair to be as rapid aa bera. for her agitatiiai waa a bindnuici* to lier, while excitement always brings ont my powers and in'ighti'oa both my wits and my judgment.

< lor way lay past tbe stables, from which I cxprctnl every miunti* to aee two or three dogs jnrop. Bat William, who bod lieen dtarrei-tly sent uat of the woy larly lu the aftemcfiu by thi* two ■iatem. ^d taken Saracen witb him, and puastbly thi* rest, ao oar passing by diotorbiil nothing, nut even ooraaivea The next moment wi* were m u tielfl at pnekers. tbrongli which we Intii stmg- glivl till we ivimi* into a Mirt of swamp. Tliia was laul going, lint wi* tlnmiden^ tbriiogb it. iiiging «*outinnaily aa 1 muld mit bnt sn* toward a distant fence beyiaid which niaa tbe synimetrtcwl lines of an orchard.

“Luncu.” 1 iTieil, “Luri<eti. Iboae an* Mr. Trohm's grotuids! Must we|aua thrnogii Ibi-nir"

“It's tbi- shortest way," she sbonted hack, for oinoug the baniiiiocks of the swamp sill liail got tbi* start of me again.

And, iiuplmsniit an 1 felt this intraniidi to is-, I basii-iicil on. ovi-rtukiug her laici’ nion* jnst os wt- reuctieii u tiny gateway mi cuvereil witli vines that then- w'u.- Ilo iiM-ii for Lmi-ii to say;

“1 do iii.t tieln-i'i- this lias Imivi o|ien- 111 for yi-ars. but it iun*-t be opi-nis( iKtw. “ .\uil,thniw-ing tier young stn-iigtb iigaiiist it, she lnir.-i it through witb ull its vines, .iiid bidiling me «liesteppisl herself ovi r the tniiliiiK braiicin-s .md mail* wiitioiil a wi ni fur tbe w-indiug |Kitli w-e now saw cliurly di-tltieii ou till- i-ilgc of tbe orebani b^ fan* Us

”Ub. “ uxclainieri Ixireeu. flopping

amormd oogple, in ana of whom from that moment 1 mw no longer tbe eonr- mona. kindly comitry gaotlamau. bnt n meuater of veagefnl prnpanaltiea. if not ■omething wane and atlll mute dlabol- icaL

“OogMl” aka backowad, happily too abaorbad in bar own omotlcna to notioa naine. “Latna get nearer. If Mr. lYokm ia the wickod man we foor, thoaa ia no tailing what the meana an which ha oom to gat rid of hia viotima Than wna nothing to ba fonnd in bis honoe, bnt who knows hnt that the danger may ba arannd her now. it was evidently to dan it Mm cama. to offer horself aa a martyr that wa might know”—

“Hnohl” 1 whiapived. ivmtralling my own fann raoaad againat my will by this lUoplay at terror iu thia a anally oalmuat at uatnna. “No danger can monace bar tbere. not wbem they two stand, nalcaa he is a oanunco aaaaaain and carries a pistol”—

“No pistol,” mnrmnied the man who hail cre^ again near laa. “Hiotols make a noiac. He will not use a pistol. ”

“(toadfind!” I whispered. “Youan* not outioipatiug also that it ia in thi- beort of this mau to kill Lncetta?”

“Six atnog men have diaappeareil heraabout,” aaid the fellow, never moving hia eye from tbi* ivaiple befon- ua. “Why not am* weak girl?"

Witli a cry Lurreo ahuled forward. “Umi!” ahe whiaperrd. “Ktm!”

Bot aa this wiiril left her lipa a alight movemi<ut took plai-e iu tbe bMt of trees when* we had been told Mr. Uryce lay iu hiding, owl we conld aee him iaane for a moment into sight with his Anger like that of hia mau laid waniiugly <ai hia lipa. Loreen trambleil and drew bock, seeing which tbe mau beside as iminted to tbe hedge ami whiapanil softly:

“Tbere ia jnat mom between that and tbe fence for a iieracn to pass aidewaya If yon ami this lady want to get nearer to Miaa Knullra. yon might take that rami. Bat Mr. (Jryre will expect yon to lie VI ry quiet. The yonog lady ex­pressly said bi-fort- aht* uami* into thia |ilare that abi- conld ilo nothing if for any rmacn Mr. Trabm ahonld mapect that thev werr* not alone.”

“We will bi* quiet,” I aoanretl him. auxiuna to bide my fan-, which 1 felt twitch at every mentiraiof Mr. Trohin’a mum* liehiml thi* screen hi* thus <iffereil for onr use. Lon-i-n was already behimi till* bi*dgi*.

The i-i-ming was <im* of those which an* inaile for peace. * The hoii. which had set in crimson, bad left h glow on the ImUK'hes of the fon-st which had not yet failiil into thi* gray of twilight. Tbe lawn, amuiid which wi* wi-n* skirt­ing, Iuul not lost rill* mellow tirilliancy which made it sparkle, iiur bud tbeclos- ter of \*ariivl htuil hullyhoi'ks. which set their gorg-ousticss against the ui*at yellow of th** |s*ui-ef 111 diKin«osts, shown any diiniiess in their glory, wliicb was on u |nr with Ibt* setting son. lint tbongb I saw all this it no longer appearral to tm* destrabh*. Lmv*tta and Luc'ettu’s fate, tbe mystery and tbi* impiMatbility of Its being explallKvl out ben* in tbi*

one roomant to iwtch her braatk. “I da not know what I foar or to wknt onr ateps will bring os. I only know that I most hnnt for Lncetta till I flmi bar. If then* ia danger where ake is, I most shoie it. Yon can rest here or 'noma far­ther no. Bot what ia this?”

It 'vas a roan. He bad started and- denly fran some one of the shadows near thi* hedgeraw,

“Sileawe!” he whispered, potting hia Anger im hia lips. “If yon on* bsiklng for Miss Knollva.” be added, setnng ns tmth panas aghast, “shi* is <« tbe lawn beyond, talking to Mr. Trahm. If yon i*oroe hero, you can sae bar. She is in no kiml at <lauger, Isit if she wi-ro Mr. (iryre ia in tin* flrst raw of tn*es tu the

* back there, and a call from me”—That made me nmeniber my whistle

It was still ntnmi my neck, bnt my hand, which hmt instinctively gnoe to it, fall again in cxtrmirdtaary emotion aa 1 took in the sitoatiou he had hioteii at and realiaori that it was ««i Mr. Trakm's gnmnds we slissl ami that it waa toward Mr Trahm himself Lureen’s looks of onmiataimble fear and dread were torned.

“Loreen.” I whiaprred. “It is not here ytm look for a solntian at tkat awfnl luymery?”

"Miss Bntterwnrth,” Mn* answered, “it ie hereytm skonld look for it.”

“Here: I?” Never have I fait sock emotion and never hove I so nearly enc- nambeil to it. “Whnt tio ynn mean?” 1 proyml. “Tall ma. toll am quickly wkat ymi mannr*

”1 menu.” ike gaapad. “tkat timt ia tka man wko hoe pnraaad na with hie hatred, driving my father and my moth-ar into Ikeir gravee. Ukndiak Trakm la

I tka ftak nmn of whom we anaka to

Pay Those Bills You Owe Out Town Parties With


State Bank of St.Johns.

For any amount up to $io.oo there is but 5 cents charge, over that amount (up to $ioo but 10 cents.

The Other Party Would Much Rather Have a Draft Than an Order of Any Kind.

-DBAOOS SPI:aJ{ tu Mt:rH TTMi h'AH AW A V FHtiM MOTH Kit JASMtai'ttTTAtiK."

midst of tturf and bloaanma. filled all my tkungku and made me forget even my own imoes for ehemi and hnmiliatico. ifuot sorraw.

Loreen. wko bad wormed her way along till ebe rrancked umrlr uppaelle tu them, plockfd roe by the gown ae I appnsiriied to where she was. and. pointing to the hedge which prenwil np eo close it neoriy toochefi onr fai*es, seemed to bid mi* to look thrangh. Searching for a epot where there was a ■mall <ipening. I pat my to this and immediately drew back.

“They an* moving nearer tbi* gate, ” 1 Htgnaleil to Lom*ii. at which she crept along a few pai*on Iml with a sti*alth so great that, listening as I ivas, 1 ivmid not hear a twig Kuap. I i*tideav- fiml to imitan* her, but not with as

Unuch anreessas Ironld wish. The nenae of horror whtch bad all||it mre nettled a|Mm me, the anpernatarai drenit of ■umething which I ('onbi not see, Imt which 1 felt, had sataari mi* for thi* Aral tiim* and made that ruddy sky sad the Iwnml atretch of velvet tnrf with the shndowa playing over it, of swaying tree tops and cinalered olenaderv. more thrilling and awesome to me than the

• dim halls of Ike hannted boose of the Kncllye in that midnight hour whan 1 saw a l<*Rly oortied ont for bnrial amid tranble and hnah and a myalery so graat

, ft would hnre danatod meat aptrim te I all their Mrm.

The very ewefte ' of the aoene made lie horror. Nevag*kavi* 1 hnd naeh eon-* eatene. never hnre I fell eo the power of the nneeen. yet tkat anything monM happan kara, anything whiok wimld on- plain tka meal dimppeatnnna of aeveanl penona at dMteent tlmaa witkant a mnmof ikmrtte helHg left m Mm epn

when* vlalima take the place of roalitiee and often overwhelm tliem.

1 bad firesacil tisi cltsw against the hi-dgi* sa 1 stroKiileil with these feel­ings. luid tbi* Miami I made atrnck me as diatiiict, if notaianuing. but the tree tops wen* rustling, too, and. while Lu- i*etta might Imvc hianl. b*v <*nmpaniou gave no evidence of ikiiug so. We conld hear what they wen* saying now, ami realizing thia we stoppeii moving and gave onr whole attention up to liaten- ing. Mr. Trahm was ■pi*aking. I •-onld hanlly Inlievi* it was his voice, it bad so (-banged in tone, nor conld I see iu his features, distorteil as they now were by every evil passion, the oooi* <|aiec sml iligniAed conntcuanoe which had ao lately imposed upon me.

“Loretta, my little Loi*Ptta,” he was mying. “so she has come to see me: come to tannt roe witb tbe loss of her lover, whoai ahi* says 1 bavi* robbed her of airaint befCn* her eyes! 1 rob her! How (wu I rob ber or any 'me of a man witb a vniee and arm of hia own atrou- ger than mine? Am I a wiaard to diaai ' pate his body in vapor'r Yet ia it here iu my lionae or on my lawn? Yon ore a fool. Lncetta: so are all theen men about liere fools! It is in yoor hoosc”—

“Husb!” she cried, bw slight Agon* riaing till we forgot it was thi* feeble Lncetta wt* wen* gazing at. “No mote accuaatiiois din*cteil agamet os. It is yon who most meet them now. Mr. Trahm, ynnr evil practices an* disoovnr- ed. Tomorrow ynn will have the {lulioe hen* in earnest. They did bnt play with you when they wen* here befora ”

“You child!” he gaapwl. striving, however, to rrstTaiii all evidences of shock snd terror. “Why, who was it calleii in the pnlioc snd set them wock- mg iu Lint .Man's lane? Was it nut I”—

“Yes. that they might not soepert yon and perhaps that they might ms- pert na Bnt it was umleea Obndlah Trnkm. Althea Knollys' children have been long snffering. bnt tbe limit has been reached at loot. When ymi laid yoor hand upon my Inver, yon rrmeed a epirit in me that nothing bnt roar own duet ruction can aatiafy. When ia be. Mr. Trakm? Where ia silly Bn- fna and all tke raat who hove wmiahed betwemi Deacon Spear’s honm and the little home of tke cripplee on tke high­road? They have aaknl me. bnt if any owe in Loai Man’s lane con answer that question it is von. persecutor of my mother, of onrmlvea whom I hern de- annnee in face at tkeee akiee wkere (iod reigns and this earth where man lives to harry and coadeaui. ”

Ami then 1 mw that the inWinct of this girl had accomplished what mem homan acumen had failed in. For the old roan—imleed he seemed an old mau now—cringeil sad the wrinkles came out ui bis fan* till he was demoniacally ugly.

“Yon viper!” he ekrieked. “How dan* yon aceuw* mi* of crtini*—yon whow* mother would have died in jail, but for my forbearann*? Have you ever soao me set my font upon a worm? Lsiak at my fruit and flowers, look at my home, without a spot or blemish to roar ita oeatnem and propriety. (Ian a man who Invee these things etamach tke de- ■tructinn of a roan, mneh iemof a silly, yawping boy? Lncetta. yon are mad!”

“Mad or sane, my aonnwuiiet will have ila rmalm. Mr. Trakm I believe mo deeply ia ynnr guilt not to makn otkare do ao. ”

“Ab.” mid ka. “than ymi have not done so yet? Ton believe tbia and tkat. hat you have ant mid eo. ”

“No,” ake calmly retnmed. thongh bar tee bianebari to tbe ookwleanmm of wax. “I have not mid oo yot.”

Oh. tke xmilng that crept into hia

nOKTitADi: SAl.K.—I»i>«eoli hsvlns tirrs i msdr In ilN*M>sdlllos« ulsrwtstnMori- I

■ssr- tisiril (H-Kther lUlli. I MOM. Iliy Msr» K •‘slili-r l«i W»llnril M |nnd rr»t*rrtMl l»rl«ilirr Hi. IhUH. lb lbw«»lllr,* I • rrviMi r «»f •ItmU ter i llstou i'••uni.v. | uirhiaan. In liber 70 ut tsurtesie-« ••n pssr . .IftH. on which niortgase there (lue st the (Isleoflht* notirt*. the «usi of six busilre*! j «s«l three iluUsn* sml »lxleeti cet.i*. liesIdMi

' sn silorsejr lee of tweslj-Sve dollsn* pr(»- ' rlde*l in bskI mort -age. sail so ssli or pro- . reediss ai law. of lb eqsiiv harlbg l>eeii Ib- •iHutnl l«» rer«*vrr sBjr pert <d ihrdebi se- enred by said morticaar. .Vow. Iliereforr.

j by vlrtneoflhe power td sale In Mild mort­gage roatsine*!. aad by statute In •srb rase matte an*l provided, aiitlee m berebv gtrea that oa Hsiuritay. the tweat)-seroad day of

I April. IMH». at oee o’rlork la the sltrrm»ou.! St the west froat diMtr of tbe roan bou»e for

Mild roaaiv. la the village of Hi. Jobss. Mleh- Igas. there' will be eobi at paltHr rredar to

: the highest bidder the laml la said m«irtgage ' dewertbed. lit: the east hall of

Ibr west halt of Ibe soalh- I eset •luartrr of eeetlon I westy-right. la I township six sortli. of rsagr two west. In i Michigan.I Hated. January TH. IHVO.' WILI,ARfl M. rOTTEIt.FsnrwA a Wii.aBiuus. Mortgage**

Alloresys for Murtgagre.

PKoIIATK tinilKil.—Hlate of MIrhtgaa.rouat.v of I’linton, At n eeselon of

the I'rolmie I'ourt lor the I'nuntv oftllatoa holdrii at the I‘rotiate I mrr in the village of HI, J ohna, .,a Hal unlay, t he b day of Frbrtiar*. la the year one tbnnsa:.d eight hnadreil and ninety-nine.

1‘rrsent. ('baa M. Merrill, Judgeofl'roluite. In the matter of the estate ol Kaflisriae

Hartman, dereaiwd. 1‘eter IHeam, adnilats- trator, with tbe will annexed, ol Mild esiaie. hsvlBg msdr appilrstlon tor the slb*wsarr nl hl> tlBsl aerounl sail lor hl<* •itarluirge.

Therenpon It Isor'IerMl.thal Tharsday, the joth day of April. A. I>.. laOb. at oar o'-lorh iu the alternoou. be ssrlgaed tor tbe examlaaiion of said avronnt. at tbe rrobate tlWre, in tbe village of HI. Johns. And It Is farther ordered, that aollee he given to the lierMine Interested In sab! estate, ol tbe tlei, nad plare of sabl bearlag. by ranstag a ropy of thb* order to be pabllsbed In tbe Hr. Joaaa Nkws, a Bewronpcrprlateiland rirralatlag la said county oftllatoa. far taree sacresslve weeks prevtoas to Mibl day of beartan.

('HARLENM. MKIIKII.L (A Tree Copy.) Judge of Probate.

Probate iikder —Htate or Mkhigsa.Couaty nflUatoa. ss. At a essston ut

tbe Probate I'oert (or the couaty offllaioa hnldse at Ibe Probats IMNee. in the village of Ht. Jnhas, OB Tasaday. tbe 'Jlat dav of Fsbrsary. la the year oee tboasaad eight hsadrrd sad staety-slas.

Pwest. ('barl a M. Merrill. Judge ol Probate

In the isstter of the Mitate ot Shertaaii Kirby, deetmsed. Porter K. Pmla. adwla latraior of ss'd Maate, having made sppllrs- tloB (tor tbeaUowaaee o( bis Oaal semisat sad (or his disrhsrgr.

'TheiesiHts It Is ordered, that ThurMisy, Ibe lath day of Mareh. A. U. o^ o'rloek la the sfters«M*n hr ssalaaed lor tbe exaalaatinn of MUd an-oaai, at tbe Probate lINke la the TlUaaeofMt. Johns And it Is farther ordered, that notke be given to the persons laiereaied la said esiale, of Ibe lime id said hesdag by rauslag a ropr ofthU or­der to In* |tnbllsbe*l In Ter Hv JlMISs Nsws. s aewapsper prtatsil and rlrralailagla said couaty of tllat a. tor tbier sacresstre wesks prevloua to said dav of hesrtag. M. MHRRIM..(A Tree Copy.! Jadge of Prol-ate.

KI otmllkni



lid It Ok, tke littletka cnmfnl llMia Ln-

(TO mil

For tbe arsi tlom In a, great maav years, Teknasba has two tkkets la the fisid at the -ooilag village eferilon March IR. The t'ebets will br keuwii as tbs people's tirkel xnd riiitea'a tkkrt, Tbere u no :*artkalar Isaee at stake oaly to win

wm IIN THE film

UTninI Railtaii SttlenTinae Table. In Omi I Feb. S, *00.

D. a M. Ulvtstaa.

wgsT aot'xi) ceoM st. joass:No. 11 Morning Express to (M. ilavsa.........

1U;47 a ai.No. in Mall aad Hlkago Express to fid.

Ilavea S;13 p. ai.No. 17 (III. ItnpMs Kxpreas to Od. llapida

ami II. R. a I.. 7:5t» p m.No. IP Western Eapress to (Iraad Ilavea.......

N;2n a m..Vos. 11. IA a 17—dally except Headay.No. lU daily.

Kiev norvn;No. Id Detroit Express to Detroit aad East

n;2A a. m.No. 30 Mall to Detridl 1*J;00 p. m.No 33 Evening Express to Detroit and Bast

.l-'J'J p. BINo. in lUmtern Kxprrse to Dnraml aad rant

Ii;l7 p. m.Nos. 10, 30 * 'jy—dally except Haiidgy.No. Iddallv.K. H. HCtlllRR. THOMAS RROMLEV

A. (I. P. A T. Agent Agent.(*hkago..ill Ht.Johas.

THE ill m HDTillers ef the Kell Apprsetate Ibe IdlUe

Near IIh* little town of Woods Curnern. about eix mitsa fram Ionia, reeiden R. I,. Fierson. .1 farmer by nccupatino, and like III! hnrtl workiafi tillern < f the noil oe has fouail tbej*burdens the tmok must bear no liakt burden to carrv. F**er lieofHe vrilo never live on a lerm appre­ciate what it roeaos to fnikter tbi* jiiow from sanrNH* to stin set, but if the pole He in general don t kaou how hard sorh work w. the kidneys do. iKing hoorn of work of any kiail means long hours for the kMnets. simI they ran'l stand it with- iMit rnbediiig. When the farmer comes home tired out at night, if hi* only rea- band that tbe tired fivkiige miMtly al­ways cam*' Imm tired kidneys, ami that the little wonder-workers. Ilnaa's Kid­ney Fills, wiiold right the wrongbmught oa by oeer-work, IMe would be rasier for him. Head what Mr. Fiereou says abnnt bis experianre;

*’l sotkedwbew I s«<H»pei1 lifted nrrhseeed

Ilortliern Nlcliliraii, Ohio and all Sonthern Poliits.

, OIrsetCoaasrtlaasat (Hroaan Joartfos aad Daraad with D. O. n. A M, R y Tralaa.

T*lme T*nl»ln.I laegsrt .Noeeoiber Xnt. INPA.I OOlWO Nonm—Le. Dwraad.' *140 A. M..................and ................did# P. MPer Rlsfe. Ashlm. Itbaea. Ht. l-oala. Aiam,

'Mt Pleasant. (Tare, t’adlltar aad Fraahtort I OOIMO aotmi—Le. nwrand.PiXBA. ■.---------- and ............. diAdP. M

I Por Howell. Ann Arbor. Mllaa. Toledo and all Hoatbern Pnlats,

! P. A. Toledo,Oh I

B*rv»sWlagHUll. risuvi tassaewv (•emaai nsl sarvosaSMimaa tiae. partUM llw * tlnrev l««l •sUae you • SUMllk

II. aaM'-stiy, pe<I. saasIlT rare* we ppfsaS


my iMwSiloa ■sddealy, early la the of tall •sr IHPT, that I wae always rewarded with «havp ptMws aernsv the amall of my bark, aad Is the m ••rnfog I was at* lammaad sore that I rowfd searee get owt olhml The two

Sweat aetina of the hMwev* s-eertlowe. ss- lallv aawoylagat atobt. ptalaly ladfeated I my kl aeee were the eaoae of the trow-

Me. I haddoftew haaril Dwaa's KIdaey Pllla ■pokew ahonr hy my aifghksn. aad aa It vaa the drat tnee I (sgetrsd sweh a prepara

iloB. I urnewred a hua. I notkert tbefr hear deial merla la a dae or two aad I ewailawed the treatomat wain My haeharhe was eared snd the other weahaeos wae ihorviagMy rn. leved I ernhe an mfstahe when I say that itaa 8*0 Rldaev PfOs rave hsaheahe and bid sev rompletot .*'

Ilmm'aKMney PWe am onM ky nil dsnlevu. Pries Mr fiar bok, or six boxen avfffM MnUrd by Fonier. Mlibnru t'k.. BoBato X. T. ilnleiMMimteike


CHCAPC8T AND BKST Prre ( aialagar Allgwe.

aessxss.JONCS or niNOMAtiTOM,

niNQManrroN. n. ▼.

PATENTStap rsTsav bsw

-BXCLinimT.-Ooak of ealeaMe late

narhm aad femat free _

Meeermaa RIk., llraad Rapfdx. Mieh. neaaih ogke Waahlegina. D. O



I: Endorsed by the GovernorWtti Virgm$*'t ckttf mmgittratt r4€0mtm*Hdi P«-m na. iJu Naimtmt Catmrr^

Rtmudy amd Ntryt Totuc,

EPIESENTATIVE MENMW sloir to ipvsk for pobiicHnn. This Is hs* osuae their influenee U in> ifn*«t. The eodorsM ■eni of (turrmors. Seastors stul « unjjrrHn'sa

IpiMwntoee msrit. Publie wnnU of pimiss from sa^ prtuuinwit ofUciaU Must bo based on pasiUr#

knowled^. Tha raeo^mtUon wMrb tha utarrh roasedy Fe-ru*iui is ooahtaatly vsrt-ivtof by men of national fame is veiy (rralifyinir Auiamv rsn-ut lafttera from pr^loll^ of etiunvnt*t' is tbe followiut; from (•oremor Atkiusuii of We»t Virginia. The troremur says:

GMAMt■K«To^, tVest Vs., Marsh 0, lUM.7VI/ Pf^ru^mt Mfdicimf Co., Columkui, O,

Ua.NTiJMiK.v:—**1 oaii > i*ooiums«ii yonr pro- srriptiuii !*• i iiHm as u touic. Its rt'patatioa as a euro for oatarrli is i''.crll(’nt. it having been used by a iiutnhrr of p«><iple kuu^rn to n»e mth the rvry iwsi results."

Very truly.tiov. ti. W. AtXUISOX.


Gov. O. W. .\TKtNt*ON at ^Vmi VirtmtA.

Catarrh is the national disoase. Not an American family is free from iU The Hsareh fur ndief and eurs is oon* stant. Kxperiments of all kinds are continually made without result for ffood. l|rnoruiu*e of the eausas and natnreof catarrlt is univoraal. Oatarrh is elasivc. pendstent. prnstratiag. It tuay exist ill any oripui of ths body. F«ir this national malady there exists the national seientitie remedy Pe*ru>na which fur forty years has been doinira (frand work.

He>ni na is the nnlliachin^ foe of catarrii an«t overcomes it whereTsr It

may ovist It is the pre.«K'ription of I)r. Ilurtioan. President of the Surfrical Ilf»'tid. Columbus, t».. who ;rivf«» |ter>onsl attention, without ehsrfrc. to a vojiu»iir..o,is e.»rre-»pnndene»* on the s»ihje«*t «»f esiarrhal disrnaes. I>r. Uart- uMSi. •> isioi.s on catarrh an* mailed on application. All dninpsU sell IVru.aa.



U«Mi .loiies is nontiiieil to the houw with It lame bark.

Mils* Millie Molmr < l«ie*i| her winter tenii Id rM-hooI at the .‘<tneklnud hist week.

Miss MiiiDH* I'atlenuai has tfviiie to Col* line. loiiin eountv. wheie she will work this summer for .Mrs. Win. Lawless

Miss Cora I’uttsiwon fiaii' o n^ry ex* eelleUi elichtll KTHtie exaiiiiuulioii at Maple llapids Tlmrsdoy of last we>*k.

.\|iss Hattie Wan! will Hose her winter term of srhiMil at Kairriew this week.Teficher and sHioInn* will finn enjoy a thrw w«*ek'H vneation.

liorii. Tliiirsduy Man h 2. to .Mr. and Mrs. Mark l.»"eteii, a twin <hiinthter. but the was only simnii to I hem a short Hiiiie, as she diisl tile followinKSaturdn.v.The parents have th*- syiii|»ath> llnir iiiHiiy tneiids.

( onsitlerable iiiitmivenients in tbi- sha|s* O’ new builditijn* an- Is-inir done hen*. K. .V. Hriiwii, of South Lss>*\. will, a latv- barn. Will IWh. of lien*Knl.a new ketHH-n. Kml l.ittinirton. a *''i*’*"-*' M«pe avenue, withlame harii. L. Z. .\a>h, a dwHIiiitf house. I » -t^ick of bazaar itihmIs.the two latter iin* Iwth of L-imuon. I -Mrs. li. A. iiiirruhaiii lias none to IVnii*

j sylviioia. when* she will sfieiid siane time ls*eii ma«i<*j risiliu*: friends and rHativ#*s

! Village ehvlioti, Monday. Marrh 1*1.Mr. and Mn*. I’erry S. I'eny an* slow ly

1 rKi*ovenDK from tin* irrip. j U. .M. Wiiiwt-on visiteii tin- si*hools in I Ibis vh*iiiily duriinr the past week.! Considerable usw maple sufptr has __I already »n*sn |»bi.*.*d on iln- market '« diet net.• this villaire.j .1. T. Hnolells reiwirts a v»*r.v luterHstiiiK ; tilin’ at Utiuud'Up held at I'outiat. dur- ,

' iuK the post ive«*k.! Henr.v SHihirf, of llenirnl, has purchased j the.lainwt SfterrT rssidenc*- in the east i |uirt of tin* villuKe. , {

lioliert .\nderwon was in St. .lohiis. on W«<dnesda.v last, as a dHtynite to tin*•liidirial eoiivention.

The I.a4lhw' .\id sts*iet\ ol tlie M. K. ehijn*h met at the home of Mrs. C liar* stow on Friday last.

tfiiite a lance and enthusiastn- aiidiem-** jtT*s*ie»l William Moss at the M. L.ebun'h ; on Tinwday evening Inst, ,

'I'lte Iteis-kuh l.odin* icnv»- a social al j the residein’e of Mr. and Mrs. c. •! Parr, on We«lues«iu.V evetiiliK last.

.Saturday aast. March 11, la rssAatra* tioa «lay hir tkm eoaunn villaav Hretioa.

■i^iatafor Um Htaadufd fWl Compaa.v have hesa liovrviii« around this viHaM.T for Ills past week. We aappuai* tbs oaU»>* ol thatr a|>|smraacw iaouacroantofauew I braud of oil that biwi lieea lately ietro-1 rlueed in tbia vieioify. j

The Maple llafiida Floannic Mill, aiidar I tbs inanaaemeat uf ('•aalsHias A Go., la' tn lie tboniuKbl.v overbauisd at an sally ’ day aad in addition tbars will Is* a<tde«i to Ilis profwrty some uf the Inteat hn*, provemeats now uasil in HuurinK mills, j

The mendiera of tin* K. (i. T. M. nor-j pruad the ladies uf the L. (1. T. M. ni' their n’cnlur lueetinic ou Tuesday ev«i iiMl last. A iMHintiful n*pasl was serveil ^ by the aoiillenieii. thus eomidetHy ear*' prisiuK th*'ladles. It M iiiiineiwaiir.v Jo | state that li Ksasral icnod time was had.,

tine of tin* most jolly ami eojoynlile m*-1 cHsions for fun iirvinn |sni|4e, was the j mask Madrl uiveii by the W. It. and : (i. U. iMi Satunlay eveniaK iaal. .\ { liiiice numlirr was prraeiil Homs of the c«istiiiiiea were very pretty uud uaH|ae,' while others wen* odd ninl eomiosl. i Gnat merriineaf was causeii when the| iiiaske wen* recnoveil at th** sap|M*r table. |

Robert .tmlereoii was n*-noininaieil by I nrrlamatioii for villa^' president b.v ttn*' Peo|>h*’s |iarty at tiiair taurus on .Satur > day evening last. Tin* People's tairty | iioiiiiiiHted the followinK ticket: Prwi-1

dent. Itoberl .\nderanii; Clerk, (tra (*. | Parr; Treaaori*r. No**l .\Uew. \saaaaor, .Vndrew .1. Norton; Trustees. C II. Hewitt, M.H. Knabienml H lluhiwII; CuasiaM*. Frank Cola. .\nli-Saioon; i*rf>sident. Kliaha .Mnilae- Dark. Kmak Ib’dfsni: Treaaarer. S. M. Iloyls; As* Mweor, K. II. Iteeii; Truattss, .trd<*n Howe, .loliii Hrilteii and Thomas .tiider* son; Constiibh*. Jiiiiies Muntaoinery.

.\ Innre i*onicr«*icntH>ii was pnwaat at the .M. K. Hiuich on Sunday eveniaic, to lNit«*ii to the s|s’riai services, which wen* lielii ill the intiTHst ot the Yoniitc Men’s

I Chrisliuii .\sMM*tatioii «'onneet*ii with the| , Ms'hiKaii tnMt|ts in Cuba and otiierwiee. i j intsreetiaic remarks wen* made liy Hon. |

F. M’. Itsdieni. ot Mafih* llapids. Jaiaes' ' Cainplieli of Sooth Fliwt l*>sax, and At*| i tonn*y 11. .1. Pnttersoii.of Mt. Johns. .\n I expression uf the roiiicriiiatioo was taken i ill reanrd to the»r feeliiiae of ailowioK^ imlyicumist l(ols*rts, of I'tali, a seat in j Cougnws. Th«- vote was almost unani­mous oiraltiet ssfiiioir the new metiiber j

! and the |iaa(or. Ilsv, A. T. Luther, will I so inform Hon. F. W. Fonlney. tepreaeii* j tative in Coiiicreas from itn* Kitchth Con* I


Hamel Is.

.\ poml imui.v t‘haaic**s hitv h**r** this spring. Henr.v H»’i*hl andlatnily have moved hack on th** old, . , _honi**st«<Hd and bis parents, old Mr. and ^ '/.* -Mrs^ J. iMrs. He* ht, have retnmed to their old :Kssex. GhIhv. Thurwiny home iicraiii after spendiuK tlie siinime! ' Jav Cos**, who bus lss*n visitiuk m this ami winter w'itli tlieir SOD, Fred Hamon. |'•‘‘'•'•ty for some time, hivs relurmsi to Frwl Hamon and ftunilv have nioveil to | In** horn** at LauK*lon, .'Miuth Dakota.

.Mr. ami Mrs. (•. I.oafprnrr and lilUe | dauicht«*r, of Ht. Johns. Hiindii.visl at * James Lonip'nr'M.

Mrs. Chas. Goinirs and little son. oi . E’en wick, are visitiiiK her mother, .Mrs, Nancy I .on usher ry. who is shk with pneumonia. j

Th«*iiiliint daiiKhti'r of Mr. and Mrs. Kzm Maker is very sirk at this writiiijc.

Mrs. .\. Castle, of Ovid, spent Siindnv , and Monday with her mother, Mrs. .\. , l.omislierr.v.

Mrs P. .\. Wlnti»*ld Ison thesiek list.S It. .Hfuilh, of Si. .Iidiiis. was in town

I’riilay.Itev. lUiufk, of \ ermont. who is to till

th* M. I), pulpit lor tlie remainder of th*- <*onfereiui* yefir. deliv«*nfl his llrsf ser­mon Siimlay eveiaiuc. His faniilv who an* III New York m»w, an* ex|ss*ted hen* in H week or two.


OsborneCohnnbia Spring Tooth.

.V master piece of skilHuI construction, Iniill lor finy and all kindii of soil. The teeth can Ik* adiusted to any depth while in motion. These harrows will not load and the teeth do not trail each other. No ground is slighted within the limits of this harrow. It is a comfort to tiny farmer to use one of these tools.

Osborne Sulkey Spring Tooth Harrow.

Upon its first introduction to the publie it at once jumpefl to the front as the most popular iinfile- ment of its kind. The Snlkey .\ttaehment has an easy spring seat and high, broad fa*-*e<l wheels. On this harrow the entire weight of driver is carried on the Sulkey and the sections work independently of Sulkev Attxiehnient.

These Harrows are only made in one grade and that is the best. No farmer who advocates thorough cultivation and consequently a total destruction of weeds, can afford to do without one or the other of these remarkable imple­ments. Ask your neighbor about these harrows. You wont have to go many steps from your own door to find one.



ipnw n mis i* ins IT

,, ... , . . .1 i . Mn*. Kmma Giffoni ami famil.v an*K-**x l artm-n* (lubiii«*Ual I whoim* ^*»l .North -r____ _ i_____ 1.. .. a

their new home whicii In* |>urt’hiu«**<l of Will. Fre«‘iii«ii Mirm* time ag”. ami .Mr. Fn-enmii line mo\’f*<l to Fowler.

Swollen Neck

G. M. Hoerner, n blnckMiiilii from Fow lrr, lian n'oently purebiu»d the black-1

emith nhopof Gi’orip- llandol|>fa. on .Main •tn'et.

Th** Ia«tiie«* Soiuety of th** Chnntiaii |'•hun*h. will give a «linm*r at thvrewiilcnc** j of Mr. ami Mn«. .1. .\iinn* tomorrow,)E'ndoy. t

The OrdiT of the ^^lenl *Sttti an*•nt»*rtiiin* | of the ilnv.

rruiiMii, formerly of Ovnl will work the fanii the i-uiniog iwaiiuii.

The M. EL Ladle**' aid noaeiy w ill meet wiUi .Mn*. E'. I). Clevi*iHiid ThuriMlay March Hi.

Mart Sh**tMinl, furiiierl.v ol tliin pine*. hut utiw of Moataiiu wae in town liu*t week.

.\lb**rt EMwniiU u* hum** irom Gladwin.

E%»r**at. th** litlU* (hn-** muiithe-ohl i*«ai of .Mr. ami Mn*. E'raok Arthur. •ii*-«l Thun**lay, Man-li Tin* grip e«MMi laid the litti** oin* low. .Vll unite in **vmpalh\ for tin* liere«v*il |iar**(ili*.

r««> Ini*'(<ir ;i*«t w.»k.Mrn. EIrvH* ''ha«lwiek in vieilimr al

Williaiintlon )liinug Hie |trveffot w^i-k.The Aid *Mint«ty will meet rhiir»*ia.\

next al Mr**. EL H. laiwrewc**. Elveryian* invited to tiinner.

Mre. .Mar^ Stalker, of Waroiieia. vieiteii .Satuniav ana Sunday at Mr. and Mn*. E'nink Soiith'H.


Hr E' H EJli** If* viwtiiig hn* pnr’*nte. ! will! an* iHtth ftick.

.Mi>. .Iiiliii .MiUler.\,of St. vinit- i iiur fnemlrt m ihi« plae**.

The infant child oi E'rniik Colder wan , iMirn**! Ill our l•**^l^•tery liiel w«*ek ^

I ha«*. Tr**ndwell wae tak**ii r-irk in (twoemioii hi** r**tani honn* fnmi .Vnii i .\rlMir. Mn*. Treitdwell n*tiini*il Satiir-: dav.



Hor Friday and Saturday, .*larch loth and oth.


Oiir nevere oaow ntomi Sniurday night i WHH (]uitf> a Horpriee to the graugen*.

.lames Sehoala. who hae Item working appin-atioai* wen* pwsiented forineni* j tn the iiortiierti pmenew thie winter, m h4*nihip. We ho|»** no one will forg»*t the ^ vieifing III this neigh in irhnod. ipiotalion for *»ur next nweting. ^

_____ •rh**|imtr^«l m.** ti«wxat the M. EL ^Vebb opeiit |mrt of laot TAlso The tfrd.*r of the laMiierii Stai an* Coiighe ami <*oldn an* again Iln* anier | m.iMUHnold7Hlm«l""S!ri^!^^

..." I laitt Mew. .Ir.. le vimting hi* si«t**r.; . L.^TV .l in . erhool work. Wo an-glad to h.*ar it. ▼. , Mn*. .\minlii .ione*. at bet honn* in "Md*leiilv **all^l to tlvul tin* illneve of , u, ^ i ii ,

Adam*, of .Viiii .Vrlnir. ‘Mid i <biUKht«*r. Mn*. Smith mtiimed The piipih* *il the high ighoid will giv**{ni all over th r«s»m. She could not I < baHn* Adiun*. a Port Huron atiomey. j' .Siimla\ r**|Nirliug Elbm nmeh impniveil an ••fil* rtalnment al Mawonic ball on tin*! ^

•weep the floor or even move her armt i'u*»de a hu*iiie«e tnp to thie villag** d«ir-1 Mevival aM-atiiigi* umler the •lin’ction | |„„ „ti'|| i,i |MNir iienlth. evening of .Miirrh 17. TIh* i»ro**»*si* to ' awithout afTcctme he- heart Her Hmha I'OK the iiaet week. *>1 Mev J. W Mtiell nn* h*bl diinnit flM*| The .Ma*'*abe<*dinner and eiieinl at Mr. biiv a libmry fortheintemiediate.lepart* j ▼ZlTllr, "LiL. II!;" M,,*- ««.lthat *be rnual lako Hotal * SarMtwrilU •'^o. M.', F. A A. M. tomorrow. Frida.t.i A MiMvales*dinner will li.* given Thun* Harley Mlack, who !• ill with .^inaumfe worthy .ibjert and * njov a pleHoaiit | ^

.......... ............................................................................................................................................................ .... ♦•he waa cured, and there hoa been no re- »• , i* » _ i **ir.c. i hwlwe is invit*^ dinner and in all it nell**d over twelve Merit Wi**t .%rc«>«nwen* l**»e l*rire*. ^tLom 5 Ohio r.»o'|lI*r.’of Meldiu2. t4rMieL Jeini” Haniel* j *^*^,.„ In prewmtlng the IMiabh* MH hII MaiarTHOMAe. North .Solon, Ohio. i ««>n. daughter of Mr. an«l Mn*. Tin* l..•mn^ i.ehofd srhobMw lut* not Pntteme to tb** t*otnmiioily, we agmn

Thioieleoti. ol Elnnex.

Iieart iroubK. .After the leaai t-xcrtion |«aH.v (1a,v. •he would hrealbe *u liard «be could lie> .Steplieii

30 Ihe li. A EL

Iwiri'o ..........................ft lb* Inut i*nM*k»’n* .....S Mm ginger Hiiaiw ..3 lb Inix .\ .\ .\ .\ MHia< I

••n*..................................1 lb giuMi ennking tig* 8 mil* oardiiiee in oil ...

ial II our Sales but will sell aty on fibovc dates;

li 0 t-HD* I'olk’i* InwI tomttlo«*H .46. $1.00 0 I'lUiH lliibbanl •iigun*oni .40)*. 0 ran KgHy Jiiih> iwan .46

.32 1*3 ran of .larkMon Makiug

.36 Powi|i*r............................... .06

.36 J{»*gular prtr** 2u<- iiw Ih. )6 lb* iH*w Califortiia pnimw .36

.18 6IIm ii«.w I'aiifomia miMiii*. .36. .06 3 ran* lilarklM'rriiw .............. .36. .36 3 pnrkatfr* iiarior iiiatrh*** .36

VI a 1 I * . dollar*. in preaentiNever line w«mm1 tieeii iiiaU** **• toet lU*

duriiMC t^* |iaai w*«ek. Almoet ••’’•‘T > ordianrv librarv iumI illoatrate to thouoand* of oiir < iii*tomen*man ia* hml a hiiu pile, which hue rmdimg the .irmlating that w.* an* rheaiew in Pattern* m* in ev*

U. U. H.*ii*iit had an o|ieniiig at lii* b***si turned into wood. libmry of Coinmiwmmer Winaton'** a*. erything el***. Th*- moet ekilleii artiati*' bieyele and miw Mor*-. *»nM^*l**Hveij.i**, l^oun* Knight, who iiae lieeii sojourn last a* |N*seitih*. and in th** near futim* an* .*mploy*sl in «lei*iinnng, ami an* in! Inet .SatiinbiN evening, whiHi ,|||i|,, ,|jjj j,, vicinity niireing a lmdl,v will lie prepnrwl t«i jmn with other toiieii with the lat**wt miHlee |im<**ated in

. j libiwnlly atti-ndeil. l-aach ladjr in iitteml* j Hiiiaaiie<l thumb, liae retiirmsl tolauieiiig ***h*>«*l* in tie* town*hip in |ierf*s*tiiig tin* tlie E'aahion Centre* *»f Elumt**. .HI Pat-roay U) buy.fMjr to uk«I onee wa* firewent*’*! wifi, a lienutiful to rewume work in th** Wheefliarrow jilan «»f <iiswnting it. Stieriw* to aucli a tern* at lu and lb eroib*. N*»iie liigh**r.

In MI net. i Work*. eomm*-ndal»le * ffort. I Th»; AlKni'AMTU.i: Co.

Hood’sttUte heat—In fort tlwthM TrueBloud Piultcr. HoM by all drucsisu. $\; atx for $&.

Hood’s Pills


Vonrs for (froecrics.


.Another OpportunityIa afforded the Public to buy the Kenerick Stock of Dry Goods at Lower Prices than Good /Vlerchandiae was ever before offered in 5t. Johns.

Beiow are a few of the many Low Prices offered in all Departments.


Pi l»ieccs Dark IVints at............................

.To pieces Li^ht Print at............................



25 pieces Percales at

80 pairs 2!h: and T6(' Gloves at............. 6^c

dOO yards Apron Check Ginjjham....................

Four Saturday Only

15c Sclcsia at 8^cOne lot of Jackson Waists, Caro*

lino and other $1.Of)Corsets at............... /

M Ladies' jackets worth Irtini $lf).r»0 to $1:L5H

5 Ladies' Jackets worth ^ from $r» to $H.,'»f) at...'^*5^

7 Ladies' Jackets, worth . from $5 to .$f>.5i) at...

6 Chihl’n's Jackets, w<irth-from $2..TO to $-4* at.....■

7 Ladies’ Capes, this ycai-s styles,worth irnni $0.50 ^ ^ ^ S to $11.50 at..............

H LadiesJackets, oldstiycH^^^^ worth from .$5 to .$15..^V^


Qeo. H. ChapmanTkis Sale Conaeices Friday, March H, aad Cootaws to Friday, March 17.

Dress Goods.One lot fit .50c and 05c Dress Patterns in

plaids and strifH*s at...............................2.5c and .'L5c Dress (»oods I S

.$1.00 find .$1.25 Iircss Comls Sat.................................................................... /V^ ^

22 Men’s Drawers 51k* kind fit 3»C. $

The halnncc of our Ladies’ Fine Merino and Wheavy rihlieil fleeced 50c jafarments at..... ^

Off on all Chihlrcn’s l^nderwear.

,5(M) yards He Shirting at 544c.2(K) yards Fijfurcd Sateens, worth 12'^ ami

I5c at.................................................................. /4^

KHN) yards Fancy Dress (litiRhains. Zepher and Toilc du nord at.................................... /

7 doxen Hoys* Heavy Ribliefi Cotton Hose Sworth 25c and .'IGc at............................... . ^

,*'HlRiiiwi - «< •s»vv.