
Chuyªn ®Ò båi d-ìng HSG m«n tiÕng anh 7

Gv: Phạm Văn Bình 1


1. PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE (Thì hiện tại đơn) Thì hiện tại đơn được dùng để diễn đạt chân lý, sự thật hiển nhiên, tình huống cố định lâu dài ở hiện tại, thói quen hay hành động xảy ra thường xuyên ở hiện tại.

• Affirmative form

* Thêm es vào các động từ tận cùng là o, s, sh, ch, x, z • Negative form

• Interrogative form

ØThì hiện tại đơn thường được dùng với các trạng từ hoặc các cụm trạng từ chỉ tần suất như: always, usually, often, sometimes, never, every day, once a week… 2. PRESENT PROGRESSIVE TENSE (Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn) Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn được dùng để diễn đạt hành động đang diễn ra ngay lúc nói, hành động đang diễn ra ở hiện tại (nhưng không nhất thiết phải ngay lúc nói) và hành động có tính tạm thời.

• Affirmative form

• Negative form

• Interrogative form

• Wh-question ØThì hiện tại tiếp diễn thường được dùng với các từ hoặc các cụm từ chỉ thời gian như: now, right now, at present, at the/ this moment… Ä Lưu ý: Không dùng thì hiện tại tiếp diễn với các động từ chỉ giác quan, cảm xúc, nhận thức và sự sở hữu: see, hear, smell, feel, like, love, hate, dislike, want, know, think, seem, understand, have, vv. Dùng thì hiện tại đơn với các động từ này. 3. FUTURE SIMPLE TENSE (Thì tương lai đơn) Thì tương lai đơn được dùng để diễn tả hành động sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai hoặc diễn đạt lời hứa, lời đề nghị, lời yêu cầu, lời mời và một quyết định tức thì.

• Affirmative form

• Negative form

• Interrogative form

• Wh-question ØThì tương lai đơn thường được dùng với các trạng từ chỉ thời gian trong tương lai như: tomorrow, someday, tonight, next + Ntime, soon, v.v.

S + V (bare inf.)/V(e)s

S + do/does + not + V (bare inf.)

Do/Does + S + V (bare inf.)…?

S + am/ is/ are + V-ing…

S + am/ is/ are + not + V-ing…

Am/ Is/ Are + S + V-ing…?

What/ Where/… + am/ is/ are + S + Ving…?

S + will + V (bare inf.)… S + will not/ won’t + V (bare inf.)…

Will + S + V (bare inf.)…?

What/ Where/… + will + S + V (bare inf.)…?

Chuyªn ®Ò båi d-ìng HSG m«n tiÕng anh 7

Gv: Phạm Văn Bình 2

Ä Lưu ý: Người Anh thường dùng will hoặc shall cho các đại từ ngôi thứ nhất (I, we), nhưng trong tiếng Anh hiện đại Will được dùng phổ biến hơn shall. 4. PAST SIMPLE TENSE (Thì quá khứ đơn) Thì quá khứ đơn được dùng để diễn đạt hành động xảy ra tại một thời điểm cụ thể trong quá khứ nhưng nay đã chấm dứt, thói quen hoặc hành động xảy ra thường xuyên trong quá khứ.

• Affirmative form

* Động từ có quy tắc, thêm -ed * Động từ bất quy tắc, động từ ở cột 2 (past tense) trong bảng động từ bất quy tắc.

• Negative form

• Interrogative form

• To be ØThì quá khứ đơn thường được dùng với các trạng từ hoặc cụm trạng từ chỉ thời gian quá khứ như: yesterday, last + Ntime,…ago. Ä Pronunciation of -ed (Cách phát âm -ed)

- /id/: sau âm /t/ và /d/ - /t/: sau các phụ âm vô thanh trừ /t/: /k/, /θ/, /p/, /f/, /s/, /tʆ/, /ʆ/ (Kon thỏ phập phồng sợ

chó sói) - /d/: sau các âm nguyên âm (u, e, o, a, i: uể oải) và các phụ âm hữu thanh (trừ /d/): /b/,

/g/, /l/, /m/, /n/, /v/, /z/, /ʒ/, /dʒ/, /ð/, /ŋ/ 5. USED TO; BE/ GET USED TO Used to (đã từng, đã thường) được dùng để diễn tả sự việc đã có thật hoặc đã xảy ra thường xuyên trong quá khứ mà nay không còn nữa.

• Affirmative form

• Negative form

• Interrogative form ØBe/ get used to + N/ V-ing (quen với) được dùng để chỉ hành động đã quen hoặc trở nên quen với điều gì. 6. COMPARATIVE OF ADJECTIVES (Cấp so sánh của tính từ) a. Comparative of equality (so sánh bằng) b. Comparative (so sánh hơn) - Tính từ ngắn (có một âm tiết) - Tính từ dài (có hai âm tiết trở nên)

S + V-ed/ V2 (past tense)

S + did not/ didn’t + V (bare inf.)

Did + S + V (bare inf.)…?

I/ he/ she/ it + was we/ you/ they + were

S + used to + V (bare inf.) S + did not/ didn’t + use to + V (bare inf.) Did + S + use to + V (bare inf.)…?

AS + adjective + AS

NOT AS/ SO + adjective + AS

adjective + ER + THAN

MORE + adjective + THAN

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Gv: Phạm Văn Bình 3

c. Superlative (so sánh nhất) - Tính từ ngắn (có một âm tiết) - Tính từ dài (có hai âm tiết trở nên) + Tính từ có hai âm tiết tận cùng bằng y, er, ow, et, le (happy, clever, narrow, quiet, simple) cũng được so sánh theo công thức của tính từ ngắn. + Tính từ một âm tiết tận cùng bằng nguyên âm + phụ âm → gấp đôi phụ âm (trừ v, w, x, y): big → bigger, biggest + Tính từ hai âm tiết tận cùng bằng phụ âm + y, đổi y → i: happy → happier, happiest + Tính từ tận cùng bằng phụ âm + e, chỉ thêm r hoặc st: large → larger, largest ØTính từ bất quy tắc:

good → better → best much → more → most little → less → least

bad → worse → worst many → more → most far → farther/ further → farthest/ furthest

7. COMPARATIVE OF NOUNS (So sánh danh từ) a. Comparative of superiority (So sánh nhiều hơn) b. Comparative of inferiority (So sánh ít hơn) - Danh từ đếm được: - Danh từ không đếm được: 8. QUESTION WORDS (Từ để hỏi)

Từ để hỏi là những từ được dùng để hỏi thông tin về người, vật, sự việc. Từ để hỏi bao gồm: who, what, which, whose, where, when, why và how. - Who (ai): hỏi về người. - What (gì, cái gì): hỏi về vật, sự việc. - Which (người nào, vật nào): hỏi người hoặc vật nào (trong một số lượng hạn chế) - Whose (của ai, của vật nào): hỏi về sự sở hữu. - Where (đâu, ở đâu): hỏi về địa điểm, nơi chốn. - When (khi nào, lúc nào): hỏi về thời điểm, thời gian. - Why (tại sao, vì sao): hỏi lý do. - How (thế nào, bằng cách nào): hỏi về trạng thái, hoàn cảnh, cách thức. ØCụm từ để hỏi với what và how: what time (mấy giờ), what color (màu gì), what kind (loại nào), how often (bao lâu một lần), how long (bao lâu), how much/ many (bao nhiêu), how far (bao xa), how old (bao nhiêu tuổi). 9. ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY (Trạng từ tần suất): always, usually, often, sometimes, occasionally, seldom, rarely, never. Trạng từ tần suất được dùng để trả lời cho câu hỏi với How often. Trạng từ tần suất thường đứng trước động từ thường (go, play…), sau động từ đặc biệt (be, will, can…), giữa trợ động từ và động từ chính. Sometimes, occasionally, usually, often có thể đứng đầu câu hoặc cuối câu để nhấn mạnh hoặc chỉ sự tương phản.

Các cụm trạng từ chỉ tần suất như every morning, every day, once a week, twice a month, three times a year… thường đứng đầu hoặc cuối câu.

THE + adjective + EST

THE MOST + adjective

S + V + MORE + noun + THAN

S + V + FEWER + Ns + THAN

S + V + LESS + noun + THAN

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Gv: Phạm Văn Bình 4

ÄLưu ý: Để nói mức độ thường xuyên nhất, dùng always (luôn luôn) rồi tần suất thưa dần theo thứ tự usually (thường xuyên), often (thường thường), sometimes (thỉnh thoảng), seldom (hiếm khi, ít khi), never (không bao giờ). 10. COMPOUND ADJECTIVES (Tính từ ghép) Tính từ ghép có thể được thành lập bằng cách kết hợp một con số và một danh từ đếm được. Danh từ của tính từ ghép này luôn ở hình thức số ít (ngay khi chúng bổ nghĩ cho danh từ số nhiều) và được kết nối với con số bằng một dấu gạch ngang. Ex: a three-week trip, two twenty-minute breaks 11. ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS (Tính từ và trạng từ) a. Tính từ (adjective) là từ được dùng để miêu tả tính chất, trạng thái của người, vật hoặc sự việc. Tính từ thường đứng sau hệ từ (be, look, become, seem…) để bổ nghĩa cho chủ từ hoặc đứng trước danh từ để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ. Ex: Everybody was happy. He is a good soccer player. b. Trạng từ (adverb) là từ được dùng để diễn đạt cách thức, mức độ, thời gian, nơi chốn, v.v. Trạng từ được dùng để bổ nghĩa cho động từ, tính từ hoặc một trạng từ khác. * Trạng từ thể cách mô tả cách sự việc xảy ra hoặc được làm. Ex: She slowly open the door. Ø Trạng từ thể cách thường được thành lập bằng cách thêm - ly vào sau tính từ: Ex: bad → badly - Tính từ tận cùng bằng -ful, thêm -ly: careful → carefully - Tính từ tận cùng bằng phụ âm + y, đổi y thành i rồi thêm -ly: happy → happily - Tính từ tận cùng bằng -ic, thêm -ally: basic → basically - Tính từ tận cùng bằng phụ âm + -le, đổi -le thành -ly: terrible → terribly Một số trường hợp đặc biệt: good (adj) → well (adv) late (adj) → late (adv)

fast (adj) → fast (adv) hard (adj) → hard (adv) early (adj) → early

ÄLưu ý: Tính từ bổ nghĩa cho chủ ngữ hoặc danh từ đứng sau nó; trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho động từ hoặc tính từ đứng sau nó. Ex: Jane is a good teacher. She teaches well. 12. MODAL VERBS (Động từ tình thái): can, could, must, have to, ought to, should, may, might.

♦ Can và could (có thể) được dùng để chỉ khả năng: nói người nào đó có thể làm việc gì hoặc điều gì đó có thể xảy ra. Can chỉ khả năng hiện tại; could chỉ khả năng trong quá khứ. Ex: She can play the piano. I couldn’t go out last night. - Xin phép và cho phép. Dùng can (không dùng could) để diễn đạt sự cho phép. Ex: Can/ Could I go out tonight? ~ Yes, of course you can. - Đưa ra lời yêu cầu (could trịnh trọng và lịch sự hơn can) hoặc đề nghị. Ex: Can/ Could you open the door, please? ♦ Must và have to (phải, cần phải) được dùng để diễn đạt sự cần thiết, sự bắt buộc. Ex: I must go out tonight. Do you have to work on Saturday?

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- Must not được dùng để diễn đạt sự cấm đoán. Ex: You mustn’t open this parcel. - Do not have to (= needn’t) được dùng để diễn đạt sự không cần thiết. Ex: Sue doesn’t have to get up early, but she usually does. ÄLưu ý: Have to được dùng thay cho must trong các thì quá khứ, tương lai, tiếp diễn, hiện tại hoàn thành và sau các động từ tình thái khác. ♦ Should và ought to (phải, nên) được dùng để diễn đạt sự bắt buộc (nghĩa của ought to và should không mạnh bằng must), lời khuyên hoặc lời đề nghị. Ex: I ought to/ should phone my parents regularly. Henry oughtn’t to/ shouldn’t eat chocolate; it’s bad for him. ♦ May và might (có thể, có lẽ) được dùng để chỉ khả năng - nói điều gì đó có thể là thật hoặc có thể sẽ xảy ra, nhưng không chắc lắm (might ít chắc chắn hơn may). Ex: I may go to Ha Noi next week. (50%) I might go to Ha Noi next week. (30%) - Xin phép một cách lịch sự, lễ phép (may/ might lịch sự và lễ phép hơn can). Dùng may (không dùng might) để diễn đạt sự cho phép. Ex: May/ Might I sit here? ~ Yes of course you may. - Dùng may (không dùng might) để đề nghị một cách lễ phép. Ex: May I help you? 13. MAKING SUGGESTIONS (Đưa ra lời đề nghị/ gợi ý) 14. IMPERATIVE SENTENCES (Câu mệnh lệnh)

♦ Affirmative imperatives Ex: Clean your room right now. Write again soon. ♦ Negative imperatives Ex: Don’t eat too much candy. Don’t stay up late.

Ø Có thể thêm please vào đầu hoặc cuối câu để câu nói lịch sự hoặc lễ phép hơn. 15. EXCLAMATORY SENTENCES (Câu cảm thán)

Ex: What a boring party! What lovely flowers!

Ø Không dùng mạo từ a/ an với danh từ không đếm được hoặc danh từ số nhiều. 16. PREPOSITIONS (Giới từ)

• What about/ How about + verb-ing/ noun? What about going to Dalat? • Let’s + verb (bare inf.) Let’s go to the cafeteria. • Why don’t we/ you + verb (bare inf.)? Why don’t we go to the zoo? • Why not + verb (bare inf.)? Why not stay for lunch? • Shall we + verb (bare inf.)? Shall we go for a walk?

Verb (bare inf.) + (object)

What (+ a/ an) + adjective + noun (+ subject + verb)!

Don’t + Verb (bare inf.) + (object)

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♦ Prepositions of time (Giới từ chỉ thời gian)

- In (vào, vào lúc) được dùng trước tháng, năm, mùa, thế kỷ và các buổi trong ngày (trừ at night): in April, in 2009, in April 2009, in the 18th century, in (the) summer, in the morning

- On (vào, vào lúc) được dùng trước thứ, ngày, ngày tháng, ngày được định rõ hoặc một phần trong ngày: on Monday, on May 25th, on my birthday, on Monday morning

- At (vào, vào lúc) được dùng trước giờ, các thời điểm trong ngày, các dịp lễ và kỳ nghỉ cuối tuần: at 11.45, at midnight, at lunchtime, at Christmas, at the weekend ÄLưu ý: in the morning(s), on Friday morning; in the evening, at night; at Christmas, on Christmas Day

- From…to/ until (từ…đến), by (vào lúc, vào khoảng), before (trước, trước khi), after (sau, sau khi), during (trong, trong suốt), since (từ, từ khi), for (trong), till/ until (đến, cho đến khi) ♦ Prepositions of position (Giới từ chỉ vị trí)

- In (trong, ở trong) chỉ vị trí bên trong một diện tích: in a country/ a city/ a town, in a box, in a building/ a house/ a room, in a park/ garden…

- On (trên, ở trên) chỉ vị trí trên một bề mặt: on the street/ Le Loi Street, on a table/ a chair, on the floor, on the wall/ the ceiling, on the ground/ the grass…

- At (tại, ở) chỉ vị trí tại một điểm: at 43 Le Loi Street, at home/ one’s house/ school/ work, at a party/ a meeting/ a concert, at the bustop/ the station/ the airport…

ÄLưu ý: Dùng at trước địa chỉ; dùng on (người Anh dùng in) trước tên đường; dùng on trước số tầng; dùng in trước tên nước, tên thành phố.

- Near (gần), next to (cạnh bên, sát), in front of (phía trước, đằng trước), behind (phía sau, đằng sau), under (dưới, ở dưới), above (phía trên, bên trên), opposite (đối diện, trước mặt), between (ở giữa hai người/ vật), among (ở giữa nhiều người/ vật), on the left/ right (of) (ở bên trái/ phải), at the back (of) (ở phía sau/ cuối), in the middle/ center (of) (ở giữa).

The end

Buæi 1 PHẦN I grammar TENSES

Present simple

S + V(s-es) (be): am- is- are

S + don’t/ doesn’t +V1 S+ am not/ isn’t/ aren’t

Do/Does + S+V1? Am/Is/Are + S+…?

Everyday, usually, after school, never, often, sometimes, always, ...

Present progressive S + am/is/are + V-ing S+am/is/are(not)+V-ing Am/ Is/Are +S+V-ing?

Now, at the present, at the moment, at this time, Look! Listen, !Be careful!. Hurry up! I. Give the correct form of these verbs:

1. The sun (set) …………………………………………………………………in the West. 2. It usually (rain) …………………………………………………………………in the summer.

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3. They (build) ………………………………………………………the buildings at the moment. 4. Bees (make) ……………………………………………………………honey. 5. They (get) ……………………………………………………………………on the scale now. 6. The earth (circle) …………………………………………………the Sun once every 365 days. 7. Rivers usually (flow) ………………………………………………… to the sea. 8. Don’t worry. I (give) ……………………him your message when I (see) ………………… him. 9. Look! Jane (play) …………… the guitar. Hurry up! The bus (come) ………………………… . 10. I (not talk) …………………………………………………… to her at present. 11. How often………………………… she (go) ………………………… fishing?

- She (go) ……………………………………once a year. 12. .............. your friends (be)………………………… students? -Yes, they (be) .......................... 13. ................ the children (play)………………………………………… in the park at the moment?

-No, they aren’t. They (learn) ...................................... to play the piano. 14. …………………….you (go)………………………….. to school on Sundays? – Yes, I do. 15. My mother (cook) …………………………a meal now. She ( cook)…………………… everyday. 16. What……………………… your mother (do)…………………………. at this time?

- She (make)………………………………a dress. 17. ............. she often (go)…………………………… to the cinema every weekend? 18. I don’t know. But she always (go) ......................... to the church on Sundays. 19. The students (not be) ........................................... in class at present. 20. She always (wash) .................................... the dishes after meals. I (do) .......................................... an exercise on the present tenses at this moment and I (think) ........................................... that I (know) ........................................... how to use it now. 21. My mother sometimes (buy) ........................................... vegetables at this market. 22. It (rain) ........................................... much in summer. It (rain) ........................................... now. 23. Daisy (cook) .......................... some food in the kitchen at present. She always (cook) ....................... in

the morning. EXERCISES II 1. Every morning , Linda ( get )………...........up at 6 . She ( have ) …………… Breakfast at 6:10 . After breakfast , she ( brush ) …………..her teeth . She ( go ) …………… school at 6:30 . She ( have ) ……………lunch at 11:30 at school . 2 . We ( watch ) …………….T.V every morning . 3. I (do ) ……………………my homework every afternoon . 4 . Mai and Lan ( play ) ………………….games after school . 5 . Vy ( listen ) ………………to music every night . 6 . Where ( be ) ………………..your father now ? He ( read ) ………………..a newspaper . 7 . What ………….you ( do ) ………………? I ( be ) ……….a student . 8 . Where ………….you ( go ) ……………….now ? I (go ) ………………to the market . 9 . She is cooking and we ( do ) ……………………..the housework . 10 . He isn`t in the room . He ( play ) ……………… the garden . 11. Look ! The birds ( fly ) …………………………. 12 . I ( go ) ………………….to school by bus every day , but today I ( go ) ……………………… school by bike . 13 . Listen ! Mai ( sing ) …………………………. 14 . They ( play ) ………………………volleyball every afternoon .

They ( play ) ……………………volleyball now . 15 . Mai ( brush ) ………………..her teeth every morning . She ( brush ) ………………her teeth now . 16 . Listen ! Lan ( play ) ……………………….the piano . 17 . Mai ( be ) ………………….tired now . 18 . It is 6:00 p.m . Mary is at home . She ( have ) ……………. dinner with her family around six o/ clock . 19 . Where is your father ? He is upstair . He ( watch ) ………………T.V

He always ( watch ) ………………………..T.V at night . 20 . Our teacher ( live ) ……………………..on Quang Trung street . 21 . §ao and Mai ( do ) ………………………the housework now .

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22 . What ………………your mother ( do ) ……………….? She is cooking . 23 . How …………………you ( go ) ……………to school every day ? 24 . Nam ( go ) ……………… work by car every day but today he ( take ) ………………a bus . 25 . Where ………………..your father ( work ) ……………..? In the hospital . 26 . Look ! The teacher ( come ) ……………………… 27 . She is very clever . She ( speak ) ………………….4 languagues. 28 . Steve often ( smoke ) ………………….10 cigarettes a day . 29 . We usually ( have ) ……………………dinner at 7: 00 30 . Anne ( wash ) ………………….her hair twice a week . 31 . Jane ( teach ) …………………English to children . 32 . You ( meet ) ………………….a lot of people . 33 . He often ( go ) ………………………….to the cinema . 34 . Food ( cost ) …………………a lot of money . 35 . Listen ! Somebody ( sing ) …………………………… 36 . She is tired . She ( want ) ………………….to go home now . 37 . How often …………you ( read ) …………………a newspaper ? 38 . “ Excuse me , but you ( sit ) ……………………in my place “ “ Oh , I am sorry “ 39 . “ I am sorry “ I ( not understand ) ………………………….. Please speak slowly. 40 . What time …............she ( finish ) ……………work every day ? 41 . He ( not usually drive ) ……………………………to work . He usually ( walk ) ………………… 43 . Mozart ( play ) ……………………the piano when he ( be ) ……………three . 44 . Many people prefer ( fly ) …………………to ( go ) ……………… sea . 45 . My mother ( go ) …………… the supermarket yesterday evening but she ( not buy ) ……………………. 46 He ( move ) …………………to Paris in 1917 and ( spend ) …………… 6 years in Paris . 47 . Teenagers like ( listen ) ……………to the latest pop music . 48 . What ……………….you ( do ) …………..tomorrow morning . 49 . Children shouldn`t ( drink ) ……………….coffee . It ( not be ) ………good for their health . 50 . My family ( watch ) …………….T.V every night . But now we ( listen ) ……………… pop music .51 . Yesterday Nga father ( start ) …………………….his new job . 52 . I ( meet ) …………………..her at the movie theater last night . 53 . He ( go ) ………………….to the English club every Sunday . But last Sunday he ( not go ) …………………there , he ( go ) ………………to the City Museum . 54 . My mother ( make ) …………………a dress now . 55 . Two years ago , she ( teach ) ………………at a village school . 56 . We ( travel ) ……………………………to Hue next week . 57 . What …………….you ( do ) …………………yesterday morning . 58 . They usually ( have ) ………………………dinner at home , but they ( have ) ……………dinner in a small restaurant yesterday evening . 59 . The children ( be ) …………….here ten minutes ago , but at the moment they ( play ) ..…….in the jard 60 . Could you ( show ) ……………………me the way to the bus stop . 61 . Lan and Hoa ( go ) ……………… the post office now. 62 . Liz ( need ) ……………….some stamps and envelopes . 63 . Hoa ( mail ) ………………….this letter tomorrow . 64 . I need ( buy ) ……………..a phone card . 65 . He ( phone ) …………………….his parents three or four times a week . 66 . Nam wants ( send ) ……………………..this postcard to his penpal . 67 . We would like ( visit ) ……………………Ngoc Son Temple . 68 . My hair is dirty . I ( wash ) ……………….it . 69 . We ( have ) ………………………an English test tomorrow. 70 . They usually ( paint ) ……………………..their house blue . 71 . My father ( buy ) ……………………..a new car 2 months ago . 72 . Nam ( help ) ……………………his father repair the radio at this time .

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73 . I ( be ) …………………busy last night , so I ( miss ) …………….a good film on T.V 74 . Mr Robinson ( watch ) ……………………..T.V every night . 75 . Mrs Mai ( make ) ……………….all her own clothes . At the moment she ( make ) ……………..a dress for her daughter . 76 . He ( teach ) ………………….math at this school in 1986 . 77 . Every body ( wait ) ……………….for the president in the hall now . 78 . You should ( go ) ……………….to bed early . 79 . Lan ( be ) …………………..very tired when she ( catch ) …………..a bad cold 2 days ago . 80 . She needs ( eat ) ………………..a lot of vegetables and fruit . 81 . I hope you ( feel ) ……………………..better soon . 82 . He ( not come ) …………………….to the meeting last week . 83 . My father never ( take ) ………………….medicine . 84 . There ( be ) ……………nobody there when I ( arrive ) …………………yesterday . 85 . Yesterday , Hoa and her aunt ( go ) the supermarket . 86 . I would like ( tell ) ……………you about my family . 87 . Vegetables often ( have ) …………….dirt from the farm on it . 88 . Be careful ! The children ( cross ) ………………..the street . 89 . I ( be ) …………….fourteen years old next week , and so will I . 90 . My father ( not watch ) ……………T.V last night . He ( read ) …………..newspapers and magazines . 91 . You should ( add ) ……………a little salt to the spinach when you boil it . 92 . When ……………you ( buy ) ………this dress ? Two days ago . 93 . I hope you ( visit ) ……………………….Ha Noi soon . 94 . She would like ( buy ) …………………some bananas . 95 . Hoa ( receive ) ………………….a letter from her mother 2 days ago . 96 . It stopped ( hurt ) ……………….afterwards . 97 . I like ( watch ) …………………… . 98 . The children must ( be ) …………….back by six o`clock . 99 . Marconi ( invent ) ……… . 100 . The disease ( spread ) ……………… now. 101 . You ought ( finish ) ………………………your home work before ( watch ) ……………..T.V 102 . Hoa ( have ) ……………….a lot of friends in Hue . 103 . Nam and Trung always ( visit ) ……………their grandparents on Sunday . 104 . My father ( listen ) ……………to the radio everyday . 105 . The children ( like ) ……………….to play in the park . 106 . She ( not live ) …………………….with her parents . 107 . Lan ( brush ) …………………her teeth after meals . 108 . The students ( not go ) ……………………to school on Sunday . 109 . Nga ( talk ) ………………to her friends now . 110 . She ( be ) ……………………...14 on her next birthday . 111 . We ( visit ) ……………………..Huong Pogoda next week . 112 . They ( live ) ……………….with their grandparents . 113 . I ( come ) ………………………back tomorrow . 114 . He ( have ) …………………….a lot of friends . 115 . She ( have ) …………………..a meeting tonight . 116 . M y father ( jog ) ……………………………every morning . 117 . We often ( play ) ……………….tennis in the afternoon . 118 . What …………… ( do ) ……………….next Sunday . 119 . Phong ( watch ) …………….T.V everynight . 120 . They ( go ) …………… the movies tonight . 121 . Tomorrow , She ( invite ) ………………….all friends to her birthday party . 122 . My brother ( listen ) …………… music in his free time . 123 . Our friends ( come ) ……………………here soon . 124 . My father never ( drink ) ………………coffee . 125 . I usually ( go ) ……………….to school by bike but tomorrow I ( go ) ……………to school by bus . 126 . Jane ( play ) ………………..the piano at present . 127 . He ( visit ) …………………..his grandparents next week .

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128 . Jane ( play ) ……………………..the piano at present . 129 . We ( not invite ) ………………....many friends to the party tonight . 130 . Hurry up ! we ( wait ) …………………….for you . 131 . Lan and Hoa ( read ) …………… in the library at the moment . 132 . We ( not come ) ……………………… tomorrow morning . 133 . Listen ! The girl ( play ) ………………….the piano . 134 . Nam ( go ) ………………… the English club every Saturday . 134 . What ……………….you ( do ) …………….now . I ( grow ) …………………some flowers . 135 . My father ( travel ) ……………… Nha Trang next week . 136 . Students often ( go ) …………………to the school cafeteria at lunch time . 137 . You can ( find ) …………..math books on the racks in the middle . 138 . Look ! The teacher ( come ) …………………….here . 139 . She ( study ) …………………..maps in Geography . 140 . Ba can ( fix ) ……………..the lights . 141 . They ( do ) …………………….some experiments at the moment . 142 . You ( be ) …………….a famous author one day . 143 . He enjoys ( draw ) ………………….pictures . 144 . Mai ( learn ) ………………… play the piano in her free time . 145 . I ( try ) …………………… repair the radio now . 146 . The students ( write ) …………………an essay in Literature next Monday . 147 . Let us ( go ) …………………to the English club . 148 . I ( do ) ……………….my math homework at the moment . 149 . Next year , my sister ( be ) ………………..a teacher . 150 . When they ( be ) ………young , they ( leave )………their family and ( go )……to Ho Chi Minh city . 151 . When ………………..Thomas Edison ( die ) …………………? In 1931 .

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Buæi 2 PARTS OF SPEECH OF WORD FORMS I. Danh töø (Nouns):

1. Ñònh nghóa: Danh töø laø nhöõng töø duøng ñeå chæ söï vaät, söï vieäc hoaëc con ngöôøi. 2. Phaân loaïi danh töø:

- Danh töø ñeám ñöôïc (countable nouns): book, student, table, ... - Danh töø khoâng ñeám ñöôïc (uncountable nouns): water, grass, information, .... - Danh töø ñôn (simple nouns): war (chieán tranh), bus (xe buyùt), .... - Danh töø keùp (Compound nouns): world peace (hoøa bình theá giôùi), bus station (traïm xe buyùt),

.... 3. Chöùc naêng:

a. Laøm chuû ngöõ (Subject-): The children go to school every day. b. Laøm taân ngöõ ñoäng töø vaø giôùi töø: (Object): The mother gave a cake to her son c. Laøm boå ngöõ cho chuû ngöõ (Sau keep / seem/ be/ feel/ look) (Complement): He is my best

friend. d. Laøm boå ngöõ cho taân ngöõ (Sau call/ select/ name/....) We call him Tom

II. Ñaïi töø (Pronouns): 1. Ñònh nghóa: Ñaïi töø laø nhöõng töø duøng thay cho danh töø. 2. Phaân loaïi ñaïi töø:

a. Ñaïi töø nhaân xöng (Personal pronouns): coù 2 loaïi: - Ñaïi töø laøm chuû ngöõ: I/ We/ You/ They/ She/ He/ It - Ñaïi töø laøm taân ngöõ: me/ us/ you/ them/ her/ him/ it b. Ñaïi töø chæ ñònh: This/ that/ these/ those c. Ñaïi töø baát ñònh: (Chæ ngöôøi) someone, somebody, no one, nobody, anyone, anybody, everyone (Chæ vaät) something, nothing, anything, everything

3. Chöùc naêng: Gioáng danh töø III. Tính töø (Adjectives):

1. Ñònh nghóa: laø töø duøng ñeå mieâu taû hoaëc cho bieát theâm chi tieát veà danh töø . 2. Phaân loaïi: a. Tính töø mieâu taû: SIZE + SHAPE + AGE + COLOR + NATIONAL + MATERIAL

. (kích thöôùc + hình daïng + tuoåi + maøu + quoác tòch + chaát lieäu) b. Tính töø sôû höõu: my/ our / your / their / her / his/ its c. Tính töø chæ soá löôïng: much/ little/ few/ a lot of / plenty of / each/ every/ another 3. Chöùc naêng: a. Boå nghóa cho danh töø: A beautiful girl b. Boå nghóa cho ñaïi töø: Something new c. Ñöùng sau keep / seem/ be/ feel/ look... vaøboå nghóa cho chuû ngöõ; He looks happy. d. Ñöùng sau keep /make let + O + Adj vaøboå nghóa cho taân ngöõ. We make our parents happy. IV. Traïng töø (Adverbs): 1. Ñònh nghóa: laø nhöõng töø duøng ñeå dieån taû tính caùch, ñaëc tính, möùc ñoä, ... vaø ñöôïc duøng ñeå boå nghóa cho ñoäng töø, tính töø, traïng töø khaùc hoaëc cho caû caâu.

2. Phaân loaïi: a. Traïng töø chæ theå caùch: well, carefully, quickly, hard, fast b. Traïng töø chæ thôøi gian: early/ late / yet/ now, today, yesterday, before, after, tomorrow... c. Traïng töø chæ möùc ñoä: too much/ too little/ very / extremely/ a lot / nearly d. Traïng töø chæ ñòa ñieåm: here/ there/ upstairs/ at home / in the garden... e. Traïng töø chæ söï thöôøng xuyeân: always/ often/ usually/ sometimes/ hardly/ once a week.....

3. Chöùc naêng: a. Boå nghóa cho tính töø: A very beautiful girl b. Boå nghóa cho ñoäng töø: walk slowly; study hard; play well c. Boå nghóa cho traïng töø: walk very slowly; study so hard; play quite well



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2. Anger Angry Angrily Giaän 3. Attraction Attract Attractive Attracted Attractively Haáp daãn 4. Beauty Beautify Beautiful Beautifully Ñeïp 5. Business Busy Busily Baän vieäc 6. Care/ ful/ ness Care Careful/ less Carefully/ lessly Caån thaän 7. Center Central Centrally Trung taâm 8. Collection Collect Collective Thu thaäp 9. Curiosity Curious Curiously Toø moø 10. Danger Endanger Dangerous Dangerously Nguy hieåm 11. Death Die Dead Cheat 12. Depth (ñoä

saâu) Deepen (laøm) Deep Deeply Saâu

13. Difference Differ Different Differently Khaùc nhau 14. Difficulty Difficult Difficultly Khoù khaên 15. Excitement Excite exciting Excited/ ing Excitingly Haøo höùng 16. Friend/ - ship Friendly Baïn beø 17. Fluency Fluent Fluently Troâi chaûy 18. Harm Harm (gaây

haïi) Harmful/ less

Harmlully/lessly Haïi

19. Happiness Happy Happily Haïnh phuùc

20. Health Healthy Healthily Maïnh khoeû

21. Invention Invent Inventory Phaùt minh 22. Laziness Lazy Lazily Löôøi

bieáng 23. Length Lengthen Long Daøi 24. Nation/ ality Nationalize National Nöôùc/

qtòch 25. Nature Naturalize Natural Naturally Töï nhieân 26. Pollution Pollute Polluted OÂ nhieãm 27. Practice Practice Practical Practically Thöïc haønh 28. Prevention Prevent Preventable Ngaên caûn 29. Reason Reason Reasonable Reasonably Lyù do 30. Science/

Scientist Scientific Scientifically Khoa hoïc

31. Strength Strengthen Strong Strongly Maïnh 32. Success Succeed Successful Successfully Thaønh

coâng 33. Warmth Warn Warm Warmly AÁm aùp 34. Width Widen Wide Widely Roäng 35. Wonder Wonder Wonderful Wonderfully Kì dieäu

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Buæi 3 IDENTIFICATION OF WORD FORMS I. Choïn danh töø: (ñaàu caâu, sau ñoäïng töø vaø giôùi töø)

II. Choïn tính töø: Tröôùc danh töø, sau linking verbs, 1. ADJ+ NOUN 2. KEEP / SEEM/ BE/ FEEL/ LOOK + ADJ:

A happy girl always smiles. (happiness) 3. Linking verbs: He’s heavy. ( heaviness)

III. Choïn traïng töø: Giöõa chuû ngöõ vaø ñoäng töø / sau ñoäng töø thöôøng, sau taân ngöõ. ñaàu caâu, ...

4. S + ADV + V(thöôøng): 5. S + V (+ O) + ADV 6. ADV, S + V

1. I have recently received my friend’s letter. 2. The doctor told me to breathe in slowly. 3. Suddenly, he saw an accident.

IV. Choïn ñoäng töø: ñöùng ngay sau chuû ngöõ: - S + V: 1. My mother bought a new bike yesterday.

V. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. He feels very …………..............……….………so he talks …………..............……….……… Anger 2. She looks…………..............……….………in her new coat. Attraction 3. He plays soccer …………..............……….……… Beauty 4. Nam is always …………..............……….………. He is on his ……............……….……… this

week. Business

5. Mr. Han is a …………..............……….……… driver. He drives …………..............……….……… Care 6. I live on …………..............……….……… highland in Dalak. Center 7. Hoa has a fine …………..............……….……… of stamp. Collect 8. His …………..............……….……… helps him successful. Curious 9. AIDS is a………..............……….disease Danger 10. Her parents’ …………..............……….……… makes her very sad. Death 11. Mai understands me …………..............……….……… Depth (ñoä

saâu) 12. There is no …………..............……….……… between my answer and his. Differ 13. We have a lot of …………..............……….……… in learning English. Difficult 14. The is an…………..............……….……… football match this afternoon. Excite 15. We are very proud of our………..............………. Friend 16. He speaks English …………..............……….……… Fluency 17. If you smoke, it is …………..............……….……… to you. Harm 18. She sent her best wishes for my future…………..............……….……… Happiness 19. He does exercise every morning, so he is very…………..............……….……… Health 20. Exercises …………..............……….………your health. Strong 21. …………..............……….………students don’t often succeed in the tests. Laziness 22. . ………..............……….are trying to find out new stars. Science 23. Nam is very…………..............……….……… and heavy. Strength 24. I don’t like hot weather. I like…………..............……….……… weather Warmth 25. Ha Long Bay is a …………..............……….……… Bay. Wonder




- þ

+ NOUN (Danh töø)


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Buæi 4 ADVERB CLAUSES OF TIME & REASON A. ADVERD CLAUSES OF TIME: Laø meänh ñeà traïng ngöõ chæ thôøi gian baét ñaàu caùc lieân töø When, while, after/ before, as (khi), until (ñeán khi )

S +V+ When/ while/ after/ before/ as/until + S + V Chæ töông lai: When he comes tomorrow, we will welcome him. Chæ hieän taïi: When it’s hot, I go swimming. / As I come, he is eating. B. ADVERD CLAUSES OF REASON: Laø meänh ñeà traïng ngöõ chæ lyù do hay nguyeân nhaân baét ñaàu caùc lieân töø: because/ since/ as (bôûi vì)

S + V + because/ since/ as + S + V Mr. Ba is late because/ since/ as she oversleeps. Because Lan and Ba don’t have a tent, they never go camping. C. Join two sentences into one, use because/ since/ as: 1. Lan and Ba never go camping. , so they don’t have a tent

................................................................................................................................................... 2. I stay at home. It rains.

................................................................................................................................................... 3. Tan is late for school. He misses the bus.

................................................................................................................................................... 4. The weather is fine. We have a picnic on the mountain.

................................................................................................................................................... 5. I don’t have a bike, so I walk.

................................................................................................................................................... 6. Nhan is free, so he flies his kites.

................................................................................................................................................... D. Join two sentences into one, use when/ while/ after/ before/ as/until: 1. It is warm. I go fishing. (when)

................................................................................................................................................... 2. My father is eating. My mother cooks. (while)

................................................................................................................................................... 3. I take a bath first. Then I eat. (before)

................................................................................................................................................... 4. Mr. Quang waits for the farmer. The farmer comes. (until)

................................................................................................................................................... 5. He will come tomorrow. We will welcome him. (When)

................................................................................................................................................... 6. You will go the museum. You will see a lot of valuable pictures. (When)


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Buæi 5 ARTICLES A. Maïo töø khoâng xaùc ñònh: A,AN Examples 1. A An : ñöùng tröôùc danh töø ñeám ñöôïc soá ít ñeå

giôùi thieäu moät ñieàu gì chöa ñöôïc ñeà caäp hoaëc laàn ñaàu.

A ball is round. I see a boy in the street.

2. An : ñöùng tröôùc danh töø baét ñaàu baèng nguyeân aâm. A : ñöùng tröôùc danh töø baét ñaàu baèng phuï aâm.

an apple, an inkpot, an engineer a book, a pen, house, a man,

3. Nhöõng danh töø ,luoân duøng vôùi A European, uniform, universal, university, union, eulogy, euphemism

4. Nhöõng danh töø ,luoân duøng vôùi AN hour, heir, herbal, honor B. Maïo töø xaùc ñònh: THE Khoâng duøng maïo töø xaùc ñònh: THE

Ñöùng tröôùc danh töø ñeám ñöôïc hoaëc khoâng ñeám ñöôïc ôû soá ít hay nhieàu ñeå giôùi thieäu moät ñieàu gì ñaõ ñöôïc ñeà caäp, ñöôïc boå nghóa cuïm giôùi töø with / of + N hay ñieàu maø ai cuõng bieát. The earth is round. (ai cuõng bieát) The boy in the corner is my friend.

The sugar on the table is sweet. ( nghóa rieâng bieät) The tigers in Vietnam are in danger.

Tröôùc danh töø khoâng ñeám ñöôïc ôû soá ít/ ñeám ñöôïc ôû soá nhieàu khi noùi ñeân ñaëc ñieåm, chuûng loaïi, gioáng noøi chung chung. Athletes must follow a well- balanced diet. Sugar is sweet. (nghóa chung chung) Tigers like fresh meat.

a. Teân Nhieàu hoà: The great Lakes Caùc ñaïi döông: the Atlantic Ocean Caùc doøng soâng: The red River Caùc vuøng bieån: The red Sea

Teân hoà soá ít: Lake Geneva, Lake Erie Chaâu luïc: Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia

b. Teân caùc daõy nuùi: the Andes, the rocky mountains

Teân moät nuùi: Mount Everest, Mount Pinatubo

c. Moät vaät/ ngöôøi duy nhaát: the earth, the moon, the sun, the Pope, the sky

Teân caùc haønh tinh: Venus, Mars, Danh töø tröøu töôïng: freedom, happiness

d. Teân caùc tröôøng hoïc coù: the School of Florida Teân caùc tröôøng ñaïi hoïc coù: the University of.... Teân caùc tröôøng cao ñaúng coù: the College of....

Teân tröôøng hoïc baét ñaàu danh töø rieâng: Quang Trung Secondary School Hung Vuong University, Hong Bang College

e. Soá thöù töï ñöùng tröôùc danh töø: the first World War

Soá ñeám ñi sau danh töø: World war one, chapter two

f. Teân caùc nöôùc goàm nhieàu töø: the U.S, the U.K Teân caùc nöôùc goàm moät töø: France, Vietnam

g. Teân caùc nhaïc cuï: the guitar, the piano Teân caùc moân theå thao: baseball, volleyball, soccer

h. Teân caùc cuoäc chieán: the Korean war Nhöõng töø khoâng bò giôùi haïn nghóa: breakfast, lunch, dinner, church, school, college, home, work, hospital

Supply the correct word form 1. The duty of the police is the ___________of law and order. (MAINTAIN) 2. Our tomatoes are ________nicely; they’ll be ready to eat in about a week. (RIPE) 3. Look at this picture of Bill and his father - you can see the __________clearly, can’t you? (LIKE) 4. He said ‘Good morning’ in a most _______way. (FRIEND) 5. Playing for the national team for the first time was an _______experience for Hong Son. (FORGET) 6. “This is not a good essay,’ said the lecturer. ‘I find your arguments ________. (CONVINCE) 7. It’s a lovely old house, I agree, but can we afford to_______ it? (MODERN) 8. George and I have been friends since_________ he used to live next door. (CHILD) 9. In winter it is important for farmers to provide food and _______ for their animals. (WARM) 10. Pele ________Ronaldo to take part in 2002 World Cup. (COURAGE) 11. ____________is one of the qualities required of a social worker. (FLEXIBLE)

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12. Novelists are among the most _______people in the world.(IMAGINE) 13. Secondary education is ________and free in many countries. (COMPEL) 14. The song has ____________been selected for the Sea Games 22, Vietnam. (OFFICE) 15. _______are doing their best to make people aware of the danger of air pollution. (ENVIRONMENT)

o A or An? The general rule is that we use a before a consonant and an before a vowel:

a bowl, a car,a dog, but... an ant, an elephant, an insect, an orange, an urn But, what is important here is not the way a word is written, but the way it sounds. We choose a or an depending on the sound at the beginning of the word and whether it is a vowel sound or a consonant sound. For example, take the word uniform. Although it begins with a vowel - u - when we write it, when we say it the first sound is /y/ which is a consonant: uniform is pronounced ‘/junɪfɔːm/ so we say a uniform One word which is often confused is hotel. Some people pronounce this word as /həʊˈtɛl/ so they would write: a hotel. But other people pronounce this word as /əʊˈtɛl/ and so they would write: an hotel

o The Zero Article does not exist. It is a useful term to use when describing how to use articles. Essentially when we talk about the zero article, we mean that we don’t use any article in front of a noun.

For example, when we use a noun with a preposition, we often do not use an article (that is, we just use the noun on its own): I went to school but left my books at home. Mother was in church and father at sea; Grandfather came to dinner later by train and Grandmother managed to escape from prison to join us. When we talk about an institution, we use the zero article.

– The definite article doesn't change. It is always the whether the noun is masculine, feminine or neuter, singular or plural. We use the definite article - the - when we talk about a singular or plural noun which refers to a particular member of a a group.

The woman.The man.The door.The doors. Prior Reference We often use the after the noun has already been mentioned. For example: An Englishman, an Irishman and a Sctosman walk into a pub. The Englishman ordered a bitter; the Irishman ordered a Guiness and the Scotsman ordered a whisky. The first time we mention the noun we use the indefinite article and from then on we use the definite article. Known Reference If both speakers know what they are talking about they can use the even though the noun may not have been mentioned before. In other words, it is implied that the noun has already been mentioned. Excuse me, do you know what the time is? Where's the toilet? In these examples, the speaker assumes that the listener knows what is being talked about. Miscellanous In addition, the is used in the following special circumstances Exceptions include: the Hague; the Matterhorn; the Mall; the White House, the United States of America We use the definite article - the - when we talk about a singular or plural noun which refers to a particular member of a a group. In this example the group is all men; we want to reference a particular man so we say: The man in the hat. Compare this with the indefinite article which refers to any man in the group: A man in a hat.

parts of day/night midnight, midday, noon, night

days Monday, Tuesday superlatives the highest, the biggest, the oldest

festivals Easter ordinals the third man, the sixth wife seasons & months Winter, February oceans, seas the Pacific, the Black Sea

years 1961, 1995, 2000 inventions the wheel, the internal combustion engine

buildings Buckingham Palace, number 10 titles the Queen, the President, the chairperson

streets Acacia Avenue, Pall Mall, Sunset Boulevard rivers & canals the Thames, the Nile, the Suez

airports Heathrow, Gatwick public buildings the Sheraton, the Red Lion, the Natural History Museum

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cities & towns London, New York, Tokyo, Sydney, Cairo newspapers The Independent, The Daily

Mirror, The Times mountains Everest, K2, Mont Blanc families the Browns, the Bushes

countries America, Britain, Arabia countries of union

the United States, the United Arab Emirates

continents Africa, Asia, America, Europe Jobs He is an artist and his wife is a plumber.

beliefs He is a Buddhist and his wife is an atheist.

people Joe, Mrs Smith ships the Bismarck, the Lusitanian magazines Cosmopolitan, Time mountain chains the Alps, the Highlands games football, tennis, bar billiards instruments the piano, the bag pipes

nationalities He is an American and she is a Swede.

Exceptions include: the Hague; the Matterhorn; the Mall; the White House, the United States of America In this example, the group is all men; we want to reference a particular man so we say: The man in the hat. Compare this with the indefinite article, which refers to any man in the group: A man in a hat. Retrieved from ""

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Buæi 6 COMPARISONS A/ So saùnh baèng: (equality) S + V + AS ADJ/ ADV AS + S B/ So saùnh hôn: (Comparatives)

Tính töø ngaén: S + V + ADJ/ADV- ER + THAN + S2 Tính töø daøi: S + V + MORE + ADJ/ ADV + THAN +

S2 C/ So saùnh nhaát; (Superlatives)

Tính töø ngaén: S + V + THE ADJ –EST + N. Tính töø daøi: S + V + THE MOST + ADJ + N.

This new house is as expensive as that one. He ran faster than his friends did. Films are more interesting than plays. Ex: He is more intelligent than Peter. Nam is the youngest student in his class Winter is the coldest in the year.

Note: - Tính töø ngaén: 1 vaàn vaø 2 vaàn nhö: happy, pleasant, quiet - Tính töø daøi: caùc tính töø 2 vaàn trôû leân nhö : interesting, beautiful, expensive

- So saùnh caùc tính töø ñaëc bieät: good → better/ the best; bad → worse/ the worst; little → less/ the least;many → more/ the most; far → farther/ further/ the farthest/ further

Test (comparative or superlative form)

I/ Read the situations and complete the sentences. Use the comparative form (-er or more )with give adjective.

1. The CD is 20.000 dong , the cassette is 12.000 dong. (expensive) The CD……………………………………………………………………….

2. The church is built in 1878 and the library in 1925.(old) The church …………………………………………………………………...

3. Andrew hasn’t many friend .Clare has lots of friends.(popurlar) Clare…………………………………………………………………………..

4. The film lasts two and a half hours, but videotape is only two hours long.(long) The film ………………………………………………………………………

5. It takes four hours to go by car and five hours to go by train.(slow) Going by train…………………………………………..……………………..

6. Laura’s room has a lot of pictures and flowers. Mark’s room doesn’t have any pictures .(interesting)

Laura’s room ………………………………………………………………… 7. Daneil can lift 90 kilos ,but Matthew can lift 120 kilos.(strong)

Matthew ……………………………………………………………………… 8. There are a lot of vehicles on the streets in the city.There are few vehicles on the streets in the

countryside. (Crowded) The streets in the city ………………………………………………………..

9. The buses run every 30 minutes .The trains run very hour.(frequent) The buses …………………………………………………………………….

10. Yesterday the temperature was six degrees. Today it’s only three degrees.(cold) It ……………………………………………………………………………..

II/ Write the sentences from the notes.Use the superlative form of the adjective. 1.Mark / tall /person/ his family.

……………………………………………………………………………….. 2.This stadium / modern / Europe.

……………………………………………………………………………….. 3.What /happy/ day/your life.

……………………………………………………………………………….. 4.The Beatles album / good / they ever made..

……………………………………………………………………………….. 5.Asernal /popular/team/England.

……………………………………………………………………………….. 6.This painting /valuable/the gallery.


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7.Yesterday/hot /day/the month. ………………………………………………………………………………..

8.This watch/ one /cheap/you cn buy. ………………………………………………………………………………..

9.That/ boring/ film /I /ever / see. ………………………………………………………………………………..

10.It /bad/mistake/I/ever/make. ………………………………………………………………………………..

III/ Write the comparative form or the superlative form of the words in brackets 1. Sport is……………………………….politics.(interesting) 2. Can’t you think of anything ……………………… say?(intelligent) 3. It’s …………………… of the year.(short) 4. London is……………………………Birmingham.(big) 5. I prefer this chair to the other ones.It’s ……………………(comfortable) 6. The weather is getting……………………………….(bad). 7. I like living in the countryside.It’s …………….living in a town.(peaceful) 8. Who is ………………………in the class?(clever) 9. That’s ……………………..meal I’ve had for a long time.(delicious) 10. It was……………………….speech I’ve heard .(boring) III/ Read the situations and complete the sentences. Using the words in brackets. 1. I’m quite tall but you are taller.(as…… I’m……………………………………………………………………...... 2. Hoa and Tim are both 13 year old .(the same…… Tim is……………………………age…………………………………… 3. She speak English very well ,and her sister speaks well too.(as…… She speaks………………………………………………………her sister. 4. They lived here for a long time but we’ve lived here longer.(as…… They haven’t…………………………………………………………us. 5. My birthday is 12 August.Tom’s birthday is 12 August .(the same as) My birthday is ……………………………………………………Tom’s 6. Sandra spent 100 dollar ; but Susan spent 120 dollars.(as…… Sandra ……………………………much money……………………… 7. Nam drive carefully,but his sister drive more carefully.(as…… Nam doesn’t……………………………………………………………… 8. We left the meeting at 10 pm ; they left the meeting at 10 pm too .(The same ……as) We left …………………………………time…………………………

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Buæi 7 PREPOSITIONS With IN: the morning, august, summer, 2006, uniform, hospital, bed, the world, debt, prison, English, the center of, the middle of, some ways, addition, Vietnam, London, ink, the past/ future, case

With ON: Monday, Saturday morning, holiday, radio, subject, foot, a farm, a chair, the beach, the phone, Christmas Day, the occasion, the south coast of, a picnic, the way to, time, a street, a floor, the right/ left, sale, the corner

With AT: 5 o’clock, first, last, present, the moment, 16 years old, the age of (15), home, school, the bus stop, the same time, a party, Mary’s house, the end of, the beginning of, night, least, once, times, work

With others: for a week/ fun/ reading/ a walk - from Paris to London, from nine to five- By Nguyen Du, by shooting, by then, by the way, by far, by accident by car/ bus/ taxi/ plane - with smoke, with hands, out of date/ work/ order

ADJ+ Prep: amazed, amused, delighted at – afraid of, angry with, bad at, good at, different from, fond to, familiar with, famous for, proud of, interested in, kind to/ of, pleased with, useful for, worried about, similar to, accustomed to

VERBS + Prep: borrow from, compare with, crowd into, laugh at, look at/ after/ for/up, prepare for, participate, think of ,, succeed.. in, take part in, take care of, tell about, take.. to about, tune into, keep in touch, consist of

NOUN + Prep: love for, habit of/ aspect of, sight of, means of, reason for, method of, pair of SOME SENTENCE PATTERNS

1. S + V + Adj/ n

( be, look, keep, seem, taste, sound, become) Jack looked very worried. The food tastes delicious.

2. S + V + Adv (walk, drive, talk, close, rise. come) He is careful. He drives slowly. 3. S + V + O + adv ( watch, read, meet, make, see) He watched T.V every night. 4. S + V + O + C (make, elect, declare, consider…) ( think, believe, find) (keep, make, let, have) (regard, recognize, appoint, consider)

We made Frank armchair. I find the lesson too boring. Sad movie makes me cry. They regard him as an excellent player.

5. S + V + I.O + D.O = S + V + D.O+ to/ for + I.O (give, teach, show, award, offer, lend +to // buy, make+ for)

Mary teaches me English.= He teaches English to me My mother bought me a hat. = She bought it for me

6. S + V + prep + O (look at, wait for, cope with, rely on, depend on, complain/talk about, smile at…)

I have been waiting for you for an hour. He looks at himself in the mirror.

7. S + V + prep + O = S + V + O (pro) + prep (put on/off, take off, turn on /off, throw away, see off

He puts on his shoes. = He puts them on. I turn on the light, and then I turn it off.

8. S + V + O + noun clause (learn, know, show, discover, decide, understand…)

I can understand what you said. He showed me where the bank was.

9. There (be) + noun + prep phrase There is some water in the jar. There were many students in the yard.

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1 - SOME: Trong caâu khaúng ñònh/ lôøi môøi: - Duøng vôùi danh töø soá ít khoâng ñeám ñöôïc vaø soáâ nhieàu ñeám ñöôïc: Ex: I like some milk. Would you like some milk?

2 - ANY: Trong caâu phuû ñònh vaø nghi vaán - Duøng vôùi danh töø soá ít khoâng ñeám ñöôïc vaø soáâ nhieàu ñeám ñöôïc:

Ex: I don’t like any milk. Do you like any milk? * Caùc ñaïi töø someone, somebody, something, noone, nothing, nobody, anyone, anything, anybody,

everyone, everything, everybody cuõng duøng theo caùch treân. Chuù yù No = Not + any: nobody = not any body

3. MANY / A LARGE NUMBER OF/ A GREAT NUMBER OF/: (nhieàu) Duøng vôùi danh töø soáâ nhieàu ñeám ñöôïc: Ex: He has many books. Ex: A large number of students in our school are good. 4. MUCH / A LARGE AMOUNT OF/ A GREAT DEAL OF /: (nhieàu) Duøng vôùi danh töø soá ít khoâng ñeám ñöôïc: Ex: He has much time to play. Ex: A large amount of * How much/ How many cuõng duøng theo caùch treân:

Ex: How many eggs does she want? - She wants a dozen eggs. Ex: How much beef do you want? - I want 200grams of beef. 5. PLENTY OF/ A LOT OF / LOTS OF (nhieàu) Duøng vôùi danh töø ñeám ñöôïc vaø khoâng ñeám ñöôïc: Ex: He has plenty of books. Ex: He has plenty of time to play. * Very/ too/ so/ as + many/ much + noun Ex: There is too much bad news on T.V tonight 6. FEW / A FEW/ LITTLE / A LITTLE: (ít, moät ít, moät vaøi)

A. FEW: (raát ít yù phuû ñònh) + Duøng vôùi danh töø soáâ nhieàu ñeám ñöôïc Ex: I feel lonely because I have a few friends there. B. A FEW: (moät vaøi yù khaúng ñònh) + Duøng vôùi danh töø soáâ nhieàu ñeám ñöôïc Ex: You can see a few houses on the hill.

C. LITTLE: (raát ít yù phuû ñònh) + Duøng vôùi danh töø soáâ ít khoâng ñeám ñöôïc Ex: I have very little time for reading. D. A LITTLE: (moät ít, moät chuùt yù khaúng ñònh) + Duøng vôùi danh töø soáâ ít khoâng ñeám ñöôïc Ex: I need a little help to move these books.

7. More, less, fewer: A. FEWER: So saùnh hôn cuûa (few - a few) - Duøng keøm vôùi danh töø ñeám ñöôïc soá nhieàu S + V + fewer + ADJ / Noun + than + S Ex: He has fewer days off than we.

B. LESS: So saùnh hôn cuûa (little - a little) - Duøng keøm vôùi danh töø khoâng ñeám ñöôïc hoaëc keøm vôùi tính töø S + V + Less + ADJ / Noun + than + S Ex: He is less scared now. Do you have less free time than Hoa?

C. MORE: So saùnh hôn cuûa (a lot of / many /much) - Duøng keøm vôùi danh töø ñeám ñöôïc hoaëc khoâng ñeám ñöôïc Ex: Do you have more hours than Hoa? - Duøng keøm vôùi tính töø daøi (Töø 2 vaàn trôû leân) - S + V + More + ADJ / Noun + than + S. Ex: He is more tired than I. 8. MOST / MOST OF: (Phaàn lôùn, haàu heát) A. MOST + NOUN ( soá nhieàu :Most children / hoaëc khoâng ñeám ñöôïc: Most coffee) Ex: Most children are fond of sweets. Ex: Most coffee is new and good. B. MOST OF + MY/ HIS/ HER/ YOU/ THEIR/ THE / THIS/ THAT/ THESE/ THOSE + N Ex: Most of the boys in my class want to play soccer.





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Buæi 9 READING D. Read and answer the questions: I. Hi, My name is pike and this is my son. He learns in a big school in London. He goes to school from Monday to Friday and doesn’t go to school at the weekend. At school, he studies may things. He is very much interested in math and Physics because they are his favorite subject. At recess, Peter often plays basketball and he plays it very well. He sometimes plays soccer after school. In his free time, he always listens to music and he learns to play the guitar. He hopes he will become an engineer in the future.

1. Where does Peter learn? .................................................................................................................. 2. What subject does he like? .................................................................................................................. 3. What does he do at recess? .................................................................................................................. 4. What does he do in his free time? ......................................................................................................... 5. Does Peter want to be an engineer or a singer? ...................................................................................

II We are all destroying the earth. The sea and the rivers are too dirty to swimming in. There is so much smoke in the air that it is unhealthy to live in many of world’s cities. We have cut down so many trees that there are now vast areas of wasteland all over the world. As a result, farmers in parts of Africa can’t grow enough rice to eat. Wild animals are quickly disappearing. We must save the earth. 1. Are we are all destroying the earth?

............................................................................................................................................................ 2. What are too dirty to swimming in?

............................................................................................................................................................. 3. Why is it unhealthy to live in many of world’s cities?


4. What disappear quickly? .............................................................................................................................................................

5. What should we do now? .............................................................................................................................................................

III. I’m Linh, Pham Thuy Linh. I am a new student of 7A class in Nguyen Du secondary school. I am thirteen and I come from Hoa Binh. I have a brother and a sister. They are 500 students at a high school in Hoa Binh. I live with my aunt at 20 Le Loi Street. She often brings me to school by motorbike every day. It is more than two kilometers from my aunt’s house to my school. It takes us ten minutes to go these. My telephone number is 871374.

SURVERY FORM Family name: ………...…………………………………………… Name(s): ………………….............……………………………… Age: ………………………….................………………………… Grade: ..................………………………………………………… School: ...................…………………………………………………

Brothers and sister:…………......………………………………… Address : …………….....…………………………………… Telephone number: ………......………………………………… Distance : ……………......………………………………… Means of transport: .............………………………………… Time: ………………….........………………………

IV. My name is Lan. I am 12 years old. I am a student at Hoang Dieu School. My father is a farmer. He grows vegetables and raises cattle on our farm in the countryside. My mother is a teacher. She is always busy at school. I have an elder sister, Mai. She is a nurse, and she works in a hospital. I love my family very much. 2. How old is Lan? g …………………......................…………………………………………………………………...........……………………………………… 3. Who is always busy at school? g …………………......................…………………………………………………………………...........……………………………………… 4. What does Lan ,s father grow? g …………………......................…………………………………………………………………...........………………………………………

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5. Where does Mai work? g …………………......................…………………………………………………………………...........………………………………………

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Phßng GD&§T huyÖn HiÖp Hoµ

Tr-êng THCS H-¬ng L©m Teacher : §ç Xu©n Hµ

®Ò thi häc sinh giái Môn Tiếng anh Lớp 7

Thêi gian lµm bµi : 150 phót (kh«ng kÓ giao ®Ò )

®Ò bµi I/. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. 5

1. A. sure B. saw C. send D. sit 2. A. new B. sew C. few D. knew 3. A. image B. arcade C. take D. days 4. A. plays B. looks C. wants D. helps 5. A. decided B. preferred C. listened D. enjoyed 6. A. much B. drug C. buffalo D. future 7. A. horrible B. hour C. hundred D. hold 8. A. teenager B. together C. guess D. regular 9. A. languages B. goes C. watches D. dresses 10. A. education B. collection C. question D. celebration

II/.Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word given in capital. ( 15 Points ). 1/. English is an ………………… and important subject INTEREST. 2/. In electronics they learn to repair ……………appliances. HOUSE 3/. The most popular ………….. at recess is talking . ACT 4/. Hoa is having a....................check-up MEDICINE 5/. In the countryside, people often know all the people in their................... NEIGHBOR 6/. You must be careful when playing video games because they can be ………. ADDICT 7/. I’d like a JUICE 8/. Edison’s most famous ………. was the electronic bulb. INVENT 9/. This dictionary is very ..............for you to learn English USE 10/. I have ....................time to play than my friends LITTLE III/. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.(5 points) 1/. I bought this dress at the...................on Hang Bai street.

A. clothes’ store B. store of closes C. clothes store D. closing store 2/. Isn’t it easy to learn English well ? - ………………………..

A. No, it is B. No it does not C. Yes, it is D. Yes. It does 3/. There are two churches in the town and ………………of them are extremely old.

A. each B. all C. both D. most 4/. My joke made the whole class ………………

A. smile B. laughing C. laugh D. crying 5/. Mr. Nam ………………….. to work yesterday

A. wasn’t drive B. not drive C. didn’t drove D. didn’t drive 6/. The news on TV last night ……………………. very good.

A. was B. has C. were D. be 7/. Lan did not know the world . Hoa didn’t …………………………….

A. so B. neither C. either D. too 8/. The boss wants his ………………….. to type some letters.

A. secretary B. novelist C. journalist D. musician

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9/. If he eats all that food, he eats……………………… A. quite much B. too many C. quite many D. too much

10/. Mr Robinson speaks Vietnamese very…………………….. A. skillfully B. good C. fluently D. best

IV/. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete the following sentences.( 10 points) 1/. We can’t go out now because it (rain ) …………………… . 2/. They (meet) .......................their teacher at the moment 3/. We (visit ) ………………….the museum at the moment. We (visit ) ………… once a year 4/. Hai ( not write ) ……………….. to her parents last week. She ( phone ) …..……. them. 5/.Duy ( not visit)… ………the museum with his class last Sunday because he (catch ) ……. a cold. 6/. How much it ( cost ) …………….to mail a latter to England ? 7/. Take these pills and you ( feel ) ……………….. better then, Ha . V/. Each sentence below contains an error. Underline it and write the correct answer in the space provided ( 10 points ) 1. From at nine in the morning until four afternoon Mr. Tuan works in A B C the fields with his father. D 2. There is fewer work in the evening than there is in the morning A B C D 3. My Dad always has a three-weeks vacation A B C D 4. Mr Ba soon got used to travel to work by bicycle A B C D 5. The doctor says you should spend a little time to play video game. A B C D 6. The public library in the city has thousand of good books A B C D 7. What does the new student like ? - Oh, she is tall and beautiful A B C D 8. Ba is in class 7A and he enjoys the school very much A B C D 9. My father always has a lot of houseworks to do A B C D 10. There is a ten-floors building in front of my house A B C D

1....................................... 2......................................... 3........................................ 4...................................... 5....................................... 6........................................ 7....................................... 8........................................... 9......................................... 10.......................................

VI/. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word.(20points) Americans like sport very much. One of the (1)............. popular kinds of sports in Autumn is

football. All the high schools(2)........... universities have their own teams. In winter the most popular kind of sports (3)........... basketball. There is usually a match every

evening in one school gymnasium or another. In some parts of the United States there is a lot of (4).............. and ice. Many people like skiing and skating.

In the other two (5).............., millions of Americans enjoy baseball. The schools have their games in (6)..............., but the most important professional games are played during summer. Many people listen to the games (7) .......... the radio, watch them on television or read about them (8) .............. the newspapers.

Some also play tennis or golf and others (9) ......... fishing. They like to stay outdoors (10) is warm during the months of June, July and August. VII: Use the words given to complete the following sentences

1. you / better / eat / too / candies / because / they / not good / your teeth

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.................................................................................................................... 2. Hoa / measure / height / weigh / the scale / the moment. .................................................................................................................... 3. Mr.Lam / now wear / face mask / protect him / breathe / dust .................................................................................................................... 4. last year / brother / work / engineer / printing factory .................................................................................................................... 5. what / wide / the West Lake? .................................................................................................................... 6. this morning / I / eat / bread / and / drink milk / breakfast.

……………………………………………………………………….. 7. “ balanced diet” / mean / you / eat / variety / foods / without / eat / much / anything.

………………………………………………………………………….. 8. children / spend / only / small part / free time / play / electronic games.

………………………………………………………………………………….. 9. public library / city / have / thousands / books / and / Lan / begin / borrow books regularly.

……………………………………………………………………………………….. games / good fun / but players / must / careful.

…………………………………………………………………………….. VIII/. Read the following passage then choose the best answer to fill in the blank. In the United States of America, the national language is (1)............ English. Four hundred years ago, some English people came to North America to live and they brought (2).......... language to this country. Now in the USA, people speak (3)...........English . Most of the words are the (4)............ in American and British English, but the American say some English words not as people (5)........... in England. Canada is (6).......... to the North of the United States of America. It is the larger (7)......... the United States. In Canada, many people (8)............ English because they also came from England many years (9)......... But in some parts of Canada, people speak (10)............ because they came from France.

1. A. also. B. like. C. as. D. not. 2. A. French. B. English. C. Chinese. D. Canadian. 3. A. British. B. American. C. Russian. D. Chinese. 4. A. various. B. similar. C. same. D. like. 5. A. do. B. say. C. talk. D. speak. 6. A. lies. B. situated. C. at. D. in. 7. A. than. B. as. C. more. D. less. 8. A. say. B. tell. C. talk. D speak. 9. A. ago. B. later. C. there. D. here. 10. A. France. B.French. C. Russian. D. Italian.

IX/. Use given words to rewrite the second sentence that the meaning not change: 1. It took Mr. Hoang half an hour to walk to work yesterday. Mr. Hoang spent....................................................... 2. What is the price of this cap ? How much.................................................................?

3. You shouldn’t eat too much meat.

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Gv: Phạm Văn Bình 27

You’d............................................................................ 4. Lan is the youngest of the three sisters. Lan has ..................................................... 5. Our house is older than any other house in the living centre Our house...................................................................... 6. Mai usually works hard.

Mai is usually a……………………………………………….. 7. There are eight hundred stamps in Hoa’s collection. Hoa’s collection....................................................................... 8. How heavy is the chicken ? What ......................................................................................? 9. How much is this book ? What is..............................................................................? 10. Listening to music is more interesting than watching TV. I prefer........................................................................

The end

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Gv: Phạm Văn Bình 28

Phßng GD&§T huyÖn HiÖp Hoµ

Tr-êng THCS H-¬ng L©m Teacher : §ç Xu©n Hµ

®Ò thi häc sinh giái Môn Tiếng anh Lớp 7

Thêi gian lµm bµi : 150 phót (kh«ng kÓ giao ®Ò )

I . Choose the right word or phrase that completes the sentence .( Choïn ñaùp aùn thích hôïp nhaát )( 2 ,0 ms )

1. This film is _______ than the one we saw last week .

A. as good B. gooder C. more good D. better

2. She is ______ a singer nor an actress.

A. nor B. both C. neither D. either

3. You can’t speak Russian _________

A. Either can I B. Neither can I C. Neither can’t I D.I can’t neither

4. I know that he ............ in the library at this moment.

A. works B worked C. is working D. was working 5. His choice of words ............ very good. A. is B. are C. be D. being 6. "Let's go dancing ............ ?" "Yes, let's" A. will we B. don’t we C. do we D. shall we 7. She made ………. mistakes on her last examination. A. a little B. few C. little D. none 8. "......... did he go out?" "A few minutes ago". A. how long B. when C. how much time D. how many times 9. His father is a very good friend of ......... . A. them B. their C. theirs D. themselves 10. The children are playing .................... in the schoolyard. A. happy B. happily C. happier D. happiness 11. It's very kind ................... you to say so! A. in B. to C. for D. of 12.The United States has a .................... of around 250 million. A. population B. people C. countries D. cities 13. Peter got................... quickly and went to school. A. dress B. dressed C. dressing D. dresses 14. I am ready and ……… . A. she isn't too B. neither is she C. so is she D. she is too 15. …….. she plays the piano! A. How well B. How good C. What well D. What good 16. He became most famous …………………… the fairy tales . A. with B. about C. for D. by 17. Qui Nhon City is……………………………………Ho Chi Minh City.

A. smaller B. smaller than C. bigger D. bigger than

18. How long will it ________ you to get there .

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A. go B. need C. have D. take

19. He is one of the _________ in the world .

A. busyest man B. busiest C. much busy man D most busy man

20.This book is different _______ the one I had .

A. with B. of C. to D. from

YOUR ANSWERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19 20. II. Read the following passage and choose the best answer .( Ñoïc ñoaïn vaên sau roài choïn caâu traû lôøi ñuùng nhaát )( 2,0 ms)

Every year students in many countries learn Enghlish . Some of these students are young children . Others are teenagers . Many are adults ( ngöôøi lôùn) . Some learn at school , others study by themselves . A few learn English just by hearing the language , in film , on television , in the office , or among their friends . But not many are lucky enough to do that . Most people must work hard to learn another language . Learning another language ! Learning English ! Why do all these people want to learn English ? It is difficult to answer that quetion . Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects . They study their own language , and mathematics .... and English . ( In England , or America , or Australia , many boys and girls study their own language , which is English and mathematics .... and another language , perhaps French , or German , or Spainish ) Many adults learn English because it is useful for their work . Teenagers often learn English for their high studies , because some of their books are in English at the college or university . Other people learn English because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English . 1. According to the writer , A. only adults learn English . B. no children like learning English C. English is only useful to teenagers . D. English is popular in much of the world . 2. Many people learn English by A. watching videos only . B. hearing the language in the office . C. talking with the film star D. working hard on their lesson. 3. Many boys and girls learn English because A. English can give them a job. B. it's included in their study courses. C.their parents make them . D.they have to study their own language . 4. In America or Australia many school children study A. English as a foreign language . B. English and Mathematics only . C. such foreign languages as French , German , and Spainish . D. their own language and no foreign language . 5. Many adults leanr English because A. their work is useful . B. they want to go abroad . C. most of their books are in English D. it helps them in their work . YOUR ANSWERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. III. Read the following passage and choose the best answer .( Choïn ñaùp aùn ñuùng nhaát ñeå hoaøn thaønh ñoaïn vaên sau )( 2,0ms)

SINGAPORE Singapore is an island city of about three million people. It's a beautiful (1) ........... with lots of

parks and open spaces. It's also a very (2) ................. city. Most of the people (3) ................ in high rise flats in different parts of the island. The

business district is very modern with (4) ........... of high new office buildings. Singapore also has

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some nice older sections. In China town, there (5) ................. rows of old shop houses. The Government buildings in Singapore are very (6)................. and date from the colonial days.

Singapore is famous (7).......... its shops and restaurants. There are many good shopping centers. Most of the (8) .......... are duty free. Singapore's restaurants (9) ........ Chinese, Indian, Malay and European food, and the (10) ............ are quite reasonable.

1. A. district B. town C. city D. village 2. A. large B. dirty C. small D. clean 3. A. live B. lives C. are living D. lived 4. A. lot B. lots C. many D. much 5. A. is B. will be C. were D. are 6. A. beauty B. beautiful C. beautify D. beautifully 7. A. in B. on C. at D. for 8. A. good B. goods C. goodness D. goody 9. A. sells B. selling C. sell D. sold 10. A. priced B. price C. prices D. prier

YOUR ANSWERS . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. IV. Fill each place with ONE suitable word .( Ñieàn vaøo moãi choå troáng baèng moät töø thích hôïp )(2,0 ms)

Fishing (1)______ my favourite sport . I often fish for (2)_______ without catching anything . But this does not worry me . Some fishermen (3)_______ unlucky . Instead of catching (4)______ , they catch old boots and rubbish . I am even less lucky . I never catch anything-not even old boots . After having spent whole mornings (5)______ the river. I always (6)________ home with an empty bag . "You must give up fishing ! " my friends (7)_________ : " It's a waste of (8)____________ " . But they don't realize one important thing . I'm (9)__________ interested in fishing . I am only interested sitting on the boat and doing nothing at (10)__________ YOUR ANSWERS . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. V . Read the following passage and complete it with the words in brackets .( söû duïng nhöõng töø cho saün ñieàn vaøo choå troáng ñeå hoaøn thaønh ñoaïn vaên.)( 2,0ms)

is head of between dress life makes wife after and

The modern father looks (1)___________ his children and helps in the house , even if his (2)_________ does not go out to work . The division (3)________ the roles of the mother (4)________ the father is no longer very clear , and dad does his share of child care : He can change the baby , (5)_________ the children and make the dinner . This new image (6)________ the father is , of course , completely different from the still dominant , traditional dad , who represents authority , is the (7)___________ of the household and (8)________ all the "important" decisions . His wife is responsible for the domestic side of family (9)___________ while he (10)___________ the one who advises or punishes as necessary . YOUR ANSWERS . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. PARTVI. Read the following passage carefully , and then decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) ( Ñoïc ñoaïn vaên sau roài choïn nhöõng caâu döôùi ñaây laø duùng (T) hay sai (F) ).( 2,0ms)

Chuyªn ®Ò båi d-ìng HSG m«n tiÕng anh 7

Gv: Phạm Văn Bình 31

London, the capital of Great Britain, is situated on the Thames River. It is the largest city in Europe with a population of over 8 million. It is divided into four parts: the City, Westminster, the West End and the East End.

The city is small in area but it is the commercial heart of London. Many banks and offices are situated there. The Tower and St. Paul's Cathedral is very large and fine. It was built in 1710. The famous English architect Christopher Wren planned and built St. Paul's Cathedral. If the city may be called the commercial heart of London, Westminster is the center of the administration. We can see the Houses of Parliament there. It is a beautiful building with two towers and a very big clock called Big Ben. Westminster Abbey is opposite the Houses of Parliament.

The West End with the best and most expensive clubs, restaurants and theatres, beautiful houses and parks is the place where rich people live. Working people live in the East End where there are no parks or gardens and no fine houses.

1. London is the capital of Great Britain. 2. London is the largest city in the world. 3. The East End is one of the four parts of London. 4. The Tower is a commercial heart of London. 5. Westminster is the center of education. 6. The Houses of Parliament have a tower and a very big clock called Big Ben. 7. You can find the most expensive clubs in the East End. 8. Rich people live in the West End. 9. You can go to parks in the East End. 10. Working people don't live in London.

YOUR ANSWERS: 1. ………………………2. ……………………… 3. ………………………… 4. ………………………….. 5. …………………………… 6. …………………….. 7. …………………… 8. ………………………… 9. ………………………….. 10. …………………………..

VII. Rewrite the sentence so that it has the same meaning as the sentence printed before it .( Vieát laïi nhöõng caâu sau sao cho nghóa caâu khoâng ñoåi ). Theo ví duï ( 2,0 ms )

Ví duï : My height is one metre forty centimetres.

à I am one metre forty centimetres tall

1. The souvenir shop is on the left of the hotel . àThe hotel ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. What interesting films they are ! -->How ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3. I often walk from my house to the zoo in fifteen minutes . àIt ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…… 4. Lan likes English and Maths most . àLan’s …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………… 5. Remember to write a letter to me .

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Gv: Phạm Văn Bình 32

àDon’t ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. My teacher rides a bike to the school everyday . My teacher goes ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………… 7. My school has fifty teachers and eight hundred pupils . There …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………… 8. The bananas cost ten thousand dongs . àThe bananas …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9. Nga is my friend . àI ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..… 10. I never go to school late . àI ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… VIII. Write a short paragraph about your school ( about 120 words ) ( Vieát moät ñoaïn vaên khoaûng 120 töø noùi veà tröôøng cuûa baïn )( 3,0 ms)

MY SCHOOL …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..................................................... ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....................................................... ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....................................................... ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....................................................... ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....................................................... ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....................................................... ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....................................................... ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....................................................... ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....................................................... ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....................................................... ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....................................................... ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....................................................... ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….......................................................

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Gv: Phạm Văn Bình 33

The end Phßng GD&§T huyÖn HiÖp Hoµ

Tr-êng THCS H-¬ng L©m Teacher : §ç Xu©n Hµ

Kú thi kh¶o s¸t ®éi tuyÓn hsg n¨m 2010-2011 M«n : tiÕng anh 7

Thêi gian lµm bµi : 150 phót (kh«ng kÓ giao ®Ò )

Question I: Choose the word that has a different the stressed syllables from the others of each group:

1. A. greeted B. needed C. collected D. looked 2. A. nature B. mature C. picture D. future 3. A. friendly B. pretty C. type D. study 4. A. gave B. slave C. hat D. escape 5. A. mounted B. dated C. enjoyed D. handed

Question II: Choose the word that has a different pronunciation from the others of each group: 6. A. legal B. leg C. lemon D. lend 7. A. property B. necessity C. Russian D. lecturer 8. A. Canada B. Chinese C. Malaysia D. Australia 9. A. begin B. visit C. become D. release 10. A. listen B. decide C. dispose D. begin

Question III: Put the verbs into correct tense or form: 11. Last night we (not stay) ______________ at home, but we (go) ______________ to the cinema. 12. Hoa (keep) _____________ her teeth very careful. She (brush) _____________ her teeth twice a day. 13. I’d like (go) ______________ fishing. I (go) _______ fishing when I (have) _______free time. 14. _______You (do) _______ your homework yesterday? 15. When _______you ( buy ) _______this comic ?- I (buy) it two days ago.

Question IV: Complete the blank with one suitable word: English is my mother tongue. Besides, I can speak French and Spanish. I studied the two

languages when I was at high school. Now, I am still learning Spanish at the University. As for me, mastering a foreign language is not easy. After studying a language, practice is very necessary and useful. Traveling to the country where the target language is spoken is very helpful, but if you cannot speak the language well enough you will certainly have troubles. I also frequently go to the movies, watch television, listen to the radio in the language I am trying to learn. Reading is another good way to learn. Books are good, but I personally think newspapers and magazines are better. However, getting some knowledge of the language is the most important thing. Grammar and vocabulary should be mastered first.

16. How many languages can the writer speak? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

17. The writer has learnt Spanish _______. A. in Spain B. at high school C. at University D. B and C

18. Traveling may cause troubles if _______. A. you cannot speak the language well enough. B. you can speak the language well enough. C. you can speak the language bad enough. D. you can communicate in the target language.

19. Some useful ways to practice your target language are _______. A.. reading books in the language. B. listening to the radio and watching TV in the language. C. seeing films in the language. D. all are correct.

20. According to the writer, what should be mastered first? A. Vocabulary B. Vocabulary and grammar C. Writing skill D. Reading skill Question V: Choose the incorrect words underlined (A, B, C or D) and correct them:

21. My father along with his friend are drinking tea in the living room.

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Gv: Phạm Văn Bình 34

A B C D 22. He has less friends in his class now than he had last year.

A B C D 23. I remember that I have something new to told you.

A B C D 24. It ‘s important for every students to have a book.

A B C D 25. He stopped to smoke because cigarettes are harmful to his health.

A B C D Question VI. Circle the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the following sentences.

26. _______ my students are familiar with this kind of school activities. A. Most B. Most of C. A few D. Few

27. Peter with I _______ your proposal. A. don’t accept B. doesn’t accept C. am not accept D. are not accept

28. 17.19. You have made _______ mistakes in your writing. A. so much B. a lot of C. little of D. much of

29. She had worked _______ she made herself ill. A. such hard that B. such hardly that C. so hardly that D. so hard that

30. I go _______ work _______ bus. A. to - on B. to - by C. at - by D. at - on

31. I like living here _______ it’s near the shops. A. but B. and C. because D. so

32. We arrived on time _______ the traffic was bad. A. although B. even C. in spite of D. despite

33. It was _______ we could not go out. A. such cold that B. so cold that C. very so cold D. too cold that

34. Tom : How are you feeling today ? Mary : _______. A. Yes B. Thank you C. I’m sorry D. Not too bad

35. California, with the population of more than 23 million, is _______ populous state in the US. A. as B. more C. most D. the most

36. Peter sometimes helps me _______ my homework. A. to do B. do C. with D. all are correct

37. He had spent _______ writing an essay about his childhood. A. a large number of time B. a great deal of time C. a few time D. many time

Question VII. Insert the correct form of the words in brackets: (2 ms) 38. My teacher…………………….me to take this exam (courage) 39. He has the…………………to become a professional football player (able) 40. Give me something to drink please! I’m dying of……………… (thirsty) 41. We try to bring our work to……………… (satisfy) 42. The………………..of the question was requested (repeat) 43. The teacher checks for regular………………. (attend) 44. Farmers can protect their land by ………………..rotation of crops. (year) 45. Well, I think that the prices in Dong Thap supermarket are ……………….. (reason ) 46. Mrs. Pike is ………………..she can’t have a child of her own. (Child) 47. The ………………..of the moon for the earth causes tides. (attract) 48. Several toxic gases are very ……………… our health. (harm) 49. This company offered a lot of ……………… (attract)

Question VIII. Rewrite the sentences in a way that is has similar meaning to the original sentences: 50. Shall we go to the movies ?

→ Let's _______________________________________________________ 51. Ba is a quick swimmer.

→ Ba swims ___________________________________________________

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Gv: Phạm Văn Bình 35

52. I don't like pork. They don't like pork. → I don't like pork, and __________________________________________

53. Lan has a toothache. → She should _________________________________________________

54. The green dress is cheaper than the black dress. → The black dress_________________________________________________

55. Let’s come to my house after school. → What about_________________________________________________ ?

56. Mr. Tam drinks more coffee than Mr. Lam. → Mr. Lam_________________________________________________