Different Types of Pickles | Achar Online Shopping

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Page 2: Different Types of Pickles | Achar Online Shopping

PICKLES• Pickles are spicy and spicy mixtures of aromatic spices with different vegetable varieties, which play an important role in the Indian food.

• Pickles are not only famous in India, but also very popular in many Asian countries. Compared to the other pickles in the world, the uniqueness of the Indian pickles is due to the sharpness and the spicy taste.

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Harar murabba is a sweet preserve used in ayurvedic and Unani medicine for the

treatment of respiratory and abdominal diseases. Murabba

harar is prepared from the fruits of plant terminalia chebula (also

called yellow myrobalam and Chebulic myrobalan).

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CARROT MURRABBAGAJAR KA MURABBA (also called carrot murabba) is an Unani and ayurvedic medicine and Indian

recipe used as a eye tonic and for the treatment of eye diseases and

vision problems. It is also nutritious sweet preserve that is also

beneficial for general debility, weakness, fatigue and mental


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The pomaceous fruit apple is known as the king of fruits owing to the immense health benefits. Apple murabba, also called SAIB

KA MURABBA, prepared from the pulp of apple fruit has the tremendous potential of

controlling diseases and supplying the body with essential nutrients,

vitamins, protein and phyto-chemicals.

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Amla is also high in fiber. Practictioners of Ayurvedic

medicine recommend amla for digestive problems, including gastric disorders such as gastritis. It is also

a traditional remedy for constipation when taken regularly,

either in powdered form mixed with milk or as a murabba cooked with

sugar or honey.

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The paste of chillies, salt and turmeric are used to make as like

as pickles. If one takes small amount of it, acts like as


Page 8: Different Types of Pickles | Achar Online Shopping


Garlic can be pickled in processes that include

fermentation prior to pickling as well as without

fermentation. The garlic can also be blanched or not

blanched. Fermented garlic has better nutrition than non-

fermented and, except for the loss of Vitamin C, has better

nutrition than raw garlic.

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We all know health benefits of probiotics, however most of us

do not know that Pickles are also a source of probiotics. They are an accompaniment to Indian meal. Every culture across the globe

enjoys an assortment of pickled foods.

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Green chilies are rich in vitamins C (almost six times as in a single

orange) while the dried version is higher in vitamin A. Their vibrant color signals high amounts of the antioxidant beta-carotene, and it

also contain vitamins B and E, iron and potassium.

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•At our online shop we have put together a wide assortment of mild to sharp pickels. Experience the unique taste of the original pickles from our online store. Order conveniently from home and enjoy the world of spicy pickles.

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