FACULTATEA DE MANAGEMENT FACULTATEA DE MANAGEMENT ISTRATE DENISA LOREDANA ISTRATE DENISA LOREDANA Coconut oil is considered Coconut oil is considered properties of a superfood and properties of a superfood and 1500 studies published so far 1500 studies published so far proved to be one of the proved to be one of the healthiest natural foods that healthiest natural foods that exist in the world at the moment. exist in the world at the moment. Coconut oil is used not only as Coconut oil is used not only as food but also as dermatocosmetic food but also as dermatocosmetic or hair care product. or hair care product.

Istrate denisa grupa 8212

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►Coconut oil is considered properties of Coconut oil is considered properties of a superfood and 1500 studies a superfood and 1500 studies published so far proved to be one of published so far proved to be one of the healthiest natural foods that exist the healthiest natural foods that exist in the world at the moment. Coconut in the world at the moment. Coconut oil is used not only as food but also as oil is used not only as food but also as dermatocosmetic or hair care product.dermatocosmetic or hair care product.

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Coconut oil

Coconut oil is one of the oils used in herbal cosmetics and food due to its nutritional properties and due to its high saturated fat . Coconut oil is

solid form and at room temperature or heat liquefies. It is ideal for cooking and being less susceptible to damage when it is heated at high

temperatures.Coconut oil is very resistant to high temperatures during cooking, which is very popular in oriental cuisine as it gives a delicious coconut flavor

foods cooked with this oil.Coconut oil does not oxidize as easily as other oils when heated and can be used safely in cooking wok sites, in cooking or baking oriental. Also, it

can be consumed as bread spread or may be used simply on face and body to moisturize skin.

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Why is coconut oil so Why is coconut oil so healthy?healthy?

► Because it contains a special type of saturated, Because it contains a special type of saturated, medium chain triglyceride that are metabolized medium chain triglyceride that are metabolized differently. Among these, are: caprylic acid, differently. Among these, are: caprylic acid, capric acid and lauric acid. These fatty acids capric acid and lauric acid. These fatty acids are easily digestible, have antimicrobial and are easily digestible, have antimicrobial and antifungal and go directly to the liver from the antifungal and go directly to the liver from the digestive tract where they are used as an digestive tract where they are used as an immediate source of energy or converted into immediate source of energy or converted into so-called ketones that can treat brain diseases so-called ketones that can treat brain diseases such as epilepsy or disease Alzheimer's such as epilepsy or disease Alzheimer's disease.disease.

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Virgin coconut oil, organic, cold pressed - BENEFITSVirgin coconut oil, organic, cold pressed - BENEFITS

Accelerates fat burningAccelerates fat burning► Obesity is now one of the biggest health Obesity is now one of the biggest health

problems in the world. Although some problems in the world. Although some people believe that to lose weight, it's people believe that to lose weight, it's important just to reduce the number of important just to reduce the number of calories consumed and calories source is calories consumed and calories source is important. We are what we eat different important. We are what we eat different foods and different influences our body and foods and different influences our body and hormone production. Medium chain hormone production. Medium chain triglycerides from coconut oil can increase triglycerides from coconut oil can increase energy burnt compared to the long chain. In energy burnt compared to the long chain. In one study, 15 to 30 grams of medium chain one study, 15 to 30 grams of medium chain fatty acids increases energy consumption by fatty acids increases energy consumption by 5 daily, ie about 120 calories per day.5 daily, ie about 120 calories per day.

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Detoxifies your body with Detoxifies your body with coconut oilcoconut oil

►Almost 50% of the fatty acids contained in Almost 50% of the fatty acids contained in coconut oil, lauric acid are represented. coconut oil, lauric acid are represented. When coconut oil is digested by enzymes is When coconut oil is digested by enzymes is called monolaurin form a monoglyceride. called monolaurin form a monoglyceride. Both lauric acid and monolaurin can Both lauric acid and monolaurin can destroy pathogens such as bacteria, destroy pathogens such as bacteria, viruses and fungi. For example, studies viruses and fungi. For example, studies show that these substances can destroy show that these substances can destroy MRSA (a bacteria very dangerous) and run.MRSA (a bacteria very dangerous) and run.

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Coconut produced with multiple Coconut produced with multiple benefits for hairbenefits for hair

► The fatty acids in coconut oil do more than give hair The fatty acids in coconut oil do more than give hair shine and healthy looking. They prevent splitting shine and healthy looking. They prevent splitting hairs. Rich in fatty acids that adheres readily to hairs. Rich in fatty acids that adheres readily to protective keratin, the main protein hair, coconut oil protective keratin, the main protein hair, coconut oil applied daily to the hair ends can reduce hair applied daily to the hair ends can reduce hair breakage. Apply a small amount and just the tips, breakage. Apply a small amount and just the tips, especially if hair is oily. Or, apply a hair mask especially if hair is oily. Or, apply a hair mask coconut oil: after you have thoroughly washed, coconut oil: after you have thoroughly washed, massaging your hair dry well with coconut oil, then massaging your hair dry well with coconut oil, then wrap it with a clean towel and hold it even wrap it with a clean towel and hold it even overnight. If you can not overnight, trying to resist overnight. If you can not overnight, trying to resist much as you can, then wash your back with your much as you can, then wash your back with your favorite shampoo.favorite shampoo.

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