INTENSIVE: Social Media Advertising for Food Bloggers

Social Media Advertising for Food Bloggers

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BlogHer Food panel on social media advertising.

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INTENSIVE:Social Media Advertising

for Food Bloggers

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Social Media Advertising

for Food Bloggers

Instructor: Hana Bieliauskas Account Manager, CMA

Twitter: @hanab08


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Who’s Hana?

• PR pro at a national agency specializing in all things FOOD!

• Hails from Columbus, Ohio• Manages agency’s digital

department, including social media & blogger engagement

• Fav part of my job: Working with so many fabulous food bloggers!

• I love: Smoothies, veggie-licious salads, Greek yogurt, sweet potatoes, cheese, blueberries, peanut butter.

• Hold the…: Tuna, mayonnaise, fast food, herring, oysters, blue cheese, bakery icing, eggplant, Wonder bread.

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Who are YOU?

• Do you have a Facebook page for your site that you update regularly?

• Do you have a Twitter account that you update regularly?

• What is your FAVORITE social media network? Least fav?

• What do you find more effective for promoting your content: Facebook or Twitter?

• Have you ever tried Facebook advertising? Twitter ads?

• Questions before we hit GO?

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Social Media Advertising:

What’s in it for You?

• Paid advertisements on social media, such as Facebook & Twitter, may help food bloggers:

• Increase engagement with content

• Expand reach • Drive new traffic• Create loyal followers• Ensure content is seen• Initiate conversations• Offer unique

promotional opportunities to sponsors/clients

• Connect with additional users and networks

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Facebook Ads: What YOU Said

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#1: Choose a type of ad that fits best with your promotion goals.

Boost posts on a page to increase comments, “likes,” shares, photo views, video plays.Grow page likes and following.

Encourage visits to your website.Promote certain actions on your website. A conversion-tracking pixel is needed to measure results.

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#2: Consider the Facebook habits of your target audience.• News Feed ad placements are often the most successful:

60 percent of all users are visiting Facebook on their phones and tablets, which means there is no right-hand column.

• Before launching an ad, ask yourself: • WHO makes up my target audience? • HOW are members of my audience most often viewing

my Facebook page (mobile, desktop, tablet)?• What TYPES of content does my audience like most?

(photos, graphics, links, video)• WHAT words, messages and visuals I can include to

promote users to act?

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#3: Step into the shoes of THE ideal member of your target audience. • Describe the ideal member of your target audience. Give her a

name.• Geographic location?• Age?• Gender?• Family?• Interests?• Behaviors? • Language?

• Off the top of your head: What keywords you would use to describe your target audience?

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#3: Step into the shoes of THE ideal member of your target audience. • Think about what [NAME] does during a normal day.

• What food brands does she buy?• Where does she shop?• What company produced her favorite cooking appliances/tools? • What are her favorite clothing brands?• What magazines, books and blogs does she read?• What TV programs does she watch?• What brands of kids’ toys and products are in her house?• What kind of car does she drive?

• POOF!: Now, you have a set of keywords to test in your ads!

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#3: Step into the shoes of THE ideal member of your target audience.

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#4: Budgets are flexible, so flex your advertising muscles.

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#5: Involve sponsors in Facebook ad campaigns & build ads into packages.

• Facebook ads may benefit both you AND your sponsors.• Sponsors who share your target audiences may be

interested in supporting your ad campaigns.• Likewise, you may greatly benefit from sponsors’ ad

campaigns.• Need to convincing? Paint a detailed virtual picture of who

you’ll target. Facebook can help.• Give sponsored Facebook ads a test run: Build budget into

sponsor proposals and add ads to available packages.• Provide detailed reports that prove ROI to data-loving

clients. Facebook makes it simple to pull reports, including engagement, impressions, CPM, etc.

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Facebook Ads: Tips for Success

1. Carefully, consistently monitor Facebook ads throughout a campaign. Stop ads that aren’t performing well. Tweak keywords. Try new ads & ad types. Target different audiences.

2. Launch Facebook ads in conjunction with giveaways, contests and promotions to expand engagement. Third-party platforms such as Offerpop and PromoJam can host promotions, too.

3. Consider timing before investing in ads. Launch ads around times of peak interest, such as holidays or events, for best results.

4. Play by the 20 percent rule. Any image-based ad placed in the News Feed can have a text overlay, but that text can’t take up more than 20 percent of the total ad image.

5. Advertise your best, most engaging content. You know best what your followers like. Before launching ads, have a strong content plan that includes highly engaging content.

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Twitter Ads: What’s kept YOU from them?

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Twitter Ads: Getting Started

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Twitter Ads: Promoted Account

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Twitter Ads: Promoted Tweets

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Twitter Ads: Tips for Success1. Include a strong, straightforward call-to-action. Ask

followers to DO something, such as:1. Retweet2. Follow3. Reply4. Enter5. Download6. Watch

2. Again, timing is everything. Create planned Twitter ad campaigns around events and holidays, but keep in mind real-time opportunities, such as trending hashtags and live events.

3. Power in numbers. Joining others who are talking about similar topics, or who are also engaged in paid Twitter campaigns, increases reach. (Think: Twitter parties)

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More questions?

Shoot ‘em my way.

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @hanab08

LinkedIn: /in/hanabieliauskas


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