Hello, we’re Midwest Pantry!

Spring 2015 Local Food & Gift Tradeshow Recap

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Hello, we’re Midwest Pantry!

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We help grow companies that make & sell local food in America’s Heartland.

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We created the Local Food & Gift Tradeshow

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Which showcases Midwest-made products to be sold to wholesale buyers from across the region.

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The Local Food & Gift Show is a little different than the average tradeshow.

(my business partner)

(my Mom)

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It’s an intimate experience…

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Crafted to connect quality producers and motivated wholesale buyers

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To establish business relationships that benefit both businesses.

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We know wholesale buyers are busy.

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Even as we are growing, we know we must make it worth the buyers time

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So, we vet producers at our Shows: 1) They must be licensed & insured

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2) They must be unique; we minimize dupes to maximize variety

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3) They must be shelf-ready, with great packaging & a UPC Code

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We’ve been doing this for a while.established in

MMX (2010)

We’ve organized dozens of events…

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Starting by organizing groups at the Food & Wine Show here in Mpls...

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It worked…

We saved $$ and proved a group of producers can attract attention!

(that’s me)

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So we grew, creating a “pop-up” show with 18 producers & 50 buyers.

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It worked! So, we grew again…

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Filling up the 8000 ft Grain Belt Bottling House with 35 local producers,

and attracting over 100 buyers… twice in 2014!


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It worked!

Buyers put a lot of local products on their shelves, making a great story!

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We grew again in 2015, maxing out the Bottling House with 50

producers & over 200 buyers!

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We’re attracted more media and great sponsors...

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It’s grown to be the largest tradeshow dedicated to local food

& products in the nation!

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In the name of sustainability, we also made the Local Food & Gift Show a Zero Waste event in 2015…

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On try #1 , we successfully diverted

70% of Show waste from the landfill.

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We’ll shoot for…

90% at our next event!

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It’s working. Business relationships are forging...

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We’ve got buyers…

Screen Shot 2014-10-07 at 12.14.18 AM

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…meeting local producers.

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It’s working for new producers...

“Including new accounts landed at the recent Fall Show, a full 60% of Cool Jerk’s wholesale accounts have been acquired from Midwest Pantry’s Show” -- Owner Mali Kouanchao, Cool Jerk

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It’s working for experienced producers

“The costs of most wholesale shows run in the thousands of dollars, making it difficult for smaller producers to attend and get access to large groups of buyers. We need a show like this in Minneapolis.” -- Owner Michael Sedlacek, WorkerB

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It’s working for buyers from start ups

“I really didn't think show was that big of a deal and almost didn't go! Boy was I wrong! Coming to the show completed my business plan of having locally produced retail products for my coffee shop. I wanted a retail area with all these types of products and would've had to spend a lot of time tracking each one if these businesses down and getting samples and pricing. I am so glad I didn't pass up the opportunity to come and see all these awesome businesses I am now going to have in my coffee shop. ” -- Owner Jeremy Voss, Fish House Coffee Shop

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It’s working for experienced buyers

“Midwest Pantry provides easy, local access to a bevy of local food producers. To be able to go booth to booth under one roof, meet the manufacturers and have an opportunity to possibly support them … is what we’re looking for. It’s nice to have something locally focused.” -- Buyer Joe Moore, Kowalski’s

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…and it’s working for show sponsors“We are a small business disrupting a entrenched industry with similar values [to Midwest Pantry]. As Johnson-Turner works to make the practice of law more accessible to businesses and people in our region, we are finding tremendous value by placing our brand at Midwest Pantry’s shows.” -- Owner Erin Turner, Johnson-Turner Law

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It’s working. We continue to build & grow.

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We hope to help more local small businesses grow.

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By increasing sponsor dollars, we hope to double the value of booths without raising the price to producers.

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By substituting local products, buyers can increase profitability,

delight customers, and keep our grow local economy growing.

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Our next get together…

Local Food & Gift Show Monday, August 10th, 2015

Minneapolis, MN

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We’re Midwest Pantry

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Thank you