UK Food Information for Consumer Law Changes 2014 How Digital Menu Boards Can Help Food Businesses Tackle These Changes Eclipse Digital Media 2014 ©

UK Food Information For Consumers Laws Are Changing in 2014 - See How Digital Menu Boards Can Help Tackle These Changes

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UK Food Information for Consumer Law Changes 2014

How Digital Menu Boards Can Help Food Businesses Tackle These Changes

Eclipse Digital Media 2014 ©

The countdown begins…

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13th  December  2014  

If  you’re  in  the  food  industry  this  is  a  date  you  should  have  firmly  in  your  diary!    

For  those  that  aren’t  sure  as  to  the  significance  of  that  date,  it’s  the  date  that  the  new  food  informa;on  for  consumer  laws  will  be  introduced  into  the  UK  that  will  require  food  businesses  to  provide  allergy  informa;on  on  any  food  sold  unpackaged,  for  example  in  catering  outlets,  deli  counters,  bakeries  and  sandwich  bars.  

Link: http://www.food.gov.uk/business-industry/guidancenotes/allergy-guide  


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These  law  changes  will  be  enforced  in  2014  to  comply  with  the  new  EU  FIR  1169/2011  law  on  the  provision  of  food  informa;on  to  consumers.    

Evidence  suggests  that  most  food  allergy  incidents  can  be  traced  back  to  non-­‐prepacked  food,  therefore  informa;on  on  poten;al  allergens  should  always  be  provided  to  the  consumer  and  as  such  businesses,  now  need  to  comply  with  the  regula;on  changes  by  December  2014.  

Link: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2011:304:0018:0063:EN:PDF  

What’s Changing in 2014?

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So What’s Changing in 2014?

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To  comply  with  the  new  EU  FIR  1169/2011  legisla;on,  food  business  must  declare  to  the  consumer  if  there  is  a  food  product  which  contains  or  uses  an  ingredient  or  processing  aid  derived  from  one  of  14  substances  or  products,  regardless  of  the  level  of  use,  unless  the  ingredient  or  processing  aid  is  no  longer  present  in  the  food  in  neither  its  original  or  altered  form.  

Find  the  14  substances  or  products  on  the  next  slide  

So What’s Changing in 2014?

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These  14  substances  or  products  are:  

1.  Cereals  containing  gluten  (wheat,  rye,  barley,  oats,  spelt,  kamut  or  their  hybridised  strains)  

2.  Crustaceans  3.  Peanut  4.  Egg  5.  Fish  6.  Lupin  7.  Milk  8.  Molluscs  9.  Nuts  (almond,  hazelnut,  walnut,  cashew,  pecan  nut,  Brazil  nut,  pistachio  nut  and  Macadamia  nut  

10. Soybean  11. Sesame  12. Celery  13. Mustard  14. Sulphur  dioxide  (>10mg/kg  or  10mL/L  in  ready  to  eat  or  recons;tuted  products)  

Food Standards Agency Advice

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All  informa;on  about  ingredients  from  the  list  of  14  substances  or  products,  causing  allergies  and  intolerances  must  be  emphasised  in  a  contras;ng  font  to  other  ingredients  to  clearly  dis;nguish  them  from  other  ingredients.  Read  more  about  the  requirements  of  the  Food  Informa;on  Regula;ons.  

Advice  from  the  Food  Standards  Agency  suggests  that  “All  mandatory  allergen  informa=on  should  be  available  and  be  easily  accessible  to  the  consumer.”  

Link: http://multimedia.food.gov.uk/multimedia/pdfs/guidance/defra-draft-guidance-fir-2013.pdf  

Hope is not lost…

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These  law  changes  have  already  and  will  con;nue  to  cause,  many  food  business  owners  headache’s  with  yet  more  food  informa;on  needing  to  be  declared  to  the  customer.    

In  a  fast  paced  environment  it  can  be  very  difficult  to  ensure  this  informa;on  will  be  communicated  effec;vely  and  not  to  break  the  law  but  thankfully  there  are  some  tools  that  can  help  alleviated  some  of  this  stress  and  concern  as  well  actually  improve  other  areas  the  business  too  –  and  one  of  those  tools  is  Digital  Menu  Boards.  

How can Digital Menu Boards help?

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How can Digital Menu Boards help?

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The  speed  at  which  businesses  can  update  menu  informa;on  using  digital  menu  boards  is  a  substan;al  advantage.  Depending  on  the  digital  menu  board  solu;on,  changes  can  be  made  almost  instantly.  


Displaying  different  menu  content  at  different  ;mes  of  day  can  be  achieved  easily  using  scheduling  func;onali;es  for  various  digital  menu  board  solu;ons.  This  provides  crea;ve  flexibility  to  not  overcrowd  your  menus  with  all  of  your  items  and  their  informa;on  but  segment  them  into  different  periods.  

How can Digital Menu Boards help?

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The  new  regula;on  requires  a  large  amount  of  informa;on  to  be  declared  to  the  customer.  By  using  digital  menu  boards,  it  is  possible  to  restructure  your  menu  designs  an  unlimited  number  of  ;mes  to  incorporate  all  of  this  informa;on.  

Future  Proof  

This  is  the  latest  round  of  food  informa;on  declara;on  law  changes  but  who’s  to  say  that  it  is  not  going  to  change  again?  By  using  digital  menu  boards,  your  hardware  or  “real  estate”  is  installed  and  all  you  need  to  do  is  update  the  content  meaning,  no  maher  what  informa;on  your  business  will  be  required  to  declare  in  future,  you  can  meet  those  requirements  much  more  effec;vely,  both  in  terms  of  ;me  and  money.  

How can Digital Menu Boards help?

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There  are  many  more  benefits  to  implemen;ng  digital  menu  boards  for  your  food  business  away,  from  the  food  informa;on  side,  for  example,  digital  menu  boards  can  also  help  to  reduced  perceived  customer  wai;ng  ;mes,  increase  average  order  values,  reduce  menu  prin;ng  costs  and  increase  customer  sa;sfac;on  amongst  others.  

Discover  more  about  the  benefits  of  digital  menu  boards:  


How can Digital Menu Boards help?

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There  are  several  ways  businesses  can  communicate  nutri;onal  and  allergen  informa;on  to  customers  using  digital  menu  boards  and  below  we  have  highlighted  a  couple  of  areas  to  help  provide  inspira;on:  

Touch  screen  

Lis;ng  your  items  in  an  ‘overview’  format  and  then  touch  each  item  to  expand  into  more  detailed  informa;on  about  the  item  including  nutri;onal  and  allergen  content.  Here  is  a  quick  example  of  how  this  could  poten;ally  be  applied:  


How can Digital Menu Boards help?

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Video  content  

Create  animated  video  content  using  programs  like  Aoer  Effects,  Final  Cut  and  Windows  Movie  Maker  to  highlight  products  and  their  labelling  detail.  This  will  keep  customers  engaged,  watching  the  content  animate  but  also  communicate  the  labelling  informa;on  required  by  law.  

Sta;c  Image  or  Text  

Generate  your  menu  board  informa;on  by  layering  images  and/or  text  fields  to  display  the  full  labelling  informa;on  required  for  each  item.  This  would  work  well  for  menus  with  low  number  of  items.  If  your  business  needs  to  reduce  the  number  of  items  on  a  menu  due  to  the  amount  of  informa;on  needed  to  display,  then  use  scheduling  func;ons  and  playlis;ng  to  rotate  content.  This  will  help  retain  a  crea;ve  impact  and  s;ll  deliver  the  important  informa;on.  

How can Digital Menu Boards help?

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Scrolling  Text  

Introduce  a  scrolling  text  bar  at  the  top  or  bohom  of  your  digital  menu  layout  to  scroll  through  the  list  of  allergen  informa;on  related  to  specific  products.  Make  sure  that  you  iden;fy  the  products  with  allergenic  informa;on  are  clearly  marked  (perhaps  graphically  with  icons)  to  draw  customers’  ahen;on  to  the  allergen  informa;on  scrolling.  

What types of Digital Menu Boards are


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What type of Digital Menu Boards?

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There  are  several  types  of  digital  menu  boards  and  it  is  certainly  not  a  “one  size  fits  all”  product.  In  the  next  few  slides  we  have  outlined  some  of  the  varie;es  available  however  you  can  also  download  the  Eclipse  Digital  Media  Guide  to  Digital  Menu  Boards  2013.    

Look  out  for  the  2014  guide  due  for  release  in  the  coming  months  and  will  include  further  digital  menu  board  products.  


What type of Digital Menu Boards?

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USB  Updated  All  In  One  Digital  Displays    

Built  in  media  players,  capable  of  playing  looped  full  screen  content  of  images  or  movies.  Sizes  range  from  7”  to  55”  displays  from  Eclipse  Digital  Media.  

See  embed  usb  digital  menu  boards  for  more  informa;on.  Link: http://www.eclipsedigitalmedia.co.uk/embed-digital-menu-boards/embed-usb-digital-menu-boards  

What type of Digital Menu Boards?

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Networked  Digital  Signage  Media  Players  

IP  based  media  players  that  run  their  own  built  in  sooware.  Can  publish  mul;  media,  mul;  zone  content  to  unlimited  number  of  connected  subscriber  media  players.  Various  levels  of  media  player  also  include  WiFi,  DVB-­‐T  TV  cards  and  HD  Capture.    

See  embed  enterprise  digital  menu  boards  for  more  informa;on.  Link: http://www.eclipsedigitalmedia.co.uk/embed-digital-menu-boards  

What type of Digital Menu Boards?

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Online  /  Cloud  Based  Digital  Signage  Content  Management  Systems  

Online  content  management  plasorm  used  to  create  and  distribute  menu  board  content  to  connected  media  players.    

See  embed  subscrip;on  digital  menu  boards  for  more  informa;on.  Link: http://www.eclipsedigitalmedia.co.uk/embed-digital-menu-boards/embed-subscription-digital-menu-boards  

Need some Digital Menu Board Advice?

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Need Some Advice?

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With  the  new  changes,  now  is  the  right  ;me  to  act!    

Take  the  ;me  to  discover  how  digital  menu  boards  can  help  your  food  business,  not  only  meet  the  ever  increasing  demands  of  legisla;on,  but  also  help  to  improve  your  opera;onal  efficiency,  brand  percep;on  and  sales.  

If  your  business  needs  some  advice  on  what  digital  menu  board  solu;on  is  right  for  you,  please  get  in  touch  with  your  ques;ons  and  we’ll  be  happy  to  help  where  we  can.  

Link: http://www.eclipsedigitalmedia.co.uk/contact  

Don’t wait too long…

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Don’t  leave  it  too  late…    

remember    13th  December  2014  

About Eclipse Digital Media

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Our Background

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Eclipse Digital Media strive to deliver dependable end-to-end digital signage solutions and pride ourselves on creating professional, engaging and unique digital signage content including:

•  Digital Menu Boards •  Weather Activated Content •  Data Dashboards •  Interactive Touch Solutions •  And much, much more…

Our core digital signage services cover all aspects of a digital signage project, giving you a single, reliable provider to deliver your solution effectively:

•  Project Planning •  Hardware & Installation •  Digital Signage Content Creation •  Training, Support & Maintenance

Thank You

For more information about our digital signage solutions, services and content creation please visit our website:


Tel: +44 (0) 8450 944 954

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