Commonsense Political Thinking of a Common Man, I Essays 2009 - 10 By Gerald J. Furnkranz

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Political Thinking of a

Common Man, I

Essays 2009 - 10 By

Gerald J. Furnkranz

Commonsense Political Thinking of a Common Man, Book One Table of Contents


1. The Constitution 1 2. Conservative 2 3. Corruption Reigns In Government 7 4. Government Is Organized Crime 8 5. C is for City, Incubator of Corruption 9 6. Common Political Tools 10 7. Trashing Our Founding Fathers 11 8. Acquiescing to European Socialism 12 9. As A People We Are Selling Our Freedoms 13 10. Chain Linked Union 14 11. Democracy, A Search For Truth 15 12. Truth and Liars 16 13. Government Elites; The Wolves and the Sheep 17 14. The Big Con 18 15. The Hustlers and Conmen 20 16. Inducing The Financial Meltdown 20 17. Institutional Preservation 22 18. Law Enforcement More Important Than Enacting 23 19. Liberalism; Dedicated To Failure 25 20. The Emphasis On Self-esteem 27 21. Self-esteem Once More 28 22. Transparency of an Iron Curtain 29 23. Unlimited Power 31 24. What Is A Potato 32 25. Racism 33 26. Socialism; Pushing A Political Agenda 34 27. Politicians of Poor Character Insured 35 28. Subtle Oppression 36 29. Founding Fathers vs Political Professionals 39 30. Facing the Four Horsemen 42 31. Disdain for Those In Red States 42 32. More Money To Government Equals More Corruption 43 33. Belt Tightening 44 34. Government Gluttony 44 35. What Freedom Offers 45 36. Fed Recession Proof 46 37. Movement Not Accomplishment 46 38. Realigning Classes 47 39. Americans Don’t Trust Congress 47 40. Government Healthcare 48 41. Massa Manure 49 42. Don’t Let Them Eat Cake 49 43. Education: The Purveyor of Corruption 50 44. We Do Need Another Hero: Michelle Rhee 51 45. Education Hypocrisy Pattern 53

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46. Education Obesity Hypocrisy 53 47. False Self-esteem and Education 55 48. Promoting the “Piss Christ” School of Art 55 49. Simple Solutions 56 50. Furnkranzisms 58

Commonsense Political Thinking of a Common Man, Book One By

Gerald J. Furnkranz

Essay: All Hail Constitution (2010)

An American Hero At the very start I would like to say a few words about the Constitution. Not the miracle of the United States Constitution, penned in 1787, the law of the land of a new nation. The Constitution constructed by our founding fathers, to bring the ideals of freedom and human rights to the world. I am talking about the USS Constitution, born ten years later. The United States Ship which bore the proud name of the law of the land where freedom first rang. The proud ship USS Constitution built in 1797, one of six frigates to lay the keel of the United States Navy. This ship so much embodied the spirit of America that went into the framing of its namesake US Constitution, the foundation of our rule of law. One of six frigates ordered by Congress, she was built along with two other large, 44 gun frigates the United States and the President. Three smaller 36 gun frigates the Constellation, Congress and Chesapeake, would comprise the fledgling United States Navy. Built in Boston with Yankee know how and craftsmanship, the USS Constitution forged a place in our history that typifies the American Story. She saw her first action in War against the Barbary States to defend our sovereignty, “Millions for defense but not one cent for tribute.” On the shores of Tripoli transpired the baptism of the United States Navy and Marines. During the War of 1812, the survival of our infant nation hung in the balance. There were few victories in the land war to carry the spirit of America. Still, we persisted, our nation’s fortunes turning again to the sea. The Naval War of 1812 began with the Constitution outrunning a devastatingly superior British squadron that would have canceled her illustrious career before it began. At sea, the USS Constitution carried the load. Defeating the British Frigate Guerrière, the Constitution was hailed as “Old Ironsides” a name she carries till this very day. She followed up against the Frigate Java in a fierce and bloody action. Taking on two at once, the small Frigate Cyane and Sloop Levant in another battle, once more she was victorious over the ruler of the seas. England, whose captains had not struck their colors in surrender in almost ten years! What “Old Ironsides” could not out run she could out gun. She is a monument to Yankee ingenuity like the US Constitution. (Next - “Old Ironsides” Wood and Canvas, Sweat and Blood)

Commonsense Political Thinking of a Common Man, Book One


Part 2. “Old Ironsides” Wood and Canvas, Sweat and Blood The USS Constitution faced dismantling upon the scrap heap in 1830. Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote “Old Ironsides” a poem pleading for her survival. “Ay, tear her tattered ensign down,” he lamented. He saved the USS Constitution, “Old Ironsides”, from a dishonorable fate amongst the trash heap of lost history. He resurrected a symbol of the American Spirit and those who gave their lives for the freedoms the people of America enjoy. USS Constitution was manned by men of the sea, as was our country in the early days. Every man, woman and child coming to this country was tempered by the hardships of the sea. From Jamestown to the Pilgrims at Plymouth and the slaves brought against their will in those “hell on earth” slave ships. The sea tempered the spirit and strength of the American, therefore America. The sea spawned the new nation where freedom and opportunity would someday reign. Those men of the sea were like the Constitution’s fittings, a natural part of the ship. Like her strong and sleek hull, her canvas cloud of driving sails and her wooden bulkheads that wore like iron. “Old Ironsides” was an entity of solid timber, cloth, rope, copper and iron put together in beautiful fashion. She too was an entity of sweat, flesh and blood that beat in her heart and the hearts of those brave souls that sailed her to victory, one after another. Her birth was over two hundred years ago. Most of her gallant actions are just over a year short of that mark. Yet her life goes on just like the Constitution, our law. Both were constructed with great care and great purpose. The ship incorporated ideas far advanced for its time, as did the document. They endure, proud and glorious for their accomplishments. Together they live on and can be seen today, solid structures of our nation’s greatness. Memorials they are to those who gave life and limb for the freedoms and abundant existence we enjoy today.


Essay: Conservative, Liberal, Progressive (2010) Words are manipulated terribly in our world today. Words are bent to fool people. Marketing to manipulate, words are twisted to bamboozle. Meanings are changed to fit political agendas. Words are warped to confuse people. So, let’s look at some political words. How about three for a start? Conservative, liberal and progressive should make a good beginning. First let’s look at what some dictionaries say. Webster’s Universal Dictionary of the English Language, Copyright; 1936, by The World Syndicate Publishing Company

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Conservative – adjective. 1. Preservative; having the power to preserve in a safe or entire state, or from waste, loss or injury. 2. Respecting old institutions, methods, customs and the like; adhering to what is old or established; not given to change merely for the sake of change; said of a person and their positions. 3. In the political sense, having a tendency to uphold and preserve entire existing institutions, both civil and ecclesiastical; opposed to radical changes or innovations in church or state. Conservative – noun. 1. A person or thing tending to preserve from ruin or injury; a conserver. 2. One who wishes to preserve from ruin or radical change; one who wishes to maintain an institution, or government in its present state. Liberal - adjective. 1. Of free heart; free to give or bestow; munificent; bountiful; generous; giving largely; as a, liberal donor. 2. Generous, ample, large, as a liberal donation. 3. Not selfish, narrow, bigoted, or contracted; catholic; enlarged; embracing other interests than ones own; as liberal sentiments. 4. General: extensive; embracing literature and the sciences generally; as a liberal education. 5. Free; not literal or strict; as, a liberal construction of the law. 6. Not mean; not low in birth or mind. Liberal - noun. 1. one who advocates greater freedom of thought or action; one who has liberal principles. Progressive, - adjective. 1. moving forward, advancing. 2. Improving; aiding or inclined to aid progress; working or endeavoring to secure advancement. Webster’s New World Dictionary of American English Language, Copyright; 1991, by Simon and Schuster, Inc. Conservative – adjective. 1. Conserving or tending to conserve; preservative 2. tending to preserve established traditions or institutions and to resist or oppose any changes in these. Liberal - adjective. 1. suitable for a freeman; not restricted; now only in liberal arts. 2. Giving freely, generous 3. large or plentiful; ample; abundant 4. Not restricted to the literal meaning; not strict 5. tolerant of views differing from one’s own; broad minded, not orthodox 6. of democratic or republican forms of government, as distinguished from monarchies and aristocracies. Progressive - adjective. 1. Moving forward or onward. 2. Continuing by successive steps. 3. of, or concerned with progression. 5. Favoring, working for, or characterized by progress or improvement, as through political or social reform. 6. of an education system stressing individuality, self-expression, etc. 7. Gram. indicating continuing action or state, or action in progress, as certain verb forms 8 Medical. Becoming more severe or spreading to other parts; said of a disease. The discussion of conservatives, liberals and progressives in politics is often clouded by the actual definition of the words. As much is done with words in the political arena to confuse

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and fool the people, so are these words used by politicians to camouflage the truth. Perhaps it would be more honest to say perpetrate lies upon us. This has evolved to today’s use of political correctness perpetrated by the political, education and journalism industries to give words rigid definition that are made offensive to some, so they cannot be used. In the 2008 presidential election “socialism” was equated with “racism”, discouraging its use to characterize a candidate’s political orientation. Certain words are reduced to a letter, making them taboo for certain members of society to use, but okay for others. Likewise the word hypocrite was ban from congress, where hypocrites swarm like flies at a garbage can on a 90 degree summer day in a city alley. That’s like not being able to call cattle, cattle amongst a herd of cattle. What would the word conservative, derived from word definitions indicate about ones political leaning? Where would those definitions be inaccurate about those leaning? First, our Founding Fathers were liberals in many ways. They were of free heart; free to give or bestow; munificent; bountiful; generous; giving largely; as a, liberal donor. This was not in terms of money or things, but certainly was in terms of freedoms and opportunities. That is the abundance the founders of this country gave, freedom and opportunity. Many point today saying, “But they had slaves, that was not being generous with freedom.” One must remember the times. It was still a very barbaric and uncivilized time. They were forming a new and innovative government, in which the people had the power. This was unprecedented. In the Constitution and the Bill of Rights the founders set the course for freedom. Many involved in this process needed the slaves to insure economic success of their plantations. I do not justify slavery in any way, but powers were present to make the abolition of slavery dangerous for this new government forming. Those men put in place the ideas and mechanisms that would be a catalyst to bring slavery to an end, in the not so distant future. Let us remember, slavery existed long before America ever came into existence. It was imported to America. America began the process of freedom that brought it to an end. Yes, that process began in Britain, but I would say was inspired by the U.S. Constitution. The definition, “of democratic or republican forms of government, as distinguished from monarchies and aristocracies, certainly identifies our founding fathers as liberals. So, in many ways our founding fathers were liberals. However, they put together a constitution that certainly showed a belief in conservatism. Their liberal constitution intended to give freedom to all men, and protect men from intrusive government, needed to be protected from those who referred power over people.

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They set up the new government with a structure to control changes. New ideas introduced had to be well thought out, moved along slowly and deliberately. They established a rule of law that had to be respected. They set checks and balances so no one individual or group could run away with the process and steal the power for themselves. They believed conservatively in having the power to preserve in a safe or entire state, or from waste, loss or injury. They wanted respect for the old institutions, (the constitution they established) methods, customs and the like; adhering to what is old or established; the constitution that they constructed with much thought and care. They were not given to change merely for the sake of change. They wanted the change to be necessary and an improvement. The system forced the thought due such matters. In this way they were progressives, setting up a system that could slowly change for the better with consideration and care, for constant improvement. The constitution was a living document that could be amended and improved throughout its existence. But, could not be changed whimsically or to usurp the power of the people. As civilization grew in stature, the U.S. Constitution could grow, making us a more perfect union and ultimate example to the world. The growth of the Constitution was to be change within the framework of the Constitution, not the change of words or warped interpretations, not semantics, the bastardization of words and political correctness. Not at the whimsy of those that would destroy the Constitution. Constant improvement, striving everyday to be better, this is the spirit America had from its inception. This was the exceptional quest human freedom spawned. Birthed the desire and opportunity for anyone and everyone to build, advance, progress and grow! This desire to live better and better the plight of others, your neighbors, was built into America. Our forefathers exhibited flexibility. They were liberal when it came to freedom and opportunity. They were conservative when it came to the preservation of that freedom, protecting that miracle document, the Constitution. They were progressive, building the document so it could change and grow with the times. It maintained its discipline but allowed flexibility for maintenance and advancement of those freedoms. Those assaulting out constitution and our freedoms today use the words conservative, liberal and progressive as part of that assault. They would present conservative as backward, reactionary wanting to flee to the past. However, wanting to preserve our constitution, that miracle document that changed the world, is not a bad thing. The constitution was and still is an innovative document that outlines the freedoms we are due as human beings. Anything less than that is tyranny! Our democracy is the only thing that stands in the way of old style monarchies and aristocracies. It also is the only deterrent to today’s dictatorships, formed under the names of progressivism, socialism, Marxism and communism.

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Some of the definitions of conservative would suggest a complete aversion to change. Such is not the case. Conservatives want to see that constant improvement, government getting more effective and efficient, they just do not want government’s progress to be constant growth, becoming more and more intrusive, absconding with the freedoms and individual rights. Today’s liberals are far different than our liberal founders. Of free heart is an image they project effectively by the mechanisms of being free to give or bestow. That generosity is almost always the bounty of others collected by government from oppressive taxes and fees. Living largely they liberally donate the fruits of others toils to advance their political position to get re-elected. While not selfish with the fruits of other’s labor, they are often cheap with what they have and use those fruits of others labor to enhance their own fruit cellar. While not narrow or bigoted generally referred to the outlook of our founders, embracing other interests than ones own does not apply to today’s liberal. They dismiss the ideas of their conservative opponents summarily. They do embrace the literature and the sciences that support their political causes. They push a liberal education industry that supports their political leanings, teaching what to think, liberal dogma, rather than how to think, including objectivity and critical thinking. In interpretation of the laws, the Constitution, they are free; not literal or strict; as, a liberal construction of the law. It is almost as Saul Alinski described the truth of his “community organizer”. Alinsky defines “community organizer” writing, “He does not have a fixed truth – truth to him is relative and changing.” This is how liberals approach the “Constitution of the United States of America”. They read it as it fits into their political, personal and professional agendas, not how it serves the freedoms of the people. In fact it is being used today to strip the people of their freedoms. Progressive is the name liberals are wearing because they have polluted the term liberal with a bad reputation. Defined as favoring, working for, or characterized by progress or improvement, as through political or social reform it sounds very altruistic, good, right and just. When you see it in practice, most often it is the individual politician or bureaucrat working for their own progress and advancement and not that of the people they are serving. It includes heavy taxation to support government bureaucracy and programs that usurp the freedoms of the people. Progressive education is often a plank of the progressive platform. This is an education system stressing individuality and self-expression, etc. It has dropped the idea of subjects being disciplines, and substituted discipline with everything being fun. Educational results have been substituted for educational experience whether anything is learned from the experience or not. That’s why education today is failing. It is indoctrination, hollow and empty, designed for facades not truth.

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It is odd how the medical term for progressive meshes so well with the way progressivism is playing out politically. As it is becoming more severe or spreading, progressing to other parts; like a disease. Words manipulated, to sway opinion, support and votes in their direction is not only the purview of the politician, but has become the domain of the educator, journalist and scientist! Marketing has become as much a tool in academia and so many of the offshoots formed by seeds planted in the academic environment. Words are weapons used with the same intents of deception and acrimony, perhaps not to kill the body, but to kill the reputation, rendering an opponent impotent. Liberals and progressives use words in this way. They are the pusher of political correctness which changes and bends the meaning of words in order to control or stop debate. The absence of debate is the death sentence for our democratic republic!


Essay: Corruption Reigns In Government January 18, 2010

Corruption reigns in our halls of government! Respect for law is crumbling! Young

children are raped, beaten, burned and killed on our school yards and streets while spectators take cell phone pictures, not calling 911. Government and media elite outrage is hypocritical! There should be no surprise lawlessness is spreading! (ie Roman Polanski)

Respect for the law is essential to our democratic republic. People lose respect for the law when: 1. The laws are not enforced, benefiting those in power. (ie. Failed Immigration Law

for about fifty years, without enforcement wanting to make illegal immigrants legal to hustle votes for the democrat party.)

2. The laws are passed to oppress people and reverse constitutional freedoms. (ie. Fairness doctrine – controlling and silencing conservative talk radio, Gun Control – violating the second amendment of the Constitution.)

3. The laws exclude elites from oppressive laws on the people. (ie. Government officials Wrangle, Gietner, Dashle, Dodd etc. have been caught in illegal behavior and excuses are made so they can get away with it.)

4. The laws are passed in secret; made cumbersome and confusing as a smoke screen. (Healthcare, over 2000 pages, even many of those voting on it in the democrat party said they didn’t read it and wouldn’t understand it if they had. The TARP, bailout and numerous other bills were passed under the same circumstances.)

5. The law maker’s objectives are quantity, not quality. (Healthcare etc.) 6. The laws are allowed to be broken by government officials without consequences. 7. The laws of oppressive taxation are used to conceal politician’s greed, gluttony, graft,

corruption, ineptitude and incompetence. (Taxes are added on the backs of the people

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because government cannot manage properly. They have become so used to this, spending and taxing are the only skills they have.)

8. The laws of arrogance, ignorance and stupidity are prevalent. (Carbon cap and tax –

destroying our economy, our nation because they are lousy leaders.)) When law makers and guardians scoff at the law, laws will lose credibility. People will not live by the laws lawmakers, enforcers and interpreters unethically and illegally ignore. Society will become lawless and conscienceless like our politicians, judges, lawyers and bureaucrats. Leadership’s lack of respect for the law nurtures the people’s lack of respect for leadership and law.

People want to trust the government but leaders cultivating a decaying rule of law are debasing and destroying the foundation of America.


Essay: Government Has Become Organized Crime (2010)

Listening to politicians discussing methods to deal with government expenditures during this world wide economic break down is laughable. They’re going to increase revenues. Cutting spending is not an option for these public servant parasites. This is particularly ludicrous when you consider waste, incompetence, corruption and fraud is the cause of misuse of hundreds of billions, perhaps a trillion dollars each year. Payoffs to politicians, and money paid for nothing done, by private and public employees. Fraudulent claims by those using and running the public dole programs. Redundant programs to address problems that are not solved or even addressed by a single one of them. Government thinkers seem to find a trillion and one ways to burn money. Government is no different than the corporations or individuals they chide for not controlling their spending and saving more. In fact, government is a poor example as they bleed the people to satisfy their own gluttony. Driven by their greed for power and money they must always do less with more. They practice inefficiency, ineffectiveness and failure because like with education, it is an excuse for more revenue. It is an excuse to fleece the people in the name of the people, just like the education industry steals the future of the children in the name of the children. The scam being run on the American People by its politicians is criminal, designed to sap the strength of the people. The people must take America back from organized crime, the government.


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C is for City, Incubator of Corruption Part 1 Thomas Jefferson wrote to James Madison, December 20, 1787, “When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe.” What was Jefferson seeing? How would the heaping of humanity in an metropolitan pile create increased corruption? The pooling of money anywhere, but especially in government tends to attract corruption. Larger cities will therefore attract greater riches and will consequently draw greater corruption like a magnet. The liberal’s quest for socialism, larger government taking on more of the personal responsibilities of the people builds bigger reservoirs for that pooling of money. Government bureaucrats handle it, creating numerous opportunities for extensive dishonesty, incompetence, ineptitude and waste; inviting corruption. It allows those lacking talent, except in the deceptive arts the opportunity to arrest power and the people’s freedoms. Then the picture of stacking poor minorities in the low cost housing projects mega building communities of the ‘70’s and ‘80’s comes to mind. Mausoleums where crime and poverty were nurtured like a fungus! Prisons seem stacked with those same dark and dismal hallways, insuring futility. Big city blue states tend to be liberal (progressive) leaning toward socialism, seeking large governments taking more of the people’s responsibility, therefore freedom from the people. They are the states with the huge cities, stacked high with arrogant blue blood bureaucrat-wardens, fostering dependence among the people. Look at the attack on rural America. Disarming folk, limiting hunting, open fires, water usage for farming, actually legislating chains on the self-sustaining American Pioneer Spirit! Bureaucrats are attempting to forge the chains of dependence in the rural areas. The red states, strongholds of independence where freedom is treasured and simple commonsense common folk still exist. Jefferson had a point! We follow the European metropolitan corruption model! Part 2

While Jefferson’s line, “When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe,” explained a phenomenon, his line to Edward Carrington revealed the motive. “Jefferson’s 1787 letter stated, “Among [European Governments], under pretense of governing, they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”

Metropolitan megalithic monuments are the perfect place to stack, file and captivate the people. Like rooms of file cabinets, side by side, piled with people controlling data. Cities file, categorize and make obtainable people for whatever government proposes.

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City dwellers cannot be self sustaining. They are dependent upon bureaucratic services. Bureaucrats (wolves) have the people (sheep) on a leash, able to control them by their needs, for their survival. Government not teaching to fish, the people wait like trained seals to be thrown a fish.

People are crammed into those buildings, like cattle in the stockyard. They are available, at the whim of the bureaucrats, easy to obtain. So available they can easily be led to slaughter, figuratively, perhaps literally!

A better comparison might be from H.G. Wells “Time Machine”, in which the hero visits a future where humanity splits. The cannibalistic Morlocks (wolves) cultivate the docile Elois (sheep) like cattle for their own subsistence.

This is the promise of socialism, a nation of people selling themselves into dependency. Giving up their freedoms for things, promises that have been and will again be defaulted upon, the people selling “themselves” into slavery!


Essay: Common Political Tools (2010) Our government and its institutions are not merely falling into corruption. They are seeking it out and wallowing in corruption. They are choosing the tools of corruption to get their objectives completed, therefore their work accomplished is corrupt. Let’s look at the tools of corruption, hypocrisy, arrogance, marketing, lying, cheating and stealing. Hypocrisy, saying one thing yet doing another, is a tool of the politician. Political books followed by many politicians espouse just this behavior. Saul Alinski’s Rules for Radical not only condones such behavior but suggests it as a viable tool to get what you want. He says it is okay to make promises and break them because you are wiser, doing it for the good of the people. Therefore your broken promises are for the good of the people. So many politicians exemplify this attitude with their behavior. Accepting money for providing their influence has become so prominent, it is difficult to prove it illegal. Influence peddling has become the norm amongst politicians. Arrogance is typified by that Alinski attitude and many other suggestions in his book. Arrogance comes out in so many other ways. Politicians that think they know what is best for the people. They take money from the people, more and more thinking they know how to spend it better. The more they collect, the more they divert to their own pockets and to their cronies. In the end they tell themselves their thievery is for the good of the people. Marketing, the promoting or and selling of something with words. Marketing in itself is inherently dishonest. It buffs an image by selling the good points and glossing over the bad. In this way it allows lying by omission.

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Politicians market nonexistent character designed to get people; voters to believe them instead of gaining credibility through honesty. Marketing is a major political tool that side steps honesty and embraces corruption. Marketing worships the image over substance. Lying is often the aim of marketing. Casting false images to the public to make them think they are seeing something when they are not. Making them think they are seeing an honest man when what they are really looking at is a low down skunk. Politicians have embraced lying, making lying synonymous with the term politicians. Unfortunately the people have come to accept the fact politicians lie constantly. They have come to accept the joke, “How can you tell when a politician is lying? His lips are moving!” Lying for politicians seems to have become that prevalent. Cheating the people and their families professional politicians have become regarded as one of the lowest forms of life. They vote money to something so there is a pool for them to drink from, quenching their greed and a trough to eat from to satiate their gluttony. Stealing is the culmination of all the other tools of corruption politicians use! They scheme and skulk in dark rooms to benefit themselves, stealing money and freedom from the people. A liar and cheater will certainly become a thief. Is it any wonder our government is in turmoil? That our democracy is on the verge of collapse?


Essay: Trashing Our Founding Fathers (2010)

I often wondered what purpose there is for liberals (progressives) to trash our founding fathers that gave us such opportunities to use our freedoms. As that thought bounced around in my head, I began to see. Simple thinking and common sense are the bane of big government bureaucrats. The development of the independent body and mind is antithetical to dictators, kings and bureaucrats. Bureaucrats must paralyze the people with procrastination, using a giant maze of rules, laws and obstacles to clear and independent thinking. They do this with confusing 2000 page laws, camouflaging legal language and the seduction of governments doling of booty. Dishonesty and hypocrisy are accepted tools of this type of rule. Lying, cheating and stealing are all in this government’s tool box. The words of our exceptional founding fathers are detrimental to a socialist progressive movement. So those words must be discredited using the lies of revisionist history. Hiding what their principles and those of this country really are.

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What could be the purpose of such destructive actions? They are selfish objectives. Not striving for a government of, by and for the people, but a quest for power. It is a desire for a government to control the people. This government is motivated by personal greed, gluttony and grandeur! These leaders see the people as no more than animals to enhance their own situation in life. Warping, even destroying truth does not deter them. It is necessary to cultivate their destructive vision for our future devoid of integrity.


Essay: Acquiescing to European Socialism (2010) Acquiescing to Obama’s European progressive socialism is like anchoring ourselves to deck chairs on the Titanic when we already know the result of the voyage. We are seeing European economies failing and others approaching failure. Government giveaways they can no longer afford are such a burden they are driving them under financially. France and Germany are trying to return to capitalism to right their ship. German and Spanish think tanks have refuted Obama’s green economy, stating it is driving their economies down, not up. The European Union is moving to fiscal conservatism instead of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s method of spending out of a recession into a depression. European socialist governments have driven their ships of state onto the fiscal rocks, sailing them to hopelessness. Our captains are following the exact same course that has been so destructive to Greece, Spain and many other European countries. So much so the stability of the European Union is being threatened. To do the same, is scuttling our own economy, our country’s future. We have become an unhappy society thinking sitting in the deck chairs on a great ocean liner, voyaging to wherever it wishes to take us will bring us happiness. It is like the self-esteem the education industry sells, telling us we’re wonderful and all is fine, hoping eventually we’ll believe it. In our malaise we’ll sail meekly to our destruction. Such is not the case with most Americans! I believe the desire to be productive is human nature. Happiness and self-contentment only comes with being honest with ones self. Deep inside we know the truth. Facing the truth is the road to happiness and self fulfillment. Happiness comes from purpose. Step by step setting goals and working toward them. An ocean cruise resting on a deck chair might be a goal for two weeks vacation, but not an end. People live longer and happier with a reason to live beyond stagnating seated on an endless voyage, or a voyage to nowhere. Governments that would herd people like animals into their picture of how the people should live are over controlling and power mad. Who are they to tell us how, why and when we

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should live. Who are they to take over our brain and body and decide the course our life should take. Perhaps we do not want a docile voyage. We want a voyage of discovery, finding out realities and truths, not their preferred, indoctrinated dogma. Happiness is not docile, it is doing something, accomplishment so you can feel satisfaction. Growth is what makes life worthwhile. Our democratic republic gives us those opportunities for happiness through the freedom it affords. It gives us the opportunity to live a productive life and try to reach our potential. It does not guarantee we will. However, it does not guarantee we won’t as does the progressive socialism of Europe.


Essay: As A People We Are Selling Our Freedoms (2010)

Part 1 Americans are selling our freedoms! Why would we sell ourselves into slavery when for over two hundred and twenty years Americans have given their lives to secure and ensure the wonderful freedoms we have? Alexis de Tocqueville in the mid 1800s warned the abundance the American system of freedom offered would evolve to people willingly giving up their freedom to receive more of that abundance from government. The people would eventually reject the opportunity to forge their own life of abundance through their own actions…hard work. They would give up that freedom for the lazy life of being given things by the government…selling themselves into slavery for things. Why would we do such a thing? Fear is being cast upon us constantly. Fear of dying is instilled, even the inevitable conclusion of old age. So we hand healthcare to the government giving bureaucrats the power over life and death. We have become a legalized drug addicted culture for the promise of health and postponing dying. Social Security evolved because of the fear we would not be able to take care of ourselves in old age. A government prolonged depression in the 30’s cultivated that fear. The failing government promise only made us less able to take care of ourselves, creating dependence on a system that can neither insure a decent life in old age as is, or perhaps not even be there to be of any help. It only handed a pool of money to politicians to squander in their quest for power.

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Part 2 The freedoms Americans were and some still are willing to die for are now being sold by many for things. Instead of a productive job earning a living and building a life, many are willing to collect a check from the government for existence. Fear of no security has people selling their potential and dreams for the security of slavery. Insecurity has people frightened, giving up on their own resourcefulness to survive and thrive in a free society. So people sell their vote for what they think they can get from the government, creating a corrupt government that runs itself to buy votes. The more that sell their freedom and forgo enterprise, the fewer people there are to finance the government in the style it has become accustomed. As time goes on, there is less and less to give to the growing population of those self selected slaves. As the workers and earners diminish, parasites increase. The money spread between the parasites is decreasing while the population of the parasites is encouraged to increase to secure the power for the government. The livelihood for those selling themselves into slavery diminishes till government care is not so caring. It evolves to real slavery. The freebies designed to help the poor and supposedly disband the class of poor, only serves to push those in the middle down into the poor class, expanding in droves those in poverty. A far deeper poverty than exists now. Government expansion into socialism is trickle up poverty.


Essay: Chain Link Unions (2010)

One cannot deny labor unions were essential to the development of American democracy, capitalism and freedom. However, the present role of labor unions is doing much to destroy democracy, capitalism and freedom. The union movement in general, which includes unions of nations, is promoting sameness, equality of results, quashing the dynamism afforded by democracy, capitalism and freedom. Labor unions have evolved into a power broker more concerned with expansion and domination than the plight of the worker. They are far more engaged in defending the problem worker than those good workers who are the vast majority of the union. They put chains on the good workers to bring them to the level of the problem and poor worker, destroying moral in the process. People begin to question, “Why have a good work ethic?” Unions of countries are doing the same thing. They are promoting mediocrity giving shorter work weeks and more vacations to all even though perhaps undeserved and unsupportable by

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national economies. They do not care if prosperity is greatly diminished as long as misery is shared equally by the masses, but not by them, those in government, the politicians, the power elite. Unions have become purveyors of trickle down poverty, punishing those wanting and willing to work. They are weakening the American people and our great country of freedoms. Now politicians want to unit with the rest of the world, forming unions of countries which seek the same kind of lazy mediocrity, nullifying the freedoms and advances America brought to the world. Part 2 Make no mistake corporate greed, gluttony and power are the examples union leadership has modeled, but taken still further to arrest power from corporations. It seems neither one is really worried about the company. Corporate people are worried about their bonuses and union management worries about the money to their pockets motivating union expansion. Shareholders and workers are last on their lists of concerns. The same is true of government leadership, where unions have their most powerful grip these days. Unions make sure the government pays their people top dollar while they are bleeding those high salaries and overly generous benefits from the hides of the population of workers they are destroying. Who will pay for more government workers and government spongers, when hard work is being punished by government through continually burdensome taxes and penalties on the producers? Government is not a producer, but a parasite of those who produce. Like professional politicians are not producers, but merely parasites of those who produce! All under the tent of government, including education, strives for mediocrity, naturally aiming and hitting lower, in order to expand.


Essay: Democracy; A Search For Truth (2010)

The education industry is the perfect place to begin a political movement. Infiltration into education is the perfect course for an ideology to take to worm its way into society and become acceptable. Zealots taking over education; transforming it into indoctrination instead of nurturing the free thinking mind is a perfect plan. One might say our founding fathers did such a thing with the institutionalizing of democracy and capitalism in America. To make such a charge would be wrong, but open the door for healthy debate, something our Founding Fathers were not afraid. They knew open debate would bring us closer to the truth.

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There in lies the answer to this debate. Ideological propagandists want to hijack the education system in order to insert their way of thinking into society. They want to indoctrinate, play the drum beat of marketing slogans to brainwash people to their way of thinking. This is totally contrary to the vision and actions of our forefathers. Our forefathers wanted to purvey the truth. Debate gets us closer to that truth. The dream of democracy is to get closer and closer to that truth. In his letter to George Wythe, August 1786 Thomas Jefferson wrote, “The most important bill in our whole code is that for the diffusion of knowledge among the people. No other sure foundation can be devised, for the preservation of freedom and happiness.” Jefferson saw the decisive role of public education, a thinking population, as essential to the existence of democracy. Totalitarians, communists, Marists and socialists see indoctrination through the education system as essential to purveying their ideas. Their teaching of prescribed thoughts and ideas, one side of the story, with the debate, the search for the truth destroyed. That is the difference! Here is where these ideologies reveal themselves. The opponents of democracy want the education systems to indoctrinate to their way of thinking. Democracy seeks education to cultivate a thinking reasoning population, stirring the debate in the quest for the truth.


Essay: Truth And Liars (2010) It is amazing to me how truth is attacked as incivility and venomous and habitual lying is overlooked, even rewarded by the media. Such handling of the truth is most often the behavior of liars. I have often been told, “There is merit to what you say. It is just the way you say it.” I used to choose my words very carefully so as not to offend. As I was criticized, I tempered my words further, extremely conscious of people’s feelings. After a time, I caught on to the game. Those people clouding the truth manipulate people to soften their rhetoric to the point where their words are so diluted, they are easily ignored. Why should truth need to be tempered? It should only need to be tempered for those afraid of the truth. Marketing often replaces communicating the truth. Drum beating a dishonest message can successfully mask a lie, impersonating truth! Watering down truth with political correctness allows such marketing to be very powerful and insure success of the big lies. Marketing to manipulate rather than communicating to inform of the truth has become a primary tool of politics, education, journalism and even science (Global Warming). The education industry is the thread that runs through all.

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When lies are purveyed as truth and truth…incivility it is certainly the sign of a society walking a very corrupt path. Values and morals mean nothing. Integrity erased from that societies dictionary!


Essay: Government Elite; The Wolves and the Sheep The socialist or secular movement to deify the state is designed to divide America into two classes, government elites and the poor. Once government workers were compensated with slightly better benefits because their salaries were somewhat lower! The push to enlist voters for larger government has changed all that. In order to encourage voting for larger government, government workers have been bribed with better salaries and benefits than the equivalent private sector. Government salaries are calculated to be about 30% higher and benefits about 70% higher than the private sector. In addition, they are free of layoffs, as federal and state workers will tell you, they are recession proof. They are also practically free of firing, indicating performance standards are nonexistent. As Nobel Economist the late Milton Friedman revealed half a century ago, government could accomplish half the results at twice the cost, or 1/4th the effectiveness. So productivity is not a concern of the public sector. With the excellent benefits today, Friedman’s formula has probably changed to a quarter of the results at four times the cost, resulting in 1/16th of the effectiveness. Productivity is even less of a concern today. Public employees are fat and happy, selfishly oblivious as to what is going on in the real world. Working for the government is a pretty cushy job, and is lucrative for government employees. Yet, they produce no money, no profit. In fact all they do is spend! Yes, they provide over sight and regulation, both of which usually inhibit our economy where the money is made that supports government functions. I’m not saying some oversight isn’t necessary. However, the lazy, lethargic approach government takes usually has them failing in that oversight. They tend to nitpick on the small things and let laziness allow the big things to slip through their fingers. Fatal Chinese imports and the Gulf oil spill of the Deep Water Horizon Drilling Platform are just a few perfect examples. Washington let BP and China get away with behaviors American companies could not. During this serious recession computed unemployment is about 9.5% and real unemployment 17.5%, yet government has grown extensively. The portion of our economy, the public sector that contributes the least to the GNP is expanding while the private sector is crippled.

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So, the private sector workers are taxed more and receiving less, if they are employed at all. Private sector workers are being bled to give the public employees the very highest of salaries and best of benefits. Something seems wrong here. With governments, state and federal, running out of money, the private sector workers are going to be drained dry to pay public sector workers guaranteed pensions and healthcare. What is wrong with this picture? Public employees (union employees) are thriving on the backs of the dying private sector employees. Those generating the money in our country are having it lifted from their pockets to support public sector employees in a high style the private sector cannot afford. This is again analogous to Jefferson’s 1787 letter stating, “Among [European Governments], under pretense of governing, they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.” Government elite are the wolves and private sector workers the sheep. Even more analogous is again from H.G. Wells “Time Machine”, the cannibalistic Morlocks (government elites) cultivating the docile Elois (private sector working stiffs) like cattle for their own subsistence. I would submit government employees should not receive the best in salaries or benefits. They should get an average of what is out in the private sector where the money is generated. They should not be getting guaranteed retirement, sucking the public mammary dry. They should be moved to 401 Ks, like the private sector has. Why should government workers deserve more than the people who keep this economy moving, those who are subject to layoffs and firings for poor productivity or personality conflicts. Why should public employees be subject to no risk and maximum profit? It sounds like the Wall Street bailout to me.


Essay: The Big Con (2010) We are taught from a very young age to give respect to our elders. Those of more experience and wisdom, we are told deserve to be given greater esteem. That made sense to me as a child and still makes sense to me today, with reservations! I believe in the wisdom of those with more years and experience. However, there are conditions to be placed upon that elevation in society. For instance we are expected to believe that more government spending and more debt and more taxation is going to pull our economy out of the serious recession that by many indicators is worse than the depression of 1929. How is it possible spending will get us out of debt? That would be illogical in our personal finances. When in debt and perhaps on the verge of losing everything, we are taught to tighten our belts and cut back on our spending! Not create more debt! If we lose our jobs we are taught to cut back even more. How can

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government think confiscating money from the people, making it available for corrupt government officials to skim, can bring back prosperity to the economy? How can restricting profits and starving businesses rejuvenate an economy? How can abandoning all commonsense save our country? It can’t! This method was tried by Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1930’s, stretching a recession into a depression lasting more than ten years. Recessions left alone to work themselves out through natural market mechanisms usually last one to two years. Roosevelt’s Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau Jr. stated, “We are spending more money than we have ever spent before and it does not work,” He told a Congressional hearing in 1939. “I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get jobs. We have never made good on our promises. I say after eight years of this administration we have as much unemployment as when we started and an enormous debt to boot.” Commonsense abandoned and some defining wisdom as, commonsense to an uncommon degree, would then say, those employing such methods had little or no wisdom. Morgenthau saw the failed socialist like policies of Roosevelt were not working. It is recorded history. Yet President Obama insists on his obstinate obsession, sailing this course like Ahab after the white whale. Chasing his doom even though he knows it is. When giving credibility to age, one must be certain there is wisdom present. If not, consideration can be given to age and experience, but it must be tempered by the competence generated from that age and experience. Otherwise it could be the ramblings of a warped and corrupted mind. In fact, a life without commonsense, therefore wisdom, could be a façade, a fake and phony existence that could lead people in the wrong direction to disaster. I believe we have far too many politicians that have assumed such false faces. Looking at government today, many scam artists in government would lead you to think their experience endows them with great wisdom and ability. They build fronts and market images and so-called truths, many of which are often lies. They camouflage and cover, laying smoke screens in the form of long, unintelligible bills and speeches. They use misdirection, obfuscation and smoke and mirrors to draw attention from underhanded behavior and ineptitude. They always keep the action moving so you cannot track their lack of progress. This is the politician, the con man, the medicine show huckster doctor, selling the miracle elixirs to the people wanting miracle cures for all their ills. Instead they are sold a scam, empty promises and false programs. The politicians, medicine show barkers walk away rich and powerful.


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Essay: The Hustlers and Conmen Fast talk and confusing language are the tools of the hustler and conman. Talking over your head, making you think they know more than you is another of their disguises. Always speaking with certainty, they fake expertise on every subject, as though they know it all. These are the traits of the medicine show quack, the snake oil salesman. They keep things moving fast so you can’t keep you eye on the pea. You cannot keep track of which shell it is under as they replace movement for certainty of their knowledge or the information they give you. It is a play they present to keep your eyes occupied while they pick your pockets. The huckster continually lays smoke screens, camouflaging their words, their movements, and their veracity. They continually don false faces, building facades to hide who they really are and what they are really doing. Walking in the shadows, they never give anyone a clear look at them. You never know who they really are. Like chameleons they change with the environment they are in. Call them fake, phony and fraudulent. They are imposters, pretenders, hypocrites preying on the people. It sounds like we are talking about snake oil or a dishonest used car salesman. These are people who continually juggle the truth. These descriptions could just as easily be our politicians. They are not statesmen, and certainly are politicians, charlatans, con artists. These are traits most of them possess. That’s why they allow laws that are lengthy and confusing. They tell you don’t worry about the details, they will fill them in later, changing what they say when it goes on paper as law. We are to trust these conmen to fill in the blanks honestly. Watching the old TV series “In The Heat Of The Night” this very day, an elderly elitist naïve southern belle drove to the core of truth when she asked, “Why do men resort to burglary when there are so many legal ways to be dishonest.” This statement characterized the politician better than any single line I have ever heard. They make all the dishonest things they envision legal, their dishonesty supported by their laws.


Essay: Inducing The Financial Meltdown (2010)

Most agree many in government and financial leadership knew the housing bubble was going to burst. The Carter, Clinton, Dodd and Frank sponsored Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac sub-prime mortgage programs of giving huge unsecured mortgages to those who couldn’t afford them was going to implode. The real question was when? With all the financial pressure already building up, some saw the financial meltdown could be induced. What better time to do it than just before a presidential election, when such a breakdown could have significant political influence.

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It would only take news of a few financial scares to bring the economy into a nosedive. In early summer 2007, several months before the election, New York’s senior Senator Chuck Schumer lit the fuse. He wrote a letter on the frailties of the Indy Bank in California then made them public, causing a run on the bank and signing the banks death warrant. Senator’s including Chris Dodd, banking committee chair ignored warnings of the failing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as far back as 1997. They ignored President Bushes warnings in 2003 and John McCain’s warning in 2005. In the House, Barney Frank attacked those coming before his house committee with similar warnings. Frank, supported by Maxine Waters, Charlie Wrangle, Nancy Pelosi and other democrats attacked the messengers warning us and praised Franklin Raines, who took about ten million dollars in bonuses from government for driving Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac into bankruptcy. This turned the tide of the election. McCain was up until this economic crisis hit, which democrats knew would be blamed on the party holding the presidency. Part 2 Would the democrat party risk the nation’s economic health to gain power? This seemed an incident that could be sloughed off as just another conspiracy theory. As we looked at Obama’s performance since, it is not beyond the realm of possibility the mortgage meltdown was induced. We have been deluged with one crisis after another to pass laws unpopular with the people. An expensive Trillion Dollar bailout fund rewarded mismanaged companies came first. We were told the entire economy would tank if it were not done. Many experts argue against that supposed result. Then almost another trillion dollars was put toward a stimulus package, which seems to have been given to Obama cronies for the support during the election. Government has grown with the stimulus while private business is still shrinking. The best example of the administration milking a good crisis is the oil spill in the Gulf. Obama’s administration acted so slowly as to blow the issue into a three month disaster, covered constantly on television. We saw the picture of oil shooting out of the pipe month after month. Resources were kept from the Gulf by the administration. Animals were sacrificed for Obama’s war on carbon (fossil fuels) and his Carbon Cap and Tax agenda. The Gulf’s land was polluted, its economy severely damaged because of this slow response.

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In the aftermath, we find out not nearly as many animals were killed and the damage not nearly as bad as the mainstream media reported in support of the Obama agenda. Had the resources to restrain and skim the oil been released sooner, the damage to the animals and oil ashore might have been kept to a harmless minimum. It appears the administration obstructed the process to enhance their crisis. Not only do Emanual, Gibbs, Axelrod and other Obama aids take advantage of a good crisis. They milk it and enhance it, cranking the crisis up, not merely the marketing of it, to further their socialist agenda. Obama seems willing to not only risk the welfare of the people, but sacrifice it for his agenda. It is difficult to dispute the evidence and write this off as a conspiracy theory.


Essay: Institutional Self-Preservation (2010) A coworker once proposed, “The primary goal of any institution is to perpetuate itself” meaning to insure its own existence. Often those institutions give up any altruism they had to make sure they continued. They give up their values; one might say their integrity, to ensure they remain in existence. One could argue that need for self-preservation is true of most individuals also. Cornell Cooperative extension is a micro example. Founded to teach rural farmers and help them in their existence, once that service was no longer needed, the powers in that program searched frantically to find new areas to get into. They looked for new endeavors to bring their philosophy, the main goal being to save their institution and their jobs. When born, cooperative extension saw a problem and looked for a way to solve it. Once the institution is formed and works its way out of the problem, or solves the problem, it looks for problems they can engage in so it can exist. Instead of finding a creative way to fix this new problem, they fit the new task into their established method of problem solving. Among academics this is money, education and programs. Academia has perfected this model uncovering problems, making them catastrophic, seeing aiming money at it the only way to solve it. They see education as the answer. Education means programs. Once the programs are instituted, they see the task as finished, even if the problem is not resolved. Never solving problems, creating a river of money always flowing into their coffers, is an excellent business model for existence and expansion. Failure is rewarded with profit, power and a permanent place in society. However, along the way it was seen solving problems actually threatens the existence of an institution. If problems are solved intelligently, an institution might actually put itself out of business. So, they look for new problems, perhaps even manufacturing them. There is little

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incentive to solve the existing problems. This falls right into the definition of today’s liberal, wanting to grow government. Our government, executive, legislative and judicial branches seem to have taken the path of institutional arrogance, bolstered in their dishonesty by individual arrogance and self-preservation. Laws passed but ignored and not enforced spurs the passing of new laws passed and never enforced. This makes law makers seem busy and essential and appear to be solving problems. However, they are creating the problem, teaching the citizens “laws are made to be broken”. It seems laws are made more complex by legislators, many of whom are lawyers, to insure the need for an extensive judicial system. Judges with great power and a trough of money for high paid lawyers is what our legal system is now set up to provide. Justice appears to be a minor concern along the legal trail, just as truth has become of negligible concern in the practice of education, journalism and science. Government, journalism, science and education seem to have followed the route of inherent dishonesty. The quality of service delivered has given way to providing the service no matter how warped and corrupt it has become. Institutions or the people of them become so arrogant they are more important than their purpose. They see themselves as the purpose and forget the practical values for which they were born. Such institutions become parasites of society. Diseased and decayed they create more problems than originally existed that spurred their founding, in order to keep themselves relevant. Commonsense is abandoned! Integrity is extinct!


Essay: Law Enforcement More Important Than Enacting (2010)

Thomas Jefferson wrote with simplicity to Abbe Arnoux in 1789, “The execution of the laws is more important than the making of them.” In the new millennium this has become so evident with a political class that passes enormous, intentionally confusing laws with the purpose of selectively enforcing them or those laws merely being a façade of action and they do not get enforced at all. Four to five decades of immigration laws passed have not been enforced, the author of each the same, the late Edward M. Kennedy. Now Arizona has passed a law, of the same template as the Federal Laws and the executive branch is filing suite against them. A law of the same structure and intent as the federal law is being challenged by the federal government. That says the federal government never intended and does not intend to enforce the law it passed.

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The promise to secure the border first has been stalled, showing the feds goal is to keep us weak and vulnerable. They have made every excuse, put up every road block to securing our southern border. Passing laws only seems to be broken promises. The 2008 eight push for the Comprehensive Illegal Immigration Amnesty Law reveals politicians intentions not to enforce laws on the books. The purpose of the new law which was a regurgitation of the old law was to legalize 21 million illegal aliens, so those new wards of the state will bolster the democrat voting block. This process has been employed periodically, because immigration laws have not been enforced. Non-enforcement or planned inaction has often been the political strategy regarding the passage of laws by today’s version of the politician. Passing cumbersome, confusing and freedom confiscating laws has become standard operating procedures. When a state passes the same law, but unlike the federal government, takes action, the feds jump into action to bring the judiciary against the state. This is corruption to the ultimate degree. Confiscating our freedom by obfuscating the laws! Look at the trail of laws where similar methods of confusion and obfuscation were used. Take for instance the issue of gun control. Numerous laws are on the books, but those laws are not properly or consistently enforced. The purpose is to pass more laws to take guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens, perhaps because politicians know their corrupt behavior and grasp for power is pushing the American Citizen to the limit. 2007 financial crisis, the laws were on the books to avert the crisis, but they were ignored.We passed laws declaring war on poverty and drugs, merely a façade to feign addressing a problem, not really addressing it. We keep passing gun control laws when those on the books are not enforced. The purpose of gun control is not to stop the criminal, but to disarm the population. To prevent the population from confronting corruption in government gone wild! While laws like the “Fairness Doctrine”, silencing conservative talk radio and “Card Check”, allowing union thugs to recruit, disposing of the secret ballot shows the bastardization of the law that now exists. Laws are passed in a blasé manner, capriciously by partisan politicians, enacting and executing laws by whim not wisdom. Specificity of laws creates discrimination in the laws. Passing laws to close every little loophole, creates complexity of law that soon obscures the law and opens it more to corruption, as does the selective enforcement of laws. Insincerity in the legal process makes the legal system a sham. It almost seems the passage of laws today is merely designed to make government larger and more intrusive. They say ignorance of the law is no excuse, but laws past so large even the politicians admit they don’t read the bills and don’t know what is in them, how could the people possibly not be ignorant of the law.

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Today’s laws are smoke screens, dark and shadowy areas where politicians can introduce corruption to advance their own lot in life. Our laws are designed with complexity to be imbalanced, and tip the scales of justice to the rich and powerful. Simplified language of law and laws themselves would naturally put the scales of justice in greater balance. Such sane actions would take power from the legislators and lawyers, and would have to come from their hands. Statesmen would act so! Politicians will not!


Essay: Liberalism; Dedicated to Failure Liberals have evolved from the visionary status of our forefathers like Jefferson, Franklin and John Adams to status quo slackers (ner-do-wells) like Ted Kennedy, John Murtha and Chuck Schumer. People that lack the ability to accomplish, so they set the standards at throwing money at a problem, the only thing they are equipped to do. Never reaching results is the game plan of the liberal (progressive). Failure to achieve results means greater investment in larger government. The perpetual cycle of failure facilitates expansion of government and politician’s power while the plight of the people is in constant decay. It solidifies a place in the world for the incompetent, inept and corrupt at all levels. More and more programs are instituted to address problems, but they are never designed to solve problems. They nurture social problems, fostering dependence, so those dependent people will forego freedom for handouts. They give the fish, so people are dependent upon that handout, waiting each day for that fish, instead of teaching to fish, allowing individual independence. A Whale, the huge oil skimming ship in the gulf that was not being allowed to do anything because of oil it might put back in the water, exemplifies my point. If it only takes 50% of the oil out, that is half the oil we will not have to worry about in the future. If it takes 60, 70, 80 or 90 percent out, that is a lot of oil that will be dealt with today and will not be washing onto the beaches or killing wild life tomorrow. Failure to use the ship is prolonging the crisis and intensifying the damage. Why would you not employ this ship immediately that is said to have the oil removal capacity of all the ships and boats presently working in the Gulf? It seems extending this crisis aids the carbon cap and trade (Tax) agenda. Many liberals are willing to sacrifice the vast gulf ecosystem to advance their long term agenda. Illegal Immigration Delaying action until everything is considered perfect is short sighted and perhaps ignorant. Then it could be a corollary to the progressive strategy “Never let a good crisis go to waste”.

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It could be another corollary, “Demanding a comprehensive action so nothing effective ever gets done”. This ineffectiveness aids the expansion of government, a liberal goal. Controlling the border between our nation and Mexico could have so many positive affects. It would slow illegal immigration. It would be an impediment to drug trafficking. It would aid home land security by restricting terrorist entry. It would assist in addressing the state and national financial crisis by reducing the number of illegal immigrants burdening our education, healthcare and legal systems. So why does our action have to be so-called comprehensive, when liberalism cannot even attain successful results on the small issues. For example Medicare is failing, facing bankruptcy, so they enlarge the national healthcare system. Health Care is just another titanic bureaucracy, a 2000 page bill to inhibit success and create another governmental money pit that expands the power and pool of money to government. Any project manager knows you break large projects down into doable pieces. As you address each piece you make sure it works as other pieces are added. You build a strong foundation and add each piece with the intention the final result is strong and enduring. The pieces might need some adjustment as the rest of the strategy comes into place. Those adjustments, small and easy can be accomplished in a controlled manner. That the whole system works properly is the goal. It is a well oiled machine that contributes as long as it is needed. Government prefers what they call the comprehensive approach. Something so large, complex and bureaucratic it stands little chance of success. It has so many dark corners and gray areas it is uncontrollable and no one really knows what is going in. It is the perfect environment to skim money, side step the law and allow corruption to reign. It ends up a money pit. If government were building houses under their comprehensive system, they would try to build each house all at once. The roofers would be working on site with those laying the foundation. The stress of the building on a foundation with concrete wet and unstable would insure that building would require great attention the rest of its life, providing more jobs to maintain instead of jobs to build more and better houses. Liberalism (Progressivism) aims for mediocrity, its attempts falling well short. It creates an environment where putting money to the problem is the goal. How effective that money is used is of no concern. Failure of the money will mean more money and oversight has to be employed. Effectiveness and efficiency are the opponents. When it fails again, it will require more money and bureaucracy, meeting the expansion goal of liberalism. It seems to me today’s liberalism is the enemy of commonsense and the ally of corruption!


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Essay: The Emphasis On Self-Esteem (2010) The emphasis on self-esteem has become warped and distorted. It’s not that self-esteem; confidence, a good self-image isn’t important, but the definition has become distorted. Self-esteem nurtured by being told how wonderful you are builds a false self-esteem. If that special classification gained from empty self-esteem allows you special privileges and a special place in life, it is dangerous. When told how wonderful you are causes you to think you deserve special treatment, you are walking the razor’s edge of disappointment. Real self-esteem, or confidence requires substance. It cannot be built by flowery words that pat you on the back falsely. Confidence requires you recognize those who speak with forked tong, flattering to manipulate. Real self-esteem requires accomplishment. Not one huge accomplishment that brings you the attention of the world, but many smaller accomplishments which build you up as an individual. Brick by brick, block by block, piece by piece, making you who you are; who you will be. Learning to read, math, language all produce confidence, the confidence to express yourself, to defend yourself, to explain to yourself, who you are and what you believe. School subjects, known as disciplines, giving the discipline to accomplish beyond those subjects, taking things learned to levels only we can take them. Liking ourselves, liking to be with ourselves, not being needy for recognition or approval that will take us to places where we don’t like ourselves by people attempting to use us. Liking our own company, believing our own council to follow those paths of which we can be proud. Even our education system practices the false self-esteem, without substance. They teach we must be part of a group, attacking home schooling for lack of socialization when our public schools often provide a negative socialization. We must build ourselves a piece at a time. We learn from experiences, good and bad. We must face our fears and conquer them. But they must be real experiences, of substance. Going on vacation to Europe is an experience, but for the most part a programmed experience. Vacations are nice, but not necessarily the worldly experience many parents think they are imparting. Or the band trip to Disney World. Doing chores around the house builds character, especially if you don’t like doing them. Being responsible and meeting those responsibilities. Pushing yourself when things are not fun. These are experiences that will build character and build confidence. Shoveling snow and raking lawns for the elderly. Helping! These are the experiences that will give us self-worth, build our confidence and make us independent. Knowing who we

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are, our value and worth, weaknesses and strengths and building on them, this is what produces confidence and self-esteem in an individual.


Essay: Self-esteem Once More (2010)

This may seem like whining! I sound that way a bit even to me. But it also fills the need to answer the attacks leveled against me. In the anonymous responses on line to my letters to the editor, the criticism I get is usually in the form of a personal attack. I t seldom addresses the substance of what I have written. I am called boring, stupid, pompous, a crank and crackpot. I’ve been asked to dry up and blow away. Attempts to marginalize and demean me are more often the goal. To bully me from voicing my opinion is the strategy of those disagreeing. It is by no means only me that is treated this way. Those that voice decent against a liberal power structure in government and education are attacked personally to destroy their reputation and therefore their credibility. The substance of what is said is not debated. Their message is confronted by destroying credibility in any way possible. The marketing of lies is most often the method. While self-esteem is a major buzz word amongst liberals and supplying it to children a theme that seems kind hearted and caring, the results is quite the opposite. The false self-esteem bestowed on children is more damaging than supportive. I believe designed to be that way to control people by giving them a false confidence that can be easily attacked. Children are told how wonderful they are by the education industry. They are given a voice. They are passed and congratulated when they fail. Their confidence and self-esteem is built like a house of cards, fragile and weak. The slightest blow will topple it. This gives education industry and political hacks power over these people as they move into adulthood. The false self-esteem is like a self-destruct button. Because it is based on nothing real, when the pressure is on the individual really does not have the skills to be confident in the debate. The demeaning and ridicule of the opponent can crack them handily. It makes for weak opponents to these power seekers political agendas. Real self-esteem comes from real and concrete accomplishment. It creates a mind that can access the facts and use critical thinking to come to commonsense conclusions. It created the logical mind that uses intelligent debate instead of the attack and intimidation style to instill fear to win the argument. It is unfortunate the education industry has invested so much in the false system of self-esteem, even within their group! They have adorned themselves with bogus credentials, forcing them to resort to bullying when confronted with their weaknesses. Being weak is one

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of those weaknesses, so they lack the strength to confront their problems, and solve them. It behooves them to educate their future opponents to be weak, timid and unprepared. They attack, intimidate and bully to get individuals to back off and give up, certainly not the behavior of confident educated group of people. It is my belief education leaders instill the same false self-esteem in lower echelon educators that programmed teachers impart to their students. They tell teachers they are molding the future with their hands. They are most important to the future of the world. They could never be paid enough for what they do. They are essential to society. In this way education leaders have disarmed teachers of their commonsense and their ability to stand up and confront them. There false self-esteem has them firing blanks in any discussion except those of personal attacks. Education leadership rules the field of attack and intimidation. Over inflated educators conduct themselves as if all this is true. They believe they are the discoverers even creators of the geniuses. They shape and mold the world. As long as they use their profession for indoctrination, teaching what to think instead of how to think, they are molding the world in a very negative way. Treating people like cattle, herding them where government wants them to go. They can do little else, because their self-esteem can be broken by their leaders. They march in lock step because they live in fear of losing all they have been given, an esteemed place in society, profit and collective power. Right and wrong are not considered in the equation.


Essay: The Transparency of an Iron Curtain (2010)

President Obama’s promise of transparency during his campaign for president has certainly become another promise broken. As a community organizer, Alinski’s definition is certainly applicable to Obama, a teacher of Alinsky. He defined “community organizer” and Obama writing, “He does not have a fixed truth – truth to him is relative and changing.” Obama’s 2010 “Financial Regulation Bill” exempts the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) from the Freedom of Information Act. This government institution negligent in the financial melt down and oversight of the securities devised in the sub-prime mortgage meltdown, the Burnie Madoff debacle, Enron and many others will not be held accountable for any future actions. The SEC can shut down any company for almost any reason. Now, they will not have to reveal why a company is being shut down or taken over by the government. Without accountability, the SEC becomes a Gestapo, with iron shutters on the windows and doors of the institution and its actions.

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The SEC can become the strong arm pushing us beyond socialism, but easily into communism where government controls everything. The government can take over private sector industry at will. They can pick the production winners and losers. The government of the people, by the people and for the people will parish from this earth. Obama has slipped the same type of transparency in every bill he has pushed through in the dark of night against the will of the people. If two thousand page bills pushed through without enough time to even read them is transparency, then the dictionary needs rewriting. This has also been done, the rewriting of the dictionary under the name of political correctness. Every Obama bill is designed by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to disguise and camouflage the theft of freedoms from the people. They are long, and written in difficult language. Honest legislators are not given enough time to read them. Dishonest legislators don’t read them admitting they are too difficult to understand. Truth is simple and does not take a two thousand page bill. Stealing our freedom requires many more words. Legislators use long bills and laws, filled with legalese, confusing language and studded with loop holes, so only those with the money to hire huge legal firms can wrangle their way out of punishment or bend the law to their convenience. This obfuscation of the law is what makes it for the rich and not those of lesser means and brings lawyers more business. The scales of justice are in imbalance because of these political shenanigans! Loop holes are put into the laws to allow those that can afford it to get around the law. The healthcare bill also has stealth language. It may not have had something called death panels, but bureaucratic accountants deciding where the money will go in healthcare will effectually make decisions death panels would. To balance budgets and finance a system they are not capable of managing, they will decide the ever lowering cut off ages for treatments based on cost and an individual’s value, projected and locked in at a certain age. Mismanaged budgets, a government hallmark, will pronounce the death penalty on more and more people. Ronald Reagan knocked down the wall in Berlin, causing us to think the time of communist aggression was over. Now an American President has brought communism to the American shores, and many are greeting it with opened arms. They are cheering this president for historical significance, as they watch the wall around Washington built amidst those cheers. It seems each bill Obama champions has hidden in it stealth laws that erode the freedoms of all Americans. In the erosion of those freedoms, he is slowly drawing closed the iron curtain around America.


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Essay: Unlimited Power (2010) Giving unlimited power to any entity is usually a ticket to tyranny and corruption. To surrender questioning of power is to hand them unlimited power. Preventing this is the purpose of a portion of the first amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. This is the portion which allows for our freedoms of speech, press and peaceful assembly. One can see a desire in many to curtail those freedoms. The so-called fairness doctrine which would place limitations on talk radio, seeks the same. The desire for many to shut up or shut down those who espouse contrary points of view is growing. Debate depicted as incendiary, or hate speech, including political correctness all place limitations on the freedom of speech, press and assembly. These traps limit debate and give a certain few that are willing to yell fire in the crowed theater or racism the podium. This hands the power to a certain small group. As Thomas Jefferson wrote in his August 13, 1786 letter to George Wythe, “There is no king, who with a sufficient force is not always ready to make himself absolute.” When the people are silenced, gathering a sufficient force is less difficult. A well known maxim states, “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” When we see government usurping the power of corporations, the financial power of banks, the power of healthcare and the power of education we see a supreme collection of power. Oppressive taxation of people is not only the transfer of wealth, but the transfer of power from the people to the government. We allow them, almost ask them to do this because of the corruption and incompetence in those areas we think they can and will fix. Not a chance! In government hands it will be worse. Even though there is dishonesty in those institutions, their independent power creates a balances, dishonest people not trusting one another, keeps those institutions and government in check and unwittingly more honest. It is a kind of check and balance of capitalism, the dishonest, keeping an eye on each other, all the other crooks. In that way the corruption bubbles up, and boils over, into the sight of the public. If government is a monopoly, controlling every institution, there are no checks on the government. They also have a monopoly on corruption, controlling the overseers and the corruption. There is no relief valve to warn the public when the inevitable corruption of supreme government boils over. Corruption no longer becomes the odd or undesirable case to hide, but business as usual of which no politician is ashamed. Corruption becomes the norm. To hand the total power of corruption over to one entity, group or individual is to open the proverbial Pandora’s Box and unleash all the possible evil on the world. Even the last evil gets out that we have been spared from, hopelessness. We have little in this life without hope. We have seen the inherently corrupt governments of socialism, Marxism, communism

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and totalitarianism can destroy people’s hopes. Those governments are born and bred in corruption. John Adams stated in an oration at Braintree Mass. In 1772, “There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with the power to endanger the public liberty.” Power is a precarious partner. It is a temptress with the ability to seduce man to manipulations he normally would not consider. A hallucinogen making our head spin and heart race, exciting us into endeavors our conscience would not sanction. It is a sorceress casting a spell that all we do is right and others are wrong, making us lose perspective and reality. Those seeking such power must be watched closely by the people and confronted when their ambitions run away with them. They are a dangerous people!


Essay: What is a Potato (2010) Recently on Rachel Ray a food expert stated most kids could not identify whole vegetables. They couldn’t even identify a potato, thinking a McDonalds French fry was a potato. Only the carrot was identifiable and he attributed that to Bugs Bunny. How is it possible that people have become so ignorant? I will identify two of the culprits. An education system that indoctrinates into their own agenda and a government system that wants to take complete control by taking responsibility out of the hands of the individual. Both entities want to quash independence, keeping the population stupid and ignorant. Teaching only what they want people to know so they can control they way they think. High school, even college graduates cannot identify the Pacific Ocean. They cannot locate major countries of the world or even some continents. The more focused the education and government industries become on spreading their own agendas, the less the people, recipients of their formal education, know. The public education curriculum is mind numbing and creativity stifling, perfect for grooming the population into a herd of sheep. Ripping the commonsense of experiential education from the heads of children and replacing it with the elitist intellectual stupidity of arrogant book learners, many of whom dishonestly wrote the books. The blame often goes to parents, most of who have been through the system, brainwashed and mind numbed to collective stupidity. The downside of formal education has reached its most dangerous outcome. A system so enthralled with itself it teaches it is the ultimate, be all end all, common sense, clear, critical thinking all but banished from the scene. Ideas are present in a complex, confused format, masking the truth in order to sway support.

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Education seems to have become a brain sucking parasite when it comes to common sense. The longer they go to school, the less common sense they have remaining. It is about indoctrination, not critical thinking!


Racism (2010)

In this I will discuss the issue of racism, the subject that can be suicidal to the reputation of a white man. Eric Holder, the US Attorney General called us a nation of cowards when it came to the subject of racism. He is mostly right in saying that. There is no doubt racism against blacks has existed in this country. Though there have been improvements in race relations, it still does exist. There are some whites that see blacks as little more than animals. There will always be people that need to put others down to elevate themselves. Then the racism door swings both ways. There are blacks that see whites through the same eyes of hate. They do not listen to Martin Luther King and, “judge people by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.” The words racist and racism have been used as a club, often to smite people who would disagree politically with the black and liberal power structure. Words are singled out in political arguments and classified as a substitute for the “N” word, to make people afraid of the conversation on race. Eric Holder is hypocritical in that sense that he calls us out as cowards fearing the race debate, but screams racism on almost any issue in order to intimidate and win for his ideology. This constant crying wolf by such as Holder may very well aid the debate on race, and help us to leave our cowardice behind. Sick of being beaten down by this club, reality may be beginning to dawn. When Barack Obama was being called a socialist, mainstream media accused the use of the word socialist as a substitute for the “N” word. They were putting a racist banner on a purely political word, to strike fear into people so they would not use that word “socialism” to identify the political leanings of candidate and later the president. While honest analysis of Obama’s writings and spoken words could certainly label him socialist, Al Sharpton has recently revealed that is the Obama agenda and construed his election victory as a desire for socialism in the country. It certainly reveals a lack of objectivity of the majority liberal media.

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Personally I think Obama is only socialist because that is as far as he can push his agenda at this point. He dare not push it to communism yet, because it would be too abrupt a change for the people to take. I’m sure this will be construed as a racist statement when it is merely my political observation. This became the straw that broke the camels back. Many of us cowards began to see we would not be able to have a decent debate on many issues without taking the risk of being labeled racist. More and more people are willing to take that risk to address racism, socialism, Marxism etc. and stop it from being a club to intimidate and silence people. I believe I am a tolerant and understanding person. However, I would never think to declare I do not have a racist or bias bone in my body. I would be arrogant to think so and dishonest to declare it. Each of us understanding we are not pure and perfect is essential to confronting racism and all the other isms that are being developed. I don’t know the answers. I do know confronting our own racism, bias and bigotry in each of us is essential to finding the answers. That is a personal quest for each of us that can be begun by the debate. With that debate perhaps we can give each other the strength to face our demons. Somewhere in this quest, we may find truth. Racism, bias and bigotry cannot be legislated out of existence. They cannot be educated out of existence. However, the stronger each of us becomes as individuals, and by stronger, I mean the ability to face external and internal truths, the more likely we are to be able to exercise those demons from ourselves and society.


Essay: Socialism; Pushing a Political Agenda (2010) Socialism (liberalism) is about pushing a political agenda, not getting things done, solving problems. It is about personal power, greed and gluttony, a method for individuals to steal freedoms from the majority to control that majority. Socialism is about arresting power from the people, seducing them with government freebees and handouts. It is about making people lazy and lethargic, not looking for the greatest aspiration of mankind as they would have you believe. Freedom provides the environment for mankind to achieve its greatest potential. Giving the opportunity to think for oneself and reason out ones actions. It is about self-determination, not a government deciding for us. Yes, laws of basic behavior are helpful and necessary, to guide people and put stronger controls on the aberrant. The sociopath devoid of moral values does not apply. Laws of specificity designed for the extreme cases only serves to intensify discrimination.

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***** Essay: Politicians of Poor Character Insured (2010)

The major problem with today’s politicians is the ability to campaign to get the position is more important than the ability to lead once in the position. This often leaves a person of poor character in the position, the politician instead of the statesman. Political Campaigning today utilizes marketing as a primary tool, a good portion of which employs dishonesty. Deception, building facades and laying smoke screens, lies of omission and even outright lies. When the politician is caught lying, he apologizes saying he is sorry. Most often only sorry he was caught and not for his indiscretion. He’ll say,” I have to get the people to trust me again,” which implies marketing his character back to health. Not, “I have to become worthy of trust, so the people can trust me.” Lies and hypocrisy have become everyday accepted tools of politicians. They construct the image of their character from false marketing. They rehabilitate their decaying character with the same marketing techniques. In their mind all it takes is a good wade of marketing money to build character. Lying has become so second nature to politicians, most cannot tell the truth even when it is the easier thing to do. To them it has become easier to make up something off the top of their heads, than think about the truth. It is almost as if they have a fatal allergy to the truth, and the truth will kill them and not set them free. Who knows why they fear the truth so. Perhaps it is because what they have planned for the people, the hijacking of our freedoms would never be accepted. The methodology of creating crisis so we would seek government protection, selling ourselves into slavery would not be effective if truth were on the menu. Truth is the antidote to corruption. Politicians must like corruption too much. Their goal is to enslave the people with their lies and deception, using the crisis they manipulate and enhance. Is this the role our elected representatives have taken on, marketing manipulators with corrupt consciences? Part 2 The people must stand up and demand truth. They must punish the habitual and pathological lying of the politician profession. They must address it at its source also, the education industry. The people too often are sold on a politician with false promises. If intelligently analyzed, it would be obvious the promises could never be filled. Promises of free stuff in exchange for giving up freedoms should raise a red flag. Something is wrong.

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A good speaker does not insure intelligence or honesty. Yet voters become enamored with a slick tong, like that of the snake oil salesman. As the substance of the man is what he should be judged on, so is it the substance of his words. There is a difference between a charismatic leader and a good leader. A charismatic leader can sweep people away in a wave of frenzy. Raising their blood for the causes he sees as important. He can take the people where he wants to go, gaining power from the emotion he stirs. While charisma can be helpful to any leader, it can more often go astray and give power to leaders like Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Mao, those with potential for great evil. These charismatic narcissists want to lead and dictate, they see themselves as the pinnacle. A charismatic leader can often lead to tyranny, driven by an overly inflated ego. A practical leader, low key, without a large ego, but confident is probably best at leading, particularly a democratic republic. Some are even quiet, almost unassuming. They lead by the example they set. In their humility, they are a different kind of charismatic. Such examples are Mahatma Gandi, Nelson Mandela and even Dwight D. Eisenhower. All quiet, simple and effective for the cause of the people. I have always said, “The best man for the job (of president) is someone who doesn’t want the job.” He may even be a little frightened by the job. Because the humble understands responsibility, and is dedicated to meet it and do the right thing! The charismatic believes anything they do is right. They are special. Their talent usually lies in their ability to schmooze the people, like the con artist. When it comes to the ability to get something done for the people, such leaders are usually wanting. The people must not be sucked in by such narcissists! They must judge candidates by the contents of their character.


Essay: Subtle Oppression (2010)

Our forefathers knew the meaning of oppression in all its forms and subtleties. They saw how these seemingly unobtrusive actions were the foundation for the losses of freedom that would follow. Though restrained by the Constitution our political class has gradually eroded our freedoms, casting a thin veil of oppression over our nation. That thin veil has gradually evolved to a blanket and is becoming a repressive iron net of intertwined metal wires and cables that could imprison the strongest of citizens. Oppression in democracy starts small and crescendos as time goes on. It is presented by the political elite as a natural progression or progress; fairness for all, which is actually

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subjugation for all. The golden shackles offered are presented as appealing, favors from the government to us. Eventually the bill comes due and we see we have traded our freedom for promises the government elite cannot and will not deliver. Taxes, the Gateway to Oppression Taxes seem necessary to fulfill some of the things we expect from government. At a certain level they are. Financing our protection, a standing military, police and fire protection are all areas government should be involved. Taking these taxes and responsibilities beyond reasonable limits as outlined in the Constitution can bring the oppression of taxation. Taking more and more money from the people by the political elite, hands more power to them! They therefore control the economy, a power they cannot help but allow to corrupt them. It is well established money pooling breeds the epidemic of corruption like stagnant water pooling breeds disease ridden mosquitoes. Passing the peoples money through the hands of government to control and feed back gives them the opportunity to mold government in their image and not the image our founding fathers had when they authored the Constitution. It subjects our government to the whims and wants of the corrupt. Government becomes a game, a toy they play with to display their power, feeding their egos. Laws and Interpretation Laws are certainly necessary for a nation that believes in the rule of law. We need laws to protect people’s rights. Those rights described in the Constitution. However, like taxes, a law making process designed to protect the people can easily be transformed into a system that oppresses the people. Laws so long, complex and obfuscating, they leave loopholes for only those with the ability to hire large law firms that can put the bodies to doing the research, to take advantage of the loopholes. They are designed to be unintelligible, to keep the people ignorant of the law. They are designed to hide the corruption the political elites are dedicated to. This is done intentionally to make us unequal under the law. As are laws which anoint certain groups with rights that are explicit. While in early days, amendments declaring freedom for blacks and voting rights for specific groups that didn’t have them were necessary; today announcing specific rights for specific groups is actually discriminatory, denying there are equal rights under the law. The majority is being reversed by judges laying claim to social engineering privileges. A library of laws encoded so they are not understandable weaves the net of oppression over the people. Our founders understood this keeping the Constitution short and simple. Our politicians understand it today, making laws lengthy and complex. Their intentions of oppression are obvious in their approach.

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Interpretation is valued over the law itself. Vagaries are incorporated into laws so they can be used by politicians for any purpose to side step the law. Minute specifics are used in combination with vagaries to give power to small groups, taking power away from the majority. It says the crime of a prejudiced, racist or homophobic person is more serious than that of a serial killer, because there is passion involved. The crime of the serial killer is deemed less of an offense because of a passionless, sociopath approach. How silly is this. Minority rights should be the same as majority rights. However, the discrimination of specifying minority rights actually gives them more power. For example, hate crime legislation which makes the same crime against one person more serious than the same crime against another. This is the unfairness and discrimination of specific law. Education Education, as Thomas Jefferson pointed out is essential to democracy. It takes an educated people to be aware and follow their government to keep it on the right path. While education is presented as a place of purity and innocence, and most trustworthy, it is hardly that. In our society today, it is a major industry wielding great power. In fact, it is the second largest industry in America, second only to healthcare. Educating people into critical thinking, objectivity and self-education is a noble calling, and the purpose of good education. Teaching students how to think, not what to think is proper education. Evaluating thoughts and ideas, not planting specific thoughts and ideas into a persons head, is scholarship. To plant rigid dogma into the people’s heads is indoctrination. Indoctrination is the primary tool of oppression. It violates the freedom of thought, trading it for mind control… brainwashing! It is designed to create unquestioning sheep instead of lovers of and fighters for freedom. With these three examples we show how the very mechanisms necessary to our democratic republic can be manipulated, warped and corrupted to the ends of tyranny. So are the tools built into our Constitution to counter and check the natural tendency of man to bastardize, even democracy, to his own end! This is why the people must be ever vigilant and ready to confront. The more government takes over, the more it costs, the less efficient it is, till often their program is nothing but a money eater. They own education, they are taking over healthcare, the two biggest industries in America. They are usurping private banks, financial institutions and manufacturers in the name of making things better when increased government control only makes thing worse, making us more dependent on the government. The media allows themselves to be controlled by one party. Politicians are fostering dependence on systems that do not work and they are stifling independence to spread their own ineptitudes.

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With a desire for high flying life styles and glutton like spending appetites, politicians are forced into oppressive taxation of the people. Possessing great avarice, they must finance it on the backs of the people. This is their corruption. Oppression is their game. Power is their purpose. Freedom and the freedom loving people are their enemies!


Essay: Founding Fathers vs Political Professionals (2010)

This may seem a very negative comparison of our governmental situation today versus that of our founding fathers. While one could point out many good, kind and caring aspects of today’s approach, overall it is robbing people of purpose and dignity. Our nanny state is coddling children and adults making them less capable of taking care of themselves. When one looks back at our founding fathers and the vision they had for America, and then looks at the circus taking place in government today, you can’t help but wonder where we went wrong. The clowns are running the circus and our nation is becoming a laugh. Protect vs Subject The purpose of the Constitution was to protect the people from government. The over reaches and corruption those in power think it is their right to impart on the people. It was designed to keep people free while still having a government making and enforcing laws. Today’s politicians want to subject the people to government. They see the people as their subjects to be ruled and controlled. They are the herders, keeping the cattle, the people in their place. Laws are made to shackle the people, not ensure their freedoms. Independence vs Dependence Our founding fathers wanted the people to be independent of the government. They wanted as little governmental influence in the lives of individuals as possible. They recognized the natural rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness given to an independent people gave them the opportunity to seek out a satisfying life in freedom. That freedom of choice could also be squandered by the individual on a wasteful and awful life. Today, politicians see themselves as the giver of happiness to the masses. They chose the level of happiness and how people will live. This entails usurping freedoms and opportunities from all to ensure an equal happiness or misery. All will have the same experience in the name of fairness.

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Slavery Abolished vs Chosen While the implementation of the Constitution did not end slavery, it presented the mechanism to set in motion the end of slavery. Many criticize it because it did not abolish slavery immediately. They forget it was a different time and place, and cannot give credit for the miracle it was. Remember, when slavery was ended it was one of the results of a bloody civil war. An event a young and fledgling nation could not have survived in its early life. Europe would have stepped in and subjugated America. In spite of this disdain and aversion to slavery, and unforgiving of our forefathers because they failed to abolish slavery immediately one would think there would be an overall dislike of slavery. However, it seems slavery is acceptable if we sell ourselves into it. We are willing to be slaves if we feel we profit from it. Freedom vs Chains It is amazing we are willing to don the golden chains of slavery if we feel we are being compensated with something we want. We are willing to give up freedom for materialism. We are eager to hand over our free will for freebies offer to us by government. A government which has promised many things, material things, then reneged on those promises with nary a blink of the eye. Methodical vs Chaos The Constitution provided a methodical organize way to bring about change and progress. It set guidelines for an organized process to develop access and implement the innovations the future would present. It required the rule of the people to make such changes for the good of the people. Today’s political shell game, moving things so fast and out of control, so no one knows what is happening and the incompetent can rule. This confusion obfuscates the actions of the tyrannical and corrupt, not competent or worthy to lead. Chaos is the goal of those seeking total power. Self-reliant and Strong vs Needy and Weak The vision of our founding fathers was for a people that could handle the responsibility of self-determination. They saw individuals having the strength to hold their destinies in their own hands. They sought to build a strong self-reliant population, the pioneer model. Today’s professional politicians have little vision and less talent for anything but hypocrisy. Ineptitude is the weakness they hide by nurturing ineptitude and neediness into the people. Making people weaker than they and needy of their freebies, make a population that expects to be taken care, incessantly not weaned. This is the drug addict, alcoholic model they wish to purvey.

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Truth vs Lies This is the difference of our founding fathers seeking truth and fighting their inner weaknesses for a better life for all. This was their vision, their power and their grace bestowed on the people. This is as opposed to our professional politicians wallowing in dishonesty and lies. They revel in arrogance and hypocrisy, spawned in their own selfishness and personal ambition. It is their narcissism that would sacrifice the people for their own egos. They disdain truth! Improvement vs Regression While knitting a financial blanket to warm the entire population seems to be caring for the people, it is pulling the teeth of the people that allows them to eat and survive. Toothless, the people can no longer be self-sustaining eating the game from the forest and fields, the fish from the rivers and oceans or the fruits and vegetables from the land. They cannot live off the land as presented to us. The idea of progressive politically is actually regressive when it comes to the human condition. Moving ahead, being progressive seems to be a weakening in the metal of the people. Creating a people that is dependent on the state to be fed, warmed and nurtured. It is giving up head, heart and soul to the state we expect to be kind and gentle with us. They must eat the spiritual mush that strains through the teeth and leaves little nourishment. How many states, rulers have we seen be kind and gentle with the people when they have amassed that kind of power? How often do rulers turn totally corrupt when a submissive people give up their rights and freedoms to power hungry, megalomaniacs? Tyranny takes hold so much easier than freedom in those conditions. Freedom needs care and nurturing. It needs to be constantly attended to keep out the vile weeds and crabgrass that smother the plants that sustain us. The soil must be hoed, tilled and fertilized to keep out the pollution that could so easily suffocate the flourishing and productive life giving and sustaining freedom. Why would anyone welcome the encroachment of tyranny?


Essay: Facing the Four Horseman (2009) Carnage follows the slashing hooves of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Their banner hails, “Never waste a good crisis”. Death, Famine, Pestilence and War invade our country. Death, the most heinous of horseman! The death of freedom, dealt our nation by the Democrat Party. Journalists

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slaughter truth! President Obama implements, Lucifer’s cheerleader, Saul Alinsky’s constantly changing truths, promising everything with Alinsky’s absolution to deliver nothing! Selling our freedoms, ourselves into slavery for those freebies promised, knowing they won’t deliver. Even if they did, would the binding golden chains of socialist slavery be worth it. The death of democracy delivered by democrats is epitomized by partial birth abortion and Obama’s dictating “nonviable life forms”. Another choice is the republicans; Pestilence, an epidemic of acceptance of democrat deviancy, political correctness and warping truth; Famine, allowing nurturing integrity, honesty and ethics to wither on the vine. Democrat attacks on our constitution is beheading democracy, republicans facilitate a slow bleed. Is there a choice? An alliance with the Horsemen is suicidal for our nation. Perhaps we should ally with one horseman and rehabilitate him. Each individual must conduct an intellectual war against distorted and deviant elitist intellectual bottom feeders sabotaging our nation. Truth is the weapon to confront the entrenched lies of the looming dictatorial state. Honesty, integrity and ethics are the only weapons capable of defeating their corruption. Taking up their tools of dishonesty, hypocrisy and arrogance make us not worthy of winning. If truth were king we would easily defeat the foes of democracy.


Essay: Disdain For Those of the Red States (2004) The recent presidential election saw a letter to the editor in which a woman bemoaned Bush being elected and how could people be so stupid. Her solution was to go into the red states/counties and educate those people. Many national journalists echoed this local voice strongly suggesting there was a lack of brain power in the red states. Failure flows from the Democratic Party and the education industry because their elitism says their thoughts are the only ones to think. Looking down from their ivory towers, they make judgments about the real world of which they have little direct contact. The education industry has betrayed the public by substituting the word educate for indoctrinate. Their self-serving attempt to indoctrinate people has left folks in the heartland to fall back on the basics of intelligence, common sense. While most in the education industry (politicians, educators and journalists) have long been educated (indoctrinated) out of their common sense, many people in this country still have it. They know when they are being patronized, made marginal and demeaned.

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Rest assured, both parties do it and will eventually pay, losing the loyalty of the people. Sadly, this arrogance is part of the character of one party, while falling to the foibles of human nature for the other.


Essay: More Money To Government Equals More Corruption (2009)

More money to government is the solution to this economic crisis? Government cannot properly administer programs they contrived, let alone manage

enterprises like GM or AIG! Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, Immigration, Education, Wars on Poverty and Drugs follow standard government failure models squandering trillions of dollars. Senator Tom Coburn revealed at least $60,000,000,000 a year perhaps as much as $230,000,000 in Medicaid and Medicare fraud exemplifying money to government putrefies purpose and process, cultivating crooked politicians.

Like a magnet, money to government attracts fraud! Politicians like Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, (Fannie/Freddie) satisfy their appetites, leaving people destitute. Government failures in New Orleans, Detroit, Michigan and California embody incompetent leadership; thoughtless spending, impoverishing our nation.

Elitist intellectual bottom feeders sabotage America, feeding their greed wasting national treasure. Blind beyond their obese bellies and egos, plunder obscures vision.

People tightening belts during economic crisis, is answered by politician’s hyper gluttony! Unable to get it right on a small scale, like spoiled children politicians want more and bigger toys to break. More money to government expands corruption, incompetence and waste exponentially. Politicians are exploiting the rich, middle class and especially the poor to arrest power from the people.

With few exceptions, parasitic, partisan, politicians positioning for personal, professional and political profit and power is our government! Effectiveness and efficiency are of no consequence to them. The sign is hung in seats of power, “Politicians Only, STATESMEN NEED NOT APPLY”?

More money touching politician’s fingers makes them stickier. Trusting politicians with more reduces trustworthiness. Limiting money to government is the first step to confronting political corruption!


Essay: Belt Tightening (2009) Economic downturns force families and individuals to tighten their belts, while

government goes wild on unprecedented spending sprees. Federal Government is tripling the deficit. New York State ups the budget $15 billion (10%) while the tax base is drastically shrinking. Schwarzenegger grovels to extreme spending. Politicians practice their primary skills; frivolous and wasteful spending.

Federal bailouts have aimed billions at education, promising improvement. In fact increased funding has nurtured an education industry becoming progressively worse.

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Education unions and associations profit immensely from a corrupt, deteriorating public school and university system.

Frugality would be a valuable lesson taught to students. Educators like government cannot teach it, continually letting their belts out another notch, then another and another. The education industry epitomizes government gluttony and narcissism, becoming obese and lazy, the example set!

Why fix it? This education model cheats the children of their futures! NYS Star Program rebate checks discontinued, the entire program threatened, 30% to 500% or more increases in school taxes looming for property owners.

Both government and education failures facilitate expansion; more money and entrenched power. Frugality and discipline must return to education and government. Honest education for the children is critical to our republic.


Essay: Government Gluttony (2009) Imagine pouring more money into inefficient and ineffective government projects like a government backed program giving huge mortgages to people who couldn’t even afford to pay back reasonable mortgages. This throwing money away is the only skill of most of our politicians. Their limited intelligence, creativity and integrity, leads them to throw money at problems, since they lack the ability to plan and produce results. How did we get into this mess where our elite leadership is so lack luster their only abilities are to spend, lie, cheat and steal. These people, defective products from our supposed best institutions of higher education, lack the ability to produce anything but failure and chaos. Politicians directly responsible for the financial meltdown (Frank and Dodd), point fingers at others and berating them in front of nation, while they hide their own duplicity. Years of government failure in education, immigration, security, drugs, social security, Medicaid, Medicare, New Orleans levies and oh so many if not all government endeavors. Perhaps failure is all our politicians are capable of producing. We don’t have the best and brightest in our national and state capitals. It seems we have the dumbest, lowest and those of the least integrity.


Essay: What Freedom Offers (2010) The Declaration of Independence states, “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Our forefathers have given us the opportunity and

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environment to experience these rights. Our independent actions are essential to us achieving them. It has been said, “Any government big enough to give you everything is powerful enough to take it all away.” That includes our freedom; our rights. When we expect government to give us healthcare, college education, homes and gas, we are giving our personal power to them, trading things for chains to bind us. More money pooling in government hands does not create a placid lake in which we sail peacefully wherever we wish. It creates a swamp, filled with obstruction, rotting with the smell of corruption and incompetence, spreading stagnation. More money to government only cultivates the growth of scum, slime, sleaze and fraud. Senator John McCain pushed for McCain-Finegold, Campaign Finance Reform because he said, “The temptations of money are just too great for politicians.” He made the pool larger. $750 million was collected for President Obama’s Presidential campaign. Barney Frank, Representative (D-Mass) heading the banking committee, recently stated the current economic and government situation is the people’s fault, because they haven’t held politicians accountable, in essence, saying he had no intention of being honest and competent on his own. The Washington Post stated, “Rushing the stimulus package invites fraud, waste and abuse.” The same is true of money sent to New Orleans after Katrina and most of the previous century. Maxine Waters (Rep.) California tried to direct bail out funds to a bank in which her husband is on the board of directors. Senator Diane Feinstein did direct $45 billion in bailout money to banks her husband was on the board of directors. Larger government provides a deeper pool of money, insuring greater corruption, incompetence and waste hiding in the depths, exemplified by the $60 to $230 Billion Medicaid and Medicare fraud nationally. Social Engineering will have more money thrown at it with less success, because the only thing politicians know how to do is tax, spend, steal and waste. They know nothing about making things work. Government does not create wealth, it squanders it.


Essay: Fed Recession Proof (2007) My brother employed by the Federal Drug Administration was asked about the recession, over dinner at Christmas. He stated in a matter of fact manner, “The Federal Government is recession proof.”

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When a recession or depression hits our country, businesses, private organizations, families and individuals must tighten their belts. People in the private sector must find ways to stretch their dollars. Corning Inc. often reduced salaries during such times. Other companies are doing that. Hardinge, commendably has gone to a two week on, one week off without pay to keep all employees working. Government renews its gluttony. It not only doesn’t economize or reduce. It doesn’t look into greater effectiveness or efficiency. It stuffs more into the body that is bloated and sick from being overfed. This is the elite stupidity that is our government policy. Yes the population of America is obese. The government of America is morbidly obese and still stuffing more and more into its face. I wonder, when my brother says government is recession proof, does he see anything wrong with that. As a government employee, doesn’t he see his position is financed by the private sector businesses, or is his head in the sand as long as he gets his paycheck and pension. I guess this is Washington DC.


Essay: Movement Is Not Accomplishment (2009) Movement is not accomplishment! A former Horseheads School Superintendent set one of his goals to visit schools more often. At the time I asked, “What was the purpose of the goal?” Visiting with no purpose had no meaning. A car spinning its wheels (movement) in a ditch only creates a bigger hole. Obama’s meetings represent movement for show; a diversionary tactic. Holding seminars with breakout groups is another dog and pony show, rather than real effort to find solutions. Obama craves the camera, staging his presidency, enacting marketing to manipulate, rather than communication to inform of the truth. Star-Gazette Editor David Kubissa painted Congressman Eric Massa as a man in motion. He says, “Massa is still campaigning,” much like Obama. The new mode of the politician is constantly campaigning instead of thinking, planning and solving problems. Marketing rhetoric supplants substantive actions. Leadership has fallen. Statesman extinct, forces us to accept the inherent corruption of politicians. They have become so arrogantly self assured, reference as hucksters and con artists generates no embarrassment. Obama called for action at the G20 conference. Action is not defined as useless movement. His actions appear to be detrimental to capitalism, democracy and our republic; our freedom.

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Essay: Realigning Classes While Barack Obama and the Democrat Party are using class warfare to arrest power from the people, they are setting the stage to realign the classes in America, putting inept, nonproductive political, academic and media elite at the top. The limited middle class will be mid level, worker bees of the political, academic and media elite. The remaining majority of the population that was once the middle class with mobility and possibility will become the massive stagnant poor worker/servant class. To arrest power and rain (reign) socialism on the people, they besmirch capitalism. They blame all human frailties like greed and corruption on the free enterprise system. Greed, dishonesty and corruption are nurtured and magnify more under socialistic governments than capitalism. Capitalism is more conducive to democracy, government of, by and for the people. Thomas Jefferson stated, “good public education is essential to democracy.” When one looks at the incompetence socialism accepts and expects from its leadership, I can’t help but conclude, “Poor, inept, indoctrinating education is essential to socialism.” It is a dormant, oppressive system imparting mediocrity or less on its people. This is contrary to the dynamic, innovative and exceptional drive Americans have in their blood. The trickle up poverty Obama offers with his socialism creates robotic peasantry removing possibility and mobility from the lives of the lower classes. Effectiveness and efficiency are not desired. Without expectation for something more, the potential of man and woman is amputated, along with human heart and soul.


Essay: Americans Don’t Trust Congress

Leader, March 18, 2009 “The American People don’t trust you anymore,” Representative (D-Mass) Michael

Capuano scolded bank CEOs at House Banking Committee hearings. Barney Frank, Representative (D-Mass) banking committee chair stated the current

economic situation is the people’s fault! They haven’t held politicians accountable! Frank conceded home loans for those who could not pay them were wrong. He didn’t admit that through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac he pushed this practice for years.

President Obama, the democrat party and politicians generally are railing against AIG executives receiving bonuses after being bailed out by federal money. Senator Chris Dodd (Dem) blessed this action.

Allowing bonuses to executives of failing companies receiving federal bailouts is ludicrous! As is Franklin Raines, Jamie Gorelick and Jim Johnson receiving bonuses for

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cooking the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac books and driving them under. Obama and Dodd received large campaign contributions from Fannie/Freddie. Bonuses for failing government are no different than for failing corporations.

Ten years regulators regularly came before Congress to warn of the Fannie/Freddie problem. Rep. Frank persecuted them. Rep. Capuano should chastise Barney Frank and his political brethren for hypocrisy, leading Congress to become deviant poster boys for CEOs to emulate!

Mr. Frank, speaking for most politicians, was saying he had no intention of being honest and competent unless the people hold him accountable. Only voting out corrupt politicians will stop their pathological lying, cheating and stealing.

Barney Frank has demanded CEOs responsible for the financial meltdown be investigated by the FBI and prosecuted. Frank, Dodd and numerous officials as major contributors to the corruption, should be among those investigated.


Essay: Government Healthcare (2009) The dog days of August, brought President Obama’s defense of his massive healthcare expansion. His position softened, conceding points made by opposing views. I had to consider he only took this stance after the house bill was not passed before congress went on their summer recess. Once he failed to ramrod the plan through, without it being fully read and saw the American people up in arms did he deem debate of the issues as essential, saying what people wanted to hear. Town meetings were campaign stops to sell a blank check plan. When asked where the money would come from, Obama said, “from increasing efficiencies.” Government running inefficiently has been a hallmark. Medicaid and Medicare account for an estimated $80 to $230 billion a year just from fraud, not to mention incompetence, ineptitude and corruption within the system. Why not take on the ineffectiveness and inefficiencies in these programs as a pilot project to show America government can accomplish what is required? Why not? Because healthcare reform is not the intention of his effort! The healthcare crisis finds its roots in government, creating a crisis they do not want to waste. Yes, healthcare is a major issue threatening the economy of our country! However, new bureaucratic systems will not accomplish reform. Adoption of integrity and ethical approaches to the management of what now exists in government would be the easy solution. Remember, more money and power to government only finances more incompetence, ineptitude and corruption, seemly the intent.

Commonsense Political Thinking of a Common Man, Book One



Essay: Massa Manure

February 09, 2009 Eric Massa, in the February 22, 2009 Star-Gazette cited five supposed facts to

influence the people. Fact 2, “The stimulus plan will protect and create 3 to 4 million jobs,” certainly is

not a fact! This desire or hope of future results of the stimulus many democrats, including VP Biden, have conceded may not work.

Fact 3: “There are no earmarks in the stimulus.” Perhaps earmarks as last minute special interest pork slipped in doesn’t apply? However, the railroading of this $787 billion spending bill made it one titanic earmark. Senator Reed’s high speed railroad, Pelosi’s grant to mice, billions to ACORN’s pursuit of voter fraud, etc. make the bill a pig farm.

Fact 4: “This stimulus has unprecedented levels of transparency and accountability,” is not borne out by legislators given only hours to look at over 1100 pages. A smoke screen to hide content, not transparency or accountability!

Fact 5: “The stimulus will directly result in many critical local projects being funded.” Ask! Critical projects or pork!

Four of five of Massa’s facts prove far less than factual. Fact 1 also warrants doubt. Good leaders must debate honestly to solve problems?


Essay: Don’t Let Them Eat Cake (2009) Federal Congressmen, supposed to be “Citizen Statesmen”, act like American Royalty. Amid economic crisis, representatives skim billions to finance their pleasures. Proposed eight new luxury jets ($550,000,000) for the House of Representatives, makes possible financed vacations each costing taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars. Politicians with the “Let them eat cake”, attitudes treat the people like the “Great Unwashed”. So dirty, Senate Leader Harry Reid talked about the smell of the people visiting the capital building. He was grateful for the new visitor center that spared his upturned nose. Politicians distance themselves from the people, avoiding what the people think. They selfishly push through what benefits them, (Healthcare, economic stimulus, carbon caps etc.) avoiding answering to the people. Politician’s self-service to public money is their intent, not public service. House Speaker Princess Pelosi does not want to rub elbows with the great unwashed on commercial flights. You see that attitude in the way they carry out their responsibilities, ignoring the people, politicians filling their pockets.

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Socialism foisted on Americans is how the political elite will put the people permanently in their place, prostrate at the feet of the American Royalty, corrupt politicians, journalists, scientists and academics!




Essay: Education; The Purveyor Of Corruption Part 1 Corrupt education policy pollutes the well spring of society. Education, the second largest industry in America has extreme power. Controlled by two teachers unions (NEA, largest in the nation, and AFT an arm of AFL-CIO) consisting of over 4 million members, joined by numerous academic associations, education interests set the national agenda. Education leadership entrenches indoctrinating curriculum antithetical to critical thinking and commonsense. Teaching the education industry political agendas in schools to captive children institutionalizes indoctrination, implementing social engineering to solidify educator’s power, profit and place in society (command and control of ideas). Unsuccessfully educating children is profitable! More resources (funds) are demanded to feign fixing education industry designed failures! Common folk discern more schooling often conflicts with commonsense. Mark Twain said, “I never let schooling get in the way of my education.” I once saw a definition, “Wisdom is commonsense to and uncommon degree.” If true, over educated, data manipulating, programmed automatons filling parasitic unions and associations, have sacrificed commonsense, therefore wisdom for power! (Amassing power without wisdom) Students spend 13 years indoctrinated in education’s selfish agendas and philosophies. Educators spend their childhood and adulthood drilled out of their commonsense and independent thinking, programmed in professional dogma. Academic Industry powers are more interested in exploitation and expansion terrified of critical questioning and honest education. Corruption in societal institutions seemed first entrenched in politics, then journalism and recently science (Global Warming). Philosophies of these institutions germinate from the Education Industry cultivated seeds. Matured they perpetually nourish a cycle of corruption. Tentacles of the arrogant elite intellectual bottom feeders entrap society, selfishly manipulating…withholding truth! Part 2

Essay: Commonsense Versus Bullying Doctor Phil and media lawyer Lisa Bloom adamantly agreed a major lack of commonsense regarding educators handling of bullying, a basic education industry tool to preserve power. Unions, administrators and school boards model bullying to students. Habits of hypocrisy debilitate educator’s judgment, threatening children for drawing images of a gun or pointing a finger with thumb in the air. They allow harm and punish the harmless.

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The poet Robert Frost espoused, “Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence.” The defensive, debate killing attack and intimidation of the education industry shows lack of proper education, consequently inability to educate. Exploiting children, educators sell junk food for profit, priming the obesity epidemic. They sell junk science (Global warming), feeding the education industry’s delusions, enabling fiscal obesity.

Education has become as dirty as governments in Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans, New York, Illinois and California, where education unions are most powerful. Laws are passed to propagate their parasitic practices. Education is the poisoned source of the river with tributaries running into all aspects of our society. An education industry practicing corruption, educates corruption into every societal institution. Public education that once nurtured a free and ethical society has been usurped for political, professional and personal power, greed, and gluttony. Such indoctrination birthed grotesque, oppressive cultures like Hitler’s Nazi Germany and Stalin’s Communist Russia, slaughtering millions of people at a government’s whim. Schools have become vehicles disseminating myth and propaganda, politically correct educators teaching convenient lies… not truth! Good education requires integrity!


Essay: We Do Need Another Hero: Michelle Rhee I have been looking for a hero for many years. I have found very few people to look up to. My mom and dad are two of the few. Finally I have found one; Michelle Rhee, Chancellor of Washington DC schools. Several months ago on C-Span I heard her say, “There is no proof smaller class size improves students education.” That has often been my view. Over the last twenty years or so, while class size has been shrinking throughout America, the quality of education has been deteriorating. The proof shows the opposite. Still, I wondered if she was just giving lip service. Now Michelle Rhee has fired 241 teachers in the Washington DC District for poor performance. She has put over 700 more on notice that their performance is not up to par and may be facing dismissal if they do not improve. Chancellor Rhee was asked why she didn’t give those teachers another chance. She answered, “What happens to those students who have those teachers. My daughters are in this school district. I don’t want them in classes with these teachers.”

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While I liked her answer and give her credit for not feeling she needed to defend herself when put on the spot with that question, I would submit she did give them a warning and gave them more than a second chance. The warning was the new contract which I believe she was very clear in negotiating. That was another chance. Let’s face it there were numerous chances before that when a failing system gave 95% of teachers and excellent rating. This is the first time in many years I have seen the truth come out in education. Lies, deceit and propaganda have become a mainstay of most of our education institutions. We need someone to call it as it is. We do need another hero. It seems those heroes are coming from the fairer sex. I always felt women had a much closer relationship to the truth than men. Seeing women like Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Hilary Clinton and Diane Finstein, butcher the truth, I began to rethink the theory. Women were becoming too much like men. Then I see the heroes like Michelle Rhee, Michelle Bachmann, Condolesa Rice and yes Sarah Palin, carry the banner of conservative woman. Perhaps it is only conservative woman that have a more intimate relationship with the truth! The education industry establishment will likely rise up to discredit and destroy Michelle Rhee! Much the same as they have Palin, Bachmann and Rice. Probably she will be attached much more, since she is taking on the teachers unions the largest and strongest in the nation. These are the unions that control much of our federal, state and local governments. I admire hers guts and gumption! Truth is so appealing! I think I’m in love!


Essay: Education; A Pattern of Hypocrisy The hypocrisy of the education industry, which includes our public schools and most of our institutions of higher learning, and those education unions and associations which control them, is vast and pervasive. That hypocrisy is endemic in national education curriculum and dogma. Hypocrisy is a major part of the structural institution of education in our country. A major hypocrisy is the slogan on the banner educators always fly. “For the children” is really a bi-line for academic exploitation and expansion. Educators actually sabotage the children because education failure brings in more resources. Financial support is increased as educators continually fail. Money rains down to encourage the strategic failings of the education industry.

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Bullying – While educators take the politically correct stance against bullying, the education industry uses bullying as a primary tool to spread its influence. Union bullying (Lobbying) our representatives and many of its members, Administers and unions bullying board members and dissenters from the community, educators bullying the board members and dissenters from the community even those people’s children. Educators cannot find solutions to bullying when they are guilty of it and immersed in those practices themselves. Obesity – Feeding the children junk food for profit has been a money maker for years, till it became politically incorrect to do so. They sell junk food in schools, at sporting events and as money making projects for many organizations. Cutting gym time in the new scheduling miracle fixes. Money Management - Now jumping on the bandwagon of teaching money management when they failed for so many years to do so. They failed to even teach the basics and one is entitled to wonder if they could teach it when looking at their performance. (Problem means more money and problem is never solved) Spending all that is on the table. Education Political Agendas – Indoctrinate captive students into curriculum that perpetuates the industry agenda even though it attacks the student’s commonsense and critical thinking while education rhetoric makes it seem as if critical thinking is on their agenda. Ignorance and indoctrination reduce confrontation educators will have to face, eliminating the debate and giving them control. More money, smaller classes to improve the quality of education – Both enlarge and bring more money to the education industry and neither have improved education. Michelle Rhee, Chancellor of the District of Columbia Schools says there is no proof smaller classes improves education results. In fact as classes have gotten smaller over the last forty years and more money has been spent, while the education of children has gotten worse. Effectiveness and efficiency have been in a nose dive. These are only a few major examples of the inherent education industry hypocrisy! I could cite many more cases!


Essay: Feeding Obesity; Physical and Fiscal: The Obesity Bandwagon Michelle Obama raised the obesity flag. Our schools have jumped on the bandwagon. However, in singing the obesity song, there is the education industry refrain for more money to accomplish healthier lunches in schools.

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Nothing can be achieved in education without more money? History reveals reduced performance is what is achieved with more money. It is very much like the obese individuals, they eat more, producing more crap and performing less. Obesity is one of the education industry’s great hypocrisies. For years they brought junk food into the schools, marketing candy and soda, selling sugar for the extra cash to their coffers. They put junk food machines in their cafeterias. Holier than thou, they act appalled and shocked, as if just finding out about the obesity epidemic. They sacrificed children for their own benefit. This exemplifies the hypocrisy of the education industry, jumping on the popular bandwagon, always with the intention to bring more money to them. Physical education classes were sacrificed for the general student population for block scheduling. Budgets bring out educators and parents fighting viscously for more money for more and bigger sports programs under the guise of the educational experience. There is great hypocrisy when extra physical activity is important to select students and a minimal amount is cut further for the general population. The education industry has no trouble exploiting students and communities. Like junk food, they sell junk science and numerous political agendas because being on the bandwagon is profitable. Now they are developing computer games to educate children, knowing the games and constant computer use is detrimental to a child’s brain.


Essay: False Self-esteem Bad education is like a bad parent, and I might add is largely responsible for many of the bad parents. It keeps the children dependent, perpetually coming back for help. This happens because the dishonest, selfish mentor has withheld the tools of self-sufficiency and replaced it with false self-esteem, which crumbles, and was designed to crumble, when the pressure is on. Real self-esteem, confidence comes from knowledge and experience, the ability to perform and accomplish. All the rah, rah, telling a child how wonderful they are can never replace the ability to achieve, on whatever level an individual has that ability. An education system that instills self-esteem by the drum beat of telling someone how wonderful they are (including both educators and students) is setting them up for failure. Perhaps intentionally, so they are easy opponents in the future.


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Essay: Promoting the “Piss Christ” School of Art

Education Industry Expansionists often use the arts as one of their battle fronts, pushing the importance of more arts in the overall education. I believe the cultivation of artistic skills, talents and exposure helps us in every aspect of our lives! However an all inclusive arts program brings much money, therefore power to the education kingdom. Cameras, clay, kilns and contraptions of every sort with which the kids can play. I am an enjoyer and a dabbler in the arts. I draw, paint, wood carve, wood work, write, love music and more. Most of my skills self-taught, carried out with scraps, bits and pieces, encouraged through availability by my mom and dad. The access to the arts today is hundreds of times greater. The internet, CDs and DVDs, museums, galleries, craft stores, ceramic shops and access to any art under the sun available at little to no cost. There is enough available art for enjoyment and education to roll in like a puppy in a clean warm blanket. Art appreciation, participation and experimentation are at our finger tips. Then we must ask, is all this expense necessary in our schools? Or is it a matter of control and expansion. A self-taught oil painter, I thought about improving myself with lessons. A friend taking classes advised against it saying, “They will teach you out of your style into theirs.” In other words giving you their stamp of approval or not. My style was certainly my signature. Having developed my art myself, and spending years at sea, I felt I had that crude stylistic background that has evolved much of the art of the sea. Still, crude, almost barbaric sailors created a refined art within their environment. Scrimshaw, fine bone sculptures and model ships, each board carved of bone, forming the hull, masts and yards; rigging from frayed threads of hawsers. One must ask, is the ravenous push for more arts by educators just another offensive for profit and power over susceptible minds, promoting the elitist governmental “Piss Christ” school of art? Part 2 Nancy Pelosi has lauded the new healthcare bill as a savior of the artist. Now the artist will not have to hold a job to get healthcare benefits. With grants from the government, artsy types will not have to delve into the real world. They can immerse themselves in their art. The results of that have been on the scene for a long time. Art stamped and approved by the aristocratic elite, not reflecting real life, but reflecting a gilded elitist vision of what life is about.

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The lazy arts of modern art, art that looks like it came out of a second grade class, or the Piss Christ, art of no imagination or effort. Michael Angelo spent years on a scaffold, lying down to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Paint and sweat were part of his masterpieces, and it is reflected within. Discipline, effort and life are part of such arts. Much of this government sponsored crap is merely another form of political propaganda and cronyism. Educators, politicians and journalists have the selfish interest of finding the next genius. They are on a celebrity quest, finding the next anointed genius they can role in like a pig in mud. Someone to exalt, so they can elevate themselves! Educators put the dream before survival: the cart before the horse. They look for the special so much they forget their job is to teach children what they need to know to live a normal productive life. Educators, like journalists, politicians and even scientists do not have the intelligence to identify genius. Genius will find its own way!


Simple Solutions


Smaller less intrusive government leaves less room, opportunity and motivation for corruption. Also, smaller government is easier to keep an eye on. Large government nurtures the chaos camouflaging where corruption can easily hide. Keep government as small as possible!


Simpler, understandable, plain language laws make the legal system more equitable and fair. Complex, lengthy and unintelligible laws give the advantage to those who can afford armies of lawyers and legal staff necessary to do the research to find the loopholes and dark corners to evade the laws. The dark shadows lawyer legislators have sneaked into the laws give them control and perpetuate their legal business creating great abuse of the legal system..


Laws must be passed with the idea of being enforced equally, across the board. Not passed with the intention of punishing some and letting others get away with the same transgressions.


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Democracy and capitalism create opportunity and individual incentive. They form a self-regulation that exposes, not eliminates corruption. Socialist systems like Marxism, progressivism and communism, spawn, nurture and hide corruption, making it a perfect home for corruption. Democracy and capitalism are the best environments to fight corruption. It is up to the people to be vigilant and prosecute the corrupt.

*** Beware of politicians bearing gifts.


INTEGRITY in government and its officials is the answer! The same also applies to journalism, education and science! It would be great if integrity was held in high regard by the entire population and its institutions!



The one word answer!



Commonsense Political Thinking of a Common Man, Book One



*** When I die I would prefer to be judged by the number and quality of the enemies I have attracted than the friends. That will be a truer evaluation of my character and accomplishment.

*** I would rather have someone pissing on my grave than pissing on my trust.

*** Where money pools, corruption drinks heartily.

*** Where money pools corruption rules – When money pools politicians drool


The spoken word is oft blown away on the wind.

*** On Communication – Most market to manipulate rather than communicate to inform of the truth.

*** The nature of marketing is inherently dishonest.

*** Politicians do not need to be honest, when they can market their character.

*** To hand the power of corruption over to one entity, group or individual is to open Pandora’s Box and unleash all the possible evil on the world.

*** If government is a monopoly, controlling every institution, there are no checks on the government. They also have a monopoly on corruption, controlling the overseers and the machines of corruption. There is no relief valve to warn the public when the inevitable

Commonsense Political Thinking of a Common Man, Book One


corruption of supreme government boils over. Corruption no longer becomes the odd or undesirable case to hide, but business as usual of which no politician is ashamed. Corruption becomes the norm.

*** Ever increasing taxes finance larger government and more corruption.

*** When the politician is caught lying, he apologizes saying he is sorry. Most often only sorry he was caught and not for his indiscretion. He’ll say,” I have to get the people to trust me again,” which implies marketing his character back to health. Not, “I must become worthy of trust, so the people can trust me.”

*** Lies and hypocrisy have become everyday accepted tools of politicians. They construct the image of their character from false marketing. They rehabilitate their decaying character with the same marketing techniques. In their mind all it takes is a good wade of marketing money to build character.

*** The more who sell their freedom and forgo enterprise, the fewer people there are to finance the government in the style it has become accustomed.

*** The freebies designed to help the poor and supposedly disband the class of poor, only serves to push those in the middle down into the poor class, expanding in droves those in poverty. A far deeper poverty than exists now.

*** Government expansion into socialism shares the wealth among the bureaucrats and poverty among the people.

*** Truth is simple and does not require a two thousand page bill. Stealing our freedom requires many more words.


Commonsense Political Thinking of a Common Man, Book One


Legislators use long bills and laws, filled with legalese, confusing language and studded with loop holes, so only those with the money to hire huge legal firms can wrangle their way out of punishment or bend the law to their convenience. This obfuscation of the law is what makes it for the rich and not those of lesser means and brings lawyers more business.

*** Our laws are designed with complexity to be imbalanced, and tip the scales of justice to the rich. Simplified language of law and laws themselves would naturally put the scales of justice in greater balance. Such sane actions would take power from the legislators and lawyers, and would have to come from their hands. Statesmen would act so! Politicians will not!

*** Loop holes are put into the laws to allow those that can afford it to get around the law.

*** As civilization grows in stature, the U.S. Constitution could grow, making us a more perfect union and ultimate example to the world. The growth of the Constitution was to be change within the framework of the Constitution, not the change of words or warped interpretations, not semantics, the bastardization of words and political correctness. Not at the whimsy of those that fear free men and would destroy the Constitution.

*** Marketing worships the image over substance.

*** Politicians have embraced lying, making lying synonymous with the term politicians. They are not the slightest bit embarrassed by this.

*** Politicians like horse traders, used car salesmen, and snake oil salesmen should not be trusted, until they prove unequivocally they can be. Then they still should be granted only a modicum of trust.

*** They vote money to something and tax so there is a pool for them to drink from, quenching their greed and a trough to eat from to satiate their gluttony, neither of which ever happens.


Commonsense Political Thinking of a Common Man, Book One


Government adds no treasure to the economy, like a parasite, they only suck it out.

*** Institutions or the people of them become so arrogant they are more important than their purpose. They see themselves as the purpose and forget the practical values for which the institution was born. Such institutions become parasites of society. Diseased and decayed they create more problems than originally existed that spurred their founding, in order to keep themselves relevant. Commonsense is abandoned! Integrity is extinct!

*** I don’t know the answers. I do know confronting our own racism, bias and bigotry in each of us is essential to finding the answers. That is a personal quest for each of us that can be begun by the debate. With that debate perhaps we can give each other the strength to face our demons. Somewhere in this quest, we may find truth!


Racism, bias and bigotry cannot be legislated out of existence. They cannot be educated out of existence. However, the stronger each of us becomes as individuals, and by stronger, I mean the ability to face external and internal truths, the more likely we are to be able to exercise those demons from ourselves and society!

*** Anyone claiming no bias is a liar, unless they are Jesus Christ or perhaps Mother Teresa! I think Mother Teresa, in her state of grace, would admit deep down she had her moments. That is what makes her so special, so pure!
