Cover design by Janice Benight Front cover art © iStockphoto.com/Cidepix Jacket flap illustration by Phaedra Strecher

Build Palestine Initiative

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POLITICAL SCIENCE / World / Middle Eastern

www.selectbooks.comCover design by Janice Benight

Front cover art © iStockphoto.com/CidepixJacket fl ap illustration by Phaedra Strecher





Rarely do political e! orts focus on what causes a culture to emerge and prosper or stagnate and fail. In Elza Maalouf’s groundbreaking new book Emerge! The Rise of Functional Democracy and the Future of the Middle East, we are introduced to a new paradigm for governance based on the Beck-Graves model of value systems and the theories of Spiral Dynamics Integral.

Maalouf, the founder of the Center for Human Emergence Mideast and the Build Palestine Initia-tive, is a geopolitical expert on the region where she pioneered the application of Large-Scale psy-chology and design concepts to confl ict resolution. By placing democracy in an evolutionary, values-system’s context that is indigenously specifi c to the region, Emerge! demonstrates the foundations nec-essary for cultural change.

Maalouf’s collaboration with her colleague and mentor Don E. Beck establishes this model as the new standard for large-scale political change. Many of Beck’s unpublished works, such as the adaptation of Sherifs’ Social Judgment Theory to the value-systems’ model, are featured in detail along with many others of Beck’s and Maalouf’s own social-psychology concepts.

Maalouf’s framework for decoding the com-plexities of the Middle East succeeds in many places where the West’s approach to confl ict reso-lution has failed. By weaving together the threads that make up the pattern of each culture, Emerge! shows the crucial role memes play in creating a system of governance that truly fi ts. Not only does Emerge! ask us to seek understanding before we structure and create what Maalouf calls Functional Democracy, it shows us the necessity of teaching our youth to build their own sustainable, indige-nous constructs.

ISBN 978-1-59079-286-5$24.95

continued from back cover

FROM THE FOREWORD BY DR. DON E. BECK“This book is the definitive authority not only on the

political future of the Middle East, but also on the evolution of democracy itself.”

“ In Elza Maalouf’s book Emerge! she puts the voter first and redefines democ-racy through a functional lens . . . If you want to understand the complexity of Middle Eastern politics and what’s needed to resolve this historic conflict you must read this book.”—HOWARD PUTNAM, former CEO Southwest Airlines and Braniff International and author of The Winds of Turbulence

“ Elza Maalouf’s insightful study, Emerge!, reveals exactly how humanity is re-organizing from youthful, competitive, win/lose political economies to evo-lutionarily mature collaborative models fitting the unique needs of different cultures. I highly recommend this book, not only to leaders in the Middle East, but also to conscious politicians in the West.”—ELISABET SAHTOURIS, evolution biologist, futurist; author of EarthDance: Living Systems in Evolution

The Middle East keeps inching closer by the day into a collective chaos. It seems as though oppression, inequality, and violence have been systemically

embedded into the very makeup of its societies. How can the people take charge of their own inalienable rights to freedom, equality and prosperity—to keep from backsliding into the grasp of feudal, unhealthy ideologies as they face an increasingly interconnected world? continued on front flap

ELZA MAALOUF is one of the foremost experts on the memetics of the Middle East who pioneered the use of the value-systems framework and Integral Theory practices in Middle Eastern politics and business. She is the cofounder of the Cen-ter for Human Emergence Middle East, a think tank that reframes existential issues facing the region through the prism of value-system memes. She was named as one of today’s brightest minds by Enlighten-Next magazine. In 2011 she was elected to

be a member of the Evolutionary Leaders in Service to Conscious Evolution, an organization made up of the leading global minds in the fi elds of science, spiri-tuality, and related studies with the primary purpose of advancing the conscious evolution of humanity.

Maalouf is also the founder of the Integral Insights Consulting Group (IIC), an advisory that brings research on the theories of human potential to bear on organizational challenges and opportunities. The IIC Group is dedicated to the multi-faceted development of individuals, teams, and organizations.

Ti! a

ny A





“ In the midst of the global chaos, comes a book that offers great hope for the future of the Middle East. It is a powerful and enlightened rethinking of a region seeking anew renaissance.”—JEAN HOUSTON, PhD, best-selling author of A Passion for the Possible; co-Founder of the Human Potential Movement

ELZA S. MAALOUFForeword by Don E. Beck, PhD

The Rise of Functional Democracy and the Future of the Middle East


SURVIVAL  SENSE:  Do  what  you  must  to  stay  alive.  No    governing  system.        






4 3 2 1

TRIBAL  ORDER;  KINSHIP  &  SAFETY.  Clan  leader  or  Za’eem.  Individual  votes  are  not  encouraged.  Group  allegiance  to  3rd  level  leader,  or  4th  level  ideology.      5%  of  Current  Global    Popula=on  under  value  system  (VGPS)      

POWERFUL  SYSTEMS;  FEUDAL  EMPIRE/DOMINATION.  Votes  go  to  the  feudal  lords.  Descending  voters  are  eliminated  from  poli=cal  process.  Patriarchal.  No  clear  Na=onal  PlaDorm.  Rich  get  richer  poor  get  poorer.  33%  VGPS.        

ABSOLUTE  ORDER;  BIRTH  OF  NATION-­‐STATES.    Winning  party  rule.  Votes  maHer    to  the  “One  Party”  that  has  all  the  right  answers.  Power  of  Ins=tu=on  prevails    over  the  power  of  Individual.  Heavy  hand  of  government.    27%  VGPS.  

GLOBAL  ORDER;  HOLONIC  DEMOCRACY  &  GLOBAL  GOVERNANCE.  Will  appear  aPer  the  values  of  the  7  level  system  are  realized.  Seeking  the  common  good  in  response  to  global  problems.  Whole-­‐earth  networks.  0%  VGPS.  

ENTERPRISING  SYSTEMS;  2-­‐PARTY  OR  MULTI-­‐PARTY  DEMOCRACY.  Corporate  Na=ons.  Economic  status  sets  power  ra=os.  Federal  governance  with  full  right  to  states  and  provinces.  Poli=cs  are  to  the  strategic  advantage  of  winner.  24%  VGPS.        

INTEGRATED  SYSTEMS;  FUNCTIONAL  DEMOCRACY  &  BIG  PICTURE  VALUES.  Governance  that  fits  the  Value  systems  profiles  of  a  culture.  Stra=fied  systems  designed  with  input  from  the  Indigenous  Intelligence.  Balance  of  government  &  private  sector  based  on  func=onality.  3%  VGPS.              

EGALITARIAN  ORDER;  SOCIAL  DEMOCRACY.  Coali=on  governments  empowered  by  humanitarian  values.  Equal  access  to  resources  by  all  people.  Votes  are  important,    but  losing  par=es  s=ll  have  important  voice.  System  votes  for  gender  equality  &  social  programs.  8%  VGPS.    

 Func'onal  Democracy  &The  Eight  Levels  of  Human  Existence        

The  Psychosocial  DNA  of  PoliDcs  The  MEMEtocracy  Framework;  What  Makes  Democracy  Func'onal  












TWO  &














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           AL-­‐  JAHILIYA    


Tribal-­‐Heroic  Values  (Second  &  Third  Level  Systems)  PURPLE/Red  

Bands  of  Nomads  leading  simple  lives.  Tribes  used  as  mercenaries  by  conquering  empires    



Religious  Fourth  level  values    mixed  with  Second,  Third  and  some  Fi[h  level  values  that  inspired  scien\fic  discoveries.    PURPLE-­‐Red-­‐BLUE-­‐orange  

Islam  follows  in  the  tradi\on  of  Hellenis\c  philosophy/  Intellectual  discourse  and  inclusion.  In  Andalusia,  Muslims,  Chris\ans  and  Jews  lived  in  harmony.  Culture  thrived  while  Europe  stagnated.  (open  system  along  the  spiral  of  development.      


Fourth  Level  values  with  Islamic  content.  Quran  is  the  word  of  God  (closed  the  Fourth  level  system  to  non-­‐Quranic-­‐based  input).  Closed  BLUE  

Al-­‐Ghazali’s  Incoherence  of  the  Philosophers  brings  the  scien\fic    interpreta\on  of  the  Quran  to  an  end.  Begins  the  Islamic  stages  of  exclusion  and  leaves  out  advancement  not  based  in  Islam.  Future  progress  relies  on  the  content  of  the  Quran  as  a  “full  living  system.”  Religion  dominates  the  en\re  fourth  level  system  slowing  emergence.    



Odomans  ruled  from  exploi\ve  3rd  level.  Kept  culture  in  2nd  level,  repressed  expression  of  3rd  level.  No  na\onal  Plaeorm  to  build  higher  complexity.    PURPLE-­‐RED-­‐blue  

Religious  freedom  and  preserva\on  of  local  tribal  customs  as  long  as  taxes  were  paid  and  order  is  kept.  No  empire-­‐wide  investment  in  scien\fic  endeavors  and  human  capaci\es.  Failed  to  adopt  5th  level  industrial  values.  Lost  90  %  of  territory  as  Europe  advanced  with  Industrial  Revolu\on  and  alterna\ve  trade  routes.      







Imposed  a  non-­‐indigenous  Fourth  level  system  &  the  Western  Fourth  level  concept  of  Na\ons.  Non-­‐Indigenous  Blue  

Surface  expression  of  Western  modernism.  Placed  tribes  and  religious  sects  against  each  other  for  territorial  dominance  within  arbitrary  borders  of  newly  created  na\ons.  Devalued  the  meaning  of  democracy    


A  unhealthy,  Non-­‐Indigenous  Fourth  level  system  collapsed  culture  to  Third  level  dictatorships.  RED-­‐blue  

Inspired  youth  to  seek  Pan-­‐Arab  iden\ty  through  Baath  and  other  movements,  before  crea\ng  na\on-­‐states  in  each  country  and  the  ins\tu\ons  to  support  it.  Built  primarily  on  the  Arabs  knack  for  the  rhetoric  and  the  presence  of  a  common  enemy.    


Heroic/Feudalis\c  Third  level  values  with  modern  weapons  and  money  from  oil  or  foreign  aid.  RED-­‐purple  

Rose  from  the  ashes  of  failed  Arab  Na\onalism.  Corrup\on,  repression  and  blame  on  the  far  enemy.  No  capacity  for  self-­‐introspec\on.  Descending  voices  eliminated  or  forced  to  leave.      



Third  level  Al-­‐Qaeda  evolves  into  Third-­‐Fourth  level  ISIL  with  strategic  aim.  No  Fourth  level  ins\tu\ons  in  sight.  RED-­‐Unhealthy  BLUE-­‐orange  

15  minutes  of  Arab  Spring.  One  person  one  vote  elected  radicals.  Baath  Army  reborn  as  ISIL  without  the  secular  cover.  Virtual  jihad  recruitment  with  global  reach.  Using  social  media  to  make  Jihad  adrac\ve.  Begin  bloody  hero  journey  into  a  new  Arab  Renaissance  with  respect  for  Ins\tu\ons.  


PEACE Perspectives •  Peace  in  Beige:  I  Stay  Alive  “Survival  InsDncts”  •  Peace  in  PURPLE:  We  are  Safe  “Spirit  Voices”  •  Peace  in  RED:  I  Rule  “Conquest”  •  Peace  in  BLUE:  We  have  Order  “Mandates-­‐Order”  •  Peace  in  Orange:  I  Thrive.  “NegoDaDons”  •  Peace  in  Green:  WE  are  Equal.  “Dialogue”  •  Peace  in  Yellow:  I  Care  and  DO  “Natural  Design”  •  Peace  in  Turquoise:  We  Conscioucize  “Flows”  just  emerging….  

     Indigenous  Intelligence  (II)  is  the  mul\dimensional  capacity  of  an  individual    or  a  group  in  a  specific  society  to  interpret  its  value-­‐system’s  complexity  to    non-­‐na\ves.  It  informs  governance  by  assessing  the  life  condi=ons  of  the    

people  and  the  challenges  they  face.        IIEs:  Indigenous  Intelligence  Experts    

•  Na\ves  of  the  territory.  Speak  the  language,  know  the    customs,  and  understand  the  culture  and  all  subcultures  in  it.    

•  Thinking  is  an  open-­‐system  with  high  cogni\ve  abili\es.    •  Shaped   by   the   first-­‐hand   experience   of   own   transi\on   from   zealots   and  

flamethrowers.    •  Ins\nc\vely   discern   complex   paderns   by   iden\fying   the   process   to   evolve  

naturally.    •  They  understand  the  complexity  and  the  uniqueness  of  the  indigenous  challenges  

that  brought  the  culture  to  its  current  status  of  desola\on.  •  They’re   strategic  and  systemic   in   their   thinking  and  believe   in  efforts   that  can  be  

sustainable  for  their  culture  

The  Indigenous  Intelligence  Defined      



L I F E   C OND I T I O N S  

M E M E T I C   C O D E S  

M I N D S E T S    

A N D   W O R L D   V I E W S  

S Y S T E M S    &   S T R U C T U R E S  














UN  &  Co  

                               PALESTINE  DEPARTMENT  OF  INTEGRATION  

مركز النهوض بفلسطني ©  CHE-­‐Mideast  2012-­‐2013  

 Integra\ng  The  Efforts  

of  :    

q  4200  NGOs  Western/Local  

q  Public  Sector  

q  Private  Sector    

Meme'c  Profiles  of  Pales'nians:  including  Value-­‐Systems/Mindsets/Belief  Systems  

Na\on  Building  Conference  Bethlehem,  PA  2/2/2008  

Kenesset-­‐  Jerusalem  Arab-­‐Israeli  Deputy  Speaker  

Tel  Aviv  University  

Blue  Print  for  Indigenous  Design  

A  Viable  Pales'nian  State  


ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT T h e M i d d l e E a s t B e y o n d t h e A g e o f O i l , a M e m e t i c A n a l y s i s

? The Center for Human Emergence Middle East

مـا هـو املستقبل بعد عصر النفط؟ 

POLITICAL SCIENCE / World / Middle Eastern

www.selectbooks.comCover design by Janice Benight

Front cover art © iStockphoto.com/CidepixJacket fl ap illustration by Phaedra Strecher





Rarely do political e! orts focus on what causes a culture to emerge and prosper or stagnate and fail. In Elza Maalouf’s groundbreaking new book Emerge! The Rise of Functional Democracy and the Future of the Middle East, we are introduced to a new paradigm for governance based on the Beck-Graves model of value systems and the theories of Spiral Dynamics Integral.

Maalouf, the founder of the Center for Human Emergence Mideast and the Build Palestine Initia-tive, is a geopolitical expert on the region where she pioneered the application of Large-Scale psy-chology and design concepts to confl ict resolution. By placing democracy in an evolutionary, values-system’s context that is indigenously specifi c to the region, Emerge! demonstrates the foundations nec-essary for cultural change.

Maalouf’s collaboration with her colleague and mentor Don E. Beck establishes this model as the new standard for large-scale political change. Many of Beck’s unpublished works, such as the adaptation of Sherifs’ Social Judgment Theory to the value-systems’ model, are featured in detail along with many others of Beck’s and Maalouf’s own social-psychology concepts.

Maalouf’s framework for decoding the com-plexities of the Middle East succeeds in many places where the West’s approach to confl ict reso-lution has failed. By weaving together the threads that make up the pattern of each culture, Emerge! shows the crucial role memes play in creating a system of governance that truly fi ts. Not only does Emerge! ask us to seek understanding before we structure and create what Maalouf calls Functional Democracy, it shows us the necessity of teaching our youth to build their own sustainable, indige-nous constructs.

ISBN 978-1-59079-286-5$24.95

continued from back cover

FROM THE FOREWORD BY DR. DON E. BECK“This book is the definitive authority not only on the

political future of the Middle East, but also on the evolution of democracy itself.”

“ In Elza Maalouf’s book Emerge! she puts the voter first and redefines democ-racy through a functional lens . . . If you want to understand the complexity of Middle Eastern politics and what’s needed to resolve this historic conflict you must read this book.”—HOWARD PUTNAM, former CEO Southwest Airlines and Braniff International and author of The Winds of Turbulence

“ Elza Maalouf’s insightful study, Emerge!, reveals exactly how humanity is re-organizing from youthful, competitive, win/lose political economies to evo-lutionarily mature collaborative models fitting the unique needs of different cultures. I highly recommend this book, not only to leaders in the Middle East, but also to conscious politicians in the West.”—ELISABET SAHTOURIS, evolution biologist, futurist; author of EarthDance: Living Systems in Evolution

The Middle East keeps inching closer by the day into a collective chaos. It seems as though oppression, inequality, and violence have been systemically

embedded into the very makeup of its societies. How can the people take charge of their own inalienable rights to freedom, equality and prosperity—to keep from backsliding into the grasp of feudal, unhealthy ideologies as they face an increasingly interconnected world? continued on front flap

ELZA MAALOUF is one of the foremost experts on the memetics of the Middle East who pioneered the use of the value-systems framework and Integral Theory practices in Middle Eastern politics and business. She is the cofounder of the Cen-ter for Human Emergence Middle East, a think tank that reframes existential issues facing the region through the prism of value-system memes. She was named as one of today’s brightest minds by Enlighten-Next magazine. In 2011 she was elected to

be a member of the Evolutionary Leaders in Service to Conscious Evolution, an organization made up of the leading global minds in the fi elds of science, spiri-tuality, and related studies with the primary purpose of advancing the conscious evolution of humanity.

Maalouf is also the founder of the Integral Insights Consulting Group (IIC), an advisory that brings research on the theories of human potential to bear on organizational challenges and opportunities. The IIC Group is dedicated to the multi-faceted development of individuals, teams, and organizations.

Ti! a

ny A





“ In the midst of the global chaos, comes a book that offers great hope for the future of the Middle East. It is a powerful and enlightened rethinking of a region seeking anew renaissance.”—JEAN HOUSTON, PhD, best-selling author of A Passion for the Possible; co-Founder of the Human Potential Movement

ELZA S. MAALOUFForeword by Don E. Beck, PhD

The Rise of Functional Democracy and the Future of the Middle East


Numbers Tell the Story  

“The  Middle  East  is  the  richest  region  in  the  world    with  the  poorest  people  in  it.”  

Ø  Total  2012  World  Bank  GDP  for  en\re  MENA  region  $2.9  Trillion    (less  than  GDP  of  the  2  largest  states  in  the  US)        

Ø  80%  of  popula\on  lives  on  under  $5  a  day,  more  than  half  of  the              region  in  poverty    Ø  Illiteracy  rates  35-­‐45%,  women  60-­‐70%.      Ø  UNEMPLYOMENT:    

A.  Women  with  high  school  degrees    83%  B.  Women  with  college  degrees  27%  C.  Millennials  30%  +  


Ø  Region-­‐wide  annual  per  capita  income  is  $684.  Third  from  last              place  between  Zimbabwe  and  Cameroon        

Ø  Without  oil  (73%  of  current  revenues),    region’s  per  capita  income              in  last  place.  

 1.  Creating the Memetic profile of a country

a.  Selecting the Indigenous Intelligence Experts b.  Identifying prevailing value systems & Life Conditions. c.  Understanding the nature of conflicting views, intra v. inter-conflict. d.  Putting it all in perspective. The ACE Model.

2.  Designing governance that fits; empowering people from half-value system above where culture is. 3. Creating a culture’s Superordinate Goal; the future pull. 4. Aligning all stakeholders to serve the Superordinate Goal.

a.  Reforming government practices b.  Reforming the educational system(s) c.  Creating resilient and globally inclusive economic policies

THE  ARAB  MEMOME  PROJECT      A  Func=onal  Democracy,  Whole  System’s  approach  

to  Middle  Eastern  Emergence  

Habitat  for  a  New  Consciousness  

©  CHE-­‐Mideast  2012-­‐2013  

Prepare  The  EcoSystem  for  Emergence  
