Integrating HRBA and Equitable Partnerships into Development Programming Presentation to ICN Webinar, April 7, 2014

Equitable Partnerships and HRBA

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Do you wonder what value human rights-based approaches and equitable partnerships can add to development programming? The ICN presents this webinar with CCIC, in collaboration with the Coady International Institute and Equitas – International Centre for Human Rights Education. Participants will be introduced to a Guide that these three organizations have produced in collaboration. It provides concrete and practical tools to help organizations integrate a human rights-based approach (HRBA) into their development programming and begin a process to intentionally develop more equitable partnerships - all the while, helping facilitators run participatory workshops to achieve this, and providing a resource manual for participants in the process. The webinar will briefly touch upon the following: The rationale for creating the Guide two years on from the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, and the choice and centrality of human rights and partnership to the work of civil society. How the guide helps to demystify the human rights based approach (HRBA) by breaking it down into simple guiding elements that can inform and improve program design, implementation and evaluation, and about the value that HRBA brings to the development process. The different forms of collaboration and the power dynamics often involved, it will also discuss how partnership principles can shape a process to generate more equitable partnerships and recognize the importance of collaboration as an outcome.

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Integrating HRBA and Equitable Partnerships into Development Programming

Presentation to ICN Webinar, April 7, 2014

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PART I: The HRBA and EquitablePartnership Guide

Why a guide like this? Why rights and partnership? Why now?

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2011: Istanbul Principles recognized at HLF4

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Strength of the principles in the process






Istanbul Principles for CSO Development Effectiveness

Statement on CSO Accountability

Minimum standards for Enabling Environment

challenge organizations to reflect on their

practices and strive to improve development

outcomes and impacts

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In Canada: from principles to practice• Socializing IP – workshops, learning fora, icons, podcasts, calendar

• Implementing IP – Case studies, Implementation and Advocacy tool kit, Practitioner’s Guide, but…

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From principles to practice 2.0• Difficulty translating abstract principles into

practice• Desire for hands-on practical tools• Hence this Guide on

• Human rights (what and how)• Partnership (with whom and how)

• Result of year-long collaboration• First part, a guide for facilitators • Second part, a reference for

practitioners/program developers

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PART II: What we tried to do on the Human Rights System and HRBA

•The value added of HRBA•Integrating HRBA into dev’t projects

•RBM and HRBA•Learning by doing

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Value-added of HRBA


better and more sustainable development results

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Integrating HRBA in Development Projects

A human rights-based approach …• Is conceptual framework that links sustainable

development to realization of “all human rights for all”

• Is operationally directed to promoting and protecting human rights

• Focuses on PROCESS and RESULTS

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The elements of HRBA



Non-discrimination and equality


Links to human rights

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HRBA and results

HRBA helps to answer four critical questions:Who - whose life do we want to change, who

has been left behindWhy? Which rights are at stake?Who has to do something about it?What do they need, to take action?

Process and outcome are equally important

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RBMImpact: change in…

Outcome: change in…

Output: change in …

HRBA…quality of life (the realization of human rights)

… performance (behaviours of duty bearers and/or rights holders and their institutions)

…the capacity of duty bearers and rights holders

Process is guided by human rights principles


sal A



le A



acity Gap



Conclusions and recommendations from Universal Periodic Review, Treaty Bodies, and Special Procedures help to identify

specific behaviours and capacities

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PART III: Equitable Partnership

•Why do we partner and what forms does this take?

•Challenges in partnership•How can principles guide a new process?

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Partnership – one definition

“Partnership is a [cross-sector] collaboration in which organizations work together in a transparent, equitable and mutually beneficial way towards a sustainable development goal and where those defined as partners agree to commit resources and share the risks as well as the benefits associated with the partnership”

Partnering Initiative

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Why partnership and collaboration?

From effective to equitable…

2000 - MDG 8"virtually nothing happens ... without effectivepartnership"

2005 - Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness"working in partnership" refered to more than 1000 times in the declaration

2008 - Accra Agenda for Action"build more effective and inclusive partnerships in order to have greater impact on reducing poverty"

2010 - Istanbul CSO Development Effectiveness PrinciplesPrinciple 6 : "Pursue equitable partnerships and solidarity"

Collaboration to meet mutual goals is an essential element of all development work…

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What drives collaboration/ partnership?

Resources centric

Collaborative work For the purpose of Influence

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Purpose-led Partnership

• Systemic Change• Policy Influence • Business solution for social purpose• Service Delivery Coordination• Mutual learning (including research)• Strengthening community voice • others……

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Nature of collaboration – a partnership spectrum

Association / networks

Social movementsJoint venture

Non-binding, loose legal/ binding


Coordinated management arrangement

Adapted from thepartnershipinitiative.org

Contractual / donor relation

Social Enterprises

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…So again: why work in partnership?

• Equitable and transparent partnerships are not always easy.

• The Istanbul Principles for CSO Development Effectiveness challenge us to pursue equitable partnership based on shared development goals and values, mutual respect, trust, organizational autonomy, long-term accompaniment, solidarity and global citizenship.

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Think about: Partnering Cycle

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Think about: power and partnership (http://www.powercube.net/analyse-power/ )

Power ‘over’ – the ability of the powerful to affect the actions and thoughts of the powerless

Power ‘to’ – the capacity to act; agency

Power ‘with’ – the synergy of collective action, social mobilization and alliance building

Power ‘within’ – a sense of self-dignity and self-awareness that enables agency


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Visible Hidden Invisible









Power and Partnership (http://www.powercube.net/analyse-power/ )

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Principles to guide partnership - CCIC Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics: A declaration of common

principles that all members strive to continually


Operational Standards:Collective understanding of

what at a minimum organizations agree they

must do.

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Developing a tool: What does equitable partnership look like?

• What are some indicators of:– Trust– Mutual respect– Shared development goals and values– Organizational autonomy– Long term accompaniment

• Anything we could change in how we approach partnership opportunities?

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Follow-up discussion / reflection

• Anything we could change in how we approach partnership opportunities?

• How might we examine issues of power in our partnerships?

• What should successful DFATD partnerships look like?

• What are the opportunities and challenges for developing successful partnerships – what recommendations might we make in changes in our practice?

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Thank you!

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