Leading Innovation from an Emerging Future (a Primer) . . . Initiating a U.Lab Hub in Roanoke

Initiating a U.Lab Hub in Roanoke - Leading Innovation from an Emerging Future

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Leading Innovation from an Emerging Future (a Primer)

. . . Initiating a U.Lab Hub in Roanoke

Page 2: Initiating a U.Lab Hub in Roanoke - Leading Innovation from an Emerging Future

A Brief Overview of Integral and Theory U Perspectives

▪ Reintegrating Mind and Matter– What is the “mind-body problem”?

– How do we reintegrate mind and body?

▪ “State-stages” of Consciousness and “Theory U”

▪ “Structure-stages” and Developmental Hierarchy

▪ Design Implications for Civil Society and Economic Democracy

Page 3: Initiating a U.Lab Hub in Roanoke - Leading Innovation from an Emerging Future

Reintegrating Mind and Matter

“Calling for an adoption of contemplative practice, Ken Wilber explains in The Marriage of Sense and Soul (1998) that the "central problem" in the relationship between religion and science—"the major reason modern science rejected religion, and the major reason higher and interior modes were replaced by an exterior and monologicalmonopoly", followed science's discovery "that mind and consciousness were anchored in the natural organism" (e.g. 'the body')” (McConnell, Marriage).

The “Problem”

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Reintegrating Mind and Matter

“The basis of this issue was reflected in a 1996 discussion between Peter Senge and Nan Huai-Chin about whether the spiritual teacher "thought that the industrial age was going to create such environmental problems that" we'd "destroy ourselves" or whether we'd "find a way to understand these problems" and subsequently reshape the institutions themselves. Viewing this dilemma from a "deeper level" however, Master Nan rejoined, "There's only one issue in the world. It's the reintegration of mind and matter" (Senge)” [emphasis added] (McConnell, Urban).

The “Mind-body Problem”

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Reintegrating Mind and Matter

“Published in September, "A Marriage of Sense and Soul" pointed to a “psychosocial” condition various thought leaders including Ken Wilber has referred to as dissociation, Charles Eisensteinterms separation, and Otto Scharmerin his recently issued, "Leading from the Emerging Future" frames in three parts” (McConnell, Urban).

Scharmer’s “Three Divides”

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Reintegrating Mind and Matter

“These gaps are depicted as an ecological divide between "self and nature", a social divideinvolving a "disconnect between self and other", and a spiritual-cultural divide reflecting "a disconnect between self and Self--that is, between one's current "self" and the emerging future "Self" that represents one's greatest potential" (Scharmer, Introduction 4)” (McConnell, Urban).

Scharmer’s “Three Divides”

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“State-stages” of Consciousnessand “Theory U”

“However, recent advancements at the leading-edge of the Integral Approach—as pioneered by American philosopher Ken Wilber—have uncovered several key insights that allow us to penetrate the field of human development through a clearly delineated and cleanly articulated conception that features two distinct and simultaneous development movements through vertical structure-stages and horizontal state-stages” [emphasis added] (Fuhs,1).

State-stages – Ken Wilber

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“State-stages” of Consciousnessand “Theory U”

“At the source of this new leadership technology are the two root questions of creativity: Who is my Self? and What is my Work? And as you can see, the Self in not the small “s” self, the ego, but the capital “S” Self, my highest future possibility. And the work is not the small “w” work that is my job, but the capital “W” Work, which is my sense of purpose or calling. It’s what I am here on this earth to do” (Scharmer).

Theory U – Otto Scharmer

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“Structure-stages” andDevelopmental Hierarchy

“The previous installment in the Towards a Vision for Integral Leadership series entitled, A Map for the Integral Leader, outlined a working definition of integral leadership, which contained elements referring to both vertical structure-stages and horizontal state-stages of consciousness. In regards to vertical structures or altitudes of development, this definition suggested that an integral leader understands and incorporates all developmental altitudes” (Fuhs, 1).

Structure-stages – Ken Wilber

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“Structure-stages” andMEMEnomics

“MEMEnomics: the Next-Generation Economic System is a book by Said Elias Dawlabani,[1][2][3]

first being published in September 2013. The book was a finalist for the 2014 Eric Hoffer Award which honors freethinking writers and independent books of exceptional merit[4]” (MEMEnomics).

MEMEnomics – Said Dawlabani

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“Structure-stages” andMEMEnomics

“Through rigorous analysis, Dawlabani demonstrates how the cultural emergence of world economies, including the United States, have approached capitalismso far from the values of subsistence (pg. 68). The author identifies the financial crisis of 2008 as the tipping point that signaled the entry of the United States into the decay phase (pg. 78-81) of Third Cycle (pg. 125) of his model. Dawlabani explores the complex problems visible in the world today including shifts in global wealth, dysfunction in Washington, and the Arab Spring” (MEMEnomics).

MEMEnomics – Said Dawlabani

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Design Implications for Civil Society and Economic Democracy

“Although many people in the consciousness movement today believe we are in the eighth-levelsystem, much still needs to be done to fix the damage caused by centuries of irresponsible first-levelpolicies and practices. This is a job for leaders emerging into the systemic big picture view of the seventh-level system. This system recognizes that chaos is natural and change is inevitable” (Dawlabani).

“Value Systems and the Future of Leadership”

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Design Implications for Civil Society and Economic Democracy

“Leaders in this system are highly competent and principled individuals who cut through the noise of all the first-level systems to resolve long-

standing paradoxes. They do more with less and they disperse power as needed. This is a system of distributed intelligence and nonrigid

structures in which knowledge and competence naturally align the various components into a functional flow that makes the lower

systems beholden to a far bigger picture of themselves. This is the New Frontier of leadership where political and corporate governance must have the tools and the courage to transition the world to the values

that recognize the magnificence of existence and what it means to be alive on a planet in peril” (Dawlabani).

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Leading Innovation from an Emerging Future (a Primer)

. . . Initiating a U.Lab Hub in Roanoke