Use of BPM Increasing in Public Sector

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Page 2: Use of BPM Increasing in Public Sector

Government agencies are increasingly turning to Business Process Management (BPM) tools to optimize processes. The main drivers for this switch are security, cost savings, and a need to be able to adapt quickly to changing conditions.

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Processes of various types are at the core of nearly every organization, but particularly in the public sector.

Many of these processes can be automated or streamlined using BPM tools. Even for processes that cannot be automated, BPM can still benefit an organization by making it easier to track and optimize them. Mistakes can be costly and using BPM can help to avoid oversights and other mistakes. In addition to avoiding mistakes, BPM emphasizes the auditing of processes in case something does go wrong within a process.

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Using BPM to automate and optimize processes also leads to cost savings due to the increased efficiency.

Employees are able to accomplish more tasks and dedicate more time to important activities as opposed to wasting time on tasks that should be automated. Through modeling and analytics, further time can be saved by noticing trends and reallocating resources accordingly. Creating models can also help predict future bottlenecks or negative trends so that they can be reversed before becoming an issue

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Flexibility is not a trait commonly associated with government organizations. However, government agencies need to be flexible in terms of being able to adapt to changing conditions and regulations. In many legacy management systems, processes are already set up and are difficult to change.

BPM software solutions provide a much easier way for organizations to adapt and adjust their processes without adding additional tools or spending much time. This ease of use for adaptation makes BPM solutions very appealing and effective for government agencies looking to keep up.

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BPM tools can also help to improve communication and transparency with other governmental organizations, private sector companies, as well as the citizens and constituents the agency serves. Transparency is important for organizations operating in the public sector as citizens and companies want to be aware of what is going on and be communicated with openly. They need to be able to access the correct information and submit necessary information through easy-to-use channels. BPM helps with this by managing the necessary processes and facilitating communication through a central location.

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The other way that BPM assists government organizations is through compliance and regulations documentation and management.

It is imperative that organizations be able to keep thorough records and documentation. While most government organizations have at least gone digital with their paperwork and other documents, this is not enough in and of itself. For optimal efficiency, they need to keep documentation in a centralized location where it is easily accessible and can be used within different systems and across departments. This sharing of information is made easier by BPM and workflow processes.

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Adoption of BPM principles and tools can greatly help government agencies to become more efficient and successful. As more and more organizations realize this, government processes will hopefully continue to become easier to manage and navigate.