Serving the Soldiers, Civilians and Families of 2nd ABCT, 4th Inf. Div. Vol. 2, Issue 10 May 9, 2014 Soldiers of 2nd ABCT, 4th Inf. Div., and Kuwaiti Land Forces, both part of the Joint U.S. – Kuwaiti Land Forces basketball team dance, together after winning the Kuwaiti Military Forces Annual Basketball Tournament at the Kuwait Sports Complex, April 29. ‘Just Us’ Story and Photos by Sgt. Marcus Fichtl 2nd ABCT PAO, 4th Inf. Div. S gt. Corey Jones, co-captain of the U.S. – Kuwaiti Land Forces basketball team posts up, a Kuwait Air Force player slashes into the lane and bumps into Jones. e ref blows the whistle calling a third foul barely into the first quarter. e KAF player sinks his free throws and they pull within four. Rewind to a few hours prior, Hip-hop music blasts through a 15-passenger van as it zigzags through the streets of Kuwait City. Inside, a handful of basketball players silently roaring in confidence as they approach the Kuwait Sports Complex one last time, for one last game, the Kuwait Military Basketball Championship, April 28. ey aren’t just any American basketball players - they’re the All-U.S. Army Central Champions from the 2nd ABCT, 4th Inf. Div., Camp Buehring, Kuwait. “Just us” is their motto and according to them, it’s a brotherhood. It’s not the hype, the refs or the fans. Jones and his team walk into the basketball stadium as Salem, Co- Captain of the US- Kuwaiti Land Forces basketball team greets them. He embraces and kisses Jones and the American’s on their cheeks, the local greeting between friends in Kuwait. e US-Kuwaiti team didn’t start with a warm embrace - it wasn’t “just us.” It was us or them as the two sides first met just over a month ago. “We walk in, we’re trying to give them handshakes, and they’re on one side of the court and we’re on the other side - it’s a middle school dance” said Jones. “en the coach comes in, blows his whistle and has us do sprints for 15 minutes. He told us ‘this is our new family now, and that we have to look out for each other.” A week aſter the first practice and the new family put their trust in Jones, he hit two three point shots to defeat the Kuwaiti Royal Guard 84-82. See PARTNERSHIP, Page 3

Warhorse pride vol 2 issue 10 20140509

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The Warhorse Pride is a bi-monthly newsletter produced by the 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs Office, 4th Infantry Division, for the Soldiers, Families and friends of the "Warhorse" Brigade.

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Page 1: Warhorse pride vol 2 issue 10 20140509

Serving the Soldiers, Civilians and Families of 2nd ABCT, 4th Inf. Div. Vol. 2, Issue 10 May 9, 2014

Soldiers of 2nd ABCT, 4th Inf. Div., and Kuwaiti Land Forces, both part of the Joint U.S. – Kuwaiti Land Forces basketball team dance, together after winning the Kuwaiti Military Forces Annual Basketball Tournament at the Kuwait Sports Complex, April 29.

‘Just Us’Story and Photos by Sgt. Marcus Fichtl2nd ABCT PAO, 4th Inf. Div.

Sgt. Corey Jones, co-captain of the U.S. – Kuwaiti Land Forces basketball team posts up, a Kuwait Air Force player slashes into the lane and bumps into Jones. The ref blows the whistle

calling a third foul barely into the first quarter. The KAF player sinks his free throws and they pull within four.

Rewind to a few hours prior, Hip-hop music blasts through a 15-passenger van as it zigzags through the streets of Kuwait City. Inside, a handful of basketball players silently roaring in confidence as they approach the Kuwait Sports Complex one last time, for one last game, the Kuwait Military Basketball Championship, April 28.

They aren’t just any American basketball players - they’re the All-U.S. Army Central Champions from the 2nd ABCT, 4th Inf. Div.,

Camp Buehring, Kuwait.“Just us” is their motto and according to them, it’s a brotherhood.

It’s not the hype, the refs or the fans. Jones and his team walk into the basketball stadium as Salem, Co-

Captain of the US- Kuwaiti Land Forces basketball team greets them. He embraces and kisses Jones and the American’s on their cheeks,

the local greeting between friends in Kuwait. The US-Kuwaiti team didn’t start with a warm embrace - it wasn’t

“just us.” It was us or them as the two sides first met just over a month ago.

“We walk in, we’re trying to give them handshakes, and they’re on one side of the court and we’re on the other side - it’s a middle school dance” said Jones. “Then the coach comes in, blows his whistle and has us do sprints for 15 minutes. He told us ‘this is our new family now, and that we have to look out for each other.”

A week after the first practice and the new family put their trust in Jones, he hit two three point shots to defeat the Kuwaiti Royal Guard 84-82.


Page 2: Warhorse pride vol 2 issue 10 20140509

Warhorse PridePage 2 Vol. 2, Issue 10 May 9, 2014

The sound of a crying baby is not something all Soldiers are used

to, especially if they have been deployed for the last seven months, but expecting and new fathers of the 2nd ABCT, 4th Inf. Div., are preparing themselves for anything.

The brigade hosted its second installment of Daddy Boot Camp at the Camp Buehring Chapel in Kuwait, May 3.

The training included an instructional video on how to swaddle an infant, a slideshow on the “do’s and don’ts” of reintegrating back into family life and situational based questions.

“It’s designed to teach a lot of different things to first time fathers or expecting fathers,” said Maj. Cori Etheridge, behavior health officer, 2nd ABCT. “We look at and explore the father’s fears, apprehensions, what their hopes and dreams are and what type of father do they want to be.”

Story and Photo by Staff Sgt. Andrew Porch2nd ABCT PAO, 4th Inf. Div.

Daddies fall in!

Maj. Cori Etheridge, right, brigade behavior health officer, 2nd ABCT, 4th Inf. Div., speaks with current and future fathers during Daddy Boot Camp at the Camp Buehring Chapel, Kuwait, May 3

For one first time father, the class made him confident in the ability to go home and play a major role.

“I feel like I’m better now,” said Pfc. Aric Golgart, infantryman, Company A, 2nd Bn., 8th Inf., Reg., 2nd ABCT. “I’m more prepared and I am going to actually be able to help my wife.”

And why did leadership think it is important to have the class for the soon-to-be redeploying

Soldiers?“Going home and redeploying

without having this knowledge kind of puts (Soldiers) at a disadvantage,” said Etheridge. “Things are going to happen and how did you prepare for them? You will be aware of, and you have an idea of how to address the issues you are going to face when you go home.”

Additionally, the training focused on what it will be like

interacting with mommy once Soldiers return home.

“We also explore the importance of having a healthy relationship between mom and dad, and displaying healthy interaction with the child because that helps the child as well.”

Soldiers spoke about what part of the training stood out to them the most.

“The class actually helped me obtain knowledge on how to care for a crying baby, or a baby that couldn’t sleep very well,” said Golgart.

Soldiers will now be well prepared to handle multiple situations they may come across once they arrive home.

“Now that they have this knowledge and the expectations of what these changes are, they are able to adapt better to these changes,” said Etheridge. “It’s preparing them for those types of changes in that home environment.”

The brigade plans to continue the classes through the end of the deployment as needed for the new fathers

Top NCO, Soldier crownedSgt. Tyree

Kitchen, generatormechanic,

Company B, 204th BSB, 2nd ABCT,

receives the Army Commendation

Medal for winning the brigade

NCO of the Year Competition on Camp Buehring,

May 1.

Spc. Elizabeth Laskey, intelligence analyst, Company A, 2nd STB, 2nd ABCT, receives the Army Commendation Medal for winning the brigade NCO of the Year Competition on Camp Buehring, May 1.

Photos by Staff Sgt. Andrew Porch2nd ABCT PAO, 4th Inf. Div.

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Warhorse PridePage 3 Vol. 2, Issue 10 May 9, 2014

“It’s been like that ever since – family,” Jones said.

But this isn’t the first game, this is the championship.

The game looks like it might get out of hand any minute with Jones on the bench and the other American’s starting to get into foul trouble. What started as a 15-point lead quickly turned into three.

But the Kuwaiti half of the team picked up the slack as Salem makes a key stop and follows up with and easy layup. The KAF’s run ends.

Now with the lead secure, the teammates prove they can rely on each other.

“The Kuwaitis know the game and they shoot lights out,” said Jones.

“Not only are they skilled, they use the same lingo you would find on the courts in the US,” said Jones.

“Salem says a lot of ‘boom shakka-lakka,’ or ‘its money time,’ when he’s about to dunk,” said Jones.

Its midway through the third quarter, the US-KLF team maintains a slight lead when, Sgt. Nathaniel “Slim” Prigian fakes out a defender, and with a clear shot of the basket, Slim slams the ball down, “its money time.”

The fans chant “Slim, Slim, Slim,” as Jones and the rest of the bench go wild.

The KAF never came back.With a trophy in hand, the month-long

partnership reached its peak, but a lifetime of brotherhood began.

from PARTNERSHIP, Page 1

Soldiers of 2nd ABCT, 4th Inf. Div., and Kuwaiti Land Forces, both part of the Joint U.S.-Kuwaiti Land Forces Team, put their hands together as they prepare to play the Kuwaiti Military Forces Annual Basketball Tournament at the Kuwait Sports Complex, April 29.

“We came together,” said Jones. “They have different cultures and backgrounds, but all we want to do was win a championship. I thought it was about basketball that first practice when we ran sprints up and down the court, but it’s not about basketball anymore to me, it’s about love, we’re brothers, we’re family.”

Salem agreed. “The Americans are our friends and

they help us everywhere and anywhere,” said Salem. He continued as he pointed to himself, “They have a brother here, they have a family; we love the guys.”

“Just us,” a brotherhood, a Kuwaiti-US brotherhood.

The US-Kuwaiti Land Forces team defeated the Kuwaiti Air Force Team 78-62 to win the Kuwaiti Military Basketball Tournament.

Tip off between the Joint U.S. – Kuwaiti Land Forces basketball team and Kuwaiti Air Force starts a game during the Kuwaiti Military Forces Annual Basketball Tournament at the Kuwait Sports Complex, April 29.

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Soldiers round up during Truck Rodeo

Soldiers of HHC, 204th BSB, 2nd ABCT, push an M1151 Enhanced Armament Carrier during the “Rough Riders” Battalion Truck Rodeo on Camp Buehring, Kuwait, April 30. The truck push, one of three events Soldiers conducted during the round-robin competition, required Soldiers to conduct a quick maintenance check and push the vehicle approximately 200 meters.

Warhorse PridePage 4 Vol. 2, Issue 10 May 9, 2014

Photos by Staff Sgt. Andrew Porch2nd ABCT PAO, 4th Inf. Div.

Soldiers of 204th BSB, 2nd ABCT, participated in a truck rodeo on Camp Buehring, Kuwait, April 30.

The truck rodeo, made up of three lanes, allowed Soldiers to be tested in the areas of communications, maintenance and medical readiness.

“It’s important for Soldiers to be well rounded because you never know where you are going to find yourself and in what situation you re going to find yourself,” said Sgt. Hannah Kobit, healthcare specialist, Company C, 204th BSB. “You need to be able to adapt and overcome any situation.”

Soldiers worked together to complete the lanes as they received grades on time and competency.

“In situations like this when you are deployed, you need to depend on somebody who can be your battle buddy next to you, who is going to stick by you and help you through everything,” said Spc. Shameen Bonnick, automated logistical specialist, Company B, 204th BSB.

Working together allowed the Soldiers to do more than just compete in the competition.

You are bringing everyone together,” said Bonnick, a native of Duluth, Ga. “Everyone has to work together. It builds esprit de corps.”

Kobit, a native of Downers Grove, Ill., and instructor of the

Page 5: Warhorse pride vol 2 issue 10 20140509

Soldiers round up during Truck Rodeo

Soldiers of HHC, 204th BSB, 2nd ABCT, push an M1151 Enhanced Armament Carrier during the “Rough Riders” Battalion Truck Rodeo on Camp Buehring, Kuwait, April 30. The truck push, one of three events Soldiers conducted during the round-robin competition, required Soldiers to conduct a quick maintenance check and push the vehicle approximately 200 meters.

Warhorse PridePage 5 Vol. 2, Issue 10 May 9, 2014

A Soldier assigned to 204th BSB, 2nd ABCT,

pulls guard for the

loading of a simulated

casualty during the battalion’s

Truck Rodeo

on Camp Buehring,


medical lane said the work put into the event was well worth it.“I enjoy setting up a challenging station for Soldiers and watching

them compete,” said Kobit. “It is fun when you are able to actually see the final product when you have been planning for so long.

Bonnick said the maintenance lane with vehicle push required the most work, but also stood out as the best event that motivated her most.

“Seeing their battle buddies push and saying, hey, I can do this too!”

This will be the last truck rodeo the “Rough Riders” participate in as they are redeploying to Fort Carson, Colo. later this summer.

Soldiers of 204th BSB, 2nd ABCT, construct

an OE-254 Antenna

during the “Rough Riders”

Battalion Truck

Rodeo on Camp

Buehring, Kuwait,

April 30. The truck rodeo

allowed Soldiers to learn basic skills in job specialties

assigned to other Soldiers through

out the battalion.

Spc. Shameen Bonnick, automated logistical specialist, Company B, 204th BSB, 2nd ABCT, low crawls while transporting a simulated casualty during a medical training as part of the 204th BSB Truck Rodeo on Camp Buehring, Kuwait, April 30.

Spc. Coty Lockhart, human resource specialist, HHC, 204th BSB, 2nd ABCT, grits his teeth as he pushes an M1151 Enhanced Armament Carrier during the “Rough Riders” Battalion Truck Rodeo on Camp Buehring, Kuwait, April 30.

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Warhorse PridePage 6 Vol. 2, Issue 9 April 25, 2014

New NCOs inducted

Noncommissioned Officers of 1st Bn., 67th Armor Reg., 2nd ABCT, pose with Command Sgt. Maj. Dennis Bellinger, center, senior enlisted leader, 1st Bn., 67th Armor Reg., after an NCO Induction Ceremony at the Gateway Theater on Camp Buehring, Kuwait, May 7.

Soldiers of 1st Bn., 67th Armor Reg., 2nd ABCT, recite the Soldiers Request, which asks their Noncommissioned Officer to lead, train, and care for them, during an NCO Induction Ceremony at the Gateway Theater on Camp Buehring, Kuwait, May 7.

Sgt Ryan Gulfoil, newly promoted noncommisioned officer, 1st Bn., 67th Armor Reg., passes under an archway, symbolizing becoming an NCO at an Induction Ceremony, on Camp Buehring, Kuwait May 7.

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Warhorse PridePage 7 Vol. 2, Issue 10 May 9, 2014

Shots across the AO

The Warhorse Pride is produced in the interest of the Soldiers of the 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division. The Warhorse Pide is an Army-funded news-letter authorized under provision of AR 360-1. Contents of the Warhorse Pride are not necessarily the view of, nor endorsed by the U.S. government, Department of Defense, Department of the Army or the 4th Infantry Division. All editorial content of The Warhorse Pride is prepared, edited, provided and approved by the 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team

Public Affairs Office. The Warhorse Pride welcomes articles, commentary and photos from readers. The Warhorse Pride reserves the right to edit submissions selected for the publication. All issues of The Warhorse Pride can be viewed online from your home computer at www.facebook.com/2bct4id Submissions should be e-mailed to the editor:[email protected]

Col. Omar Jones IV......................2nd ABCT CommanderCommand Sgt. Maj. Robert Lehtonen 2nd ABCT CSMMaj. Chris Maestas.................................................PAO OICStaff Sgt. Andrew Porch..................................PAO NCOICSgt. Marcus Fichtl...............................Layout and DesignStaff Sgt. Andrew Porch............................................Editor

Warhorse Pride

Soldiers assigned to HHC, 2nd Bn., 8th Inf. Reg., pose in front of a “T-Wall” after finishing painting a mural, May 6.

Newly promoted Noncommissioned Officers assigned to 1st Sqdn., 10th Cavalry Reg., attend a three-day Team Leaders Course on Camp As Sayliyah, Qatar, April 22-24.

Soldiers assigned to Company G, 3rd Bn., 16th FAR, stretch prior to participating in a Cinco de Mayo Run at the Kuwaiti Naval Base, May 5.

Soldiers assigned to Battery A, 3rd Bn., 16th FAR, make a routine security stop while pulling guard at Kuwaiti Naval Base, May 5.

Courtesy photo

Courtesy Photo

Courtesy PhotoPhoto by: Sgt. Marcus Fichtl, 2nd ABCT PAO

Courtesy photo

New NCOs inducted

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Family Readiness GroupPage 8 Vol. 2, Issue 10 May 9, 2014

Page 9: Warhorse pride vol 2 issue 10 20140509

Better Opportunities for Single SoldiersPage 9 Vol. 2, Issue 9 April 25, 2014


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MWR TOURS PHONE # 438-3056 I 0800-1700 HRS SAT - THURS



Karaoke Night - MWR Oasis @ 2000

Karaoke Night - MWR Oasis @ 2000

Karaoke Night - MWR Oasis @ 2000

Karaoke Night - MWR Oasis @ 2000

Karaoke Night - MWR Oasis @ 2000

Mother s Day E-cards -MWR Oasis @ 1500 Top 40 Hits Music Dance Night - MWR Oasis @ 1900

Latin Music Night - MWR Oasis @ 2030 Saturday Night Bingo - MWR Oasis @ 1900

Saturday Night Bingo - MWR Oasis @ 1900

Saturday Night Bingo - MWR Oasis @ 1900

Saturday Night Bingo - MWR Oasis @ 1900

Focus On Fitness Obstacle Run - Eisenhower near the MWR Stage @ 1700

Texas Hold em Tournament - MWR Palms @ 1900

Texas Hold em Tournament - MWR Palms @ 1900

Texas Hold em Tournament - MWR Palms @ 1900

Call Of Duty - MWR Palms @ 1900

Buehring Weekly 5K- Eisenhower near the MWR Stage @ 0500

Buehring Weekly 5K- Eisenhower near the MWR Stage @ 0500

Buehring Weekly 5K- Eisenhower near the MWR Stage @ 0500

Buehring Weekly 5K- Eisenhower near the MWR Stage @ 0500

Glow in the Dark Chipping Contest - Buehring Track @ 1900

Soca Music Night - MWR Oasis @ 1900 International Mix Music Night -

MWR Oasis @ 2030

Tour De Buehring Bike Marathon – Eisenhower near the MWR Stage @ 0600

Mother s Day Classic Game Show Deal or No Deal –MWR Oasis @ 1400

Hip Hop & R&B Music Dance Night - MWR Oasis @ 1900 Zydeco Music Night - MWR

Oasis @ 2030

The Throw Down Competition – Main Gym @ 1800

9 Ball Tournament - MWR Udairi Center @ 1900

Country Music Dance Night - MWR Oasis @ 1900 Latin/Tejano Music Night -

MWR Oasis @ 2030

Country Music Dance Night - MWR Oasis @ 1900

3on3 Soccer Tournament - Basketball Court @ 1800

3on3 Soccer Tournament - Basketball Court @ 1800

Memorial Day Observance - MWR Stage @ 1800

Memorial Day 5K – Eisenhower near the fuel point @ 1830

Dominoes Tournament - MWR Oasis @ 1900

Salsa Dance Night - MWR Oasis @ 1900

Softball League ( 03 April - 12 June ) @ Multi Purposed Field

Softball League ( 03 April - 12 June ) @ Multi Purposed Field

Softball League ( 03 April - 12 June ) @ Multi Purposed Field

Softball League ( 03 April - 12 June ) @ Multi Purposed Field

Softball League ( 03 April - 12 June ) @ Multi Purposed Field

Piñata Bashing & Fiesta- MWR Oasis @ 1000

Ping Pong Tournament - MWR Udairi Center @ 1900

Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Observance ( 01 May – 31 May ) @ MWR Camp Buehring

Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Observance ( 01 May – 31 May ) @ MWR Camp Buehring

Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Observance ( 01 May – 31 May ) @ MWR Camp Buehring

Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Observance ( 01 May – 31 May ) @ MWR Camp Buehring

Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Observance ( 01 May – 31 May ) @ MWR Camp Buehring

RC Car Race – RC Race Track Near Softball Field @ 1700

Asian Pacific Heritage Month Observance – MWR Stage @ 1500