1 Your Heart and You : By Dr. V. P. Nair MBBS, BSc, MRCP(UK), MRCP (Ireland), MRCGP(UK), FRCP(Ire), FRCGP(UK), FRCP (Edinburgh), FESC(EU), FRCP (London), FAPSIC(interventional) , FAMS (Cardiology- Singapore), FACC(USA), PBM. Consultant Interventional Cardiologist. Nair Cardiac Medical Centre, Mt Elizabeth Hospital #16-08, Singapore.

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Your Heart and You : By Dr. V. P. Nair

MBBS, BSc, MRCP(UK), MRCP (Ireland), MRCGP(UK), FRCP(Ire), FRCGP(UK), FRCP (Edinburgh), FESC(EU), FRCP (London), FAPSIC(interventional) , FAMS (Cardiology- Singapore), FACC(USA), PBM. Consultant Interventional Cardiologist. Nair Cardiac Medical Centre, Mt Elizabeth Hospital #16-08, Singapore.

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Globally 17.5 million people die of Heart Disease annually.

In Singapore, Total death in 2009= 17,101. Total causes of

death due to Heart related problems =3933(23.6%.)

IHD=19.2%=3283 other heart Disease 4.4% =650

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Mechanical power of the heart is mainly fueled

by fats and carbohydrates


Fatty acids


Mechanical power

The heart

Each day, the heart beats about 100 000 times.

It pumps approximately 10 metric tons of blood every day.

It cycles through about 6 kg of ATP daily—20 to 30 times its

own weight—in order to function.


250 g - 350 g

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Angina, ( angina pectoris): Temporary chest discomfort few

Seconds or minutes, not hours or all day.

Physical exertion, strong emotions, extreme

temperatures, or heavy meal increase

demand on heart.

Feels pain, pressure, fullness, or squeezing in

the center of the chest or in the neck,

shoulder, jaw, upper arm, or upper back.

Discomfort relieved by removing the stress

and/or sublingual nitroglycerine (GTN)

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Heart Attack Symptoms

• Chest pain

• Sweating

• Heartburn

• Indigestion

• General Malaise

• Nausea /Vomiting

• Shortness of breath

• Diziness/light-head

• Fainting

• Palpitations

• Cardiac Arrest

• Death

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Pain of AMI ; (Heart Attack)

Lasts 30 mts – hours

consticting, crushing, oppressing,

compressing, something on chest ,

squeezing, choking,

heavy pain,


boring, burning,


behind chest wall

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Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction)

Heart Attack is usually caused by rupture of a

plaque in a Coronary Artery with evolving

blood clot (thrombus).

Treatment is most effective when started within

1 hour of start of symptoms

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Risk factors (causes) for angina and Heart attack are as follows: 1. High Blood Pressure (hypertension)

2. High fats: Cholesterol and Triglyceride

3. Diabetes,

4. Smoking

5. Male Gender

6. Inactive (sedentary) lifestyle

7. Family history of heart disease

8. Advancing Age

9. Overweight & Obesity

10. Homocystinemia

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Lipo Proteins : Serum Cholesterol and Triglycerides: mg/dl mmol/L Interpretation

1. Total Cholesterol <200 <5.2 Desirable

200-239 or more 5.2-6.1 or more High

<180 < 4.6 Ideal

2. LDL Cholesterol <70 <1.8 The best

(Bad Cholesterol) <100 <2.6 Optimal

100-129 2.6-3.3 Near optimal

130-159 3.4-4.0 Moderate High

>160 >4.1 High

3. HDL Cholesterol <40 <1.0 Low

(Good Cholesterol) >50 >1.25 Desirable

4. Triglyceride (TG) <150 <1.9 Desirable

5. LDL / HDL Ratio <3 <3 Desirable

6. Total Cholesterol / LDL < 4 Desirable

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Treadmill Stress Test Treadmil Stress Test

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Angioplasty (PTCA) and Stending

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Cardiologists such as Dr

Dinesh Nair and his father,

Dr V. P. Nair, both from

Mount Elizabeth Hospital,

who treat patients from

Singapore and around the

world, say they, have quite a

few Indian patients in their

30s and early 40s.

A handful are even in their

late 20s.

They all report that when

heart disease strikes

Indians, as well as occurring

more often and earlier, it

also tends to be more


Says the senior Dr Nair, who

has been in practice for 35

years: ―My Indian patients

have multiple blockages –

five to six.‖

The average Chinese patient

typically has two or three





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Which is



the Car ?

Or Taking

care of

your own

body ? Go

for regular

check up. Dr.V.P.Nair




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1. Maniam, M / 46 collapsed in 1998 - saved by

repeated chest Compressions Well @ Age65

2. Peter 68 collapsed @ Bangkok Airport in 1997,

Survived with Chest compressions and

treatment, though wife initially apprehensive

3. ―With proof from USA and Japan, with survival rate

of 300% with CCR, in thousands of victims, this

methodology must be seriously considered

4. In my opinion CCR is preferred to all cardiac arrest

Victims @ a rate of 100/minute chest

Compressions till definite medical help is

available, including AED, when again CCR must

be continued as long as needed.‖ V P Nair


dr. Nair