Hair Loss In Women By Anne Kelly,Hair Expert

16 Hair Loss Causes in Women(Updated List)

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Page 1: 16 Hair Loss Causes in Women(Updated List)

Hair Loss16 Major Causes of

In Women By Anne Kelly,Hair Expert

Page 2: 16 Hair Loss Causes in Women(Updated List)

Women are constantly facing the problem of severhair fall issues. This article highlights the major

threatening reasons behind the hair loss problemsand concerns.

Women and their ever growing concern over theproblem of hair loss are quite indivisible. Over aremedial solution to this issue, thousands of

medicinal and homemade remedies have come upto support on the better go. But despite those, theproblems with hair fall in women in rising to greaterextent. Over a brief note, there stand these following16 most responsible causes of hair loss in women

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1. Genetic disorder:Over the course of generation that follows,many women experience this problem

because this comes out hereditary. Comingfrom your mother, or father’s side, standingthe lead cause for hair loss, this has been agreater contributive reason to the problem

leading to hair destruction.

2. Unwanted stress and trauma:

Usually for one reason or the other, womenundergo stress and suffer trauma as a

major outcome. The survey and researchhas also shown evidences which definedthis pressure and anxiety being a very

serious issue that has been interrupting thehair cycle.

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3. Improper Diet:The kind of food intake that you take inalso has a lot to deal over this. when youhave been either taking up lot of dietaryintake, or a lot animal fats, junk food, thepoor nutritional chart, that’s when youstart to experience severe terrible hair fall


4. Health issues:Thyroid ahs most often been seen inwomen. Women who have been

suffering from this, have experienced notjust disorders for the body weight, butalso causes related to hair loss issues.

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5. Medication and aid:

Medicines hold a strong drug that affectsyour body in some way. When you have

been taking medical help for the control ofblood sugar level, blood pressure, heart orany other disease, your medication also

stands responsible for the result of hair falland demand proper care to be taken.

6. Environment exposure:

With the growing rise in the pollutiongenerating chemicals and causes to the air,water, soil or land, there have also beenterribly stupendous causes that have

contributed to the hormonal imbalances.These imbalances on the other end standout the major cause that damage the hairscalp, making your strength weak and poor

and dull.

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7. Life changes:You experience lot many lifechanging scenarios. Over your

period of pregnancy, or when youhave been experiencing childbirth,

there takes place many imbalancesand hormonal exposures that canlead to loss of your hair and their


8. Ageing:

With the wrinkles that come over asa sign of you, growing older andageing, there also comes over thehair fall problems on the stretchedend. The hair follicles have beenwidely contributing over the majorimpediments that lead to hair loss.

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9. Iron deficiency anemia:

When women have been taking updiet that lacks calcium and iron andprotein, they face deficiency in the redblood cells activities. With the relativeprocess that falls to support properoxygen to the body parts, they

eventually start experiencing hairproblems. As a result, the scalp gets

weak and they suffer hair losscomplications.

10. Excessive styling:

Women have always been craving andmaking efforts over rendering the mostnoticed and acceptable appeal inlooks. For the very reason, they areusually seen over making numeroushair styles, and as such, that has alsobeen widely contributing to the loss ofhairs and strength of the hair mass.

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11. Childbirth:

Childbirth is that phase of life where younot just experience new hormonaltakeovers, but also move through a

substantially new life periods. And that’swhen you experience hair loss for aperiod of six months or more or less.

12. Dandruff:Well, over the hair, you might also

experience dandruff and that’s whenyou shed out more of your hairs thanusual. Lesser hair consistency, theinterrupted hair growth, all can be amajor drawback that can be resultedover dandruff and poor scalp issues.

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13. Over hair processing:

Women have constantly been using lotsof chemicals over their hairs for thesmooth, shining hair show. Going for

frequent hair straightening, curls, rolling,

or have been opting for permanent hairstraightening, you are closing to sufferover the hair fall defects and problems.

14. Fashion conscious:Girls usually don’t like oiling their hairs.They find it tacky and that doesn’t suittheir hair fashion duos. And as a result,they mostly avoid the hair oils, which onthe other end, takes away the hair proteinand so, they suffer hair fall problems.

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15. Irregular menstrual cycle:

For any possible reason, womenusually also suffer from irregularand improper menstrual period.

This also criticizes their bodyapparatus and because of that

they also get to visualizeproblem with hair growth andalternately, get aborted by the

hair fall problems.

16. Shampoo and conditioner: A major reason can be

implemented use of impropershampoo and conditioner to

hairs. Or frequent changes in theuse of these can also lead to theloss of hair quality and thereby,

wide scale hairs shedding off.

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Since continuous hair loss and the poor thinquality and consistency of hair is the worst

nightmare to women, they usually also stretch tofetch solutions that can remediate the causes ofhair loss in women. What marks the major

concern, is the accessibility and proper care thatneeds to be taken for the listed reasons.


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