2009 Autism Management Program Unique Integral Management of Autism Problem Combined knowledge of Yoga & Allied Sciences supported by Modern Science LEAP for Autism©Acharya Girish Jha 2009 By Acharya Girish Jha Mentor, guide & Certified Professional Counselor I am an instrument of my Gurudev who inspired, taught, and guided me to follow this path © Acharya Girish Jha and Authentic Yoga Tradition

2009 shreyas autism management program

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Autism management program - talk presented to group of parents whose kids suffer from autism. Information and statements on this website/ presentations/articles/ blogs (or any related email you receive) regarding yoga , Tantra programs and practices, diet, home remedies, herbs , lifestyle modifications are not evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or any other similar agencies in other states or countries. Our services are based on the combined wisdom of Ayurveda, Tantra, and yoga, other Natural and Traditional remedies and not 'scheduled' pharmaceutical medicines. By law, they are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All information from us is provided for educational and inspirational purposes only and is not to replace the advice of your medical doctor, nor should be construed as medical advice. We are not advising you to discontinue the use of prescription medication without consultation with your physician. Any videos of people sharing their experiences and results are their personal views, results can vary (i.e. depending on quantity, duration, body type, and your discipline with recommended diet, lifestyle, and many factors). Our goal is simply to offer you the best traditional wisdom that was prevalent in India for thousands for wellbeing, prevention and promotion of health and awakening to inner self leading to self-realization. We believe you enjoy the wisdom of masters. For more information on disclaimer and privacy visit www.girishjha.org

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2009 Autism Management Program

Unique Integral Management of Autism Problem

Combined knowledge of Yoga & Allied Sciences supported by Modern Science

LEAP for Autism©Acharya Girish Jha 2009


Acharya Girish Jha

Mentor, guide & Certified Professional


I am an instrument of my Gurudev who inspired,

taught, and guided me to follow this path

© Acharya Girish Jha and Authentic Yoga Tradition

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2.Acharya Girish Jha

30 years’ Experience in teaching, research, training, education, therapy

Masters in Science (Physiology, Psychology & Yoga), Bachelors in Science, Certified Professional Counselor, Diploma, and Certificate in Yoga and naturopathy Informal Training under Master-Disciple Tradition in Himalayas in Yoga, Ayurveda and Spirituality

Need Active Participation of the listeners

© Acharya Girish Jha and Authentic Yoga Tradition

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3.Introductory Talk to Parents and support group

The Presentation will cover: Autism in Modern Science Autism management via Yoga and Ayurveda Causes – Understanding and Awareness Signs and Symptoms – Understanding and Contemplation What are we doing? The Modern Perspective What we can and should do – The Yogic perspective What is the SHREYAS Autism Management Program? Why this program should be applied The program is applied via levels – Case history, weekly assessment form,

Follow Up and Feedback Form, Email Guidance Level-1 Applications – Passive- Active and Dynamic Level -1 Program and Practices Level-1 Role of an Expert , Team and Parents Level-1 Duration- Session-Location- Facilities Level-1 Expectations of Teacher and Parents and Autistic Child Shreyas Autism Management Program – Questions and Answers Level1 – Registration – Commitment – Fees - Daily Diary

© Acharya Girish Jha and Authentic Yoga Tradition

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4.Autism in Modern Science -1

Exact cause for autism is unknown. Genetics, environmental, immunological, and metabolic factors play a contributory role.

A neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by problems with social interactions, impaired verbal and non-verbal communication, and a pattern of repetitive behavior with narrow, restricted interests.

© Acharya Girish Jha and Authentic Yoga Tradition

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Awareness, attention, Message from brain to organs etc etcBrain – nervous system . 7% Brain of Einstein © Acharya Girish Jha and

Authentic Yoga Tradition

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© Acharya Girish Jha and Authentic Yoga Tradition

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© Acharya Girish Jha and Authentic Yoga Tradition

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5. Autism in Eternal Wisdom of Yoga, Ayurveda

Gross imbalance of vata. Prana vata that is the vata seated in the mind controlling all mental functions such as speech, concentration, memory, learning and neurological response.

Toxins such as Mercury in the body causing this tridoshic disease.

Excess, less or blockage of prana in the brain

Lack of awareness

© Acharya Girish Jha and Authentic Yoga Tradition

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7.What we are doing? Modern Perspective – 1 cost and issues

10% medical care 30% for care and education 60% for the lost economic productivity of patients and their family members

Treatments vary with both age, location , awareness of the solutions available

Results vary from individual to individual

© Acharya Girish Jha and Authentic Yoga Tradition

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8. What we are doing? Modern Perspective – 2 cost and issues – Best

Several disciplines - behavioral, developmental, academic, and medications.

The treatment must be customized to each individual child's requirements.

Must follow the general principle of trying to achieve the best possible functional ability using the available resources as needed

© Acharya Girish Jha and Authentic Yoga Tradition

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9. What we can & should do –Eternal management of Autism -1.1 Best

Parents and Caregiver – Accept, Learn, Educate the autistic child

Knowledge , education and interaction are assets Development and behavioural tools are to minimize the

symptoms but Yoga says Evolution of brain possible Applied behaviour Analysis (ABA) - puts 4 hours / day

as condition for individualized learning program – Yoga demands the same time but we can start …

Verbal behaviour is revised version of ABA aims verbalization from the child

© Acharya Girish Jha and Authentic Yoga Tradition

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Ha – Sun, Shiva –right Brain Tha- Moon ,Shkati- left brain

Middle Path – Spine – union – Susuma – CNS- Hatha Yoga

Yoga – conscious Evolution and Transformation

Conscious evolution of the brain – 52 groups of practices

© Acharya Girish Jha and Authentic Yoga Tradition

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10. What we can & should do –Eternal management of Autism -1.2 Best methods

"Floor time" therapy or DIR (Developmental Individual Difference Relation-Based intervention) is becoming more widely used today

Demands Emotional Bonding – learning from Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga and Tantra Yoga

This also demands min 4 hours/day until child start responding

Miller method narrows the gap between – Where a child is and SHOULD BE. It begins with child’s view of the world and change it – conscious learning is Yoga

Self-conscious finding is yoga

© Acharya Girish Jha and Authentic Yoga Tradition

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11.What we can & should do –Eternal management of Autism -1.3 Best methods

TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and Communication Handicapped Children) approaches autism with trying to enable success using their own strengths.

Yoga as science of brain, mind and consciousness can create miracles if learnt consciously and applied to autistic child but

demands regular practice, patience , Time and effort both from teacher and parents/caregiver.

© Acharya Girish Jha and Authentic Yoga Tradition

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12.What we can & should do –Eternal management of Autism -1.4 Best methods

Daily Life Therapy focuses on the physical, emotional, and intellectual ability of the child enabling to successfully interact in groups and later in society. Yoga Lifestyle with simple, easy practices may be done daily

– Daily practices aims at physical, emotional, mental, intellectual and spiritual development will be accomplished via Yoga

A movement from individual to family to society I what Yoga aims at and what autistic child NEEDS

© Acharya Girish Jha and Authentic Yoga Tradition

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13. What we can & should do –Eternal management of Autism -1.5 Best methods

Behavioural Modifications – must begin with caregiver/parents – they should learn first from many practices of yoga.

Auditory integration training, vitamin and mineral treatments, and secretin injections have been anecdotally reported to be helpful, yet were never proven to make a difference and are not recommended by the American Academy of Neurology.

© Acharya Girish Jha and Authentic Yoga Tradition

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14. What is SHREYAS Autism Management Program?-1 Learning by working

Learning while working with Autistic Children in a group

Research with hundreds of tools and practices of Yoga

Understanding what is right for a child or group

Introducing and perfecting the methods and practices

Training the fundamentals of practices to parents and caregiver

© Acharya Girish Jha and Authentic Yoga Tradition

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15. What is SHREYAS Autism Management Program?-2 Take Action

Work for removing high levels of toxic metals – Chelation Therapy or Ayurveda

No Punishment – parents should learn how to Live, move and act in LEAP

Occupational Therapy Program – to perform every day task ( my job will be to redefine their daily task after 6-7 sessions with child and parents) at home for assessment, feedback and history and working in a program

© Acharya Girish Jha and Authentic Yoga Tradition

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16. What is SHREYAS Autism Management Program?-3 Take Action

Physical Therapy Program – to take control of the body, avoiding excessive or repetitive movements

Anil example: constant movements of his right cheeks

First working in a group, communication with parents, redefining and developing the program for individuals and groups – Level -2

Application – Music Therapy, Vision Therapy for focus, verbal Communication

© Acharya Girish Jha and Authentic Yoga Tradition

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17. What is SHREYAS Autism Management Program?-4 Take Action Sensory Integration Therapy - focus on tactile

stimulation to develop creativity and imagination

Yoga – music , Yantra, Mantra, Nyasa, Yoga Nidra, Relaxation, Imaginative meditation etc

Autistic is a visual Thinker – yoga offers many practices – concrete visual images

Music that will transform – mantra, chanting, stuti, strotra etc

© Acharya Girish Jha and Authentic Yoga Tradition

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18. What is SHREYAS Autism Management Program?-4 Take Action Dietary management - avoid foods made of

wheat, gluten, oats and casein (a protein found in dairy products

nutritional supplements rich in vitamins A, C and D, which have been shown to be effective in the treatment of autism

autistic stuck with Maps or cars – Yantra , Images of the Spiritual and much more

hyperactive child – discover relaxation, Yoga Nidra and much more

© Acharya Girish Jha and Authentic Yoga Tradition

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19. What is SHREYAS Autism Management Program?-5 Take Action- Important

Behavior Modification Therapy – eliminating undesirable behaviors by physical, mental, mantra and other practices in Yoga

Sensory Integration Therapy – offering wide range of sensory stimuli to create right response for learning to respond not react

Play therapy – working to create a story to encourage them to use their imagination

Communication Therapy – use of language , symbols, mantra, nada eti for effective and improving communication

Visual- Verbal- hearing- art , drawing , Movies can be recorded with Purana, Panch Tantra.

© Acharya Girish Jha and Authentic Yoga Tradition

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20. What is SHREYAS Autism Management Program?-6 Take Action-


Herbal Medicines- directly prepared by my team in true Ayurvedic manner for removing toxins – min 6 months

TIBB-Livotibb (Liv.52 – Himalaya Drug Company) – To be taken with hot water 2-3 tablets twice a day

Care of constipation, anxiety, hyperactivity

Clay bathing

© Acharya Girish Jha and Authentic Yoga Tradition

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21. What is SHREYAS Autism Management Program?-6 Dietary


Ayurveda – take food as medicine – individual working Vata pacifying general diet should be followed What to avoid and what to take on the basis of Mitahara and

Swashtvritta and modern science – need individual working Water – RO is preferred buy Ayurveda recommends

energising of water depending on the symptoms understood individually

Juices – Ayurvedic

© Acharya Girish Jha and Authentic Yoga Tradition

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22. What is SHREYAS Autism Management Program?-7 Daily Practice

Simple, easy and effective practices – 10 minutes group

15-20 sets of practices for Child – Physical, Mental, Emotional, Mantra, Breathing, Relaxation, Nyasa, Meditation, Vision , and Much more

Simple and easy massage with Ayurvedic oils.

Mantra chanting – CD but parents should work with child.

Dietary management based on Ayurveda, Yoga and Modern science .

© Acharya Girish Jha and Authentic Yoga Tradition

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23. Why this program should be applied?

Yoga – Conscious evolution and transformation Brain- Body-Breath –Mind- Self-awareness techniques Ayurveda – free from any side effects Aim is self-discovery – independent , free by working on the

whole child Will change parents also towards a spiritual lifestyle

© Acharya Girish Jha and Authentic Yoga Tradition

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24. How this program is applied? Levels –Case history, weekly assessment form, Follow Up and Feedback Form, Email

Guidance Individual case history – prepare files of child until

date along with questionnaire for parentsWrite brief of your family for three generations

about problems , issues and management Weekly for 3 hours – learning, understanding,

applying practices – parents / care giver participation is must

Follow Up – daily for first 10 sessions by email is required

Feedback from parents Email Guidance need to be followed Greater participation of parents / care giver until

child starts responding

© Acharya Girish Jha and Authentic Yoga Tradition

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25. Level-1 Applications – Passive- Active and Dynamic

First take decision for level-1 – 15 sessions of 3 hours each

Supply me of all details as explained above Ready to give me all details or any information asked by

email Participate in every session without family and with LEAP Incorporate the practices in your life style (Parents/care

Giver) and use the same to child as many times as possible

© Acharya Girish Jha and Authentic Yoga Tradition

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26. Level -1 Program and Practices

Understanding practices – doing it – working with child – noting the changes

Breathing- Mantra-chanting- Yantra- Tantra – visual- and much more – group of 10 practices – over 50 practices

© Acharya Girish Jha and Authentic Yoga Tradition

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27. Level-1 Role of an Expert, Team and Parents

As mentor, Thinker, Advisor , real life practices. Parents – introduce them in real life situations. Movement from anxiety, anger to LEAP. Working closely – through email or phone at specified time

© Acharya Girish Jha and Authentic Yoga Tradition

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28. Level-1 Duration- Session-Location- Facilities

Location, Space , audio visual aid and other facilities may be provided by the group.

Duration – 15 weeks.

Session – 3 hours every week ( to be decided mutually).

© Acharya Girish Jha and Authentic Yoga Tradition

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29. Level-1 Expectations of Teacher and Parents and Autistic Child

Parents from teacher.

Teacher from Parents.

Child from Parents and Teacher.

Parents and Teachers from child.

Discover – constant contemplation – working and applying

© Acharya Girish Jha and Authentic Yoga Tradition

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30. Shreyas Autism Management Program – Questions and Answers

Your questions Now please!!

Be open, clear, straight and fair.

Listen to the answer and discuss.


© Acharya Girish Jha and Authentic Yoga Tradition

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31. Level1 – Registration – Commitment – Fees - Daily Diary Working for hours at my home with every child –

preparing the details, understanding individual case, answering your email and issues specific to your child , Follow up, feedback.

What is your commitment in terms of your active participation , learning and money

Vs My Commitment of Time , Effort, Practices, Follow up

and feedback etc.

© Acharya Girish Jha and Authentic Yoga Tradition

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Information and statements on this website/ presentations/articles/ blogs (or any

related email you receive) regarding yoga , Tantra programs and practices, diet, home remedies, herbs , lifestyle modifications are not evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or any other similar agencies in other states or countries. Our services are based on the combined wisdom of Ayurveda, Tantra, and yoga, other Natural and Traditional remedies and not 'scheduled' pharmaceutical medicines. By law, they are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All information from us is provided for educational and inspirational purposes only and is not to replace the advice of your medical doctor, nor should be construed as medical advice. We are not advising you to discontinue the use of prescription medication without consultation with your physician. Any videos of people sharing their experiences and results are their personal views, results can vary (i.e. depending on quantity, duration, body type, and your discipline with recommended diet, lifestyle, and many factors).

Our goal is simply to offer you the best traditional wisdom that was prevalent in India for thousands for wellbeing, prevention and promotion of health and awakening to inner self leading to self-realization. We believe you enjoy the wisdom of masters.

For more information about privacy , disclaimer Pl. visit http://www.girishjha.org

© Acharya Girish Jha and Authentic Yoga Tradition