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Animal sensors

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Page 1: Animal sensors

By Nathan Johnson

Page 2: Animal sensors

Octopuses have keen eyesight. They can apparently control how much light that goes into there eyes and that is how they see so well. Colour vision also appears to vary from species to species as well being present in some Octopus species and not in others.

So compared with human I would have to say there eyesight would have to be better since they can control how much light goes into there eyes and adjust according. Where are eyes do that automatically and could make us blind in some cases.

Page 3: Animal sensors

Octopuses have been known lack hearing organs. That is why they don’t have any type of speech.

Compared to us I would have to say where better because we depend on our ears mostly for communicating with each other. Our ears also alert us if there is danger nearby. It also gives us a propose of the mouth since without the ears the mouth would be useless. So I think we are better then them in hearing.

Page 4: Animal sensors

On each arm are one or two rows of sensitive suckers, which the octopus distinguishes different textures around itself.

So compared with us they have to use there suckers on there tentacles to feel there surrounding. When we can feel with every part of our body. Hands, feet, head, stomach. So I would have to say that we are better then them in this department.

Page 5: Animal sensors

Octopuses smell with sensors on the end of there arms. That is why you see octopuses put there arms into holes sometimes. That how they find out what would usually lurking there, one way or another.

So compared with human I would have to say that they are very different since they got 8 noses. one on each hand. When we got only one. So I think I would have to give this one to the octopus.

Page 6: Animal sensors

Octopuses also use there suckers on there tentacles to taste as well. That is why they are very picky with there food. Even when they are very hungry they would prefer to eat then eat something they didn't like.

I think that octopus are much more different then humans in this case. Since they taste with there suckers. We actually have to put the food in our mouth before we taste it. I think that is actually quiet cool so I'm giving this one to the octopus.

Page 7: Animal sensors

Octopuses are the smartest invertebrates witch is highly debated among biologists. The exact extent of their intelligence and learning capability is unknown, or haven't been decided. Octopuses have been

know to have a photographic memory . They also have been know to use half a coconut shell as shelter. If you want to see it here is a link.

Compared to us they are aren't very intelligent but they are in there own right. But since they haven't invented Electricity yet I think we win this one.

Page 8: Animal sensors

Octopuses have poisonous saliva and the bite of some species can be fatal to humans.

Octopuses have no internal or external skeleton allowing them to squeeze through tight places.

it can also free itself by breaking off the arm and a new arm can grows in its place.