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Our team is Team APPocolypse because

we hope to bring an apocalyptic new start to

the app store, and young teenagers minds.

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Our Team is....

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I am the presenter of the group and show our ideas in a perfect format. I bring a sense of humour and a different angle on the teams ides as I am the only Boy. I am fun, loving and my passions are music and styles.

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I am a creative woman and writer who has some good and thoughtful ideas with designing the app and solving problems. I really hate pigeons, seagulls, ravens, crows, and watermelon, cucumber, and peppers; so as long as there are non of them I will be okay!

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AbiI am the organiser of the group. I organise our team ideas into understandable formats so we can present our ideas together, as a team. I am willing to make sacrifices for our team app too. My passions are: music, fashion and talking.

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DaniI am the business woman

of the group. I set out the work in a great way and I

help our team to understand ideas. I also come up with a couple of ideas myself. I am a fun

person and my passions are Strawberries, creative writing and my friends.


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Siân I am the Techy of the group

and I love ICT and it’s capabilities. My Job is to help m

team to understand the technical vocal and also to help format our work. I love Maths, science and most of all ICT out of the lessons and my passions are writing, learning new skills

and discovering with my friends.


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What are the key insights of Operation Affirmation?

Our team has discovered that many teens feel bad about themselves whether it’s their appearance or their attitude they are not confident with; consequently some teens result to self-harm. !We suggest creating and app which builds teen’s confidence to reassure themselves by daily compliments and opinions, supporting them on events that have happened to the app user. Our Affirmation App would be called ‘Operation affirmation’.

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This is why we must act!

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Or should we app...

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Supportive Research

■Between 1 in every 12 and 1 in 15 children and young people deliberately self-harm (2). ■There has been a big increase in the number of young people being admitted to hospital because of self harm. Over the last ten years this figure has increased by 68% ■Nearly 80,000 children and young people suffer from severe depression ■0.9% or nearly 80,000 children and young people are seriously depressed ■0.2% or about 8,700 aged 5-10 year-olds are seriously depressed. ■1.4% or about 62,000 aged 11-16 year-olds are seriously depressed. 4 out of 5 people will suffer from a mental illness such as depression

Having spoken to people at Childline (via the website) and speaking to our own pastoral support, we found the following information:

The above information goes to show that there is a real need to support students and young people, further justifying the usefulness of Operation Affirmation.

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It was important for us to also know what our potential users felt about the app (and the idea). So we put together a questionnaire and asked 50 students in our school. !And this is what they said….

Our own research

!“It would be really good to have all the information in one place,

sometimes I don’t want to talk to people who know me”

“Having an app to tell you what to do and give you encouragement would be really good, having

someone say ‘you can do it’ would really help”

“The app should be free, I might not use it if I had to pay for it”

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Mini Elevator Pitch

We are developing a mobile app for young people aged between 12 and 16 to solve the problem of self esteem and social issues that many teenagers suffer from. Many teens feel bad about themselves whether it’s their appearance or their attitude they are not confident with; consequently some teens result to self-harm. !We suggest creating and app which builds teen’s confidence to reassure themselves by daily compliments and opinions supporting them on events that have happened to the app user. Our Affirmation App would be called ‘Operation affirmation’

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User ProfilesWe interviewed lots of different users from different year groups and backgrounds to make sure that our app would match there needs. This is what we found out:

Our typical user would be a school aged teenager (aimed between 12 and 16), they would be male or female (we found that boys were less willing to talk about their emotions and feelings)

We found that typically our users often felt vulnerable and upset from time to time (usually based on pressure from school i.e. exams and friends)

We found that the user would prefer to use it as a mobile app (they said this would help with privacy issues and be able to use it on the go)

We found that the user wanted something that could give them instant feedback and reliable information and offer them places to go in their own area (this was due to transport issues as they can’t drive anywhere)

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Who’s the competition?Having spent sometime going through the app store (both in google play and apple) we found the following: !Unique Daily Affirmation (Apple Store). !This app has been designed to come up with a random affirmation (“I’m in control”) which you are meant to repeat. However, it doesn’t fully solve the problem we are dealing with because, it doesn’t give a personal affirmation based on your mood (ours will) and it doesn’t offer advice or support networks (our will)!EBT (Apple Store). !This app has takes you through a process of improving your wellbeing by taking steps and offering advice. However, it doesn’t link to local support groups and the advice is quite complicated and not suitable to our target audience and is quite off putting in its design (quite sterile, where as ours is more vibrant).

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Alternative solutionsHaving looked at the Apps available (and there weren’t many that did what we wanted it to do), we then looked at the alternative solutions. These were: !1. Going to speak to someone directly Although we would encourage this and our app does provide this information. People don’t always have the time to see someone right away and when dealing with emotional problems they have to be dealt with quickly, and the user might not have the confidence to speak to someone initially.

!2. Websites like childlike etc.. !These websites offer loads of really good advice and guidance. Although our users might be put off by speaking to them straight away as they might not cover there problem. Also ringing childlike is a big thing, you might want to get some other advice first before making that big leap.

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MVP (Minimum viable product)

Based on our user stories, we have identified the three core MVP features that our mobil app will need to have, they are: !1. The ability to show you where the nearest help and supportive centres

might be (in your local area - this will use the GPS function within the phone)

!2. Information is regularly updated with quotes and advice that is personal to you !3. The ability to be able to track and record your feelings

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Key Wireframe Designs and flow

Having done our research and listened to our users we came up with the following wireframe design. The wireframe designs on the following slides have been designed to be used as you would the real app (just click on the links and enjoy!!) !By designing it this way it also shows how the app will flow.

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Track Your Day

How are You feeling


Edit Homepage

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For this example please click on ‘Awful’

Tracker Over Time

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Our Quotes Page

Funny Clips

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Data, Feasibility and content

When coming up with the app, we wanted to make sure that it was using the existing technology within a mobile phone (but also have the ability to grow as new technology comes on board. We are confident that our app would be fairly straightforward to build as it mainly relies on the following technology and data: !GPS data (which most phones have and is used widely in lots of applications) Access to calendar or notes (most phones have this capability) Access videos (mainly from the internet) Ability to input name and feelings (this data needs to be typed in manually or it could be voiced/video recorded via inbuilt voice/video recorders available on most phones)

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Business Model and Marketing

Based on feedback (surveys and interviews with users) we found that our users would not want to pay for the app. We did have a concern that if we charged for an app like this then people would be reluctant to use it and as it could potentially save someones life (if they were feeling low) we wanted to make sure that we reached as many people as possible. !Therefore we decided that benefitting parities (support groups or local authority who might want to promote their services) would fund ‘Operation affirmation’. !The parties that we feel would be willing to pay would be: !Local government departments (to help promote their own services) Childline etc.. (to promote their services) Counsellors, church groups, self help groups (to promote their activity) !We feel that sponsorship and government support would be the best business model to go down. When we spoke to local government department (in our area) they said that they would consider sponsoring such an app as ours.

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Our three core marketing activities would be as follows: !1. Promote the app within local schools, this would be done via school websites

and also in local newsletters. We feel that this would enable us to reach our target audience in a very quick and cheap way.

!2. Use of social media. We would consider creating a facebook page to promote our app (the app would also be linked to Facebook). This will help us reach a wider group of people (especially those heard to reach young people who might not go to school) and encourage people to share the app !3. Create a simple promotional video and upload it onto youtube and distribute it you youth clubs and schools to played in assemblies