Are You Blaming Others Because You Don’t Have Enough Clients? "The more you say to yourself, ‘I am responsible,’ the stronger, better and finer a person you become. And every part of your life will improve at the same time." -Brian Tracy One of the themes running through my life currently, and in the lives of my clients, is that of Personal Responsibility. If you‟ve been to my workshop and on any of my calls, you know that I believe strongly in Personal Responsibility (I often call it „The No Excuses Approach‟) and how I do not believe you can ever achieve BIG success without it. It‟s a topic that few marketers ever really talk about in depth, but one that is crucial for success. You see, each time I bump up against a new level of success in my business, a lot of my old "stuff" comes back up. I‟ve caught myself in the past comparing my success to others with more success, feeling resentful, feeling less-than, and sometimes even BLAMING others or my own particular situation or for not being where I would LIKE to be in terms of success in that moment. And believe me, it doesn‟t feel good. But perhaps you know exactly what I‟m talking about…

Are you blaming others because you dont have enough clients

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One of the themes running through my life currently, and in the lives of my clients, is that of Personal Responsibility. If you’ve been to my workshop and on any of my calls, you know that I believe strongly in Personal Responsibility (I often call it ‘The No Excuses Approach’) and how I do not believe you can ever achieve BIG success without it. It’s a topic that few marketers ever really talk about in depth, but one that is crucial for success.

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Are You Blaming Others Because You Don’t Have Enough Clients?

"The more you say to yourself, ‘I am responsible,’ the

stronger, better and finer a person you become. And every

part of your life will improve at the same time."

-Brian Tracy

One of the themes running through my life currently, and in the lives

of my clients, is that of Personal Responsibility. If you‟ve been to my

workshop and on any of my calls, you know that I believe strongly in Personal

Responsibility (I often call it „The No Excuses Approach‟) and how I do not

believe you can ever achieve BIG success without it. It‟s a topic that few

marketers ever really talk about in depth, but one that is crucial for success.

You see, each time I bump up against a new level of success in my

business, a lot of my old "stuff" comes back up. I‟ve caught myself in

the past comparing my success to others with more success, feeling

resentful, feeling less-than, and sometimes even BLAMING others or my own

particular situation or for not being where I would LIKE to be in terms of

success in that moment. And believe me, it doesn‟t feel good. But perhaps

you know exactly what I‟m talking about…

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What I noticed is that I’m not the only one. As different people in my

life, both personally and professionally, move up to the next level, or really

WANT to move up to the next level, but instead, begin to feel frustrated, I

see them pointing fingers OUTSIDE themselves, blaming their situation, a

certain person, the system, the economy, a program they took, or whatever

else they can find to shuck responsibility for where they are.

What I also noticed is that, in the end, I’m ultimately responsible for

everything in my life, every increase in my in-come and success over

the last few years. But most importantly, I‟m also responsible for every

setback. I can blame no one but myself.

Everything I have in my life exists because of my actions, my

behaviors, my words and thoughts. And it‟s the same for you. Every

decision we make creates our circumstances and because of that, we are

ultimately responsible for each success and failure, happiness, unhappiness

and financial situation.

I recently found an article by Brian Tracy, one of the world’s leading

authorities on personal and business success. This article has become

one of my favorites and I refer to it often and ask my clients to read it too,

especially when they start comparing their success to others with more

success, feeling resentful of their situation, blaming others, or feeling angry

and „less-than‟ because their particular situation is not what they‟d like it to

be. Here‟s an excerpt:

"Responsibility goes hand in hand with success, achievement,

motivation, happiness and self-actualization. It‟s the absolute minimum

requirement for the accomplishment of everything you could ever really want

in life. Accepting that you‟re completely responsible for yourself and realizing

that no one is coming to the rescue is the beginning of peak performance…

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The opposite of accepting responsibility is making excuses and

blaming people and things for what’s going on in your life. And since

everything we do is a matter of habit, if people get into the habit of making

excuses, they get into the habit of evading responsibility at the same time.

If they set a goal or objective for themselves, they immediately

create an excuse that they hold in reserve just in case the

accomplishment of the goal is too difficult or requires more self-

discipline and persistence than they had thought.

As soon as things start to go poorly, irresponsible people trot out

their excuse and let themselves off the hook. But that won‟t get them

anywhere in the long run… The more responsibility you take, the more in

control you are. And the freer you are, especially in your own mind, to make

decisions and to do the things you want to do. So there‟s a direct relationship

between responsibility, control, freedom and happiness.

A person who is completely irresponsible is subject to anger,

hostility, fear, resentment, doubt – all sorts of negative emotions. And

here‟s why. All negative emotions tend to be associated with blame. Fully 99

percent of all our problems exist only because we‟re able to blame someone

or something for them. The instant we stop blaming, our negative emotions

begin disappearing.

What’s the antidote to blaming? It‟s simple! Since your mind can hold

only one thought at a time, either positive or negative, you can override the

tendency to blame and become angry simply by saying, firmly, “I am

responsible!" You can‟t accept responsibility for a situation and be angry at

the same time… The acceptance of responsibility negates negative emotions

and short-circuits any tendencies toward unhappiness. In fact, the acceptance

of responsibility often gives you insight into what you should do to resolve the


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Everything that is happening to you on the outside is due to

something that is happening to you on the inside, so the first place to

look is within. As soon as you do that, you begin to see things that you had

completely missed when you were busy blaming others and making excuses.

You begin to see that you‟re responsible in large measure for the things that

are happening to you.

You’re earning today exactly what you’re worth-not a penny more,

not a penny less. In life, we tend to get exactly what we deserve. If you‟re

not satisfied with the amount you‟re getting, look around you, at people who

are doing the kind of work you would like to do and earning the kind of mo-

ney you would like to earn. Ask them what they‟re doing differently from

what you‟re doing. What are the causes of the effects they‟re getting? Once

you know what they are, accept complete responsibility for your situation,

apply your wonderful mind and abilities, back them with willpower and self-

discipline, and get busy making the changes you need to make to enjoy the

life you want to enjoy."

Your Client Attraction Assignment:

You’ve heard the saying, “Speak the truth. The truth will set you

free." In this case, I want you to be VERY honest with yourself in answering

the following… stop hiding behind your justifications or get off your high horse

and answer the following:

Have you recently blamed someone or something for the fact that you

haven‟t yet achieved what you wanted in your business?

Are you using excuses (even JUSTIFYING your situation) so that you

don‟t have to take action in terms of getting clients or be embarrassed in

case "it doesn‟t work out"?

Have you harbored resentment towards someone or something because

you feel you were "gipped" in some way?

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Do you feel anger or have lashed out in the past because your business

is not where you want it to be yet?

Are you pointing fingers, saying "This is the reason I‟m not making


Have you compared yourself to someone else more financially

successful than you currently are, feeling less-than? Have you perhaps

even JUDGED that person based on their success?

Personally speaking, I know that I’ve been able to answer "Yes" to

all of these questions at some point in my self-employed

career. Whether I knew it consciously or not at the time, it all resulted from

avoiding responsibility for what I was creating in my life. It didn‟t feel good,

and it certainly did not get me moving forward towards success.

The key for me has been to be honest with myself about my

responsibility. No one else can create my life except for me. Only I can

control my thoughts, words, actions and behaviors. Blaming or pointing

fingers does absolutely no good. In fact, it doesn‟t work and it‟s usually just

an excuse that we use, in case we fail. That way, we don‟t need to be

embarrassed. We can just say it wasn‟t our fault. NONSENSE.

Consider this a fork in the road of your success. This is your opportunity

to step up in your business, stop using excuses, stop resenting or comparing

yourself and STOP blaming others for what you have or don‟t have in your

life. It‟s time to take a NO EXCUSES approach to doing what you have to do

to get clients, start being consistent in your marketing, work through the

programs you‟ve bought, or clear your schedule to attend events (no matter

what else has "come up”) that will give you the solution you SAY you‟ve been

wanting. Begin to take FULL responsibility and making different choices and

your life and business will never be the same. I promise you that; I‟m living

proof of it.

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Taking a no-excuses approach, removing fears and negative beliefs is

crucial if you want to finally move to the next level of your success

and income level. So join me for 3 days in September and I‟ll give you all

my shortcuts and the exact steps you need to use to break through the self-

imposed barriers currently stopping you from multiplying your income,

increase your confidence, put an end to your struggle so you can finally live

the freedom-based lifestyle you deserve…guaranteed. If your soul has been

nagging you to play a bigger game, check out the video (it’s free-

training) for a great preview of the event and don‟t wait because the early

bird offer (half-off tuition) flies away very soon!

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