Autism cure by_khawar_nehal_atrc_10_oct_2013-2

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How to cure autism and aspergers syndrome. Gut iron loss is the main cause of autism. Applied Technology Research Center

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  • 1. How to cure Autism By : Khawar Nehal 10 October 2013 Applied Technology Research Center

2. Help requested If you find this information useful please support ATRC by contacting us and donating any resources like time and others so we can help in other causes. 3. Autism First thing : Autism is curable. 4. Proof First proof : Many people grow out of autism. 5. Proof Second proof : Many children are not born with it. Get it. Grow out of it before teenage. 6. Proof Second proof : Many children are not born with it. Get it. Get fixed. Grow out of it before teenage. 7. Current situation More importantly, most people parents and doctors accept two theories as facts. The text highlighted in blue is the information which is the cause of problems. 8. Current situation The parents of some kids know the cause and are on the path to fixing the problem. Most parents are not given the correct information because the allopathic medical practitioners are not provided the correct information. 9. Current situation From Wikipedia which is a site which summarizes commonly known information : Autism is a disorder of neural development characterized by impaired social interaction and verbal and non-verbal communication, and by restricted, repetitive or stereotyped behavior. The diagnostic criteria require that symptoms become apparent before a child is three years old. 10. Current situation From wikipedia which is a site which summarizes commonly known information : Autism affects information processing in the brain by altering how nerve cells and their synapses connect and organize; how this occurs is not well understood. 11. Current situation From wikipedia which is a site which summarizes commonly known information : It is one of three recognized disorders in the autism spectrum (ASDs), the other two being Asperger syndrome, which lacks delays in cognitive development and language, and pervasive developmental disorder, not otherwise specified (commonly abbreviated as PDD-NOS), which is diagnosed when the full set of criteria for autism or Asperger syndrome are not met. 12. Current situation From wikipedia which is a site which summarizes commonly known information : Parents usually notice signs in the first two years of their child's life. The signs usually develop gradually, but some autistic children first develop more normally and then regress. Early behavioral, cognitive, or speech interventions can help autistic children gain self- care, social, and communication skills. 13. Current situation From wikipedia which is a site which summarizes commonly known information : Although there is no known cure, there have been reported cases of children who recovered. Not many children with autism live independently after reaching adulthood, though some become successful. An autistic culture has developed, with some individuals seeking a cure and others believing autism should be accepted as a difference and not treated as a disorder. 14. The root cause Autism is not a genetic disorder or a psychological problem as the root cause. It is a biological illness problem which causes long term symptoms which are diagnosed as a psychological/behavioral problem and has active propaganda supporting the cause to be a genetic problem by the main stream media and also the common man, doctor and researcher. 15. The root cause for not solving it The root cause is that the people do not care to consider the real root cause which is obvious if you look at it. Second, they accept the common propaganda because it is repeated multiple times into their brains over reality. 16. Real root cause 1. Sickness related to the stomach. 2. Loss of iron through the sickness 3. Absorption of other heavy metals by the body to compensate the loss of iron. 4. Interference of the heavy metals with the development of the brain. 5. Autistic symptoms show up and the propaganda starts. 17. Solution to autism in 10 years. 1. Fix the sickness. 2. Fix the iron and other mineral levels. 3. Fix any other biological issues. 4. It takes 2 to 5 years for the human to recover and develop the less developed parts of the brain. 5. Autism gets changed to Aspergers. 6. Teach the human to learn things they missed during their sickness. Takes another 5 years. 18. Highly functioning adults Highly functioning aspergers childern and adults are never completely fixed. I think it is because of a combination of their lack of brain completely developing and the lack of communication which they faced which scars them for life. They need to be kept away from depressive and tension related situations because this shall cause more tantrums than normal people. 19. Training for aspergers Some aspergers people shall become overconfident that they can handle stressful situations better than other normal (neurotypical) people and get themselves into situations which can easily lead to meltdowns. 20. Training for aspergers Aspergers might always feel suicidal thoughts forever. The tendency of thoughts increases with tension and depression onsetting situations. Unlike other psychological issues in which suicidal thoughts occur, aspies (aspergers afflicted people) do not carry out the suicide. 21. Training for aspergers They do however cannot understand why the suicidal thoughts keep coming up. They need to know that as an aspie, the thoughts shall come but the tension and depression needs to be identified and reduced to reduce the suicidal thoughts. 22. The common experts look like dorks 23. The experts look like dorks To an autistic person, it is like living in hell. To an aspergers person, the experts look like dorks because their diagnosis fluctuates and the level of symptoms can change multiple times during the life. So does the diagnosis. The diagnosis is delayed by several years because it does not measure iron levels, but behavior only. 24. The experts look like dorks 25. Relating experts There are a few highly functioning aspergers people who are able to understand what another aspie has gone through or sees. Neuro-typical psychiatrics cannot communicate with an aspie due to lack of real world experience. 26. Relating experts The real world of an aspie is another world and nothing like the world perceived by the normal people. You need very high functioning aspies along with very openminded psychiatrists to be able to get another aspie to believe what is told to them. An aspie is usually too paranoid to believe anything especially if the topic is them. 27. Unique Aspie worlds Each aspergers person has a different world. The one thing that is common in the aspie worlds is that there is a so called real world which is to be acted normal in just for food and survival. As the aspie gets a lot of experience of acting as a neuro-typical and their brain becomes more developed like a normal human's, they begin to combine their physical real world with their imaginary world and then they start getting confused more frequently in what is real and what is not. 28. More research required 29. More research required After the confusion starts, and how it can be managed to reduce the conflicting situations, more research is required. I do not have answers to everything. However a very high functioning aspie can explode at any time and most normal people shall not be able to believe that the highly functioning aspie is anything but normal. 30. More research required 31. 1. Autism is a medical issue as the root cause. 2. Autism can be changed easily to aspergers. 3. There is no complete cure to aspergers known to me after the autistic scaring has occurred in life. 4. Aspergers need to be trained to recognize their situation and live in the environment. 5. More research is required for training. 32. How to cure Autism By : Khawar Nehal 10 October 2013 Applied Technology Research Center