Bad skin can lead To Depression!

Bad skin can lead to depression!

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Page 1: Bad skin can lead to depression!

Bad skin can lead To Depression!

Page 2: Bad skin can lead to depression!

• Feeling depressed? The reason could be your skin.

• According to dermatologists, skin plays an important role in a person’s self esteem. Flawless, glowing complexion boosts your confidence, while dull, damaged skin makes you want to hide somewhere.

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• A survey suggests that most women feel on top of the world when their skin looks beautiful. They are ready to take on the daily challenges. Seeing their face in the mirror the first thing in the morning decides their mood for the rest of the day.

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• Imagine seeing a fresh, radiant face in the mirror. It immediately brings a smile on your face. You are happy to see your reflection.

• Now imagine seeing a dull, wrinkled face in the mirror. How it saddens you! How you wish those wrinkles to vanish into thin air!

• Well, wishes are mere wishes unless you act upon them.

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• A wrinkle removing

cream can be your ticket to freedom from depression. It can help you retrieve your skin’s health and beauty. Once this happens, you see yourself walking confidently on the street.

• Is this so easy?

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• It is, if you choose the right cream, say dermatologists.• Make sure the jar that you bring home contains collagen-boosting

agents, natural skin moisturizers, and other useful elements that help to nourish and repair skin.

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• There is a difference between creams containing collagen-boosting elements and creams containing collagen.

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• According to dermatologists, collagen molecules are quite big. They cannot penetrate skin pores. So, creams containing collagen are useless. You will only waste your money and time using them.

• Creams containing collagen-boosting agents are a hit. They stimulate fibroblast cells of the dermal layer to produce natural collagen. In other words, they encourage the skin to produce its own collagen. This works.

• So, now you know which wrinkle removing cream to buy.

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Where is such a cream?

• Brands like Hydroxatone are famous for their power-packed performance on aging skin. One of its creams, Am Pm Anti Wrinkle Complex, contains collagen-boosting agents, say reviews. Market reviews also reveal that this cream is a hit among women. The reason? Simple – the cream works!

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• Reviews say that the cream helps to reduce appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on the face. It improves skin moisturization and enhances complexion by warding off dullness. It helps the face attain a healthy glow.

• The cream poses no allergies. It suits all skin types. For sensitive skin, the brand offers a special formula similar to this one.

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• Women who use this cream report that they feel happy on seeing their face in the mirror. Results are noticeable within 2-3 weeks of regular usage.

• When you are happy, you frown less. This discourages the formation of frown line. As you see your skin getting better each day, your depression fades away.

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• Dermatologists are of the view that creams, alone, won’t work if your lifestyle is unhealthy. So, don’t let the best cream struggle to give you its benefits. Facilitate its working by following a healthy diet and a lifestyle that favors beautiful skin.

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• One of the things that every woman needs to take care of is her sleep at night. Are you sleeping soundly and for 7-8 hours at night? If not, you are depriving your skin of its natural repair mechanism.

• Before you bring home a “power-packed” cream for removing wrinkles, please take a good look at your diet and lifestyle. A combination of all three is lethal for wrinkles and other aging signs that threaten your skin’s beauty.

• So ladies; don’t let your skin be the reason for your depression. Stay happy. It shows on the face.

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