Bipolar By: Faizah Thernize


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Page 1: Bipolar


By: Faizah Thernize

Page 2: Bipolar

The Definition:

-Bipolar disorder is also known as manic-depressive disorder

-It is a mood disorder characterized by mood changes between depression and mania (hyperactive, wildly optimistic, impulsive).


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Mania (manic phase): People in the Manic Phase of the bipolar disorder are easily agitated and irritated.

Little things that would usually not be a problem now become very annoying and problematic.

Most teens are annoyed by younger siblings, but because I am Bipolar things my younger bother does annoys me more then it should. I truly wish I could change this or at least help him to understand that he did not do anything wrong. He is only 8 now, hopefully when he gets older he will


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Continued: - Less NEED for sleep.

- Hyperactive, a lot of energy, no self-control, racing thoughts

- Easily distracted

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• Binge eating, drinking, drug use - When I take my medicine my weight usually stays under control; but my medicine makes me feel like another person, always without energy, so I did not take it for a long time. I gained about 15 pounds in just 2 months, I just ate food because it was there. • Poor temper control

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- The depressed phase involves very serious symptoms of major depression, including suicidal thoughts.

- Before therapy I cut my wrists and I always thought about death. Thankfully my therapist helped me to feel better about myself and realize the error of my ways.

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• Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions

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-Feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness and/or guilt

-Loss of self-esteem - I am a teenage girl,

self-esteem is already a problem. I thought it was regular for me to feel bad about the way I look and feel worthless all the time, but I came to realize these feelings were not normal and I needed help regulating them.

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-Loss of appetite and weight loss, overeating and weight gain

-Excessive sleepiness, inability to sleep

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-Withdrawal from friends

- I hated going out and being around people. I always figured they would not understand if one day I just started feeling sad, and I did not want to bring them down with me. In actuality my friends make me feel better and help me to feel happy again.

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The Facts: Many people with bipolar disorder have

successful careers, happy family lives, and satisfying relationships. Living with bipolar disorder is challenging. But with treatment, healthy coping skills, and a solid support system, you can live fully while managing your symptoms. It is hard but very possible, I am doing it.

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Fact is:

Some people alternate between extreme episodes of mania and depression, but most are depressed more often than they are manic. Mania may also be so mild that it goes unrecognized. People with bipolar disorder can also go for long stretches without symptoms.

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Sadly: - Bipolar disorder has

been linked to anxiety, substance abuse, and health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, migraines, and high blood pressure.

- My family has a history

of high blood pressure and diabetes, meaning I have to watch for problems like these more then usual.

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Therapy and self-help strategies help significantly. I help control my symptoms by exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, eating right, monitoring my moods as much as I can, keeping stress to a minimum, and surrounding myself with supportive people.

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Bipolar I Disorder (mania or a mixed episode) – The classic manic-depressive form of the illness, characterized by at least one manic episode or mixed episode. Usually—but not always—Bipolar I Disorder also involves at least one episode of depression.

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Bipolar II Disorder (hypomania and depression) – In Bipolar II disorder, the person doesn’t experience full-blown manic episodes. Instead, the illness involves episodes of hypomania and severe depression.

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Cyclothymia (hypomania and mild depression) – Cyclothymia is a milder form of bipolar disorder. It consists of cyclical mood swings. However, the symptoms are less severe than full-blown mania or depression.

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-Bipolar disorder is a complex condition. Diagnosis can be tricky and treatment is often difficult. For safety reasons, medication should be closely monitored. A psychiatrist who is skilled in bipolar disorder treatment can help you navigate these twists and turns.

-I confided in my therapist that I tried to kill myself, she thought it was a good idea to only allow my parents to administer my medication. I acted mad but now I am thankful that she cares so much.

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-Thyroid disorders-Corticosteroids-Antidepressants-Adrenal disorders (e.g. Addison’s disease, Cushing’s syndrome)

Medical conditions and medications that can mimic the symptoms of bipolar disorder:

-Antianxiety drugs-Drugs for Parkinson’s disease-Vitamin B12 deficiency-Neurological disorders (e.g. epilepsy, multiple sclerosis)

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Indicators of bipolar (not jus depression): • You’ve experienced repeated episodes of major depression.• You had your first episode of major depression before age 25.• You have a first-degree relative with bipolar disorder.• When you’re depressed, you oversleep and overeat.• You’ve lost contact with reality while depressed.• Your antidepressant stopped working after several months. • You’ve tried 3 or more antidepressants without success.