It was sunny evening of April, the people from the village was gathered in the bus central where Robertito was taking off to the big city. “Why are you living?” Asked his little brother. –“I hope I coved see you son”. Said Robertito’s father. He smiled but it was obvious that be wanted to cuy. “Why you don’t want me to go with you?¡ Claimed the mother. –“You have to take care of my bothers”. Robertito was leaving to start a treatment for the illness that he had. He left because in his town there wasn’t electricity, gas, or phones. It was a natural paradise far away of all sign of capitalism, but because of that, there was no doctors to cure Robertito.

Blanco dejenaro

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Page 1: Blanco dejenaro

It was sunny evening of April, the people from the village was gathered in the bus central where Robertito was taking off to the big city. “Why are you living?” Asked his little brother. –“I hope I coved see you son”. Said Robertito’s father. He smiled but it was obvious that be wanted to cuy. “Why you don’t want me to go with you?¡ Claimed the mother. –“You have to take care of my bothers”. Robertito was leaving to start a treatment for the illness that he had. He left because in his town there wasn’t electricity, gas, or phones. It was a natural paradise far away of all sign of capitalism, but because of that, there was no doctors to cure Robertito.

Page 2: Blanco dejenaro

When he arrived to the city, he felt weird and sad, he was used to his quiet town, that city was huge!

There were lots of buildings, people and cars. To make thing even bad, his illness was getting worse and

doctors said the treatment was going to take years of his life.Robertito cried a lot. The thought about his brothers, his parents

and his town. He was definitely going to miss that.Upon reaching the city he felt huge disturbed, never been in a place with such magnitude and so different from the quiet to which he was accustomed at home. Large acres of pasture were not compared to the asphalt, the thousands of cars and endless skyscrapers.As if the change had been too little, his condition worsened, and doctors said the treatment would take several years of his life. Robertito could not believe this was not going to go home and see his family. As the days went on more and more missed home, their customs and their siblings.

Page 3: Blanco dejenaro

After six years of a long treatment, Robertito finally healed. He longed to return to his village, to the tranquility of the river, sit to fish, and especially his family. And so it came to micro. After 15 hours of travel, anxious and excited to see their loved ones. With whom could only communicate with cards in the past six years. At destination not found in the natural paradise living. It was full of industries, buildings, and the Crystal River was not the same, was contaminated. He thought he had the wrong destination, but it was not, it was his people who both missed. Contaminated the village industries. Robertito could not believe what I was seeing, all that knew and liked had changed. It was more like the city in which he had been. The peace and tranquility that wanted no more.

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His only reason to smile was able to return to his family and he was looking for them. On reaching home he found his younger brother and their parents, and to his surprise, happiness, joy and smile reminiscent of his parents had been erased. His parents told him that his brother had died, and that they were intoxicated and they had little time to live. There was no cure, and they had tried everything to his brother and did not improve. To treat the disease would have to go into town because the town did not have a health department, now only had business and industry.

Page 5: Blanco dejenaro

His parents asked Robertito spend her last moments with them, without thinking about the inevitable death that they would have, but as I always enjoy'd done in the past. And so, I try to re Robertito normal life enjoying his last moments with his family. Come the inevitable day not bear the burden of the death of his family and how his paradise in which he lived had been contaminated, committed suicide.