By: Clarissa Funaki P.2


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By: Clarissa Funaki P.2

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The Outbreak of the Black Death

The Black Death started out by spreading in the early 1320s. It was known as one of the most deadliest diseases in this time. It was spread by fleas carried by rats and small rodents. Everyday it was spread to one another more and more. Soon enough it spread so much,

around 7,500 people were dying each day.

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How It Was Spread So Fast

People did not know of any diseases that were contagious in this time period. Since the towns and cities were so close together and populated with a lot of people, it

was easy to pass on the disease. The people who handled the dead bodies, easily caught the disease because they did not

protect themselves. If one person in a family caught the disease, soon enough the whole family would have it. It did not help that there were many rats that were infested with fleas, and the towns were


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The Symptoms

The symptoms of the plague were abnormal and crude. It began by swelling up the skin, turning it red at first, hut then as it got worse it turned

dark purple and even black. If blood became exposed, it would be black, thick, and have a nasty smell.

A man named Giovanni Boccaccio lived through plague in Florence, Italy. In 1348, he described the symptoms saying, “The first signs of the plague were lumps in

the groin or armpits. After this, livid black spots appeared on the arms and thighs and other parts of the body. Few recovered. Almost all died within three days, usually without any fever.”

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Different Types of Plague

There were three main types of plague; bubonic, septicemic, and pneumonic. The most common one was the bubonic plague. It caused the swelling of the skin, and turned it black. This was the main plague that

swept Europe. The symptoms of the pneumonic plague were different from the bubonic. If you had pneumonic plague, you suffered chest pains mainly in the lungs and coughed

up blood. If you had this disease, it was rare if you survived. The last one was the septicemic plague. It attacked a person’s bloodstream un-notified, and killed the person before they knew

they had the disease.

Bubonic Pneumonic Septicemic

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Different Areas of the Plague

There were many places where the Black Death hit. It started in the 1320s by first appearing in Mongolia.

Between 1320 and 1347, it killed twenty-five million people in some parts of Asia, as well as the Mideast.

In 1347 it arrives in Messina, Sicily, and spread to all of Sicily and Venice. In 1348-1349, the plague goes through most of Italy, into France, and all the low

countries. By the time it was 1351, The Black Death had infected most of the European nations.

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There were some consequences for this catastrophe of all the deaths. There was an end in wars, and a drop in trade for a period of time. Since so many labors had died, there was a mass reduction of agriculture. This

deeply affected the growth of crops. The few laborers that were left, had to substitute their wages on place of labor

services. The physiological effects of the Black Death were followed by concern with death

and the afterlife.

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The Aftermath

The Black Death ended in 1351 leaving Europe dramatically depopulated. The poor were the main ones who died but the rich died also.

The Black Death had an impact on human behavior and psychology. The number of people that died in England in 1349, doubled compared to the number in

1340. The result in many homes and fields abandoned, peasants took over tools and

processions from their masters. Since the population had decreased so much, prices went down dramatically. Peasants

were able to purchase luxury goods that they had never before been able too. This deeply affected this time era.

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Impact of the Black Death

The main impact of the Black death was, the loss of one-third of Europe’s population in four years. Some areas experienced more death than others. It only took a couple of months for many to die,

as the plague moved across the continent. People became so helpless they started questioning their beliefs. No one knew who to believe or

what to think. Eventually, they no longer trusted the priests and practiced their religious ways on their own. The Black Death led to individualism and gradually transformed medieval society. This horrible disease killed many people and destroyed society. A quote from John M. Dunn says, “Today, the words of the dead, now frozen on manuscripts, can

testify to the living that the terror of the Black Death was no dream.”

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Work Cited Black Death. 2 Dec. 2009 < http://www.middle-ages.org.uk/black-death.htm>

“Black Death”. Encyclopedia, Britannica. 2009. Encyclopedia Britannica Online. 5 Dec 2009 <http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/67758/Black-Death#>

Corozine, Phyllis, John Dunn M. The Black Death, Life During the Black Death. San Diego: Lucent Books, 1997, San Diego: Lucent Books, 2000.

Google Images. 5 Dec. 2009 <http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&source=hp&q=black+death&gbv=2&aq=f&oq=&aqi=g10&safe=active>

Snell, Melissa. Medieval History. 5 Dec. 2009 <http://historymedren.about.com/od/theblackdeath/adeath_defined.htm>

The Black Death. 2 Dec. 2009 < http://www.enotes.com/topics/black-death>

Truemen, Chris. Black Death of 1348 to 1350. 2 Dec. 2009 <http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/black_death_of_1348_to_1350.htm>