Effects of stress on human health By : Liza Ormol 5 th semester

Effects of stress on human health

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Effects of stress on human healthBy : Liza Ormol

5th semester


• physical

• At work

• At home

• Children

• Digestion

• Hearth , brain and blood vessels

• Weight

• Mental health

• Effects on your sleep


• If you don’t treat depression , the illness have some long term physical effects

• such as chorionic tension headaches, hyperventilation, high blood pressure, ulcers, addiction and other problems

• Some people feel that they become ‘burned out; or the develop psychosomatic illness (physical diseases without biological causes)

2:At work

• Depression is one of leading causes of disability in the UK and continuous to cause people to miss days off work or to perform at a lower level than normal

• At work they may be slow and less responsive

• Uncaring about output or performance and could less likely to make mistakes

3:At Home

• Unless your family are experienced with the illness or very good at understanding depression , your family or home life can be adversely affected by your condition

• People who are depressed tend to lack interest in the family activities and become less concerned with people around them

• Their focus turns inwards and they can find it difficult to express love for their loved ones.


• If you have depression and it left untreated it can have a negative impact on your children

• Not only do they feel the lack of attention and care , but they see their parent decline and can get anxious for their health

• Children of depressed parents are most likely to develop behavioral and emotional problems than of non depressed parents


• Stress hormones slow the release of stomach acid and interfere with how well the stomach can empty itself

• this can cause stomachaches

• These same hormones cause the colon to work faster and may lead to diarrhea

6:Heart, brain and blood vessels

• High level of stress hormone cortisol increase your heart rate and your blood pressure

• Cortisol can also raise your cholesterol levels

• These factors raise your risk for heart attacks and strokes

7:Immune system

• Normally, your immune system responds to infections by releasing chemicals that aid in the healing process

• The stress response weakens your immune system, slowing wound healing and making you more likely to get cold and infections


• Cortisol makes you crave fats and carbohydrates, which can cause you to gain weight

• Cortisol makes you crave fats and carbohydrates, which can cause you to gain weight

• Cortisol also makes you more likely to put on weight in your abdominal area

• Weight gain in this area raises your risk for heart diseases and diabetes

9:Mental Health

• Being bombarded with stress hormones creates a constant state of tension and anxiety

• Over time this can set you up for depression , headaches and other problems , specially if it runs in the family

• Also your body is in a heightened state of arousal , you may have trouble sleeping

10:Affects on your sleep

• Stress and excessive worry can affect your sleep, making you irritable and putting you on edge

• That can lead to weakened immune system and worsening of skin conditions such as eczema

• Also can cause digestive problems and obesity

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