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Foot spa detox weight loss

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Foot spa sessions

Being more present as Beings of LightHow I lost 7 kg in 7 weeks(unintentionally - whilst very well)

This is not a weight loss story, but a healthy life taleCome with me on a journey of discoveryHow we all were in times past is still possible!We just have to erase what legacy the world gave us. Chemicals galore!Back to the blueprint.Then eat for wellness not taste . .Get up from the table no more than 80%(Unless growing (children) pregnant or lactating).

A different questionPeople spend all their lives on trying to lose weight.I took an alternative approach.Whilst I know as we age we tend to get heavier(I had watched this happen to all my patients over decades it happened to me.

With no changes on the outside what I was doing/eating.But changes on the inside. (Metabolism what my food factory did with ingredients offered.

I asked :What is stopping my body from perfectly working?And I found out . . .

Healer, heal thyself With no changes on the outside (what I was doing/eating). Instead changes on the inside. (Metabolism what my food factory did with ingredients offered). I asked myself (As I do you) what started my body on a path of not happy? Knowing that I could be off all the medications that I have had to take in order to live at all/well/happy. As a transformative energy body worker:I asked myself What needs to shift?

Thyroid: our engineMetabolism.We are only here by virtue of this working.This is the cold and how to get rid of it . .And then how to improve body functioning please also see my cupping the cold out/ using moxa and steaming eBooks.This is equivalent to the Yang Qi I always speak of.Whenever anyone comes to see me about anything I will be taking the cold out of their body so their Yang Qi can function and live will be better /as designed again.

How I did itNothing like calorie counting. No excess exercise I ignored that. Please watch this for beginners and remember he is in a mans body. All too easy!Please watch, as it does answer where does the fat go?The Mathematics of Weight Loss . .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuIlsN32WaE

Personal BackgroundI was the eldest of 3 - the only one slightly breastfed.I am the one with children on the ASD (Autistic spectrum) and the only one with heart and thyroid issues. This rewrites what I/you may think on genetics.

I discovered that toxins were/are being handed over as our mums bodies cant process them.

This has been me asking questions to learn the answers. Whatever they are. To change what is happening

Why did I do this?Just turned 61, off on an advanced spiritual training.I was off on an adventure.I started in a Third World country for the first two weeks. Unsure how to look after my gut especially as being ill would mess it all up I took evasive action.I had been on the same thyroid medication for many decades. A family weakness I had chased back to the mercury we all mine from our mums whilst being grown within her. At this time, her body helpfully sends all the minerals, pesticides and all else from storage from her bones into the amniotic fluid for us to be grown from.

Starting point for health deviation:Please see chronic heavy metal toxicity almost all we see as aging and including all the neurological problems are there .Poisons now infiltrate us. The more children a woman has, the cleaner the ride for her successive children. (Maternal mercury is taken out by the higher up the birth order siblings).Further rubbish is pulled out from her body in lactation the heavy metals etc come out through the liquified fat in the breast milk).

Nutrients not seen . . .Contaminants get in the way of being able to absorb what is in our food.The labels say . .We think we are absorbing . .What if the nutrients are not able to be processed as there are other chemicals/pesticides/whatevers in the way? So all we eat is wasted as we are already on a cellular level full up?

What stops us from working well

It is toxins upsetting your thyroidSaid no doctor ever. Have to be pretty bad before they even pay attention to the woeful blood tests. I had been in thyroid (T4 then T3/4) medication for 27 years. I chose to undo what was stopping my thyroid from working.How did I know? Decades of researching to understand why it was my daughter afflicted by Hg and asking to know - why me/us.

Why do we eat?Good question

To repair, run and grow our bodies.To sustain life.

Why is the quality important? We need to have the best coming in in order to maintain ourselves at peak efficiency. This means organic (as little contaminants as possible) and fresh and cooked so it maintains as many nutrients as possible.

Instead of fixing why fat is there . .Look to whether the body is working properly .

Are we sure we are getting the benefit of what we intend to put in?

Can your body find the nutrients?Everything comes down to pulling out the toxins so then the body may recognise what you are putting in as fuel.When your food factory is not able to do this life falls over and we all have a different way to start, live less well, survive through it deteriorating, and end up.There are so many symptoms of a low thyroid function - and with all the fluoride in everything plus the Bromide Dominance Theory - there is no space for a reasoned debate in what a blood thyroid test really measures. Engage your own research.Without your engine (thyroid) happy - all falls down.

The most impressive visually effect of detoxing. Ionising foot spa why?Initially after acupuncture sessions starting due to my wanting more clarity, I took a break from the drive from Brisbane Mullumbimby Brisbane. I had a nap whilst within the foot spa, always then having a Shiatsu foot awakening. My legs/whole body felt amazing afterwards! (I stand all day to work)After a few visits, I got an acute rotator cuff injury:soon after that horrendous pain, as I had chosen to see someone who was a fairly violent remedial therapist.(Thus we see much more orange water discoloration)

10th June 2015

(After I take my feet out the water started out clear)

18th June 2015 start(Bubbling gadget ionises the water)

18th June 2015 middleof session. Releasing through osmosis

18th June 2015 end of session

26th June beginningAlways starts with clean water

26th June end of session

What is happening?

What does it mean?

20th December 2015Not looking too bad at the end. .

19th March return home - beginning of session (taking detox drops)

19th March 2016 endReleasing from the fat cells

19th March endSlightly different view

3rd April 2016End of session much blacker

10th April beginning

10th April endMore orange/less black

17th April startBy now most of the weight has gone (7kg in 8 weeks).

Am actively cleaning out what was in the fat cells.

17th April middle of session

end 17th AprilBlack denotes liver toxicity

1st May

1st May middle

8th May endSome black more joints again

Obviously something is happeningWhy did I start? It felt good.Theory would have it that I am losing through the water what would be reabsorbed.Dec 2015 general stuff nothing major.March 2016 on my return from losing weightApril 2016 in process stillMay 2016 black colour (apparently the liver) is turning now to seeming more orange (joints).

Various end of sessions

December 2015

8th May 2016

17th April

8th April

Beginning first one in 2 1/2 weeks

7 minutes in

16 minutes in

End of this session

The muck that comes out

Duncan half way through his first soak in over a year

Do they work?After a whole day I still felt my feet feeling grateful. A lightness of being generally, esp in feetMaybe also as the spa offers Shiatsu on feet/reflexology/lymph massage so this happens also.The incredible cleanliness that is felt is hard to describe.I definitely felt as though a session were overdueI lost a kg overnight and a least a cm off my waist.

How come?We all process things differentlyEspecially as I do not do what all others do?No diet, no shakes . . . no exercise . .Instead I was letting loose that stiff that no one talks about.What blocks bio availability of nutrients - leaving us unable to live well. Not get our acts together and have battles for life with the metabolism (thyroid)

Not been in that skirt for years(only kept it as I loved the linen/go-with-anything look it has)

Mission achieved!Was aiming at reducing the cross abdominal drift

What does this all mean?My process was to lose the inches and the visceral fat.Weight loss was a spinoff (4 inches around the waist)Intention?Let go the heavy metals and allow my metabolism to reassert normal(Was 52 kg all my adult life away from maternal influences). Now 53/54 againHad crept up to 61+Kg over the 4 years of menopause

Off most of my thyroid medication unheard of!

What did I lose?A lot - unshed I learned that I really get a lot out of the foot spas when I was without hem for just over 2 weeks and I lost the extra that was starting to creep on again I was still doing all other parts to this process.I wondered was I losing muscle?No I went on a bush walk and all that happened was that I was fitter (health issue resolving will have to start reducing the cardiac medication next).

At my heaviestI felt stronger.Felt I needed that padding onGot used to itWent back to as I had always been eating no difference metabolism stuck on fat.No one around me noticed anything other than that I looked good.But I did not feel good on any level

At the Advanced Spiritual retreat in Belize as I started the process of letting of what no longer served me

At this point pause . .Perhaps ask yourself Who/what is I?

We can all undo the cage of beliefs . . .Become lighter . . .

As we go back to our core. All of who we are is more than the physical vehicle housing our Shen (spirit)

Other steps?1) Diligently took theliquid activated zeolite drops. (I knew that the heavy metals were blocking nutrient pathways).Especially the Selenium uptake, thus not allowing Iodine in to all cells leaving the halides that in my case had been collected for the last 60 years.(Stopping my T3 production, even if I could have found enough iodine in amongst the world of Bromide Dominance we now live in)

Magic ingredient:

5 drops at least 6x daily

To flush all out . .

Hydration2) Drank so much more waterAt least a litre, preferably 1 before eating anything in the morning.All through the day at least 3 litres and then also mineral water (sparkling)Noting else drunk.When thinking of food drank firstNEVER cooledI have never drunk/peed so much.

Detoxing in progress on many levels3) -The foot spas were before and after the overseas tripI had not been ever smoking (except moxa in the clinic) or drinking alcohol, caffeine or sugar and minimal grains.Already on no fruits and all things sweet tasting were banned (had not made any difference in my size, except no more hot flushes experienced!!!)

4 - Gut recolonsiation

Why?Over the decades I have been on and off antibiotics for the sinus infections as a result of being highly allergic to moxa, and whenever dental work is done as the heart issues the lack of Selenium/Iodine and Magnesium have left me with due to the mercury poisoning (Zeolites are addressing) has meant that I have had more than my share of gut destruction.We need to have the reseeding not in usual format but as spores so they survive til they get to where they need to be in the intestines I bought back 12 bottles back and had some left over for me.

Not available outside USA it seems

I took one daily - still am

Gut bacteria are the key. .http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-gut-bacteria-help-make-us-fat-and-thin/



5 - SleepWhilst away I got more. This is essential.If we want our metabolism to work the best sleep according to my acupuncture wisdom is before midnight.Hmmm .. Who is in bed on time?100 years ago at least 9 hours average.Now less than 6We actually cant function with that

6 - Iodine

Different shades and times taken to absorb

Why?6) - My iodine painting went to new levels!I was absorbing it at faster and faster rates.Also feeling better and clearer and having to reduce the past stable T3/4 of 150mcg had dropped it from 200 equivalent T4 so already thought that I was winning . .(This is with sporadic zeolites and painting on so much Iodine after taking ridiculous amounts of Selenium to try to get the Iodine to work previously).

Menopause (in passing)Totally surprised me as I had been using iodine topically for years to manage then hot flushes(Side issue no woman I have ever seen in menopausal distress has a normal vaginal (resting after at least 4 hours sleep and taken immediately on awakening) of 36.6/7CThis means we are all missing all of the story.

But what did you eat?As usualNot muchAny different?Not really.If anything more chocolate (do not actually like it but made it in Belize and used it as a food (non sweetened) when there was nothing literally (past the cardboard packages of rubbish that the Americans seem to think is edible).

Exercise?Nope.Just the usual up and down the stairs and standing all day treating people.And sitting in my bum writing on a computer.

Thats it folks All that is written elsewhere might not be to do much but sell you hope

RecapGet your metabolism goingFlush out all that is blocking Iodine and Selenium and Magnesium uptakePee it all away

We do not need to eat much Make sure your food actually is real and counts for growing all of the better you you want to be!!

What goes on in there?

Understanding my food factoryIs how I was able to overcome the modern scourge visceral fat.BUT sugar is addictive, is added to all as a flavour enhancer and as a food preservative.It is not needed in running your body.Dietary fat - and water will see you well.Start with both of them water first whenever you think that you are hungry.Maybe you are used to eating your thirst away

Actual post on this?http://acupunctureplus.com.au/weight-loss-gut-health/ I strongly suggest that you only get the liquid activated zeolites.I have known those who wish to save money they do not work and it wastes the time and the resources including the money that was used to NOT get the product that created this major shift in me.

Any queries?Easy steps1 - Drink more unchilled pure (not tap) water.(At least 3 litres daily and at least 1 preferably 1/12 litres before eating in the morning). Always drink water at least also 30 minutes before eating. Drink all day.2) If not doing foot spas (at least 1 weekly) find some way to flush yourself seriously infra red sauna/foot pads . .

Easy steps 3 and 43 - Drops get rid of what has lead you there. http://simple-natural-detox.com/chronic-mercury-toxicity/

4 Lugols Iodine paint it over you always on a different place. Keep adding more on as the depth of colour will often just soak so much in. If it stays on skin may only mean that you are not yet able to absorb it.

5 - Recolonise your gutNot sure what is best for you. if able to get the Megaspore. Its goods are not released until the intestines.Also it is the original human biome apparently.Definitely did something radical for me as not interested in food and that allowed all cravings to dissipate.No hassle!! Feelings of deprivation

6 Sleep Way more.Way earlier.The way to find yourself again.

At least 9 hours a night.Be in bed by 8.30pmAfter eating a small meal 2 hours before. Read or at least see no screens after 6 pm.

We can all choose a clearer life

What will you do to clarify your being, here, now?

Please see morehttp://www.heatherbruce.com.au/beings-of-light/