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Forgive Yourself

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Forgive Yourself

Page 2: Forgive Yourself


Taking a “heavy heart” prevents us from being totally happy and free from tension.  Throwing a “heavy  heart” implies you are saddled with a big burden on your spirit.  A “heavy heart” wherein you and your heart had been filled with so much tension and you are really anxious about something or anything. 

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It can be due to a prolonged burden, i.e., financial problems, relationship or work-related

problems, a dilemma you are facing, or about a person who wronged you. Any trial that caused you so much

difficulty and anxiety, and whatever it may be, all those things or other things not noted there can convey you a hard heart but surely, little by little you will be

able to surpass it.

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Only there’s one thing that’s difficult to remove from a “heavy heart”, that is, when you yourself

could not forgive your own ego. This could be guilt from either something you suppose should have been

managed ahead or a thing you should never act. Whichever it could be, you should also know how to move on from your own shortcomings.

You should learn how to forgive yourself just as you learned how to forgive others.

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We are not perfect and can never be one.  You have to accept that sometimes you may fail, which is common for a human being like you.  And there are instances that you are not aware or never realized the effect of the unplanned decision you just made as well as you might not have any choice on the ones you intentionally made.

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In fact, there are things that can really get out of control and you should learn to accept that you cannot do anything about it. With that, be careful not to put all the pressures and blame on yourself. Learn to practice being considerate not only for others’ mistakes, but even for yourself.

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And for the things beyond your control, as the saying goes, “experience is the best teacher”.  So just have to learn from your mistakes and make an effort to be very cautious next time. 

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Do the best that you can to analyze what went wrong last time not to burden yourself anymore from those lapses, but instead to formulate a plan on how you could best correct it or improve it.

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And when you think you have done your best and it was not enough, move on to the next step.  Refrain from

blaming yourself and proceed to the next chapter of your life.  Forgive yourself. 

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Only when you have forgiven yourself, that’s the only time you could be stress-free and be able to make a brand new start, only there you can begin exploring new things and become ready in facing new challenges.

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And the moment that you forgive yourself, you will notice that everything seems to be

lighter than before.

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Don’t be distracted anymore and be guilt-free, try your best to avoid any doubt or fear within you and instead reward yourself and be free from

all the pressures that life or others may bring.