HcAL (Healthcare Awareness and Logistics) L3c Statement of Work - Web PHR

HcAL Web PHR Statement of Work

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HcAL Web PHR Statement of Work

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HcAL (Healthcare Awareness and Logistics) L3c

Statement of Work - Web PHR

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Objective:The objective of this proposal is to form a contractor status for HcAL as a primary driver of Web PHR uploads by the general public.

Scope:The scope of the work will span the request of personal health history (hx) data from a Participant's providers to the final upload of an HcAL Participant's health hx. data to a Web PHR. Either in on-going or complete form.

The Participant’s health history data request will be the very core of why HcAL exists, creating the foundation for participatory medicine.

Deliverables:The deliverables will be an uploaded Web PHR for the Participant and usable Participant datathat Web PHRs can leverage in various markets.

Milestones: First successful upload, market research showing a correlation between increased market exposure for Web PHR company due to increased Web PHR utilization via HcAL operations, and powers of 10 Uploads.

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• HcAL

• Web PHRs

• Healthcare Providers

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In-Tangible Products:

The product from the healthcare providers’ perspective will be the relinquishment of patient health hx data which will cut their admin costs over time.

The product from HcAL's perspective will be an empowered patient > Participant who now is in control of their health data.

Tangible Products:

A complete navigation/education of an uploaded Web PHR

A flash drive for all Participants

The product to be delivered to various Web PHRs will be a Participant's health hx data which can be leveraged in various market sectors. Working with HcAL will also put the major adoptee in a strong position to lead the Affordable Care: HI-TECH Act medical record sharing and universal integration legislation.

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Supplier:The supplier will be the healthcare (hc) provider who holds the health hx data of the participant.

The hc providers will be given a detailed retrieval request of Participant's health hx data.

Training:The training for healthcare providers will be;-Motivated health hx data suppliers training-Cost benefit analysis of providing records to HcAL-Short, medium, and long term benefits to provider.-Efficient interaction between HcAL and hc admin/allied staff-Full spectrum of a health data hx request-Legal concerns of a health data hx request

HcAL training requirements will need to address;-Interaction between hc providers-Analysis of Web PHRs: continuous improvement of upload quality and efficiency

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Documentation of initial health hx data request. -Legal draft letter, printed, pdf, email-Accompanying State/National Records Legal Release Forms-Multiple signatures from Participant where needed

Healthcare provider can provide proof of data transferred if they would like to

Reimbursable documentation of health data hx transfer from Participant to various Web PHRs

Documentation of No LogMe In or LogMe In Participant billing.


Support for the relinquishment of health hx data control by providers. There will need to be significant support for rigid and stale models of providership, to allow them the opportunity to see gains, by releasing health hx data. This support will have to be provided by HcAL, various Web PHRs, and other vested entities.

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Materials/Equipment Usage

• The equipment provided by HcAL will be any office/IT tools needed to secure a Participant's record. There will also be a mass need for flash drives, as these will be used on every transaction.

• Participants will have the ability to access their personal health hx at any time. Web PHR companies will have the ability to use the uploaded Participant data as they would like per the terms and conditions of the Web PHR service.

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The deliverables from the healthcare provider will be health hx data in the requested format to the Participant.

The deliverables from HcAL will be health data in format requested by the Participant. Participants will have various options for health data delivery (mail, fax, email).

The deliverable from HcAL to the Web PHR will be Participant data that can be used for various market purposes per Web PHR terms and conditions. Participants will have various options for health data delivery.

The deliverables for various Web PHRs will be a user friendly PHR that remains up to date and open. Along with a Web PHR branded flash drive for storage of all health hx data in a globally usable PDF format.

One of the main products to always be delivered is a flash drive. This will act as a final product forcing a standing commerce transaction.

Commerce Process: Service/Product Packaged and Provided, Participant Payment, and finally Storage of all health hx data in a globally usable PDF format.

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Health data according to many pieces of state legislation can be dispersed upon initial request from patients upwards of 3 weeks later. The timetable for health data delivery by providers will take this into consideration, and this dynamic will be reiterated to Participants accordingly.


This is in an on-going process being quantified in a separate document. It will become refined as HcAL completes it’s first several health hx data requests.

HcAL will expect Web PHRs to respond quickly, within their capacity, to reimburse all fees charged by providers for health hx data retrieval. This will allow HcAL to fulfill it's mission as a social business and keep Participants from being charged for retrieving records that are theirs.

Processes that can reduce this timetable include;-HcAL and healthcare provider relationships of trust-IT optimization via OpenEMR as a conduit to various Web PHRs, and healthcare providers.-Participant education on how to successfully secure their own records.-Financial incentives/education for providers for immediate release of records-Assuage providers of legal apprehensions

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HcAL Hlth Hx Data Retrieval Process and Commerce Phase Development

Phase I

a. Patient makes contact with HcAL - patient to participant guidance meeting (virtual, in-person, or post physical training)b. Participant or HcAL directed request of health hx data from a hc providerc. Decision of chosen Web PHR and notification sent to Web PHR

Phase II

a. HcAL liaises with provider if necessary to secure health hx datab. HcAL liaises with Participant if necessary to secure health hx from specified provider

Phase III

a. Participant health hx is prepared to be transferred by provider and fees/charges are negotiated by HcALb. The Web PHR is sent an invoice for any healthcare provider charges to Participant for reimbursement and HcAL fee for service (200 USD) for payment in return for health hx data uploadc. Reimbursement and payment are sent to HcAL from Web PHRd. Reimbursement is received and applied to charges incurred by Participant or HcALe. 200 USD payment is received and applied to HcAL profits

f. Participant health data is transferred directly to participant by provider g. HcAL addresses any logistical delivery and/or technical support issues; IT(email, open emr software interface, cloud transfers, postal, fedex, ups, dhl, etc.)

Phase IVa. HcAL Education/Navigation Meeting: (virtual-LogMe In, in-person) health hx data will be analyzed, organized, and decision of future storage format/s will be made

Phase Va. Participant health data education/navigation (virtual or in-person)

Phase VIa. Participant education and practice of continual health data securitization (chds)

End of Basic Participant Health Data Retrieval/Education and a move to more advanced services of HcAL. This is where the Participant begins to integrate medical information into Physical Training, Cooperative Health Insurance as an HcAL Partner, and HcAL Medical School Education.

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Transaction Quantified: HcAL and Healthcare Provider: I. Healthcare provider will deliver an invoice for copying charges to Participant or HcAL

HcAL and Participant: No LogMe In:

I. HcAL will deliver an invoice for services rendered form via email, postal, fax, mint, paypal, ebay, Google Check-out covering Phases 1 - 6

LogMe In: II. HcAL will deliver an invoice for services rendered to a Participant covering phase 1 - 6 via email, postal, mint, paypal, ebay

End Point: Participant will pay HcAL for services rendered (terms and conditions)

HcAL and Web PHR: I. HcAL will deliver an invoice for all provider charges for health hx data retrieval to Participant's chosen Web PHR

II. HcAL will deliver an invoice for 200 USD for health hx data upload to Participant's chosen Web PHR

III. The chosen Web PHR will send payment within 5 business days to cover any and all charges incurred by HcAL or Participant in the retrieval of the health hx data

IV. The chosen Web PHR will send payment within 5 business days to cover 200 USD charge for upload of Participant’s health hx data

Invoicing: Invoicing will be subject to provider charges and their billing system

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Confidentiality/Non-Disclosure/Sensitive Information

As determined by HcAL and Web PHRs, any equipment needed to adhere to confidentiality will be provided by the Web PHR company.

The various Web PHRs share their own Non-Disclosure Agreements that the Participants will work with, should they choose to upload their personal health hx data.

If any of the contracted Web PHRs decide that they would see financial benefit from HcAL taking a direct role in uploading Participant hlth hx data (i.e touching the Participant’s health hx data), then the burden will be on them to supply HcAL with all necessary protected IT structures to do so. It will also be their requirement to take on all legal responsibility for the upload and mining of Participant data carried out directly by HcAL.

It will be up to various Web PHRs about how to utilize the uploaded data. Participants will be made aware of this from the outset.