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Hepi Fact Sheet

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- Quick Desk Reference - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY



Description: ProAlgaZyme® Algae Infusion (“PAZ”) is a unique cold-

filtered infusion (‘tea’) of an exclusive blend of algae in purified water. It is made from algae but does not contain algae. It is taken daily to support total body health.

Product Placement: Immune Support; Cardiovascular Support; Joint Health &

Aging Support; Weight & Blood Sugar Management; Algae and Green Foods

Used For: · HEART HEALTH *





70% of people who try ProAlgaZyme® for a month or more become regular customers. High customer retention means it works!

Clinical Research Studies: In an independent clinical study in overweight and obese patients, published in Lipids in Health and Disease [http://www.lipidworld.com/content/6/1/20] ProAlgaZyme® was shown to:

• promote a healthy weight and normal blood sugar levels* • maintain healthy levels of ‘good’ & ‘bad’ cholesterols* • promote healthy CRP levels* (Indicator of inflammation & heart health –AHA)

In a second study, ProAlgaZyme® was shown to support strong immune defenses!*

Who Needs This Product? A diverse range of customers will benefit from ProAlgaZyme®, particularly hard-to-help or multi-symptom customers. Some clinicians report PAZ is helpful where other therapies have not been sufficient. Urge customers to try it for 30 days!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration.

ProAlgaZyme is not intended to cure, treat, diagnose or prevent any disease.

Page 2: Hepi Fact Sheet

Frequently Asked Questions What Is ProAlgaZyme® or PAZ?

It is an amazing liquid supplement made from algae, taken daily for total body health. PAZ helps support healthy immune, cardio- vascular & metabolic function and a healthy inflammation response.*

How Soon Will I Feel It Working? You may not notice its effects right away, but over time you may notice changes in your energy level or sleep quality, or find relief from the aches and pains of aging. Some feel its effects quickly, after only a day or two. Like exercise, it may take time to work in your body. Try the product daily for 4 weeks to find out what it will do for you. Seven out of 10 people come back for more after just 30 days of use.

How Much Do I Take Each Day? Are There Side Effects? We recommend 1 oz. one to four times a day, on an empty stomach. Clinical studies were conducted with 4 oz. per day or more. Less ProAlgaZyme® may be sufficient depending on your needs. A very small percentage of customers (<1%) report mild diarrhea for the first day or two that subsides quickly. No other side effects have been reported.

What Does ‘PAZ’ Taste Like? Can I Mix It With Juice? Some describe a mild & pleasant grassy flavor. Some taste only very pure water. It is best to take on an empty stomach without mixing with food or drink.

Can I Give ProAlgaZyme® To My Pets? ProAlgaZyme® can easily be administered to pets by adding it to their water bowl in addition to regular water. It can also be offered separately or on the animal’s food. About ½ to 2 oz. a day is appropriate depending on the animal’s weight and condition. A pilot study in dogs is currently underway.

Can I Take It With My Medications? No negative interactions with common medications are known. However, you should take ProAlgaZyme® on an empty stomach and not at the same time you take your medications. Continue to take medications as prescribed, and talk with your doctor before beginning any new health regimen.

Do I Need To Refrigerate ProAlgaZyme®? It is not necessary to keep PAZ refrigerated, although some prefer it cold. We recommended keeping it in a cool, dark place. DO NOT FREEZE.

Visit WWW.MYPAZ.COM or Call (480) 385-3800

ProAlgaZyme® is available exclusively from Health Enhancement Products Inc., Scottsdale, AZ