Home Remedies for Better Health By: Agraz Alex Arandia Sophia Garcia Miriam 1

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Home Remedies for Better Health

By: Agraz Alex Arandia Sophia

Garcia Miriam


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Why Home Remedies? People choose to use natural remedies, or

home remedies, for their ailments because these remedies are made with natural ingredients like herbs, fruits and vegetables.

These ingredients are convenient as well because they are commonly found in any home.

Home remedies do not use harsh chemicals, and the best part is that they are inexpensive, and usually do not produce any side effects.


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Examples of Home Remedies Home remedies can help with many

ailments such as: Seasonal Allergies Flu Cold Stomach Aches Infections Diabetes Itches


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Seasonal Allergies Herbs, are a natural gentle way to treat seasonal

allergies, such as Stinging nettle has long been used to treat symptoms brought on by allergies. Quercetin is a naturally occurring flavonoid compound found in fruits and vegetables that controlling the release of histamines.

Spices, such as cayenne pepper, hot ginger and fenugreek and other hot spicy food can be effective in relieving stuffy noses and congestion by thinning mucous secretions, clearing nasal passages and opening up airways for easier breathing.


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Flu Heat Compresses, may help when it is difficult to

breathe through your nose, you may find relief by applying warm moist compresses to your cheeks and sinuses.

Warm Showers, can also help open your airways, since a hot shower works just like a sauna creating steam to help you breathe

Steam, you can boil water and add herbs and breathe it in or simply by a vaporizer

Fluids, make sure to drink plenty of liquids and fluids to keep you hydrated while you are sick.

Link: http://www.webmd.com/cold-and-flu/flu-guide/home-remedies-for-fast-flu-relief


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Cold Fluids, Plenty of fluids help break up your

congestion when you have a cold. Other fluids you can drink when you have a cold are, sports drinks, herbal teas, fruit drinks, or ginger ale. Don’t drink coffee, or any other drinks with caffeine because it acts like a diuretic and may dehydrate you.

Steam, Inhale steam to relief your congestion and drippy nose. Boil water and breathe in slowly. You can also moisturize by taking a hot shower with the door closed, a room humidifier is just as helpful to relief congestion.

Rest, Getting plenty of rest helps your body direct its energy toward the immune battle. So by lying down it will help the body attack the cold.


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Stomach Aches Teas, such as peppermint, chamomile,

and ginger tea have anti-inflammatory properties and can help aid digestion.

Caraway seeds, chewing on caraway seeds, which contain oils that calm stomach spasms, relieve nausea and help control gas.

Pear juice, drinking pear juice helps to avoid vomiting and relieve nausea and help an upset stomach.


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Infections Fluids, drinking fluids such as water, soups, and

juices, can play a major role in maintaining overall health. Fluids can help flush bacteria from the body through urination. Fluids also help to improve circulation of blood in the body, therefore improving immunity and ability to fight infections.

Juice, drinking one or two glasses of cranberry or blueberry juice everyday is known to prevent colonization of the bacteria in the bladder.

Water, consuming large amounts of water and eating a cup of pineapple can also help treat urinary tract infections.


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Diabetes Changing food habits, Choose healthier foods

and maintain a healthy heath weigh. A healthy diet is one with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Exercising often can prevent pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes, it also helps those who already have diabetes to maintain better blood sugar. Exercise about Thirty minutes of moderate exercise.

Creating a type of remedy fluid like using cinnamon with warm water, cinnamon has the ability to lower blood sugar levels by simulating insulin activity. Cinnamon contains bioactive components that help prevent and fight diabetes.

Link: http://www.top10homeremedies.com/home-remedies/home-remedies-for-diabetes.html

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Home Remedies for Everyday Ailments



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