Impacted Upper Canines Eruption 1. Calcification commences at 4-5mths after birth. 2. Has long path of eruption from the infra-orbital place along the roots of 2 causing ugly duckling space which resolve later, and then pass along the buccal surface of the c. 3. Upper erupts 11-12yrs 4. Lower erupts 9 -10yrs 5. 3's palpable in buccal sulcus by 8-10 yrs old (Ferguson, 1990) Prevalence 1. Developmentally absent 3's: 0.08% (Brin et al, 1986) 2. Impacted 3's: 2% ( Ericsson, 1986) Family history F:M = 70%:30% Unilateral: bilateral = 4:1 Palatal: 61%; in line of arch: 34%; buccal: 4.5% (Mandal, 2000, Brin et al, 1986) Associated with peg lateral incisors (Brin et al 1986) Mohammed Almuzian, University of Glasgow, 2014 Page 1

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Page 1: Impacted upper canines by almuzian ok ok

Impacted Upper Canines


1.Calcification commences at 4-5mths after birth.

2.Has long path of eruption from the infra-orbital place along the roots of 2 causing

ugly duckling space which resolve later, and then pass along the buccal surface of

the c.

3.Upper erupts 11-12yrs

4.Lower erupts 9 -10yrs

5.3's palpable in buccal sulcus by 8-10 yrs old (Ferguson, 1990)


1.Developmentally absent 3's: 0.08% (Brin et al, 1986)

2.Impacted 3's: 2% (Ericsson, 1986)

Family history

F:M = 70%:30%

Unilateral: bilateral = 4:1

Palatal: 61%; in line of arch: 34%; buccal: 4.5% (Mandal, 2000, Brin et al, 1986)

Associated with peg lateral incisors (Brin et al 1986)

High incidence associated with CI II div 2 malocclusions (Moosy, 1994)



2.May erupt in a Labial / lingual malposition

3.If the C lost, then Migration of neighbouring teeth and loss of arch length

4.Internal or external root resorption of teeth adjacent to impacted canine.

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5.Resorption of canine itself can also occur.

6.Dentigerous cyst formation and infection with referred pain

7.Damage to adjacent teeth during surgery



1.General causes of failure of eruption and impaction

a.An long and tortious eruptive path

b.Trauma with displacement of tooth bud

c.Intra-alveolar Obstruction

Retained deciduous teeth

supernumerary tooth or odontome

Pathology, such as a dentigerous cyst

thickened mucosa following early extraction of deciduous teeth (particularly in the

lower premolar region)

Dental crowding

2.Two main theories have been proposed

A. Guidance theory, evidences:

With small or developmentally absent lateral incisors, the incidence are three times


Associated with peg lateral incisors (Brin et al 1986)

High incidence associated with CI II div 2 malocclusions (Moosy, 1994)

B. Genetic theory, polygenic inheritance, evidences: Peck

Occurrence with specific race

Occurrence in family

Occurrence in female more than male

Occurrence with specific syndrome

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Occurrence unilateral: bilateral is 4:1

Diagnosis unerupted teeth


Clinical signs of impacted 3s

Delayed eruption

Asymmetrical eruption

Prolonged retained c

Absence of buccal budges at age of 10 years

Presence of palatal budges

Angulated laterals

Change colour of 1 or 2

2.Palpation and percussion

a) Palpation of the upper canines is a vital step in assessing the developing dentition.

b) Deciduous canines or adjacent permanent teeth should be checked for mobility,

tenderness and vitality

3.Diagnostic imaging and unerupted teeth

Features of ectopic maxillary canines that should be determined by


1.Presence or absence of the canine

2.Overall stage of dental development

3.Local anatomic considerations

4.Size of the follicle

5.Inclination of the long axis of the tooth

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6.Relative buccal and palatal positions

7.Relative superior-inferior positions

8.Amount of the bone covering the tooth

9.3D proximity and resorption of roots of adjacent teeth

10.Condition of adjacent teeth

Radiographical techniques

I. Right angle technique

a.The use of two radiographs taken at right angles to one another allows three

dimensional localisation of the canine; e.g.

• Lateral and posterio-anterior cephalometric films

• Occlusal vertex film with OPT

• Mand occ and opt or ceph for lower canines

b.But this technique need additional film for fine details.

Disadvantages associated with the vertex occlusal radiograph:

1.A large radiation exposure since the brain, the pituitary, salivary glands, thyroid,

and the lenses of both eyes receive unnecessary exposure.

2.The film is usually difficult to interpret.

Because of these disadvantages the British Orthodontic Society guidelines for

radiography state that there are very few indications for a vertex occlusal view in

any patient even when taken with rare earth intensifying screens/cassette .

II. Magnification technique

Chaushu and Becker (1999) have described a method of localising maxillary

canines using only a panoramic radiograph.

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This depends on the fact that objects nearer the x-ray source (and further from the

film) project a larger image than objects closer to the film and further from the x-

ray source. So palatally positioned canine looks larger than adjacent or normal

contralateral if present.

It is not precise technique and more subjective than objective.

Sensitivity of this technique is 80%

III. Parallax technique (image/tube shift method, Clark’s rule, buccal object rule).

1.It is first described by Clark in 1909

2.Principle of parallax. In radiologic terms, parallax is the apparent displacement of

an image relative to the reference object caused by an actual change in the

angulation of the x-ray beam.

First they used 2 PA radiographs (Clark)

Then 2 occ radiographs

Then OPT+occ at 60 degree

Then OPT+occ at 70degree (Jacobes 1999 in order to increase the effect of


The horizontal shift in the horizontal parallex is 10-20 degree

3.DPT overestimates the angulation and underestimates proximity to midline

(Ferguson, 1990)

4.Armstrong 2003 fond horizontal better than vertical parallex.

IV. CT spiral scanning

V. Cone beam volumetric tomography (CBCT), CBCT indicate if there is a

possible resorption which cannot be seen by conventional radiograph, Birnie

recommend that CBCT would be indicated in 30% of cases.

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Classification of radiographical feature of impacted canine, Power & Short



Grade 1=0-15 degree,


Grade 3= more than 30

2.Vertical height

Grade 1=below CEJ,

Grade=above CEJ but less than half of root,

Grade 3= more than half but less than full root,

Grade4=above apex

3.AP position of root apex

Zone 1=at area of 3,

zone 2=above 4,


4.Coronal overlap

Sector 1=before lateral,

Sector 2= before long axis of 2,

Sector 3 after long axis but before central,

Sector 4=over the central). The same had been used by Kurol and Ericsson 1987.

5.Labio-palatal position of crown and root


Radiographic Factors Affecting the Management of Impacted Upper

Permanent Canines,l Stivaros & Mandall, 2000

The aim of the investigation was to evaluate which radiographic factors

influenced the orthodontists' decision whether to expose or remove an

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impacted upper permanent canine and was a retrospective, cross-sectional

design. The sample consisted of all radiographic records of patients referred

to the Orthodontic Department at Manchester University Dental Hospital

with impacted upper permanent canines between 1994–1998 (n = 44). The

following canine position measurements were made from the OPG:

angulation to the midline, vertical height, antero-posterior position of the

root, overlap of the adjacent incisor, and presence of root resorption of

adjacent incisor(s). The labio-palatal position of the impacted canine was

assessed from the lateral skull radiograph. Whether the impacted canine had

been exposed and orthodontically aligned or removed was also recorded.

Stepwise logistic regression analysis showed that the labio-palatal position

of the crown influenced the treatment decision, with palatally positioned

impacted canines more likely to be surgically exposed and those in the line

of the arch, or labially situated, removed (P < 0•05). Additionally, as the

canine angulation to the midline increased, the canine was more likely to be

removed (P < 0•05).

The orthodontists' decision to expose or remove an impacted upper

permanent canine, based on radiographic information, seems to be primarily

guided by two factors: labio-palatal crown position and angulation to the


Root resorption from ectopic canines

1.Resorption occurred as early as 9 years of age and reached a peak frequency

around 10-11 years (at the normal age of tooth eruption).

2.Incidence: 12% of cases with impacted 3's, amount underestimated with plane R/G,

CT studies show 48% of 2's demonstrate a degree of root resorption (Ericson and

Kurol, 2000). Walker 2004 used CBCT and showed 67%

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3. Risk factors for resorption: Ericson & Kurol,1988

• Female

• Age <14yrs

• Horizontal palatal canines

• Advanced canine root development

• Canine crown medial to midline of lateral incisor

• Root of laterals in contact with crown of the canines

4.The following are not significant risk factors:

• Size of follicle,

•Quantity of deciduous canine root resorption

5.Aetiology of resorption:

• Active pressure during eruption.

• cellular activities in the tissues at the contact points.

Ericson & Kurol,2000 classified the resorption into:

Grade 1: no resorption

Grade 2 cementum resorption only

Grade 3 cementum+dentine without pulp

Grade4 puplal involvement

Management , RCSEng 2010 Husain and McSherry

Factors to be considered in the treatment planning


2.General oral health

3.Patient cooperation

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4.Intra-arch relationship

5.Inter-arch relationship (Crowding / spacing)

6.Position of canine (A-P, vert, horiz.)

7.Resoption of the adjacent

8.Clinical condition of the 3 itself

9.Clinical condition of the Cs

Treatment options

1.No treatment, observe and monitor


1.Patient does not want treatment

2.Medical contraindication

3.Canine very displaced, ie high and above roots of incisors

4.No evidence of resorption of adjacent teeth or other pathology

5.Ideally good contact between lateral incisor and first premolar wih good aesthetics

6.Good prognosis for the deciduous canine

Radiographic monitoring should take place to rule out cystic formation (frequency

unknown), migration, resorption etc

Interceptive treatment

The principles of interceptive treatment for palatal canines are:

1.Remove any obstruction – this usually means removal of the deciduous canine

2.Ensure adequate space for eruption

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1.Good chance of improvement of 3

2.Reduce need for surgery

3.Reduce time for FA

4.Reduce risk of resorption

5.It’s only indicated if there is no root resorption.


1.Not guarantee

2.Trauma to child

3.Loss of space

Evidences for interception of ectopic U3s

1.Extraction of c, Ericson and Kurol, 1988

• 46 consecutive ectopic palatally placed maxillary canines were studied.

• The children, 14 boys and 21 girls, were between 10 and 13 year.

• In (78%) the palatal eruption changed to normal after 12 months.

• It suggest that extraction of the primary canine is the treatment of choice in young

individuals (10-13 years) to correct palatally ectopically erupting maxillary

canines provided that normal space conditions are present and no incisor root

resorptions are found.

2.Extraction of c in crowded and non-crowded cases, Power and Short, 1993

The only study for crowded cases

39 consecutive patients of mean age 11.2 years.

In general 62 % showed improvement in eruptive position.

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In crowded cases the success rate was 14% as opposed to 86% in un-crowded


Horizontal overlap of the nearest incisor was found to be the most significant

factor. If this exceeded half the tooth width, success was unlikely.

The presence of crowding was found to affect adversely the favourable eruption of

the canine. 

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3.Extraction of c compared to control in a spilt mouth study, Bazagani 2014

Objective: To evaluate the effect of the extraction of deciduous canines on

palatally displaced canines (PDCs), to analyze the impact of the age of the patient

on this interceptive treatment, and to assess the outcome of one-sided extraction

of a maxillary primary canine on the midline of the maxilla.

Materials and Methods: This study included 48 PDCs in 24 consecutive patients

with bilateral PDCs. The mean age of the patients at diagnosis was 11.6 years

(standard deviation 1.2 years). After randomization, one deciduous canine of each

patient was assigned to extraction, and the contralateral side served as control.

The patients were then followed at 6-month intervals for 18 months with

panoramic and intraoral occlusal radiographs.

Results: The rates of successful eruption of the PDCs at extraction and control

sites were 67% and 42%, respectively, at 18 months. The difference between the

sites was statistically significant, and the effect was significantly more

pronounced in the younger participants. A significant decrease in arch perimeter

occurred at extraction sites compared to control sites during the observation

period. No midline shift toward the extraction side was observed in any patient.

Conclusions: The extraction of the deciduous canine is an effective measure in

PDC cases, but it must be done in younger patients in combination with early

diagnosis, at the age of 10–11 years. Maintenance of the perimeter of the upper

arch is an important step during the observation period, and a palatal arch as a

space-holding device is recommended.

4.Extraction and space opening, Olive, 2002

Reported the treatment of impacted maxillary canines by the extraction of the

deciduous canine and creation of excess space for the impacted tooth.

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The space which was created was 1 cm with the incisors being proclined and

displaced up to 3 mm across the midline.

The results were impressive. 94% success rate.

5.HG and extraction Leonardi et al., 2004

3 groups:

Extraction of C + HG (to increase arch length); 80% success

Extraction of C only, (50% successful eruption of 3)

Control group, 34% success

6.HG and extraction, Baccetti et al., 2008

• 3 groups

1) Xtn C + HG, group 2) 88% successful eruption of 3,

2) with Xtn of C only, 65% successful eruption of 3,

3) control, group 3) 36% successful eruption of 3

7.RME and extraction, Baccetti et al., 2009

RME only 65.7%

No treatment: 13.6% . 

8.HG+RME+extraction, Armi & Baccetti, 2011

The randomized prospective design comprised 64 subjects

three groups:

1.rapid maxillary expansion and cervical pull headgear (RME/HG); successful

eruption was 86 %

2.cervical pull headgear (HG); successful eruption was 83%

3.untreated control group (CG), successful eruption was (36%).

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9.RME + transpalatal arch+extraction, Baccetti 2011

Results and Discussion:

80 per cent for the RME/TPA/EC group,

79 per cent for the TPA/EC group,

62.5 per cent for the EC group,

28 per cent in the CG

Conclusions: The use of a TPA in absence of RME can be equally effective than

the RME/TPA combination in PDC cases not requiring maxillary expansion, thus

reducing the burden of treatment for the patient.

10.Extraction of C and D, Bonetti 2011

50% of canines in the ECMG improved position by one sector and 13% by two

sectors, while on 32% of the canines in ECG improved by one sector and none by

two sectors.

The extraction of maxillary first deciduous molars, in addition to the deciduous

canines, appears to create more space and allow canines, at risk from impaction,

to improve their position spontaneously.

11.A systematic review, Kurol 2011

No evidence-based conclusions could be drawn due to the few studies identified,

the heterogeneity in study design, and the unequivocal results

12.Cochrane review, Parkin N, 2009 and 2012

There is currently no evidence to support the extraction of the deciduous

maxillary canine to facilitate the eruption of the palatally ectopic maxillary

permanent canine. Two randomised controlled trials (Baccetti 2008; Leonardi

2004) were identified but unfortunately, due to deficiencies in reporting, they

cannot be included in the review at the present time

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Why 3 erupt after c exo?

1) Removal of obstruction

2) Presence of c might cause inflammation of 3 follicle causing its delaying in

eruption and its removal will resolve this problem

Surgical removal


1.Pathology of 3

2.Good contact bet 2 and 4

3.Good c

4.Sever impaction

5.Poor compliance


1.Surgery can further compromise prognosis of C

2.Poor esthetic

3.Loss of canine eminence

4.Alveolar bone loss

Mechanics of subsequent orthodontic treatment

4 as a replacement for 3, apply;

1. mesiopalatal rotation

2. buccal root torque

3. grinding the 4 palatal cusp

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Surgical exposure and orthodontic alignment


•When IO fails

•Available space for 3

• Favourable position of 3

• Pt motivation

•No pathology with 3 or 1 or 2


1.Root resorption

2.Pulp obiltarion

3.Necrosis of teeth


5.Fenestration and PD problems

6.Discontinuation of treatment


Mechanically erupt a palatal canine

Fleming, Sharma, 2010

A. Early treatment to facilitate canine eruption (auxiliary appliances)

1.Sectional TMA spring with a palatal arch

2.TAD Chaushu et al (2008)

3.Archwires with loops



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6.Opposing arch with intermaxillary elastic

7.Elastomeric chain or string to main aw

8.modified TPA with ballista spring

9.Catapult elastic

B. Treatment to mid-treatment mechanics to facilitate canine final alignment

1.A thin continuous ligature wire

2.Elastomeric traction to fixed appliance

3.Piggyback NiTi archwires

4.Nickel–titanium coil ligated to the canine in a similar fashion to elastomerics;

5.Stainless steel archwire auxiliary

6.Easy canine’ auxiliary for eruption of ectopic canine

7.Maxillary lingual arch with a fairlead strut

the cuspid through the fairlead’s lumen.

Maxillary lingual arch with a fairlead strut

(Fair-lead means a pulley, thimble, etc.,

used to guide a rope forming part of the

rigging of a ship, crane, etc., in such a way

as to prevent chafing.) Johnson 2012. The

anteroposterior and occluso-gingival positions of the fairlead can be adjusted by

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bending the strut at its base. Its bucco-lingual position can be adjusted by coiling

or uncoiling the terminal fairlead’s eyelet.

After exposing the canine, usually the movement to align 3 include:

1.Eruption either passive (3-6months) or active to move it away from roots of other

teeth to reduce the risk of resorptions and to prevent overgrowth of soft tissue

2.Then buccal movement

3.Then root torque

Open or closed surgical exposure? McSherry, 1996

Open exposure


1.Less bond failure

2.No need for re-surgery

3.Easy monitoring

4.Better rotational control


1.More tissue removed and discomfort


3.Bone loss

4.Poor esthetic

5.Pd lig problem and gum recession

Closed exposure


1.Less infection,

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2.Less bone exposure

3.Rapid healing

4.Better aesthetic



2.Uncontrolled movement

Evidences for open and closed exposure?

There is no evidence to support one surgical technique over the other in terms of

dental health, aesthetics, and economics and patient factors. Parkin, 2008


Criteria to determine method of exposure, Kokich 2004

1.Labial or palatal or along the arch

2.Vertical position

3.Mesidistal position of canine over the 2 (if 3 overlaping 2 then apical repositiong is

the best)

4.Amount of attached gingiva

Retention considerations

The following measures are suggested to prevent relapse:

1.Full correction of torque

2.Early correction of rotations


4.Bonded retainers

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Transplantation, Moss, 1974


1.Failed IO

2.Pt willingness

3.Teeth for transplantation should have root development that is half to three-

quarters complete.

4.Available space

5.No pathology








• The use of template generated by CAD CAM system is valuable to prepare the

receipt site before transplantation (Cross 2013)

• If the position of the canine prevents orthodontic space regaring for future

transplant, it is recommended to extract the canine and park it under the mucosa

until the space regain then another surgery to transplant it again.

Success rates can be over 90% if transplanted into extraction socket

As low as 60% in artificially-formed sockets ( when tooth fully- developed)

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Sectional osteotomy and Surgical repositioning

1.if pt unwilling for complex treatment

2.apex of canine needs to be in favourable position

3.++ alveolar and palatal bone removed and canine swung

4.into place about fixed apex

Treatment of buccaly ectopic canine

• IO+relief crowding and provide space, it will commonly erupt spontaneously

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• FA to complete alignment

•Might need exposure either closed or apical repositioning

(Mitchell, 2007)

A treatment difficulty index for unerupted maxillary canines, Pitt, Hamdan

and Rock, 2006

The prognosis for alignment of an impacted maxillary canine is affected by

several factors (McSherry, 1996 RCS England):

1. Horizontal position

2. Angulation to midline.

3. Vertical height.

4. Bucco-palatal position.

5. Age of patient.

6. Rotation.

7. Coincidence of arch midlines.

8. Alignment and spacing of the upper labial segment.

Result of this study, Difficulty score in order: (Almuzian ACRONYM HAV


Recommended approaches for the management of impacted and ankylosed

anterior maxillary teeth include: (Urebi 2013)

Extraction of the ankylosed tooth followed by prosthetic replacement.

Surgical luxation of the tooth followed by orthodontic traction.

Osteotomy of the dentoalveolar segment with immediate repositioning of the

dentoalveolar structures. 

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Osteotomy followed by intraoral distraction.

Osteotomy followed by heavy orthodontic forces.

Osteotomy with partial repositioning followed by heavy orthodontic forces.

Lingual corticotomy of the dentoalveolar segment, followed by a labial

corticotomy three weeks later and a conventional orthodontic force.

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