SCHOOL OF NURSING NEWSLETTER © 2013 Jacksonville University J A C K S O N V I L L E U N I V E R S I T Y S C H O O L O F N U R S I N G SPRING 2013 MAY 22 Sigma Theta Tau Spring Inducon CALENDAR EVENTS APRIL 3 Spring Pinning Ceremony 4 Graduaon 13 Summer Term Begins Have any great news or informaon for the DolphiNurse? E-mail: [email protected] I’m Dr. Gloria McKee-Lopez, the new Associate Dean at JU School of Nursing. I joined the JU SON approximately 6 months ago, since relocang from El Paso, Texas, where I served as an Associate Professor, Nursing Faculty and director of the Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Ph.D. Program at the University of Texas at El Paso School of Nursing and College of Health Sciences. Since my arrival at the JU School of Nursing, I’ve been very impressed with the leadership demonstrated by Dean Judith Erickson, as well as the directors of the Undergraduate, RN to BSN and Graduate programs. I’ve also been very impressed with the quality of the nursing faculty and students, and I’m very happy to have joined such an outstanding School of Nursing. This Spring semester is an especially excing me for celebrang the many achievements of the faculty and students at the JU School of Nursing. In this issue of DOLPHINURSE you’ll find informaon about some of the outstanding achievements by students, faculty and different programs at the JU SON. One of the very outstanding achievements for the Undergraduate Nursing Program was obtaining a 98.65% overall pass rate on the NCLEX-RN for first me candidates for the calendar year 2012. This truly affirms the quality of our faculty, students, and the rigor of the curriculum. We share our pride and excitement with family, friends, mentors and future employers of our students. Outstanding achievements for SON Graduate programs included the graduaon of 20 graduates of the Bapst Health cohort who finished their MSN programs in December 2012. We are also delighted to announce the expansion of our Doctorate in Nursing Pracce (DNP) program, with the addion of a second cognate focusing on Leadership. This new cognate will offer an addional choice to potenal students seeking to complete their DNP. The Excuve Leadership cognate will prepare nurses for leadership posions in mulple domains of health care. In this issue, we would also like to congratulate several JU SON faculty who excelled in their accomplishments in Scholarship by publishing manuscripts in peer reviewed nursing journals, and having abstracts accepted for presentaon at naonal conferences. These faculty truly exemplify their commitment to excellence, which is transmied to their students. Our nursing students have been involved in several excing endeavors in conjuncon with their nursing professors, including presenng at the opening of the new Mayo Clinic Simulaon Center, and working with families of refugees from the World Relief Organizaon. Other important news includes the preparaon by the JU SON for the re-accreditaon of the Undergraduate and DNP programs by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Educaon (CCNE). The reaccreditaon visit is scheduled for November 2013. The progress of the new College of Health Sciences connues with the approval of the Communicaon Science and Disorders program, which will be joining the School of Nursing and the Exercise Science program. The fundraising campaign to build a new CHS building is acvely underway. The site of the new CHS building has been determined, and construcon is planned to begin during Summer 2013. Many other wonderful things are happening at the School that you can be a part of by contribung to our 100x100x10 campaign, launched last year to ensure that our many talented students receive the best nursing educaon we can offer. Faculty, students, and SON alumni have commied to the campaign. To learn how you can parcipate, click here. We need your support! Sincerely, Gloria McKee-Lopez, Ph.D., M.S.N., R.N. Associate Dean

Jacksonville University School of Nursing DOLPHINURSE Spring 2013 newsletter

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© 2013 Jacksonville University







22 Sigma Theta Tau Spring Induction



3 Spring Pinning Ceremony4 Graduation 13 Summer Term Begins

Have any great news or information for the DolphiNurse?

E-mail: [email protected]

I’m Dr. Gloria McKee-Lopez, the new Associate Dean at JU School of Nursing. I joined the JU SON approximately 6 months ago, since relocating from El Paso, Texas, where I served as an Associate Professor, Nursing Faculty and director of the Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Ph.D. Program at the University of Texas at El Paso School of Nursing and College of Health Sciences. Since my arrival at the JU School of Nursing, I’ve been very impressed with the leadership demonstrated by Dean Judith Erickson, as well as the directors of the Undergraduate, RN to BSN and Graduate programs. I’ve also been very impressed with the quality of the nursing faculty and students, and I’m very happy to have joined such an outstanding School of Nursing.

This Spring semester is an especially exciting time for celebrating the many achievements of the faculty and students at the JU School of Nursing. In this issue of DOLPHINURSE you’ll find information about some of the outstanding achievements by students, faculty and different programs at the JU SON. One of the very outstanding achievements for the Undergraduate Nursing Program was obtaining a 98.65% overall pass rate on the NCLEX-RN for first time candidates for the calendar year 2012. This truly affirms the quality of our faculty, students, and the rigor of the curriculum. We share our pride and excitement with family, friends, mentors and future employers of our students. Outstanding achievements for SON Graduate programs included the graduation of 20 graduates of the Baptist Health cohort who finished their MSN programs in December 2012. We are also delighted to announce the expansion of our Doctorate in Nursing Practice (DNP) program, with the addition of a second cognate focusing on Leadership. This new cognate will offer an additional choice to potential students seeking to complete their DNP. The Excutive Leadership cognate will prepare nurses for leadership positions in multiple domains of health care.

In this issue, we would also like to congratulate several JU SON faculty who excelled in their accomplishments in Scholarship by publishing manuscripts in peer reviewed nursing journals, and having abstracts accepted for presentation at national conferences. These faculty truly exemplify their commitment to excellence, which is transmitted to their students. Our nursing students have been involved in several exciting endeavors in conjunction with their nursing professors, including presenting at the opening of the new Mayo Clinic Simulation Center, and working with families of refugees from the World Relief Organization.

Other important news includes the preparation by the JU SON for the re-accreditation of the Undergraduate and DNP programs by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). The reaccreditation visit is scheduled for November 2013. The progress of the new College of Health Sciences continues with the approval of the Communication Science and Disorders program, which will be joining the School of Nursing and the Exercise Science program. The fundraising campaign to build a new CHS building is actively underway. The site of the new CHS building has been determined, and construction is planned to begin during Summer 2013.

Many other wonderful things are happening at the School that you can be a part of by contributing to our 100x100x10 campaign, launched last year to ensure that our many talented students receive the best nursing education we can offer. Faculty, students, and SON alumni have committed to the campaign. To learn how you can participate, click here. We need your support!

Sincerely,Gloria McKee-Lopez, Ph.D., M.S.N., R.N.Associate Dean

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E-mail: [email protected] a pass rate of 98.65% speaks to the quality and rigor of the JU SON BSN program. The goal of all JU SON undergraduate BSN students upon graduation is to pass the NCLEX-RN and begin their careers as professional nurses. The faculty, staff, and administration in the SON devote themselves to supporting this goal. Expertise among the faculty and staff in addition to a genuine dedication to support and nurture students while maintaining a high performance standard contributes to this accomplishment. Students, faculty, administration, and staff are to be congratulated.

Faculty just completed interviewing approximately 220 highly qualified candidates for the 56 seats in the May 2nd degree/Transfer cohort. Admittance is increasingly more competitive as applications to the 2nd degree nursing track have continued to rise every year. We will begin the interviewing process for our Fall transfer and traditional terms in a few short weeks.

Jacksonville University nursing students Christina Lohr and Ashley Davidson had the grand opportunity to present with Professor Bobbi Logsdon at the opening of the new Mayo Clinic Simulation Center. They explained how the use of simulation exercises can greatly enhance the nursing program by providing the hands on skills and scenarios necessary to take care of patients. The center was named the Wayne and Delores Barr Weaver Simulation Center as the Weavers were the one of the main supporters

Picture above: Prof. Bobbi Logsdon, Ashley Davidson and Christina Lohr

of this center in hopes to providing simulated educational experiences to the community. The 9,600-square-foot center in Florida can link with Mayo’s 10,000-square-foot simulation center in Minnesota and the 3,200-square-foot center in Arizona to include teams on all three campuses. This center will be a great additional learning center for our nursing students to utilize.

The Florida Board of Nursing (FBON) released the NCLEX-RN first time candidate results for the calendar year 2012 and Jacksonville University School of Nursing had a 98.65% overall pass rate. This ranks as one of the best in NE Florida as well as the entire state. In addition, the national average for all baccalaureate programs equated to a pass rate of 92.07% further emphasizing the significance of this achievement.

Student News: Undergraduate By Dr. Cheryl Bergman

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E-mail: [email protected]

Simulation and Skills Lab

The Brookes Simulation and Skills Lab staff are passionate in ensuring that students experience a smooth transition from classroom to practice as well as confidence and competence in the clinical setting. To achieve this, “Sim Dayz” and mandatory skills scenarios are offered in the Fall and Spring semesters. 110 mandatory skills scenarios were completed by undergraduate students. An additional 12 students participated in med-surg simulations outside of class, applying classroom knowledge to clinical scenarios just to challenge themselves! Many thanks to the community and student volunteers who work hard to make this possible!

While skills acquisition is the core of the lab, the use of simulation to bolster realism and help students apply skills in a patient-based scenario is popular with our JU nursing students. Director Linda Shubert recently obtained national certification in simulation and hopes to use this to bring simulation to a new level in the JU SON.

Miller Brookes and the students in the “Aging with Grace” elective enjoyed a class visit with guest panelists Dr. Fran Kinne and Dr. Joan Carver. The esteemed guests have a long history with JU and were instrumental in the development of the School of Nursing. They shared with the students not only the importance of geriatric-specific care but tips on how to modify care for this population. The panelists shared their secret to successful aging -- staying active physically and mentally.

Picture above: (Sitting L to R) Dr. Joan Carver, Dr. Fran Kinne; Standing and kneeling: Students in the “Aging with Grace” Elective.

Jacksonville University Community Health Nursing Students have been working with families of refugees from the World Relief Organization in hopes to helping them acclimate to their new home in the United States. Many of these refugees have been in refugee camps for many years, either from being exiled from their country by their government for assistance with helping the United States or from avoiding personal cultural persecution. The students have found this experience to be very rewarding and even met a new family arriving from Burma at the airport. Our nursing program will continue to help and support these refugees by utilizing this site as opportunity for our nursing students to identify with cultural community needs.

World Relief

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© 2013 Jacksonville University







22 Sigma Theta Tau Spring Induction



3 Spring Pinning Ceremony4 Graduation 13 Summer Term Begins

Have any great news or information for the DolphiNurse?

E-mail: [email protected]

Hospital CohortsWe have three hospital cohorts that continue with active study: Mayo, Baptist Medical Center-Downtown and Flagler. We are excited to have 22 students in the Mayo cohort in their last course, Application of Professional Nursing Concepts. These students will be completing their capstone projects in this course and are on target for May 2013 graduation.

Student News: RN-BSN By Dr. Andra Opalinski

The JU School of Nursing wishes to congratulate the 20 graduates of the Baptist Health cohort who finished their MSN programs in December 2012. These students were part of a JU site-based cohort offered at Baptist Medical Center-Downtown and completed their MSN in the specialty cognates of either Nursing Administration or Nursing Education. They are all Registered Nurses at one of the Baptist Health System facilities and plan on maintaining their current positions or expanding into new nursing roles within the organization.

We are taking applications for the Family Nurse Practitioner and Emergency Nurse Practitioner programs for the Fall 2013 semester. Our FNP graduates from May 2012 passed the ANCC or AANP certification exams with a success rate above 95 percent, continuing the excellent trend of their predecessors. FNP graduates are gaining successful employment in the Jacksonville metropolitan area in both inpatient and outpatient settings. In addition, four of the May 2012 FNP/Emergency Nurse Practitioner sub-specialization graduates are currently employed in local emergency departments.

Our DNP program is growing! The School of Nursing is delighted to announce the expansion of our Doctorate in Nursing Practice (DNP) program. Currently, our DNP program is designed for Advanced Practice Nurses; however, beginning in Fall 2013, we will offer an additional tract for nurses looking to advance in leadership and administrative roles. The cognate is Executive Leadership and will focus on nursing from an organizational and systems perspective.

Please check the School of Nursing website for more information or contact Dr. Hilary Morgan at [email protected]. The application deadline for Fall enrollment for the Advanced Practice and Leadership cognates is July 15.

Student News: Graduate By Dr. Michelle Edmonds

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E-mail: [email protected]

“Just keep going—just keep going!” I encouraged myself as I strained upward through a tangled mess of underbrush on the narrow jungle path. Streams of sweat ran freely down my forehead, burning my eyes, and soaking my clothing. I had been following my Palawano guide for two and a half hours on a near-vertical, mud-greased, tortuous mountain trails.

After completing my BSN at Jacksonville University, I went on to study and train as a Family Nurse Practitioner specializing in global health and emergency medicine in remote areas. The bachelor’s program prepared me to take on the role of a clinical leader and an effective health educator. I gained the practical knowledge and the training that I needed to provide targeted, yet holistic education to under-served populations.

I opened my first outreach clinic here in the jungles of Palawan, Philippines. The indigenous people here are destitute and usually own only the clothing they wear, but their financial poverty is of little consequence compared to their poverty in health education and resources. In 2006, 3 out of every 5 children born in this tribe died before reaching the age of twelve—a 60% mortality rate. Some of the major causes included endemic faliparum malaria, lack of neonatal healthcare, and complications from untreated minor illnesses and injuries.

So ultimately, the preparation that I gained through the BSN program was a gateway to effectively meeting the healthcare needs of under-served villages in North America and Southeast Asia. The people that I was enabled to reach were then likewise enabled to go and teach their families and other villages further beyond.

Every day we are given an opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of others. Whether at home or abroad, it is my hope that others will also strive to seize that opportunity—and just keep going.

We congratulate Daniel and wish him luck in his BSN studies and in utilizing his degree through a global health focus.

Online RN-BSN

We are excited to award our most recent JU Online RN-BSN Honor Scholarship to Daniel Davis of Thompson, MO. All applications for the scholarship were competitive, but Daniel’s creative essay is the factor that allowed him to stand out from other applicants. The directions of the essay are: You are at the end of your career and you are writing your autobiography. Please describe how earning a BSN degree made a difference for you. We are pleased to share with you Daniel’s creative approach to the essay.

Student News: RN-BSN (Cont.) By Dr. Andra Opalinski

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Nancy Robinson is a certified nurse midwife who has practiced primarily in community health settings. Her interests include adolescent family planning and sexuality education. She is a 1984 graduate of Earlham College. She received her nursing education at Emory University earning a BSN in 1986, and then MN Nurse-Midwifery and MPH degrees in 1991. She began midwifery practice in Jacksonville at University Medical Center’s (now Shands Jacksonville) nurse-midwifery service and has practiced women’s health at Planned Parenthood of NE Florida and Duval County Health Department. She has taught in the UF Nurse-Midwifery program and for the last 9 years has been the nurse educator/

nurse practitioner for the PACE Center for Girls Jacksonville. Recently she has enjoyed being the provider for the adolescent STI clinic at JASMYN. She has travelled to participate in healthcare service programs in Democratic Republic of Congo, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Jamaica. Nancy is married with three daughters, 21, 18 and 11.

Donna Rowand has been married to her childhood sweetheart Tom, for 40 years. She says Tom is a saint of a man who has been very supportive of her nursing career and always encourages her pursuit of interests, which include never-ending nursing school! They have a son, Tom Jr., and a daughter-in-law, Christian; a daughter, Brittany; and three grandsons, Caleb, 13, Christopher 12, and Bryce, 9. Her favorite hobbies include spending time with the family whether it is water sports such as sailing, jet-skiing, going to the beach, visiting theme parks, or just sitting on the porch talking. Her nursing career began in 1991 and includes working infection control and mental health at St. Vincent’s Medical Center,

home health care – mostly at Baptist Home Health, and nursing home care. Most recently, Donna worked for Medicare, writing local coverage determinations and investigating fraudulent billing patterns. She will proudly sport the JU colors when she graduates from the MSN/EDU program at JU in December. Future plans include continuing her graduate learning at JU. Donna shares that she considers herself blessed with her current position as the clinical lab instructor and particularly enjoys working with the amazing people at JU including the lab assistants, nursing professors, nursing staff, and the nursing students.

Staff and Faculty Spotlight

Marie Peoples joined the School of Nursing in July 2012. She is the Graduate advisor for the campus-based MSN programs. Marie brings to her position 16 years of in higher education experience. She began her tenure in education as a career counselor at the University of North Florida and has worked in many student-related positions since then. Marie has focused her Master’s degree in counseling towards helping students, and believes that higher education is her niche. Above all, she is family-oriented and loves spending time with her husband and two boys.

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Perrin, A., Bergman, C., & Hart, L. ( In Press) A 30-year-old industrial worker with upper back pain. Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal. Bergman, C. & Shubert, L. (2013, April) ATI National Nurse Education Summit. Las Vegas, Nev. Poster presentation titled “Stacking the Deck for a Winning Hand: Providing Tools for a Successful Transition into Practice.”

Teri Chenot. Two abstract proposals that have been selected for a podium presentation and a poster presentation at the 2013 QSEN Forum in Atlanta on May 30-31: 1. Building an Academic/Clinical Partnership in Patient Safety to Improve Health Outcomes (Podium Presentation); 2. The Use of a Validated Survey Instrument (HPPSACS) to Assess Patient Safety Awareness Among Pre-Licensure Nursing Students (Poster Presentation)

Dr. Michelle Edmonds. Presented an oral abstract at the AACN Master’s Education Conference in Orlando in February 2013 on the topic of Integrating the QSEN Graduate Competencies into a Practicum Course for Family Nurse Practitioner Students.

Faculty Accomplishments

Student Accomplishments

Christina Darling, JU senior, was chosen from many qualified candidates to receive a $2,500 scholarship from Nemours Children’s Clinic. This is the first year that the Joni Lawlor Scholarship Award has been offered. Christina attended a reception where she was awarded the scholarship. Joni Lawlor’s family also was in attendance.

Alex Baker was chosen through a rigorous selection process from students across the United States to receive the 2012 APNA (American Psychiatric Nurses Association) Janssen Student Scholarship. This scholarship allowed Alex to attend, all expenses paid, the APNA 26th annual Conference in Pittsburgh, P., Nov. 7-12. She was recognized as a Janssen scholar throughout the conference, which was exciting to see. Dr. Pam Rillstone, who has served on the board for the Florida Chapter of APNA for several years, was honored to accompany her at this conference. In addition to attending seminars, gleaning many innovative ideas and sharing information, they were treated to several social activities including a tailgate reception at Heinz Field. Alex told Dr. Rillstone she is passionate about mental health nursing and intends to specialize in this field after graduation.

Picture above: (L to R) Professor Pam Rillstone, Alex Baker

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Tracie Mitchem-Green and Janette Dunlap were the first recipients of the Riverside Foundation DNP scholarship. Both students will receive the equivalent of 21 semester hours of tuition credit while pursuing their DNP studies. Tracie’s DNP project will focus on victims of childhood sexual abuse in a rural county and Janette is looking at improving treatment compliance of teens with STDs using mobile technology.

(Photo from L to R) (bottom row) – Nathan Cook, Ashlee Hutcheson, Victoria Waltrip; L to R (back row) – Katelyn Tedder, Lashlee Morris, Kearston Thomas, Jaylee Pearce

The Jacksonville University Student Nurses Association sponsored a clothing drive to support Hubbard House, a passionate organization devoted to supporting women and children who are in domestic violence situations.

Picture above: (L to R) Tracie Mitchem-Green and Janette Dunlap

Health Care Hero Ebony Hills: ‘JU Believed In Me’

Registered nurse Ebony Hills says she’s no hero, but the Jacksonville Business Journal and Hills’ manager at Baptist Health’s Wolfson Children’s Hospital say otherwise.

A 2006 JU nursing graduate who is pursuing a master of science in nursing through the JU-Baptist Medical Center cohort program, Hills was honored at a breakfast ceremony Thursday, Nov. 1 as a Jacksonville Business Journal “Health Care Hero.”– Click Here to read more

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E-mail: [email protected]

Fall 2012 President’s List:

Congratulations to the following students who were placed on the President’s and Dean’s List for:

Marina FollickElizabeth GatchKristina GrenvilleAmber GutenbergerRachel HannonKatharine HardeeElisabeth HarrisCasie HemingwayLisa HensleyAmanda JohnsonStephanie KaralusKayla KelleyCarla MedfordNora MeyerBrett OgdenBrenda Paine

Jayna PatelTiffany PerkinsAllison PortnoyKyal RectorNancy RobayoMayra RodriguezKimberly RossAllison SchmitzPamela SkeelsJodi SquireHannah StegemanMelissa TempletonP. Tyler WallaceMaciej WartakLance WashingtonTineasha Woods

Stefanie AdelmanLaura AlvarezLindsey ArmstrongAlexandra BakerArielle BassShannan BinleyLisa BruscatoSavannah BryanAmy BurdetteLindsay CarterKatherine CatchesMicah ColemanElizabeth CosterEmily CulbrethShelia DraneVictoria Feaster

Fall 2012 Dean’s List:

Kimberly BurkeMelisha BurnsKristen CampbellRodney CarrierKaley CarrollErkan CaygozAshley CeithamlCheryl ChampineAmy ChristopherRoberta CichockiAlyssa ClarkAshley ColonJenna ColonelNathan CookMary Ellen CookAnnamarie DaleyChristina DarlingJustin DarlingAshley DavidsonLindsay DehrClint Demetiez

Caroline DicksonJennifer DillardPaige DyjackLauren FisherAnthony FisherCarissa FosterAnja FrazierSamuel GeddingsSamara GeneralsKaren GenzelRichard GhiottoBrian GilesAshley GleasonMelesia GoolsbyKacee GouinDenise GrayAlexandra GreenChelsey GregoryShane GrindleSybil HamiltonKimber Heard

Kelly AdamsKatie AguileraDanielle AndersonLauren AndryMichael ArmstrongRita AzzoRochelle BaileyMeghan BartelLaura BarthmanRose BatesSilvana BatistaLeia BeaubouefBrienna BenaquistaKelly BentonKristen BernardRobert BigleyMeghan BlackmanTaylor BladeNicholas BoigenzahnSue Ellen BowesStacey Bradford

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Lisbet HerederoKelsey HicksLucinda HolcombJenna HoltChristopher HowardSabrina HowardKayla HowellMichal HurwitzAshlee HutchesonTiffinie IsrealJustyne ItterlyTracy JohnsonJulius JonesBrianne KanehlCecilia KasbohmKylie KerinsKimberly KinterMichael KunkelSteven LafondJane LaiOlivia LandonKelsey LearyKatherine LekasWesley LimbergChristina LohrJana LoobyJessica LopezAna Lopez-GottliebSamantha MaldonadoCharlene MalonzoRachel ManguneJenna MarinoErin MastersonMegan McClainTosia McCreadyAmanda McDonaldCatlin McFeeleyAndrea McLaughlinAvery MessinaWilliam MichalKaitlyn MorrisLashlee Morris

Tammy NegronTerisa NelsonMelissa NewmanUyen NguyenTonya OchoaTara OrmsbyErica OwensEmily PaizMarrion Ray ParaisoKatie PawlowskiJordan PearceJasmin PolkItzel RamosRobert RattermanPatrick RegisJennifer RogersKatrina RomanowLauren RooneyNataliya RowleyPaul SanchezMelissa SchlachterChelsea SchumacherAlexandra ShamiAmanda ShiellKatherine SiciliaJennifer SirlsAmelia SmallLatisha SmithAshley SmyersKaren SnyderHolli SpencerJenna StoerChristina StricklandKelly-Ann StultzKaylie SutterBethany SuttonNicole SweeneySaundra TalbertAlexis TaylorKatelyn TedderKearston ThomasLynn Tran

Mollie TroutJolene UdellEmily VeroneVictoria WaltripSarah WatersLauren WeilandKaela WesleyAllison WilkinsCharity WillisTawnee WisdomMeredith WriceTamara Yancey





Dean’s List Spring 2013 Graduates (Cont.)